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The actions of UmuDC and RecA proteins, respectively in SOS mutagenesis are studied here with the following experimental strategy. We used lexAl (Ind?) bacteria to maintain all SOS proteins at their basal concentrations and then selectively increased the concentration of either UmuDC or RecA protein. For this purpose, we isolated operator-constitutive mutations o c in the umuDC and umuD'C operons and also used the o 98 c -recA mutation. The o 1 c -umuDC mutation prevents LexA repressor from binding to the operator and improves the Pribnow box consensus sequence. As a result, 5000 UmuD and 500 UmuC molecules per cell were produced in lexAl bacteria. This concentration is sufficient to restore SOS mutagenesis. The level of RecA protein present in the repressed state promoted full UmuD cleavage. Overproduction of RecA alone did not promote SOS mutagenesis. Increasing the level of RecA in the presence of high concentrations of UmuDC proteins has no further effect on SOS mutgenesis. We conclude that, after DNA damage, umuDC is the only SOS operon that must be induced in Escherichia coli to promote SOS mutagenesis.  相似文献   

It has been found that the level of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-induced mutation in Escherichia coli is dependent on the level of UmuD(D)C proteins. The frequency of argE(ochre)Arg+ mutations (which occur predominantly by ATTA transversions) and RifSRifR mutations is much higher when UmuDC or UmuD'C are overproduced in the cell. When MMS-treated bacteria were starved for progressively longer times and hence the expression of mutations delayed, the level of mutations observed progressively declined. This same treatment had no effect on the degree of SOS induction. Examination of plasmid DNAs, isolated from MMS-treated cells, for their sensitivity to the specific endonucleases Fpg and Nth revealed that MMS causes formation of abasic sites, which are repaired during cell starvation. It is assumed that, in non-dividing cells, apurinic sites are mostly repaired by RecA-mediated recombinational repair. This pathway, which is error-free, is compared with the processing pathway in metabolically active cells, where translesion synthesis by the UmuD2C-RecA-DNA polymerase III holoenzyme complex occurs; this latter pathway is error-prone.  相似文献   

Bacteria live in unstructured and structured environments, experiencing feast and famine lifestyles. Bacterial colonies can be viewed as model structured environments. SOS induction and mutagenesis have been observed in aging Escherichia coli colonies, in the absence of exogenous sources of DNA damage. This cAMP-dependent mutagenesis occurring in Resting Organisms in a Structured Environment (ROSE) is unaffected by a umuC mutation and therefore differs from both targeted UV mutagenesis and recA730 (SOS constitutive) untargeted mutagenesis. As a recB mutation has only a minor effect on ROSE mutagenesis it also differs from both adaptive reversion of the lacI33 allele and from iSDR (inducible Stable DNA Replication) mutagenesis. Besides its recA and lexA dependence, ROSE mutagenesis is also uvrB and polA dependent. These genetic requirements are reminiscent of the untargeted mutagenesis in λ phage observed when unirradiated λ infects UV-irradiated E. coli. These mutations, which are not observed in aging liquid cultures, accumulate linearly with the age of the colonies. ROSE mutagenesis might offer a good model for bacterial mutagenesis in structured environments such as biofilms and for mutagenesis of quiescent eukaryotic cells. Received: 30 April 1997 / Accepted: 1 July 1997  相似文献   

RecF, RecO and RecR, three of the important proteins of the RecF pathway of recombination, are also needed for repair of DNA damage due to UV irradiation. recF mutants are not proficient in cleaving LexA repressor in vivo following DNA damage; therefore they show a delay of induction of the SOS response. In this communication, by measuring the in vivo levels of LexA repressor using anti-LexA antibodies, we show that recO and recR mutant strains are also not proficient in LexA cleavage reactions. In addition, we show that recO and recR mutations delay induction of -galactosidase activity expressed from a lexA-regulated promoter following exposure of cells to UV, thus further supporting the idea that recF, recO and recR gene products are needed for induction of the SOS response.  相似文献   

A new mutation inEscherichia coli K12,isfA, is described, which causes inhibition of SOS functions. The mutation, discovered in a ΔpolA + mutant, is responsible for inhibition of several phenomena related to the SOS response inpolA + strains: UV- and methyl methanesulfonate-induced mutagenesis, resumption of DNA replication in UV-irradiated cells, cell filamentation, prophage induction and increase in UV sensitivity. TheisfA mutation also significantly reduces UV-induced expression of β-galactosidase fromrecA::lacZ andumuC′::lacZ fusions. The results suggest that theisfA gene product may affect RecA* coprotease activity and may be involved in the regulation of the termination of the SOS response after completion of DNA repair. TheisfA mutation was localized at 85 min on theE. coli chromosome, and preliminary experiments suggest that it may be dominant to the wild-type allele.  相似文献   

Summary The numbers of tyrosine tRNA ochre suppressor mutations arising spontaneously or after UV irradiation in different strains of Escherichia coli K12 are considered. The DNA sequence change requisite for this type of mutation would be a transversion at a cytosine between two purines, where pyrimidine-pyrimidine photoproducts could not form. We find that UV mutagenesis does not produce these tyrosine tRNA ochre suppressor mutations. With lexA51 recA441 defective cells, the spontaneous yield of these mutations is elevated and UV irradiation produces a significant decrease in the numbers of this particular mutation. As explanation we suggest that the spontaneous appearance of these mutations reflects mutation at apurinic sites, the efficiency of which is elevated in lexA51 recA441 cells (with derepressed SOS functions and an activated form of RecA protein). The addition of UV damage in the DNA of these cells cannot further stimulate the positive functions that are required for the production of these mutations and are typically associated with UV mutagenesis (induction of SOS functions, activation of RecA protein and introduction of a targeting photoproduct) but apparently can have a negative effect on mutagenesis, hitherto not realized.  相似文献   

A number of observations in the Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium literature could be explained by the hypothesis that a particular purine ribonucleotide precursor can be converted to the corresponding deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate, thereby becoming a base-analogue mutagen. The metabolite in question, AICAR (5-amino-4-carboxamide imidazole riboside 5-phosphate), is also a by-product of histidine biosynthesis, and its (ribo)triphosphate derivative, ZTP, has been detected in E. coli. We constructed E. coli tester strains that had either a normal AICAR pool (pur + his + strains cultivated without purines or histidine) or no AICAR pool (purF hisG mutant strains, lacking the first enzyme of each pathway and cultivated in the presence of adenine and histidine). Using a set of lacZ mutations, each of which can revert to Lac+ only by a specific substitution mutation, we found that no base substitution event occurs at a higher frequency in the presence of an AICAR pool. We conclude that the normal AICAR pool in E. coli is not a significant source of spontaneous base substitution mutagenesis.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli strain bearing the dnaQ49 mutation, which results in a defective s subunit of DNA polymerase III, and carrying the lexA71 mutation, which causes derepression of the SOS regulon, is totally unable to maintain high-copy-number plasmids containing the umuDC operon. The strain is also unable to maintain the pAN4 plasmid containing a partial deletion of the umuD gene but retaining the wild-type umuC gene. These results suggest that a high cellular level of UmuC is exceptionally harmful to the defective DNA polymerase III of the dnaQ49 mutant. We have used this finding as a basis for selection of new plasmid umuC mutants. The properties of two such mutants, bearing the umuC61 or umuC95 mutation, are described in detail. In the umuC122:: Tn 5 strain harbouring the mutant plasmids, UV-induced mutagenesis is severely decreased compared to that observed with the parental umuDC + plasmid. Interestingly, while the frequency of UV-induced GC AT transitions is greatly reduced, the frequency of AT TA transversions is not affected. Both mutant plasmids bear frameshift mutations within the same run of seven A residues present in umuC +; in umuC61 the run is shortened to six A whereas in umuC95 is lengthened to eight A. We have found in both umuC61 and umuC95 that translation is partially restored to the proper reading frame. We propose that under conditions of limiting amounts of UmuC, the protein preferentially facilitates processing of only some kinds of UV-induced lesions.  相似文献   

The umuDC locus of Escherichia coli is required for most mutagenesis by UV and many chemicals. Mutations in E. coli umuDC genes cloned on pBR322-derived plasmids wer e isolated by two methods. First, spontaneously-arising mutant umuDC plasmids that failed to confe cold-sensitive growth on a lexA51(Def) strain were isolated by selection. Second, mutant umuDC plasmids that affected apparent mutant yield after UV-irradiation in a strain carrying umuD+C+ in the chromosome were isolated by screening hydroxylamine-mutagenized umuD+C+ plasmids. pBR322-derived umuD+C+ plasmids inhibited the induction of the SOS response of lexA+ strains as measured by expression of din::Mu dl(lac) Ap) fusionsbut most mutant plasmids did not. Mutant plasmids defective in complementation of chromosomal umuD44, umuC36, or both were found among those selected for failure to confer cold-sensitivity, whereas those identified by the screening procedure yielded mostly mutant plasmids with more complex phenotypes. We studied in greater detail a plasmid pLM109, carrying the umuC125 mutation. This plasmid increased the sensitivity of lexA+ strainsto killing by UV-irradiation but was able to complement the deficiencies of umuC mutants in UV mutagenesis. pLM109 failed to confer cold-sensitive growth on lexA(Def) strains but inhibited SOS induction in lexA+ strains. The effect of pLM109 on the UV sensitivity of lexA(Def)strains was similar to that of the parental umuD+C+ plasmid. The mutation responsible for the phenotypes of pLM109 was localized to a 615-bp fragment. DNA sequencing revealed that the umuC125mutation was a G:C → A:T transition that changed codon 39 of umuC from GCC → GTC thus changing Ala39 to Val39. The implications of the umuC125 mutation for umuDC-dependent effects on UV-mutagenesis and cell survival after UV damage are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A broad host range plasmid containing an operon fusion between the recA and lacZ genes of Escherichia coli was introduced into various aerobic and facultative gram-negative bacteria — 30 species belonging to 20 different genera — to study the expression of the recA gene after DNA damage. These included species of the families Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, Rhizobiaceae, Vibrionaceae, Neisseriaceae, Rhodospirillaceae and Azotobacteraceae. Results obtained show that all bacteria tested, except Xanthomonas campestris and those of the genus Rhodobacter, are able to repress and induce the recA gene of E. coli in the absence and in the presence of DNA damage, respectively. All these data indicate that the SOS system is present in bacterial species of several families and that the LexA-binding site must be very conserved in them.  相似文献   

The hns gene is a member of the cold-shock regulon, indicating that the nucleoid-associated, DNA-binding protein H-NS plays an important role in the adaptation of Escherichia coli to low temperatures. We show here that the ability to cope efficiently with a cold environment (12°C and 25°C) is strongly impaired in E. coli strains carrying hns mutations. Growth inhibition is much more pronounced in strains carrying the hns-206 allele (an ampicillin resistance cassette inserted after codon 37) than in those carrying the hns-205 mutation (a Tn10 insertion located in codon 93). A protein fragment (H-NS*) is synthesized in strains carrying the hns-205::Tn10 mutation, suggesting that this truncated polypeptide is partially functional in the cold adaptation process. Analysis of the growth properties of strains harbouring four different low-copy-number plasmid-encoded hns genes that result in the production of C-terminally truncated H-NS proteins supports this proposal. H-NS* proteins composed of 133, 117 or 94 amino-terminal amino acids partially complemented the severe cold-sensitive growth phenotype of the hns-206 mutant. In contrast, synthesis of a truncated H-NS protein with only 75 amino-terminal amino acids was insufficient to restore growth at low temperature.  相似文献   

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