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Trypanosome RNA editing utilizes a seven polypeptide complex that includes two RNA ligases, band IV and band V. We now find that band IV protein contributes to the structural stability of the editing complex, so its lethal genetic knock-out could reflect structural or catalytic requirements. To assess the catalytic role in editing, we generated cell lines which inducibly replaced band IV protein with an enzymatically inactive but structurally conserved version. This induction halts cell growth, showing that catalytic activity is essential. These induced cells have impaired in vivo editing, specifically of RNAs requiring uridylate (U) deletion; unligated RNAs cleaved at U-deletion sites accumulated. Additionally, mitochondrial extracts of cells with reduced band IV activity were deficient in catalyzing U-deletion, specifically at its ligation step, but were not deficient in U-insertion. Thus band IV ligase is needed to seal RNAs in U-deletion. U-insertion does not appear to require band IV, so it might use the other ligase of the editing complex. Furthermore, band IV ligase was also found to serve an RNA repair function, both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

RNA editing in kinetoplastid mitochondria occurs by a series of enzymatic steps that is catalyzed by a macromolecular complex. Four novel proteins and their corresponding genes were identified by mass spectrometric analysis of purified editing complexes from Trypanosoma brucei. These four proteins, TbMP81, TbMP63, TbMP42, and TbMP18, contain conserved sequences to various degrees. All four proteins have sequence similarity in the C terminus; TbMP18 has considerable sequence similarity to the C-terminal region of TbMP42, and TbMP81, TbMP63, and TbMP42 contain zinc finger motif(s). Monoclonal antibodies that are specific for TbMP63 and TbMP42 immunoprecipitate in vitro RNA editing activities. The proteins are present in the immunoprecipitates and sediment at 20S along with the in vitro editing, and RNA editing ligases TbMP52 and TbMP48. Recombinant TbMP63 and TbMP52 coimmunoprecipitate. These results indicate that these four proteins are components of the RNA editing complex and that TbMP63 and TbMP52 can interact.  相似文献   

Most mitochondrial mRNAs are edited in Trypano soma brucei by a series of steps that are catalyzed by a multienzyme complex that is in its initial stages of characterization. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated repression of the expression of TbMP81, a zinc finger protein component of the complex, inhibited growth of bloodstream and insect forms, and blocked in vivo RNA editing. This repression preferentially inhibited insertion editing compared with deletion editing in vitro. It resulted in reduced specific endoribonucleolytic cleavage and a greater reduction of U addition and associated RNA ligation activities than U removal and associated RNA ligation activities. The repressed cells retained 20S editing complexes with several demonstrable proteins and adenylatable TbMP52 RNA ligase, but adenlyatable TbMP48 was not detected. Elimination of TbMP48 by RNAi repression did not inhibit cell growth or in vivo editing in either bloodstream or procyclic forms. These results indicate that TbMP81 is required for RNA editing and suggest that the editing complex is functionally partitioned.  相似文献   

In trypanosome RNA editing, uridylate (U) residues are inserted and deleted at numerous sites within mitochondrial pre-mRNAs by an approximately 20S protein complex that catalyzes cycles of cleavage, U addition/U removal, and ligation. We used RNA interference to deplete TbMP18 (band VII), the last unexamined major protein of our purified editing complex, showing it is essential. TbMP18 is critical for the U-deletional and U-insertional cleavages and for integrity of the approximately 20S editing complex, whose other major components, TbMP99, TbMP81, TbMP63, TbMP52, TbMP48, TbMP42 (bands I through VI), and TbMP57, instead sediment as approximately 10S associations. Additionally, TbMP18 augments editing substrate recognition by the TbMP57 terminal U transferase, possibly aiding the recognition component, TbMP81. The other editing activities and their coordination in precleaved editing remain active in the absence of TbMP18. These data are reminiscent of the data on editing subcomplexes reported by A. Schnaufer et al. (Mol. Cell 12:307-319, 2003) and suggest that these subcomplexes are held together in the approximately 20S complex by TbMP18, as was proposed previously. Our data additionally imply that the proteins are less long-lived in these subcomplexes than they are when held in the complete editing complex. The editing endonucleolytic cleavages being lost when the editing complex becomes fragmented, as upon TbMP18 depletion, should be advantageous to the trypanosome, minimizing broken mRNAs.  相似文献   

The Trypanosoma brucei editosome catalyzes the maturation of mitochondrial mRNAs through the insertion and deletion of uridylates and contains at least 16 stably associated proteins. We examined physical and functional associations among these proteins using three different approaches: purification of complexes via tagged editing ligases TbREL1 and TbREL2, comprehensive yeast two-hybrid analysis, and coimmunoprecipitation of recombinant proteins. A purified TbREL1 subcomplex catalyzed precleaved deletion editing in vitro, while a purified TbREL2 subcomplex catalyzed precleaved insertion editing in vitro. The TbREL1 subcomplex contained three to four proteins, including a putative exonuclease, and appeared to be coordinated by the zinc finger protein TbMP63. The TbREL2 subcomplex had a different composition, contained the TbMP57 terminal uridylyl transferase, and appeared to be coordinated by the TbMP81 zinc finger protein. This study provides insight into the molecular architecture of the editosome and supports the existence of separate subcomplexes for deletion and insertion editing.  相似文献   

RNA editing, catalyzed by the multiprotein editosome complex, is an essential step for the expression of most mitochondrial genes in trypanosomatid pathogens. It has been shown previously that Trypanosoma brucei RNA editing ligase 1 (TbREL1), a core catalytic component of the editosome, is essential in the mammalian life stage of these parasitic pathogens. Because of the availability of its crystal structure and absence from human, the adenylylation domain of TbREL1 has recently become the focus of several studies for designing inhibitors that target its adenylylation pocket. Here, we have studied new and existing inhibitors of TbREL1 to better understand their mechanism of action. We found that these compounds are moderate to weak inhibitors of adenylylation of TbREL1 and in fact enhance adenylylation at higher concentrations of protein. Nevertheless, they can efficiently block deadenylylation of TbREL1 in the editosome and, consequently, result in inhibition of the ligation step of RNA editing. Further experiments directly showed that the studied compounds inhibit the interaction of the editosome with substrate RNA. This was supported by the observation that not only the ligation activity of TbREL1 but also the activities of other editosome proteins such as endoribonuclease, terminal RNA uridylyltransferase, and uridylate-specific exoribonuclease, all of which require the interaction of the editosome with the substrate RNA, are efficiently inhibited by these compounds. In addition, we found that these compounds can interfere with the integrity and/or assembly of the editosome complex, opening the exciting possibility of using them to study the mechanism of assembly of the editosome components.  相似文献   

RNA editing ligase 1 (TbREL1) is required for the survival of both the insect and bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei, the parasite responsible for the devastating tropical disease African sleeping sickness. The type of RNA editing that TbREL1 is involved in is unique to the trypanosomes, and no close human homolog is known to exist. In addition, the high-resolution crystal structure revealed several unique features of the active site, making this enzyme a promising target for structure-based drug design. In this work, two 20 ns atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are employed to investigate the dynamics of TbREL1, both with and without the ATP substrate present. The flexibility of the active site, dynamics of conserved residues and crystallized water molecules, and the interactions between TbREL1 and the ATP substrate are investigated and discussed in the context of TbREL1's function. Differences in local and global motion upon ATP binding suggest that two peripheral loops, unique to the trypanosomes, may be involved in interdomain signaling events. Notably, a significant structural rearrangement of the enzyme's active site occurs during the apo simulations, opening an additional cavity adjacent to the ATP binding site that could be exploited in the development of effective inhibitors directed against this protozoan parasite. Finally, ensemble averaged electrostatics calculations over the MD simulations reveal a novel putative RNA binding site, a discovery that has previously eluded scientists. Ultimately, we use the insights gained through the MD simulations to make several predictions and recommendations, which we anticipate will help direct future experimental studies and structure-based drug discovery efforts against this vital enzyme.  相似文献   

RNA editing in kinetoplastid mitochondria inserts and deletes uridylates at multiple sites in pre-mRNAs as directed by guide RNAs. This occurs by a series of steps that are catalyzed by endoribonuclease, 3'-terminal uridylyl transferase, 3'-exouridylylase, and RNA ligase activities. A multiprotein complex that contains these activities and catalyzes deletion editing in vitro was enriched from Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria by sequential ion-exchange and gel filtration chromatography, followed by glycerol gradient sedimentation. The complex size is approximately 1,600 kDa, and the purified fraction contains 20 major polypeptides. A monoclonal antibody that was generated against the enriched complex reacts with an approximately 49-kDa protein and specifically immunoprecipitates in vitro deletion RNA editing activity. The protein recognized by the antibody was identified by mass spectrometry, and the corresponding gene, designated TbMP52, was cloned. Recombinant TbMP52 reacts with the monoclonal antibody. Another novel protein, TbMP48, which is similar to TbMP52, and its gene were also identified in the enriched complex. These results suggest that TbMP52 and TbMP48 are components of the RNA editing complex.  相似文献   

RNA editing inserts and deletes uridylates (U's) in kinetoplastid mitochondrial pre-mRNAs by a series of enzymatic steps. Small guide RNAs (gRNAs) specify the edited sequence. Editing, though sometimes extensive, is precise. The effects of mutating pre-mRNA and gRNA sequences in, around, and upstream of the editing site on the specificity and efficiency of in vitro insertion editing were examined. U's could be added opposite guiding pyrimidines, but guiding purines, particularly A's, were required for efficient ligation. A base pair between mRNA and gRNA immediately upstream of the editing site was not required for insertion editing, although it greatly enhanced its efficiency and accuracy. In addition, a gRNA/mRNA duplex upstream of the editing site enhanced insertion editing when it was close to the editing site, but prevented cleavage, and hence editing, when immediately adjacent to the editing site. Thus, several aspects of mRNA-gRNA interaction, as well as gRNA base pairing with added U's, optimize editing efficiency, although they are not required for insertion editing.  相似文献   

RNA editing produces mature mitochondrial mRNAs in trypanosomatids by the insertion and deletion of uridylates. It is catalyzed by a multiprotein complex, the editosome. We identified TbMP44 among the components of enriched editosomes by a combination of mass spectrometry and DNA sequence database analysis. Inactivation of an ectopic TbMP44 allele in cells in which the endogenous alleles were disrupted abolished RNA editing, inhibited cell growth, and was eventually lethal to bloodstream form trypanosomes. Loss of TbMP44 mRNA was followed initially by a reduction in the editosome sedimentation coefficient and then by the absence of other editosome proteins despite the presence of the mRNA. Reactivation of TbMP44 gene expression resulted in the resumption of cell growth and the reappearance of editosomes. These data indicate that TbMP44 is a component of the editosome that is essential for editing and critical for the structural integrity of the editosome.  相似文献   

RNA editing in trypanosomes has been proposed to occur through transesterification or endonuclease cleavage and RNA ligation reactions. Both models involve a chimeric intermediate in which a guide RNA (gRNA) is joined through its 3' oligo(U) tail to an editing site of the corresponding mRNA. Velocity centrifugation of Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial extracts had been reported to completely separate the gRNA-mRNA chimera-forming activity from endonuclease activity (V. W. Pollard, M. E. Harris, and S. L. Hajduk, EMBO J. 11:4429-4438, 1992), appearing to rule out the endonuclease-RNA ligase mechanism. However, we show that an editing-domain-specific endonuclease activity does cosediment with the chimera-forming activity, as does the RNA ligase activity, but detection of the specific endonuclease requires reducing assay conditions. This report further demonstrates that the T. brucei chimera-forming activity is mimicked by mung bean nuclease and T4 RNA ligase. Using cytochrome b (CYb) preedited mRNA and a model CYb gRNA, we found that these heterologous enzymes specifically generate CYb gRNA-mRNA chimeras analogous to those formed in the mitochondrial extract. These combined results provide support for the endonuclease-RNA ligase mechanism of chimera formation.  相似文献   

Trypanosome mitochondrial mRNAs achieve their coding sequences through RNA editing. This process, catalyzed by approximately 20S protein complexes, involves large numbers of uridylate (U) insertions and deletions within mRNA precursors. Here we analyze the role of the essential TbMP42 protein (band VI/KREPA2) by individually examining each step of the U-deletional and U-insertional editing cycles, using reactions in the approximately linear range. We examined control extracts and RNA interference (RNAi) extracts prepared soon after TbMP42 was depleted (when primary effects should be most evident) and three days later (when precedent shows secondary effects can become prominent). This analysis shows TbMP42 is critical for cleavage of editing substrates by both the U-deletional and U-insertional endonucleases. However, on simple substrates that assess cleavage independent of editing features, TbMP42 is similarly required only for the U-deletional endonuclease, indicating TbMP42 affects the two editing endonucleases differently. Supplementing RNAi extract with recombinant TbMP42 partly restores these cleavage activities. Notably, we find that all the other editing steps (the 3'-U-exonuclease [3'-U-exo] and ligation steps of U-deletion and the terminal-U-transferase [TUTase] and ligation steps of U-insertion) remain at control levels upon RNAi induction, and hence are not dependent on TbMP42. This contrasts with an earlier report that TbMP42 is a 3'-U-exo that may act in U-deletion and additionally is critical for the TUTase and/or ligation steps of U-insertion, observations our data suggest reflect indirect effects of TbMP42 depletion. Thus, trypanosomes require TbMP42 for both endonucleolytic cleavage steps of RNA editing, but not for any of the subsequent steps of the editing cycles.  相似文献   

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