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Leptomastidea abnormis (Girault) and Leptomastix dactylopii (Howard) [Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae] are the two parasitoid species frequently used for biological control of the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) [Homoptera: Pseudococcidae]. As part of a programme to determine the best control practice, host size selection and sex allocation were studied in L. abnormis, and compared with those of L. dactylopii. L. abnormis showed a preference for the second size class, but also attacked third and fourth size class and adult mealybugs, while in previous studies L. dactylopii was found to prefer the third and fourth size class and adults, and never attacked second size class mealybugs. Female L. abnormis reared from parasitized mealybugs had a higher mean body mass than males, as is predicted by Charnov's theory on sex allocation. However, sex ratios of emerging L. abnormis did not differ between mealybug size classes. These results imply possibile coexistence of the two parasitoids. As field evidence suggests a more complex interaction between the two species, studying direct competition would be a useful next step.  相似文献   

Developmental rates of three encyrtid mealybug parasitoids were examined under constant, cycling and glasshouse temperatures. Under constant conditions the rate of development increased with rising temperature up to 35°C, but a constant 40°C was lethal. Under cycling conditions, 12 h periods at 40°C could be tolerated. Developmental rates under cycling conditions could be calculated from constant temperature data, by incrementing development on an h/h basis. A new technique was developed to determine the lower thresholds for development, using cycling regimes and to calculate the rates of development over short periods at high temperature. A previously untested polynomial regression technique was used to predict mean developmental periods under glasshouse conditions. These predictions were considerably more accurate than day-degree (Do) predictions when substantial periods at extreme temperatures were involved, but not significantly different from day-degree predictions under hot-house conditions. In addition a method was developed to calculate a 95% range for emergence, which gave consistently good estimates of first and last eclosion observed under fluctuating conditions.
Résumé Les vitesses de développement de 3 parasitoïdes de cochenilles ont été étudiées dans les conditions de température de serre, avec thermopériode ou en température constante. En conditions constantes, la vitesse augmente jusqu'à 35°C, mais est létale à 40°C. Avec thermopériode, une thermophase de 40°C peut être tolérée pendant 12 heures. Les vitesses de développement sous thermopériodes pourraient être calculées à partir des données obtenues en conditions constantes, modifiées en fonction des durées respectives des cryophases et thermophases. Une méthode originale est présentée pour obtenir les seuils inférieurs de développement, en utilisant des thermopériodes, et pour calculer les vitesses de développement à températures élevées.Une méthode de régression polynomiale, non vérifiée préalablement, a été utilisée pour prévoir les durées moyennes des développements sous serre. Ces estimations sont beaucoup plus sûres que les prédictions basées sur le concept de degré-jour (Do), lorsque les températures extrêmes durent longtemps, mais en serre chaude elles ne présentent aucune différence significative. De plus, une méthode d'évaluation des 95% d'émergences, a donné de bonnes estimations des premières et dermières émergences en conditions périodiques.

The citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is a serious pest of economically important crops worldwide. The apefly, Spalgis epius (Westwood) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) is a potential predator of various species of mealybugs. Earlier investigation on its daily preying capacity and preference for prey stages on P. citri is incomplete. Hence, a study was conducted to find out the daily prey consumption ability and preference for prey stages by different larval instars of S. epius reared on P. citri in the laboratory. Through the 8-day developmental period with four larval instars, the daily prey consumption of S. epius increased from the first to the seventh day and decreased on the eighth day prior to the prepupal stage. Generally, there was a significant difference in the prey consumption on different days. When the prey stages were offered separately, the first to fourth instar larva of S. epius consumed, respectively, a mean of 199.6, 722.6, 1908.8, and 4625.6 eggs or 21.5, 77.0, 168.5, and 670.5 nymphs or 3.2, 7.2, 16.0, and 35.1 adults of P. citri. When an S. epius larva was fed on P. citri eggs, nymphs and adults separately, it consumed a mean of 7456.7 eggs, 937.6 nymphs, or 62.3 adults during its entire development. When the prey stages were offered all together, a single S. epius larva consumed 2618.4 eggs, 170.4 nymphs, and 39.7 adults of P. citri throughout its entire development. The study revealed that S. epius is a voracious predator of P. citri and thus could be utilized as a major biological control agent.  相似文献   

Oviposition and host discrimination behaviour of unmated Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault), an endoparasitoid of the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso), were investigated in the laboratory. Female parasitoids were able to discriminate between parasitized hosts and healthy ones. The mean number of ovipositions was significantly higher in unparasitized than in parasitized hosts. Conspecific-superparasitism occurred more often than self-superparasitism. Changes in consecutive ovipositions over three hours by A. pseudococci suggested that egg load influenced the discrimination behaviour of the parasitoids, with females which had low egg loads mostly avoiding oviposition in already parasitized hosts at time intervals ranging from 0 h to 96 h, and distributing their eggs in the high quality (unparasitized) hosts. The parasitized hosts were rejected more commonly through antennal perception of external markers than during ovipositor probing which could have encountered internal markers but this relationship changed with increasing time after oviposition. The parasitoid's oviposition rate in unparasitized and conspecific-parasitized hosts varied at the different oviposition time intervals when the females had fewer eggs in the ovaries. Percentage emergence of parasitized offspring was not significantly influenced by whether they developed in single or superparasitized mealybugs. The significance of host discrimination by A. pseudococci is discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】亚洲柑桔木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama的虫口密度及活动与柑桔黄龙病的田间传播、流行有十分密切的关系,寻找合适的室内饲养条件能够便于观察和研究其生物学特性和传病机制。【方法】本文以九里香Murraya exotica(L.)Mant.、酸桔Citrus sunki Hort.ex Tanaka和马水桔Citrus reticulata Blanco.cv.Mashuiju 3种寄主植物不同成熟度离体梢为研究材料,(1)比较亚洲柑桔木虱卵分别在3种寄主植株和离体嫩梢上的孵化率;(2)比较3种寄主不同成熟度离体梢对各龄若虫存活率和蜕皮的影响;(3)比较3种寄主不同成熟度离体梢对成虫存活率的影响。【结果】(1)亚洲柑桔木虱在植株嫩梢上卵的孵化率高于离体嫩梢,九里香表现最明显;(2)低龄若虫在叶片未完全展开的离体嫩梢上存活率最高,而高龄若虫在完全展开的嫩梢上最高;(3)用离体成熟梢饲养柑桔木虱成虫存活率高于离体嫩梢,酸桔和马水桔离体梢饲养的存活率较九里香高。【结论】用寄主植物离体梢饲养的亚洲柑桔木虱卵孵化率和若虫、成虫存活率都较高而且较稳定,该方法可用于这种木虱的室内繁殖中。  相似文献   

  • 1 We tested the hypothesis that females of the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), could adjust their fecundity schedule according to host availability and that there was a negative correlation between reproduction and survival in these wasps.
  • 2 Newly-emerged females were provided with an unlimited or limited number of hosts in the first trial and with either unlimited, limited or zero hosts in the second trial.
  • 3 When hosts were unlimited, wasps had the highest rate of reproduction in the first day, which decreased dramatically thereafter. When hosts were limited, wasps from the two trials differed in their response. In Trial I, females with limited hosts had lower first-day fecundity than, and the same subsequent-day fecundity as, those with unlimited hosts. However, in Trial II, females with limited host had a lower first-day but a higher subsequent-day fecundity than those with unlimited hosts. This indicates variation in Trichogramma's ability to shift its fecundity schedule in response to host availability.
  • 4 There was a positive (rather than a negative) correlation between reproduction and survival. Wasps that oviposited (in host-unlimited treatment) had greater longevity than those that could not (in host-unavailable treatment).
  • 5 The sex ratio of the progeny produced by wasps in both host-unlimited and limited treatments shifted gradually from a female to a male bias as the wasps aged.
  • 6 We consider the ability of parasitoids to adjust their fecundity schedule as an adaptation to changing host resources and discuss our findings with regard to theories of life history evolution.

Developmental rates for Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams were determined at 18°, 20°, 22°, 25°, 30° and 35°C for the egg, all juvenile male and all juvenile female stadia. Longevity was determined for adult females and adult males. Developmental rates for the P. herreni parasitoid Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard) were determined at 18°, 20°, 25° and 30°C for the oviposition-to-mummy-formation period and the mummy-formation-to-adult-eclosion period. Developmental rates were determined for the P. herreni parasitoid Acerophagus coccois Smith for the same two life stages at 20°, 25° and 30°C. Least-squares-derived polynomial equations or logistic equations were fitted to each data set (except for A. coccois) so that rates could be interpolated for temperatures between observed points for use in an analysis of the impact of these parasitoids on population dynamics of P. herreni. Results of this analysis are presented separately.
Résumé Les vitesses de développement des oeufs et de tous les stades larvaires mâles et femelles de P. herreni Cox & Williams ont été déterminées à 18°, 20°, 22°, 25°, 30° et 35°C. La longévité des adultes mâles et femelles a été déterminée. Les vitesses de développement de la ponte à la formation du cocon et de celleci à l'émergence de E. diversicornis Howard, encyrtide parasite de P. herreni ont été déterminées à 18°, 20°, 25° et 30°C. Il en a été de même pour un second encyrtide parasite A. coccois Smith à 20°, 25° et 30°C. Les équations polynomiales des derniers carrés dérivés et les équations logistiques ont été ajustées pour chaque lot de données (à l'exception de A. coccois) de façon à ce qu'elles aient pu être interpolées pour analyser l'impact de ces parasites sur la dynamique de population de P. herreni. Les résultats de cette analyse sont présentés à part.

We observed brood parasitism by brown-beaded cowbirds (Molothrusater) on indigo buntings (Passerina cyanea) and estimated dieimpact of parasitism on the success of the individual buntingsin their current nests and in their future survival and reproduction.Rates of parasitism over 8 years were 26.6% in 1040 nests and19.8% in 693 nests in two areas in southern Michigan. Risk ofparasitism was high early in the season; half the bunting nestswere begun after the end of the cowbird season. Risk was independentof female age, plant containing the nest, or habitat The immediatecost of parasitism was 1.19 and 1.26 fewer buntings fledgedper nest. Bunting success was lower in parasitized nests withcowbird eggs (nests were more likely to be deserted or predated),lower when the cowbird nestling failed (nests were more likelyto be predated), and lower when the cowbird fledged (fewer buntingsfledged) compared to nonparasitized nests. Costs were due toremoval of a bunting egg when die cowbird laid its own egg andto competition for parental care of the cowbird and buntingnestlings. Buntings that fledged from nests where a cowbirdalso fledged were only 18% as likely to survive and return totheir natal area in the next year as buntings from nests wherea cowbird did not fledge. Long-term effects of cowbird parasitismon adult breeding later in the season, survival to the nextseason, and reproductive success in the next season were negligiblewhen compared between birds that reared a cowbird and birdsthat reared only a bunting brood, or between birds that wereparasitized and birds that escaped parasitism. The results indicatelittle long-term cost of brood parasitism on individual fitnessof adult buntings beyond the impact on the current nest andthe survival of buntings that fledge from it; nearly all costis to the parasitized brood.  相似文献   

The encyrtid wasp Epidinocarsis (= Apoanagyrus) lopezi (De Santis) was imported from Paraguay into Nigeria for the biological control of the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero. It was mass-reared and released at four localities in Nigeria. The parasitoid is now established and it is dispersing throughout cassava growing areas of Nigeria.
Libération et installation au Nigéria d'Epidinocarsis lopezi, parasitoïde de la cochenille du manioc Phenococcus manihoti
Résumé Epidinocarsis lopezi (Apoanagyrus) lopezi a été introduit du Paraguay au Nigéria pour lutter contre la cochenille du manioc, Phenacoccus manihoti. Il a été lâché dans quatre champs de manioc pour étudier son acclimatation et son installation au Nigéria. Trois ans après les lâchers, les résultats ont permis de conclure que E. lopezi s'est établi avec succès et se disperse dans la plupart des zones de culture du manioc au Nigeria; il a aussi survécu à trois saisons pluvieuses pendant lesquelles les populations de P. manihoti ont été très faibles. Quatorze mois après les premiers lâchers, cet encyrtide a été obtenu à environ 150 km du lieu de libération.

Abstract. 1. The causes and reproductive consequences of body size variation of Brachinus lateralis Dejean, a parasitic carabid beetle, were investigated.
2. Body size variation occurs within and between sites. Host size has a major influence on body size of the adult.
3. Fecundity is positively correlated with body size. Egg size is not correlated with body size.
4. Mating males tend to be larger than non-mating males. There is a positive correlation of body sizes in mating pairs.
5. Limited opportunity for host choice may maintain size variation despite the advantages of large size.
6. The non-random patterns of mating for a species without obvious intrasexual aggression suggest that subtle means of male-male competition or female choice may be important.  相似文献   

Females of Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard) killed cassava mealybugs, Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams, through host feeding and piercing (i.e. ovipositor insertion and its consequences). Parasitoids fed on 9% of 592 hosts in which ovipositor insertion was achieved. For hosts which were attacked but not fed on, mortality in the first 72 h was significantly greater than that of controls and was highest in the first nymphal instar. No host feeding by Acerophagus coccois Smith was observed in 494 attacks. Mortality due to piercing was significantly greater than control values, but did not differ between host life stages.
Résumé La prise de nourriture et les piqûres (c'est-à-dire l'insertion de la tarière et ses conséquences) de Epidinocarsis diversicornis tuent Phenacoccus herreni. Les adultes s'alimentent sur 9% des 592 cochenilles dans lesquelles la tarière a pénétré. La mortalité au cours des 72 premières heures est beaucoup plus élevée chez les hôtes attaqués mais qui n'avaient pas subi une prise de nourriture, que chez les témoins; elle était particulièrement élevée chez les cochenilles du premier stade larvaire. Pour 494 attaques par Acerophagus coccois, aucune prise de nourriture n'a été observée; la mortalité était plus élevée que chez les temoins, sans qu'il y ait eu de différences suivant les stades.

In the field, the encyrtid wasp, Epidinocarsis lopezi (DeSantis) can find its host, the cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero) on cassave plants when the host is scarce. As a step towards understanding the parasitoid's effectiveness we investigated the cues with which it locates its host-habitat. Using a fourarmed olfactometer, we determined the attactivity of various host-and host-plant odours to female E. lopezi which had been previously exposed to infested plants. Attractivity or preference of an odour was determined from the proportion of 50 choices made between the odour and a blank, or between two odours. Female E. lopezi were attracted by mealybug-infested cassava leaves (CML), but not by the odour of cassava mealybugs (CMB) alone or by uninfested plants (ULU). An artificial combination of CMB and ULU was also not attractive. CML was preferred over ULU and CMB + ULU. These results suggest that the attractive element arises from the cassava plant itself in response to CMB infestation. We therefore tested the attractivity of uninfested leaves from partly infested plants, and found that these were indeed attractive. E. lopezi probably uses the odour which is emitted from infested cassava plants to guide it to its host in the field.
Zusammenfassung Epidinocarsis lopezi ist imstande, seine Wirte auf den Cassavapflanzen zu finden, auch wenn die Wirte nur in geringer Dichte vorkommen. Die Reaktion der Schlupfwespe auf Gerüche der Wirte und der Wirtspflanzen wurde untersucht. Weibchen der Schlupfwespe, die vorher mit Schmierläusen auf Cassavapflanzen zusammengebracht worden waren, wurden individuell in einem vierarmigen Olfaktometer verschiedenen Kombinationen dieser Gerüche ausgesetzt. Die relative Attraktivität jedes Geruchs wurde bestimmt anhand von 50 Entscheiden zwischen dem Geruch und einer Kontrolle oder zwischen zwei Gerüchen. E. lopezi Weibchen wurden von schmierlausinfizierten Blättern angezogen, aber nicht von Cassavaschmierläusen (CMB), oder von uninfizierten Cassavapflanzen (ULU). Die künstliche Mischung von CMN und ULU wurde auch nicht anlockend. CML war relativ mehr attraktiv als ULU und als die Mischung. Die Vermutung liegt vor dass E. lopezi von einem Pflanzenduft angezogen wird, der von mit Schmierläusen infizierten Cassavapflanzen ausgeschieden wird. Die Parasitoide wurden auch von uninfizierte Blättern teilweise infizierter Pflanzen angezogen. Wahrscheinlich wird im Freiland der Geruch infizierter Cassavapflanzen durch E. lopezi zur Auffindung weiterer wirtstragenden Cassavapflanzen gebraucht.

4种寄主植物对烟粉虱发育、存活及繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在实验室条件下[温度(26±1)℃,相对湿度(75±5)%,光照L∶D=14∶10],对烟粉虱[Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)]在烟草、假连翘、一品红、扶桑等4种寄主植物上的发育、存活、繁殖力及若虫个体形态进行了研究。结果表明:烟粉虱在上述4种寄主植物上从卵至成虫的发育历期分别为:17.63、25.70、23.15、20.32 d,存活率为:62.63%、58.48%、43.69%、52.45%。烟粉虱在烟草、假连翘、一品红、扶桑上的单雌产卵量分别为337.80、307.40、157.00、57.20粒,种群增长指数(I)分别为117.95、107.86、37.86、16.24。  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to investigate the effects of 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, 35°, 40° and 45°C on growth, sexual maturity, reproduction and survival of the freshwater planorbid snail, Gyraulus convexiusculus, vector of echinostomiasis, under laboratory conditions. The growth rate of juvenile and sexually mature snails was at minimum at 15°C and was maximum at 35°C. Sexual maturation time was minimum at 35°C and maximum at 20°C. Fecundity was minimum at 15°C and maximum at 35°C. The minimum average and maximum number of eggs per egg capsule was reached at 35°C and lowest at 15°C. 30°C was the optimum temperature for survival of juvenile snails, while sexually mature snails reached maximum survival time at 20°C.  相似文献   

通过观察副珠蜡蚧阔柄跳小蜂Metaphycus parasaissetiae Zhang and Huang在18,21,24,27,30,33和36℃恒温条件下的生长发育情况,求得其世代发育起点温度和世代有效积温分别为13.10℃和215.00日.度,建立世代发育历期预测式为N=[215.00±44.32]/[T-(13.10±3.24)],世代发育速率与温度之间的关系拟合为S形曲线V=-e(1.33+37.73/T),推算出该蜂在海南1年可发生18代。所设试验温度范围内,该蜂对橡副珠蜡蚧Parasaissetia nigra(Nietner)的寄生率在13.33%~20.00%范围内波动,30℃时寄生率最高;雌性比率在27℃时最大为70.03%。随着试验温度的升高,成蜂羽化相对集中,羽化持续时间逐渐缩短,羽化高峰提前。30℃条件下雌蜂终生产卵量最多,平均25.77粒。雌蜂寿命随试验温度的升高而逐渐缩短,同一恒温条件下补充20%蜂蜜水可显著延长雌蜂寿命。27~30℃可视为有利于副珠蜡蚧阔柄跳小蜂发育繁殖的适温范围,最适温度为30℃。  相似文献   

The combined effects of host age and rearing temperature upon the encapsulation of eggs of Metaphycus swirskii Annecke & Mynhardt (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) by the hemispherical scale, Saissetia coffeae (Walker) (Homoptera: Coccidae), were determined. Encapsulation incidence at 16, 20, 24 and 28°C increased with the age of the host, being 5.5–19.6% in 3rd instar nymphs, 45.4–74.2% in young female scales and 88.8–100% in preovipositing female scales. Within each host physiological age range, encapsulation frequency was not materially influenced by most of the temperatures. At 32°C, regardless of host age, S. coffeae encapsulated 99.5 to 100% of parasitoid eggs. Complete immunity to successful parasitism by M. swirskii occurred at 20, 24, 28 and 32°C in preovipositing female scales and at 32°C in 3rd-instar nymphs and young female scales of S. coffeae.
Résumé Cette étude a déterminé les effets combinés de l'âge de l'hôte et de la température sur l'encapsulation des oeufs de M. swirskii Annecke & Mynhardt (Hym. Encyrtidae) par S. coffeae Walker (Homopt. Coccidae). La fréquence d'encapsulation à 16, 20, 24 et 28°C a augmenté avec l'âge de l'hôte, 5,5–19,6% dans les larves de 3ème stade, 45,4–74,2% chez les jeunes femelles et 88,8–100% chez les femelles avant la ponte. Dans chaque gamme d'âge physiologique de l'hôte, la fréquence d'encapsulation n'est pas influencée par la plupart des températures. A 32°C, quel que soit l'âge de l'hôte, S. coffeae a encapsulé 99,5–100% des oeufs du parasitoïde. Une immunité complète au parasitisme par M. swirskii a été obtenue à 20, 24, 28 et 32°C pour les femelles de cochenilles dans la période précédant la ponte, et à 32°C pour les larves de 3ème stade et les jeunes femelles de S. coffeae.

Six aphid species, viz. Aphis craccivora, Aphis gossypii, Aphis nerii, Myzus persicae, Lipaphis erysimi and Uroleucon compositae were provided as prey to the feeding stages of Coccinella transversalis (Fabricius). All of them were found to be essential prey, however the relative prey suitability varied. All the predatory stages of C. transversalis consumed and preferred A. gossypii, the most and A. nerii, the least. Significant effect of prey quality was observed on pre‐imaginal developmental periods, wet weights and adult longevity. The complete development was shortest on A. gossypii (13.01 ± 0.18 days) and longest on A. nerii (20.51 ± 0.25 days). The total prey consumption by larva, adult male and female in their lifetime was maximum (665.30 ± 5.75, 4831.10 ± 123.54 and 5412.30 ± 94.51, respectively) on A. gossypii and minimum (434.80 ± 4.03, 802.80 ± 34.37 and 905.20 ± 52.48, respectively) on A. nerii. Immature survival, growth index and adult emergence of C. transversalis was maximum (68.33, 7.82 and 88.21%, respectively) when larval instars consumed A. gossypii and minimum (37.75, 2.18 and 60.69%, respectively) after feeding on A. nerii. Female reproduction was also prey quality dependent showing maximum reproductive performance in terms of fecundity and percentage viability, with a highest reproductive period and lowest non‐reproductive period on A. gossypii, followed by A. craccivora, L. erysimi, M. persicae, U. compositae and A. nerii. Regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between: (1) daily prey consumption and relative growth rate, (2) adult weight and developmental rate, (3) weights of adult male and female, and (4) female longevity and fecundity.  相似文献   

Encarsia formosa Gahan is a solitary endoparasitoid that is commercially reared and released for augmentative biological control of whiteflies including Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Bemisia tabaci biotypes B and Q are two most invasive species that greatly reduce crop yields in China by feeding on plant sap and by transmitting Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV). The effects of TYLCV infection of tomato on E. formosa foraging on B. tabaci B and Q are unknown. In Y-tube olfactometer assays in the present study, E. formosa significantly preferred TYLCV-infected tomato plants over TYLCV-free plants. The wasp females also significantly preferred TYLCV-infected tomato plants infested with 3rd-instar nymphs of B. tabaci biotype Q over TYLCV-free plants with biotype Q nymphs. However, no significant differences were observed when B. tabaci biotype B was infested on tomato plants. The oviposition bioassays confirmed that TYLCV infection on tomato plants resulted in the recruitment of parasitoids. These results indicate that TYLCV-infection of tomato increase the foraging of E. formosa on B. tabaci, as differs on the B and Q biotypes.  相似文献   

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