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Book reviewed in this article:
Themes in Southwest Prehistory . George J. Gumerman, ed.
The Ancient Southwestern Community: Models and Methods for the Study of Prehistoric Social Organization . W. H. Wills and Robert D. Leonard, eds.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ethnology of Futuna. E dwin G. B urrows.
Ethnology of Uvea (Wallis Island). E dwin G. B urrows.  相似文献   

Book Review     
Ethnology:Vestigios Africanos en la Cultura del Pueblo Venezolano . ANGELINA POLLAK-ELTZ. Caracas:
Ethnology:Cultos Afroamericanos . ANGELINA POLLAK-ELTZ  相似文献   

Previous studies of population structure among prehistoric groups in the Ohio valley region have shown that hunting-gathering populations exhibited a different structure than horticultural populations. Among both Late Archaic hunter-gatherers and Late Prehistoric horticulturists, covariance structures for cranial metrics were found to be homogenous within the populations, but the Late Archaic subpopulations showed little differentiation while the Late Prehistoric subpopulations exhibited a marked differentiation. Biodistance based on cranial discrete trait frequency showed similar patterns, but in the Late Archaic discrete trait distance was associated significantly with the geographical distance separating populations. The present investigation is an extension of the previous studies increasing the Late Prehistoric sample (n = 8 samples and n = 341 individuals) and using the Harpending-Ward model, modified for use with multivariate quantitative data, to estimate the effects of differential gene flow and the amount of differentiation within populations. Results of the present analyses indicate that differentiation among subpopulations, measured by minimum F(ST), was greater in the Late Prehistoric compared to the Late Archaic period. However, for both periods the minimum F(ST) is comparable to values found for historic native populations of the northeast woodlands. Analysis of differential gene flow in the Late Archaic period indicates that geographically peripheral populations were affected more by external gene flow than more central populations. Late Prehistoric populations exhibit a very complex pattern of differential gene flow. We discuss the latter pattern in terms of proposed culture change in the Late Prehistoric period of Ohio.  相似文献   

Archaeological Salvage Excavations at Patoka Lake, Indiana: Prehistoric Occupations of the Upper Patoka River Valley . Cheryl Ann Munson , ed. Glen A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Research Reports, No. 6. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1980. xxvii + 829 pp. $15.00 (paper).
Colonization and Conquest: The 1980 Archaeological Excavations at Fort Toulouse and Fort Jackson, Alabama . Gregory A. Waselkov, Brian M. Wood , and Joseph M. Herbert . Auburn University Archaeological Monograph No. 4. Montgomery, AL: Auburn University, 1982. xxix + 399 pp. $11.00 (paper).
The Kellogg Village Site Investigations: Clay County, Mississippi . James R. Atkinson, John C. Phillips , and Richard Walling . A Report of work undertaken in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, in fulfillment of Modification Three to Contract DACW 01–77–0015. Starkville: Mississippi State University, 1980. x + 345 pp. n.p. (paper).
Parkin: The 1978–1979 Archaeological Investigations of a Cross County, Arkansas Site . Phyllis A. Morse . Arkansas Archaeological Survey Research Series, No. 13. Fay-etteville: University of Arkansas, 1981. 110 pp. $6.00 (paper).
The Shallow Lake Site (3Un9/52) and Its Place in Regional Prehistory . Martha A. Rolingson and Frank F. Schambach . Arkansas Archaeological Survey Research Series, No. 12. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas, 1981. 240 pp. $10.00 (paper).
Yellow Creek Archaeological Project: Volume 1 . Robert M. Thome, Bettye J. Broyles , and Jay K. Johnson . Archaeological Papers of the Center for Archaeological Research, No. 1. Chattanooga: Tennessee Valley Authority, 1981. 354 pp. $13.00 (paper).
Yellow Creek Archaeological Project: Volume 2 . Jay K. Johnson . Archaeological Papers of the Center for Archaeological Research, No. 2. Chattanooga: Tennessee Valley Authority, 1981. 347 pp. $13.00 (paper).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Foragers and Farmers: Population Interaction and Agricultural Expansion in Prehistoric Europe . Susan Alling Gregg.
Forest Farmers and Stockherders: Early Agriculture and Its Consequences in North-Central Europe . Peter Bogucki.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(42):253-295

Daugherty Cave is a double component site in the Big Horn Basin of northern Wyoming. The earlier level is representative of a widespread Late Middle Prehistoric Period occupation. The surface material is believed to represent the Late Prehistoric Period, Crow Indian occupation of the area. The site produced considerable amounts of perishable material.  相似文献   

Film Reviews     
《American anthropologist》1970,72(1):202-202
Book reviewed in this article:
Prehistoric Man in Europe. Produced in 1965 by D. C. C hipperfield for Boulton-Hawker Films.
Exploring the Unwritten Past. Produced in 1968 by D. C. C hipperfield For Boulton-Hawker Films.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ethics and the Elderly by Mark R. Wicclair. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993
Abortion Regimes by Kerry A. Petersen. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1993
Advance Directives and the Pursuit of Death with Dignity by Norman Cantor, Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1993
Death to Dust: What Happens to Dead Bodies by Kenneth V. Iserson. Tucson, Arizona: Galen Press, 1994
Peter Singer in Deutschland. Zur Gefährdung der Diskussionsfreiheit in der Wissenschaft by Christoph Anstötz, Rainer Hegselmann and Hartmut Kliemt  相似文献   

Book Notes     
《American anthropologist》1952,54(2):264-274
The Systems of Land Tenure in the Kikuyu Land Unit . H. E. L ambert
Hawaiian Antiquities (Moolelo Hawaii ). D avid M alo
Navaho Means People . L eonard M c C ombe , E von Z. V ogt , and C lyde K luckhohn
Paradox and Nirvana . R obert L awson S later
The North American Buffalo. A Critical Study of the Species in Its Wild State . F rank G ilbert R oe
The Wulfing Plates: Products of Prehistoric Americans . V irginia D rew W atson
The Medora Site. West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana . G eorge I. Q uimby
The Crable Site, Fulton County, Illinois. A Late Prehistoric Site in the Central Illinois Valley . H ale G illiam S mith
Archaeology of the Columbia-Fraser Region . M arian W. S mith
Cattle Point: A Stratified Site in the Southern Northwest Coast Region . A rden R. K ing
Hyperbrachycephaly as Influenced by Cultural Conditioning . J. F ranklin E wing
Surgery of the Shoulder . A. F. D e P alma
The Mark of Oppression, A Psychological Study of the American Negro . A bram K ardiner and L ionel O vesey
Race Relations: The Interaction of Ethnic Groups . B rewton B erry
The Sociology of Georg Simmel . Translated, edited, and with an introduction by K urt H. W olff
Social Behavior and Personality: Contributions of W. I. Thomas to Theory and Social Research . Edited by E dmund H. V olkart
Handbook of Latin American Studies : 1948, No. 14. F rancisco A guilera , ed
Area Studies in American Universities . W endell C. B ennett  相似文献   

Book Review     
Book reviewed in this article:
Archeology: Florida Archaeology. Jerald T. Milanich and Charles H. Fairbanks. .
Archeology: Aboriginal Subsistence Technology on the Southeastern Coastal Plain during the Late Prehistoric Period. Lewis H, Larsen. .  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(13):179-188

The authors define a readily distinguished type of small, triangular, side-rotched projectile point previously assigned to the Late Prehistoric Period of the northwestern Plains but which was thought too generalized to be used in studies of cultural and ethnic affiliation.

Type sites are described, geographical distributions made, and factors considered which may have influenced the development of this point type in southwestern Saskatchewan.

It is concluded that the Avonlea point is sufficiently unique and temporally delimited to serve as a useful marker for the early Late Prehistoric Period in the northwestern Plains.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(98):287-305

The Highwalker site is a two component prehistoric encampment located in the Pine Parklands region of southeastern Montana. The Late Prehistoric period occupation represents a briefly used, special purpose site occupied by a Native American group primarily engaged in the final butchering of bison and the processing of its by-products. Two radiocarbon samples date the Late Prehistoric period occupation between A.D. 1000 and A.D. 1100. Ceramics recovered from this component shed some light on the debate concerning “Crow Pottery” and Late Prehistoric period cultural systematics. The ceramics represent the earliest known representatives of a localized Powder River Basin pottery tradition which appears to be related to Extended Middle Missouri Tradition ceramics. These nomadic Powder River Basin ceramic-using groups maintained contact with the Middle Missouri village farmers and were influenced by their pottery technology. Later when the ethnographically known Crow moved into the area, the Powder River Basin hunting groups either were amalgamated into Crow society or were driven from the area.  相似文献   

A Prehistoric Iroquoian Site. A. C. Parker.
A Contact Period Seneca Site. A. C. Parker.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《American anthropologist》1956,58(1):187-188
Book reviewed in this article:
ETHNOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY. The Horse in Blackfoot Indian Culture. John C. Ewers. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 159.) Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1955. xv, 358 pp., 17 plates, 33 figs. $2.75.
The Indian and the Horse. Frank Gilbert Roe. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1955. xvi, 434 pp., illus. $5.00.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(50):1-45

The Glenrock Buffalo Jump, 48C0304 is part of a Late Prehistoric period buffalo procurement complex in central Wyoming along the south side of the North Platte River. Operation of the jump required controlled movements of buffalo herds for as far as one to three miles before they were finally stampeded over a bluff 40 feet high. The effective width of the bluff was small and as a result the herd had to be under control during the final stampede as well as the initial drive.

Good bone preservation in much of the site allowed recovery of large samples for analysis and in addition large numbers of simple but functional tools were found in context. Marks that reflected a number of butchering operations appeared repeatedly suggesting stylized methods, and from this a model of Late Prehistoric butchering is postulated which needs further testing in other mass butchering contexts.  相似文献   

Book Review     
《American anthropologist》1972,74(1-2):140-141
Book reviewed in this article:
Archeology: Pleistocene and Recent Vertebrate Faunas from Crankshaft Cave, Missouri. PAUL W. PARMALEE, RONALD D. OESCH, and JOHN E. GUILDAY.: The Prehistory, of Salts Cave, Kentucky. PATTY JO WATSON.: Early Vegetation of the Lower Illinois Valley: A Study of the Distribution of Floral Resources with Reference to Prehistoric Cultural Ecological Adaptations. APRIL ALLISON ZAWACKI, and GLENN HAUSFATER  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
General and Ethnology: Samekulturen. Ørnulv Vorren and Ernst Manker
General and Ethnology: The Lapps. Roberto Bosi  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Ethics of Reproductive Technology edited by Kenneth D. Alpern. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992
Medical Confidentiality and Legal Privilege by Jean V. McHale. London and New York: Routledge, 1993
The Codes of Codes , edited by Daniel J. Kevles and Leroy Hood. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992
The Troubled Dream of Life: Living with Mortality by Daniel Callahan. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1993
International Directory of Bioethics Organizations. Anita L. Nolen and Mary Carrington Coutts, editors. Bioethics Resource Series, Volume 1. Washington, DC: Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, 1993
The Codification of Medical Morality, Volume One: Medical Ethics and Etiquette in the Eighteenth Century , edited by Robert Baker, Dorothy Porter and Roy Porter. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993
Pursuing Parenthood: Ethical Issues in Assisted Reproduction by Paul Lauritzen. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1993  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Biogeography. An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach , 5th Ed., by C. B. Cox and P. D. Moore.
Classification, Evolution and the Nature of Biology , by A. L. Panchen.
Biodiversity of the Southeastern United States Aquatic Communities , edited by C. T. Hackney, S. M. Adams and W. H. Martin.
Bryophytes and Lichens in a Changing Environment , edited by J. W. Bates and A. M. Farmer.
Atlas of Paleoclimates and Paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere, Late Pleistocene—Holocene , edited by B. Frenzel, M. Pecsi and A. A. Velicho.
Cladistics. A Practical Course in Systematics. The Systematics Association Publication Mo. 10. , by P. L. Forey, C. J. Humphries, I. J. Kitching, R. W. Scotland, D. J. Siebert and D. M. Williams.
Life, The Science of Biology. 3rd Ed. by W. K. Purves, G. H. Orians and H. C. Heller.
The Proterozoic Biosphere. A Multidisciplinary Study , edited by J. W. Schopf and C. Klein.  相似文献   

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