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Shear stress stimulus is expected to enhance angiogenesis, the formation of microvessels. We determined the effect of shear stress stimulus on three-dimensional microvessel formation in vitro. Bovine pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells were seeded onto collagen gels with basic fibroblast growth factor to make a microvessel formation model. We observed this model in detail using phase-contrast microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and electron microscopy. The results show that cells invaded the collagen gel and reconstructed the tubular structures, containing a clearly defined lumen consisting of multiple cells. The model was placed in a parallel-plate flow chamber. A laminar shear stress of 0.3 Pa was applied to the surfaces of the cells for 48 h. Promotion of microvessel network formation was detectable after approximately 10 h in the flow chamber. After 48 h, the length of networks exposed to shear stress was 6.17 (+/-0.59) times longer than at the initial state, whereas the length of networks not exposed to shear stress was only 3.30 (+/-0.41) times longer. The number of bifurcations and endpoints increased for networks exposed to shear stress, whereas the number of bifurcations alone increased for networks not exposed to shear stress. These results demonstrate that shear stress applied to the surfaces of endothelial cells on collagen gel promotes the growth of microvessel network formation in the gel and expands the network because of repeated bifurcation and elongation.  相似文献   

Astrocytes maintain a unique association with the central nervous system microvasculature and are thought to play a role in neural microvessel formation and differentiation. We investigated the influence of astroglial cells on neural microvascular endothelial differentiation in vitro. Using an astroglial-endothelial coculture system, rat brain astrocytes and C6 cells of astroglial lineage are shown to induce bovine retinal microvascular endothelial (BRE) cells to form capillary-like structures. Light microscopic evidence for endothelial reorganization began within 48 hours and was complete 72-96 hours following the addition of BRE cells to 1-day-old astroglial cultures. The extent of BRE reorganization was quantitated by computer-assisted analysis and shown to be dependent upon the density of both the BRE and C6 cells within the cocultures. Coculture conditions in which BRE cells were separated from C6 cells by porous membranes failed to generate this endothelial cell change. Likewise, C6-conditioned media and C6-endothelial coculture conditioned media did not induce BRE cell reorganization. Extracellular laminin within the C6-endothelial cocultures, identified by indirect immunofluorescence, was concentrated at the endothelial-astroglial interface of capillary-like structures consistent with incipient basement membrane formation. Astroglial cells accumulated adjacent to capillary-like structures suggesting the presence of bidirectional influences between the reorganized endothelial cells and astroglia. This is the first demonstration of astroglial induction of angiogenesis in vitro and these findings support a functional role for perivascular astrocytes in the vascularization of neural tissue such as retina and brain.  相似文献   

Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in the circulatory system have been suggested to maintain vascular homeostasis and contribute to adult vascular regeneration and repair. These processes require that EPCs break down the extracellular matrix (ECM), migrate, differentiate and undergo tube morphogenesis. Evidently, the ECM plays a critical role by providing biochemical and biophysical cues that regulate cellular behaviour. Using a chemically and mechanically tunable hydrogel to study tube morphogenesis in vitro, we show that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and substrate mechanics co‐regulate tubulogenesis of EPCs. High levels of VEGF are required to initiate tube morphogenesis and activate matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which enable EPC migration. Under these conditions, the elasticity of the substrate affects the progression of tube morphogenesis. With decreases in substrate stiffness, we observe decreased MMP expression while increased cellular elongation, with intracellular vacuole extension and coalescence to open lumen compartments. RNAi studies demonstrate that membrane type 1‐MMP (MT1‐MMP) is required to enable the movement of EPCs on the matrix and that EPCs sense matrix stiffness through signalling cascades leading to the activation of the RhoGTPase Cdc42. Collectively, these results suggest that coupled responses for VEGF stimulation and modulation of substrate stiffness are required to regulate tube morphogenesis of EPCs.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that apoptosis of endothelial cells contributes to lumen formation during angiogenesis, but the biological mechanism remains obscure. In this study, we investigated the effect of nerve growth factor (NGF), a member of the neurotrophin family and a potential angiogenic factor, on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) apoptosis and the formation of lumen-like structures (LLS) by cultured HUVEC on Matrigel. We demonstrate that NGF induces cell apoptosis. NGF treatment has no significant effect on the expression level of its two receptors, TrkA and p75NTR. Blockade of both TrkA and p75NTR, but not that of either receptor alone significantly decreases NGF-induced cell apoptosis. NGF significantly increases formation of LLS which consist substantially of apoptotic cells. Application of NGF-neutralizing antibody or simultaneous blockade of TrkA and p75NTR significantly blocks spontaneous and NGF-induced LLS formation. These data support a role for NGF-induced cell apoptosis in LLS formation in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Enzymatically dissociated lungs from rat fetuses at 19-days gestation yield single cells which reaggregate to form alveolar-like structures when cultured on gelatin sponge discs. These structures form within 2 days and have been maintained in vitro for as long as 6 weeks. They are composed primarily of type II pneumonocytes as characterized by large, lightly stained nuclei and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. The lamellar structure of these inclusion bodies has been confirmed by electron microscopy. The dynamic formation of inclusion bodies is suggested by the presence of lamellar bodies in the extra-cellular space and the appearance of new inclusions in the cytoplasm of the type II pneumonocytes. The formation and long-term maintenance of histotypic lung structures in vitro provides a model system for the study of lung development and synthesis of surfactant by type II alveolar pneumonocytes. This work was supported by funds from the American Lung Association, National Heart and Lung Institute (grant HL-17110-01) and the W. Alton Jones Foundation.  相似文献   

Vasculogenesis is an important morphogenetic event for vascular tissue engineering and ischemic disease treatment. Stem and progenitor cells can contribute to vasculogenesis via endothelial differentiation and direct participation in blood vessel formation. In this study, we developed an implantable microfluidic device to facilitate formation of three-dimensional (3D) vascular structures by human endothelial progenitor cells (hEPCs). The microfluidic device was made of biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) using a microchannel patterned silicon wafer made by soft lithography. A collagen type I (Col I) hydrogel containing hEPCs filled the microfluidic channels to reconstitute a 3D microenvironment for facilitating vascular structure formation by hEPCs. The device seeded with hEPCs was implanted into the subcutaneous space of athymic mice and retrieved one and four weeks after implantation. Histology and immunohistochemistry revealed that hEPCs formed a 3D capillary network expressing endothelial cell-specific proteins in the channel of the PLGA microfluidic device. This result indicates that a 3D microscale extracellular matrix reconstituted in the microchannel can promote the endothelial differentiation of hEPCs and in turn hEPC-mediated vasculogenesis. The PLGA microfluidic device reported herein may be useful as an implantable tissue-engineering scaffold for vascularized tissue reconstruction and therapeutic angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin extracellular matrices which contact epithelial cells and promote their adhesion, migration, differentiation, and morphogenesis. These matrices are composed of collagen IV, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, laminin, and entactin as well as other minor components. Sertoli cells, like most epithelial cells, are in contact at their basal surface with a basement membrane. When cultured within three-dimensional basement membrane gels (Matrigel), Sertoli cells reorganize into cords that resemble testicular seminiferous cords found in the in vivo differentiating testis. Anti-laminin and anti-entactin antisera inhibit this cord morphogenesis by Sertoli cells whereas antisera against type IV and type I collagen, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, fibronectin, and preimmune sera had no effect. The RGD (RGDS-NH2) sequence, found in the cell binding domain of the integrin family of cell adhesion molecules as well as in the A chain of laminin and in entactin, effectively inhibited Sertoli cell cord formation at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml but was unable to prevent Sertoli cell attachment at concentrations as high as 2.0 mg/ml. A synthetic pentapeptide from a cell-binding domain of the B1 chain of laminin. YIGSR-NH2, inhibited cord formation at a concentration of 0.25 mg/ml, but Sertoli cells were still adherent to the basement membrane matrix. At concentrations greater than 0.50 mg/ml, Sertoli cells detached. Antiserum against the YIGSR-NH2-containing sequence was also effective in inhibiting cord formation by Sertoli cells. Ligand (YIGSR-NH2 peptide) blot analysis of Sertoli cell lysates revealed an interaction with a major band at 60 kDa and with minor bands at 39 and 127 kDa. Furthermore, in Western blot analysis the anti-67-kDa laminin-binding protein antibody recognized a 59- to 60-kDa protein in Sertoli cells. The data indicate that laminin is involved in both Sertoli cell attachment and migration during formation of histotypic cord structures by these cells in culture. Two separate laminin cell-binding domains appear to be involved in Sertoli cell cord morphogenesis in vitro and are likely to participate in the formation of seminiferous cords in vivo.  相似文献   

Endothelium lining the inner surface of vessels regulates permeability of vascular wall by providing exchange between blood circulation in vessels and tissue fluid and therefore performs a barrier function. Endothelial cells (ECs) in culture are able to maintain the barrier function peculiar to cells of vascular endothelium in vivo. The endothelial monolayer in vitro is a unique model system that allows studying interaction of cytoskeletal and adhesive structures of endotheliocytes from the earliest stages of its formation. In the present work, we described and quantitatively characterized the changes of EC cytoskeleton from the moment of spreading of endotheliocytes on glass and the formation of the first contacts between neighbor cells until formation of a functional confluent monolayer. The main type of intermediate filaments of ECs are vimentin filaments. At different stages of endothelial monolayer formation, disposition of vimentin filaments and their amount do not change essentially, they occupy more than 80% of the cell area. Actin filaments system of endotheliocytes is represented by cortical actin at the cell periphery and by bundles of actin stress fibers organized in parallel. With formation of contacts between cells in native endothelial cells, the number of actin filaments rises and thickness of their bundles increases. With formation of endothelial monolayer, there are also changes in the microtubules system—their number increases at the cell edge. At all stages of EC monolayer formation, the number of microtubules in the region of the already formed intercellular contacts exceeds the number of microtubules in the free lamella region of the cell.  相似文献   

Enzymatically dissociated lungs from rat fetuses at 19-days gestation yield single cells which reaggregate to form alveolar-like structures when cultured on gelatin sponge discs. These structures form within 2 days and have been maintained in vitro for as long as 6 weeks. They are composed primarily of type II pneumonocytes as characterized by large, lightly stained nuclei and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. The lamellar structure of these inclusion bodies has been confirmed by electron microscopy. The dynamic formation of inclusion bodies is suggested by the presence of lamellar bodies in the extra-cellular space and the appearance of new inclusions in the cytoplasm of the type II pneumonocytes. The formation and long-term maintenance of histotypic lung structures in vitro provides a model system for the study of lung development and synthesis of surfactant by type II alveolar pneumonocytes.  相似文献   

End-stage renal disease is currently being treated effectively by transplantation. However, increasing demand and donor shortage make this treatment challenging. Recent advances in cell-based therapies have provided potential opportunities to alleviate the current challenges of donor shortage. In this study we developed a system to generate renal structures in vitro using primary kidney cells. This system involves the cultivation of expanded primary renal cells in a three-dimensional collagen-based culture system. After one week of growth, individual renal cells began to form renal structures resembling tubules and glomeruli. Histologically, these structures show phenotypic resemblance to native kidney structures. The reconstituted tubules stained positively for Tamm-Horsfall protein, which is expressed in the thick ascending limb of Henle's Loop and distal convoluted tubules. These results show that renal structures can be reconstituted in a three-dimensional culture system, which may eventually be used for renal cell therapy applications.  相似文献   

When lactate accumulation in a tumor microenvironment reaches an average concentration of 10-20 mM, it tends to reflect a high degree of malignancy. However, the hypothesis that tumor-derived lactate has a number of partially adverse biological effects on malignant and tumor-associated host cells requires further evidence. The present study attempted to evaluate the impact of lactate on the process of angiogenesis, in particular on the formation of tubular structures. The endothelial cell (EC) network in desmoplastic breast tumors is primarily located in areas of reactive fibroblastic stroma. We employed a fibroblast-endothelial cell co-culture model as in vitro angiogenesis system normally producing florid in vitro tubule formation to analyze this situation. In contrast to previous studies, we found that lactate significantly reduces EC network formation in a dose-dependent manner as quantified by semi-automated morphometric analyses following immunohistochemical staining. The decrease in CD31-positive tubular structures and the number of intersections was independent of VEGF supplementation and became more pronounced in the presence of protons. The number of cells, primarily of the fibroblast population, was reduced but cell loss could not be attributed to a decrease in proliferative activity or pronounced apoptotic cell death. Treatment with 10 mM lactate was accompanied by enhanced mRNA expression and release of TGF-beta1, which also shows anti-angiogenic activity in the model. Both TGF-beta1 and lactate induced myofibroblastic differentiation adjacent to the EC tubular structures. The lactate response on the EC network was diminished by TGF-beta1 neutralization, indicating a causal relationship between lactate and TGF-beta1 in the finely tuned processes of vessel formation and maturation which may also occur in vivo within tumor tissue.  相似文献   

Human endothelial cells from the umbilical vein and skin fibroblasts can be separated by means of centrifugation in a density gradient of Percoll. Cells show a good recovery in culture. Viability is not impaired.  相似文献   

Cloned, large vessel endothelial cells derived from fetal bovine and bovine calf aortas formed three-dimensional structures in vitro without tumor-conditioned medium or special substrata. Transmission electron microscopy showed the structures to be hollow tubes composed of typical endothelial cells with overlapping and interdigitating cytoplasmic processes typical of those seen in in vivo capillaries. The putative lumen of these tubes generally contained abundant electron-dense fibrous material, which by ruthenium red and indirect immunofluorescent staining appeared to be extracellular matrix. This suggests that the endothelial cell orientation in the tubes is the reverse of that normally found in in vivo vessels.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis elicits the formation of membrane protrusions on vascular endothelial cells, enabling its internalization and transcytosis. We provide evidence that this process interferes with the transendothelial migration of leukocytes. Bacteria adhering to endothelial cells actively recruit ezrin, moesin, and ezrin binding adhesion molecules. These molecules no longer accumulate at sites of leukocyte-endothelial contact, preventing the formation of the endothelial docking structures required for proper leukocyte diapedesis. Overexpression of exogenous ezrin or moesin is sufficient to rescue the formation of docking structures on and leukocyte migration through infected endothelial monolayers. Inversely, expression of the dominant-negative NH(2)-terminal domain of ezrin markedly inhibits the formation of docking structures and leukocyte diapedesis through noninfected monolayers. Ezrin and moesin thus appear as pivotal endothelial proteins required for leukocyte diapedesis that are titrated away by N. meningitidis. These results highlight a novel strategy developed by a bacterial pathogen to hamper the host inflammatory response by interfering with leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells (EC) from human aorta, umbilical vein and pulmonary artery were grown in Medium 199 supplemented with 20% human serum (HS), endothelial cell growth factor (ECGF) from bovine and human brain (200 micrograms/ml) and heparin (100 micrograms/ml) in gelatin-coated flasks. Under these conditions cells rapidly proliferated and survived 15-25 passages (40-60 cumulative population doublings). When cells were cultured on plastic substrate and without growth factors a capillary-like network appeared after 3-4 weeks of growth. According to TEM, this network consisted of tubes with the lumen encircled by one or several cells. The reduction of serum concentration in the medium or the replacement of plasma-derived serum (PDS) for HS reduced the time of network formation to 3-5 days. S-180 conditioned medium mitogenic for EC induced a rapid spreading of the cells and a partial reversion to a two-dimensional monolayer structure. Trypsin inhibitor did not abolish the effect of tumour conditioned medium. Other EC mitogens, e.g. ECGF and fibroblast growth factor (FGF), also disorganized the capillary-like network. In a day or two the network was completely restored. In contrast, culturing EC on gelatin-coated substrate is a sufficient condition for monolayer formation from tubes and long-term maintenance. We suggest that mitogens can influence the EC morphology but that it is the nature of the substrate that determines the stage of large vessel EC differentiation.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells, both microvascular as well as large vessel, undergo differentiation slowly in culture under most conditions. When endothelial cells are cultured on Matrigel, a solid gel of basement membrane proteins, they rapidly align and form hollow tube-like structures. We show here that tube formation is a multi-step process induced by laminin. An RGD-containing sequence in the A chain of laminin through an integrin receptor on the endothelial cell induces their attachment to the protein while a YIGSR site in the B1 chain induces cell-cell interactions and the resulting tube formation. We also show that the laminin-derived synthetic peptide YIGSR contains sufficient information to induce single endothelial cells to form ring-like structures surrounding a hollow lumen, the basic putative unit in the formation of capillaries.  相似文献   

Exposure of bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BEC) to polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) (1 x 10(6)/ml) stimulated by opsonized zymosan (OZ-PMN) decreased plasminogen activator (PA) activity in conditioned medium by as much as 98% as compared to controls. Unstimulated PMN (U-PMN) (1 x 10(6)/ml), after an initial enhancement, decreased PA activity 95%. Low concentrations of U-PMN and OZ-PMN enhanced and high concentrations depressed PA activity. The decline in PA activity was not associated with an increased endothelial cell injury. The suppression of PA activity by OZ-PMN was associated with a 7-fold increase in activity of PA inhibitor 1 (PAI-1). PMN did not affect PA after its secretion, suggesting that modulation of endothelial cells by PMN changes the net activities of PA and PAI-1 in the conditioned medium.  相似文献   

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