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The broad-host-range plasmid RK2 has been a model for studying DNA metabolism in bacteria for many years. It is used as a vector allowing genetic manipulations in numerous bacterial species. The RK2 genome encodes several genes providing the plasmid with diverse functions allowing for its stable maintenance in a variety of bacterial hosts. This review will focus on two processes indispensable for plasmid DNA maintenance. We will summarize recent understanding of the molecular mechanisms contributing to the RK2 DNA replication and partitioning.  相似文献   

In artificial environmental samples, the behavior of the IncP-7 conjugative plasmid pCAR1, which is involved in the catabolism of carbazole, was monitored. Sterile soil and water samples supplemented with carbazole were prepared. After inoculation with Pseudomonas putida harboring pCAR1, seven species of the genus Pseudomonas, and three other bacterial species, were monitored for carbazole degradation, bacterial survival, and conjugative transfer of pCAR1. In artificial soils, more than 90% of the carbazole was degraded in samples with high water content, suggesting that the water content is a key factor in carbazole degradation in artificial soils. In three of the artificial environmental water samples, more than 95% of the carbazole was degraded. Transconjugants were detected in some artificial water samples, but not in the artificial soil samples, suggesting that pCAR1 is preferably transferred in aqueous environments. Composition analysis of the artificial water samples and examination of conjugative transfer indicated that the presence of the divalent cations Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) promoted the plasmid transfer. The presence of carbazole also increases in incidence of transconjugants, probably by enhancing their growth. In contrast, humic acids in the liquid layer of artificial soil samples appeared to prevent conjugative transfer.  相似文献   

The intra-S phase checkpoint protein complex Tof1/Csm3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae antagonizes Rrm3 helicase to modulate replication fork arrest not only at the replication termini of rDNA but also at strong nonhistone protein binding sites throughout the genome. We investigated whether these checkpoint proteins acted either antagonistically or synergistically with Rrm3 in mediating other important functions such as maintenance of genome stability. High retromobility of a normally quiescent retrovirus-like transposable element Ty1 of S. cerevisiae is a form of genome instability, because the transposition events induce mutations. We measured the transposition of Ty1 in various genetic backgrounds and discovered that Tof1 suppressed excessive retromobility in collaboration with either Rrm3 or the F-box protein Dia2. Although both Rrm3 and Dia2 are believed to facilitate fork movement, fork stalling at DNA-protein complexes did not appear to be a major contributor to enhancement of retromobility. Absence of the aforementioned proteins either individually or in pair-wise combinations caused karyotype changes as revealed by the altered migrations of the individual chromosomes in pulsed field gels. The mobility changes were RNase H-resistant and therefore, unlikely to have been caused by extensive R loop formation. These mutations also resulted in alterations of telomere lengths. However, the latter changes could not fully account for the magnitude of the observed karyotypic alterations. We conclude that unlike other checkpoint proteins that are known to be required for elevated retromobility, Tof1 suppressed high frequency retrotransposition and maintained karyotype stability in collaboration with the aforementioned proteins.  相似文献   

In many organisms, repetitive DNA serves as a trigger for gene silencing. However, some gene expression is observed from repetitive genomic regions such as heterochromatin, suggesting mechanisms exist to modulate the silencing effects. From a genetic screen in C. elegans, we have identified mutations in two genes important for expression of repetitive sequences: lex-1 and tam-1. Here we show that lex-1 encodes a protein containing an ATPase domain and a bromodomain. LEX-1 is similar to the yeast Yta7 protein, which maintains boundaries between silenced and active chromatin. tam-1 has previously been shown to encode a RING finger/B-box protein that modulates gene expression from repetitive DNA. We find that lex-1, like tam-1, acts as a class B synthetic multivulva (synMuv) gene. However, since lex-1 and tam-1 mutants have normal P granule localization, it suggests they act through a mechanism distinct from other class B synMuvs. We observe intragenic (interallelic) complementation with lex-1 and a genetic interaction between lex-1 and tam-1, data consistent with the idea that the gene products function in the same biological process, perhaps as part of a protein complex. We propose that LEX-1 and TAM-1 function together to influence chromatin structure and to promote expression from repetitive sequences. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Transition protein 1 (TP1) is a small basic nuclear protein that functions in chromatin condensation during spermatogenesis in mammals. Here, recently identified cDNA clones encoding mouse transition protein 1(mTP1) were used to characterize the expression of the mTP1 mRNA during spermatogenesis. Southern blot analysis demonstrates that there is a single copy of the gene for transition protein 1 in the mouse genome. Northern blot analysis demonstrates that mTP1 mRNA is a polyadenylated mRNA approximately 600 bases long, which is first detected at the round spermatid stage of spermatogenesis. mTP1 mRNA is not detectable in poly(A)+ RNAs isolated from mouse brain, kidney, liver, or thigh muscle. mTP1 mRNA is translationally regulated in that it is first detected in round spermatids, but no protein product is detectable until approximately 3 days later in elongating spermatids. In total cellular RNA isolated from stages in which mTP1 is synthesized, the mTP1 mRNA is present as a heterogeneous class of mRNAs that vary in size from about 480 to 600 bases. The shortened, heterogeneous mTP1 mRNAs are found in the polysome region of sucrose gradients, while the longer, more homogeneous mTP1 mRNAs are present in the postmonosomal fractions.  相似文献   

IncC and KorB proteins of broad-host-range plasmid RK2 are members of the ParA-ParB families of proteins needed for stable partitioning of bacterial chromosomes and plasmids. KorB also functions as a global regulator of expression of RK2 genes. It recognises and binds to a palindromic operator, O(B), found 12 times on RK2 DNA (O(B)1-O(B)12). We performed detailed studies on the binding of KorB to the 12 operators and showed that they fall into three groups (A, B, C) based on the binding strength of KorB. The highest affinity site is O(B)10, which occurs in the promoter transcribing genes for replication, trfAp. Purified IncC1 potentiated KorB binding to all O(B) sites except O(B)3, a site involved in partitioning. Using O(B)10 as a test system, we showed that IncC1 increases the stability of the KorB-DNA complex. The 5 bp sequences flanking the 13mer O(B) site were found to affect KorB binding and IncC1 potentiation activity. Study of hybrid operators indicated that flanking sequences on one side only were sufficient to specify the difference between O(B)10 and O(B)3. Replacement of adenine by guanine at positions -8 and -10 from the O(B)10 centre of symmetry was needed to convert it from the highest-affinity group (A) to the medium-affinity group (B) on the basis of KorB binding. These changes also eliminated potentiation by IncC1. The -8 and -10 positions from the centre of O(B)3 symmetry are occupied by guanines and this may provide part of the specificity of IncC1 behaviour on KorB binding. Studies on a series of synthetic operators suggested that KorB contacts O(B) flanking sequences, and that IncC1 may alter the conformation of multimeric KorB so that it is better able to make these contacts, thus stabilising the complexes once formed.  相似文献   

We have purified the chromosomal high mobility group (HMG) protein HMGd from maize suspension culture cells, determined the N-terminal amino acid (aa) sequence, and isolated the corresponding cDNA. Sequence analysis showed that the cDNA encoded a protein of 126 aa residues with a theoretical mass of 14 104 Da. The protein contains an HMG-box DNA-binding domain and a short acidic C-terminal tail. HMGd is in approx. 65% of its residues identical to maize HMGa, whereas it is only approx. 46% identical to maize HMGcl/2. The differences to the previously reported HMG proteins in aa sequence, in overall charge and in protein size indicate that we have identified a third type of plant chromosomal HMG-box protein belonging to the HMG1 protein family. Immunoblot analysis with a HMGd antiserum reveals that HMGd is expressed in all tissues tested.  相似文献   

The proximal promoter of mouse mu-opioid receptor (MOR) gene is the dominant promoter for directing MOR-1 gene expression in brain. Sp1/Sp3 (Sps) and poly(C) binding protein 1 (PCBP) bind to a cis-element of MOR proximal promoter. Functional interaction between Sps and PCBP and their individual roles on MOR proximal core promoter were investigated using SL2 cells, devoid of Sps and PCBP. Each factor contributed differentially to the promoter, with a rank order of activity Sp1>Sp3>PCBP. Functional analysis suggested the interplay of Sps and PCBP in an additive manner. The in vivo binding of individual Sps or PCBP to MOR proximal promoter was demonstrated using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP). Re-ChIP assays further suggested simultaneous bindings of Sps and PCBP to the proximal promoter, indicating physiologically relevant communication between Sps and PCBP. Collectively, results documented that a functional coordination between Sps and PCBP contributed to cell-specific MOR gene expression.  相似文献   

Salje J  Löwe J 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(16):2230-2238
The R1 plasmid employs ATP-driven polymerisation of the actin-like protein ParM to move newly replicated DNA to opposite poles of a bacterial cell. This process is essential for ensuring accurate segregation of the low-copy number plasmid and is the best characterised example of DNA partitioning in prokaryotes. In vivo, ParM only forms long filaments when capped at both ends by attachment to a centromere-like region parC, through a small DNA-binding protein ParR. Here, we present biochemical and electron microscopy data leading to a model for the mechanism by which ParR-parC complexes bind and stabilise elongating ParM filaments. We propose that the open ring formed by oligomeric ParR dimers with parC DNA wrapped around acts as a rigid clamp, which holds the end of elongating ParM filaments while allowing entry of new ATP-bound monomers. We propose a processive mechanism by which cycles of ATP hydrolysis in polymerising ParM drives movement of ParR-bound parC DNA. Importantly, our model predicts that each pair of plasmids will be driven apart in the cell by just a single double helical ParM filament.  相似文献   

The incC and korB genes of IncP-1 plasmid RK2 encode homologues of ubiquitous ParA and ParB partitioning proteins of bacterial plasmids and chromosomes. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, we found that KorB, which binds to 12 widely distributed sites on the genome, is located in symmetrically placed foci in cells containing IncP-1 plasmids. When maintained by the low-copy-number P7 replicon, an RK2 segment including incC, korB and the kla, kle and korC regions encodes an efficient partitioning system that gives a pattern of foci similar to RK2 itself. Symmetrical distribution of KorB foci correlates with segregational stability conferred by either the IncP-1 or P7 partitioning systems; KorB distribution follows plasmid distribution. In the absence of a second partitioning system, incC inactivation resulted in paired or clumped foci that were not symmetrically distributed. At a slow growth rate, position analysis of foci showed a cycle from one central focus to two foci (at one- and three-quarter positions) and back, and at a high growth rate it showed a cycle from two foci to four and back. This pattern fits with the plasmid being coupled to the replication zones in the cell and being moved to successively younger zones by active partitioning, indicating a tight association between replication and partitioning.  相似文献   

Davidson MB  Brown GW 《DNA Repair》2008,7(8):1221-1232
ELG1 (enhanced level of genome instability) encodes a Replication Factor C (RFC) homolog that is important for the maintenance of genome stability. Elg1 interacts with Rfc2-5, forming the third alternative RFC complex identified to date. We found that Elg1 plays a role in the suppression of spontaneous DNA damage in addition to its previously identified roles in the resistance to DNA damage. Using mutational analysis we examined the function of conserved and unique regions of Elg1 in these roles. We found that the Walker A motif in the conserved RFC region is dispensable for Elg1 function in vivo. The RFC region is important for association with chromatin although residues predicted to mediate interactions with DNA are dispensable for Elg1 function. The unique C-terminus of Elg1 mediates oligomerization with Rfc2-5, nuclear import, and chromatin association, and is critical for the function of Elg1. Finally, we demonstrated that the N-terminus of Elg1 contributes to the maintenance of genome stability, and that one function of this N-terminus is to promote the nuclear localization of Elg1. Together, these studies delineate the regions of Elg1 important for its function in damage resistance and in the suppression of spontaneous DNA damage.  相似文献   

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