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The many genes involved in flagellar structure and function in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium are located in three major clusters on the chromosome: flagellar regions I, II and III. We have found that region III does not consist of a contiguous set of flagellar genes, as was thought, but that in E. coli there is almost 7 kb of DNA between the filament cap gene, fliD, and the next known flagellar gene, fliE; a similar situation occurs in S. typhimurium. Most of this DNA is unrelated to flagellar function, since a mutant in which 5.4 kb of it had been deleted remained fully motile and chemotactic as judged by swarming on semi-solid agar. We have therefore subdivided flagellar region III into two regions, IIIa and IIIb. The known genes in region IIIa are fliABCD, all of which are involved in filament structure and assembly, while region IIIb contains genes fliEFGHIJKLMNOPQR, all of which are related to formation of the hook (basal-body)-complex or to even earlier assembly events. We have found that fliD, the last known gene in region IIIa, is immediately followed by two additional genes, both necessary for flagellation, which we have designated fliS and fliT. They encode small proteins with deduced molecular masses of about 15 kDa and 14 kDa, respectively. The functions of FliS and FliT remain to be determined, but they do not appear to be members of the axial family of structural proteins to which FliD belongs.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli mutants defective in cheY and cheZ function are motile but generally nonchemotactic; cheY mutants have an extreme counterclockwise bias in flagellar rotation, whereas cheZ mutants have a clockwise rotational bias. Chemotactic pseudorevertants of cheY and cheZ mutants were isolated on semisolid agar and examined for second-site suppressors in other chemotaxis-related loci. Approximately 15% of the cheZ revertants and over 95% of the cheY revertants contained compensatory mutations in the flaA or flaB locus. When transferred to an otherwise wild-type background, most of these suppressor mutations resulted in a generally nonchemotactic phenotype: suppressors of cheY caused a clockwise rotational bias; suppressors of cheZ produced a counterclockwise rotational bias. Chemotactic double mutants containing a che and a fla mutation invariably exhibited flagellar rotation patterns in between the opposing extremes characteristic of the component mutations. This additive effect on flagellar rotation resulted in essentially wild-type swimming behavior and is probably the major basis of suppressor action. However, suppression effects were also allele specific, suggesting that the cheY and cheZ gene products interact directly with the flaA and flaB products. These interactions may be instrumental in establishing the unstimulated swimming pattern of E. coli.  相似文献   

Transcriptional control of flagellar genes in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:41,自引:29,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

Two biochemically distinct classes of fumarase in Escherichia coli   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Biochemical studies with strains of Escherichia coli that are amplified for the products of the three fumarase genes, fumA (FUMA), fumB (FUMB) and fumC (FUMC), have shown that there are two distinct classes of fumarase. The Class I enzymes include FUMA, FUMB, and the immunologically related fumarase of Euglena gracilis. These are characteristically thermolabile dimeric enzymes containing identical subunits of Mr 60,000. FUMA and FUMB are differentially regulated enzymes that function in the citric acid cycle (FUMA) or to provide fumarate as an anaerobic electron acceptor (FUMB), and their affinities for fumarate and L-malate are consistent with these roles. The Class II enzymes include FUMC, and the fumarases of Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammalian sources. They are thermostable tetrameric enzymes containing identical subunits Mr 48,000-50,000. The Class II fumarases share a high degree of sequence identity with each other (approx. 60%) and with aspartase (approx. 38%) and argininosuccinase (approx. 15%), and it would appear that these are all members of a family of structurally related enzymes. It is also suggested that the Class I enzymes may belong to a wider family of iron-dependent carboxylic acid hydro-lyases that includes maleate dehydratase and aconitase. Apart from one region containing a Gly-Ser-X-X-Met-X-X-Lys-X-Asn consensus sequence, no significant homology was detected between the Class I and Class II fumarases.  相似文献   

Abstract Two diphasic Escherichia coli strains, Bi7327-41 and P12b, which spontaneously change their flagellar antigenic characters from H3 to H16, and from H17 to H4, respectively, were investigated. New features of the genetic control of flagellar phase variation in Bi7327-41 and Salmonella were found. Two genes responsible for the alternative flagellar phases H17 and H4 were demonstrated in P12b. They differed from hagA (H16) and hagB (H3), the two flagellin genes of Bi7327-41, in not being alleles of hagB (H3) or sensitive to the hagA (H16)-specific repressor.  相似文献   

Two classes of genes in plants   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Carels N  Bernardi G 《Genetics》2000,154(4):1819-1825
Two classes of genes were identified in three Gramineae (maize, rice, barley) and six dicots (Arabidopsis, soybean, pea, tobacco, tomato, potato). One class, the GC-rich class, contained genes with no, or few, short introns. In contrast, the GC-poor class contained genes with numerous, long introns. The similarity of the properties of each class, as present in the genomes of maize and Arabidopsis, is particularly remarkable in view of the fact that these plants exhibit large differences in genome size, average intron size, and DNA base composition. The functional relevance of the two classes of genes is stressed by (1) the conservation in homologous genes from maize and Arabidopsis not only of the number of introns and of their positions, but also of the relative size of concatenated introns; and (2) the existence of two similar classes of genes in vertebrates; interestingly, the differences in intron sizes and numbers in genes from the GC-poor and GC-rich classes are much more striking in plants than in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Incomplete flagellar structures in Escherichia coli mutants.   总被引:24,自引:22,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

A mutation in H-NS results in non-flagellation of Escherichia coli due to a reduced expression of the flhDC master operon. We found that the hns-negative strain restored its flagellation in the presence of flhDC, although the resulting strain was still non-motile. Since the intracelluar levels of motor components MotA, MotB, and FliG in the Deltahns strain were unaltered, the non-motility indicates that H-NS affects flagellar function as well as biogenesis. We obtained an insertion in ycgR, a putative gene encoding a protein of 244 amino acid residues, which suppresses the motility defect of hns-deficient cells. The abnormally low swimming speed of hns mutant cells was fully restored by an insertion in ycgR, as assessed with computer-assisted motion analysis. A similar suppressor phenotype was observed with a multicopy expression of yhjH, a putative gene encoding a polypeptide of 256 amino acid residues. Since the flagella of most hns-deficient cells were not rotating, except a few with reduced speed, the suppression appears to increase the number of rotating flagella as observed with tethered bacteria. The ycgR and yhjH genes contain the consensus sequence found among the class III promoters of the flagellar regulon, and their expression monitored with a lacZ fusion requires FlhDC. These findings suggest that ycgR and yhjH, together with H-NS, are involved in the motor function and constitute new members of the flagellar regulon.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motor is a highly ordered and complex supramolecular structure that powers rotation of flagella and serves as a type III export apparatus for flagellar assembly. Motor biogenesis represents a formidable example of self-assembly, but little is known about early steps of the motor structure formation. Here we used a combination of fluorescence microscopy techniques to dissect the order of the motor assembly in Escherichia coli cells, to map in vivo the underlying protein interactions and to investigate dynamics of protein exchange in the assembled motor structure. Our data suggest that motor self-assembly is initiated by oligomerization of the membrane export apparatus protein FlhA, which is followed by the recruitment of the MS ring component FliF and by the ordered association of other motor proteins. The assembly process combines the hierarchy with cooperativity, whereby the association of each subsequent motor structure stabilizes the growing assembly. Our results provide a novel and so far the most complete view of the early steps in flagellar motor assembly and improve understanding of the motor structure and regulation.  相似文献   

The sigma F RNA polymerase has been characterized biochemically and is known to transcribe several flagellar genes in Escherichia coli. It was found that while the flagellar regulatory genes flhD and flhC are required for sigma F activity, the sizes of their corresponding gene products are inconsistent with their encoding sigma F itself.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiles of Escherichia coli K-12 W3110 were compared as a function of steady-state external pH. Cultures were grown to an optical density at 600 nm of 0.3 in potassium-modified Luria-Bertani medium buffered at pH 5.0, 7.0, and 8.7. For each of the three pH conditions, cDNA from RNA of five independent cultures was hybridized to Affymetrix E. coli arrays. Analysis of variance with an alpha level of 0.001 resulted in 98% power to detect genes showing a twofold difference in expression. Normalized expression indices were calculated for each gene and intergenic region (IG). Differential expression among the three pH classes was observed for 763 genes and 353 IGs. Hierarchical clustering yielded six well-defined clusters of pH profiles, designated Acid High (highest expression at pH 5.0), Acid Low (lowest expression at pH 5.0), Base High (highest at pH 8.7), Base Low (lowest at pH 8.7), Neutral High (highest at pH 7.0, lower in acid or base), and Neutral Low (lowest at pH 7.0, higher at both pH extremes). Flagellar and chemotaxis genes were repressed at pH 8.7 (Base Low cluster), where the cell's transmembrane proton potential is diminished by the maintenance of an inverted pH gradient. High pH also repressed the proton pumps cytochrome o (cyo) and NADH dehydrogenases I and II. By contrast, the proton-importing ATP synthase F1Fo and the microaerophilic cytochrome d (cyd), which minimizes proton export, were induced at pH 8.7. These observations are consistent with a model in which high pH represses synthesis of flagella, which expend proton motive force, while stepping up electron transport and ATPase components that keep protons inside the cell. Acid-induced genes, on the other hand, were coinduced by conditions associated with increased metabolic rate, such as oxidative stress. All six pH-dependent clusters included envelope and periplasmic proteins, which directly experience external pH. Overall, this study showed that (i) low pH accelerates acid consumption and proton export, while coinducing oxidative stress and heat shock regulons; (ii) high pH accelerates proton import, while repressing the energy-expensive flagellar and chemotaxis regulons; and (iii) pH differentially regulates a large number of periplasmic and envelope proteins.  相似文献   

Transport of flagellar structural proteins beyond the cytoplasmic membrane is accomplished by a type III secretory pathway [flagellar type III secretion system (fTTSS)]. The mechanism of substrate recognition by the fTTSS is still enigmatic. Using the hook scaffolding protein FlgD of Escherichia coli as a model substrate, it is demonstrated that the export signal is contained within the N-terminal 71 amino acids of FlgD. Analysis of frame-shift mutations and alterations of the nucleotide sequence suggest a proteinaceous nature of the signal. Furthermore, the physicochemical properties of the first about eight amino acids are crucial for export.  相似文献   

Chen X  Berg HC 《Biophysical journal》2000,78(5):2280-2284
We studied changes in speed of the flagellar rotary motor of Escherichia coli when tethered cells or cells carrying small latex spheres on flagellar stubs were shifted from H(2)O to D(2)O or subjected to changes in external pH. In the high-torque, low-speed regime, solvent isotope effects were found to be small; in the low-torque, high-speed regime, they were large. The boundaries between these regimes were close to those found earlier in measurements of the torque-speed relationship of the flagellar rotary motor (, Biophys. J. 65:2201-2216;, Biophys. J., 78:1036-1041). This observation provides direct evidence that the decline in torque at high speed is due primarily to limits in rates of proton transfer. However, variations of speed (and torque) with shifts of external pH (from 4.7 to 8.8) were small for both regimes. Therefore, rates of proton transfer are not very dependent on external pH.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli mutator genes have led to a better understanding of DNA replication fidelity mechanisms and to the discovery of important DNA repair pathways and their relationship to spontaneous mutagenesis. Mutator strains in a population of cells can be beneficial in that they allow rapid selection of variants during periods of stress, such as drug exposure.  相似文献   

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