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Allele-specific mismatch amplification mutation assays (MAMA) of anatomically distinct sectors of the upper bronchial tracts of nine nonsmokers revealed many numerically dispersed clusters of the point mutations C742T, G746T, G747T of the TP53 gene, G35T of the KRAS gene and G508A of the HPRT1 gene. Assays of these five mutations in six smokers have yielded quantitatively similar results. One hundred and eighty four micro-anatomical sectors of 0.5-6x10(6) tracheal-bronchial epithelial cells represented en toto the equivalent of approximately 1.7 human smokers' bronchial trees to the fifth bifurcation. Statistically significant mutant copy numbers above the 95% upper confidence limits of historical background controls were found in 198 of 425 sector assays. No significant differences (P=0.1) for negative sector fractions, mutant fractions, distributions of mutant cluster size or anatomical positions were observed for smoking status, gender or age (38-76 year). Based on the modal cluster size of mitochondrial point mutants, the size of the adult bronchial epithelial maintenance turnover unit was estimated to be about 32 cells. When data from all 15 lungs were combined the log2 of nuclear mutant cluster size plotted against log2 of the number of clusters of a given cluster size displayed a slope of approximately 1.1 over a range of cluster sizes from approximately 2(6) to 2(15) mutant copies. A parsimonious interpretation of these nuclear and previously reported data for lung epithelial mitochondrial point mutant clusters is that they arose from mutations in stem cells at a high but constant rate per stem cell doubling during at least ten stem cell doublings of the later fetal-juvenile period. The upper and lower decile range of summed point mutant fractions among lungs was about 7.5-fold, suggesting an important source of stratification in the population with regard to risk of tumor initiation.  相似文献   

Several point mutants of human ubiquitin (Ub(T9V), Ub(F45W), Ub(F45G), and Ub(A46S)) were prepared by recombinant techniques. The NH exchange rate constants were measured by the NMR diffusion and the MEXICO methods and compared with those in the wild type to examine the influence of structural changes and to improve the understanding of this important reaction in studies of protein folding and denaturation. The observed changes follow qualitatively the polarity and steric alterations caused by the introduced amino acids. Attempts to reproduce quantitatively the observed changes by modeling studies and molecular dynamics simulations were not satisfactory.  相似文献   

An enzyme has been isolated from human liver by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and has been shown by competitive substrate inhibition to be capable of hydrolysing synthetic beta-D-galactosides, beta-D-glucosides, beta-D-fucosides, beta-D-xylosides, and alpha-L-arabinosides. Another form of alpha-L-arabinosidase activity elutes with the major beta-D-galactosidase component on DEAE-chromatography, but has a different identity on the basis of its stability at 4 degrees C. Liver samples from patients with Gaucher's disease are deficient in beta-D-fucosidase as well as beta-D-glucosidase activity.  相似文献   

Twenty N-terminal point mutations of the human estrogen receptor (hER) were constructed as ubiquitin fusion products and expressed under the control of the copper regulated promoter CUP1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The objective of these studies was to overexpress hER in yeast and also to evaluate the functional properties of the N-terminal variants of hER. Fusion of the C-terminus of ubiquitin to the N-terminus of other proteins has been shown to increase the level of protein expression in yeast. Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolases (UCHs) in yeast efficiently and precisely cleave at the junction with ubiquitin and render free hER with desired amino termini. The variant hER proteins, that were generated by mutating the N-terminus of hER, showed enormous differences in receptor protein levels and transactivation potential. All variant hER proteins were synthesized as 66 kDa species as identified by Western blotting with the exception of the proline-containing variant (Pro-ER). The UB-Pro-ER variant was cleaved inefficiently by UCHs in yeast. The UB-Pro-hEr variant also exhibited a different DNA band-shift profile compared to those of the other receptor variants and the wild-type. Val-, Thr-, and Lys-ER did not express, as measured by enzyme-immunoassay and Western blotting; nor did they transactivate a β-galactosidase reporter gene in yeast. However, the Glu-ER was 50% more active in transactivation as compared to the wild-type. The results of the receptor content, DNA binding properties and transactivation analysis in yeast demonstrate that the N-terminal residue plays an important role in the structure and function of hER.  相似文献   

B Ruskin  J M Greene  M R Green 《Cell》1985,41(3):833-844
The excised introns of pre-mRNAs and intron-containing splicing intermediates are in a lariat configuration in which the 5' end of the intron is linked by a 2'-5' phosphodiester bond (RNA branch) to a single adenosine residue near the 3' end of the intron. To determine the role of the specific sequence surrounding the RNA branch, we have mutated the branch point sequence of the human beta-globin IVS1. Pre-mRNAs lacking the authentic branch point sequence are accurately spliced in vitro; processing of the mutant pre-mRNAs generates RNA lariats due to the activation of cryptic branch points within IVS1. The cryptic branch points always occur at adenosine residues, but the sequences surrounding the branched nucleotide vary. Regardless of the type of mutation or the sequences remaining within IVS1, the cryptic branch points are 22 to 37 nucleotides upstream of the 3' splice site. These results suggest that RNA branch point selection is primarily based on a mechanism that measures the distance from the 3' splice site.  相似文献   

Biotinidase deficiency is an autosomal recessive defect in the recycling of biotin that can lead to a variety of neurologic and cutaneous symptoms. The disease can be prevented or effectively treated with exogenous biotin. The biotinidase locus (BTD) has been maped to 3p25 by in situ hybridization. The gene has been cloned, the coding region sequenced, the genomic organization determined, and a spectrum of mutations has been characterized in more than 90 individuals with profound or partial biotinidase deficiency. We have conducted haplotype analysis of 10 consanguineous and 39 nonconsanguineous probands from the United States and 8 consanguineous probands from Turkey to localize BTD with respect to polymorphic markers on 3p and to investigate the origins of five common mutations. The inbred probands were homozygous for overlapping regions of 3p ranging in size from 1.1 to 80 cM which were flanked most narrowly by D3S1259 and D3S1293. Radiation hybrids and haplotype analysis of markers within this region suggest that BTD is located within a 0.1-cM region flanked by D3S3510 and D3S1286. The radiation hybrid data suggest that the BTD gene is oriented 5' to 3' between the centromere and the 3p telomere. Association studies indicate that the gene is closer to a third locus D3S3613 than D3S3510, two markers which cannot be resolved by existing linkage data. The BTD locus and D3S3613 must therefore lie between D3S3510 and D3S1286. Comparison of haplotypes reveals evidence for possible founder effects for four of the five common mutations.  相似文献   

Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), an autosomal dominant inherited disorder resulting in increased levels of circulating plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL), tendon xanthomas and premature coronary artery disease (CAD), is caused by defects in the LDL receptor gene (LDLR). Three widespread LDLR alterations not causing FH (c.1061-8T>C, c.2177C>T and c.829G>A) and one mutation (c.12G>A) with narrow geographical distribution and thought to cause disease were investigated. In an attempt to improve knowledge on their origin, spread and possible selective effects, estimations of the ages of these variants (t generations) and haplotype analysis were performed by genotyping 86 healthy individuals and 98 FH patients in Spain for five LDLR SNPs: c.81T>C, c.1413G>A, c.1725C>T, c.1959T>C, and c.2232G>A; most patients carried two of these LDLR variants simultaneously. It was found that both the c.1061-8T>C (t = 54) and c.2177C>T alterations (t = 62) arose at about the same time (54 and 62 generations ago, respectively) in the CGCTG haplotype, while the c.12G>A mutation (t = 70) appeared in a CGCCG haplotype carrying an earlier c.829G>A alteration (t = 83). The estimated ages of selectively neutral alterations could explain their distribution by migrations. The origin of the c.12G>A mutation could be in the Iberian Peninsula; despite its estimated age, a low selective pressure could explain its conservation in Spain from where it could have spread to China and Mexico, since the sixteenth century through the Spanish/Portuguese colonial expeditions.  相似文献   

Tissue maintenance stem cells, as opposed to transition and/or terminal cells in the epithelium, are possible progenitor cells for human tumors, but little is known about their frequency in human tissues. It occurred to us that the colonies of mutants that should be created when a stem cell mutates and transmits the rare mutation to its descendent transition and terminal cells should, given a quantitative mutation assay, define the average number of cells in a maintenance turnover unit and permit calculation of stem cell number. To test this concept we used a combination of high fidelity PCR and constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis to enumerate mitochondrial point mutations and define their number and distribution among multiple small samples of approximately one million cells containing about 400 million copies of mitochondrial DNA. The bulk of the data were best explained by a model in which most stem cells, defined here as long-lived cells, give rise to colonies of approximately 8-128 cells. In addition, we found that about 1.5% of colonies contained hundreds or even thousands of homoplasmic mutant cells. These expanded turnover units suggest the bronchial epithelium may contain large clusters of cells with mutations, and possibly phenotypic alterations as well.  相似文献   

Assessment of the apolipoprotein E (apoE) phenotype by isoelectric focusing of both hyperlipidemic and normolipidemic individuals identified five new variants. All mutations were confined to the downstream part of the APOE gene by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Sequence analysis revealed five new mutations causing unique amino acid substitutions in the carboxyl-terminal part of the protein containing the putative lipid-binding domain. Three hyperlipoproteinemic probands were carriers of the APOE*2(Val236→Glu) allele, the APOE*3(Cys112→Arg; Arg251→Gly) allele, or the APOE*1(Arg158→Cys; Leu252→Glu) allele. DGGE of the region encoding the receptor-binding domain was useful for haplotyping the mutations at codons 112 and 158. Family studies failed to demonstrate cosegregation between the new mutations and severe hyperlipoproteinemia, although a number of carriers for the APOE*3(Cys112→Arg; Arg251→Gly) allele and the APOE*1(Arg158→Cys; Leu252→Glu) allele expressed hypertriglyceridemia and/or hypercholesterolemia. Two other mutant alleles, APOE*4 (Cys112→Arg; Arg274→His) and APOE*4+(Ser296→Arg), were found in normolipidemic probands. The lack of cosegregation of these new mutations with severe hyperlipoproteinemia suggests that these mutations do not exert a dominant effect on the functioning of apoE.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the adult frog ciliary epithelium cells has definite regional differences. Cells of ciliary epithelium folds near the iris display morphological features characterizing its barrier and secretory functions which lead to the formation of aqueous humor. These are junctional complexes with tight junctions (zonula occludents) in the apical parts of contacting sides of cells of the inner leaf: a great quantity of mitochondria, ribosomes and various vesicles, well developed endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm, much folded basal surface, gap junctions between cells of external and internal leaflets. In the mammalian inner epithelial layer different cell junctions are known to be arranged in a fixed spatial fashion. Unlike, in the frog's epithelium both zonula adherent and desmosomes may be found in any sequence. Tight junctions are formed during metamorphosis, on the place of focal junctions, whereas gap junctions, referred to earlier as "extended", start functioning between cells just on the very early stages of eye morphogenesis (Dabagyan et al., 1979). The epithelium of the posterior part of the ciliary fold and pars plana of the ciliary body have, in addition, the number of morphological sign indicating the cell involvement in the accomodational function of any eye (i. e. a majority of desmosomes binding all cells together and of zonulae adherentes, well developed intracellular skeleton of tonofilament bundles). These features are characteristic of the whole distal part of ciliary epithelium rather than of the place of attachment of zonula fiber only.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of mitoses were studied in the corneal epithelium of common voles in summer (n-155). It was found that the mean mitotic index in the day time was 3.65 +/- 1.04% for males and 4.75 +/- 1.10% for females. At night the mitotic index was 5.67 +/- 1.10% for males and 5.62 +/- 1.43% for females.  相似文献   

Changes in the differentiating pigment epithelium cells have been studied in Rana temporaria by transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructural features of the pigment epithelium functions at successive developmental stages have been established: the phagocytic function appears the first (judging by utilization of embryonic pigment from the primary eye cavity), it is followed by the transport and barrier functions (as the secondary eye cavity and vascular envelope develop), while phagocytosis related to the process of renovation of the external segments of photoreceptors and the function of screening appear later.  相似文献   

Two substitution mutants of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gag gene product were isolated after nitrous acid mutagenesis of a recombinant baculovirus expressing a non-N-myristylated, p6-deleted Gag precursor (Pr49). Both mutants failed to assemble intracellular Gag virus-like particles, as does the parental recombinant, and therefore expressed a self-assembly defective (Sad) phenotype in insect cells. The mutations consisted of nonconservative changes involving highly conserved hydrophobic residues in the p24 domain, Leu to Pro at position 268 (L268P) and Leu to Ser at amino acid 322 (L322S). Experimental data suggested that the two mutated residues belonged to functionally different regions of the Gag precursor. (i) A partial complementation effect between the two mutants for Gag precursor assembly was observed in coinfection experiments. (ii) The two mutations showed different phenotypes when placed in the N-myristylated context, of which only the L268P mutation abolished extracellular budding and release of Gag particles at the plasma membrane. Both L268P and L322S mutants had a trans-dominant negative effect on the intracellular assembly of a non-N-myristylated, full-length (Pr55) Gag precursor expressed by a coinfecting recombinant. None of the mutants, however, showed any detectable effect in trans on membrane targeting and budding of the coexpressed N-myristylated wild-type Gag precursor.  相似文献   

GTPase domain crystal structures of Rab5a wild type and five variants with mutations in the phosphate-binding loop are reported here at resolutions up to 1.5 A. Of particular interest, the A30P mutant was crystallized in complexes with GDP, GDP+AlF(3), and authentic GTP, respectively. The other variant crystals were obtained in complexes with a non-hydrolyzable GTP analog, GppNHp. All structures were solved in the same crystal form, providing an unusual opportunity to compare structures of small GTPases with different catalytic rates. The A30P mutant exhibits dramatically reduced GTPase activity and forms a GTP-bound complex stable enough for crystallographic analysis. Importantly, the A30P structure with bound GDP plus AlF(3) has been solved in the absence of a GTPase-activating protein, and it may resemble that of a transition state intermediate. Conformational changes are observed between the GTP-bound form and the transition state intermediate, mainly in the switch II region containing the catalytic Gln(79) residue and independent of A30P mutation-induced local alterations in the P-loop. The structures suggest an important catalytic role for a P-loop backbone amide group, which is eliminated in the A30P mutant, and support the notion that the transition state of GTPase-mediated GTP hydrolysis is of considerable dissociative character.  相似文献   

The human genome is revisited using exon and intron distribution profiles. The 26,564 annotated genes in the human genome (build October, 2003) contain 233,785 exons and 207,344 introns. On average, there are 8.8 exons and 7.8 introns per gene. About 80% of the exons on each chromosome are < 200 bp in length. < 0.01% of the introns are < 20 bp in length and < 10% of introns are more than 11,000 bp in length. These results suggest constraints on the splicing machinery to splice out very long or very short introns and provide insight to optimal intron length selection. Interestingly, the total length in introns and intergenic DNA on each chromosome is significantly correlated to the determined chromosome size with a coefficient of correlation r = 0.95 and r = 0.97, respectively. These results suggest their implication in genome design.  相似文献   

Summary Normal human oesophageal epithelium was investigated with the periodic acid — silver methenamine technique and its variations to demonstrate neutral mucosubstances at the ultrastructural level. The results were compared with the acid phosphotungstic acid method. Neutral mucosubstances were shown in the cell coat and membrane coating granules by both techniques. The silver methods also demonstrated glycogen, the Golgi apparatus and dense bodies. The periodic acid — silver methenamine technique outlined positive material in the intercellular space of the prickle cell layer, but the other silver methods did not.  相似文献   

Cytology of the human seminiferous epithelium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The appearances in cytologic specimens of the principal cell types in the normal human seminiferous epithelium are described and illustrated. Sertoli cells, which are larger than spermatogenic cells, are characterized by a slightly basophilic, ill-defined cytoplasm of triangular, elongated or columnar shape; the cytoplasm may be vacuolated and may contain spermatozoa. The nuclei of Sertoli cells are round, with a uniformly finely granulated chromatin and a single nucleolus. Spermatogenic cells are round or oval and show scanty cytoplasm with deeper basophilia and well-defined cytoplasmic borders. Multinucleation is common in spermatogenic cells. The Sertoli cells constitute a very homogeneous cell population as compared to the spermatogenic cells, which show several distinct cell types (spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa) whose nuclear structures depend on the stage of meiosis. Both cell types may occur as naked nuclei. Some problems of cell classification are discussed.  相似文献   

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