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The elements of many conodont taxa exhibit a polygonal surface micro-ornamentation. Four main types are recognized (striation, linear texture, regular (idiomorphic) texture and granular texture) and their distribution over the conodont elements of different morphology is considered. The intraspecific (ontogenetic and ecological) and interspecific (phylogenetic) causes of the reticulation texture variations are also considered.  相似文献   

Studies of plant protoplasts using both fluorescent dyes and electron dense probes have demonstrated endocytosis in plants. Ultrastructural work with soybean protoplasts using cationized ferritin (CF) revealed an endocytotic pathway from coated pits at the plasma membrane to coated vesicles, the partially coated reticulum, Golgi bodies, multivesicular bodies and finally the vacuole. Endocytosis may be responsible for membrane retrieval from the cell surface or degradation of elicitors or toxins during host-pathogen interactions. Immunofluorescence studies of dividing plant protoplasts have provided new information about the preprophase band (PPB) of microtubules and the shape of spindles. Studies of PPBs in soybean protoplast cultures permitted detailed examination of PPB development and an assessment of the usefulness of the PPB index for identifying morphogenic cultures. In multinucleate protoplasts the size and number of PPBs were apparently not controlled by nuclear number. Research with conifer protoplasts resulted in the discovery of new features of gymnosperm spindles.  相似文献   

To help students develop successful strategies for learning how to learn and communicate complex information in cell biology, we developed a quarter-long cell biology class based on team projects. Each team researches a particular human disease and presents information about the cellular structure or process affected by the disease, the cellular and molecular biology of the disease, and recent research focused on understanding the cellular mechanisms of the disease process. To support effective teamwork and to help students develop collaboration skills useful for their future careers, we provide training in working in small groups. A final poster presentation, held in a public forum, summarizes what students have learned throughout the quarter. Although student satisfaction with the course is similar to that of standard lecture-based classes, a project-based class offers unique benefits to both the student and the instructor.  相似文献   

Summary Lectins of different carbohydrate specificities (GNA (Galanthus nivalis), con A (Canavalia ensiformis), VFL (Vicia faba), PSL (Pisum sativum), LCA (Lens culinaris), PNA (Arachis hypogaea; with or without prior neuraminidase treatment), WGA (Triticum vulgare), SBA (Glycine max), UEA-I (Ulex europaeus), LPA (Limulus polyphemus), BS-I B4 (Bandeiraea simplicifolia, isolectin B4)) were explored for use as differentiation markers of rumen epithelial cellsin vivo andin vitro. Lectins specific for mannose (GNA), mannose/glucose (con A, VFL, PSL and LCA),N-acetylglucosamine (WGA) or forN-acetylneuraminic acid (LPA) reacted generally with all types of rumen epithelial cell from both rumen tissue and cell culture. They were, therefore, not suitable markers of epithelial differentiation. SBA was unsuitable because, although it reacted with both tissue and cultured rumen epithelial cells, it was also bound to non-stratified areas of primary rumen epithelial cell cultures. Both BS-I B4 and PNA (after neuraminidase treatment) had to be ruled out because they did not react with differentiated rumen tissue epithelial cells, although they did bind to both stratified and non-stratified cultured cells. In contrast, UEA-I reacted strongly with differentiated rumen epithelial cells both from rumen tissue and cell cultures and therefore appears to be a good general marker for rumen epithelial cell differentiation.  相似文献   

An experimental vaccine for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) composed of a live, attenuated Salmonella vector-expressing enterotoxigenic E. coli fimbriae, colonization factor Ag I (CFA/I), stimulated a biphasic Th cell response when given orally and suppressed the normally produced proinflammatory response. Such suppression was also evident upon the Salmonella-CFA/I infection of macrophages resulting in diminished TNF-alpha, IL-1, and IL-6 production and suggesting that the CFA/I fimbrial expression by Salmonella may protect against a proinflammatory disease. To test this hypothesis, SJL/J mice were vaccinated with Salmonella-CFA/I construct 1 or 4 wk before induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis using an encephalitogenic proteolipid protein peptide, PLP(139-151). Mice receiving Salmonella-CFA/I vaccine recovered completely from mild acute clinical disease and showed only mild inflammatory infiltrates in the spinal cord white and gray matter. This protective effect was accompanied by a loss of encephalitogenic IFN-gamma-secreting Th cells and was replaced with an increase in IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13 secretion. Collectively, these data suggested that Salmonella-CFA/I is an anti-inflammatory vaccine that down-regulates proinflammatory cells and confers protection against a proinflammatory disease, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, via immune deviation.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes use of a novel substituted melanin which is useful in detection of differentiating leukemia cells and their membranes. Comparisons of luminol-(5-amino-2,3-dihydro-1,4-phthalazinedione) and diazoluminomelanin (DALM)-mediated chemiluminescence (CL) were made with various types of differentiated and undifferentiated HL-60 whole cells, cell lysates, and membrane fractions. Luminol had a greater CL response than DALM with HL-60 promyelocytic stem cells and differentiated macrophage-like or neutrophil-like whole cell and cell lysate preparations. However, DALM showed markedly greater CL than luminol for membrane fractions derived from each cell type. The greatest luminol-dependent CL was observed for cell types high in myeloperoxidase (MPO). The greatest DALM-mediated CL was seen with cell types that are high in MPO or strong producers of superoxide (O2-) anions. In some cases, significant differences in CL could also be distinguished on the basis of inducing agent used [i.e. dimethylsulfoxide, all-trans retinoic acid or 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate]. Both luminol- and DALM-dependent CL were strongly inhibited by preincubation of cellular preparations with 3-amino-l-tyrosine (a component of DALM). Taken together, these data suggest that the reaction mechanism of luminol favors interaction with cytoplasmic MPO whereas that of DALM favors membrane interactions. Thus, both reagents may be of use in assays to detect differentiating leukocytes or their cellular components.  相似文献   

The advent of genomics, proteomics, and microarray technology has brought much excitement to science, both in teaching and in learning. The public is eager to know about the processes of life. In the present context of the explosive growth of scientific information, a major challenge of modern cell biology is to popularize basic concepts of structures and functions of living cells, to introduce people to the scientific method, to stimulate inquiry, and to analyze and synthesize concepts and paradigms. In this essay we present our experience in mixing science and education in Brazil. For two decades we have developed activities for the science education of teachers and undergraduate students, using microscopy images generated by our work as cell biologists. We describe open-air outreach education activities, games, cell modeling, and other practical and innovative activities presented in public squares and favelas. Especially in developing countries, science education is important, since it may lead to an improvement in quality of life while advancing understanding of traditional scientific ideas. We show that teaching and research can be mutually beneficial rather than competing pursuits in advancing these goals.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that similar to other tissues in the human body mammary epithelia cells are being maintained by the unique properties of stem cells, undifferentiated as well as lineage-restricted progenitors. Because of their longevity, proliferation and differentiation potentials these primitive breast epithelial cells are likely targets of transforming mutations that can cause them to act as cancer initiating cells. In this context, understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate the normal functions of the human breast epithelial stem cells and progenitors and how alterations to these same mechanisms can confer a cancer stem cell phenotype on these rare cell populations is crucial to the development of new and more effective therapies again breast cancer. This review article will examine the current state of knowledge about the isolation and characterization of human breast epithelial progenitors and their relevance to breast cancer research.  相似文献   

Several methods may be used to assess stem cell competence, including the expression of cell surface markers and telomerase activity. We hypothesized that mitochondrial characteristics might be an additional and reliable way to verify stem cell competence. In a multipotent, adult monkey stromal stem cell line, previously shown to differentiate into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteocytes, we found that several mitochondrial properties change with increasing passage number in culture. Cells from the earliest passage (P11) versus those from a later passage (P17) are characterized by: (a) a much higher percentage of cells (85% vs. 18%) with a perinuclear arrangement of mitochondria; (b) a much lower percentage of cells (1% vs. 57%) with an aggregated mitochondrial arrangement, in which mitochondria appear to coalesce into large clumps; (c) a much lower percentage of cells with lipid droplets (1% vs. 36%), suggesting less differentiation into adipocytes; (d) a 5.6-fold lower ATP content per cell (0.45 vs. 2.51 pmoles ATP/cell; and (e) a 10-fold higher rate of oxygen consumption (37.8 vs. 3.8 nmoles O2/min/10(3) cells), indicating a higher metabolic activity. Collectively, these data indicate that the perinuclear arrangement of mitochondria, accompanied by a low ATP/cell content and a high rate of oxygen consumption, may be valid indicators of stem cell differentiation competence, while departures from this profile indicate that cells are differentiating or perhaps becoming senescent. These results represent the first characterization of mitochondrial properties reported for a primate stem cell line.  相似文献   

Cells from malignant and nonmalignant lesions of the breast were suspended in three different fixatives or in a balanced electrolyte solution (Hank's), stored for varying periods of time, collected on Millipore filters and then imprinted on to clean microslides in order to evaluate the influence of prefixation and fixation time on epithelial cellularity and cellular preservation. The use of a methanol-acetic acid fixative (Esposti's fixative) or 50% isopropanol resulted in good preservation whereas cells prefixed in formaldehyde or 100% isopropanol were poorly preserved. Cells that had not been prefixed (suspended in Hank's solution) showed fair preservation. Eighty-eight percent of the imprints prepared from suspensions of Esposti's fixative were highly cellular, which was significantly better than with Hank's solution (68%), 50% isopropanol (66%), 100% isopropanol (56%) and formaldehyde (33%). The cellularity of the formaldehyde-prefixed imprints differed significantly from the others. There was no influence of storage time on either cellular preservation or epithelial cellularity for any of the investigated solutions.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is an important constituent of cellular membranes playing a fundamental role in many biological processes. This sterol affects membrane permeability, lateral lipid organization, signal transduction and membrane trafficking. Intracellular sterol transport modes and pathways as well as the regulation of sterol metabolism and disposition in various tissues are areas of intense research. Progress is intimately linked to development and use of appropriate analogs, which closely mimic the properties of cholesterol while allowing to be detected by spectroscopic or microscopic methods. This review provides an overview of various fluorescent sterols used in membrane biophysics and cell biology including analogs of cholesterol and cholesteryl esters. Attention is paid to the natural fluorescent sterol dehydroergosterol (DHE). A survey of the many applications of DHE in biological research is presented. Special emphasis is on recent developments in fluorescence microscopy instrumentation to visualize DHE as an intrinsically fluorescent analog of cholesterol in living cells.  相似文献   

Firefly luciferase as a tool in molecular and cell biology   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The unique properties of firefly luciferase and the cloning of the gene for this enzyme have spawned a number of novel applications of this protein. We summarize a few of these applications including its use as a reporter gene, as a model for the study of protein import into peroxisomes, and as a component of a heterologous gene expression system.  相似文献   

The cell biology of the early processes of mammalian embryogenesis, such as germ-layer formation, has been technically challenging to study owing to the size and accessibility of mammalian embryos. Embryonic stem cells, which can generate the three germ layers in vitro, are useful for studying embryogenesis at the cellular level. So, how can the study of embryonic stem cells and their differentiation provide a deeper understanding of the cell biology of early development?  相似文献   

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