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Modes of DNA cleavage by the EcoRV restriction endonuclease   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
S E Halford  A J Goodall 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1771-1777
The mechanism of action of the EcoRV restriction endonuclease at its single recognition site on the plasmid pAT153 was analyzed by kinetic methods. In reactions at pH 7.5, close to the optimum for this enzyme, both strands of the DNA were cut in a single concerted reaction: DNA cut in only one strand of the duplex was neither liberated from the enzyme during the catalytic turnover nor accumulated as a steady-state intermediate. In contrast, reactions at pH 6.0 involved the sequential cutting of the two strands of the DNA. Under these conditions, DNA cut in a single strand was an obligatory intermediate in the reaction pathway and a fraction of the nicked DNA dissociated from the enzyme during the turnover. The different reaction profiles are shown to be consistent with a single mechanism in which the kinetic activity of each subunit of the dimeric protein is governed by its affinity for Mg2+ ions. At pH 7.5, Mg2+ is bound to both subunits of the dimer for virtually the complete period of the catalytic turnover, while at pH 6.0 Mg2+ is bound transiently to one subunit at a time. The kinetics of the EcoRV nuclease were unaffected by DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of amino acids at the periphery of the EcoRV endonuclease active site suggests that moderate-range electrostatic effects play a significant role in modulating the efficiency of phosphoryl transfer. Asp36 and Lys38 located on minor-groove binding surface loops approach within 7-9 A of the scissile phosphates of the DNA. While the rates of single-site mutations removing the carboxylate or amine moieties at these positions are decreased 10(3)-10(5)-fold compared to that of wild-type EcoRV, we find that double mutants which rebalance the charge improve catalysis by up to 500-fold. Mutational analysis also suggests that catalytic efficiency is influenced by Lys173, which is buried at the base of a deep depression penetrating from a distal surface of the enzyme. The Lys173 amine group lies just 6 A from the amine group of the conserved essential Lys92 side chain in the active site. Kinetic and crystallographic analyses of the EcoRV E45A mutant enzyme further show that the Glu45 carboxylate group facilitates an extensive set of conformational transitions which occur upon DNA binding. The crystal structure of E45A bound to DNA and Mn2+ ions reveals significant conformational alterations in a small alpha-helical portion of the dimer interface located adjacent to the DNA minor groove. This leads to a tertiary reorientation of the two monomers as well as shifting of the key major-groove binding recognition loops. Because the Glu45 side chain does not appear to play a direct structural role in maintaining the active site, these rearrangements may instead originate in an altered electrostatic potential caused by removal of the negative charge. A Mn2+ binding site on the scissile phosphate is also disrupted in the E45A structure such that inner-sphere metal interactions made by the scissile DNA phosphate and conserved Asp90 carboxylate are each replaced with water molecules in the mutant. These findings argue against a proposed role for Asp36 as the general base in EcoRV catalysis, and reveal that the induced-fit conformational changes necessary for active site assembly and metal binding are significantly modulated by the electrostatic potential in this region.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing double-stranded 10-mer PNA (peptide nucleic acid chimera) targets proximally flanked by two restriction enzyme sites were challenged with the complementary PNA or PNAs having one or two mismatches, and the effect on the restriction enzyme cleavage of the flanking sites was assayed. The following PNAs were used: T10-LysNH2, T5CT4-LysNH2 and T2CT2CT4-LysNH2 and the corresponding targets cloned into pUC 19 were flanked by BamH1, Sal1 or Pstl sites, respectively. In all cases it was found that complete inhibition of restriction enzyme cleavage was obtained with the complementary PNA, a significantly reduced effect was seen with a PNA having one mismatch, and no effect was seen with a PNA having two mismatches. These results show that PNA can be used as sequence specific blockers of DNA recognizing proteins.  相似文献   

The EcoRV mutant D90A which carries an amino acid substitution in its active center does not cleave DNA. Therefore, it is possible to perform DNA binding experiments with the EcoRV-D90A mutant both in the absence and in the presence of Mg2+. Like wild-type EcoRV [Taylor et al. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 8743-8753], it does not show a pronounced specificity for binding to its recognition site in the absence of Mg2+ as judged by the appearance of multiple shifted bands in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay with a 377-bp DNA fragment carrying a single EcoRV recognition sequence. In the presence of Mg2+, however, only one band corresponding to a 1:1 complex appears even with a high excess of protein over DNA. This complex most likely is the specific one, because its formation is suppressed much more effectively by a 13-bp oligodeoxynucleotide with an EcoRV site than by a corresponding oligodeoxynucleotide without an EcoRV site. The preferential interaction of the EcoRV-D90A mutant with specific DNA in the presence of Mg2+ was also demonstrated directly: a 20-bp oligodeoxynucleotide with an EcoRV site is bound with KAss = 4 x 10(8) M-1, while a corresponding oligodeoxynucleotide without an EcoRV site is bound with KAss less than or equal to 1 x 10(5) M-1. From these data it appears that Mg2+ confers DNA binding specificity to this mutant by lowering the affinity to nonspecific sites and raising the affinity to specific sites as compared to binding in the absence of Mg2+. It is concluded that this is also true for wild-type EcoRV.  相似文献   

The DNA binding stringency of restriction endonucleases is crucial for their proper function. The X-ray structures of the specific and non-cognate complexes of the restriction nuclease EcoRV are considerably different suggesting significant differences in the hydration and binding free energies. Nonetheless, the majority of studies performed at pH 7.5, optimal for enzymatic activity, have found a < 10-fold difference between EcoRV binding constants to the specific and nonspecific sequences in the absence of divalent ions. We used a recently developed self-cleavage assay to measure EcoRV-DNA competitive binding and to evaluate the influence of water activity, pH and salt concentration on the binding stringency of the enzyme in the absence of divalent ions. We find the enzyme can readily distinguish specific and nonspecific sequences. The relative specific-nonspecific binding constant increases strongly with increasing neutral solute concentration and with decreasing pH. The difference in number of associated waters between specific and nonspecific DNA-EcoRV complexes is consistent with the differences in the crystal structures. Despite the large pH dependence of the sequence specificity, the osmotic pressure dependence indicates little change in structure with pH. The large osmotic pressure dependence means that measurement of protein-DNA specificity in dilute solution cannot be directly applied to binding in the crowded environment of the cell. In addition to divalent ions, water activity and pH are key parameters that strongly modulate binding specificity of EcoRV.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases protect bacterial cells against bacteriophage infection by cleaving the incoming foreign DNA into fragments. In presence of Mg2+ ions, EcoRV is able to cleave the DNA but not in presence of Ca2+, although the protein binds to DNA in presence of both metal ions. We make an attempt to understand this difference using conformational thermodynamics. We calculate the changes in conformational free energy and entropy of conformational degrees of freedom, like DNA base pair steps and dihedral angles of protein residues in Mg2+(A)-EcoRV-DNA complex compared to Ca2+(S)-EcoRV-DNA complex using all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories of the complexes. We find that despite conformational stability and order in both complexes, the individual degrees of freedom behave differently in the presence of two different metal ions. The base pairs in cleavage region are highly disordered in Ca2+(S)-EcoRV-DNA compared to Mg2+(A)-EcoRV-DNA. One of the acidic residues ASP90, coordinating to the metal ion in the vicinity of the cleavage site, is conformationally destabilized and disordered, while basic residue LYS92 gets conformational stability and order in Ca2+(S) bound complex than in Mg2+(A) bound complex. The enhanced fluctuations hinder placement of the metal ion in the vicinity of the scissile phosphate of DNA. Similar loss of conformational stability and order in the cleavage region is observed by the replacement of the metal ion. Considering the placement of the metal ion near scissile phosphate as requirement for cleavage action, our results suggest that the changes in conformational stability and order of the base pair steps and the protein residues lead to cofactor sensitivity of the enzyme. Our method based on fluctuations of microscopic conformational variables can be applied to understand enzyme activities in other protein-DNA systems.  相似文献   

A Jeltsch  C Wenz  F Stahl    A Pingoud 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(18):5104-5111
Linear diffusion along DNA is a mechanism of enhancing the association rates of proteins to their specific recognition sites on DNA. It has been demonstrated for several proteins in vitro, but to date in no case in vivo. Here we show that the restriction endonuclease EcoRV slides along the DNA, scanning approximately 1000 bp in one binding event. This process is critically dependent on contacts between amino acid residues of the protein and the backbone of the DNA. The disruption of single hydrogen bonds and, in particular, the alteration of electrostatic interactions between amino acid side chains of the protein and phosphate groups of the DNA interfere with or abolish effective sliding. The efficiency of linear diffusion is dependent on salt concentration, having a maximum at 50 mM NaCl. These results suggest that a nonspecific and mobile binding mode capable of linear diffusion is dependent on a subtle balance of forces governing the interaction of the enzyme and the DNA. A strong correlation between the ability of EcoRV mutants to slide along the DNA in vitro and to protect Escherichia coli cells from phage infection demonstrates that linear diffusion occurs in vivo and is essential for effective phage restriction.  相似文献   

To characterise the pH dependence of phosphodiester hydrolysis by the EcoRV endonuclease in the presence of Mn2+, single turnover reactions on a 12 bp DNA substrate were examined by stopped-flow and quench-flow methods between pH 6.0 and 8.5. At each pH value, the apparent rate constants for phosphodiester hydrolysis increased hyperbolically with the concentration of MnCl2, thus allowing values to be determined for the intrinsic rate constant at saturation with Mn2+ and the equilibrium dissociation constant for Mn2+. The equilibrium constants showed no systematic variation across the pH range tested, while the rate constants increased steeply with increasing pH up to an asymptote above pH 7.5. At low pH conditions, the gradient of a plot of log (rate constant) against pH approached a value of 2. DNA cleavage by EcoRV thus requires the de-protonation of two acidic groups. To determine whether aspartate 36 is one of the groups, mutants of EcoRV were made with other amino acid residues at position 36. Glutamate caused a partial loss of activity, while all other replacements gave near-zero activities. In contrast to wild-type EcoRV, the mutant with glutamate required the de-protonation of only one acidic group for DNA cleavage. A mechanism for EcoRV is proposed in which the water molecule that hydrolyses the phosphodiester bond is de-protonated by two Bronsted bases, probably the ionised forms of aspartate 36 and glutamate 45.  相似文献   

Specific cleavage of large DNA molecules at few sites, necessary for the analysis of genomic DNA or for targeting individual genes in complex genomes, requires endonucleases of extremely high specificity. Restriction endonucleases (REase) that recognize DNA sequences of 4-8 bp are not sufficiently specific for this purpose. In principle, the specificity of REases can be extended by fusion to sequence recognition modules, e.g. specific DNA-binding domains or triple-helix forming oligonucleotides (TFO). We have chosen to extend the specificity of REases using TFOs, given the combinatorial flexibility this fusion offers in addressing a short, yet precisely recognized restriction site next to a defined triple-helix forming site (TFS). We demonstrate here that the single chain variant of PvuII (scPvuII) covalently coupled via the bifunctional cross-linker N-(gamma-maleimidobutryloxy) succinimide ester to a TFO (5'-NH2-[CH2](6 or 12)-MPMPMPMPMPPPPPPT-3', with M being 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine and P being 5-[1-propynyl]-2'-deoxyuridine), cleaves DNA specifically at the recognition site of PvuII (CAGCTG) if located in a distance of approximately one helical turn to a TFS (underlined) complementary to the TFO ('addressed' site: 5'-TTTTTTTCTCTCTCTCN(approximately 10)CAGCTG-3'), leaving 'unaddressed' PvuII sites intact. The preference for cleavage of an 'addressed' compared to an 'unaddressed' site is >1000-fold, if the cleavage reaction is initiated by addition of Mg2+ ions after preincubation of scPvuII-TFO and substrate in the absence of Mg2+ ions to allow triple-helix formation before DNA cleavage. Single base pair substitutions in the TFS prevent addressed DNA cleavage by scPvuII-TFO.  相似文献   

Hiller DA  Perona JJ 《Biochemistry》2006,45(38):11453-11463
The carboxy-terminal subdomains of the homodimeric EcoRV restriction endonuclease each bear a net charge of +4 and are positioned on the inner concave surface of the 50 degree DNA bend that is induced by the enzyme. A complete kinetic and structural analysis of a truncated EcoRV mutant lacking these domains was performed to assess the importance of this diffuse charge in facilitating DNA binding, bending, and cleavage. At the level of formation of an enzyme-DNA complex, the association rate for the dimeric mutant enzyme was sharply decreased by 10(3)-fold, while the equilibrium dissociation constant was weakened by nearly 10(6)-fold compared with that of wild-type EcoRV. Thus, the C-terminal subdomains strongly stabilize the enzyme-DNA ground-state complex in which the DNA is known to be bent. Further, the extent of DNA bending as observed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer was also significantly decreased. The crystal structure of the truncated enzyme bound to DNA and calcium ions at 2.4 A resolution reveals that the global fold is preserved and suggests that a divalent metal ion crucial to catalysis is destabilized in the active site. This may explain the 100-fold decrease in the rate of metal-dependent phosphoryl transfer observed for the mutant. These results show that diffuse positive charge associated with the C-terminal subdomains of EcoRV plays a key role in DNA association, bending, and cleavage.  相似文献   

Horton NC  Perona JJ 《Biochemistry》2004,43(22):6841-6857
Four crystal structures of EcoRV endonuclease mutants K92A and K38A provide new insight into the mechanism of DNA bending and the structural basis for metal-dependent phosphodiester bond cleavage. The removal of a key active site positive charge in the uncleaved K92A-DNA-M(2+) substrate complex results in binding of a sodium ion in the position of the amine nitrogen, suggesting a key role for a positive charge at this position in stabilizing the sharp DNA bend prior to cleavage. By contrast, two structures of K38A cocrystallized with DNA and Mn(2+) ions in different lattice environments reveal cleaved product complexes featuring a common, novel conformation of the scissile phosphate group as compared to all previous EcoRV structures. In these structures, the released 5'-phosphate and 3'-OH groups remain in close juxtaposition with each other and with two Mn(2+) ions that bridge the conserved active site carboxylates. The scissile phosphates are found midway between their positions in the prereactive substrate and postreactive product complexes of the wild-type enzyme. Mn(2+) ions occupy two of the three sites previously described in the prereactive complexes and are plausibly positioned to generate the nucleophilic hydroxide ion, to compensate for the incipient additional negative charge in the transition state, and to ionize a second water for protonation of the 3'-oxyanion. Reconciliation of these findings with earlier X-ray and fluorescence studies suggests a novel mechanism in which a single initially bound metal ion in a third distinct site undergoes a shift in position together with movement of the scissile phosphate deeper into the active site cleft. This reconfigures the local environment to permit binding of the second metal ion followed by movement toward the pentacovalent transition state. The new mechanism suggested here embodies key features of previously proposed two- and three-metal catalytic models, and offers a view of the stereochemical pathway that integrates much of the copious structural and functional data that are available from exhaustive studies in many laboratories.  相似文献   

The structure-based design and synthesis of new thioazepinones as ligands for Src SH2 protein is presented. From benzothioazepinones, ligands with somewhat unspecific binding properties, simpler thioazepinones were designed, the best ones demonstrated nanomolar affinity for Src SH2. A few of these new ligands were crystallized with the protein and demonstrated a specific binding mode with the protein.  相似文献   

Hybridization kinetics were found to be significantly different for specific and non-specific binding of labeled cRNA to surface-bound oligonucleotides on microarrays. We show direct evidence that in a complex sample specific binding takes longer to reach hybridization equilibrium than the non- specific binding. We find that this property can be used to estimate and to correct for the hybridization contributed by non-specific binding. Useful applications are illustrated including the selection of superior oligonucleotides, and the reduction of false positives in exon identification.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis has previously indicated that D83 and E98 residues are essential for DNA cleavage activity and presumably chelate a Mg2+ ion at the active site of MunI restriction enzyme. In the absence of metal ions, protonation of an ionizable residue with a pKa > 7.0, most likely one of the active site carboxylates, controls the DNA binding specificity of MunI [Lagunavicius, A., Grazulis, S., Balciunaite, E., Vainius, D., and Siksnys, V. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 11093-11099.]. Thus, competition between H+ and Mg2+ binding at the active site of MunI presumably plays an important role in catalysis/binding. In the present study we have identified elementary steps and intermediates in the reaction pathway of plasmid DNA cleavage by MunI and elucidated the effect of pH and Mg2+ ions on the individual steps of the DNA cleavage reaction. The kinetic analysis indicated that the multiple-turnover rate of plasmid cleavage by MunI is limited by product release throughout the pH range 6.0-9.3. Quenched-flow experiments revealed that open circle DNA is an obligatory intermediate in the reaction pathway. Under optimal reaction conditions, open circle DNA remains bound to the MunI; however it is released into the solution at low [MgCl2]. Rate constants for the phoshodiester bond hydrolysis of the first (k1) and second (k2) strand of plasmid DNA at pH 7.0 and 10 mM MgCl2 more than 100-fold exceed the kcat value which is limited by product dissociation. The analysis of the pH and [Mg2+] dependences of k1 and k2 revealed that both H+ and Mg2+ ions compete for the binding to the same residue at the active site of MunI. Thus, the decreased rate of phosphodiester hydrolysis by MunI at pH < 7.0 may be due to the reduction of affinity for the Mg2+ binding at the active site. Kinetic analysis of DNA cleavage by MunI yielded estimates for the association-dissociation rate constants of enzyme-substrate complex and demonstrated the decreased stability of the MunI-DNA complex at pH values above 8.0.  相似文献   

C Schulze  A Jeltsch  I Franke  C Urbanke    A Pingoud 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(22):6757-6766
EcoRV completely encircles bound DNA with two loops, forming the entry and exit gate for the DNA substrate. These loops were crosslinked generating CL-EcoRV which binds and releases linear DNA only slowly, because threading linear DNA into and out of the DNA-binding 'tunnel' of CL-EcoRV is not very effective. If the crosslinking reaction is carried out with a circular bound DNA, CL-EcoRV is hyperactive towards the trapped substrate which is cleaved very quickly but not very accurately. CL-EcoRV also binds to, but does not cleave, circular DNA when added from the outside, because it cannot enter the active site. Based on these results a two-step binding model is proposed for EcoRV: initial DNA binding occurs at the outer side of the loops before the gate opens and then the DNA is transferred to the catalytic center.  相似文献   

This paper describes a generally applicable method for quantitative investigation of ligand-dependent binding of a regulatory protein to its target DNA at equilibrium. It is used here to analyse the coupled binding equilibria of cAMP receptor protein from Escherichia coli K12 (CRP) with DNA and the physiological effector cAMP. In principle, the DNA binding parameters of CRP dimers with either one or two ligands bound are determinable in such an approach. The change of protein fluorescence was used to measure CRP binding to its recognition sequence in the lac control region and to non-specific DNA. Furthermore, the binding of cAMP to preformed CRP-DNA complexes was independently studied by equilibrium dialysis. The data were analysed using a simple interactive model for two intrinsically identical sites and site-site interactions. The intrinsic binding constant K and the co-operativity factor alpha for binding of cAMP to free CRP depend only slightly on salt concentration between 0.01 M and 0.2 M. In contrast, the affinity of cAMP for CRP pre-bound to non-specific DNA increases with the salt concentration and the co-operativity changes from positive to negative. This results from cation rebinding to the DNA lattice upon forming the cAMP-CRP-DNA complex from cAMP and the pre-formed CRP-DNA complex. The CRP-cAMP1 complex shows almost the same affinity for specific and non-specific DNA as the CRP-cAMP2 complex, and both displace the same number of cations. It is concluded that the allosteric activation of CRP is induced upon binding of the first cAMP. These results are used to estimate the occupation of the CRP site in the lac control region in relation to the cAMP concentration in vivo. Under physiological conditions the lac promoter is activated by the CRP dimer complexed with only one cAMP. Furthermore, a model for the differential activation of various genes expressed under catabolite repression is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A M Segall  S D Goodman    H A Nash 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(19):4536-4548
Integration host factor (IHF) is required in lambda site-specific recombination to deform the DNA substrates into conformations active for recombination. HU, a homolog of IHF, can also deform DNA but binds without any apparent sequence specificity. We demonstrate that HU can replace IHF by cooperating with the recombinase protein, integrase, to generate a stable and specific complex with electrophoretic mobility and biochemical activity very close to the complex formed by IHF and integrase. The eukaryotic HMG1 and HMG2 proteins differ entirely in structure from HU but they also bind DNA non-specifically and induce or stabilize deformed DNA. We show that the eukaryotic HMG1 and HMG2 proteins cooperate with integrase at least as well as does HU to make a defined structure. We also find that the eukaryotic core histone dimer H2A-H2B can replace IHF, suggesting that the histone dimer is functional outside the context of a nucleosome. HU and the HMG proteins not only contribute to the formation of stable complexes, but they can at least partially replace IHF for the integrative and excisive recombination reactions. These results, together with our analysis of nucleoprotein complexes made with damaged recombination sites, lead us to conclude that the cooperation between HU and integrase does not depend on protein-protein contacts. Rather, cooperation is manifested through building of higher order structures and depends on the capacity of the non-specific DNA binding proteins to bend DNA. While all these non-specific binding proteins appear to fulfil the same bending function, they do so with different efficiencies. This probably reflects subtle structural differences between the assembled complexes.  相似文献   

Using the osmotic stress technique together with a self-cleavage assay we measure directly differences in sequestered water between specific and nonspecific DNA-BamHI complexes as well as the numbers of water molecules released coupled to specific complex formation. The difference between specific and nonspecific binding free energy of the BamHI scales linearly with solute osmolal concentration for seven neutral solutes used to set water activity. The observed osmotic dependence indicates that the nonspecific DNA-BamHI complex sequesters some 120-150 more water molecules than the specific complex. The weak sensitivity of the difference in number of waters to the solute identity suggests that these waters are sterically inaccessible to solutes. This result is in close agreement with differences in the structures determined by x-ray crystallography. We demonstrate additionally that when the same solutes that were used in competition experiments are used to probe changes accompanying the binding of free BamHI to its specific DNA sequence, the measured number of water molecules released in the binding process is strikingly solute-dependent (with up to 10-fold difference between solutes). This result is expected for reactions resulting in a large change in a surface exposed area.  相似文献   

Type III restriction enzymes have been demonstrated to require two unmethylated asymmetric recognition sites oriented head-to-head to elicit double-strand break 25–27 bp downstream of one of the two sites. The proposed DNA cleavage mechanism involves ATP-dependent DNA translocation. The sequence context of the recognition site was suggested to influence the site of DNA cleavage by the enzyme. In this investigation, we demonstrate that the cleavage site of the R.EcoP15I restriction enzyme does not depend on the sequence context of the recognition site. Strikingly, this study demonstrates that the enzyme can cleave linear DNA having either recognition sites in the same orientation or a single recognition site. Cleavage occurs predominantly at a site proximal to the DNA end in the case of multiple site substrates. Such cleavage can be abolished by the binding of Lac repressor downstream (3′ side) but not upstream (5′ side) of the recognition site. Binding of HU protein has also been observed to interfere with R.EcoP15I cleavage activity. In accordance with a mechanism requiring two enzyme molecules cooperating to elicit double-strand break on DNA, our results convincingly demonstrate that the enzyme translocates on DNA in a 5′ to 3′ direction from its recognition site and indicate a switch in the direction of enzyme motion at the DNA ends. This study demonstrates a new facet in the mode of action of these restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

DNA-drug complexes containing various levels of covalently bound mitomycin C (MC) or anthramycin were subjected to the actions of a number of restriction enzymes. While MC presented only a partial block to the actions of a number of these enzymes, anthramycin, at high binding ratios, blocked enzymatic activity very well. The contrast seen in the restriction cleavage of these DNA-drug complexes may be related to the different points of attachment in DNA (minor groove vs. major groove) for these drugs. Although similarities in electrophoretic band patterns exist for both drug complexes, certain differences are indicative of preferences in binding sequences that these drugs may have for DNA. The results show that these sequences do not necessarily lie immediately within the restriction cut sites but may effect the cutting of these sites from a distance. The results also further support anthramycin's potential usage as a selective/reversible blocking agent for recombinant research.  相似文献   

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