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Liu H  Hu J  Pan L  Wang S  He Y  Ding Y 《BioTechniques》2011,51(4):271-2, 274-5
Global gene expression profiling (GGEP) plays a pivotal role in biological research. We developed an improved GGEP method called "robust ordered mRNA differential display (RoDD)" by combining mRNA differential display (DD) and complementary DNA amplified fragment length polymorphisms (cDNA-AFLP) using elaborately designed primers and a poly (dT:A) replacement technique. Redundancy was minimized by bead-based isolation and coverage was improved by using restriction enzymes that recognized 4-bp sites. This method offers the common virtues of gel-based methods along with the reliability of cDNA-AFLP. The most significant advantage of RoDD over current gel-based methods is greatly improved coverage and minimized redundancy.  相似文献   

A method for display of 3'-end restriction fragments of cDNAs is proposed, extending the idea reported recently. First, representative pools of such fragments are selectively amplified using PCR suppression effect. Then, simplified subsets of these fragments suitable for comparison by PAGE are amplified by adapter-specific primers extended by two randomly picked bases at their 3'ends. By testing all possible combinations of extended primers the whole mRNA pool may be systematically investigated. The method was applied to search for molecular regional markers of freshwater planarian Dugesia tigrina .  相似文献   

In a previous paper we have shown that, when DNA samples for cases and controls are prepared in different laboratories prior to high-throughput genotyping, scoring inaccuracies can lead to differential misclassification and, consequently, to increased false-positive rates. Different DNA sourcing is often unavoidable in large-scale disease association studies of multiple case and control sets. Here, we describe methodological improvements to minimise such biases. These fall into two categories: improvements to the basic clustering methods for identifying genotypes from fluorescence intensities, and use of "fuzzy" calls in association tests in order to make appropriate allowance for call uncertainty. We find that the main improvement is a modification of the calling algorithm that links the clustering of cases and controls while allowing for different DNA sourcing. We also find that, in the presence of different DNA sourcing, biases associated with missing data can increase the false-positive rate. Therefore, we propose the use of "fuzzy" calls to deal with uncertain genotypes that would otherwise be labeled as missing.  相似文献   

We have developed a new and simple method for quantitatively analyzing global gene expression profiles from cells or tissues. The process, called TALEST, or tandem arrayed ligation of expressed sequence tags, employs an oligonucleotide adapter containing a type IIs restriction enzyme site to facilitate the generation of short (16 bp) ESTs of fixed position in the mRNA. These ESTs are flanked by GC-clamped punctuation sequences which render them resistant to thermal denaturation, allowing their concatenation into long arrays and subsequent recognition and analysis by high-throughput DNA sequencing. A major advantage of the TALEST technique is the avoidance of PCR in all stages of the process and hence the attendant sequence-specific amplification biases that are inherent in other gene expression profiling methods such as SAGE, Differential Display, AFLP, etc. which rely on PCR.  相似文献   

目的:应用抑制性消减杂交技术,分离热应激过程中出现的差异表达基因,筛选与热应激相关的功能基因片断,探索热应激的分子机理。方法:实验分两组:热应激组和常温对照组,分别提取肝组织mRNA后反转录cDNA。内切酶酶切、接头连接后,以热应激组cDNA为tester,对照组cDNA为driver进行SSH。产物克隆T/A载体构建重组质粒转化感受态细胞后进行分离筛选。结果:mRNA质优量足,反转录cDNA并成功酶切为500bp左右片断。连接效率满意。高效杂交后成功构建消减文库,并初步从中分离获得180个片段。结论:应用SSH技术构建热应激差异表达基因消减文库为筛选热应激相关基因奠定了基础,对探索支配热应激反应的功能基因有积极意义。  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Characterizing the dynamic regulation of gene expression by time course experiments is becoming more and more important. A common problem is to identify differentially expressed genes between the treatment and control time course. It is often difficult to compare expression patterns of a gene between two time courses for the following reasons: (1) the number of sampling time points may be different or hard to be aligned between the treatment and the control time courses; (2) estimation of the function that describes the expression of a gene in a time course is difficult and error-prone due to the limited number of time points. We propose a novel method to identify the differentially expressed genes between two time courses, which avoids direct comparison of gene expression patterns between the two time courses. RESULTS: Instead of attempting to 'align' and compare the two time courses directly, we first convert the treatment and control time courses into neighborhood systems that reflect the underlying relationships between genes. We then identify the differentially expressed genes by comparing the two gene relationship networks. To verify our method, we apply it to two treatment-control time course datasets. The results are consistent with the previous results and also give some new biologically meaningful findings. AVAILABILITY: The algorithm in this paper is coded in C++ and is available from http://leili-lab.cmb.usc.edu/yeastaging/projects/MARD/  相似文献   

The importance of gene regulation in animal evolution is a matter of long-standing interest, but measuring the impact of selection on gene expression has proven a challenge. Here, we propose a selection index of gene expression as a straightforward method for assessing the mode and strength of selection operating on gene expression levels. The index is based on the widely used McDonald-Kreitman test and requires the estimation of four quantities: the within-species and between-species expression variances as well as the sequence heterozygosity and divergence of neutrally evolving sequences. We apply the method to data from human and chimpanzee lymphoblastoid cell lines and show that gene expression is in general under strong stabilizing selection. We also demonstrate how the same framework can be used to estimate the proportion of adaptive gene expression evolution.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis has proved that decamer nucleotides, used as primers of RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA), differ with each other greatly in number of annealing sites in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. It is called the 'primer bias' by the authors. The biased primers produce a highly variable number of amplicons by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The number of amplicons is proved to correlate with the number of annealing sites. Therefore, a statistical method is proposed for selecting efficient primers based on the primer bias in the genomic sequence. The method was tested by experiment in A. thaliana genome, and the results demonstrate that the method outperforms routine methods and can substantially increase the efficiency of RAPD methodologies. We also proved that the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) show a highly coincident bias pattern with that of the whole genomic sequence, and can therefore be used to assess efficiencies of primers for species whose genomic sequence data are currently unknown.  相似文献   

Four complete hsp 30 genes have been isolated from Xenopus laevis: hsp 30A, hsp 30B (a pseudogene), hsp 30C, and hsp 30D. The hsp 30A and hsp 30C genes are first heat inducible at the early tailbud stage, as determined by RNase protection and RT-PCR assays. In this study, we determined by RT-PCR that the hsp 30D gene was first heat inducible (33oC for 1 h) at the mid-tailbud stage, approximately 1 day later in development than hsp 30A and hsp 30C. Furthermore, using Northern blot analysis, we detected the presence of very low levels of hsp 30 mRNA at the heat-shocked late blastula stage. The relative levels of these pre-tailbud (PTB) hsp 30 mRNAs increased at the gastrula and neurula stage followed by a dramatic enhancement in heat shocked tail-bud and tadpole stage embryos (50- to 100- fold relative to late blastula). Interestingly, treatment of blastula or gastrula embryos at high temperatures (37oC for 1 h) or with the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, followed by heat shock, led to enhanced accumulation of the pre-tailbud (PTB) hsp 30 mRNAs. hsp 70, hsp 87, and actin messages were not stabilized at high temperatures or by cycloheximide treatment. Finally, hsp 30D mRNA was not detected by RT-PCR analysis of cycloheximidetreated, heat-shocked blastula stage embryos, confirming that it is not a member of the PTB hsp 30 mRNAs. This study indicates that differential gene expression and mRNA stability are involved in the regulation of hsp 30 gene expression during early Xenopus laevis development. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The currently practiced methods of significance testing in microarray gene expression profiling are highly unstable and tend to be very low in power. These undesirable properties are due to the nature of multiple testing procedures, as well as extremely strong and long-ranged correlations between gene expression levels. In an earlier publication, we identified a special structure in gene expression data that produces a sequence of weakly dependent random variables. This structure, termed the delta-sequence, lies at the heart of a new methodology for selecting differentially expressed genes in nonoverlapping gene pairs. The proposed method has two distinct advantages: (1) it leads to dramatic gains in terms of the mean numbers of true and false discoveries, and in the stability of the results of testing; and (2) its outcomes are entirely free from the log-additive array-specific technical noise. We demonstrate the usefulness of this approach in conjunction with the nonparametric empirical Bayes method. The proposed modification of the empirical Bayes method leads to significant improvements in its performance. The new paradigm arising from the existence of the delta-sequence in biological data offers considerable scope for future developments in this area of methodological research.  相似文献   

To analyze cell to cell interaction effects on cell differentiation, we developed a new triple staining method for double in situ hybridization with cell lineage tracing in whole-mount Xenopus embryos. The method provides high color contrast views, and also enabled us to examine inside the embryos. Wild-type embryos whose blastomere(s) had been injected with a cell lineage tracer were cultured, fixed, hemisectioned when necessary, and first served for the double in situ hybridization, with two sequential chromogenic reactions. They were postfixed, and the labeled cells were retraced immunohistochemically. Finally, the pigment of the embryos was bleached to obtain a clear view. We applied this method to a blastomere transplantation experiment to examine whether the spatial gene expression patterns along the anteroposterior axis can be induced by cell to cell interactions. The presumptive organizer of a 32-cell embryo was replaced by the labeled presumptive epidermis of another synchronous embryo. The resultant triple-stained late gastrula showed quite similar anteroposterior expression patterns of gsc and Xbra to those of a normal embryo in the axial mesoderm derived from the transplanted presumptive epidermis, indicating that cell to cell interactions had induced these patterns.  相似文献   

Gene expression microarrays are commonly used to detect the biological signature of a disease or to gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanism of how a group of drugs treat a specific disease. The outcome of such experiments, e.g. the signature, is a list of differentially expressed genes. Reproducibility across independent experiments remains a challenge. We are interested in creating a method that can detect the shared signature of a group of expression profiles, e.g. a group of samples from individuals with the same disease or a group of drugs that treat the same therapeutic indication. We have developed a novel Weighted Influence-Rank of Ranks (WIMRR) method, and we demonstrate its ability to produce both meaningful and reproducible group signatures.  相似文献   

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