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Cyclin B1 mRNA expression varies markedly through the cell cycle with its peak in G2/M and lowest level in G1. Cyclin B1 mRNA levels are also transiently reduced in HeLa cells after gamma-irradiation, coincident with the radiation-induced G2 block. In order to understand the mechanisms underlying these variations, we have measured cyclin B1 mRNA stability in HeLa cells during different phases of the cell cycle. The half-life of the mRNA measured after actinomycin D administration is 1.1-1.8 h in both early and late G1, 8 h in S and 13 h in G2/M. We therefore conclude that altered RNA stability is important in modulating cyclin B1 mRNA levels through the HeLa cell cycle. Furthermore, 3 h after irradiation of HeLa cells in S phase with 10 Gy, the half-life of cyclin B1 mRNA is reduced to 5 h; it is further reduced to 2-3 h at 14 h after irradiation. Thus, decreased stability contributes to the reduction in cyclin B1 mRNA following irradiation.  相似文献   

The review surveys the studies of molecular genetic mechanisms of the cell cycle control on various eukaryotic models. The major cell cycle phenomena are considered: (1) checkpoints and their role in preserving DNA integrity and fidelity of mitosis, (2) the cell oscillator model, and (3) the role of cyclins in timing of cell division and coordination of mitotic events. The main classes of regulatory proteins involved in the cell cycle are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Although placental development and implantation depend on the coordination of trophoblast proliferation, differentiation and invasion, little is known about the cell cycle regulators that govern the control of these events. The hypothesis that the coordinated expression of cell cycle progression and inhibition factors will determine whether cytotrophoblasts proliferate or undergo cell cycle arrest or cell cycle exit allowing subsequent differentiation was tested. The cell cycle promotors cyclin A, cyclin B1, PCNA, Ki67 and the cell cycle inhibitors p21, p27 and p57 were immunolocalized in tissue sections of first trimester pregnancies (weeks 6 and 9–12). Double staining with cytokeratin 7 allowed unambiguous identification of extravillous cytotrophoblast (EVT) in the decidua. Villous cytotrophoblasts were immunolabelled for Ki67 and cyclin A but only few were stained with anti-cyclin B1. The syncytiotrophoblast was devoid of immunoreactivity for any of the cell cycle progression factors. It expressed especially p21, whereas p27 and p57 were predominantly found in villous cytotrophoblasts. PCNA, Ki67, cyclin A and cyclin B1 were immunolocalized in proximal and distal EVTs of anchoring villi and in EVT which had invaded the upper decidual segments. All EVTs strongly expressed p27 and p57, but not p21. These data clearly suggest different functions for p21, p27 and p57 in placental development with distinct roles for p21 and p57 in syncytiotrophoblast and EVT differentiation, respectively. p27 appears to be involved in both the processes. The results may also challenge the concept of differential mitotic activity in the proximal and distal parts of the first trimester cytotrophoblast cell column, but more functional studies are clearly needed. The presence of p27 and p57 in EVT cells, which invade the deciduas deeply, may account for the loss of mitogenic potential of these cells.  相似文献   

A role for cyclin D3 in the endomitotic cell cycle.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Platelets, essential for thrombosis and hemostasis, develop from polyploid megakaryocytes which undergo endomitosis. During this cell cycle, cells experience abrogated mitosis and reenter a phase of DNA synthesis, thus leading to endomitosis. In the search for regulators of the endomitotic cell cycle, we have identified cyclin D3 as an important regulatory factor. Of the D-type cyclins, cyclin D3 is present at high levels in megakaryocytes undergoing endomitosis and is markedly upregulated following exposure to the proliferation-, maturation-, and ploidy-promoting factor, Mpl ligand. Transgenic mice in which cyclin D3 is overexpressed in the platelet lineage display a striking increase in endomitosis, similar to changes seen following Mpl ligand administration to normal mice. Electron microscopy analysis revealed that unlike such treated mice, however, D3 transgenic mice show a poor development of demarcation membranes, from which platelets are believed to fragment, and no increase in platelets. Thus, while our model supports a key role for cyclin D3 in the endomitotic cell cycle, it also points to the unique role of Mpl ligand in priming megakaryocytes towards platelet fragmentation. The role of cyclin D3 in promoting endomitosis in other lineages programmed to abrogate mitosis will need further exploration.  相似文献   

 Trochoblasts are the first cells to differentiate during the development of spiralian embryos. Differentiation is accompanied by a cell division arrest. In embryos of the limpet Patella vulgata, the participation of cell cycle-regulating factors in trochoblast arrest was analysed as a first step to unravel its cause. We determined the cell cycle phase in which the trochoblasts are arrested by analysing the subcellular locations of mitotic cyclins. The results show that the trochoblasts are most likely arrested in the G2 phase. This was supported by measurement of the DNA content in trochoblast nuclei after the last division. Trochoblasts complete their final division at the sixth mitotic cycle. This mitotic cycle resembles the first postblastoderm cell cycle of Drosophila, in which mitotic activity is controlled by expression of the string gene. As failure of string expression results in cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase, negative regulation of a Patella string homolog could be responsible for trochoblast arrest. Although Stl messengers disappeared from trochoblasts during their final division, expression was observed again 20 min later. Messengers remained present in all trochoblasts at low levels during further development. Thus, expression of the stringlike gene allows the cell cycle arrest of these cells, whereas in Drosophila cells arrested in division lack string messengers. Received: 10 February 1997 / Accepted: 23 November 1997  相似文献   

The degradation of the cyclin B subunit of protein kinase Cdk1/cyclin B is required for inactivation of the kinase and exit from mitosis. Cyclin B is degraded by the ubiquitin pathway, a system involved in most selective protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. In this pathway, proteins are targeted for degradation by ligation to ubiquitin, a process carried out by the sequential action of three enzymes: the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1, a ubiquitin-carrier protein E2 and a ubiquitin-protein ligase E3. In the system responsible for cyclin B degradation, the E3-like function is carried out by a large complex called cyclosome or anaphase-promoting complex (APC). In the early embryonic cell cycles, the cyclosome is inactive in the interphase, but becomes active at the end of mitosis. Activation requires phosphorylation of the cyclosome/APC by protein kinase Cdk1/cyclin B. The lag kinetics of cyclosome activation may be explained by Suc1-assisted multiple phosphorylations of partly phosphorylated complex. The presence of a Fizzy/Cdc20-like protein is necessary for maximal activity of the mitotic form of cyclosome/APC in cyclin-ubiquitin ligation.  相似文献   

In anti-cancer treatment, deoxynucleoside analogues are widely used in combination chemotherapy. Improvement can be achieved by rational design of novel combinations with cell cycle inhibitors. These compounds inhibit protein kinases, preventing the cell cycle from continuing when affected by deoxynucleoside analogs. The efficacy is dependent on the site of cell cycle inhibition, whether multiple cyclin-dependent kinases are inhibited and whether the inhibitors should be given before or after the deoxynucleoside analogs. The action of cell cycle inhibition in vivo may be limited by unfavorable pharmacokinetics. Preclinical and clinical studies will be discussed, aiming to design improved future strategies.  相似文献   

Experiments by flow cytometry (FCM) after nuclei isolation have never been done to investigate cyclins. We have conducted different experiments by FCM using whole cells and isolated nuclei to study the immunolocalization and kinetic patterns of cyclin B1 and cyclin E in various leukemic cell lines. During asynchronous growth, all whole cells had a scheduled, cell cycle phase-restricted expression of cyclin B1. By using a washless immunostaining of unfixed nuclei, cyclin B1 was detected in all cell cycle phases, including G1, although to a lesser extent than in G2/M, suggesting that in whole cells the cyclin B1 epitope is masked and accessible only in isolated nuclei. When the cells were synchronized at the G1/S boundary by thymidine or in the G1 phase by sodium n-butyrate, an identical accumulation of cyclin B1 was observed. As for cyclin E, its expression was higher with thymidine treatment than with sodium n-butyrate, particularly in nuclei. The elevated cyclin B1 level in the cells arrested at the G1/S boundary may reflect the increased half-life of this protein stabilized as the result of cyclin E overexpression. However, our FCM data also support the notion that accumulation of human cyclin B1 in leukemic cell lines begins during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, probably in the nucleus. The detection of cyclin B1 by Western blot in cells sorted in the G1 phase of the cell cycle confirms this finding. It is possible, therefore, that tumor transformation or leukemic phenotype may invariably be associated with altered cyclin B1 expression.  相似文献   

J Pines  T Hunter 《Cell》1989,58(5):833-846
This paper reports the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence of a human B-type cyclin. The predicted protein sequence shows strong homology to the other known cyclins in the central third of the protein. We show that the level of cyclin mRNA is regulated during the cell cycle, increasing during G2 phase to four time that present in G1. The protein accumulates steadily during G2 to at least 20 times its level in G1 and is abruptly destroyed at mitosis. In G2/M phase, cyclin is associated with p34cdc2, the human homolog of the fission yeast gene cdc2+, and this complex has histone H1 kinase activity.  相似文献   

Jurkat human lymphoblastoid cells were incubated in increasing concentrations of doxorubicin (0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 μM) to induce cell death, and their expression of cyclin A, B1 and D1 was evaluated by flow cytometry (cell cycle progression, Annexin V assay, percentages and levels of each of the cyclins), transmission electron microscopy (ultrastructure) and confocal fluorescence microscopy (expression and intracellular localization of cyclins). After low‐dose doxorubicin treatment, Jurkat cells responded mainly by G2/M arrest, which was related to increased cyclin B1, A and D1 levels, a low level of apoptosis and/or mitotic catastrophe. The influence of doxorubicin on levels and/or localization of selected cyclins was confirmed, which may in turn contribute to the G2/M arrest induced by the drug.  相似文献   

Developing thymocytes and some T-cell hybridomas undergo activation-dependent programmed cell death. Although recent studies have identified some critical regulators in programmed cell death, the role of cell cycle regulation in activation-induced cell death in T cells has not been addressed. We demonstrate that synchronized T-cell hybridomas, irrespective of the point in the cell cycle at which they are activated, stop cycling shortly after they reach G2/M. These cells exhibit the diagnostic characteristics of apoptotic cell death. Although p34cdc2 levels are not perturbed after activation of synchronously cycling T cells, cyclin B- and p34cdc2-associated histone H1 kinase activity is persistently elevated. This activation-dependent induction of H1 kinase activity in T cells is associated with a decrease in the phosphotyrosine content of p34cdc2. We also demonstrate that transient inappropriate coexpression of cyclin B with p34cdc2 induces DNA fragmentation in a heterologous cell type. Finally, in T cells, cyclin B-specific antisense oligonucleotides suppress activation-induced cell death but not cell death induced by exposure to dexamethasone. We therefore conclude that a persistent elevation of the level of cyclin B kinase is required for activation-induced programmed T-cell death.  相似文献   

The initiation of mitosis requires the activation of M-phase promoting factor (MPF). MPF activation and its subcellular localization are dependent on the phosphorylation state of its components, cdc2 and cyclin B1. In a two-hybrid screen using a bait protein to mimic phosphorylated cyclin B1, we identified a novel interaction between cyclin B1 and patched1 (ptc1), a tumor suppressor associated with basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Ptc1 interacted specifically with constitutively phosphorylated cyclin B1 derivatives and was able to alter their normal subcellular localization. Furthermore, addition of the ptc1 ligand, sonic hedgehog (shh), disrupts this interaction and allows cyclin B1 to localize to the nucleus. Expression of ptc1 in 293T cells was inhibitory to cell proliferation; this inhibition could be relieved by coexpression of a cyclin B1 derivative that constitutively localizes to the nucleus and that could not interact with ptc1 due to phosphorylation-site mutations to ALA: In addition, we demonstrate that endogenous ptc1 and endogenous cyclin B1 interact in vivo. The findings reported here demonstrate that ptc1 participates in determining the subcellular localization of cyclin B1 and suggest a link between the tumor suppressor activity of ptc1 and the regulation of cell division. Thus, we propose that ptc1 participates in a G(2)/M checkpoint by regulating the localization of MPF.  相似文献   

Lee LA  Elfring LK  Bosco G  Orr-Weaver TL 《Genetics》2001,158(4):1545-1556
The early cell cycles of Drosophila embryogenesis involve rapid oscillations between S phase and mitosis. These unique S-M cycles are driven by maternal stockpiles of components necessary for DNA replication and mitosis. Three genes, pan gu (png), plutonium (plu), and giant nuclei (gnu) are required to control the cell cycle specifically at the onset of Drosophila development by inhibiting DNA replication and promoting mitosis. PNG is a protein kinase that is in a complex with PLU. We employed a sensitized png mutant phenotype to screen for genes that when reduced in dosage would dominantly suppress or enhance png. We screened deficiencies covering over 50% of the autosomes and identified both enhancers and suppressors. Mutations in eIF-5A and PP1 87B dominantly suppress png. Cyclin B was shown to be a key PNG target. Mutations in cyclin B dominantly enhance png, whereas png is suppressed by cyclin B overexpression. Suppression occurs via restoration of Cyclin B protein levels that are decreased in png mutants. The plu and gnu phenotypes are also suppressed by cyclin B overexpression. These studies demonstrate that a crucial function of PNG in controlling the cell cycle is to permit the accumulation of adequate levels of Cyclin B protein.  相似文献   

We propose a stochastic version of a recently published, deterministic model of the molecular mechanism regulating the mitotic cell cycle of fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Stochasticity is introduced in two ways: (i) by considering the known asymmetry of cell division, which produces daughter cells of slightly different sizes; and (ii) by assuming that the nuclear volumes of the two newborn cells may also differ. In this model, the accumulation of cyclins in the nucleus is proportional to the ratio of cytoplasmic to nuclear volumes. We have simulated the cell-cycle statistics of populations of wild-type cells and of wee1(-) mutant cells. Our results are consistent with well known experimental observations.  相似文献   

Two splice variants of Nek2 kinase, a member of the NIMA-related family, have been identified as Nek2A and Nek2B. Nek2A regulates centrosome disjunction, spindle formation checkpoint signaling, and faithful chromosome segregation. A specific role for Nek2B has not yet been identified. Here, we have examined the distinct roles of Nek2A and Nek2B using timelapse video microscopy to follow the fate of cells progressing through the cell cycle in the absence of either Nek2A or Nek2B. We show that the down-regulation of Nek2B leads to a mitotic delay in the majority of cells. Upon exiting mitosis, cells exhibit mitotic defects such as the formation of multinucleated cells. Such phenotypes are not observed in cells that exit mitosis in the absence of Nek2A. These observations suggest that Nek2B may be required for the execution of mitotic exit.  相似文献   

In most plants, sucrose is the major transported carbon source. Carbon source availability in the form of sucrose is likely to be a major determinant of cell division, and mechanisms must exist for sensing sugar levels and mediating appropriate control of the cell cycle. We show that sugar availability plays a major role during the G(1) phase by controlling the expression of CycD cyclins in Arabidopsis. CycD2 mRNA levels increase within 30 min of the addition of sucrose; CycD3 is induced after 4 h. This corresponds to induction of CycD2 expression early in G(1) and CycD3 expression in late G(1) near the S-phase boundary. CycD2 and CycD3 induction is independent both of progression to a specific point in the cell cycle and of protein synthesis. Protein kinase activity of CycD2- and CycD3-containing cyclin-dependent kinases is consistent with the observed regulation of their mRNA levels. CycD2 and CycD3 therefore act as direct mediators of the presence of sugar in cell cycle commitment. CycD3, but not CycD2, expression responds to hormones, for which we show that the presence of sugars is required. Finally, protein phosphatases are shown to be involved in regulating CycD2 and CycD3 induction. We propose that control of CycD2 and CycD3 by sucrose forms part of cell cycle control in response to cellular carbohydrate status.  相似文献   

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