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The regulatory mechanism of decline in catalytic activity for intestinal lactase (lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, beta-galactosidase) as mammals mature has not been defined. Solubilized intestinal brush-border membranes from adult male rats (greater than 4 months of age, 200-400 g) were examined by high performance liquid Zorbax GF-450 chromatography, subjected to denaturing acrylamide electrophoresis, blotted to nitrocellulose, and identified by specific polyvalent anti-lactase. Three major species were present within the 235-kDa active lactase peak (225, 130, and 100 kDa). The 100-kDa moiety was also prominent in the approximately 300-kDa region of the GF-450 effluent, suggesting it is a catalytically inactive oligomer. In vivo synthesis and assembly of lactase by intraintestinal pulse [( 35S]methionine, 5 min) and chase (15-120 min) revealed rapid (15 min of chase; maximum, 60 min) intracellular synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi fraction of multiple species (64, 100, 130, 175, and 225 kDa). The 64-kDa species disappeared from the intracellular membrane compartment and was not transferred to the brush-border surface. The 175-kDa moiety appeared to be processed to the 225-kDa unit prior to relocation to the surface membrane. By 120 min, the 100-kDa species became the predominant (approximately 60%) radiolabeled unit in both endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi and brush border. In the adult rat, lactase is assembled in multiple molecular forms that are differentially processed: (a) intracellular degradation (64-kDa unit) or (b) transfer to the brush-border surface as catalytically active (225 and 130 kDa) or inactive (100 kDa) species. Although substantial synthesis of lactase proteins prevails, major changes in processing appear to serve as an important regulatory mechanism producing the maturational decline of catalytic activity. The accompanying article (Castillo, R. O., Reisenauer, A. M., Kwong, L. K., Tsuboi, K. K., Quan, R., and Gray, G. M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 15889-15893) extends our studies to synthesis and assembly during the neonatal period of maturation.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is an important regulator of vasomotor tone in the pulmonary circulation. We tested the hypothesis that the role NO plays in regulating vascular tone changes during early postnatal development. Isolated, perfused lungs from 7- and 14-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats were studied. Baseline total pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) was not different between age groups. The addition of KCl to the perfusate caused a concentration-dependent increase in PVR that did not differ between age groups. However, the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine augmented the K(+)-induced increase in PVR in both groups, and the effect was greater in lungs from 14-day-old rats vs. 7-day-old rats. Lung levels of total endothelial, inducible, and neuronal NOS proteins were not different between groups; however, the production rate of exhaled NO was greater in lungs from 14-day-old rats compared with those of 7-day-old rats. Vasodilation to 0.1 microM of the NO donor spermine NONOate was greater in 14-day lungs than in 7-day lungs, and lung levels of both soluble guanylyl cyclase and cGMP were greater at 14 days than at 7 days. Vasodilation to 100 microM of the cGMP analog 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)guanosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate was greater in 7-day lungs than in 14-day lungs. Our results demonstrate that the pulmonary vascular bed depends more on NO production to modulate vascular tone at 14 days than at 7 days of age. The observed differences in NO sensitivity may be due to maturational increases in soluble guanylyl cyclase protein levels.  相似文献   

Lactase exists in both soluble and membrane-bound forms in suckling rat intestine. The distribution of lactase and its glycosylated isoforms in response to thyroxine or cortisone administration has been studied in suckling rats. 75% of lactase activity was detected, associated with brush borders, compared to 24% in the soluble fraction of 8-day-old rats. Thyroxine treatment enhanced soluble lactase activity to 34%, whereas particulate fraction was reduced to 67% compared to controls. Cortisone administration reduced soluble lactase activity from 24% in controls to 12% with a concomitant increase in membrane-bound activity to 89%. Western blot analysis revealed lactase signal, corresponding to 220 kDa in both the soluble and membrane fractions, which corroborated the enzyme activity data. The elution pattern of papain solubilized lactase from agarose-Wheat Germ agglutinin, or Concanavalin A or Jacalin agglutinin columns was different in the suckling and adult rat intestines. Also the elution profile of lactase activity from agarose-lectin columns was modulated in cortisone, thyroxine, and insulin injected pups, which suggests differences in glycosylated isoforms of lactase under these conditions. These findings suggest the role of these hormones in inducing changes in lactase glycosylation during postnatal development of intestine, which may contribute to adult-type hypolactasia in rats.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to identify rat intestinal microvillar proteins which undergo changes in terminal glycosylation during postnatal development. Pulse-labeling with [3H]fucose or N-[3H]acetylgalactosamine showed significantly higher incorporation into purified microvillar membranes of weanling than suckling rats. In contrast, the incorporation of [3H]sialic acid after pulse-labeling with N-[3H]acetylmanosamine was higher in suckling rats. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed these developmental differences in radioactive sugar incorporation to involve mainly proteins above Mr 90,000. 125I-labeled peanut lectin autoradiography revealed an Mr greater than 330,000 binding protein in suckling rats. Neuraminidase treatment of the membranes revealed the presence of sialyl-substituted sites in this protein in suckling, weaning and weanling animals, but the unmasking of sites decreased with advancing maturation. 125I-labeled Ulex europeus I autoradiography showed marked increases in binding of this lectin to Mr 66,000, 92,000, 130,000, 150,000 and greater than 330,000 proteins from weaning to weanling periods. Similar age-related increases in soybean lectin binding to Mr 130,000-150,000, and greater than 330,000 proteins were demonstrated by affinity chromatography. The Mr values of the major lectin-binding proteins were close to those reported for several hydrolases (trehalase, alkaline phosphatase, sucrase-isomaltase and glucoamylase). Comparison of the Coomassie blue-stained electrophoretograms from each age-group against the corresponding autoradiograms of lection-binding proteins led us to conclude that, while the content of these proteins in the membrane achieve their mature levels at or before weaning, their terminal glycosylation (desialylation, fucosylation, N-acetylgalactosamination) is not fully established until later development.  相似文献   

Adult rats that had been fed on a low-starch high-fat diet for 7 days were force-fed with either the same diet or isoenergetic diets containing 40% of energy as either sucrose or lactose. Within 12h, the increase in jejunal lactase activity in sucrose- and lactose-fed rats was accompanied by a corresponding increase in immunoreactive lactase protein.  相似文献   

Maturational changes in extracellular matrix and lung tissue mechanics.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The viscoelastic properties of the pulmonary parenchyma change rapidly postparturition. We compared changes in mechanical properties with changes in tissue composition of rat lung parenchymal strips in three groups of Sprague-Dawley rats: baby (B; 10-14 days), young (Y; approximately 3 wk), and adult (A; approximately 8 wk). Strips were suspended in an organ bath, and resistance (R), elastance (E), and hysteresivity (eta) were calculated during sinusoidal oscillations before and after the addition of acetylcholine (ACh) (10(-3) M). Strips were then fixed in formalin, and sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Verhoff's elastic stain, or Van Gieson's picric acid-fuchsin stain for collagen. The volume proportion of collagen (%Col), the length density of elastic fibers (L(V)/Pr(alv)), and the arithmetic mean thickness of alveolar septae (T(a)) were calculated by morphometry. Tissue was also stained for alpha-smooth muscle actin (ASMA), and the volume proportion of ASMA (%ASMA) was calculated. Hyaluronic acid (HA) was quantitated by radioimmunoassay in separate strips. R and E in B strips were significantly higher, whereas eta was significantly smaller than in Y or A strips. Changes in these parameters with ACh were greater in B strips. T(a), %ASMA, and HA were greatest in B strips, whereas %Col and L(V)/Pr(alv) were least. There were significant positive correlations between R and E vs. T(a) and between percent change in R and eta post-ACh vs. T(a) and vs. %ASMA, and significant negative correlations between R and E vs. %Col and vs. L(V)/Pr(alv) and percent increase in all three mechanical parameters post-ACh vs. %Col. These data suggest that the relatively high stiffness, R, and contractile responsiveness of parenchymal tissues observed in newborns are not directly attributable to the amount of collagen and elastic fibers in the tissue, but rather they are related to the thickened alveolar wall and the relatively greater percent of contractile cells.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The interaction of insulin with purified brush-border membranes from rat kidney was studied with the use of [125I]insulin.
  • 2.2. The specific binding of insulin by brush-borders could be demonstrated, and was time- and temperature-dependent.
  • 3.3. [125I]insulin was displaced by unlabelled insulin. A1-B29 dodecoyl insulin and insulin A- and B-chains in proportion to their relative bioactivity.
  • 4.4. Brush-border membranes showed high insulin-degrading activity with an apparent Km of 2.2 μM.
  • 5.5. A number of proteinase inhibitors were effective in inhibiting insulin degradation but the greatest degree of inhibition was achieved by the use of thiol-blocking reagents.
  • 6.6. No evidence was obtained for the involvement of the enzyme glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase.

Ethanol (50 mM) inhibited proteolysis in the perfused rat liver during stringent amino acid deprivation and also in the presence of normal and 10 times normal concentrations of plasma amino acids. The concentration-response curve of ethanol reached a plateau after 5 mM in both the presence and the absence of normal plasma amino acids, suggesting inhibition by oxidation products of ethanol. Intracellular glutamine, tyrosine and proline increased in concentration with ethanol, but the increases were too small to explain the observed inhibition of proteolysis. The uptake of 125I-asialofetuin was slightly decreased and the output of ammonia increased in the presence of ethanol. These, together with a significant suppression of basal proteolysis in the presence of amino acids, suggest that lysosomal function was directly affected. Electron-microscopic examination of lysosomal components showed that the aggregate volume of autophagosomes (initial vacuoles) were significantly smaller in livers perfused with ethanol than in controls. However, the equivalent volume of autolysosomes (degradative vacuoles) was the same in both groups. According to these results, ethanol inhibits protein degradation in the liver by two discrete mechanisms: one decreasing the formation of autophagic vacuoles and the other involving lysosomotropic inhibition, possibly via ammonia.  相似文献   

This paper continues the previous investigation of the Department on the lymphoid tissue of central and peripheral lymphoid organs under different experimental conditions. The morphological reactional modalities of the intestinal lymphoid tissue in the male Wistar rat were followed up under endocrine imbalance conditions following cortisone administration. Seven days after administration cortisone induced a hyperplasia of the intestinal lymphoid tissue in parallel with a depletion of the lymph node parenchyma and a hypercellularity of bone marrow. After a 6-week postcortisone interval, the lymphoid tissue showed changes corresponding to a cellular depletion in parallel with the restoration of the lymph node parenchyma and a normocellular bone marrow.  相似文献   

To determine whether Na/Ca exchange is altered in primary hypertension, Na-dependent changes in intracellular Ca, ([Ca]i), were measured in isolated perfused hearts from Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats. Intracellular Na, (Nai, mEq/kg dry wt), and [Ca]i were measured by NMR spectroscopy. Control [Ca]i was less in WKY than SHR (176 +/- 18 vs 253 +/- 21 nmol/l; mean +/- S.E., P < 0.05), whereas Nai was not significantly different. One explanation for this is that net Na/Ca exchange flux is decreased in SHR. If this hypothesis is correct, the rate of Ca uptake in SHR should be less than WKY when Na/Ca exchange is reversed by decreasing the transmembrane Na gradient. The Na gradient was reduced by decreasing extracellular Na, ([Na]o) and/or by increasing [Na]i. To increase [Na]i, Na uptake was stimulated by acidification while Na extrusion by Na/K ATPase was inhibited by K-free perfusion. Seventeen minutes after acidification, Nai had increased but was not significantly different in SHR and WKY (18.0 +/- 2.3 to 57.4 +/- 7.6 vs 20.3 +/- 0.6 to 66.5 +/- 4.8 mEq/kg dry wt, respectively). Yet [Ca]i was greater in WKY than SHR (1768 +/- 142 vs 1201 +/- 90 nmol/l; P < 0.05). [Ca]i was also measured after decreasing [Na]o from 141 to 30 mmol/l. Fifteen minutes after reducing [Na]o, [Ca]i was greater in WKY than SHR (833 +/- 119 vs 425 +/- 94 nmol/l; P < 0.05). Thus for both protocols, decreasing the transmembrane Na gradient led to increased [Ca]i in both SHR and WKY, but less increase in SHR. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that Na/Ca exchange activity is less in SHR than WKY myocardium.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the ubiquitin-dependent protoelytic pathway is one of the major routes by which intracellular proteins are selectively destroyed. Recent work has shown that conjugation of ubiquitin to substrate proteins is mediated by a remarkably diverse array of enzymes. Proteolytic targeting may also be regulated at steps between ubiquitination of the substrate and its degradation to peptides by the multisubunit 26S protease. The complexity of the ubiquitin system suggests a central role for protein turnover in eukaryotic cell regulation.  相似文献   

Peptides like Tyr-MIF-1 (Tyr-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2) that are administered during the neonatal period can result in biological effects persisting into the adult period. The possibility that Tyr-MIF-1 might have a prolonged half-life in neonatal blood was investigated by HPLC of plasma obtained from 4-day-old rat pups. More than half (65%) of the tritiated Tyr-MIF-1 incubated with neonatal rat plasma at 37°C remained in intact form at 30 min compared with less than a quarter of the Tyr-MIF-1 incubated with adult rat plasma. The calculated half-life of the tetrapeptide incubated in neonatal plasma was 50.2 min, compared with 13.8 min for adult plasma (p<0.01). The simultaneous addition of Tyr-MIF-1 tritiated on the Tyr and Tyr-MIF-1 tritiated on the Pro showed the formation of equal amounts of the free amino acids Tyr and Pro; this indicates that Tyr-MIF-1 is not a precursor of MIF-1 in neonatal rat plasma. The results show that the degradation of Tyr-MIF-1 is significantly delayed in plasma from neonatal rats, suggesting the possibility that the metabolism of other peptides and different types of compounds also may be delayed during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

In a non-isotonic environment, cells can shrink or swell and return to their normal shape by activating ion transport pathways. Changes in intracellular pH (pHi) after osmotic stress have been identified in several cells. In order to study the mechanisms that regulate cytosolic pH of rat mast cells in a hypertonic medium, we used the pH sensitive dye, BCECF. Under these hypertonic conditions, pHi undergoes an alkalinization following an initial acidification. The alkalinization is mediated by a Na+/H+ exchanger, since it is inhibited by amiloride and lack of extracellular sodium. Under these conditions, the alkalinization is increased with the PKC activators, TPA and OAG, and partially blocked with trifluoperazine, an unspecific protein kinase C (PKC) and Ca2+ calmodulin-dependent protein kinases (Ca2+/CaM K) inhibitor. There is also an anion exchanger, blocked with DIDS but not activated by PKC, that participates in the observed alkalinization. However, Na+/H+ exchanger is the main mechanism involved in the alkalinization of pHi of mast cells in a hyperosmotic environment.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis, processing, and intracellular transport of lysosomal acid phosphatase was studied using an in vitro cell-free translation system, pulse-chase experiments with primary cultured rat hepatocytes and subcellular fractionation techniques of rat liver after pulse-labeling with [35S]methionine in vivo. The single polypeptide of 45 kDa translated in the cell-free system from membrane-bound polysomal RNAs was converted to the 64 kDa form when the translation was carried out in the presence of microsomal vesicles. Pulse-chase experiments using cultured rat hepatocytes showed that acid phosphatase is initially synthesized as an endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H (Endo H)-sensitive form of 64 kDa, and processed via an Endo H-sensitive intermediate form of 62 kDa to an Endo H-resistant form with a 67 kDa mass. Phase separation with Triton X-114 showed that both the 64 and 67 kDa forms have hydrophobic properties. Treatment of the cells with chloroquine or tunicamycin, drugs which enhance the secretion of lysosomal hydrolases, had no effect on the normal transport of acid phosphatase to lysosomes. Acid phosphatase did not contain the phosphorylated high mannose type of oligosaccharide chains observed in cathepsin D. Subcellular fractionation experiments in conjunction with pulse-labeling in vivo showed that the acid phosphatase of the 67 kDa form was present in the Golgi heavy fraction (GF3) and the Golgi light fraction (GF1+2) enriched in cis and trans Golgi elements, respectively, at 30 min after the administration of [35S]methionine. Simultaneously, this polypeptide was also found in the lysosomal membrane fraction, thereby indicating that acid phosphatase is delivered to lysosomes in a membrane-bound form, immediately after reaching the trans-Golgi region.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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