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Glucose is the major source of brain energy and is essential for maintaining normal brain and neuronal function. Hypoglycemia causes impaired synaptic transmission. This occurs even before significant reduction in global cellular ATP concentration, and relationships among glycolysis, ATP supply, and synaptic transmission are not well understood. We demonstrate that the glycolytic enzymes glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and 3-phosphoglycerate kinase (3-PGK) are enriched in synaptic vesicles, forming a functional complex, and that synaptic vesicles are capable of accumulating the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate by harnessing ATP produced by vesicle-bound GAPDH/3-PGK at the expense of their substrates. The GAPDH inhibitor iodoacetate suppressed GAPDH/3-PGK-dependent, but not exogenous ATP-dependent, [(3)H]glutamate uptake into isolated synaptic vesicles. It also decreased vesicular [(3)H]glutamate content in the nerve ending preparation synaptosome; this decrease was reflected in reduction of depolarization-induced [(3)H]glutamate release. In contrast, oligomycin, a mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitor, had minimal effect on any of these parameters. ADP at concentrations above 0.1 mm inhibited vesicular glutamate and dissipated membrane potential. This suggests that the coupled GAPDH/3-PGK system, which converts ADP to ATP, ensures maximal glutamate accumulation into presynaptic vesicles. Together, these observations provide insight into the essential nature of glycolysis in sustaining normal synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

The observed equilibrium constants (Kobs) of the creatine kinase (EC, myokinase (EC, glucose-6-phosphatase (EC, and fructose-1,6-diphosphatase (EC reactions have been determined at 38 degrees C, pH 7.0, ionic strength 0.25, and varying free magnesium concentrations. The equilibrium constant (KCK) for the creatine kinase reaction defined as: KCK = [sigma ATP] [sigma creatine] divided by ([sigma ADP] [sigma creatine-P] [H+]) was measured at 0.25 ionic strength and 38 degrees C and was shown to vary with free [Mg2+]. The value was found to be 3.78 x 10(8) M-1 at free [Mg2+] = 0 and 1.66 x 10(9) M-1 at free [Mg2+] = 10(-3) M. Therefore, at pH 7.0, the value of Kobs, defined as Kobs = KCK[H+] = [sigma ATP] [sigma creatine] divided by ([sigma ADP] [sigma creatine-P] was 37.8 at free [Mg2+] = 0 and 166 at free [Mg2+] = 10(-3) M. The Kobs value for the myokinase reaction, 2 sigma ADP equilibrium sigma AMP + sigma ATP, was found to vary with free [Mg2+], being 0.391 at free [Mg2+] = 0 and 1.05 at free [Mg2+] = 10(-3) M. Taking the standard state of water to have activity equal to 1, the Kobs of glucose-6-P hydrolysis, sigma glucose-6-P + H2O equilibrium sigma glucose + sigma Pi, was found not to vary with free [Mg2+], being 110 M at both free [Mg2+] = 0 and free [Mg2+] = 10(-3) M. The Kobs of fructose-1,6-P2 hydrolysis, sigma fructose-1,6-P2 equilibrium sigma fructose-6-P + sigma Pi, was found to vary with free [Mg2+], being 272 M at free [Mg2+] = 0 and 174 M at free [Mg2+] = 0.89 x 10(-3) M.  相似文献   

The technique of laser light scattering was used to evaluate the effects of Mg+2 and ionic strength on the solution structures of seven tRNA species. Information about ion effects on both conformation and electric charge were derived from measurements of the translational diffusion constants and diffusive virial coefficients. E. coli tRNAMetf and six elongator tRNAs from both Class I and II were studied. The diffusion measurements show that the responses of all but the initiator species are qualitatively similar to each other and to that of bulk tRNA, but that significant quantitative differences also obtain. All of the elongator species exhibited an anomolous increase in diffusivity reported earlier by us for bulk tRNA when placed in a low salt-low Mg+2 condition. The initiator tRNA did not undergo this transition and unlike the other tRNAs tested was apparently more compact in 1 mM Mg+2 than 10 mM Mg+2 at ionic strengths in excess of 0.1 M. At 0.1 M ionic strength, pH 7.2, the average net charge of the tRNAs ranged from 7-12 e- in 1 mM Mg+2 and 3-7 e- in 10 mM Mg+2, consistent with the binding of 1-2 additional Mg+2 ions in the higher Mg+2 condition.  相似文献   

The observed equilibrium constants (Kobs) of the P-choline hydrolysis reaction have been determined under physiological conditions of temperature (38 degrees) and ionic strength (0.25 M) and physiological ranges of pH and free [Mg2+]. Using sigma and square brackets to indicate total concentrations: (see article.) The value of Kobs has been found to be relatively insensitive to variations in pH and free [Mg2+]. At pH 7.0 and taking the standard state of liquid water to have unit activity ([H2O] = 1), Kobs = 26.6 M at free [Mg2+] = 0 [epsilon G0obs = -2.03 kcal/mol(-8.48 kJ/mol)], 26.8 M at free [Mg2+] = 10(-3) M, and 28.4 M at free [Mg2+] = 10(-2) M. At pH 8.0, Kobs = 18.8 M at free [Mg2+] = 0, 19.2 M at free [Mg2+] = 10(-3), and 22.2 M at free [Mg2+] = 10(-2) M. These values apply only to situations where choline and Pi concentrations are both relatively low (such as the conditions found in most tissues). At higher concentrations of phosphate and choline, the value of Kobs becomes significantly increased since HPO42- complexes choline weakly (association constant = 3.3 M-1). The value of K at 38 degrees and I = 0.25 M is calculated to be 16.4 +/- 0.3 M [epsilonG0 = 1.73 kcal/mol (-7.23 kJ/mol)]. The K for the P-choline hydrolysis reaction has been combined with the K for the ATP hydrolysis reaction determined previously under physiological conditions to calculate a value of 4.95 X 10(-3 M [deltaG0 j.28 kcal/mol (13.7 kJ/mol] for the K of the choline kinase reaction (EC, an important step in phospholipid metabolism: (see article.) Likewise, values for Kobs for the choline kinase reaction at 38 degrees, pH 7.0, and I = 0.25 M have been calculated to be 5.76 X 10(4) [deltaG0OBS = -6.77 KCAL/MOL (-28.3 KJ/mol)] at [Mg2+] = 0; 1.24 X 10(4) [deltaG0obs = -5.82 kcal/mol (-24.4 kJ/mol)] at [Mg2+] = 10(-3) M and 8.05 X 10(3) [delta G0obs = -5.56 kcal/mol (-23.3 kJ/mol)] at [Mg2+ = 10(-2) M. Attempts to determine the Kobs of the choline kinase reaction directly were unsuccessful because of the high value of the constant. The results indicate that in contrast to the high deltaG0obs for the hydrolysis of the ester bond of acetylcholine, the deltaG0obs for the hydrolysis of the ester bond of P-choline is quite low, among the lowest known for phosphate ester bonds of biological interest.  相似文献   

We studied human erythrocyte membrane associated glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase in order to determine if a biological form of immobilization of the enzyme altered its kinetic properties. The results indicated that the partially purified solubilized glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase did not differ, with regard to Km for substrates or pH activity profile, from the same enzyme which was immobilized on the inner face of the erythrocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

1. Treatment with methyl acetimidate was used to probe the topography of several tetrameric glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenases, in particular the holoenzymes from rabbit muscle and Bacillus stearothermophilus. During the course of the reaction with the rabbit muscle enzyme, the number of amino groups fell rapidly from the starting value of 27 per subunit to a value of approx. five per subunit. This number could be lowered further to values between one and two per subunit by a second treatment with methyl acetimidate. The enzyme remained tetrameric throughout and retained 50% of its initial catalytic activity at the end of the experiment. 2. Use of methyl [1-14C]acetimidate and small-scale methods of protein chemistry showed that only one amino group per subunit, that of lysine-306, was completely unavailable for reaction with imido ester in the native enzyme. This results is consistent with the structure of the highly homologous glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase of lobster muscle deduced from X-ray-crystallographic analysis, since lysine-306 can be seen to form an intrachain ion-pair with aspartic acid-241 in the hydrophobic environment of a subunit-subunit interface. 3. Several other amino groups in the rabbit muscle enzyme that reacted only slowly with the reagent were also identified chemically. These were found to be located entirely in the C-terminal half of the polypeptides chain, which comprises a folding domain associated with catalytic activity and subunit contact in the three-dimensional structure. Slow reaction of these 'surface' amino groups with methyl acetimidate is attributed to intramolecular ionic interactions of the amino groups with neighbouring side-chain carboxyl groups, a conclusion that is compatible with the reported three-dimensional structure and with the dependence of the reaction of ionic stength. 4. Very similar results were obtained with the enzymes from B. stearothermophilus and from ox muscle and ox liver, supporting the view that the ion-pair involving lysine-306 and aspartic acid-241 will be a common structural feature in glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases. The B. stearothermophilus enzyme was fully active after modification. 5. No differences could be detected between the enzymes from ox muscle and ox liver, in accord with other evidence that points to the identify of these enzymes. 6. The pattern of slowly reacting amino groups in the enzyme from B. stearothermophilus, although similar to that of the mammalian enzymes, indicated one or two additional intramolecular ionic interactions of lysine residues that might contribute to the thermal stability of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Using Gibbs Energies of compounds, as well as Gibbs Energy changes and equilibrium constants of biochemical reactions, the contributions of functional groups to the Gibbs Energy (in aqueous solution, temperature 25°C, and pH=7) have been estimated. These contributions allow the estimation of the Gibbs Free Energy and the equilibrium constant of a biochemical reaction, given the structure of the reactants and products.  相似文献   

T Pawelczyk  S Angielski 《Biochimie》1992,74(2):171-176
The effects of changing ionic strength on the activity of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex from pig kidney cortex were explored. This enzyme complex is found to be influenced in many ways by the ionic strength of the reaction medium. The enzyme shows an optimum activity at 0.1 M ionic strength. Increase in ionic strength from 0.1 M to 0.2 M resulted in a decrease of S0.5 for 2-oxoglutarate, and in an increase of S0.5 for NAD. Changes in ionic strength over the range of 0.05-0.2 M have little, if any, effect on S0.5 for CoA. The Hill coefficient for 2-oxoglutarate and NAD at 0.2 M ionic strength was 1.0, whereas at 0.05 M ionic strength it was 0.85 and 1.2 for 2-oxoglutarate and NAD, respectively. At 0.05 M ionic strength the pH optimum of the enzyme ranges between 7.4-7.6, but at 0.15 M ionic strength the pH optimum shifts to 7.8. The magnitude of inhibition of enzyme activity by ATP is not influenced by changes in ionic strength in the absence of calcium. However, in the presence of Ca2+, increases in ionic strength lower the inhibitory effects of ATP. The Si0.5 for ATP in both presence and absence of Ca2+ was not affected by changes in ionic strength in the range of 0.1-0.2 M. In contrast, the Sa0.5 for ADP in the absence of Ca2+ decreases as ionic strength increases. In the presence of calcium and 0.2 M ionic strength ADP has no effect on 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex activity.  相似文献   

Using highly sensitive and quantitative radioimmunoassay procedures we have measured the effects of different concentrations of three commonly used detergents, SDS, DOC, and Triton X-100, on antibody-antigen reactions. Triton X-100, had a relatively mild effect on primary antigen-antibody bindings, the precipitin reaction, and a double antibody RIA as evidenced by only an 8 to 10% inhibition of binding or precipitation. These results were not detergent concentration dependent, as Triton concentrations ranging from 5 to 0.1% had virtually no differential effects. Sodium deoxycholate (DOC) had a more profound effect on both primary antigen-antibody binding and the precipitin reaction than did Triton X-100, and its effects, unlike those of Triton X-100, were concentration dependent. There was a direct relationship between concentration of DOC and degree of inhibition of both primary binding and immune precepitation especially in antigen excess. Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), at concentrations 10- to 100-fold less than either Triton X-100 or DOC, had profound inhibitory effects on primary antigen-antibody binding, the precipitin reaction, and a double antibody radioimmunoassay. Generally, at concentrations greater that 0.01% SDS, almost all immunochemical reactivity is destroyed.  相似文献   

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