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Nitrate Accumulation and its Relation to Leaf Elongation in Spinach Leaves   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The leaf elongation rate (LER) of spinach leaves during theday was twice that during the night when grown at a photon fluxdensity of 145 µmol m–2 s–1. All leaves showedthe same LER-pattern over 24 h. Due to low turgor, LER was lowin the afternoon and in the first hours of the night until wateruptake restored full turgor. Osmotic potential remained constantdue to increased nitrate uptake and starch degradation in thisperiod. LER increased to high rates in the second part of thenight and in the morning. The lower rate in the dark comparedto the light was not caused by the lower night temperatures,as increased photon flux density during growth resulted in equalrates in the light and the dark. Increased relative humiditydecreased LER and afternoon rates were most sensitive to waterstress. A ‘low light’ night period did not changeLER-pattern during the night or on the following day. We concludethat nitrate is not an obligatory osmoticum during the nightand can be exchanged for organic osmotica without decreasingLER. During the night the turgor is first restored by increasingwater uptake, nitrate uptake and starch degradation. This resultedin increased leaf fresh weight in this period. Thereafter, elongationincreased by simultaneous uptake of nitrate and water. Nitrateconcentration was, therefore, constant in the older leaves.In the younger leaves nitrate concentration increased to replacesoluble carbohydrates. The vacuoles of the old leaves were filledwith nitrate before those of the young leaves. Key words: Spinacia oleracea L., nitrate accumulation, osmotic potential, organic acids  相似文献   

Preconditions of phloem transport in conifers are relatively unknown. We studied the variation of needle and inner bark axial osmotic gradients and xylem water potential in Scots pine and Norway spruce by measuring needle and inner bark osmolality in saplings and mature trees over several periods within a growing season. The needle and inner bark osmolality was strongly related to xylem water potential in all studied trees. Sugar concentrations were measured in Scots pine, and they had similar dynamics to inner bark osmolality. The sucrose quantity remained fairly constant over time and position, whereas the other sugars exhibited a larger change with time and position. A small osmotic gradient existed from branch to stem base under pre‐dawn conditions, and the osmotic gradient between upper stem and stem base was close to zero. The turgor in branches was significantly driven by xylem water potential, and the turgor loss point in branches was relatively close to daily minimum needle water potentials typically reported for Scots pine. Our results imply that xylem water potential considerably impacts the turgor pressure gradient driving phloem transport and that gravitation has a relatively large role in phloem transport in the stems of mature Scots pine trees.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in mineral elements id xylem (tracheal) sap, fruitphloem sap, leaflets and dmloping fruits were studied in a fieldpopulation of Lupinus angustifolius L. by three-hourly samplingover a 39 h period. Elements usually reached maximum contentsor concentrations at or near noon, minimum levels during thenight. Amplitudes of diurnal fluctuations in minerals lay withinthe range ±4–33 per cent of the mean content ofleaflets, and ±17–157 per cent of the mean concentrationsin xylem and phloem sap. Most minerals elements fluctuatcd inphase with daily changes in sugar level of phloem sap and drymatter and carbohydrate fluctuations of leaflets, suggestinga coupling of translocation of photosynthate and minerals fromthe leaflets. Rates of import of minerals by shoots wereestimatedfrom shoot transpiration and mineral concentrations in trachealsap. Average day time rates of import of most elements were12–25 times those at night. Translocation of minerals,nitrogen and carbon to fruits also exhibited diurnal periodicity,average rates of import king three to seven times higher inthe day than at night. A model of transport based on the carbonand water economy of the fruit suggested that P, K, Fe, Zn,Mn and Cu were imported predominantly by phloem. Estimates ofvascular import accounted for 87–104 per cent of the fruit'sactual increment of these elements. Na and Ca were gauged tobe imported mainly by xylem, Mg almost equally by xylem andphloem. However, large discrepancies existed for these threeelements between estimated vascular import and actual intakeby the fruit. Lupinus angustifolius L., mineral transport, accumulation, fruits, xylem sap, phloem sap, transpiration  相似文献   

Phloem water relations and translocation   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Satisfactory measurements of phloem water potential of trees can be obtained with the Richards and Ogata psychrometer and the vapor equilibration techniques, although corrections for loss of dry weight and for heating by respiration are required for the vapor equilibrium values. The psychrometer technique is the more satisfactory of the 2 because it requires less time for equilibration, less tissue, and less handling of tissue. Phloem water potential of a yellow-poplar tree followed a diurnal pattern quite similar to that of leaves, except that the values were higher (less negative) and changed less than in the leaves.

The psychrometer technique permits a different approach to the study of translocation in trees. Measurements of water potential of phloem discs followed by freezing of samples and determination of osmotic potential allows estimation of turgor pressure in various parts of trees as the difference between osmotic potential and total water potential. This technique was used in evaluating gradients in water potential, osmotic potential, and turgor pressure in red maple trees. The expected gradients in osmotic potential were observed in the phloem, osmotic potential of the cell sap increasing (sap becoming more dilute) down the trunk. However, values of water potential were such that a gradient in turgor pressure apparently did not exist at a time when rate of translocation was expected to be high. These results do not support the mass flow theory of translocation favored by many workers.


Secondary phloem production in four deciduous (Albizzia lebbeck,Dalbergia sissoo, Tectona grandis and Terminalia crenulata)and three evergreen plants (Calophyllum inophyllum, Mangiferaindica and Morinda tinctoria) is briefly described. The totalduration of phloem production for each year was worked out forall these plants. In three of the four deciduous trees therewere two instalments of phloem production in correspondencewith the presence of two flushes of cambial activity while inTectona grandis and in all the three evergreen trees there wasonly one instalment. The time of initiation and cessation ofphloem tissue production was found to be variable in the differentplants studied. Periodicity in the production of different componentsof phloem tissue as well as the difference in the dimensionsof the different phloic elements produced during each flushof cambial activity resulted in detectable growth increments(or ‘rings’) within the phloem. There was a distinctshortening of the different phloem elements during the approachof dormancy/least activity. Conspicuous changes were found inthe ergastic contents of phloem parenchyma and ray cells adjacentto the cambial zone during the initiation of cambial activityand during the approach of dormancy/least activity. Seasonal growth, secondary phloem, deciduous and evergreen trees, cambial activity  相似文献   

Stomatal size and frequency as well as structure and distributionof leaf waxes were compared in seedlings of two varieties ofTheobroma cacao and three families of Hevea brasiliensis. Stomataof both species were located on the abaxial leaf surface only.The stomata of Theobroma averaged 45% shorter and 29% narrowerthan those of Hevea, but stomatal frequency was 44% higher inTheobroma. Stomatal size and frequency differed more among Heveafamilies than between Theobroma varieties. The structure ofthe leaf waxes of Theobroma and Hevea differed appreciably.It also varied greatly between the abaxial and adaxial leafsurfaces of Hevea, but only slightly in Theobroma. The structureof leaf waxes varied little between Theobroma varieties or amongHevea families. Leaf conductances and transpiration rates weremuch higher in Hevea than in Theobroma seedlings. The implicationsof water relations in interplanting of Theobroma and Hevea arediscussed. Cacao, Theobroma cacao, rubber, Hevea brasiliensis, stomatal size, stomatal frequency, leaf waxes, transpiration  相似文献   

The pattern of diel vertical migration exhibited by Chaoborusflavicans in Lake Lenore, Washington has changed over the pastdecade. Formerly Chaoborus larvae and pupae were present inthe water column during the day. Since 1982, a strong patternof diel vertical migration has been evident in this population.Third and fourth instar larvae and pupae reside in the sedimentsduring the day and then ascend to the surface waters at night.The change in migratory activity of C. flavicans was coincidentwith the introduction of cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki henshawi)into Lake Lenore in 1979. Predation by trout on fourth instarlarvae and pupae of C. flavicans was probably responsible forthe observed changes in migratory behavior.  相似文献   

 The protein-storing cells (PSCs) in Hevea brasiliensis were studied by using light- and electron-microscopy and SDS-PAGE. The cells were found in stem and root where secondary phloem was developed. They are a special kind of phloem parenchyma cell which accumulate in their central vacuoles large amounts of protein, fibril-like under an electron microscope, and have few plastids with very small starch grains. Their distribution is strictly restricted to the secondary phloem axial system where they exactly sequestered in functional phloem or slightly over it. A 67 kDa protein was always found in the tissues where the PSCs were observed. During the first seasonal growth flush, the 67 kDa protein in the terminal branchlet exhibits marked quantitative fluctuation which is consistent with the change of the vacuole protein inclusion of the PSCs in the branchlet. These facts suggested that the 67 kDa protein might be the major part of the vacuole protein of the PSCs. Considering the differences between the PSCs in Hevea and the PSCs in the other trees studied, we define two types of PSCs: Hevea-type, which are the cells specialized for protein storage and Populus-type, which are ordinary parenchyma cells accumulating protein and starch. Received: 11 April 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   

Photosynthate unloading in Phaseolus vulgaris L. seed coatswas studied by treating perfused seed coats with differing concentrationsof an osmoticum and ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). Largechanges in osmoticum concentration typically produced rapidchanges in efflux of unlabelled sugar and steady-state-labelled14C-photosynthate. Osmoticum-induced changes in photosynthateefflux were caused by phloem import stimulation at low cellturgor and net efflux stimulation by high cell turgor. Eventhough rapid changes in sugar and tracer efflux were often inducedby osmoticum treatments, the specific activity of sugar releasedfrom seed coats was not greatly affected by these treatmentsand was similar to the specific activity of sugar remainingin the seed coat after perfusion. Thus, tracer was transportedfrom the phloem throughout the seed coat sugar pool before itwas released to the apoplast. This result is most consistentwith symplastic phloem unloading throughout perfused seed coats,because apoplastic transport between cells within the seed coatwas blocked by perfusion. Photosynthate efflux was stimulatedby simultaneous treatment of seed coats with EDTA and differentconcentrations of an osmoticum; loss of photosynthate from seedcoats did not appear to be tissue-specific. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, seed coat, photosynthate unloading, turgor, EDTA  相似文献   

Various forms of wounding result in increases in hydrostaticpressure in the laticiferous phloem tissue of Hevea brasiliensis;regular tapping, a form of controlled wounding, probably causesa similar response. When a tree is ring-barked, there is a transientfall in turgor immediately above and below the ring, presumablyowing to loss of latex during cutting. This is followed by apressure increase which is particularly marked above the ring,suggesting the accumulation of metabolites. Isolation of an‘island’ of tissue, by cuts down to the wood, resultsin a steep fall in turgor within it, although a relatively slowrecovery may follow. Partially isolated panels show smallerfalls and a more rapid rise. It appears that a functional phloemconnexion permits a more rapid recovery of osmotic and turgorpressures following latex losses, both in the isolation experimentsand in normal tapping. Growth regulators such as 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4,5-T) increase latex yields by prolonging latex flowafter tapping. In untapped trees treatment with 2,4,5-T resultsin a slow and fairly small increase in turgor pressure, butthis effect may not be apparent if trees are regularly tapped.When the tapping cut is opened, there is a rapid fall in pressureimmediately under the cut. This loss in turgor spreads throughthe latex-vessel system as latex flows towards the cut, butrecovery is apparent near the cut even before flow ceases. Pressuregradients indicate a rapid formation of a localized resistanceto flow at or near the cut surface. This process appears toplay a major part in restricting flow. The increased yieldswhich result both from regular tapping and after 2,4,5-T treatmentappear to result from a delay in this sealing process. The mechanismsby which the barrier to flow is built up and delayed by 2,4,5-Ttreatment are not clearly understood.  相似文献   

MURPHY  RICARDO 《Annals of botany》1989,63(5):571-579
In the present paper, the theory developed in Part I of thisseries is applied to seed coats of Phaseolus vulgaris and somecombined data on root tips of Hordeum distichum and Hordeumvulgare. Because of the large back-pressures implied, it isconcluded that phloem transport into these primary sinks wouldbe physiologically impossible in the absence of a symplasticpathway for the unloading of water from sieve elements. In thiscase, unloading of water and sucrose will occur predominantlyas a pressure-driven flow of solution through plasmodesmata,although diffusion can contribute significantly to the plasmodesmatalsucrose flux. At least 20% of the plasmodesmata connecting sieveelements and adjacent cells must be unobstructed if large changesin turgor and osmotic pressure are to be avoided. Dependingon the membrane area available for water fluxes, it is possiblethat the difference in water potential across the sieve-tubeplasmalemma can lead to significant errors when axial turgorgradients are estimated from gradients of osmotic pressure andexternal water potential. The magnitude and even the sign ofthese errors is uncertain, but it is possible that sieve-tubeturgor pressures will be significantly underestimated in primarysinks Phloem, turgor, osmotic pressure, plasmodesmata, Munch hypothesis, Phloem unloading  相似文献   

Internodal cells of Lamprothamnium succinctum cultured in freshwater and brackish water of different salinities maintainedalmost the same turgor pressure at steady state. When the turgorpressure was increased by decreasing the external osmolality,the cells recovered their original turgor pressure within 2h. However, the recovery from decreased turgor pressure required1 day. When salts of the external medium were replaced with sorbitol,the cells still regulated the turgor pressure, indicating thatthe essential factor for the turgor regulation is not the salinitybut the osmolality. Internodal cells with osmotic pressure andion concentrations artificially modified to higher or lowervalues also regained the original turgor pressure by changingtheir intracellular osmotic pressure, whether the cells werecultured in brackish water or fresh water. These results indicate that turgor regulation is intrinsic toLamprothamnium and is initiated by a deviation of turgor pressurefrom the reference value, which is about 0.35 Osm. (Received November 28, 1983; Accepted March 14, 1984)  相似文献   

Growth rates of seasonal leaf flushes of ‘Valencia’orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] were measured and waterrelations characteristics of young (new) and over-wintered (old)citrus leaves were compared. New flush leaves had lower specificleaf weights and lower midday leaf water potentials than comparablyexposed old leaves. Spring and summer flush new leaves had higherosmotic potentials than old leaves. These differences becamenon-significant as the new leaves matured. During summer conditions,water-stressed new leaves reached zero turgor and stomatal conductancealso began to decrease in them at higher leaf water potentialsthan in old leaves. Old leaves were capable of maintaining openstomata at lower leaf water potentials. Opened flowers and newflush leaves lost more water, on a dry weight basis, than flowerbuds, fruit or mature leaves. The results illustrate differencesin leaf water potential and stomatal conductance which can beattributed to the maintenance of leaf turgor by decreases inleaf osmotic potentials as leaves mature. These changes in citrusleaf water relations are especially important since water stressresulting from high water loss rates of new tissues could reduceflowering and fruit set. Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, orange, Citrus paradisi Macf., grapefruit, growth rate, leaf water relations, osmotic potential, water potential, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

Direct determinations and indirect calculations of phloem turgor pressure were compared in white ash (Fraxinus americana L.). Direct measurements of trunk phloem turgor were made using a modified Hammel-type phloem needle connected to a pressure transducer. Turgor at the site of the direct measurements was calculated from the osmotic potential of the phloem sap and from the water potential of the xylem. It was assumed that the water potentials of the phloem and xylem were close to equilibrium at any one trunk location, at least under certain conditions. The water potential of the xylem was determined from the osmotic potential of xylem sap and from the xylem tension of previously bagged leaves, measured with a pressure chamber. The xylem tension of bagged leaves on a branch adjacent to the site of the direct measurements was considered equivalent to the xylem tension of the trunk at that point. While both the direct and indirect measurements of phloem turgor showed clear diurnal changes, the directly measured pressures were consistently lower than the calculated values. It is not clear at present whether the discrepancy between the two values lies primarily in the calculated or in the measured pressures, and thus, the results from both methods as described here must be regarded as estimates of true phloem turgor.  相似文献   

Uptake of CO2 by the leaf is associated with loss of water. Control of stomatal aperture by volume changes of guard cell pairs optimizes the efficiency of water use. Under water stress, the protein kinase OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) activates the guard‐cell anion release channel SLOW ANION CHANNEL‐ASSOCIATED 1 (SLAC1), and thereby triggers stomatal closure. Plants with mutated OST1 and SLAC1 are defective in guard‐cell turgor regulation. To study the effect of stomatal movement on leaf turgor using intact leaves of Arabidopsis, we used a new pressure probe to monitor transpiration and turgor pressure simultaneously and non‐invasively. This probe permits routine easy access to parameters related to water status and stomatal conductance under physiological conditions using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Long‐term leaf turgor pressure recordings over several weeks showed a drop in turgor during the day and recovery at night. Thus pressure changes directly correlated with the degree of plant transpiration. Leaf turgor of wild‐type plants responded to CO2, light, humidity, ozone and abscisic acid (ABA) in a guard cell‐specific manner. Pressure probe measurements of mutants lacking OST1 and SLAC1 function indicated impairment in stomatal responses to light and humidity. In contrast to wild‐type plants, leaves from well‐watered ost1 plants exposed to a dry atmosphere wilted after light‐induced stomatal opening. Experiments with open stomata mutants indicated that the hydraulic conductance of leaf stomata is higher than that of the root–shoot continuum. Thus leaf turgor appears to rely to a large extent on the anion channel activity of autonomously regulated stomatal guard cells.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether abscisic acid (ABA) in the xylem sap playsan important role in controlling stomatal aperture of field-grownPrunus persica trees under drought conditions, stomatal conductance(g) and xylem ABA concentrations were monitored both in irrigatedand non-irrigated trees, on two consecutive summer days (threetimes a day). Stomata1 conductance of non-irrigated trees hada morning maximum and declined afterwards. The changes in gduring the day, rather than resulting from variations in theconcentrations of ABA in the xylem sap or the delivery rateof this compound to the leaves, were associated with changesin the relationship between g and xylem ABA. The stomata ofwater-stressed trees opened during the first hours of the day,despite the occurrence of a high concentration of ABA in thexylem sap. However, stomatal responsiveness to ABA in the xylemwas enhanced throughout the day. As a result, a tight inverserelationship between g and the logarithm of xylem ABA concentrationwas found both at midday and in the afternoon. A similar relationshipbetween g and ABA was found when exogenous ABA was fed to leavesdetached from well-watered trees. These results indicate thatABA derived from the xylem may account for the differences ing observed between field-grown peach trees growing with differentsoil water availabilities. Several possible explanations forthe apparent low stomatal sensitivity to xylem ABA in the morning,are discussed, such as high leaf water potential, low temperatureand high cytokinin activity. Key words: Prunus persica L., stomata, xylem ABA, water deficits, root-to-shoot communication  相似文献   

Auxin in the Cambium and its Differentiating Derivatives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cambium and differentiating xylem and phloem tissues from thetrunks of trees of Acer pseudoplatanus L., Fraxinus excelsiorL., and Populus tremula L. were extracted with ether and testedfor auxin, which was found on chromatograms of the acidic fractionat an Rf corresponding to that of indol-3yl-acetic acid in fivesolvent systems. In addition, small amounts of auxin with ahigher Rf in ammoniacal isopropanol were found in phloem samples.The amounts of auxin were greatest in xylem samples, less inthe cambium, and least in phloem. The differences, which cannotbe explained in terms of differential losses during extractionand purification, suggest that auxin is actually formed in differentiatingxylem tissue. The significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

ACOCK  B.; NICHOLS  R. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(2):221-230
Carnation flower stems were stood in water or sucrose solutionand changes in water content, water and osmotic potential, turgorpressure and solutes (sugars, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium)of petals were measured throughout the flower life. In bothtreatments the petals had a higher specific water content atincipient wilting than when the flowers were first cut. In water,turgor pressure decreased rapidly after the seventh day becauseof a decrease in tissue solute content. In sucrose solution,loss, of solutes was delayed probably because the sugar provideda respiratory substrate to maintain cell membrane integrity.In these cells, sugars and water accumulated causing decreasesin water potential and osmotic potential. Solutes and waterwere lost at about day 15 and turgor pressure decreased. Therewas some evidence that from about day 11 cells were so gorgedwith sugars that they burst when they were placed in water duringthe adjustment of water content prior to water potential measurements. Most of the initial petal osmotic energy content could be accountedfor by sugar, potassium, and anions associated with potassium,but in water, as the petals aged and sugar content decreased,so the potassium ions contributed a larger proportion of theosmotic energy; with stems in sucrose, the endogenous sugarcontent (reducing sugars plus sucrose) contributed an increasingproportion of the total osmotic energy. Dianthus caryophyllus, carnation, flowers, water relations, senescence  相似文献   

Evidence of the mechanical advantage of subsidiary cells wasobtained by simultaneous measurements of turgor pressure potentialsin adjacent subsidiary and guard cells using injection circuitswith two separate needles. In Tradescantia virginiana the mechanicaladvantage approaches two. Using the same technique evidencewas obtained that the Spannungsphase is, in the first place,a turgor relations phenomenon due to the mechanical advantageof epidermal or subsidiary cells. In addition, the evidenceindicated that the elastic properties of guard cell walls mayundergo changes during the Spannungsphase when potassium iontransport commences. During these measurements it was confirmedthat the optimum leaf water deficit for maximum stomatal openingoccurs when the epidermal turgor is near zero. Under these conditionsthe width of the stomatal pore is a function of the turgor pressureof the guard cells, since at zero turgor of the subsidiary cellstheir mechanical advantage has disappeared.  相似文献   

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