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Cell-free expression techniques have emerged as promising tools for the production of membrane proteins for structural and functional analysis. Elimination of toxic effects and a variety of options to stabilize the synthesized proteins enable the synthesis of otherwise difficult to obtain proteins. Modifications in the reaction design result in preparative scale production rates of cell-free reactions and yield in milligram amounts of membrane proteins per one millilitre of reaction volume. A diverse selection of detergents can be supplied into the reaction system without inhibitory effects to the translation machinery. This offers the unique opportunity to produce a membrane protein directly into micelles of a detergent of choice. We present detailed protocols for the cell-free production of membrane proteins in different modes and we summarize the current knowledge of this technique. A special emphasize will be on the production of soluble and functionally folded membrane proteins in presence of suitable detergents. In addition, we will highlight the advantages of cell-free expression for the structural analysis of membrane proteins especially by liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and we will discuss new strategies for structural approaches.  相似文献   

Different overexpression systems are widely used in the laboratory to produce proteins in a reasonable amount for functional and structural studies. However, to optimize these systems without modifying the cellular functions of the living organism remains a challenging task. Cell-free expression systems have become a convenient method for the high-throughput expression of recombinant proteins, and great effort has been focused on generating high yields of proteins. Furthermore, these systems represent an attractive alternative for producing difficult-to-express proteins, such as membrane proteins. In this review, we highlight the recent improvements of these cell-free expression systems and their direct applications in the fields of membrane proteins production, protein therapy and modern proteomics.  相似文献   

Schwarz D  Dötsch V  Bernhard F 《Proteomics》2008,8(19):3933-3946
Production of membrane proteins (MPs) is a challenging task as their hydrophobic nature and their specific requirements in cellular expression systems frequently prevent an efficient synthesis. Cell-free (CF) expression systems have been developed in recent times as promising tools by offering completely new approaches to synthesize MPs directly into artificial hydrophobic environments. A considerable variety of CF produced MPs has been characterized by functional and structural approaches and the high success rates and the rapidly accumulating data on quality and expression efficiencies increasingly attract attention. In addition, CF expression is a highly dynamic and versatile technique and new modifications for improved performance as well as for extended applications for the labeling, throughput expression and proteomic analysis of MPs are rapidly emerging.  相似文献   

MraY translocase catalyzes the first committed membrane-bound step of bacterial peptidoglycan synthesis leading to the formation of lipid I. The essential membrane protein therefore has a high potential as target for drug screening approaches to develop antibiotics against gram-positive as well as gram-negative bacteria. However, the production of large integral membrane proteins in conventional cellular expression systems is still very challenging. Cell-free expression technologies have been optimized in recent times for the production of membrane proteins in the presence of detergents (D-CF), lipids (L-CF), or as precipitates (P-CF). We report the development of preparative scale production protocols for the MraY homologues of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis in all three cell-free expression modes followed by their subsequent quality evaluation. Although both proteins can be cell-free produced at comparable high levels, their requirements for optimal expression conditions differ markedly. B. subtilus MraY was stably folded in all three expression modes and showed highest translocase activities after P-CF production followed by defined treatment with detergents. In contrast, the E. coli MraY appears to be unstable after post- or cotranslational solubilization in detergent micelles. Expression kinetics and reducing conditions were identified as optimization parameters for the quality improvement of E. coli MraY. Most remarkably, in contrast to B. subtilis MraY the E. coli MraY has to be stabilized by lipids and only the production in the L-CF mode in the presence of preformed liposomes resulted in stable and translocase active protein samples.  相似文献   

Kai L  Kaldenhoff R  Lian J  Zhu X  Dötsch V  Bernhard F  Cen P  Xu Z 《PloS one》2010,5(9):e12972
The continuous progress in the structural and functional characterization of aquaporins increasingly attracts attention to study their roles in certain mammalian diseases. Although several structures of aquaporins have already been solved by crystallization, the challenge of producing sufficient amounts of functional proteins still remains. CF (cell free) expression has emerged in recent times as a promising alternative option in order to synthesize large quantities of membrane proteins, and the focus of this report was to evaluate the potential of this technique for the production of eukaryotic aquaporins. We have selected the mouse aquaporin 4 as a representative of mammalian aquaporins. The protein was synthesized in an E. coli extract based cell-free system with two different expression modes, and the efficiencies of two modes were compared. In both, the P-CF (cell-free membrane protein expression as precipitate) mode generating initial aquaporin precipitates as well as in the D-CF (cell-free membrane protein expression in presence of detergent) mode, generating directly detergent solubilized samples, we were able to obtain mg amounts of protein per ml of cell-free reaction. Purified aquaporin samples solubilized in different detergents were reconstituted into liposomes, and analyzed for the water channel activity. The calculated P(f) value of proteoliposome samples isolated from the D-CF mode was 133 μm/s at 10°C, which was 5 times higher as that of the control. A reversible inhibitory effect of mercury chloride was observed, which is consistent with previous observations of in vitro reconstituted aquaporin 4. In this study, a fast and convenient protocol was established for functional expression of aquaporins, which could serve as basis for further applications such as water filtration.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) is an established method for rapid recombinant protein production. Advantages like short synthesis times and an open reaction environment make CFPS a desirable platform for new and difficult-to-express products. Most recently, interest has grown in using the technology to make larger amounts of material. This has been driven through a variety of reasons from making site specific antibody drug conjugates, to emergency response, to the safe manufacture of toxic biological products. We therefore need robust methods to determine the appropriate reaction conditions for product expression in CFPS. Here we propose a process development strategy for Escherichia coli lysate-based CFPS reactions that can be completed in as little as 48 hr. We observed the most dramatic increases in titer were due to the E. coli strain for the cell extract. Therefore, we recommend identifying a high-producing cell extract for the product of interest as a first step. Next, we manipulated the plasmid concentration, amount of extract, temperature, concentrated reaction mix pH levels, and length of reaction. The influence of these process parameters on titer was evaluated through multivariate data analysis. The process parameters with the highest impact on titer were subsequently included in a design of experiments to determine the conditions that increased titer the most in the design space. This proposed process development strategy resulted in superfolder green fluorescent protein titers of 0.686 g/L, a 38% improvement on the standard operating conditions, and hepatitis B core antigen titers of 0.386 g/L, a 190% improvement.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(2):217-222
Escherichia coli-based cell-free protein synthesis is a powerful emerging tool for protein engineering due to the open, accessible nature of the reaction and its straightforward, economical potential for many diverse applications. One critical limitation of this system is the inability to express some complex, eukaryotic, and/or unnatural proteins at high expression yields. A potential solution is a synthetic-biology-like approach where cell-free reactions are supplemented by expressing the required supplemental components in the E. coli cells during the fermentation, which cells are used to prepare the extract for cell-free protein synthesis. Here we report adjustments to the fermentation conditions that increase yields of complex proteins upwards of 150% over standard conditions. We consider extracts containing GroEL/ES protein folding chaperones and extracts containing orthogonal tRNA/tRNA synthetase pairs for noncanonical amino acid incorporation. In contrast to standard cell-free synthesis, delaying the harvest of supplemented fermentations lead to increased and more consistent yields of proteins that required supplemental components. Protein yields enhanced by buffering the fermentation media pH lead to an average 52% decrease in yield cost, while costs for cases unchanged or negatively affected by buffering increased an average 14%. An apparent balance is required between the supplemental components and general extract protein profile.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of a bacterial light-harvesting (LH) integral membrane protein was attempted using Escherichia coli cells and cell-free synthesis systems prepared from E. coli extracts. The alpha-apoprotein of LH1 complex from purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum was overexpressed as a recombinant protein with a histidine (His6) tag added to the carboxyl terminus. Both of the expression systems produced alpha-apoprotein in a fully functional form as can judged by its ability to form a structural subunit with native beta-apoprotein and the pigment molecule bacteriochlorophyll a. The expression product in E. coli appears to be located in the inner cell membrane and can be almost completely extracted by 0.5% (w/v) Triton X-100. Circular dichroism measurement indicated that the expressed alpha-apoproteins from both systems had alpha-helical contents essentially identical with that of the native one. About two thirds of the alpha-apoprotein expressed in E. coli was found to have the amino terminal methionine residue modified by a formyl group. About one third of the alpha-apoprotein expressed in the cell-free system was found to be oxidized at the side chain of the amino terminal methionine residue. Functional expression of the alpha-apoprotein using the cell-free system provides an useful example for producing highly hydrophobic integral membrane proteins with relatively large quantities sufficient for biophysical and structural analysis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli-based cell extract is a vital component of inexpensive and high-yielding cell-free protein synthesis reactions. However, effective preparation of E. coli cell extract is limited to high-pressure (French press-style or impinge-style) or bead mill homogenizers, which all require a significant capital investment. Here we report the viability of E. coli cell extract prepared using equipment that is both common to biotechnology laboratories and able to process small volume samples. Specifically, we assessed the low-capital-cost lysis techniques of: (i) sonication, (ii) bead vortex mixing, (iii) freeze-thaw cycling, and (iv) lysozyme incubation to prepare E. coli cell extract for cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS). We also used simple shake flask fermentations with a commercially available E. coli strain. In addition, RNA polymerase was overexpressed in the E. coli cells prior to lysis, thus eliminating the need to add independently purified RNA polymerase to the CFPS reaction. As a result, high-yielding E. coli-based extract was prepared using equipment requiring a reduced capital investment and common to biotechnology laboratories. To our knowledge, this is the first successful prokaryote-based CFPS reaction to be carried out with extract prepared by sonication or bead vortex mixing.  相似文献   

Cell-free expression has become a highly promising tool for the fast and efficient production of integral membrane proteins. The proteins can be produced as precipitates that solubilize in mild detergents usually without any prior denaturation steps. Alternatively, membrane proteins can be synthesized in a soluble form by adding detergents to the cell-free system. However, the effects of a representative variety of detergents on the production, solubility and activity of a wider range of membrane proteins upon cell-free expression are currently unknown. We therefore analyzed the cell-free expression of three structurally very different membrane proteins, namely the bacterial alpha-helical multidrug transporter, EmrE, the beta-barrel nucleoside transporter, Tsx, and the porcine vasopressin receptor of the eukaryotic superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors. All three membrane proteins could be produced in amounts of several mg per one ml of reaction mixture. In general, the detergent 1-myristoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] was found to be most effective for the resolubilization of membrane protein precipitates, while long chain polyoxyethylene-alkyl-ethers proved to be most suitable for the soluble expression of all three types of membrane proteins. The yield of soluble expressed membrane protein remained relatively stable above a certain threshold concentration of the detergents. We report, for the first time, the high-level cell-free expression of a beta-barrel type membrane protein in a functional form. Structural and functional variations of the analyzed membrane proteins are evident that correspond with the mode of expression and that depend on the supplied detergent.  相似文献   



The growing field of proteomics and systems biology is resulting in an ever increasing demand for purified recombinant proteins for structural and functional studies. Here, we show a systematic approach to successfully express a full-length protein of interest by using cell-free and cell-based expression systems.  相似文献   

Sixty-three proteins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the size range of 18-159 kDa were tested for expression in a bacterial cell-free system. Fifty-one of the 63 proteins could be expressed and partially purified under denaturing conditions. Most of the expressed proteins showed yields greater than 500 ng after a single affinity purification step from 50 microl in vitro protein synthesis reactions. The in vitro protein expression plus purification in a 96-well format and analysis of the proteins by SDS-PAGE were performed by one person in 4 h. A comparison of in vitro and in vivo expression suggests that despite lower yields and less pure protein preparations, bacterial in vitro protein expression coupled with single-step affinity purification offers a rapid, efficient alternative for the high-throughput screening of clones for protein expression and solubility.  相似文献   

We report a cell-free approach for expressing and inserting integral membrane proteins into water-soluble particles composed of discoidal apolipoprotein-lipid bilayers. Proteins are inserted into the particles, circumventing the need of extracting and reconstituting the product into membrane vesicles. Moreover, the planar nature of the membrane support makes the protein freely accessible from both sides of the lipid bilayer. Complexes are successfully purified by means of the apoplipoprotein component or by the carrier protein. The method significantly enhances the solubility of a variety of membrane proteins with different functional roles and topologies. Analytical assays for a subset of model membrane proteins indicate that proteins are correctly folded and active. The approach provides a platform amenable to high-throughput structural and functional characterization of a variety of traditionally intractable drug targets.  相似文献   

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