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天然香料开发利用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国拥有丰富的天然香料资源,植物香料产量是世界上最高的国家之一,天然香料产品约两万余吨。据初步统计含芳香油的植物有62科500余品种,现已利用的近200种,急待开发利用的约100种。人工栽培的香料植物逐年增加,目前,香料基地有20多个,面积约70万亩。已形成产品的40余种。其中,有的桂油、茴油、山苍子油等在国际市场上享有盛名,大量出口  相似文献   

人类对香料油的使用和研究已有一千五百年的历史,过去它们只用在医药和宗教仪式方面,后来才广泛用于食品、化妆等行业。香料油是从植物中提取的挥发性有机化合物的混和物,大多数香料油原先就存在于植物组织中。但是,也有少数香料油是在植物组织被碾碎或浸泡在水中后,经过自然酶反应形成的。  相似文献   

目的:了解白族食用香料植物资源状况,挖掘白族特色饮食文化中食用香料植物的利用。方法:以云南大理白族自治州三月街集贸市场为研究区域,应用民族植物学调查法对该区域食用香料植物种类、利用部位、烹饪方式等进行分析。结果:共收集到食用香料植物128种,隶属于41科101属。其中唇形科(Lamiaceae)植物最多,共记录到18种;食用部位主要以果实(32.81%)和茎(28.13%)为主;食用方法以炖煮、炒食和凉拌为主;该区域饮食主要以鲜、辣、酸口味最为突出,其中酸木瓜(Pseudocydonia sinensis)、长梗梅(Prunus mume var. cernua)等味酸性植物被广泛运用于白族特色菜肴中。结论:大理白族具有丰富的食用香料植物资源,食用香料植物种类、食用部分、食用方法等具有多样性,形成了白族特色文化中不可分割的一个重要部分。挖掘大理白族香料植物利用价值,对民族文化多样性及生物多样性保护具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

<正>芳香植物又称香料植物,是指含有香精油、挥发油或难挥发树胶的一类植物。杰克·特纳在《香料传奇》这本书中形容到:香料是一部由诱惑衍生的历史。香料是探索发现的催化剂,它们重塑了世界。葡萄牙、英国、荷兰在亚洲的领地夸张一点  相似文献   

芳香族化合物在香料中占很大的比重,传统生产方式有化学合成和植物提取。化学合成依赖于石油资源,并具有环境不友好、反应条件恶劣等缺点。植物提取方法受限于植物资源,且占用耕地。近年来,随着代谢工程和合成生物学技术的发展,利用可再生原料,微生物合成芳香族香料化合物成为一种新的生产方式。文中介绍了大肠杆菌和酵母菌等模式微生物合成芳香族香料的研究进展,包括利用莽草酸途径合成香兰素等,聚酮途径合成覆盆子酮等。综述重点介绍了生物合成途径解析、人工合成途径创建及代谢调控等,为微生物发酵法生产芳香族香料化合物提供参考。  相似文献   

无论食品工业还是化妆品工业都需要使用大量的香料油,而同一种香料油的化学成分和感觉特征往往会因提取方法不同而发生变化。目前,人们普遍采用蒸汽蒸馏法,把香料植物材料放在高温高压下蒸馏。用这种方法会导致香料油成分中出现一些矫作物,特别是在水解影响下,更是如此。人们有时也采用低沸点的有机溶剂提取香料油,不过,这又带来另一些问题。例如:提取完成后,需要将有机溶  相似文献   

一、我国香料生产概况香精香料与人们日常生活息息相关,是国民经济中不可缺少的组成部分。我国目前有香精香料厂100多家,其中有36家主要大厂的产量占全国产量的百分之八十。我国香精香料年总产量近4万吨,总产值为9亿元,利润近2亿元。其中,天然香料的年产量为1万吨左右。天然香料植物的种植基地有20多个,面积为70多万亩。我国生产利用的香料植物有200多种,但形成批量生产的天然香料品种只有30几种。其中,香茅油、柠檬油、薄荷油、柏木油、桉油、山苍子油系国际性配套品种,在国际市场上有一定的影响,为我国重要出口商品。我国的天然香料精油大部分是由供销社扶持生产、收购、加工、经营的,并将产品销往  相似文献   

香茅醛是一种重要的单离香料。据分析在马蜂柑和红河橙叶精油中含有大量香茅醛.分别达到77.98~78.23%和33.28~35.89%,是香茅醛的两种新的资源植物。此外,由于这两种植物叶精油中还含育其它大量含氧化合物,总计达到93.81~91.12%和67.42~67.92%而萜烃成分较少,只有1.38~4.66%和28.19~30.07%,因而精油香味独特,是两种有发展前途的香料植物。  相似文献   

植物细胞在生理上、发育上具有"全能性",因此,植物离体组织或细胞经培养诱导分化能再生成植株,并带有母体植物的全部遗传信息。近20多年来,植物组织培养技术已在农业、园艺、林业等生产上作为果树、花卉、药用植物及某些经济作物等的无性系建立和快速繁殖中得到广泛应用,国内外"试管植物"培养成功的已不下于100科900种[3-8],其中食用香料植物试管苗培养获得成功的也有几十种。为了使这一技术在食用香料植物的快速繁殖中进一步推广应用,现将其要点和应用前景简介于下。  相似文献   

橡苔由于其独特的芳香以及它在加香产品中能突出清香和具有优良的定香、调香等作用,成为香料工业中不可缺少的、在国际市场上一向是一种畅销和保持较高价格的香原料。云南有着丰富的地衣类植物资源。为了继续逐步开发和利用云南这类丰富的资源,生产多品种的地衣类香料以满足我国香料工业的需要,为此我们开展了地衣类香料的开发利用研究。  相似文献   

广东珠海万山群岛的植物资源   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
珠海万山群岛共有维管植物176科,547属,972种(含栽培84种),其中蕨类植物21科27属35种,裸子植物6科8属11种,被子植物139科510属926种。万山群岛共有国家重点野生保护植物11种,均为Ⅱ级;广东省珍稀濒危植物4种;药用植物492种、材用树种约109种、观赏植物143种、饲料植物21种、纤维植物105种、淀粉植物62种、油脂植物81种、芳香植物72种、鞣料植物58种;此外,还有其他用途植物若干种。  相似文献   

安徽宿州大方寺林区植物种类及其资源的初步调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大方寺位于淮北平原萄丘陵地带,天然次生林属于暖温带叶阔叶林。由于自然条件复杂,植物种类丰富,木本植物130余种,草本植物100余种;植被类型多种多样,主要群落为:青檀(Pterooeltis tatarinowii)、牡荆(Witex negundo)、华隐子草(Cleistogenes chinensis)群落,栓皮栎(Quercus wvriabilis)、五角枫(Acer mono)、牡荆(Vitex negundo)裂稃草(Schizachyrium brevifolium)群落和黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)、五角枫(Acer mono)、扁担杆(Creuia biloba)、沿阶草(Ophiopogon bodinievi)群落等三种。大方寺植物资源丰富,具有用材经济植物的约60余种,药用植物200余种,香料及密源植物10余种,纤维植物30余种,庭园观赏植物40余种。  相似文献   

Restoring disturbed lands is essential for conserving biodiversity. In floristically diverse regions, restoring all plant species following anthropogenic disturbance is financially costly and it is unknown if this can be achieved. However, re‐creating faunal habitat may not require reinstating all plant species if there is a high degree of redundancy. Here, we assess whether there is redundancy among a subset of native plant species chosen to restore fauna habitat following a severe disturbance. Additionally, we determine if reestablished plants support similar faunal assemblages as the same plant species in less disturbed forest. We sampled plant‐dwelling Hemiptera from 1,800 plants across 16 species. We found 190 species of Hemiptera, with most plant species in the forest having distinct hemipteran assemblages. Returning these plant species to areas undergoing restoration reinstated 145 hemipteran species, including the dominant species. Recalcitrant plant species (difficult to propagate and reestablish in restored areas) had different hemipteran assemblages from all other species. There was only one plant species that did not have a distinct assemblage and thus was considered redundant. We conclude that there is little redundancy in this study. For plant‐dwelling Hemiptera (with good powers of dispersal) to recolonize restored areas, restoration efforts will need to reinstate at least 13 of the 16 species of host plant of appropriate age and structure. Consequently, to meet the goal of restoring fauna habitat when there is no knowledge of which plant species are redundant, restoration projects should aim to reinstate all plant species present in less disturbed reference areas.  相似文献   

Aims UV-B radiation is known to affect plant physiology and growth rate in ways that can influence community species composition and structure. Nevertheless, comparatively little is known about how UV-B radiation induced changes in the performance of individual species cascades to affect overall community properties. Because foliage leaves are primarily responsible for photosynthesis and carbon gain and are the major organ that senses and responds to UV-B radiation, we hypothesized that, under reduced UV-B radiation, species with larger leaf areas per plant would manifest higher growth rates and hence tend to improve their community status compared to species with smaller leaf areas per plant in herbaceous plant communities.Methods We tested this hypothesis by examining plant traits (leaf area per plant and plant height), plant growth rate (aboveground biomass per plant and plant biomass per area) and community status (species within-community relative biomass) for 19 common species in a two-year field experiment in an alpine meadow on Tibetan Plateau.Important findings Aboveground biomass per plant, as well as per area, progressively increased in a 39% reduced (relative to ambient) UV-B treatment during the experimental period. At the second year, 11 out of 19 species significantly or marginally significantly increased their plant height, leaf area per plant and aboveground biomass per plant. No species was negatively affected by reducing UV-B. As hypothesized, the increase in aboveground biomass per plant increased with increasing leaf area per plant, as indicated by cross-species regression analysis. Moreover, the change in species within-community status increased with increasing leaf area per plant. Our study demonstrates that UV-B radiation has differential effects on plant growth rate across species and hence significantly affects species composition and plant community structure. We suggest that UV-B radiation is an ecological factor structuring plant communities particularly in alpine and polar areas.  相似文献   

江苏省外来种子植物的初步调查和分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对江苏省外来种子植物的种类、来源地及分布状况进行了初步调查统计。调查结果显示,江苏省共有外来种子植物393种,大多数来源于欧洲和美洲,主要通过有意引种和无意引入2种方式引入。有意引种的栽培植物有276种,其中观赏植物132种、蔬菜46种、林木35种、工业原料植物17种、药用植物12种、牧草植物11种、粮食作物11种、果树7种以及油料作物5种。另外,外来种子植物中有逃逸种62种、归化种22种、入侵种33种;81.8%的入侵种在江苏全省均有分布;入侵种以菊科(Compositae)和禾本科(Poaceae)植物为主,分别有11种和7种。在此调查结果基础上,对江苏省外来种子植物的分类和危害进行了讨论,并对江苏省外来物种的利用和管理提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Close spatial relationships between plant species are often important for defense against herbivory. The associational plant defense may have important implications for plant community structure, species diversity, and species coexistence. An increasing number of studies have focused on associational plant defense against herbivory at the scale of the individual plant and its nearest neighbors. However, the average neighborhood effects between plant species at the scale of whole plant communities have received almost no attention. The aims of this study were to determine patterns of spatial relationship between different plant species that can provide effective defense against herbivory. We conducted a manipulative experiment using sheep and three native plant species with different palatability. Consumption of palatable plants by herbivores was largest when the three plant species were isolated in three patches and independent of each other. A homogenous and spatially equal neighbor relationship between the three species did not reduce the risk of herbivory of palatable species compared to isolation of these species, but it reduced the total intake of all plant species. The palatable species was subject to less herbivory in a complex spatial neighborhood of several plant species. High complexity of spatial neighborhood resulted in herbivores passively reducing selectivity, thereby reducing the probability of damage to palatable species in the community, or making inaccurate judgments in foraging selectivity between and within patches, thereby reducing the vulnerability of palatable plants and even the whole plant community. We conclude that compelling herbivores to passively reduce the magnitude of foraging selectivity by establishing spatially complex neighborhoods between plant species is a compromise and optimal spatial strategy by plants to defend themselves again herbivory. This may contribute not only to maintenance of plant species diversity but also to a stable coexistence between herbivores and plants in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Previous studies on biodiversity and soil food web composition have mentioned plant species identity, as well as plant species diversity as the main factors affecting the abundance and diversity of soil organisms. However, most studies have been carried out under limitations of time, space, or appropriate controls. In order to further examine the relation between plant species diversity and the soil food web, we conducted a three-year semi-field experiment in which eight plant species (4 forb and 4 grass species) were grown in monocultures and mixtures of two, four and eight plant species. In addition there were communities with 16 plant species. We analyzed the abundance and identity of the nematodes in soil and roots, including feeding groups from various trophic levels (primary and secondary consumers, carnivores, and omnivores) in the soil food web.
Plant species diversity and plant identity affected the diversity of nematodes. The effect of plant diversity was attributed to the complementarity in resource quality of the component plant species rather than to an increase in total resource quantity. The nematode diversity varied more between the different plant species than between different levels of plant species diversity, so that plant identity is more important than plant diversity. Nevertheless the nematode diversity in plant mixtures was higher than in any of the plant monocultures, due to the reduced dominance of the most abundant nematode taxa in the mixed plant communities. Plant species identity affected the abundances of the lower trophic consumer levels more than the higher trophic levels of nematodes. Plant species diversity and plant biomass did not affect nematode abundance. Our results, therefore, support the hypothesis that resource quality is more important than resource quantity for the diversity of soil food web components and that plant species identity is more important than plant diversity per se.  相似文献   

The relationship between diversity and productivity of plant community under plant invasion has been not well known up to now. Here, we investigated the relationship between diversity and productivity under plant invasion and studied the response of species level plant mass to species richness in native and invaded communities. A field experiment from 2008 to 2013 and a pot experiment in 2014 were conducted to study the effects of plant invasion on the relationship between diversity and productivity and the response of species level plant mass to species richness in native and invaded communities. The community level biomass was negatively correlated to plant species richness in invaded communities while the same relationship was positive in native communities. The species level plant mass of individual species responded differently to overall plant species richness in the native and invaded communities, namely, most of the species’ plant mass increased in native communities, but decreased in invaded communities with increasing species richness. The complementarity or selection effects might dominate in native communities while competition effects might dominate in invaded communities. Accordingly, the negative relationship between diversity and productivity under plant invasion is highlighted in our experiments.  相似文献   

Plant–soil feedbacks affect plant performance and plant community dynamics; however, little is known about their role in ecological restoration. Here, we studied plant–soil feedbacks in restoration of steppe vegetation after agricultural disturbance in northern China. First, we analyzed abiotic and biotic soil properties under mono-dominant plant patches in an old-field restoration site and in a ‘target’ steppe site. Second, we tested plant–soil feedbacks by growing plant species from these two sites on soils from con- and heterospecific origin. Soil properties generally did not differ between the old-field site and steppe site, but there were significant differences among mono-dominant plant patches within the sites. While soil species origin (i.e., the plant species beneath which the soil was collected) affected biomass of individual plant species in the feedback experiment, species-level plant–soil feedbacks were ‘neutral’. Soil site origin (old-field, steppe) significantly affected biomass of old-field and steppe species. For example, old-field species had higher biomass in old-field soils than in steppe soils, indicating a positive land-use legacy. However, soil site origin effects depended on the plant species beneath which the soils were collected. The predictive value of abiotic and biotic soil properties in explaining plant biomass differed between and within groups of old-field and steppe species. We conclude that the occurrence of positive land-use legacies for old-field species may retard successional replacement of old-field species by steppe species. However, high levels of idiosyncrasy in responses of old-field and steppe plant species to con- and heterospecific soils indicate interspecific variation in the extent to which soil legacies and plant–soil feedbacks control successional species replacements in Chinese steppe ecosystems.  相似文献   

城市化对植物多样性影响的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
彭羽  刘雪华 《生物多样性》2007,15(5):558-562
本文综述了城市化对植物多样性影响的研究进展。随着全球特别是发展中国家城市化水平的提高, 城市化对生物多样性的影响逐渐引起了人们的重视。城市化造成了本土植物物种的丢失和外来物种的增加。在空间分布上, 城市化还常使城区本土植物多样性沿着远郊农区-城郊-城区梯度性下降; 但是由于引进大量外来物种, 总体植物多样性反而升高, 沿着远郊农区-城郊-城区梯度性升高。城市化对植物种类组成也有很大影响,优势种在远郊农区、城郊和城区呈现不同。城市化对植物多样性影响的机制主要有人为引入外来物种、小生境改变以及景观格局的变化三个方面。以下四个研究方向将越来越重要: (1) 不同区域、不同方法、不同学科的系统整合研究;(2) 城市化扩张与植物多样性变化过程的定位监测研究; (3) 本土植物多样性丢失以及性状改变的内在机制研究, 特别是外来物种与本地物种的相互作用过程和机制的研究; (4) 城市植物多样性保护研究。  相似文献   

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