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For staining in toto, planarians are fixed in a mixture of 10 ml of commercial formalin, 45 ml of 95% ethanol and 2 ml of glacial acetic acid. After treatment with 70% ethanol 3-10 days, they are washed in distilled water and immersed in 10% CuSO4. 5H2O for 3 hr at 50° C, transferred without washing to 1% AgNO3 for 1.0-1.5 hr at 50° C; and then developed in: 10 ml of 1% pyrogallol, 100 ml of 56% ethanol and 1 ml of 0.2% nitric acid. Gold toning, 5% Na2S2O3 and dehydration follow as usual. For staining sections, material is fixed in the same fixative, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 10 μ. After bringing sections to water, they are immersed in 20% CuSO4. 5H2O for 48 hr at 37° C; then rinsed briefly in distilled water and placed in 7% AgNO3 for 24 hr at 37° C. They are washed briefly in distilled water and reduced in: hydroquincne, 1 gm; Na2SO3, 5 gm and distilled water 100 ml. Gold toning, followed by 5% Na2S2O3 and dehydration completes the process. Any counterstaining may follow.  相似文献   

Brains of rat with surgical lesions 3-5 days old are fixed in 10% neutralized formalin (excess of CaCO3), 20 μ serial frozen sections cut therefrom and kept in neutralized formalin for an additional 24-48 hr. The sections are soaked in distilled water 12-24 hr, transferred to 50% alcohol containing 0.75 ml of concentrated NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.91) per 100 ml 12-24 hr, placed in distilled water 2-3 hr and then in silver-pyridine solution (AgNO3 3% aq., 20 ml; pyridine, 1 ml) for 48 hr. Test sections are transferred directly to each one of 3 ammoniated silver-solutions, pH 12.8, 13.0 and 13.2, made as follows: To 200 ml of solution 1 (silver nitrate, 6.4 gm; alcohol 96%, 220 ml; NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.91), 28 ml and distilled water, 440 ml) is added respectively 8-12 ml, 12-16 ml and 16-20 ml of solution 2 (2% NaOH) to give the pH desired. The test sections are studied and the optimal ammoniated silver solution chosen. Two baths of ammoniated silver are used, the section placed with continuous agitation into the first bath for 30 sec and the second bath for 60 sec. The sections are then transferred directly into a reducing bath (formalin 10%, 2ml; alcohol 96%, 5 ml; citric acid 1%, 1.5 ml and distilled water, 4.5 ml) for 2 min and from there to 5% Na2S2O3 for 1 min, rinsed in 3 changes of distilled water, dehydrated and mounted.  相似文献   

A paraffin section method is described with a yellow-brown-black color range comparable to that of Ranson's pyridine silver block stain. After impregnation with activated protargol and reduction with a fine grain photographic developer, silver nitrate impregnation and reduction are repeated as often as necessary. The procedure is as follows:

Place hydrated sections of tissue fixed in chloral hydrate (25 g. in 100 ml. of 50% alcohol) in 1% aqueous protargol (Winthrop Chemical Co.) containing 5-6 g. metallic copper for 12-24 hours. After rinsing in 2 changes of distilled water, reduce 5 to 10 minutes in: Elon (Eastman Kodak Co.) 0.2 g., Na2SO3, dessicated, 10 g., hydroquinone 0.5 g., sodium borate powder 0.1 g., distilled water 100 ml. Wash thoroly in 4 or 5 changes of distilled water and place in 1% aqueous AgNO3 for 10-20 minutes at 28°-50° C. Rinse in 2 or 3 changes of distilled water and reduce in the elon-hydroquinone solution. After thoroly washing in 4 or 5 changes of distilled water, examine under microscope.

If too pale, treat again in silver nitrate for 10-20 minutes, rinse, reduce 5-10 minutes and wash thoroly until nerve fibers show distinct microscopic differentiation, then dehydrate, clear and mount.  相似文献   

Celloidin sections from formalin-fixed brain and spinal cord of primates are stored in 70% alcohol after cutting, soaked in 2% pyridine in 50% alcohol for 6-8 hr at 37 C, and transferred to 1% concentrated NH4OH in 50% alcohol 15-18 hr at 20-25 C. After washing and flattening, the sections are transferred to 1% silver protein solution containing 30 ml of 0.2 M H3BO3/100 ml. Impregnation is accomplished in 50 ml screw-top jars, 50 mm in diameter, which are filled to a depth of 35 mm, and have 1 gm of copper foil, 0.002 inch thick added. The foil is folded in loose accordion-fashion, pierced and threaded, cleaned in 5% HNO3, rinsed in distilled water, and suspended in the solution just above the sections by fastening the thread to the jar lid. The sections are impregnated for 24 hr at 37 C, rinsed in distilled water, reduced in a solution of 5% Na2SO3 and 1% hydroquinone for 10 min, washed in distilled water and toned in 0.2% gold chloride for 5 min. After rinsing in distilled water, the sections are transferred to 1% oxalic acid for 45-60 sec, washed in distilled water and placed in 5% Na2S2O3 for 5 min. Sections are then washed, dehydrated to 95% alcohol, cleared in terpineol, followed by 3 changes in xylene, and mounted.  相似文献   

Axoplasm is selectively impregnated by the following steps: (1) fixation in 10% formalin or in 10% formalin with added sucrose, 15%, and concentrated NH4OH, 1%, for 1-7 days; (2) frozen sections; (3) extraction of the sections in 95% ethyl alcohol, absolute alcohol, xylene, and 95% ethyl alcohol and absolute alcohol, 1 hr each; (4) distilled water, 3 changes of 10 min each; (5) 20% AgNO3 (aq.) at 25°C, 30 min; (6) distilled water, 3 changes of 1-2 sec each; (7) 6.9% K2CO3, 1 hr; (8) water, 3 changes of about 1 min each; (9) 0.2%AuCl3, 2 min; (10) distilled water; (11) 5% Na2S2O3, 2 min; (12) washing, clearing and mounting. This procedure is proposed as a simplified stain for axoplasm, with other tissue components remaining unstained. The few reagents necessary suit this method for histochemical investigation of the mechanism of silver staining.  相似文献   

Specimens of brain or spinal cord fixed in formalin, Cajal's formol-bromide, or Koenig, Groat and Windle's formalin-acacia can be used to stain oligodendrocytes in frozen, in paraffin, or in celloidin sections. The sections are soaked 3-5 min in 0.02% acetic acid, pH 3.4, then rinsed 2-3 sec in 3% H2O2 and transferred to a silver bath prepared as follows: Mix equal parts of 10% AgNO3 and 10% Na2WO4, and dissolve the precipitate with concentrated NH4OH; avoid an excess of ammonia. Silver at room temperature for 15-20 sec, develop in 1% formalin, dehydrate, and mount. For embedded material, prepare a mixture consisting of 1 part of 10% aqueous Aerosol MA and 4 parts of 10% Aerosol OT in 95% alcohol. Add 5 drops of this mixture to each 50 ml of dilute acetic acid and 3% H2O2; 5 drops to each 20 ml of the silver bath.  相似文献   

Frozen sections of avian tissue fixed 7 days or longer in 10% formalin or formol-saline are cut at 20-50 μ, left in distilled water for 2 hr, and placed in 0.002% aqueous AgNO3 for 3-4 days. Subsequent procedure is essentially that of Weddell and Glees. Sections are placed in 20% AgNO3 for 30 min, then carried through 3 baths of 3% formalin in less than 10 min. Immediately thereafter they are washed 1-2 sec in a 0.1% solution of NH4OH (cone) and placed in the ammoniacal silver solution (made with 20% AgNO3) until the nerves become distinct, as seen under a microscope; usually, in about 15 min. After washing briefly, the sections are fixed in 5% Na2S2O3 for 3-10 min, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted in the usual way.  相似文献   

Frozen sections of formalin-fixed brains containing lesions were mounted on slides that had been coated first with albumen-glycerol (1:1) then 4% gelatin and blotted. The slides were placed in formaldehyde vapor at 56° C for 40-60 min, washed, and stored (optional) in 10% formalin-saline. The staining technic was as follows: after washing, soak 30-40 min in 0.5% phosphomolybdic acid, rinse; put in 0.05% potassium permanganate 9-16 min (usually 12 min); decolorize in a 1:1 mixture of 1% hydroquinone and 1% oxalic acid; wash thoroughly; soak in 1.5% AgNO3 at about 20° C for 25-35 min; rinse; put into an ammino-silver solution (4.5% AgNO3, 20 ml; pure ethanol, 10 ml; ammonia, sp. gr. 0.880, 2.4 ml; 2.5% NaOH, 1 ml) for 1-2 min; reduce in acidified formalin (distilled water, 400 ml; pure ethanol, 45 ml; 1 % citric acid, 13.5 ml; 10% formalin, 13.5 ml) for 1-3 min; wash; dehydrate through ascending grades of alcohol, including absolute; coat with 0.5% collodion, allow to dry slightly and harden in absolute alcohol-chloroform (2:1); rehydrate and put into 1% Na2S2O3 for 1 min; dehydrate and cover.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing cake crumb for sectioning and staining. Previous to embedding, the fat was stained and fixed by exposing small blocks of cake to the fumes from a 5%, freshly-prepared, aqueous solution of osmic acid (OsO4). This was followed by dehydration in ethyl alcohol and tertiary butyl alcohol, removal of air under vacuum and infiltration with paraffin.

Sections were cut 20 and 9Op thick and mounted with water.

Wax was removed by immersion in xylene. The sections were rehydrated in a series of ethyl alcohol dilutions, from concentrated to dilute, then transferred to distilled water.

Protein was then stained pink by immersion of the slides in an acidified 0.04% water solution of eosin Y, or starch was stained blue with a dilute aqueous solution of iodine. Ten grams iodine and 10 g. KI were dissolved in 25 ml. distilled water. This stock solution was diluted for use one to two hundred times.

The relationship between protein and starch was demonstrated by staining the sections with eosin, differentiating in 50% alcohol and staining with iodine.

When slides of cake crumb were prepared in this way, the fat was stained black, the protein bright pink and the starch granules a dark blue.  相似文献   

A silver staining method for paraffin sections of material fixed in HgCl2, sat. aq., with 5% acetic acid is as follows. Process the sections through the usual sequence of reagents, and including I-KI in 70% alcohol, thiosulfate (5% aq.), washing and back to 70% alcohol containing 5% of NH4OH (conc. aq.). After 3 minutes in the ammoniated alcohol, wash through tap water and 2 changes of distilled water and silver 5-10 minutes at 25°C. in 15% AgNO3 aq. to which 0.02 ml. of pyridine per 100 ml. has been added. Blot the slide, but not the section and do not rinse. Reduce at 45°C. in 0.1% pyrogallol in 55% alcohol, then rinse in 55% alcohol and wash in water. The remainder of the process consists of gold toning, intensifying in oxalic acid, fixing in 5% Na2S2O3, washing, dehydrating, clearing and covering. When the specimen contains much smooth muscle, the I-KI solution is acidified before use by adding 2 ml. of 1N nitric acid per 100 ml., and the sections treated for 3 minutes instead of the usual 2 minutes. Formalin should not be added to sublimate-acetic, but specimens that do not contain strongly argyrophilic nonneural tissue may be fixed in formalin or, preferably, Bouin's fluid. Sections of tissue after the latter type of fixation will not require the I-KI and thiosulfate but can go from 95% alcohol to the ammoniated alcohol. The advantages of fixing in HgCl2-acetic acid are suppression of the staining of connective tissue and intensifying the staining of nerve fibers.  相似文献   

Cells from monolayer culture of Chinese hamster line Don were treated by Colcemid (0.1 μg/ml) for 2 hr, trypsinized and spun; resuspended in 0.5% sodium citrate solution for 10 min, respun, and then resuspended in a small volume of the supernatant. Slide preparations were made by smearing, followed by air drying for 1 min at room temperature. They were fixed and stained by the following sequence: 2.5% glutaraldehyde in Millonig's buffer, 30 min; distilled water, 6 min, 5 changes; ammoniacal silver at 18-26 C, 10 sec; distilled water, 30 min, 5 changes; 2.5% formalin, 2 min; and distilled water, 3 changes during 15 min. Staining solution: add 225 ml of 5% Na2CO3 to 75 ml of 10% AgNO3, then add concentrated NH4OH slowly, drop by drop, until the solution is transparent. Finally add 300 ml of dstilled water. Cells treated with cold 0.25 N HCl before fixation were not stained. Sequence modifications show that chromatin does not reduce silver by itself. This method stains the sites of high histone concentrations in mitotic chromosomes of cytogenetic preparations.  相似文献   

Tissues were fixed at 20° C for 1 hr in 1% OsO4, buffered at pH 7.4 with veronal-acetate (Palade's fixative), soaked 5 min in the same buffer without OsO4, then dehydrated in buffer-acetone mixtures of 30, 50, 75 and 90% acetone content, and finally in anhydrous acetone. Infiltration was accomplished through Vestopal-W-acetone mixtures of 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 to undiluted Vestopal. After polymerisation at 60° C for 24 hr, 1-2 μ sections were cut, dried on slides without adhesive, and stained by any of the following methods. (1) Mayer's acid hemalum: Flood the slides with the staining solution and allow to stand at 20°C for 2-3 hr while the water of the solution evaporates; wash in distilled water, 2 min; differentiate in 1% HCl; rinse 1-2 sec in 10% NH,OH. (2) Iron-trioxyhematein (of Hansen): Apply the staining solution as in method 1; wash 3-5 min in 5% acetic acid; restain for 1-12 hr by flooding with a mixture consisting of staining solution, 2 parts, and 1 part of a 1:1 mixture of 2% acetic acid and 2% H2SO4 (observe under microscope for staining intensity); wash 2 min in distilled water and 1 hr in tap water. (3) Iron-hematoxylin (Heidenhain): Mordant 6 hr in 2.5% iron-alum solution; wash 1 min in distilled water; stain in 1% or 0.5% ripened hematoxylin for 3-12 br; differentiate 8 min in 2.5%, and 15 min in 1% iron-alum solution; wash 1 hr in tap water. (4) Aceto-carmine (Schneider): Stain 12-24 hr; wash 0.5-1.0 min in distilled water. (5) Picrofuchsin: Stain 24-48 hr in 1% acid fuchsin dissolved in saturated aqueous picric acid; differentiate for only 1-2 sec in 96% ethanol. (6) Modified Giemsa: Mix 640 ml of a solution of 9.08 gm KH2PO4 in 1000 ml of distilled water and 360 ml of a solution of 11.88 gm Na2HPO4-2H2O in 1000 ml of distilled water. Soak sections in this buffer, 12 hr. Dissolve 1.0 gm of azur I in 125 ml of boiling distilled water; add 0.5 gm of methylene blue; filter and add hot distilled water until a volume of 250 ml is reached (solution “AM”). Dissolve 1.5 gm of eosin, yellowish, in 250 ml of hot distilled water; filter (solution “E”). Mix 1.5 ml of “AM” in 100 ml of buffer with 3 ml of “E” in 100 ml of buffer. Stain 12-24 hr. Differentiate 3 sec in 25 ml methyl benzoate in 75 ml dioxane; 3 sec in 35 ml methyl benzoate in 65 ml acetone; 3 sec in 30 ml acetone in 70 ml methyl benzoate; and 3 sec in 5 ml acetone in 95 ml methyl benzoate. Dehydrated sections may be covered in a neutral synthetic resin (Caedax was used).  相似文献   

Extensive experimentation with protargol staining of neurons in celloidin and frozen sections of organs has resulted in the following technic: Fix tissue in 10% aqueous formalin. Cut celloidin sections IS to 25 μ, frozen sections 25 to 40 μ. Place sections for 24 hours in 50% alcohol to which 1% by volume of NH4OH has been added. Transfer the sections directly into a 1% aqueous solution of protargol, containing 0.2 to 0.3 g. of electrolytic copper foil which has been coated with a 0.5% solution of celloidin, and allow to stand for 6 to 8 hours at 37° C. Caution: In this and the succeeding step the sections must not be allowed to come in contact with the copper. From aqueous protargol, place the sections for 24 to 48 hours at 37° C. directly into a pyridinated solution of alcoholic protargol (1.0% aqueous solution protargol, 50 ml.; 95% alcohol, 50 ml.; pyridine, 0.5 to 2.0 ml.), containing 0.2 to 0.3 g. of coated copper. Rinse briefly in 50% alcohol and reduce 10 min. in an alkaline hydroquinone reducer (H3BO3, 1.4 g.; Na2SO3, anhydrous, 2.0 g.; hydroquinone, 0.3 g.; distilled water, 85 cc; acetone, 15 ml.). Wash thoroly in water and tone for 10 min. in 0.2% aqueous gold chloride, acidified with acetic acid. Wash in distilled water and reduce for 1 to 3 min. in 2% aqueous oxalic acid. Quickly rinse in distilled water and treat the sections 3 to 5 min. with 5% aqueous Na2S2O3+5H2O. Wash in water and stain overnight in Einarson's gallocyanin. Wash thoroly in water and place in 5% aqueous phosphotungstic acid for 30 min. From phosphotungstic acid transfer directly to a dilution (stock solution, 20 ml.; distilled water, 30 ml.) of the following stock staining solution: anilin blue, 0.01 g.; fast green FCF, 0.5 g.; orange G, 2.0 g.; distilled water, 92.0 ml.; glacial acetic acid, 8 ml.) and stain for 1 hour. Differentiate with 70% and 95% alcohol; pass the sections thru butyl alcohol and cedar oil; mount.  相似文献   

Pieces of fresh nervous tissue 3-5 mm thick are put into a mixture of: 6% K2Cr2O7, 40 ml; 5% KClO3, 20 ml; 20% chloral hydrate, 30 ml; and concentrated formalin (38% HCHO), 10 ml; allowed to fix 3 days, with a daily change of fluid; transferred to 3% K2Cr2O7 for 3 days, with twice daily changes; then to 1% AgNO3 for 3 days at 20-25° C. Frozen sections are cut, dehydrated, cleared and mounted in Permount with a cover glass. The method gives good results for microglia and oligodendroglia in addition to the usual staining of nerve cells and their processes.  相似文献   

Tissue fixed in 10% formalin, formol saline, CaCO3 or phosphate buffer neutralized formalin, Baker's formol calcium, Cajal's formol ammonium bromide, formalin-95% ethanol 1:9, formalin-methanol 1:9, Lillie's methanol-chloroform or Salthouse's formol cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. Sections were attached to slides with either albumen or gelatine adhesive and processed throughout at room temperature of 22-25 C. Mordanting 30-60 min in 1% iron alum was followed by a 10 min wash in 4 changes of distilled water. Myelin was stained in a gallocyanin self-differentiating solution for 1-2.5 hr; thick sections requiring the longer time. The staining solution (pH approximately 7.4) consisted of Na2CO3, 90 mg; distilled water, 100 ml; gallocyanin, 250 mg; and ethanol, 5 ml. The ethanol was added to this mixture last, and after the other ingredients had been boiled and then cooled to room temperature. After a staining and thorough washing, Nissl granules were stained for 5-10 min in a solution consisting of: 0.1 M acetic acid, 60 ml; 0.1 M sodium acetate, 40 ml; methyl green, 500 mg. Washing, dehydration, clearing and mounting completed the process. Myelin sheaths were stained dark violet; neuronal nuclei, light green with dark granules of chromatin; nucleoli of motor cells and erythrocytes, dark violet; cytoplasm, green with dark green Nissl granules. The simple and reliable method can be adapted easily for use with automatic tissue processors.  相似文献   

Hortega's ammoniated silver carbonate method was used to demonstrate lysosomes in the central nervous system and kidney of adult rats. Formol-CaCl2, (10%:1%) fixed, frozen sections were impregnated for 10 min in Hortega's solution: 30 ml of 10% AgNO2 and 90 ml of 5% Na2CO3, with concentrated NH4OH added until the precipitate dissolved, then distilled water to make 400 ml. This procedure revealed silver-positive cytoplasmic structures whose form, shape and distribution were similar to that seen by staining adjacent sections for acid phosphatase. A short fixation of 18-24 hr appears to be essential. A useful, nonenzymatic method for the demonstration of lysosomes is thereby available.  相似文献   

Fresh tissue slices were fixed in 5% formalin containing 0.9% NaCl for 10-20 min and frozen sections therefrom floated for 3 hr at 37°C on an incubating mixture made as follows. Sodium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7-12H2O), 1.088 gm was dissolved in 20-30 ml of distilled water and to this was added ferric chloride (FeCl3-6H2O), 0.61 gm dissolved in 10-15 ml of water. The precipitate was just dissolved by cautiously adding 5-10% aqueous Na2CO3 solution and the pH adjusted to 7.2 with 1N HCl. The volume was made up to 100 ml and 0.9 gm of NaCl added. Before use, 1 ml of 10% Mg(NO3) was added. After incubation, sections were washed 10-15 min in 0.9% NaCl, then mounted on glass slides and air-dried. When dry, the slides were immersed in 0.9% NaCl containing 0.2-0.5% ammonium sulfide for 2-3 min, then dehydrated rapidly through graded alcohols, cleared, and covered in balsam. Sites of pyrophosphatase activity stained in various shades of green. Acid pyrophosphatase also was histochemically demonstrated by the same principle, excepting that the substrate solution was adjusted to pH 3.7-4.0 with acetate buffer. The pattern of distribution of pyrophosphatase and glycerophosphatase was almost identical.  相似文献   

The following method for staining bone and cartilage allows study of the gross cleared specimen and does not injure the tissues for subsequent microscopic study: Fix in 10% neutral formalin; bleach thoroughly in 3% H2O2 in sunlight. Wash in distilled water. Stain bone 24 hours in 0.01 g. of Biebrich scarlet in 100 ml. of distilled water. Destain in 95% alcohol until soft tissues and cartilage are colorless. Stain cartilage 24 hours in a pH2 buffer solution of 2.1g. of citric acid per 100 ml. of water with 0.001 g. of methylene blue. Destain in pH2 buffer solution until soft tissues are pale. Dehydrate in two changes of 95% alcohol in preparation for clearing. (This completes the destaining and may remove too much stain from the cartilage if destaining in the pH2 solution has been carried too far.) Place in Groat's clearing fluid and cover loosely so that the alcohol may evaporate, or remove the alcohol in vacuo. Groat's Mixture No. 19 is usually satisfactory.

For a combined stain, first stain bone, as above, and then apply the cartilage stain.

Seal jars with an ordinary liquid wood glue such as LePage's.  相似文献   

Experiments were made to test the influence of the pH of the fixing fluid (ranging from 1.0-8.1) and that of the chromating fluid (1.65-7.8) on subsequent silver impregnation. Brains of adult monkeys, cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice were fixed by the pulsating-perfusion method of Haushalter and Bertram (1955), after first washing out the blood with saline-acacia solution of the same pH as that of the 10% formol-saline-acacia used for fixation. The brains were sliced to 3 mm thickness and the slices further fixed 1-2 days in 10% formalin with its pH adjusted to that of the preceding fixing fluid. Chromation for 1 day followed, with acidified ZnCrO4 at pH 1.65-5.9 and buffered Na2CrO4 at pH 7.8. Silvering for 2 days in 0.75% AgNO3 solution effected the staining. Dehydration, paraffin embedding and sectioning completed the process.

From these experiments, it was found that fixation at pH 7.0-7.2 followed by chromation at pH 3.1 in a mixture of ZnCrO4, 60 gm and formic acid, 35 ml, diluted to 1000 ml with distilled water, was optimum for best impregnation of nerve cells and their processes. Human brain and that of newborn mammals, although not perfused, responded well to the controlled-pH procedure. The advantages of the technic are the staining of nerve cells in regions refractory to previous methods and the relatively short time needed for its completion.  相似文献   

(1) The oil mass consists of: cedar oil, 1; color in oil (a paint pigment, e.g., Prussian blue), 1; and toluene, 2, parts by volume. To use, add 1 ml of diethyl ether to each 10 ml of mass, mix thoroughly and inject into the fresh organ with a very fine glass or metallic needle. Heat the organ in water at 50-60° C before starting the injection, massage gently after injection, then fix. For macroscopic studies, fix 5 days in 5% formalin, and dissect. For microscopic studies, fix at least 5 days in: formalin, 10 ml; Al2(SO4)3, 2 gm; ZnSO4, 2 gm; acetic acid, 4 ml; and distilled water, 90 ml. Dehydrate with dioxane, embed in paraffin and section at 10-20 μ. Stain with hematoxylin-eosin or with one of the following modifications of Van Gieson's formula: 1. 1% acid fuchsin, 10; picric acid (sat. aq.), 50; and 5% ZnSO4, 40 volumes. 2. 1% acid fuchsin, 20; picric acid (sat. aq.), 80; and 5% CoSO4, 40 volumes.

(2) The plastic mass consists of a 5-10% solution of Rhodopas (a vinyl copolymer) in acetone. Injection is made as with the oil mass except that a plastic squeeze-bottle and glass needle is preferable to a syringe. Indirect injection is used for both procedures, i.e., into the organ substance; not into a cannulated lymphatic vessel. After the plastic has hardened (24 hr), the unfixed tissue is subjected to corrosion by 5-10% NaOH in water.  相似文献   

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