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Female receptivity and sex pheromone production are controlled by different mechanisms. In B. fumigata females the corpora allata control pheromone production. The female's pheromone releases courtship behaviour in the male; he raises his wings exposing his tergum and apparently releases a pheromone. The receptive female is attracted to the male and mounts and ‘feeds’ on his tergum. The mounting and feeding behaviour, which is indicative of female receptivity, is not directly controlled by the corpora allata.

Receptivity in N. cinerea and L. maderae is determined by some event, presumably in the brain, which occurs at about the same time as the onset of activity of the corpora allata. It is suggested that the neurosecretory system is involved in acceptance of the male by the female.  相似文献   

The control of sexual receptivity in female Drosophila   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A Manning 《Animal behaviour》1967,15(2):239-250

Pregnant primiparous rats were submitted to daily immobilization stress for 3 hour periods which were increased 15 minutes every third day. A considerable increase in the receptivity to the male was observed in the prenatally stressed females versus controls. Female offspring from both groups did not show any differences in body, adrenal, ovary and brain weights.  相似文献   

Female Drosophila melanogaster show a switch-off in sexual receptivity and an increase in oviposition rate following impregnation. These effects are also observed in unfertilized virgin females which receive transplants of intact male paragonia into the abdominal body cavity. Virgin Amherst wildtype females show a repertoire of responses to male courtship characterized by high rates of kicking and fending and a low rate of genital extrusion. Fertilized females show low rates of kicking and fending but a high rate of genital extrusion. Virgin female hosts receiving paragonial gland implants show an altered pattern of courtship rejection with low rates of kicking and fending. Studies on these host females, and on females homozygous for the mutant allele female-sterile, suggest that the expression of genital extrusion depends, in addition to the paragonial gland substance, upon additional information input from abdominal stretch receptors or from the ovary.  相似文献   

Sexual behaviour of 16 female and 12 male rabbits was studied during pregnancy and early post partum. The main behavioural events of the male (nuzzling and mounting) did not differ in the presence of receptive or non-receptive females. When introduced into the cage of the male, receptive and non-receptive females flattened to the floor or circled around. Sexual receptivity to males decreased in early pregnancy and increased to a maximum a few days around parturition; on Days 1 and 6 post partum, all experimental rabbits submitted to mating. Two groups of females were distinguished: one group submitting to mating whatever the stage of pregnancy, the second being receptive only during the few days before parturition or post partum. During pregnancy and early post partum there was no relation between the colour of the vulva and the female sexual behaviour. Does remained sexually receptive even when progesterone concentrations were high. Nevertheless, the number of receptive females was higher when progesterone concentrations decreased around parturition and the mean daily progesterone values were consistently higher in non-receptive than in receptive females. Oestrogen concentrations during pregnancy were very low and were not related to receptive behaviour.  相似文献   

The induction of sexual receptivity and its maintenance after copulation in ovariectomized female golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) was found to be a function of the levels of ovarian hormones administered. Various combinations of estradiol benzoate (between 0.6 and 666 μg) and progesterone (between 0.05 and 5.0 mg) were administered in two experiments. Although some animals responded at 0.6 μg, higher levels of estradiol benzoate (1–6 μg or more) were more effective in inducing levels of lordosis equivalent to those seen in intact females in natural estrus. After mating, a depression in lordosis was observed in both ovariectomized and intact females. However, in ovariectomized females (excluding animals that did not respond initially) the duration of postcopulatory receptivity was a function of the level of progesterone administered. High levels of progesterone tended to prolong slightly the duration of postcopulatory receptivity.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mating system of Prokelisia dolus Wilson (Homoptera: Delphacidae) was characterized by determining: if males and females multiply mate; when transitions occur in female sexual receptivity, what triggers sexual refractoriness; and what behaviours characterize unreceptive virgins, receptive virgins, and unreceptive mated females. Males copulated with up to six females in less than 1 h, but completely inseminate, on average, only the first four females. Females rarely mated more than once, unless males were depleted of sperm due to previous copulations or if copulation was interrupted (if duration was<2 min). Male and female calling was associated (100% and 91%, respectively) with sexual receptivity and resultant matings. The transition from unreceptive virgin to receptive (calling) mature virgin occurred 48 h posteclosion, and all were mated by day 4. Females that were sexually immature and those completely inseminated did not call. Rejection of males by females included walking away from approaching males (65%), female kicking (7%), and abdominal lifting (5%). Rejection of males was observed by immature, mature and calling, and mated females. Sexual refractoriness was not triggered by acoustic and visual stimuli or mechanical stimulation of genitalia. Refractoriness was also not triggered by reception of small quantities of sperm because some females laid a few viable eggs yet calling was not terminated. Sexual refractoriness was activated by a substance in the ejaculate as demonstrated by injection into the haemocoel of male accessory glands or testes and homogenates of seminal vesicles. This is the first study that documents the role of male ejaculate in inhibiting female sexual receptivity in Hemiptera (Homoptera).  相似文献   

The objectives were to determine the effects of (i) time during the first FSH increase of the estrous cycle (time-course study) and (ii) exogenous steroid treatment (steroid feedback study) on the relationship between circulating serum gonadotropins, and the proportions of pituitary cells immunoreactive for gonadotropins and steroid receptors during the estrous cycle in heifers. Pituitaries were collected from heifers (n=40) slaughtered at 13h (n=8), 30h (n=24) and 66h (n=8) after estrous onset, corresponding to before, during and after the first FSH increase of the estrous cycle. Heifers slaughtered during the FSH increase (at 30h) either received no treatment (n=8), or were treated (n=16) with estradiol benzoate and/or progesterone before slaughter. During the time-course study, the proportion of pituitary cells immunoreactive for FSH increased (P<0.05) during the first transient FSH increase reflecting serum concentrations. The proportion of pituitary cells immunoreactive for LH was unaltered, a reflection of serum LH concentrations. The proportion of estrogen receptors (ER)-alpha, but not ER-beta, was decreased (P<0.05) at 30h compared with at either 13 or 66h. During the steroid feedback study, exogenous progesterone with or without estradiol suppressed (P<0.05) the proportions of pituitary cells immunoreactive for gonadotropins, serum FSH concentrations and LH pulse frequency. Steroid treatment did not alter the proportion of pituitary cells positive for estrogen receptors (alpha and beta). While progesterone receptors (PR) were not detected in the anterior pituitary by immunohistochemistry during the early estrous cycle or in response to steroid treatment, quantitative real-time PCR revealed that mRNA for progesterone receptors was expressed at very low levels. The expression of pituitary PR mRNA was decreased (P<0.05) at 30 and 66h compared with 13h, and was suppressed (P<0.05) following steroid treatments. Alterations in pituitary steroid receptors are implicated in the differential regulation of gonadotropin secretion during the first transient FSH rise, but not in response to exogenous steroids. The time-course study and steroid feedback responses support the hypothesis that LH pulse frequency is tightly linked to regulation of GnRH pulse frequency. Serum FSH is regulated by its own synthesis, as reflected by pituitary FSH content and perhaps by alterations in pituitary sensitivity to circulating steroids by changes in steroid receptor content.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior of 53 beef heifers and 66 beef steers was observed and recorded for 7 days following insertion of subcutaneous ear implants at 2 months of age. Thirty-five of the heifers were implanted with Synovex S (200 mg of progesterone and 20 mg of estradiol benzoate). Forty-four of the steers were implanted with Synovex H (200 mg of testosterone and 20 mg of estradiol benzoate). The remaining 18 heifers and 22 steers served as nonimplanted controls. Synovex S treatment increased the incidence of mounting (P < 0.005) and mounting receptivity (P < 0.005) of heifers, while Synovex H treatment had only slight effect, if any, on the mounting behavior (P < 0.25) and mounting receptivity (P < 0.25) of steers. Both steers and heifers mounted heifers more frequently than steers (P < 0.005). Heifers were mounted with similar frequencies by both heifers and steers (P < 0.90), while steers were mounted only by heifers (P < 0.15).  相似文献   

In the male rat, castration causes an increase of the LH level measured by radioimmunoassay. The application of a compound extracted from a impuber child urine and having anti-gonadotropic effects revealed biologically cannot stop this increase that is even put up by the treatment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Females of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera, Culicidae) were not receptive to mating 1 h after the initial insemination or at later times throughout the first gonotrophic cycle. A significant proportion of these females (75–90%) were inseminated again prior to the second gonotrophic cycle. Insemination was determined by the detection in females of sperm labelled with 3 H(G)-adenine or 32PO4 after matings with radiolabeled males. Females deprived of males after the first insemination displayed an abnormal reduction in fertility throughout successive gonotrophic cycles.  相似文献   

Repeated mating of estradiol-primed female rats increases sexual receptivity. Two studies were conducted to determine the contribution of vaginal--cervical stimulation (VCS) to this increase. In the first study, female rats were repeatedly mated for 165 min. The vaginas of half of the females were covered with tape (masked) to prevent intromissions by the males. The remaining females were unmasked. Only females receiving intromissions (unmasked) showed a significant increase in sexual receptivity during repeated mating, suggesting that VCS from intromissions is necessary for repeated mating to increase sexual receptivity. In the second experiment, female rats received either experimentally administered VCS or control scapular stimulation administered with a plastic probe 1 h prior to testing for sexual receptivity. VCS applied in this manner significantly increased sexual receptivity. Together, these findings suggest that VCS from intromissions is one of the primary factors responsible for increases in sexual receptivity following repeated mating.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Homogenates of accessory glands from male Culex tarsalis Coquillet (Diptera; Culicidae) were fractionated using gel filtration column chromatography. A component of low molecular weight capable of suppressing female sexual receptivity was obtained and partially characterized. Proteins present in homogenates of isolated accessory glands formed aggregates with other proteins in extracts of whole mosquitoes. Consequently, previous reports of the molecular weight of biologically active components in homogenates from accessory glands from other mosquito species may be inaccurate.
When female Cx. tarsalis were mated with 3H-leucine labelled males. radioactivity could be found throughout the body of the female 24 h after mating. Autoradiography showed that the radioactivity was incorporated into the cells of various organs, and was not specifically localized in a particular target tissue. Approximately 30% of the total radioactivity transferred to the female was found in the head and thoracic regions, and proteins from the head had a specific activity twice that of the thoracic proteins. Bioassay of isolated body parts from mated and virgin females showed that injections of head tissues from mated females into virgin females suppressed sexual receptivity. These results suggest that the head is involved in the physiological mechanisms resulting in refractory mating behaviour.  相似文献   

Patterns of sexual receptivity in the female musk shrew (Suncus murinus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Female musk shrews (Suncus murinus) were tested daily to examine patterns of sexual receptivity. When only mounting was used as a criterion (to avoid pregnancy), nonpregnant females remained sexually receptive to males every day for 14 consecutive days. When insemination was allowed, most females continued to copulate for the first 5 days of pregnancy. Receptivity declined markedly around Day 10 of gestation, but a few females were receptive even into late pregnancy. Lactating females copulated with males 5 and 10 days after parturition. In general, unlike most mammals studied in the laboratory, the nonpregnant female musk shrew has no behavioral estrous cycle. Musk shrews are ready to mate anytime except in mild to late pregnancy, and even then occasionally mating is found.  相似文献   

Lordosis behavior in response to a mounting stimulation was quantified in ovariectomized female CD-1 and SW mice primed with estradiol benzoate and either progesterone or dihydroprogesterone. Both progestins were effective in stimulating receptivity, in CD-1 females, while only progesterone was effective in SW females. Dihydrotestosterone given concurrently with both the estrogen and progestin injections was found to have no effect on progesterone stimulated receptivity, but it produced a dose related inhibition of receptivity in the dihydroprogesterone treated females.  相似文献   

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