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Abstract The interaction between red kangaroos and sheep in the more arid areas of Australia was examined by means of a large-scale manipulative experiment. The diets of red kangaroos and sheep grazing together and separately in large paddocks were studied to assess whether competition for food might influence diet selection in these species. Diets and the amount of intra- and interspecific dietary overlap varied in accordance with pasture conditions. At pasture biomasses ranging from 50 to 200 g m?2 (dry weight [wt]), the diets of red kangaroos and sheep overlapped by 58–73%, with forbs and grasses being the major items in the diets of both species. The diets of both sheep and red kangaroos under different experimental regimes were similar. In dry times (pasture biomass 40–50 g m?2 (dry wt) more shrubs were eaten by both species and the amount of dietary overlap tended to be lower (52–66%). The diets of kangaroos were similar between paddocks. However, in paddocks containing both species sheep consumed proportionately more chenopodaceous shrubs and fewer grasses than those in ‘kangaroo-free’ paddocks.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that lion (Panthera leo) populations in West Africa are small, isolated and fragmented. In Nigeria, lions have disappeared from unprotected areas and are nowadays found only in parks and reserves where these populations may still decline. It is therefore urgent to obtain reliable estimates of population sizes at different localities. Direct observational surveys may either fail to count all individuals or count some individuals repeatedly and are therefore associated with unknown levels of estimation errors. More accurate estimates can be obtained if direct counting is combined with DNA‐based individual identification. As lions are difficult to identify individually, presented here is a method that can be a valuable addition to the existing census methods.  相似文献   

The US Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) Red Wolf Recovery Program recognizes hybridization with coyotes as the primary threat to red wolf recovery. Efforts to curb or stop hybridization are hampered in two ways. First, hybrid individuals are difficult to identify based solely on morphology. Second, managers need to effectively search 6000 km(2) for the presence of coyotes and hybrids. We develop a noninvasive method to screen large geographical areas for coyotes and hybrids with maternal coyote ancestry by combining mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of faeces (scat) and geographic information system (GIS) technology. This method was implemented on the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge (1000 km(2)) in northeastern North Carolina. A total of 956 scats were collected in the spring of 2000 and 2001 and global positioning system (GPS) coordinates were recorded. Seventy-five percent of the scats were assigned to species and five coyote/hybrid scats were detected. Placement of scat location coordinates on a map of the experimental population area revealed that four of the coyote/hybrid scats were detected within the home ranges of sterilized hybrids. The other coyote/hybrid scat indicated the presence of a previously unknown individual. We suggest this method be expanded to include more of the experimental population area and be optimized for use with nuclear markers to improve detection of hybrid and back-crossed individuals.  相似文献   

Relatively few large-scale faecal DNA studieshave been initiated due to difficulties inamplifying low quality and quantity DNAtemplate. To improve brown bear faecal DNA PCRamplification success rates and to determinepost collection sample longevity, fivepreservation methods were evaluated: 90%ethanol, DETs buffer, silica-dried, oven-driedstored at room temperature, and oven-driedstored at –20 °C. Preservationeffectiveness was evaluated for 50 faecalsamples by PCR amplification of a mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) locus (146 bp) and a nuclear DNA(nDNA) locus (200 bp) at time points of oneweek, one month, three months and six months. Preservation method and storage timesignificantly impacted mtDNA and nDNAamplification success rates. For mtDNA, allpreservation methods had 75% success atone week, but storage time had a significantimpact on the effectiveness of the silicapreservation method. Ethanol preserved sampleshad the highest success rates for both mtDNA(86.5%) and nDNA (84%). Nuclear DNAamplification success rates ranged from 26–88%, and storage time had a significant impacton all methods but ethanol. Preservationmethod and storage time should be importantconsiderations for researchers planningprojects utilizing faecal DNA. We recommendpreservation of faecal samples in 90% ethanolwhen feasible, although when collecting inremote field conditions or for both DNA andhormone assays a dry collection method may beadvantageous.  相似文献   

Genetic data obtained using faecal DNA were used to elucidate the population structure of four brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) colonies located in Wollemi National Park, New South Wales. The results suggested that the four sampled colonies are genetically differentiated and do not form a panmictic unit. Based on assignment tests, approximately 5% of sampled individuals were inferred to be dispersers and both male and female migrants were detected. Multilocus spatial autocorrelation analyses provided evidence for increased philopatry among females compared to males within the largest colony in the valley. Females in close spatial proximity were more genetically similar than expected under a random distribution of females, and females separated by more than 400 m were less genetically similar than expected. In contrast, there was no evidence of a significant clustering of related males. This suggests that within-colony dispersal is male biased. We also investigated the best strategies for conserving genetic diversity in this population. All of the four sampled colonies were found to contain distinct components of the genetic diversity of the Wolgan Valley P. penicillata population and loss of any colony is likely to result in the loss of unique alleles. Conservation and management plans should take into account that these colonies represent genetically differentiated discrete subpopulations. This approach is also the best strategy for maintaining the genetic diversity of the populations in this valley.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Myoporum platycarpum R. Br. (Myoporaceae) is widely distributed through semi‐arid New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria, where it occurs as an upper‐storey dominant or co‐dominant tree over chenopod shrublands. Previous studies have concluded that the seedlings and juveniles of many shrubs and trees, including M. platycarpum, are selectively grazed by sheep and rabbits, which threatens their long‐term survival in rangelands. The aim of this study was to assess the survivorship of M. platycarpum seedlings grazed by sheep and rabbits in a rangeland setting. Seedlings of M. platycarpum were raised in the greenhouse and planted in the field and individually fenced to allow or prevent access by various herbivores. Over 1 year, the frequency of grazing and size of canopy was recorded. A flexible mixed model incorporating cubic smoothing splines was used to describe the relationship between change in canopy volume over time, fixed effects (exclosure type, time, rainfall and egesta weights) and random variability among plants, replicates and sites. The mixed models showed that there were no significant differences in canopy volume over time between sheep and rabbit‐proof exclosures, indicating that rabbits were not significantly affecting the seedlings, browsing only five of those available to them, of which three survived. Large herbivores (sheep and/or kangaroos) grazed un‐caged seedlings, resulting in significantly smaller canopy volumes, and higher death rates (80%). Although supplementary irrigation was applied, background losses due to desiccation in caged seedlings were up to 50%.  相似文献   

The pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) is a small lagomorph of the western United States that specializes in sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitat. Intensive habitat loss and modification have increased the vulnerability of pygmy rabbit populations, but the current geographic distribution and population status remain unclear. To aid in detection and population monitoring, we developed a species identification test that uses mitochondrial DNA species-specific primers to distinguish among six sympatric lagomorph species using DNA isolated from faecal pellets. Applying this test, we successfully identified the species of origin for all pellet samples that produced a positive PCR result (77% of 283 pellets collected). Pellets collected during the winter (December-February) had higher PCR success rate (93%) than pellets collected at other times of the year (72%). This test, using non-invasive genetic sampling of faecal pellets, provides an efficient method for assessing site occupancy and distribution of pygmy rabbits and other lagomorphs across large geographic areas.  相似文献   

Aims:  The potential use of bifidobacteria as indicators for faecal contamination was studied along a sheep meat production and processing chain. The levels of bifidobacteria were compared with those of Escherichia coli . Total viable counts were followed along the chain (244 samples).
Methods and Results:  Forty-three per cent of the samples contained bifidobacteria, of which 15% were solely detected using a PCR method based on the hsp60 gene and not by a culture-based method. Bifidobacteria were detected in only three of nine sheep faeces samples using one or the other method. However, carcasses (types C and E) were highly contaminated. These sample types (30% and 28%, respectively) were positive for bifidobacteria and negative for E. coli . The species Bifidobacterium pseudolongum and Bif. thermophilum , isolated from faecal samples, were predominant. Bifidobacterium choerinum were found in C, D, E and F sample types.
Conclusions:  Bifidobacteria were shown more efficient than E. coli in carcasses samples. The presence of Bif. choerinum suggested a faecal pork contamination.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Detection and identification of bifidobacteria, in correlation with E. coli counting, should improve hygiene quality of mutton processing chains.  相似文献   

We describe a method to determine the species of pinniped from faeces collected from sympatric Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) and northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) rookeries using newly developed species-specific primers that amplify a 667-669-base pair segment from the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome B (cytB) gene region. The primers yielded the correct species in 100% of tissue samples from 10 known animals and 100% of faecal samples from 13 known animals. Species could be identified unequivocally for 87.7% of faecal samples from 122 unknown individuals. The ability to differentiate between scats of sympatrically breeding Steller sea lions and northern fur seals will contribute to the range-wide knowledge of the foraging strategies of both species as well as allow researchers to examine the niche partitioning and potential resource competition between the two predators.  相似文献   

The brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) is an endangered species in southeastern Australia and many of the remaining populations are declining. The steep rocky habitat and shy nature of the species make it difficult to obtain data on population parameters such as abundance and recruitment. Faecal pellet counts from scat plots are commonly used to monitor population trends but these are imprecise and difficult to relate to absolute population size. We conducted a noninvasive genetic sampling 'mark-recapture' study over a 2-year period to identify individuals from faecal DNA samples and estimate the population size of four brush-tailed rock-wallaby colonies located in Wollemi National Park, New South Wales. Scat plots in rock-wallaby colonies were used as sample collection points for this study. Two separate population estimates were carried out for three of the colonies to determine if we could detect recruitment and changes in population size. We determined that there was one large colony of an estimated 67 individuals (95% confidence interval: 55-91) and three smaller colonies. Monitoring of the smaller colonies also detected possible population size increases in all three. Our results indicate that faecal DNA analysis may be a promising method for estimating and monitoring population trends in this species particularly when used with a traditional field survey method.  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of diet on faecal DNA amplification, 11 captive brown bears (Ursus arctos) were placed on six restricted diets: grass (Trifolium spp., Haplopappus hirtus and Poa pratensis), alfalfa (Lupinus spp.), carrots (Daucus spp.), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) and salmon (Salmo spp.). DNA was extracted from 50 faecal samples of each restricted diet, and amplification of brown bear DNA was attempted for a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) locus and nuclear DNA (nDNA) locus. For mtDNA, no significant differences were observed in amplification success rates across diets. For nDNA, amplification success rates for salmon diet extracts were significantly lower than all other diet extracts (P < 0.001). To evaluate the accuracy of faecal DNA sex identification when female carnivores consume male mammalian prey, female bears were fed male white-tailed deer. Four of 10 extracts amplified, and all extracts were incorrectly scored as male due to amplification of X and Y-chromosome fragments. The potential biases highlighted in this study have broad implications for researchers using faecal DNA for individual and sex identification, and should be evaluated in other species.  相似文献   

Twelve microsatellite loci were characterized in California mountain lions (Puma concolor) and sufficient polymorphism was found to uniquely genotype 62 animals sampled at necropsy. Microsatellite genotypes obtained using mountain lion faecal DNA matched those from muscle for all of 15 individuals examined. DNA from potential prey species and animals whose faeces could be misidentified as mountain lion faeces were reliably distinguished from mountain lions using this microsatellite panel. In a field application of this technique, 32 faecal samples were collected from hiking trails in the Yosemite Valley region where seven mountain lions previously had been captured, sampled, and released. Twelve samples yielded characteristic mountain lion genotypes, three displayed bobcat-type genotypes, and 17 did not amplify. The genotype of one of the 12 mountain lion faecal samples was identical to one of the mountain lions that previously had been captured. Three of the 12 faecal samples yielded identical genotypes, and eight new genotypes were detected in the remaining samples. This analysis provided a minimum estimate of 16 mountain lions (seven identified by capture and nine identified by faecal DNA) living in or travelling through Yosemite Valley from March 1997 to August 1998. Match probabilities (probabilities that identical DNA genotypes would be drawn at random a second time from the population) indicated that the samples with identical genotypes probably came from the same mountain lion. Our results demonstrate that faecal DNA analysis is an effective method for detecting and identifying individual mountain lions.  相似文献   

Deposition of faeces by black swans (Cygnus atratus Latham) feeding on benthic algae in a shallow New Zealand lake was determined by collection of faeces from the lake bottom and from the shore. The two methods showed good agreement after adjustment for the weight loss on immersion. The mean daily faecal output per swan was 52 g dry weight. The nitrogen content of the faeces averaged 2.3% of dry weight, and was dominated by soluble organic nitrogen (59% of total N). Phosphorus averaged 0.44% of dry weight, with 66% of it being particulate, and 30% soluble reactive phosphorus. Although faecal inputs of total phosphorus were sufficient to generate concentrations of 15–30 mg m–3, the faecal contributions of both N and P were only a minor component of the fluctuations observed in the lake, and were also small in relation to the total nutrient pool in the water and benthic algae. Waterfowl faeces appear to have low ratios of N to P, which will favour dominance of the phytoplankton by cyanobacteria in lakes where the faecal component of nutrient loads is large. The few data available suggest that the nitrogen content of waterfowl faeces is largely independent of that in their food. Food consumption, calculated by using cellulose as an indigestible faecal marker, was 104 g dry weight swan–1 d–1, a figure that appears low in relation to those for other swan species. Even the highest published figure for food intake by a swan is only about one half of the corresponding average metabolically-adjusted figures for geese, and we caution against the uncritical use of bioenergetic models for determining rates of food consumption and defaecation.  相似文献   

Techniques for application of faecal DNA methods to field studies of Ursids   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
We describe methods for the preservation, extraction and amplification of DNA from faeces that facilitate field applications of faecal DNA technology. Mitochondrial, protein encoding and microsatellite nuclear DNA extracted and amplified from faeces of Malayan sun bears and North American black bears is shown to be identical to that extracted and amplified from the same individual's tissue or blood. A simple drying agent, silica beads, is shown to be a particularly effective preservative, allowing easy and safe transport of samples from the field. Methods are also developed to eliminate the risk of faecal DNA contamination from hair present in faeces.  相似文献   

AIMS: The microbiota of the human intestinal tract constitutes a complex ecosystem. We report the design and optimization of an extensive set of 16S rDNA-targeted species- and group-specific primers for more accurate quantification of bacteria from faecal samples with real-time PCR. METHODS AND RESULTS: A linear range of quantification between 0.1-10 pg and 10 ng of specific target genome was obtained, which corresponds to detection of ca 30-4500 to 1.9 x 10(6)-6.0 x 10(6) target bacterial genomes. Functionality of the assays was confirmed by quantification of target bacterial DNA from faecal DNA preparations of healthy volunteers and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients. Additionally, spiking of faecal preparations with Helicobacter pylori, Clostridium difficile or Campylobacter jejuni was used to confirm the accurate and sensitive quantification. CONCLUSIONS: Real-time PCR is a very sensitive and precise technique for an extensive quantitative evaluation of gut microbiota and is feasible for detection of human pathogens from faecal samples. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: To design and optimize an extensive set of real-time PCR assays targeting a large group of predominant and pathogenic GI microbial species for further use in updating the current knowledge of the putative role of gut microbiota in health and disease.  相似文献   

Noninvasive methods using genetic markers have been suggested as ways to overcome difficulties associated with documenting the presence of elusive species. We present and assess a novel, reliable and effective molecular genetic technique for the unequivocal genetic identification of faeces from the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). From mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b and D-loop region sequences, we designed four species-specific primers (for products 130-161 bp long) that were considered to be likely to amplify degraded DNA. We compared two DNA extraction methods, various DNA amplification conditions and the robustness and specificity of the primer pairs with 87 lynx samples from 5 potentially different lynx populations and with 328 samples of other carnivore species. The utility of the identification technique was tested with faeces of different ages, with faeces from controlled field experiments, and with faeces collected from locales with possible lynx populations from throughout the state of Andalusia, Spain (8052 km2). Faecal mtDNA extraction was more efficient using PBS wash of the faeces instead of a faeces homogenate. Our assay increased from 92.6 to 99% efficiency with a second amplification and a reduction in template concentration to overcome polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibition. Our assay never produced false positives, and correctly identified all lynx faeces. Of 252 faeces samples of unknown species collected throughout Andalusia, 26.6% (from three different areas) were classified as Iberian lynx, 1.4% showed evidence of PCR inhibition and 1.2% were of uncertain origin. This method has proven to be a reliable technique that can be incorporated into large-scale surveys of Iberian lynx populations and exemplifies an approach that can easily be extended to other species.  相似文献   

The potential of a DNA content assay, PicoGreen, for use in 3D bioengineered constructs was examined. The assay was tested on ATDC5 cells in situ during culture in typical tissue engineering 3D constructs. Comparisons of cell standards from cell lines and primary cells to λDNA standards was also conducted. An effective working range of the assay within 3D constructs was shown up to 2.5 × 105 cells ml−1. From significant variation found in DNA content between cell lines and primary cells, it was concluded that the most accurate standard to use for the assay was from the cell type being examined.  相似文献   

Generalist insectivorous birds can provide ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes by consuming arthropod pests, or they can provide disservices when they consume beneficial arthropods. To examine bird impacts on arthropod communities, including pest control services, we need to know which arthropods birds commonly consume. Faecal metabarcoding is an emerging technique that can be used to identify prey from faecal samples, often to the species level. We used faecal metabarcoding to study diets of birds inhabiting the ecotone between soybean fields and adjacent grasslands in a largely agricultural landscape in Illinois, USA, during the summer of 2017. Whereas previous studies have used faecal metabarcoding to compare bird diets among species or among capture sites, we analysed samples from multiple species within a community at replicate sites. We collected and sequenced DNA from 132 faecal samples from 25 bird species captured at six sites. We found that birds consumed an extremely large and varied diet that differed among both species and sites, suggesting that birds were consuming prey opportunistically as available at each site. Of the nine most commonly detected prey species, three are known pests of soybeans. Bird diets also contained significantly more species of herbivorous prey than natural enemies. Finally, we discovered that American Goldfinches Spinus tristis, a highly granivorous species, may consume arthropods more frequently than expected and thus may provide ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. Our study demonstrates that birds within this system consume a large variety of prey, suggesting that they may be able to respond quickly to pest outbreaks and contribute to agricultural resiliency.  相似文献   

Improvements to the sensitivity, speed, and reproducibility of digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled probes and chemiluminescent substrates makes these compounds increasingly popular to detect nucleic acids. High sensitivity and low background are essential in Southern blot analysis, particularly with plant DNA. This article describes a nonradioactive system to detect single-copy genes in transgenic plants. Labeling using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to produce highly sensitive and reusable DIG-labeled probes. The background was reduced by immobilizing the DNA onto nylon filters by alkaline transfer and by minimized gel handling; the signal-to-noise ratio was improved by modification of the detection procedure.  相似文献   

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