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In analogy with studies previously reported for myeloperoxidase (Kooter, I. M.; Moguilevsky, N.; Bollen, A.; Van der Veen, L. A.; Otto, C.; Dekker, H. L.; Wever, R. J. Biol. Chem. 1999, 274, 26794), we examined for bovine lactoperoxidase the effect of mutation of Asp225 and Glu375, the residues thought to be responsible for the covalent binding of the heme group to the apoprotein. Starting from the plasmid encoding rbLPO (Watanabe, S.; Varsalona, F.; Yoo, Y.; Guillaume, J. P.; Bollen, A.; Shimazaki, K.; Moguilevsky, N. FEBS Letters 1998, 441, 476), which was engineered to carry mutations in correspondence of those residues, the mutants Asp225Val and Glu375Gln were expressed in CHO cells and their products purified and characterized. Unequivocal evidence about the existence of ester linkages as well as their relative contribution to the specific spectroscopic and catalytic properties of bLPO is here discussed.  相似文献   

The prosthetic group of milk lactoperoxidase has been isolated from a Pronase hydrolysate of the enzyme and identified spectroscopically and chromatographically as protoheme IX. Partial degradation of the heme occurred during the proteolysis, possibly as a result of coupled oxidation in the presence of glycine and oxygen. The heme is assumed to be buried in the protein molecule in a crevice, which allows ligands to bind to the iron on one side only. The pyridine hemochrome of lactoperoxidase with alpha-band at 563 nm is interpreted as a mixed ligand complex with pyridine on one side of the heme and a ligand originating from the protein on the other. No experimental evidence supports the view that the heme is covalently bound to the protein through an ester linkage.  相似文献   

We demonstrated earlier that the heme in cytochrome P450 enzymes of the CYP4A family is covalently attached to the protein through an I-helix glutamic acid residue [Hoch, U., and Ortiz de Montellano, P. R. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 11339-11346]. As the critical glutamic acid residue is conserved in many members of the CYP4F class of cytochrome P450 enzymes, we investigated covalent heme binding in this family of enzymes. Chromatographic analysis indicates that the heme is covalently bound in CYP4F1 and CYP4F4, which have the required glutamic acid residue, but not in CYP4F5 and CYP4F6, which do not. Catalytic turnover of CYP4F4 with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase shows that the heme is covalently bound through an autocatalytic process. Analysis of the prosthetic group in the CYP4F5 G330E mutant, into which the glutamic acid has been reintroduced, shows that the heme is partially covalently bound and partially converted to noncovalently bound 5-hydroxymethylheme. The modified heme presumably arises by trapping of a 5-methyl carbocation intermediate by a water molecule. CYP4F proteins thus autocatalytically bind their heme groups covalently in a process that requires a glutamic acid both to generate a reactive (cationic) form of the heme methyl and to trap it to give the ester bond.  相似文献   

The oxidation-reduction midpoint potential for the heme prosthetic group present in assimilatory nitrate reductase from Chlorella vulgaris has been determined by optical potentiometric titrations in the presence of dye mediators. At pH 7, the midpoint potential was determined to be -160 mV and corresponds to a reversible n = 1 redox process. The midpoint potential was unaltered by the use of NADH as reductant, unaffected by the presence of NAD+, cytochrome c, phosphate, cyanide, or alkaline pH. In addition, the redox potential of the heme was independent of modifications to the enzyme such as substitution of the molybdenum center with tungsten, or cleavage and separation of the enzyme into its flavin and heme/molybdenum domains. In contrast, the midpoint potential increased on decreasing the pH yielding a pH dependence of approximately 20 mV/pH unit within the range 5.5 to 7, suggesting the presence of a single, redox-associated, ionizable functional group on the protein with pKox = 5.8 and pKred = 6.1. At pH 7 and within the range 12 to 38 degrees C, the midpoint potential of the heme decreased by approximately 1 mV/degree. Values for delta S0 and delta H0 were calculated to be -25.6 e.u. and -4.0 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

The resonance-enhanced Raman spectrum of eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) from horse and human eosinophils is reported. Based upon the spectral energies, distribution and depolarization ratios of the high-frequency skeletal modes and upon the presence of weak bands assignable to vinyl substituent groups, we conclude that the heme prosthetic group is high-spin, 6 coordinate protoporphyrin. The Raman spectrum reveals clear differences from lactoperoxidase (LPO), an enzyme which appears nearly structurally isomorphous by other physical techniques; the data indicate a stronger axial 6th ligand in EPO. Mechanistic implications are discussed in relation to LPO and myeloperoxidase, an enzyme present in neutrophils and monocytes which contains a unique functional active-site chlorin.  相似文献   

Electronic absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic examinations revealed that a freshly prepared cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) contains a penta-coordinated high spin ferric protoheme group. The penta-coordinated high spin state of fresh CCP is maintained in a remarkably wide range of pH (4-8). The freezing of fresh CCP induces the reversible coordination of an internal strong field ligand to the heme iron to form a hexa-coordinated low spin compound, which shows EPR extrema at gx = 2.70, gy = 2.20 and gz = 1.78. In the presence of glycerol the freezing-induced artifacts are eliminated and the fresh enzyme exhibits an EPR spectrum of rhombically distorted axial symmetry with EPR extrema at gx = 6.4, gy = 5.3, and gz = 1.97 at 10 K, characteristic of the penta-coordinated high spin enzyme. Upon aging CCP is converted to a hexa-coordinated high spin state due to the coordination of an internal weak field ligand to the heme iron. This conversion is accelerated at acidic pH values, and its reversibility varies from fully reversible to irreversible depending on the degree of enzyme aging. The aging-induced hexa-coordinated CCP is unreactive with hydrogen peroxide and exhibits an EPR spectrum of purely axial symmetry with extrema at g = 6 and g = 2 and an electronic absorption spectrum with an intensified Soret band at 408 nm (epsilon 408 nm = 120 mM-1 cm-1) and a blue-shifted charge-transfer band at 620 nm. Spectroscopic properties of different coordination and spin states of fresh and aged CCPs are compiled in order to formulate a generalized spectroscopic characterization of penta- and hexa-coordinated high spin ferric hemoproteins.  相似文献   

The oxidative reaction of equine myoglobin with alkylhydrazines results primarily in introduction of the alkyl group at the sterically hindered gamma-meso position. The gamma-meso adducts formed with ethyl- and n-butylhydrazine have been isolated and unambiguously identified. With high pressure liquid chromatography, evidence for the formation of similar adducts with methyl- and n-propylhydrazine but not tert-butyl-, 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl-, or 2-phenylethylhydrazine has also been obtained. The gamma regiospecificity of the reaction of myoglobin with alkylhydrazines contrasts with the delta meso regiospecificity in the alkylation of peroxidases. Addition to the porphyrin vinyl groups is not detected, but N-alkylheme adducts appear to be formed in very low yield. Cofactor studies establish that H2O2 is absolutely required for meso heme alkylation and EPR/spin trapping studies show that alkyl free radicals are the probable alkylating species. In contrast, the reductive reaction of sperm whale myoglobin with CBrCl3 results in addition of the CCl3.radical to the 2-vinyl moiety of the heme group (Osawa, Y., Highet, R. J., Murphy, C. M., Cotter. R.J., and Pohl, L.R. (1989) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 4462-4467). Carbon radicals thus apparently add to different sites of the myoglobin prosthetic group under reductive and oxidative conditions, presumably because of differences in the oxidation state of the heme and/or the intrinsic reactivities of alkyl and polyhaloalkyl radicals.  相似文献   

Several derivatives of heme d1 have been characterized by ultraviolet-visible, NMR, and mass spectrometry. Most arise from side reactions during the isolation of d1 from the enzyme. One, however, has now been shown to correspond to the replacement of a meso proton by an S-methyl group. Since the porphyrin is not exposed to S-methyl-containing reagents during its isolation, this raises hypotheses that it has its origin in vivo.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to change the phosphopantetheine attachment site (Ser38) of spinach acyl carrier protein I (ACP-I) from a serine to a threonine or cysteine residue. 1. Although the native ACP-I is fully phosphopantethenylated when expressed in Escherichia coli, the TH-ACP-I and CY-ACP-I mutants were found to be completely devoid of the phosphopantetheine group. Therefore, the E. coli holoACP synthase requires serine for in vivo phosphopantetheine addition to spinach ACP-I. 2. Spinach holoACP synthase was completely inactive in vitro with either the TH-ACP-I or CY-ACP-I mutants. In addition, TH-ACP-I and CY-ACP-I were strong inhibitors of spinach holoACP synthase. 3. The mutant ACPs were weak or ineffective as inhibitors of spinach fatty acid synthesis and spinach oleoyl-ACP hydrolase. 4. Compared to holoACP-I, the mutant apoACP-I analogs had: (a) altered mobility in SDS and native gel electrophoresis, (b) altered binding to anti-(spinach ACP-I) antibodies and (c) altered isoelectric points. The combined physical, immunological and enzyme inhibition data indicate that attachment of the phosphopantheine prosthetic group alters ACP conformation.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase is inactivated in a time-, H2O2-, and concentration-dependent manner by phenylethyl-, ethyl-, and methylhydrazine. The pseudo- first order kinetic constants for these inactivation reactions at pH 7 are: phenylethyl (KI = 115 microM, kinact = 1.5 min-1, partition ratio = 11), ethyl (KI = 145 microM, kinact = 0.08 min-1, partition ratio = 32), and methyl (KI = 3000 microM, kinact = 0.12 min-1, partition ratio = 80). At pH 5, the constants for the phenylethyl reaction change to KI = 1540 microM and kinact = 0.86 min-1. A transient absorbance at approximately 830 nm, suggestive of an isoporphyrin intermediate, is seen during these reactions. The prosthetic heme is converted by each of the three alkylhydrazines into the corresponding delta-meso-alkylated heme. Complete inactivation of the enzymes by methyl-, ethyl-, and phenylethylhydrazine is associated with alkylation of 60-70, 70, and 90%, respectively, of the prosthetic heme groups. The absence of N-alkylation and the high specificity for the delta-meso position, even with agents as small as methylhydrazine, strengthen the proposal that electron abstraction is mediated by the heme edge rather than the ferryl oxygen of horseradish peroxidase.  相似文献   

The low-spin, cyanide-ligated ferric complex of the intact bovine granulocyte myeloperoxidase (MPO-CN) has been studied by proton nuclear magnetic resonance utilizing the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE). This is the largest globular protein (approximately 1.5 x 10(5) for the intact alpha 2 beta 2 tetrameric species) for which successful NOEs have been observed without serious interference of spin diffusion, and demonstrably confirms the utility of such studies on large paramagnetic as compared to diamagnetic proteins. The 1H NMR spectrum of MPO-CN is found to have a remarkable similarity in the number, resonance pattern, and metal ion-induced relaxation properties of the resolved, hyperfine-shifted resonances to those reported earlier for the analogous complex of bovine lactoperoxidase (LPO-CN); moreover, the interproton connectivities between pairs of hyperfine-shifted proton sets, as reflected by the NOEs, are also essentially the same (Thanabal, V., and La Mar, G. N. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 7038-7044). Since the extracted prosthetic group of lactoperoxidase is a porphyrin with proposed functionalization of the 8-methylene group (Nichol, A. W., Angel, L. A., Moon, T., and Clezy, P. S. (1987) Biochem. J. 247, 147-150), we interpret the resultant similarity in 1H NMR spectral parameters for LPO-CN and MPO-CN as indicating that the prosthetic groups in MPO and LPO are very similar, and hence likely both porphyrins with a similarly functionalized periphery that allows covalent linkage to the protein matrix. The hyperfine shift pattern of the broadest resolved lines lead to their assignment to the axial histidyl imidazole side chain. Two pairs of resonances are found to have similar relaxation properties and/or dipolar as similarly shifted resonances that arise from a distal His and Arg in horseradish peroxidase (as also found in LPO-CN), and suggest that MPO also possesses these catalytically functional residues in the distal heme pocket.  相似文献   

Y Shiro  I Morishima 《Biochemistry》1986,25(20):5844-5849
The heme environmental structures of lactoperoxidase (LP) have been studied by the use of hyperfine-shifted proton NMR and optical absorption spectra. The NMR spectra of the enzyme in native and cyanide forms in H2O indicated that the fifth ligand of the heme iron is the histidyl imidazole with an anionic character and that the sixth coordination site is possibly vacant. These structural characteristics are quite similar to those of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), suggesting that these may be prerequisite to peroxidase activity. The pH dependences of the spectra of LP in cyanide and azide forms showed the presence of two ionizable groups with pK values of 6 and 7.4 in the heme vicinity, which is consistent with the kinetic results. The group with pK = 7.4 is associated with azide binding to LP in a slow NMR exchange limit, which is in contrast to the fast entry of azide to HRP.  相似文献   

Incubation of horseradish peroxidase with phenylhydrazine and H2O2 markedly depresses the catalytic activity and the intensity, but not position, of the Soret band. Approximately 11-13 mol of phenylhydrazine and 25 mol of H2O2 are required per mol of enzyme to minimize the chromophore intensity. The enzyme retains some activity after such treatment, but this activity is eliminated if the enzyme is isolated and reincubated with phenylhydrazine. The prosthetic heme of the enzyme does not react with phenylhydrazine to give a sigma-bonded phenyl-iron complex, as it does in other hemoproteins, but is converted instead to the delta-mesophenyl and 8-hydroxymethyl derivatives. The loss of activity is due more to protein than heme modification, however. The inactivated enzyme reacts with H2O2 to give a spectroscopically detectable Compound I. The results imply that substrates interact with the heme edge rather than with the activated oxygen of Compounds I and II and specifically identify the region around the delta-meso-carbon and 8-methyl group as the exposed sector of the heme. Horseradish peroxidase, in contrast to cytochrome P-450, generally does not catalyze oxygen-transfer reactions. The present results indicate that oxygen-transfer reactions do not occur because the activated oxygen and the substrate are physically separated by a protein-imposed barrier in horseradish peroxidase.  相似文献   

The covalent heme attachment has been extensively studied by spectroscopic methods in myeloperoxidase and lactoperoxidase (LPO) but not in eosinophil peroxidase (EPO). We show that heme linkage to the heavy chain is invariably present, whereas heme linkage to the light chain of EPO is present in less than one-third of EPO molecules. Mass analysis of isolated heme bispeptides supports the hypothesis of a heme b linked through two esters to the polypeptide. Mass analysis of heme monopeptides reveals that >90% have a nonderivatized methyl group at the position of the light chain linkage. Apparently, an ester had not been formed during biosynthesis. The light chain linkage could be formed by incubation with hydrogen peroxide, in accordance with a recent hypothesis of autocatalytic heme attachment based on studies with LPO (DePillis, G. D., Ozaki, S., Kuo, J. M., Maltby, D. A., and Ortiz de Montellano P. R. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 8857-8860). By sequence analysis of isolated heme peptides after aminolysis, we unambiguously identified the acidic residues, Asp-93 of the light chain and Glu-241 of the heavy chain, that form esters with the heme group. This is the first biochemical support for ester linkage to two specific residues in eosinophil peroxidase. From a parallel study with LPO, we show that Asp-125 and Glu-275 are engaged in ester linkage. The species with a nonderivatized methyl group was not found among LPO peptides.  相似文献   

Rosell FI  Mauk AG 《Biochemistry》2002,41(24):7811-7818
The yeast iso-1-cytochrome c variant Cys14Ser has been prepared in which one of the two thioether bonds by which the heme prosthetic group is normally bound to the protein has been eliminated. Comparison of the properties of this variant with those of the wild-type cytochrome provides insight into the role of this covalent attachment of the heme group to the apo-protein toward the functional properties of the wild-type cytochrome. Although NMR and EPR spectra indicate that the Cys14Ser variant ferricytochrome adopts the native conformation characteristic of the wild-type protein with His18 and Met80 coordinated to the heme iron (Met80 epsilon-CH -23.6 ppm; g(z), g(y), g(x), at 3.01, 2.29, approximately 1.3, respectively), the electronic spectrum of the variant does not exhibit the 695 nm CT band that is characteristic of native ferricytochromes c with these axial ligands. Chromatographic and spectropolarimetric comparison of the variant and wild-type ferricytochromes suggests that the structure of the variant is more disordered, particularly in the region of the sole tryptophanyl residue (Trp59). Upon reduction, the electronic spectrum of the variant exhibits a symmetrically broadened alpha-band that is shifted approximately 3 nm to the ultraviolet relative to its position in the spectrum in the wild-type protein. In the MCD spectrum, a band appears above 390 nm that is more intense than the Soret A-term which is also shifted to lower energy.  相似文献   

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