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A series of recombinant molecules were constructed which direct the expression of the easily assayed gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase. We have used these recombinants to show that the 73/72-base-pair tandem repeat unit from the Moloney murine sarcoma virus long terminal repeat shares a number of properties with the prototypic enhancer element, the simian virus 40 72-base-pair repeat. Specifically, the Moloney murine sarcoma virus sequence significantly enhances the level of gene expression at both 5' and 3' locations and in either orientation relative to the test gene. It is able to enhance gene activity both from its own promoter and from a heterologous (simian virus 40) promoter. The 73/72-base-pair subunits of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus enhancer differ in sequence by four nucleotides and also in the strength of their enhancer function. The promoter distal A repeat is at least three times as active as the promoter proximal B repeat in enhancing chloramphenicol acetyltransferase expression. Results of these studies also show that the enhancer sequence alone is unable to induce gene activity but requires other promoter elements, including a proximal GC-rich sequence and the Goldberg-Hogness box.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects associated with two single amino acid substitution mutations in HIV-1 capsid (CA), the E98A and E187G. Both amino acids are well conserved among all major HIV-1 subtypes. HIV-1 infectivity is critically dependent on proper CA cone formation and mutations in CA are lethal when they inhibit CA assembly by destabilizing the intra and/or inter molecular CA contacts, which ultimately abrogate viral replication. Glu98, which is located on a surface of a flexible cyclophilin A binding loop is not involved in any intra-molecular contacts with other CA residues. In contrast, Glu187 has extensive intra-molecular contacts with eight other CA residues. Additionally, Glu187 has been shown to form a salt-bridge with Arg18 of another N -terminal CA monomer in a N-C dimer. However, despite proper virus release, glycoprotein incorporation and Gag processing, electron microscopy analysis revealed that, in contrast to the E187G mutant, only the E98A particles had aberrant core morphology that resulted in loss of infectivity.  相似文献   

An infectious NZB xenotropic murine leukemia virus (MuLV) provirus (NZB was molecularly cloned from the Hirt supernatant of NZB-IU-6-infected mink cells, and the nucleotide sequence of its env gene and long terminal repeat (LTR) was determined. The partial nucleotide sequence previously reported for the env gene of NFS-Th-1 xenotropic proviral DNA (Repaske, et al., J. Virol. 46:204-211, 1983) is identical to that of the infectious NZB xenotropic MuLV DNA reported here. Alignment of nucleotide or deduced amino acid sequences, or both, of xenotropic, mink cell focus-forming, and ecotropic MuLV proviral DNAs in the env region identified sequence differences among the three host range classes of C-type MuLVs. Major differences were confined to the 5' half of env; a high degree of homology was found among the three classes of MuLVs in the 3' half of env. Alignment of the nucleotide sequence of the LTR of NZB xenotropic MuLV with those of the LTRs of NFS-Th-1 xenotropic, mink cell focus-forming, and ecotropic MuLVs revealed extensive homology between the LTRs of xenotropic and MCF247 MuLVs. An inserted 6-base-pair repeat 5' to the TATA box was a unique feature of both NZB and NFS-Th-1 xenotropic LTRs.  相似文献   

Polyomavirus mutants were isolated from PCC4 embryonal carcinoma cells infected with a variant strain of polyomavirus (ev 1001h) and were found to contain a tandem duplication overlapping the enhancers and the origin of replication. These mutants were able to infect several lines of embryonal carcinoma cells, including PCC4, F9, and LT1. The sequence and structure of one of these mutants are presented and compared with those of other PyEC PCC4 mutants previously described.  相似文献   

R Hanecak  P K Pattengale    H Fan 《Journal of virology》1991,65(10):5357-5363
Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) is a replication-competent retrovirus which induces T-lymphoblastic lymphoma 2 to 4 months after inoculation. Enhancer sequences in the U3 region of the M-MuLV long terminal repeat, primarily the 75-bp tandem repeats, strongly influence the disease specificity and latency of M-MuLV. We investigated the role of GC-rich sequences downstream of the tandem repeats in the disease specificity of M-MuLV. A recombinant M-MuLV lacking 23 bases of a GC-rich sequence (-174 to -151), Delta 27A M-MuLV, was tested for pathogenesis in neonatal NIH Swiss mice. Delta 27A M-MuLV induced disease with a longer latency than did M-MuLV (7 versus 3 months) in greater than 85% of inoculated mice. More interestingly, this virus showed an expanded repertoire of hematopoietic diseases. Molecular analyses and histopathologic examinations indicated that while 39% of mice inoculated with Delta 27A M-MuLV developed T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma typical of wild-type M-MuLV, the majority developed acute myeloid leukemia, erythroleukemia, or B-cell lymphoma. Viral DNA corresponding to Delta 27A M-MuLV was detectable in most of the tumors analyzed. These findings indicate that the GC-rich region significantly influences the disease specificity and latency of M-MuLV.  相似文献   

M Grez  M Zrnig  J Nowock    M Ziegler 《Journal of virology》1991,65(9):4691-4698
The expression of Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV) and Mo-MuLV-derived vectors is restricted in undifferentiated mouse embryonal carcinoma and embryonal stem (ES) cells. We have previously described the isolation of retroviral mutants with host range properties expanded to embryonal cell lines. One of these mutants, the murine embryonic stem cell virus (MESV), is expressed in ES cell lines. Expression of MESV in these cells relies on DNA sequence motifs within the enhancer region of the viral long terminal repeat (LTR). Here we show that replacement of the Mo-MuLV enhancer region by sequences derived from the MESV LTR results in the activation of the Mo-MuLV LTR in ES cells. The enhancer regions of MESV and Mo-MuLV differ by seven point mutations. Of these, a single point mutation at position -166 is sufficient to activate the Mo-MuLV LTR and to confer enhancer-dependent expression to Mo-MuLV-derived retroviral vectors in ES cells. This point mutation creates a recognition site for a sequence-specific DNA-binding factor present in nuclear extracts of ES cells. This factor was found by functional assays to be the murine equivalent to human Sp1.  相似文献   

The helper virus has been shown to play a critical role in the development of lymphoma induced by the defective Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV). Indeed, A-MuLV pseudotyped with some viruses, such as the Moloney MuLV, has been shown to be highly lymphogenic, whereas A-MuLV pseudotyped with other viruses, such as the BALB/c endogenous N-tropic MuLV, has been shown to be devoid of lymphogenic potential (N. Rosenberg and D. Baltimore, J. Exp. Med. 147:1126-1141, 1978; C. D. Scher, J. Exp. Med. 147: 1044-1053, 1978). To map the viral DNA sequences encoding the determinant of the lymphogenic potential of Moloney MuLV when complexed with A-MuLV, we constructed chimeric helper viral DNA genomes in vitro between parental cloned infectious viral DNA genomes from Moloney MuLV and from BALB/c endogenous N-tropic MuLV. Chimeric helper MuLVs, recovered after transfection of NIH 3T3 cells were used to rescue A-MuLV, and the pseudotypes were inoculated into newborn NIH Swiss, CD-1, and SWR/J mice to test their lymphogenic potential. We found that a 0.44-kilobase-pair PstI-KpnI long terminal repeat-containing fragment from the Moloney MuLV was sufficient to confer some, but not complete, lymphogenic potential to a chimeric virus (p7M2) in NIH Swiss and SWR/J mice, but not in CD-1 mice. The addition of the 3'-end env sequences (comprising the carboxy terminus of gp70 and all p15E) to the U3 long terminal repeat sequences restored the full lymphogenic potential of the Moloney MuLV. Our data indicate that the 3'-end sequences of the helper Moloney MuLV are somehow involved in the development of lymphoma induced by A-MuLV. The same sequences have previously been found to harbor the determinant of leukemogenicity and of disease specificity of Moloney MuLV when inoculated alone.  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid-regulatory sequences from the murine mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat (MMTV LTR) were introduced into the LTR of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) by recombinant DNA techniques. The site of insertion was in the M-MuLV LTR U3 region at -150 base pairs with respect to the RNA cap site. Infectious M-MuLVs carrying the altered LTRs (Mo + MMTV M-MuLVs) were recovered by transfection of proviral clones into NIH-3T3 cells. The Mo + MMTV M-MuLVs were hormonally responsive in that infection was 3 logs more efficient when performed in the presence of dexamethasone, irrespective of the orientation of the inserted MMTV sequences. However, even in the presence of hormone, the Mo + MMTV M-MuLVs were less infectious than wild-type M-MuLV. In contrast to the large effect on infectivity, dexamethasone induced virus-specific RNA levels in chronically Mo + MMTV M-MuLV-infected cells only two- to fourfold. Fusion plasmids between the altered LTRs and the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene allowed the investigation of LTR promoter strength by the transient chloramphenicol acetyltransferase expression assay. The chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assays indicated that the insertion of MMTV sequences into the M-MuLV LTR reduced promoter activity in the absence of glucocorticoids but that promoter activity could be induced two- to fivefold by dexamethasone. The Mo + MMTV M-MuLVs were also tested for the possibility that viral DNA synthesis or integration during initial infection was enhanced by dexamethasone. However, no significant difference was detected between cultures infected in the presence or absence of hormone. The insertion of MMTV sequences into an M-MuLV LTR deleted of its enhancer sequences did not yield infectious virus or active promoters, even in the presence of dexamethasone.  相似文献   

The effects of rearrangement and insertion of sequences in the Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) long terminal repeat (LTR) were investigated. The alterations were made by recombinant DNA manipulations on a plasmid subclone containing an M-MuLV LTR. Promoter activity of altered LTRs was measured by fusion to the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene, followed by transient expression assay in NIH 3T3 cells. M-MuLV proviral organizations containing the altered LTRs were also generated, and infectious virus was recovered by transfection. Infectivity of the resulting virus was quantified by XC plaque assay, and pathogenicity was determined by inoculating neonatal NIH Swiss mice. Inversion of sequences in the U3 region containing the tandemly repeated enhancer sequences (-150 to -353 base pairs [bp]) reduced promoter activity approximately fivefold in the transient-expression assays. Infectious virus containing the inverted sequences (Mo- M-MuLV) showed a 20-fold reduction in relative infectivity compared with wild-type M-MuLV, but the virus still induced thymus-derived lymphoblastic lymphoma or leukemia in mice, with essentially the same kinetics as for wild-type M-MuLV. We previously derived an M-MuLV which carried inserted enhancer sequences from the F101 strain of polyomavirus (Mo + PyF101 M-MuLV) and showed that this virus is nonleukemogenic. In Mo + PyF101 M-MuLV, the PyF101 sequences were inserted between the M-MuLV promoter and the M-MuLV enhancers (at -150 bp). A new LTR was generated in which the PyF101 sequences were inserted to the 5' side of the M-MuLV enhancers (at -353 bp, PyF101 + Mo M-MuLV). The PyF101 + Mo LTR exhibited promoter activity similar (40 to 50%) to that of wild-type M-MuLV, and infectious PyF101 + Mo M-MuLV had high infectivity on NIH 3T3 cells (50% of wild type). In contrast to the nonleukemogenic Mo + PyF101 M-MuLV, PyF101 + Mo M-MuLV induced leukemia with kinetics similar to that of wild-type M-MuLV. Thus, the position of the PyF101 sequences relative to the M-MuLV LTR affected the biological behavior of the molecular construct. Furthermore, PyF101 + Mo M-MuLV induced a different spectrum of neoplastic disease. In comparison with wild-type M-MuLV, which induces a characteristic thymus-derived lymphoblastic lymphoma with extremely high frequency, PyF101 + Mo M-MuLV was capable of inducing both acute myeloid leukemia or thymus-derived lymphoblastic lymphoma, or both. Tumor DNA from both the PyF101 + Mo- and Mo- M-MuLV-inoculated animals contained recombinant proviruses with LTRs that differed from the initially inoculated virus.  相似文献   

The recombinant retrovirus, MoFe2-MuLV (MoFe2), was constructed by replacing the U3 region of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) with homologous sequences from the FeLV-945 LTR. NIH/Swiss mice neonatally inoculated with MoFe2 developed T-cell lymphomas of immature thymocyte surface phenotype. MoFe2 integrated infrequently (0 to 9%) near common insertion sites (CISs) previously identified for either parent virus. Using three different strategies, CISs in MoFe2-induced tumors were identified at six loci, none of which had been previously reported as CISs in tumors induced by either parent virus in wild-type animals. Two of the newly identified CISs had not previously been implicated in lymphoma in any retrovirus model. One of these, designated 3-19, encodes the p101 regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide-3-kinase-gamma. The other, designated Rw1, is predicted to encode a protein that functions in the immune response to virus infection. Thus, substitution of FeLV-945 U3 sequences into the M-MuLV long terminal repeat (LTR) did not alter the target tissue for M-MuLV transformation but significantly altered the pattern of CIS utilization in the induction of T-cell lymphoma. These observations support a growing body of evidence that the distinctive sequence and/or structure of the retroviral LTR determines its pattern of insertional activation. The findings also demonstrate the oligoclonal nature of retrovirus-induced lymphomas by demonstrating proviral insertions at CISs in subdominant populations in the tumor mass. Finally, the findings demonstrate the utility of novel recombinant retroviruses such as MoFe2 to contribute new genes potentially relevant to the induction of lymphoid malignancy.  相似文献   

Three series of recombinant DNA clones were constructed, with the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene as a quantitative indicator, to examine the activities of promoter and enhancer sequence elements in the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) of murine leukemia virus (MuLV)-related proviral sequences isolated from the mouse genome. Transient CAT expression was determined in mouse NIH 3T3, human HT1080, and mink CCL64 cultured cells transfected with the LTR-CAT constructs. The 700-base-pair (bp) LTRs of three polytropic MuLV-related proviral clones and the 750-bp LTRs of four modified polytropic proviral clones, in complete structures either with or without the adjacent downstream sequences, all showed very little or negligible activities for CAT expression, while ecotropic MuLV LTRs were highly active. The MuLV-related LTRs were divided into three portions and examined separately. The 3' portion of the MuLV-related LTRs that contains the CCAAC and TATAA boxes was found to be a functional promoter, being about one-half to one-third as active as the corresponding portion of ecotropic MuLV LTRs. A MboI-Bg/II fragment, representing the distinct 190- to 200-bp inserted segment in the middle, was found to be a potential enhancer, especially when examined in combination with the simian virus 40 promoter in CCL64 cells. A PstI-MboI fragment of the 5' portion, which contains the protein-binding motifs of the enhancer segment as well as the upstream LTR sequences, showed moderate enhancer activities in CCL6 cells but was virtually inactive in NIH 3T3 cells and HT1080 cells; addition of this fragment to the ecotropic LTR-CAT constructs depressed CAT expression. Further analyses using chimeric LTR constructs located the presence of a strong negative regulatory element within the region containing the 5' portion of the enhancer and the immediate upstream sequences in the MuLV-related LTRs.  相似文献   

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