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Although most non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons are inserted throughout the host genome, many non-LTR elements in the R1 clade are inserted into specific sites within the target sequence. Four R1 clade families have distinct target specificity: R1 and RT insert into specific sites of 28S rDNA, and TRAS and SART insert into different sites within the (TTAGG)(n) telomeric repeats. To study the evolutionary history of target specificity of R1-clade retrotransposons, we have screened extensively novel representatives of the clade from various insects by in silico and degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) cloning. We found four novel sequence-specific elements; Waldo (WaldoAg1, 2, and WaldoFs1) inserts into ACAY repeats, Mino (MinoAg1) into AC repeats, R6 into another specific site of the 28S rDNA, and R7 into a specific site of the 18S rDNA. In contrast, several elements (HOPE, WISHBm1, HidaAg1, NotoAg1, KagaAg1, Ha1Fs1) lost target sequence specificity, although some of them have preferred target sequences. Phylogenetic trees based on the RT and EN domains of each element showed that (1) three rDNA-specific elements, RT, R6, and R7, diverged from Waldo; (2) the elements having similar target sequences are phylogenetically related; and (3) the target specificity in the R1 clade was obtained once and thereafter altered and lost several times independently. These data indicate that the target specificity in R1 clade retroelements has changed during evolution and is more divergent than has been speculated so far.  相似文献   

Although most LINEs (long interspersed nuclear elements), which are autonomous non-long-terminal-repeat retrotransposons, are inserted throughout the host genome, three groups of LINEs, the early-branched group, the Tx group, and the R1 clade, are inserted into specific sites within the target sequence. We previously characterized the sequence specificity of the R1 clade elements. In this study, we screened the other two groups of sequence-specific LINEs from public DNA databases, reconstructed elements from fragmented sequences, identified their target sequences, and analyzed them phylogenetically. We characterized 13 elements in the early-branched group and 13 in the Tx group. In the early-branched group, we identified R2 elements from sea squirts and zebrafish in this study, although R2 has not been characterized outside the arthropod group to date. This is the first evidence of cross-phylum distribution of sequence-specific LINEs. The Dong element also occurs across phyla, among arthropods and mollusks. In the Tx group, we characterized five novel sequence-specific families: Kibi for TC repeats, Koshi for TTC repeats, Keno for the U2 snRNA gene, Dewa for the tRNA tandem arrays, and Mutsu for the 5S rRNA gene. Keno and Mutsu insert into the highly conserved region within small RNA genes and destroy the targets. Several copies of Dewa insert different positions of tRNA tandem array, which indicates a certain "site specifier" other than sequence-specific endonuclease. In all three groups, LINEs specific for the rRNA genes or microsatellites can occur as multiple families in one organism. This indicates that the copy number of a target sequence is the primary factor to restrict the variety of sequence specificity of LINEs.  相似文献   

The ingi (long and autonomous) and RIME (short and nonautonomous) non--long-terminal repeat retrotransposons are the most abundant mobile elements characterized to date in the genome of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei. These retrotransposons were thought to be randomly distributed, but a detailed and comprehensive analysis of their genomic distribution had not been performed until now. To address this question, we analyzed the ingi/RIME sequences and flanking sequences from the ongoing T. brucei genome sequencing project (TREU927/4 strain). Among the 81 ingi/RIME elements analyzed, 60% are complete, and 7% of the ingi elements (approximately 15 copies per haploid genome) appear to encode for their own transposition. The size of the direct repeat flanking the ingi/RIME retrotransposons is conserved (i.e., 12-bp), and a strong 11-bp consensus pattern precedes the 5'-direct repeat. The presence of a consensus pattern upstream of the retroelements was confirmed by the analysis of the base occurrence in 294 GSS containing 5'-adjacent ingi/RIME sequences. The conserved sequence is present upstream of ingis and RIMEs, suggesting that ingi-encoded enzymatic activities are used for retrotransposition of RIMEs, which are short nonautonomous retroelements. In conclusion, the ingi and RIME retroelements are not randomly distributed in the genome of T. brucei and are preceded by a conserved sequence, which may be the recognition site of the ingi-encoded endonuclease.  相似文献   

The trypanosomatid protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi contains long autonomous (L1Tc) and short nonautonomous (NARTc) non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons. NARTc (0.25 kb) probably derived from L1Tc (4.9 kb) by 3'-deletion. It has been proposed that their apparent random distribution in the genome is related to the L1Tc-encoded apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE) activity, which repairs modified residues. To address this question we used the T. cruzi (CL-Brener strain) genome data to analyze the distribution of all the L1Tc/NARTc elements present in contigs larger than 10 kb. This data set, which represents 0.91x sequence coverage of the haploid nuclear genome ( approximately 55 Mb), contains 419 elements, including 112 full-length L1Tc elements (14 of which are potentially functional) and 84 full-length NARTc. Approximately half of the full-length elements are flanked by a target site duplication, most of them (87%) are 12 bp long. Statistical analyses of sequences flanking the full-length elements show the same highly conserved pattern upstream of both the L1Tc and NARTc retrotransposons. The two most conserved residues are a guanine and an adenine, which flank the site where first-strand cleavage is performed by the element-encoded endonuclease activity. This analysis clearly indicates that the L1Tc and NARTc elements display relative site specificity for insertion, which suggests that the APE activity is not responsible for first-strand cleavage of the target site.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA genes are abundant repetitive sequences in most eukaryotes. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) contains many insertions derived from mobile elements including non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons. R2 is the well-characterized 28S rDNA-specific non-LTR retrotransposon family that is distributed over at least 4 bilaterian phyla. R2 is a large family sharing the same insertion specificity and classified into 4 clades (R2-A, -B, -C, and -D) based on the N-terminal domain structure and the phylogeny. There is no observation of horizontal transfer of R2; therefore, the origin of R2 dates back to before the split between protostomes and deuterostomes. Here, we in silico identified 1 R2 element from the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis and 2 R2-like retrotransposons from the hydrozoan Hydra magnipapillata. R2 from N. vectensis was inserted into the 28S rDNA like other R2, but the R2-like elements from H. magnipapillata were inserted into the specific sequence in the highly conserved region of the 18S rDNA. We designated the Hydra R2-like elements R8. R8 is inserted at 37 bp upstream from R7, another 18S rDNA-specific retrotransposon family. There is no obvious sequence similarity between targets of R2 and R8, probably because they recognize long DNA sequences. Domain structure and phylogeny indicate that R2 from N. vectensis is the member of the R2-D clade, and R8 from H. magnipapillata belongs to the R2-A clade despite its different sequence specificity. These results suggest that R2 had been generated before the split between cnidarians and bilaterians and that R8 is a retrotransposon family that changed its target from the 28S rDNA to the 18S rDNA.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) spreads genetic diversity by moving genes across species boundaries. By rapidly introducing newly evolved genes into existing genomes, HGT circumvents the slow step of ab initio gene creation and accelerates genome innovation. However, HGT can only affect organisms that readily exchange genes (exchange communities). In order to define exchange communities and understand the internal and external environmental factors that regulate HGT, we analyzed approximately 20,000 genes contained in eight free-living prokaryotic genomes. These analyses indicate that HGT occurs among organisms that share similar factors. The most significant are genome size, genome G/C composition, carbon utilization, and oxygen tolerance.  相似文献   

横向传递是在同种或异种生物不同个体之间沿水平方向进行遗传物质的单方向转移,有多种不同的转移方式。在生物界中,遗传物质的横向传递通常是借助某种载体如病毒来完成,高等生物还可以通过有性生殖在同种生物不同个体之间或异种生物不同个体之间传递遗传物质。基因的横向传递是普遍存在的,是生物进化的重要动力之一。转基因植物是人工遗传物质横向转移的结果,人工遗传物质横向转移正在越来越明显地影响着生物的生存状态。  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer is accepted as an important evolutionary force modulating the evolution of prokaryote genomes. However, it is thought that horizontal gene transfer plays only a minor role in metazoan evolution. In this paper, I critically review the rising evidence on horizontally transferred genes and on the acquisition of novel traits in metazoans. In particular, I discuss suspected examples in sponges, cnidarians, rotifers, nematodes, molluscs and arthropods which suggest that horizontal gene transfer in metazoans is not simply a curiosity. In addition, I stress the scarcity of studies in vertebrates and other animal groups and the importance of forthcoming studies to understand the importance and extent of horizontal gene transfer in animals.  相似文献   

茚虫威在红火蚁工蚁间的横向接触传导效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[背景]红火蚁是我国重要的外来入侵害虫。利用其相互清洁和交哺行为等社会性昆虫特有的生活习性,使杀虫剂在巢群内传导,可以达到全巢药剂控制的目的。然而,有关茚虫威在红火蚁巢群内的传导效应尚未见有详细报道。[方法]采用供药蚁/受药蚁模型,研究了药剂剂量、供药蚁—受药蚁比例、处理时间对茚虫威在红火蚁工蚁间横向传毒的影响。[结果]剂量越高,受药蚁的死亡率越高,25 ng·头-1处理组受药蚁死亡率为14.1%~70.0%,而50 ng·头-1处理组的受药蚁死亡率最高可达100%;供药蚁—受药蚁比例显著影响茚虫威的传毒,比例为1∶1时,50、100、250、500 ng·头-1处理组受药蚁死亡率可达100%;随着时间延长,受药蚁的死亡率升高,但在12 h后,供药蚁死亡率最高仅为8.0%,表明茚虫威具缓效特性。[结论与意义]本研究明确了在红火蚁工蚁间茚虫威横向传毒的剂量、时间和供药蚁—受药蚁比例的效应,为应用该药剂提供了依据。  相似文献   

K Noma  H Ohtsubo  E Ohtsubo 《DNA research》2001,8(6):291-299
The Arabidopsis thaliana genome has about 250 copies of LINEs (here called ATLNs). Of these, some, called ATLN-Ls, have an extra sequence of about 2 kb in the region downstream of two consecutive open reading frames, orf1 and orf2. Interestingly, the extra sequences in these ATLN-L members have another open reading frame, designated as orf3. Each member is flanked by direct repeats of a target site sequence, showing that ATLN-L members with the three open reading frames have retrotransposed as a unit. The ATLN-L members are also distinct from other ATLN members: orf1 terminates with TAA (or TAG) and is located in the same frame as orf2, and the ATG initiation codon of orf2 is not present in the proximal region. A sequence that may form a pseudoknot structure in ATLN-L mRNA was present in the proximal region of orf2, therefore the TAA (or TAG) termination codon of orf1 is assumed to be suppressed to produce an Orf1-Orf2 transframe protein during the translation of the ATLN-L mRNA. The region between orf2 and orf3 is several hundred bp long, suggesting that orf3 expression is independent of orfl-orf2. The amino acid sequences of the proteins Orf1 and Orf3 are highly homologous in their N-terminal half regions that have a retroviral zinc-finger motif for RNA binding. Orf3, however, has a leucine-zipper motif in addition to the zinc-finger motif. The C-terminal regions of the Orf1 and Orf3 proteins have poor homology, but seem to have nuclear localization signals, suggesting that these proteins are involved in the transfer of ATLN-L mRNA to nuclei. A phylogenetic tree shows that Orf3 proteins form a branch distinct from the branches of the Orf1 proteins encoded by ATLN-L members. This indicates that an ancestor element of ATLN-Ls has incorporated the orf1 frame carried by another ATLN member into its distal region to orf1-orf2 during evolution.  相似文献   

Twelve Vibrio cholerae isolates with genes for a type III secretion system (T3SS) were detected among 110 environmental and 14 clinical isolates. T3SS‐related genes were distributed among the various serogroups and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis of NotI‐digested genomes showed genetic diversity in these strains. However, the restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles of the T3SS‐related genes had similar patterns. Additionally, naturally competent T3SS‐negative V. cholerae incorporated the ca. 47 kb gene cluster of T3SS, which had been integrated into a site on the chromosome by recombination. Therefore, it is suggested that horizontal gene transfer of T3SS‐related genes occurs among V. cholerae in natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

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