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Glutamine synthetase and glutaminase activities in various hepatoma cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Glutamine synthetase and glutaminase activities in a series of hepatoma cells of human and rat origins were determined for comparison with normal liver tissues. Marked decrease in glutamine synthetase activity was observed in the tumor cells. Phosphate-dependent and phosphate-independent glutaminase activities were increased compared with those from normal liver tissues. Well coupled mitochondria were isolated from HuH 13 line of human hepatoma cells and human liver. Oxypolarographic tests showed that glutamine oxidation was prominent in the tumor mitochondria, while mitochondria from the liver showed a feeble glutamine oxidation. Glutamine oxidation was inhibited by prior incubation of the mitochondria with DON (6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine), which inhibited mitochondrial glutaminase. These results indicate that the product of glutamine hydrolysis, glutamate, is catabolized in the tumor mitochondria to supply ATP.  相似文献   

High intracellular glutamine levels have been implicated in promoting net protein synthesis and accretion in mammalian skeletal muscle. Little is known regarding glutamine metabolism in uricotelic species but chicken breast muscle exhibits high rates of protein accretion and would be predicted to maintain high glutamine levels. However, chicken breast muscle expresses high glutaminase activity and here we report that chicken breast muscle also expresses low glutamine synthetase activity (0.07±0.01 U/g) when compared to leg muscle (0.50±0.04 U/g). Free glutamine levels were 1.38±0.09 and 9.69±0.12 nmol/mg wet weight in breast and leg muscles of fed chickens, respectively. Glutamine levels were also lower in dove breast muscle (4.82±0.35 nmol/mg wet weight) when compared to leg muscle (16.2±1.0 nmol/mg wet weight) and much lower (1.80±0.46 nmol/mg wet weight) in lizard leg muscle. In fed chickens, rates of fractional protein synthesis were higher in leg than in breast muscle, and starvation (48 h) resulted in a decrease in both glutamine content and rate of protein synthesis in leg muscle. Thus, although tissue-specific glutamine metabolism in uricotelic species differs markedly from that in ureotelic animals, differences in rates of skeletal muscle protein synthesis are associated with corresponding differences in intramuscular glutamine content.  相似文献   

Glutamine is synthesized in skeletal muscle, released to the circulation, and transported to other tissues, where it may provide important substrate for gluconeogenesis, ammoniagenesis, and energy-yielding pathways. With the ultimate goal of delineating the factors that control glutamine production and release by skeletal muscle, we have studied the regulation of two key enzymes, glutamine synthetase and glutaminase, in the L6 line of rat skeletal muscle cells grown in monolayer culture. The cultured myotubes were found to have glutamine synthetase and phosphate-dependent glutaminase activities. Glutamine synthetase activity was increased following incubation (1) in glutamine-free medium (threefold); (2) in medium containing high glutamic acid concentrations (fourfold); and (3) in medium supplemented with dexamethasone (threefold). In each case the increase in glutamine synthetase activity required several hours to reach a maximum and was prevented by cycloheximide, suggesting that the change occurred through increased enzyme biosynthesis. No substances tested were found to affect glutaminase activity. We conclude that glutamine synthetase in cultured skeletal muscle is responsive to substrate, product, and hormonal regulation.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase in brain: effect of ammonia   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Glutamine synthetase (GS) in brain is located mainly in astrocytes. One of the primary roles of astrocytes is to protect neurons against excitotoxicity by taking up excess ammonia and glutamate and converting it into glutamine via the enzyme GS. Changes in GS expression may reflect changes in astroglial function, which can affect neuronal functions.Hyperammonemia is an important factor responsible of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) and causes astroglial swelling. Hyperammonemia can be experimentally induced and an adaptive astroglial response to high levels of ammonia and glutamate seems to occur in long-term studies. In hyperammonemic states, astroglial cells can experience morphological changes that may alter different astrocyte functions, such as protein synthesis or neurotransmitters uptake. One of the observed changes is the increase in the GS expression in astrocytes located in glutamatergic areas. The induction of GS expression in these specific areas would balance the increased ammonia and glutamate uptake and protect against neuronal degeneration, whereas, decrease of GS expression in non-glutamatergic areas could disrupt the neuron-glial metabolic interactions as a consequence of hyperammonemia.Induction of GS has been described in astrocytes in response to the action of glutamate on active glutamate receptors. The over-stimulation of glutamate receptors may also favour nitric oxide (NO) formation by activation of NO synthase (NOS), and NO has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several CNS diseases. Hyperammonemia could induce the formation of inducible NOS in astroglial cells, with the consequent NO formation, deactivation of GS and dawn-regulation of glutamate uptake. However, in glutamatergic areas, the distribution of both glial glutamate receptors and glial glutamate transporters parallels the GS location, suggesting a functional coupling between glutamate uptake and degradation by glutamate transporters and GS to attenuate brain injury in these areas.In hyperammonemia, the astroglial cells located in proximity to blood-vessels in glutamatergic areas show increased GS protein content in their perivascular processes. Since ammonia freely crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and astrocytes are responsible for maintaining the BBB, the presence of GS in the perivascular processes could produce a rapid glutamine synthesis to be released into blood. It could, therefore, prevent the entry of high amounts of ammonia from circulation to attenuate neurotoxicity. The changes in the distribution of this critical enzyme suggests that the glutamate-glutamine cycle may be differentially impaired in hyperammonemic states.  相似文献   

Intrastriatal kainic acid (2 μg/μl) administration gave rise to significant increase in activities of glutamine synthetase and arginase along with a significant decrease in the activity of glutaminase in the lesioned striatal tissue 7 days after the administration of kainic acid. The increase in the activity of glutamine synthetase was attributed to the gliosis occurring in such lesions. The decrease in the activity of glutaminase was thought to be due to the loss of GABAergic neurons. The increase in arginase activity might be occurring in glial cells or in nerve endings. Although the earlier results indicated a low specific activity of arginase in glial cells, the observed increase in its activity might be partly due to its increase in proliferating glial cells, liberating ornithine for the formation of polyamines. However, it was also thought that a substantial increase may be occurring in the arginase present in the intact glutamatergic (corticostriate pathway) nerve endings, since it was earlier found that the synaptosomes of the rat brain had appreciably high activity of arginase. These results were discussed in relation to the probable roles of arginine and glutamine as the precursors for neurotransmitter pools of glutamate in striatum.  相似文献   

Here we report and validate a simple method for measuring intracellular activities of glial glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutaminase (GLNase) in intact glial cells. These enzymes are responsible for glutamate and glutamine recycling in the brain, where glutamate and glutamine transport from the blood stream is strongly limited by the blood-brain barrier. The intracellular levels of glutamate and glutamine are dependent on activities of numerous enzymatic processes, including 1) cytosolic production of glutamine from glutamate by GS, 2) production of glutamate from glutamine by GLNase that is primarily localized between mitochondrial membranes, and 3) mitochondrial conversion of glutamate to the tricarboxylic cycle intermediate α-ketoglutarate in the reactions of oxidative deamination and transamination. We measured intracellular activities of GS and GLNase by quantifying enzymatic interconversions of L-[(3)H]glutamate and L-[(3)H]glutamine in cultured rat astrocytes. The intracellular substrate and the products of enzymatic reactions were separated in one step using commercially available anion exchange columns and quantified using a scintillation counter. The involvement of GS and GLNase in the conversion of (3)H-labeled substrates was verified using irreversible pharmacological inhibitors for each of the enzymes and additionally validated by measuring intracellular amino acid levels using an HPLC. Overall, this paper describes optimized conditions and pharmacological controls for measuring GS and GLNase activities in intact glial cells.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS; EC, a key enzyme of glutamate metabolism, and another enzyme possessing high hydroxylamine-L-glutamine transferase activity comparable to that of GS and termed GS-like protein (GSLP) were purified from human brain concurrently. In two-dimensional electrophoresis, GS subunits migrate to at least six different positions (44 +/- 1 kDa, pl = 6. 4-6.7), whereas GSLP subunits migrate to at least four different positions (54 +/- 1 kDa, pl = 5.9-6.2). Dependences of enzymatic activity in the transferase reaction on concentrations of Mn(2+) and Mg(2+) for GS and GSLP are different. High immunological cross-reactivity between GS and GSLP was observed in ELISA. Nevertheless, antisera were raised to GS and GSLP, and a method was developed for the separate detection of GS and GSLP in brain extracts by enzyme-chemiluminescent amplified (ECL) immunoblotting. The distribution of GS and GSLP immunoreactivities between soluble protein and crude mitochondrial fractions indicates tighter association with the particulate fraction for GSLP than for GS. The results from activity measurements suggest that the hydroxylamine-L-glutamine transferase activity measured routinely in protein extracts from brain is the sum of GS and GSLP activities. Similarly, immunoreactivity evaluated by ELISA is a sum of immunoreactivities of GS and GSLP. The relative contributions of GS and GSLP to the total immunoreactivity can be evaluated by ECL-immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Determinations of gamma glutamine hydroxylamine glutamyltransferase (GT) and gamma glutamylhydroxymate synthetase (GS) activities were performed on primary mouse astroglial control cultures as well as cultures treated with cortisol, dBcAMP or cortisol plus dBcAMP. The responses of GT and GS to these treatments were identical. This suggests that in mouse astrocytes both GS and GT activities reflect the activity of the enzyme glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Acute intoxication with large doses of ammonia leads to rapid death. The main mechanism for ammonia elimination in brain is its reaction with glutamate to form glutamine. This reaction is catalyzed by glutamine synthetase and consumes ATP. In the course of studies on the molecular mechanism of acute ammonia toxicity, we have found that glutamine synthetase activity and glutamine content in brain are modulated by NMDA receptors and nitric oxide. The main findings can be summarized as follows.Blocking NMDA receptors prevents ammonia-induced depletion of brain ATP and death of rats but not the increase in brain glutamine, indicating that ammonia toxicity is not due to increased activity of glutamine synthetase or formation of glutamine but to excessive activation of NMDA receptors.Blocking NMDA receptors in vivo increases glutamine synthetase activity and glutamine content in brain, indicating that tonic activation of NMDA receptors maintains a tonic inhibition of glutamine synthetase.Blocking NMDA receptors in vivo increases the activity of glutamine synthetase assayed in vitro, indicating that increased activity is due to a covalent modification of the enzyme. Nitric oxide inhibits glutamine synthetase, indicating that the covalent modification that inhibits glutamine synthetase is a nitrosylation or a nitration.Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase increases the activity of glutamine synthetase, indicating that the covalent modification is reversible and it must be an enzyme that denitrosylate or denitrate glutamine synthetase.NMDA mediated activation of nitric oxide synthase is responsible only for part of the tonic inhibition of glutamine synthetase. Other sources of nitric oxide are also contributing to this tonic inhibition.Glutamine synthetase is not working at maximum rate in brain and its activity may be increased pharmacologically by manipulating NMDA receptors or nitric oxide content. This may be useful, for example, to increase ammonia detoxification in brain in hyperammonemic situations.  相似文献   

W E Knox  H Z Kupchik  L P Liu 《Enzyme》1971,12(1):88-98

Glutamine synthetase (GS) has been purified from the cytosolic fraction of non-frozen human brain tissue. The purified GS migrated as a main band around 44 kD on reducing SDS-PAGE. Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed heterogeneity within subunits of GS. The masses of eight different peptides from a tryptic digest of GS as measured by high resolution MALDI-MS matched with the respective masses from an in silico tryptic fingerprint of the Swiss-Prot database entry of human liver GS, proving that at least 24% of the primary sequences of GS from brain and liver are identical. Sedimentation equilibrium profiles obtained from analytical ultracentrifugation experiments at 10°C showed that human brain GS is mainly octameric. The quaternary structure of human brain GS at 10 M (subunit concentration) was not significantly affected by cations, such as magnesium (5 and 20 mM) or manganese (0.2 and 1 mM) within the range of pH 7.1-7.8.  相似文献   

Of the organophosphate pesticides studied, dichlorvos inhibited significantly both, phosphate-activated glutaminase and alpha-keto acid-activated glutaminase, while monocorotophos inhibited moderately alpha-keto acid activated glutaminase in rat brain. Phosphamidon inhibited glutamine synthetase activity negligibly.  相似文献   

 Exposure to high altitude causes loss of body mass and alterations in metabolic processes, especially carbohydrate and protein metabolism. The present study was conducted to elucidate the role of glutamine synthetase, glutaminase and glycogen synthetase under conditions of chronic intermittent hypoxia. Four groups, each consisting of 12 male albino rats (Wistar strain), were exposed to a simulated altitude of 7620 m in a hypobaric chamber for 6 h per day for 1, 7, 14 and 21 days, respectively. Blood haemoglobin, blood glucose, protein levels in the liver, muscle and plasma, glycogen content, and glutaminase, glutamine synthetase and glycogen synthetase activities in liver and muscle were determined in all groups of exposed and in a group of unexposed animals. Food intake and changes in body mass were also monitored. There was a significant reduction in body mass (28–30%) in hypoxia-exposed groups as compared to controls, with a corresponding decrease in food intake. There was rise in blood haemoglobin and plasma protein in response to acclimatisation. Over a three-fold increase in liver glycogen content was observed following 1 day of hypoxic exposure (4.76±0.78 mg·g−1 wet tissue in normal unexposed rats; 15.82±2.30 mg·g−1 wet tissue in rats exposed to hypoxia for 1 day). This returned to normal in later stages of exposure. However, there was no change in glycogen synthetase activity except for a decrease in the 21-days hypoxia-exposed group. There was a slight increase in muscle glycogen content in the 1-day exposed group which declined significantly by 56.5, 50.6 and 42% following 7, 14, and 21 days of exposure, respectively. Muscle glycogen synthetase activity was also decreased following 21 days of exposure. There was an increase in glutaminase activity in the liver and muscle in the 7-, 14- and 21-day exposed groups. Glutamine synthetase activity was higher in the liver in 7- and 14-day exposed groups; this returned to normal following 21 days of exposure. Glutamine synthetase activity in muscle was significantly higher in the 14-day exposed group (4.32 μmol γ-glutamyl hydroxamate formed·g protein−1·min−1) in comparison to normal (1.53 μmol γ-glutamyl hydroxamate formed·g protein−1·min−1); this parameter had decreased by 40% following 21 days of exposure. These results suggest that since no dramatic changes in the levels of protein were observed in the muscle and liver, there is an alteration in glutaminase and glutamine synthetase activity in order to maintain nitrogen metabolism in the initial phase of hypoxic exposure. Received: 30 March 1998 / Revised: 18 November 1998 / Accepted: 25 November 1998  相似文献   

Glutamatergic signal transduction occurs in CNS white matter, but quantitative data on glutamate uptake and metabolism are lacking. We report that the level of the astrocytic glutamate transporter GLT in rat fimbria and corpus callosum was approximately 35% of that in parietal cortex; uptake of [3H]glutamate was 24 and 43%, respectively, of the cortical value. In fimbria and corpus callosum levels of synaptic proteins, synapsin I and synaptophysin were 15-20% of those in cortex; the activities of glutamine synthetase and phosphate-activated glutaminase, enzymes involved in metabolism of transmitter glutamate, were 11-25% of cortical values, and activities of aspartate and alanine aminotransferases were 50-70% of cortical values. The glutamate level in fimbria and corpus callosum was 5-6 nmol/mg tissue, half the cortical value. These data suggest a certain capacity for glutamatergic neurotransmission. In optic and trigeminal nerves, [3H]glutamate uptake was < 10% of the cortical uptake. Formation of [14C]glutamate from [U-14C]glucose in fimbria and corpus callosum of awake rats was 30% of cortical values, in optic nerve it was 13%, illustrating extensive glutamate metabolism in white matter in vivo. Glutamate transporters in brain white matter may be important both physiologically and during energy failure when reversal of glutamate uptake may contribute to excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

1. Glutaminase and glutamine synthetase are simultaneously active in the intact liver, resulting in an energy consuming cycling of glutamine at a rate up to 0.2 mumol per g per min. 2. An increase in portal glutamine concentration was followed by an increased flux through glutaminase, but flux through glutamine synthetase remained unchanged. Glutaminase flux was also increased by ammonium ions or glucagon; these effects were additive. 3. Glutamine synthetase flux was increased by ammonium ions, but this activation was partly overcome by increasing portal glutamine concentrations. Glutamine synthetase flux was slightly increased by glucagon at portal glutamine concentrations of about 0.2-0.3 mM, but was strongly inhibited above 0.6 mMs. 4. During experimental metabolic acidosis there was an increased net release of glutamine by the liver, being due to opposing changes of flux through glutaminase and glutamine synthetase. Conversely, an increased glutamine uptake by the liver during metabolic alkalosis was observed due to an inhibition of glutamine synthetase and an activation of glutaminase. However, the two enzyme activities respond differently depending on whether glucagon or ammonium ions are present.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase was purified to homogeneity from fresh brain homogenates by a procedure that makes use of the affinity of this ATP requiring ligase to Cibacron 3G-A Blue-Sephadex G-75. It is shown that the interaction of pig brain enzyme with the dye does not concern the active centre but a non-catalytic although specific ATP binding site. Both sides contain a cysteine residue which may react with N-ethylmaleimide. The unprotected succinimidated enzyme is inactive, and aggregates. ATP alone protects only against aggregation, not against inactivation; the ATP/Mg2 complex also hinders inactivation. A tryptic heptadecapeptide isolated from the derivatized enzyme representing the carboxy terminal seems to belong to the active centre; its amino acid sequence was partially determined.  相似文献   

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