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本室从西藏采集的土壤样品中分离到了一批链霉菌,利用脉冲电泳确定了其中5株链霉菌含有较小的线型质粒。【目的】克隆、测序和分析5个线型质粒的端粒。【方法】采用改良的"在凝胶中进行DNA碱处理和限制性内切酶酶切"的方法来克隆线型质粒的端粒DNA。【结果】克隆和测序了5个线型质粒的端粒DNA。通过与链霉菌典型端粒进行比较,发现这5个新的线型质粒的端粒序列同样含有多个回文序列。但是有的端粒保守的回文序列I不一定能够"折返"与内部序列配对形成"超级发卡"结构,回文序列的"突出环"不一定都为3nt。【结论】采用改良的方法克隆和鉴定了5个线型质粒新的端粒序列,这些新端粒的特征暗示:回文序列I的"折返"和3nt的回文序列的"突出环"不是端粒复制必需的。  相似文献   

从红球菌NS1中检测到两个线型质粒pNSL1和pNSL2。【目的】克隆、测序和分析pNSL1,并鉴定质粒的复制区。【方法】利用脉冲电泳方法从凝胶中回收大量的质粒DNA,进行鸟枪法克隆、测序和拼接,通过生物信息学分析和实验证明质粒的自主复制区。【结果】克隆、测序和拼接获得pNSL1全长为117252bp的序列,包括在红球菌中保守的1282bp端粒的序列。序列预测含有103个蛋白编码区,包括质粒的复制、分配、转移等功能基因。将pNSL1中一个与分枝杆菌质粒的复制基因同源的pNSL1.038及其上游的767bp非编码序列克隆到大肠杆菌质粒,电击转化珊瑚诺卡氏菌4.1037,获得了抗性转化子。【结论】克隆、测序了全长的线型质粒pNSL1,鉴定了质粒的复制区。  相似文献   

福堤霉素A产生菌——小单孢菌40027菌株含有两个质粒pJTU101和pJTU 112.[目的]对质粒pJTU 112复制区进行克隆,并对质粒pJTU 112复制区序列进行测定和分析.[方法]克隆质粒pJTU 112的不同DNA片段导入消除质粒的小单孢菌40027菌株,通过复制功能的测定,确定质粒pJTU 112的复制区,并进行测序和生物信息学分析.[结果]质粒pJTU 112的复制区定位在约4.7 kb的SacI-KpnI DNA片段上,测序和生物信息学分析表明:4.7 kb的SacI-KpnI DNA片段包含5个ORFs(open reading frames),其中pJTU 112.1和pJTU 112.2与质粒接合转移有关,pJTU112.3、pJTU112.4和pJTU112.5与质粒复制有关.[结论] 质粒pJTU112的复制区定位在约4.7 kb的SacI-KpnI DNA片段上.  相似文献   

从小葱植物中分离到一株编号为36R-2-1B的链霉菌菌株,该菌株含有一个约为280kb的线型质粒pYY8L。【目的】克隆、测序和分析pYY8L新的端粒和复制区。【方法】采用改良的"在凝胶中进行DNA碱处理与酶切"的方法来克隆大的线型质粒pYY8L的端粒,通过构建基因组柯斯文库和次级克隆的方法来缩小和鉴定pYY8L的复制区。【结果】在小葱植物内生链霉菌36R-2-1B中检测到约为280kb的线型质粒pYY8L,克隆了pYY8L的端粒。其末端的152bp包含6个小的回文序列,可以形成复杂的二级结构。利用柯斯文库构建、次级克隆和测序获得了4891bp的pYY8L的复制区。该复制区含有6个基因,其中2个与天蓝色链霉菌线型质粒SCP1的复制基因非常相似,但是邻近的重复序列不同。【结论】采用新的改良的方法克隆和鉴定了pYY8L新的端粒和复制区。本文首次报道了植物内生链霉菌线型质粒的端粒和复制基因。  相似文献   

【目的】检测和分析稀有放线菌中新的线型质粒。【方法】从植物内生菌中分离链霉菌之外的放线菌菌株,检测、测序和分析线型质粒。【结果】从中草药植物紫花前胡的叶片中分离到一株内生放线菌25L-1-1c,经过16S rRNA基因序列比对属于拟诺卡氏菌。从该菌株中检测到一个约25 kb的线型质粒pNPL1。克隆和测序了pNPL1新的端粒,含有多个小的回文序列。测序获得全长为24 621 bp的线型质粒pNPL1,预测编码22个基因,其中2个基因与链霉菌质粒的端粒复制基因同源,1个基因与链霉菌质粒主要的接合转移基因相似,其余19个基因为未知功能。携带pNPL1端粒复制基因的质粒不能转化变铅青链霉菌,暗示需要发展拟诺卡氏菌的遗传操作系统。【结论】这是首次在拟诺卡氏菌中发现和描述线型质粒。  相似文献   

郭霄  史硕博 《微生物学报》2024,64(3):882-892
【目的】与整合型表达载体相比,游离型表达载体通常具有更高的拷贝数以实现目标基因的高强度表达,并且对于DNA操作应用更加方便和灵活。然而,目前的研究尚未确定适用于圆红冬孢酵母的游离型质粒,该酵母外源基因的表达或者基于CRISPR/Cas9的基因组编辑都需要通过整合方式来完成,这也是对其遗传改造进展缓慢的一个重要原因。本研究目的是构建圆红冬孢酵母的游离型质粒,使得其外源基因的表达和基因组编辑更方便省时。【方法】首先对圆红冬孢酵母苯丙氨酸氨裂解酶基因(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene, PAL)中可能存在的自主复制序列(autonomously replicating sequences, ARSs)进行挖掘和表征,将该基因及其上下游序列进行分段扩增,构建到带有β-异丙基苹果酸脱氢酶基因(β-isopropyl malate dehydrogenase gene, LEU2)的质粒中,通过电转化的方法导入LEU2基因缺陷的圆红冬孢酵母中,根据转化效率高低鉴定了该酵母的一个ARS。其次,以编码香叶基香叶基焦磷酸合成酶(geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase, GGPPS)的BTS1基因为敲除靶点,将其gRNA构建到基于ARS的游离型质粒中,通过转化子直观的颜色变化来验证该游离型质粒是否成功应用于圆红冬孢酵母的CRISPR/Cas9体系。【结果】本工作鉴定了圆红冬孢酵母的ARS,构建了基于ARS元件的游离型质粒,并将该质粒应用于圆红冬孢酵母CRISPR/Cas9体系,成功实现了基于游离型质粒的基因敲除。【结论】本研究丰富了圆红冬孢酵母现有的工具库,为圆红冬孢酵母的合成生物学应用提供了良好的研究基础和技术支持。  相似文献   

[背景]抗生素的滥用导致了耐药病原菌的不断增加和扩散,成为威胁人们健康的一个重要因素,因此挖掘新型抗生素显得尤其重要.新的物种很有可能会产生新的生物活性物质,特别是那些常规分离方法很少分离到的稀有放线菌.[目的]对2株小双孢菌潜在新种进行全基因组测序分析与抗菌活性测定,从多层次分子水平鉴定其新种分类地位,并预测次级代谢...  相似文献   

张华  洪斌  李元 《微生物学报》1999,39(4):327-332
质粒pSGL1(7.4kb)是从球孢链霉菌(Streptomycesglobisporus)中分离得到的一个高拷贝质粒,已证明其最小复制子位于Sau3AI酶切的20kb片段上。对该片段进行亚克隆,测序后数据表明该片段是一个新序列。仅有一个开放阅读框架(ORFR)位于最小复制子中,推测其编码的蛋白质含有滚环复制质粒复制酶的特定序列。  相似文献   

链霉菌质粒pSET152电转化稀有放线菌小单孢菌的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用链霉菌(Streptomyces)噬菌体ΦC31所构建的整合型载体pSET152作为供体质粒,分别以小单孢菌(Micromonospora)40027菌株的萌发孢子和新鲜菌丝体作为受体菌,在不同的电场强度下进行电转化实验,结果表明:以小单孢菌40027菌株萌发孢子为受体菌,未获得电转化子;以小单孢菌40027菌株新鲜菌丝体为受体菌,获得了电转化子。电场强度为13kV/cm时可获得最高转化效率。Southern杂交结果表明:质粒pSET152可通过菌丝体电转化法导入小单孢菌40027菌株,并整合到小单孢菌40027菌株的染色体上,暗示链霉菌噬菌体ΦC31的整合酶基因和整合位点在异源宿主小单孢菌40027菌株中仍具有相同的功能。质粒稳定性检测实验表明:质粒pSET152可稳定地存在于小单孢菌40027菌株中。  相似文献   

Nocardia,Rhodococcus and Streptomyces,all members of the actinomycetes family,areGram-positive eubacteria with high G C content and able to form mycelium.We report here a newlyidentified plasmid pXT107 of Nocardia sp.107,one of the smallest circular plasmids found in Nocardia.The complete nucleotide sequence of pXT107 consisted of 4335 bp with 65% G C content,and encodedone replication extragenic palindromic (Rep) and six hypothetical proteins.The Rep,double-strand originand single-strand origin of pXT 107 resembled those of typical rolling-circle-replication plasmids,such aspNI100 of Nocardia,pRE8424 of Rhodococcus and pIJ101 of Streptomyces.The Escherichia coli-Nocardiashuttle plasmid pHAQ22,containing the rep gene of pXT107,is able to propagate in Nocardia but not inStreptomyces.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of pOU1113 (pSDVu), one of the two types of virulence plasmids of Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin, was determined. It contained 80 156 bp with 53.8 mol% G+C content. Approximately 70 genes could be discerned. Compared with pSTV, the virulence plasmid of serovar Typhimurium, pOU1113 was shorter owing to a missing region amounting to c. 10 kb; furthermore, except for a unique 10 849-bp region, the nucleotide as well as deduced amino acid sequences of pOU1113 were nearly identical to the corresponding regions of three S. enterica virulence plasmids, namely pSCV (virulence plasmid of Choleraesuis), pSTV and pSEV (virulence plasmids of Enteritidis), confirming their close phylogenetic relationship. Comparative analysis indicated that these virulence plasmids appeared to have descended by deletion from a relatively large plasmid to smaller ones, with some recombination events occurring over time. From a biological and evolutionary point of view, if the decreasing sizes of pOU1113 and pSCV truly reflect a process in which the virulence plasmid has been shedding unnecessary genes during evolution, our data suggest that some genes in the missing region, such as the pef and tra operons, could have a minimal role in maintaining the survival of the bacteria in their environmental niche.  相似文献   

【目的】获得溶藻弧菌环状质粒pVAE259全序列,分析其分子生物学特征并探索该质粒可能具备的功能。【方法】使用酶切、克隆测序的方法获得pVAE259的全序列,利用软件分析DNA序列和可能的编码蛋白,推测质粒的生物学信息。【结果】pVAE259为闭合环状质粒,全长6,075 bp,GC含量为42.16%。在NCBI中比对发现pVAE259与Vibriosp.41隐蔽性质粒pPS41具有较高的相似性。我们在序列中找到一个oriT位点,另外全序列的4118-5494 bp推测为质粒复制区域。pVAE259中存在7个氨基酸序列长度大于100的开放式阅读框(ORF):ORF1-ORF7。其中ORF1编码蛋白属于释放酶超级家族(Relaxase Super-family)蛋白,在NCBI数据库中它与大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)的MobA-like蛋白最相似;ORF2编码蛋白属于复制酶超级家族(Replicase Super-family),它与嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)的复制蛋白RepA最相似;ORF5与伸长盐单胞菌(Halomonas elongata)质粒pHE1的转移蛋白MobC相似。【结论】根据上述结果及相关文献分析,pVAE259可能是具有转移能力的质粒,该质粒是否影响宿主菌的表型性状还不清楚。  相似文献   

Libraries of cosmid and plasmid clones covering the entire region of mtDNA from the liverwortMarchantia polymorpha were constructed. These clones were used for the determination of the complete nucleotide sequence of the liverwort mtDNA totally 186,608 bp (GenBank no. M68929) and including genes for 3 species of ribosomal RNAs, 29 genes for 27 species of transfer RNAs, and 30 genes for functionally known proteins (16 ribosomal proteins, 3 subunits of cytochromec oxidase, apocytochromeb protein, 3 subunits of H+-ATPase, and 7 subunits of NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase). The genome also contains 32 unidentified open reading frames. Thus the complete nucleotide sequences from both chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes have been determined in the same organism. Plasmid clones are available upon the request. Gene names are represented according to Lonsdale and Leaver (1988) with modifications recommended by Lonsdale (personal communication).  相似文献   

Based on reported TMV-U1 sequence, primers were designed and fragments covering the entire genome of TMV broad bean strain (TMV-B) were obtained with RT-PCR. These fragments were cloned and sequenced and the 5' and 3' end sequences of genome were confirmed with RACE. The complete sequence of TMV-B comprises 6 395 nucleotides (nt) and four open reading frames, which correspond to 126 ku (1 116 amino acids), 183 ku (1 616 amino acids), 30 ku (268 amino acids) and 17.5 ku proteins (159 amino acids). The complete nucleotide sequence of TMV-B is 99.4% identical to that of TMV-U1. The two virus isolates share the same sequence of 5', 3' non-coding region and 17.5 K ORF, and 6, 1 and 3 amino acid changes are found in 126 K protein, 54 K protein and 30 K protein, respectively. The possible mechanism on the infection of TMV-B in Vicia faba is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on reported TMV-U1 sequence, primers were designed and fragments covering the entire genome of TMV broad bean strain (TMV-B) were obtained with RT-PCR. These fragments were cloned and sequenced and the 5’ and 3’ end sequences of genome were confirmed with RACE. The complete sequence of TMV-B comprises 6 395 nucleotides (nt) and four open reading frames, which correspond to 126 ku (1 116 amino acids), 183 ku (1 616 amino acids), 30 ku (268 amino acids) and 17.5 ku proteins (159 amino acids). The complete nucleotide sequence of TMV-B is 99.4% identical to that of TMV-U1. The two virus isolates share the same sequence of 5’, 3’ non-coding region and 17.5 K ORF, and 6, 1 and 3 amino acid changes are found in 126 K protein, 54 K protein and 30 K protein, respectively. The possible mechanism on the infection of TMV-B inVicia faba is discussed. The EMBL accession number of the sequence reported in this paper is AJ011933.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of a large (66 kb) plasmid pLD-TEX-KL of Legionella dumoffii TEX-KL strain was determined. Of the 57 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), 39 (68%) encoded proteins similar to previously known proteins, five (9%) were assigned with putative functions, three (5%) encoded conserved hypothetical proteins, and 10 (18%) had no homology to any genes present in the current open databases. The ORFs with similar functions were organized in a modular structure; thus, transfer region was identified, as well as a putative heavy-metal ion transporter system (hel). The transfer region encoded homologs of the Salmonella entrica serovar Typhi conjugative system components involved in conjugation. In addition, we also found a potential protein that was analogous to the DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit. It is rarely found that plasmid encode the DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

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