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The genotoxic effect of 8-methoxypsoralen damages (monoadducts and crosslinks) on plasmid DNA was studied. pBR322 DNA was treated with several concentrations of 8-methoxypsoralen plus fixed UVA light irradiation. After transformation into E. coli cells with different repair capacities (uvrA, recA and wild-type), plasmid survival and mutagenesis in ampicillin- and tetracycline-resistant genes were analysed. Results showed that crosslinks were extremely lethal in all 3 strains; indeed, it seemed that they were not repaired even in proficient bacteria. Monoadducts were also found to be lethal although they were removed to some extent by the excision-repair pathway (uvrA-dependent). Damaged plasmid DNA appeared to induce mutagenic repair, but only in the wild-type strain. In order to study the influence of the SOS response on plasmid recovery, preirradiation of the host cells was also performed. Preirradiation of the uvrA or wild-type strains significantly increased plasmid recovery. Consistent with the expectations of SOS repair, no effect was observed in preirradiated recA cells. Plasmid recovery in the excision-deficient strain was mainly achieved by the mutagenic repair of some fraction of the lesions, probably monoadducts. The greatest increase in plasmid recovery was found in the wild-type strain. This likely involved the repair of monoadducts and some fraction of the crosslinks. We conclude that repair in preirradiated repair-proficient cells is carried out mainly by an error-free pathway, suggesting enhancement of the excision repair promoted by the induction of SOS functions.  相似文献   

We have studied the lethality produced on pBR322 by near-UV radiation and by 8-Methoxypsoralen plus near-UV (PUV treatment). Samples of pBR322 DNA were irradiated with increasing fluences of 360 nm-light either in the absence or presence of 400 molecules of 8-Methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) per plasmid molecule. We have estimated to what extent the global lethality of PUVA treatment is due to the presence of psoralen adducts in DNA or to radiation itself. In order to analyse the involvement of DNA repair mechanisms in the removal of plasmid lesions, several strains of E. coli (differing in their repair capacities) were used as recipients of the treated plasmids. Results showed that excision and recombination participate in the repair of near-UV-induced plasmid lesions. Repair of PUV-induced lesions showed an even greater requirement of the excision pathway. Besides, a slight increase on plasmid mutation frequencies was observed after near-UV or PUV treatment in wild type and uvrA cells. Estimation of the contribution of 8-MOP to the global lethality of PUV treatment showed that only the excision pathway was involved in removing psoralen adducts from plasmid DNA, suggesting the involvement of the recombinational pathway in the repair of near-UV-derived lesions.  相似文献   

Eckert KA  Opresko PL 《Mutation research》1999,424(1-2):221-236
DNA polymerases differentiate between correct and incorrect substrates during synthesis on undamaged DNA templates through the biochemical steps of base incorporation, primer-template extension and proofreading excision. Recent research examining DNA polymerase processing of abasic, alkylation and oxidative lesions is reviewed in light of these discrimination mechanisms. Inhibition of DNA synthesis results from correct polymerase discrimination against utilization of geometrically incorrect template bases or 3' terminal basepairs. The efficiency of translesion synthesis is thus related to the physical structure of the lesion containing DNA. However, variations in enzyme structure and kinetics result in translesion synthesis efficiencies that are also dependent upon the DNA polymerase. With a low probability, polymerase misinsertion events create a 3' lesion terminus which is geometrically favored over the correct lesion basepair, resulting in mutagenic translesion synthesis. For example, both polymerase alpha and polymerase beta appear to require the formation of a stable 3' primer-template structure for efficient abasic site translesion synthesis. However, the enzymes differ as to the precise molecular make-up of the stable DNA structure, resulting in different mutational specificities. Similar mechanisms may be applicable to oxidative damage, where mutational specificities dependent upon the DNA polymerase also have been observed. In vitro reaction conditions also influence DNA polymerase processing of lesions. Using an in vitro herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) gene forward mutation assay, we demonstrate that high dNTP substrate concentrations affect the mutagenic specificity of translesion synthesis using alkylated templates. The exonuclease-deficient Klenow polymerase error frequency for G-->A transition mutations using templates modified by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) was four-fold higher at 1000 microM [dNTP], relative to 50 microM [dNTP], consistent with an increased efficiency of extension of the etO6G.T mispair. Moreover, the frequency of other ENU-induced polymerase errors was suppressed when polymerase reactions contained 50 microM dNTP, relative to 1000 microM dNTP. The efficiency of proofreading as a polymerase error discrimination mechanism reflects a balance between the competing processes of 3'-->5' exonuclease removal of mispairs and polymerization of the next correct nucleotide. Polymerases that are devoid of a proofreading exonuclease generally display enhanced abasic site translesion synthesis relative to proofreading-proficient enzymes. In addition, the proofreading exonucleases of Escherichia coli Pol I and T4 DNA polymerases have been found to remove mispairs caused by abasic sites and oxidative lesions, respectively, resulting in lowered polymerase error rates. However, the magnitude of the exonuclease effect is small (less than 10-fold), and highly dependent upon the DNA polymerase-exonuclease. We have studied proofreading exonuclease removal of alkylation damage in the HSV-tk forward assay. We observed no significant reduction in the magnitude of the mutant frequency vs. dose-response curves when N-methyl-N-nitrosourea or ENU-treated templates were used in exonuclease-proficient Klenow polymerase reactions, as compared to the exonuclease-deficient polymerase reactions. Thus, available data suggest that proofreading excision of endogenous lesion mispairs does occur, but the efficiency is dependent upon the lesion and the DNA polymerase-exonuclease studied.  相似文献   

Introduction of the R-factor plasmid pKM101 increased resistance to UV-killing in uvr lexA(Ind-) recA+ strains of E. coli K12 as well as B, while their UV mutability was not affected. Similar effects were also observed in those strains when the 18-B plasmid (a pBR322 derivative carrying the region (about 5 kb) of the 35.4 kb pKM101 plasmid) was introduced. The muc genes which are considered to be involved in error-prone repair are contained in 18-B. These results suggest the possibility that the pKM101 effect requires the host recA gene and a common genetic region, including the muc genes, in both plasmids and is associated with some unmutable repair systems.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty male NMRI mice received 5 g saccharine per kilogram body weight by the oral route daily for 5 successive days. After the last dose each male was mated with 3 untreated females. For fractionated examination with regard to successive germ cell stages, each week 3 other untreated females were placed with each male for mating. The whole mating period was 8 weeks. The uteri of the females were inspected on the 14th day of gestation and pre-implantative and post-implantative loss determined from the numbers of corpora lutea, implantations, live and dead implants.The treatment did not damage the males and did not impair their mating capacity or their fertility.Post-implantative loss remained unaffected by the saccharine treatment compared with parallel controls.Pre-implantative loss persisted in the saccharine-treated group throughout the 8 weeks in the normal range of the strain. A statistically significant difference between saccharine group and control group in the 3rd week of mating after treatment was without biological relevance.Our investigations revealed no indication of a mutagenic action of saccharine in terms of an induction of dominant lethal mutations.This is in keeping with cytogenetic in vitro findings of other authors on human leukocytes.
Zusammenfassung 20 männliche NMRI-Mäuse erhielten täglich je 5 g Saccharin per os pro Kilogramm Körpergewicht an 5 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen. Nach der letzten Applikation wurde jedes Männchen mit 3 unbehandelten Weibchen gepaart. Zur fraktionierten Untersuchung der aufeinanderfolgenden Keimzellstadien der Männchen wurden jede Woche 3 neue, unbehandelte Weibchen zu jedem Bock gesetzt und besamen lassen, insgesamt über 8 Wochen.Die Uteri der Weibchen wurden am 14. Tag der Trächtigkeit untersucht, und der präimplantative under postimplantative Verlust wurden an Hand der Corpora lutea, der Implantationen und der lebenden und toten Keimlinge ermittelt.Die Behandlung schädigte die Männchen nicht und beeinträchtigte nicht ihre Deckfreudigkeit und Fertilität.Der postimplantative Verlust blieb im Vergleich zu der parallel durchgeführten Kontrolle unbeeinflußt durch die Behandlung mit Saccharin.Der präimplantative Verlust der mit Saccharin behandelten Gruppe lag während aller 8 Versuchswochen im Bereich der Norm des Stammes. Eine in der 3. Paarungswoche nach den Applikationen aufgetretene statistische Signifikanz zwischen den Verlusten der Saccharin-Gruppe und der Kontroll-Gruppe war ohne biologische Relevanz.Unsere Untersuchungen erbrachten keinen Hinweis für eine mutagene Wirkung von Saccharin im Sinne der Induktion dominanter Letalmutationen.Dies steht im Einklang mit cytogenetischen in vitro-Befunden anderer Autoren an menschlichen Leukocyten.

The exposure of purified plasmid DNA to microwave radiation at nonthermal levels in the frequency range from 2.00 to 8.75 GHz produces single- and double-strand breaks that are detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. Microwave-induced damage to DNA depends on the presence of small amounts of copper. This effect is dependent upon both the microwave power and the duration of the exposure. Cuprous, but not cupric, ions were able to mimic the effects produced by microwaves on DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The umuDC operons of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium and the analogous plasmid operons mucAB and impCAB have been previously characterized in terms of their roles in DNA repair and induced mutagenesis by radiation and many chemicals. The interrelationships of these mutagenic DNA repair operons were examined in vivo in functional tests of interchangeability of operon subunits in conferring UV resistance and UV mutability phenotypes to wild-type S. typhimurium and umu mutants of E. coli. This approach was combined with DNA and protein sequence comparisons between the four operons and a fifth operon, samAB, from the S. typhimurium LT2 cryptic plasmid. Components of the E. coli and S. typhimurium umu operons were reciprocally interchangeable whereas impCA and mucA could not function with umuC in either of these species. mucA and impB could also combine to give a mutagenic response to UV. These active combinations were associated with higher degrees of conservation of protein sequence than in other heterologous gene combinations and related to specific regions of sequence that may specify subunit interactions. The dominance of the E. coli umuD44 mutation over umuD was revealed in both wild-type E. coli and S. typhimurium and also demonstrated against impCAB. Finally interspecies transfer showed that the apparently poor activity of the S. typhimurium umuD gene in situ is not the result of an inherent defect in umuD but is due to the simultaneous presence of the S. typhimurium umuC sequence. It is suggested that the limitation of umuD activity by umuC in S. typhimurium is the basis of the poor induced mutability of this organism.  相似文献   

MCPA and salicylic acid, two compounds with similar structures and almost the same dissociation pattern, were tested for lethal and mutagenic effects on, and uptake by, cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain red18. The results obtained with the two compounds were similar, suggesting a common mechanism of action. It is proposed that they act by increasing the concentration of hydrogen ions within the cell, so that killing and mutation occur. Mutations were induced only when killing reached 95–99%. The compounds are considered weak mutagens for yeast cells. The methyl ester of MCPA also induced killing and reverse mutation, but only at concentrations about 100 times higher than for the undissociated acid. MCPA methyl ester did not increase the number of revertants in the Salmonella/liver microsome test. It is suggested that the effects of the methyl ester of MCPA depends on the ester being hydrolysed to the acid by yeast cells and the liver microsome preparation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of treating plasmid DNA in vitro with mutagens, to obtain mutations both in plasmid genes and chromosomal genes comprised within the plasmid, thus avoiding disorganization characteristic of in vivo mutagenesis. The model system is represented by DNA of RSF2124 responsible for colicine E1 synthesis and resistance to ampicillin. Col- mutants were looked for after exposure to UV- and gamma-irradiation. The lethal effect was estimated as inactivation of the ampicillin resistance marker. After reisolation from mutant transformant of the plasmid DNA, the novel character and resistance to ampicillin proved to retain in the course of subsequent transformations and passages of transformed colonies, suggesting the mutational nature of the changes. Exposure of RSF2124 to short-wave UV-irradiation (lambda = 254 nm) produced a pronounced mutagenic effect: the relative quantity of Col- mutants under optimal conditions of mutagenesis increased about 10 times. In the case of W-reactivation (additional UV-irradiation of C600 wild type cells) of lethal lesions, a 95% reliable increase in mutagenic effect was observed. Significant enhancement of mutagenesis (about 4-fold) was detected when only recipient cells were exposed to low doses of UV (the so-called indirect UV mutagenesis). Thus, with regard to W- and indirect UV mutagenesis, the plasmid DNA behaves like DNA of temperate phages which suggests their evolutionary relationship. Treatment of plasmid DNA with acridine orange prior to UV, only protected from lethal lesions. Gamma-irradiation (60Co) at the dose producing 100-fold inactivation, increased the yield of Col- mutants by one order of magnitude. The presence of RSF2124 plasmid in a cell does not affect its UV sensitivity.  相似文献   

Yuan B  Wang J  Cao H  Sun R  Wang Y 《Nucleic acids research》2011,39(14):5945-5954
Human cells are constantly exposed to environmental and endogenous agents which can induce damage to DNA. Understanding the implications of these DNA modifications in the etiology of human diseases requires the examination about how these DNA lesions block DNA replication and induce mutations in cells. All previously reported shuttle vector-based methods for investigating the cytotoxic and mutagenic properties of DNA lesions in cells have low-throughput, where plasmids containing individual lesions are transfected into cells one lesion at a time and the products from the replication of individual lesions are analyzed separately. The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has facilitated investigators to design scientific approaches that were previously not technically feasible or affordable. In this study, we developed a new method employing NGS, together with shuttle vector technology, to have a multiplexed and quantitative assessment of how DNA lesions perturb the efficiency and accuracy of DNA replication in cells. By using this method, we examined the replication of four carboxymethylated DNA lesions and two oxidatively induced bulky DNA lesions including (5'S) diastereomers of 8,5'-cyclo-2'-deoxyguanosine (cyclo-dG) and 8,5'-cyclo-2'-deoxyadenosine (cyclo-dA) in five different strains of Escherichia coli cells. We further validated the results obtained from NGS using previously established methods. Taken together, the newly developed method provided a high-throughput and readily affordable method for assessing quantitatively how DNA lesions compromise the efficiency and fidelity of DNA replication in cells.  相似文献   

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