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This study was conducted to assess the effects of endophyte-infected Acremonium coenophialum tall fescue (KY-31) seed (80% infected) on lactation in CD-1 dams and suckling performance of pups as measured by pup survival and growth rates. Twenty-four pairs of mature CD-1 mice were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments: 1) 100% mouse chow ad libitum; 2) 40% endophyte-infected tall fescue seed and 60% mouse chow (w/w); 3) reduced intake (100% chow), adjusted daily to the intake level of Treatment 2; and 4) 60% infected tall fescue seed and 40% chow. The mice were preconditioned on their respective diets for 100 d prior to 96 h of cohabitation between pairs of males and females. At parturition the litters were removed, and each dam was given a litter of six pups of equal weight, size and sex ratio to suckle for 15 days. All pups given to all the dams were born to other mice that were not part of the study and had not been exposed to endophyte-containing diets. Dams and litter weights were measured daily for 15 consecutive days. The combined body weight measurements of litters from dams fed the tall fescue containing diets (Treatments 2 and 4) were significantly lower (2.07 +/- 0.41 g/d) than that of litters from dams fed the chow containing diets (Treatments 1 and 3) during the suckling trial (P<0.05). Similarly, nine of ten (90%) dams fed the chow containing diets maintained five or more pups (5.5 +/- 0.2) throughout the study as compared to five of nine (55.6%) dams fed the tall fescue containing diets that maintained less than five pups (4.5 +/- 0.2).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue (KY-31) seed (80% infected, containing Acremonium coenophialum ) on the reproductive performance of male CD-1 mice measured by competitive breeding. Sixteen mature CD-1 male mice were randomly allocated to one of two dietary treatments containing 50% mouse chow and either 1) 50% noninfected tall fescue seed, restricted to the daily feed intake of dietary treatment 2, or 2) 50% infected tall fescue seed (w/w) fed ad libitum. Mice were preconditioned on their respective diets for 50 d prior to 96 h of cohabitation with 10 mature CD-1 females. Following removal of males, the females were carried to full term. Males were sacrificed, and testicular, epididymal weights, sperm motility and progressive sperm motility were assessed. The results showed no differences (P>0.05) in average daily weight gain (ADG) and body weight changes during the course of the experiment between the two dietary treatments. There were significant reductions (P<0.05) in total testes weight (0.238 vs 0.214 g), epididymal weight (0.087 vs 0.073 g), sperm motility (82.5 vs 58.7%), and progressive motility (3.7 vs 2.6; scale 0 to 4) between dietary treatments 1 and 2, respectively. Similarly, significant differences in pregnancy rates were 53.8 and 45.0%, and the average numbers of pups born per litter were 10.67 and 9.84, respectively. These data suggest that 50% endophyte-infected fescue seed in the diet of male CD-1 mice can affect their reproductive capacity by influencing the testicular-epididymal weights, and subsequently, the quality of spermatozoa and overall fecundity.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to assess the effects of endophyte-infected Acremonium coenophialum tall fescue (KY 31) seed (80% infected) on the reproductive performance of male and female CD-1 mice by combination crosses. Forty-eight male and 48 female 30-d-old mice were randomly allocated to two diet treatments. Twenty-four males and 24 females were fed Diet 1, consisting of 50% non-infected fescue and 50% mouse chow; the remaining animals were fed Diet 2, containing 50% infected fescue. At the end of 50 d, the animals were paired in groups (n = 12) as follows: 1) Diet 1 males and females; 2) Diet 2 males and Diet 1 females; 3) Diet 1 males and Diet 2 females; and 4) Diet 2 males and females. The pairs were maintained on the diets of their female partners and were allowed to cohabitate for 96 h. After this period the males were removed and the females were carried to term. Pregnancy rates among the four treatment groups were 100, 83.3, 75.0 and 54.5%, respectively. Similarly, the average number of pups born per litter among the four groups were 11.5, 8.0, 9.7, and 7.5, respectively. Also, the weights (grams) of pups born per litter were 17.5, 12.6, 12.4, and 9.8, respectively. The results point out that the reproductive capacity of both male and female mice are affected (P < 0.05) by the ingestion of endophyte-infected fescue seeds. Such negative effects were more severe in the female than the male (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of feeding endophyte - infected (Acremonium coenophialum ) tall fescue seed to CD-1 mouse dams (P(1)) during gestation and lactation, and on the subsequent growth and sexual maturity (onset of puberty) of their male and female offspring (F(1)). Forty-eight 21 d old pups (24 male and 24 female F(1) mice) were weaned from dams fed one of two diets containing 50% rodent chow (w/w) and 50% KY-31 tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea ) seed. The seed in Diet 1 was noninfected, while the seed in Diet 2 was 80% endophyte-infected. At weaning (21 d), the F(1) pups were fed rodent chow, ad libitum throughout the remaining experimental period. At 24 d, they were paired with sexually mature non-treated virgin CD-1 mice (fed 100% rodent chow) for one parturition cycle. Male F(1) mice were sacrificed at 84 d to determine testicular development. The age at the birth of the first litter for Diet 2 F(1) male (76.8 +/- 2.2 d) and female (58.4 +/- 2.1 d) was significantly greater (P<0.05) than the age at parturition for Diet 1 male and female F(1) test mice (64.1 +/- 1.8 and 51.9 +/- 1.2 d, respectively). At parturition, the female F(1) mice showed no significant differences (P>0.05) in either mean parturition weight or number of F(2) pups born per litter. However, total F(2) litter wight (11.38 +/- 1.14 g) and mean weight per F(2) pup (1.40 +/- 0.04 g) for Diet 2 female F(1) mice litters were lower (P<0.05) when compared with Diet 1 females (14.53 +/- 0.57 g and 1.66 +/- 0.02 g, respectively). No significant differences were observed between the two male F(1) treatment groups, for total F(2) litter weight or the number of pups born per F(2) litter. Although Diet 2 F(1) males weighed significantly less (P<0.05) at weaning and at pairing, final body weights at sacrifice (84 d) were not different (P>0.05) from the Diet 1 males.  相似文献   

Summary The impact of endophytic fungus-infected seeds on seed predators is poorly understood. In this multiple trophic level investigation, seed preference experiments were conducted to determine whether five species of passerines (dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis; American tree sparrows, Spizella arborea; song sparrows, Melospiza melodia; chipping sparrows, Spizella pusilla; and house sparrows, Passer domesticus) recognize and preferentially consume noninfected (NI) over infected (I) seeds of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). We predicted that the birds would refrain from eating I seeds because those seeds contain high concentrations of fungal alkaloids. When given a choice of NI fescue seeds and control seeds (millet), all bird species showed a significant preference for millet. However, individuals of all species consumed some NI seeds. When given a choice of NI and I fescue seeds, all species except the chippig sparrow ate significatly more NI than I fescue seed and the chipping sparrow showed the same trend. Thus, birds were able to distinguish between the two seed types and preferred NI seeds in choice tests. Additional experiments investigated weight changes in dark-eyed juncos fed diets containing different proportions of millet, NI, and I fescue seed. Significant differences in weight loss were observed for the various diets. Juncos showed greater weight loss when the proportion of fescue seed, especially the proportion of I seed, in their diet was greater. The potential significance of the finding that abundant grass seeds are made unavailable to predators by fungal infection is discussed in relation to foraging and competition in avian communities.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the effect of endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum ) tall fescue (KY-31) seed (80% infected) on reproductive performance in CD-1 mice by continuous breeding. Twenty-four pairs of 70-d-old CD-1 mice were randomly allocated to four diets: 1) mouse chow ad libitum; 2) 40% infected fescue seed and 60% chow (w/w); 3) reduced intake (100% chow) similar to the intake, adjusted daily, in Diet 2; and 4) 60% infected fescue seed and 40% chow. Males and females were randomly paired (six pairs/treatment) and placed on the above diets. The mice were fed the corresponding diets for 80 d, although the pairs were separated on Day 60 (prior to the birth of the 3rd litter) and the females were monitored for one additional gestation period (20 d). The pregnancy data (litters produced) among the four treatments were 100.0 (18), 77.8 (14), 100.0 (18) and 80.0% (12) respectively. Similarly, the average number of pups born per litter among the four treatments was 11.8, 9.3, 10.1, and 9.8. When the chow treatment (1 and 3) and the fescue treatments (2 and 4) were pooled and compared, the percent pregnancy was 100.0 (n = 36) and 78.8 (n = 26), and the pups born per litter (means +/- SEM) were 11.0 +/- 0.5 and 9.5 +/- 0.6, respectively. Also the intervals between the three litters born during the 60-d cohabitation period were 21.6 +/- 1.1 and 24.5 +/- 0.9 d for the chow and fescue treatments, respectively. The results point out that 40 and 60% infected fescue seed in the diet of mice does influence (P < 0.05) their reproductive capacity as measured by percent pregnancy and litter size.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,67(1-3):121-128
Our objective was to determine the influence of short-term exposure to endophyte-infected tall fescue on reproductive function of ram lambs. Rams (214 days of age) were fed a diet free of endophyte-infected fescue seed (EF; n = 8) or endophyte-infected fescue seed (EI; n = 9; 34% of diet; 4.8 μg g−1 ergovaline) for 6 weeks. Feed offered to EF rams, individually fed, was reduced to the average intake of EI lambs from previous day so that intake was similar between treatments and averaged 2.4% BW (DM basis), leading to daily intake of 33.7 μg ergovaline kg−1 BW for the EI fed lambs. Daily high ambient temperature for the trial ranged between 16 and 26 °C. Respiration rate and rectal temperature were measured at 14:00 daily. Blood was collected for serum concentrations of prolactin (weekly) and testosterone (twice weekly). Body weight and body condition scores (BCS; 1 = thin; 5 = fat) were determined every 14 days. Scrotal circumference, scrotal skin temperature, and semen characteristics were determined weekly. Rams were slaughtered after 6 weeks of feeding. Signs of fescue toxicosis in EI fed rams included increased rectal temperature (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.11) and respiration rate (day, P < 0.001, R2 = 0.25) when high ambient temperature exceeded 22 °C and reduced serum concentrations of prolactin (diet × day, P < 0.001). Body weight of EI fed rams tended to decrease after 36 days of feeding compared with EF fed rams (−3.0 kg versus 0.51 kg; P < 0.07) and BCS was similar between treatment throughout the trial. Serum concentrations of testosterone were greater in EI compared with EF fed rams (diet × day, P < 0.005, R2 = 0.08). Scrotal skin temperature, scrotal circumference, semen volume, percent sperm motility, and percent abnormal sperm were similar between treatments. Spermatozoa concentration tended to be greater in EF compared with EI fed rams after 43 days of feeding (P < 0.10; R2 = 0.15). Rate of forward movement of spermatozoa tended to increase at a greater rate between Days 8 and 29 in EF compared with EI fed rams (diet × day, P < 0.08). Feeding endophyte-infected fescue seed to ram lambs was associated with potential decreased fertility and increased serum concentrations of testosterone. Short term exposure of endophyte toxins to male ruminants may negatively impact reproductive responses. Feeding for longer periods may further reduce fertility and merits further research.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of feeding endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum ) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea ) seed on the growth and reproductive performance of female CD-1 mice via competitive breeding. One hundred sixty female mice were randomly allocated to groups of ten and fed one of two diets. Diet 1 consisted of 50% mouse chow and 50% noninfected Ky-31 tall fescue seed (w/w). Diet 2 contained 50% chow and 50% tall fescue seed that was 80% infected with A. coenophialum . After 50 d of preconditioning on their respective diets, a single male was introduced into each group of 10 females and allowed to cohabitate for 96 h. The males were removed after the cohabitation period and the females continued through gestation on their respective diets. Body weight of dams and litter weights were recorded at parturition. There were no differences (P>0.05) in pregnancy rates between dietary Treatments 1 and 2 (50% vs 48.8%, respectively). However, the average number of pups born per litter (11.10 pups) and average total litter weight (17.21 g) was greater for those females consuming Diet 1 than for females consuming Diet 2 (9.33 pups per litter and 13.97 g total litter weight). The incidence of dead and cannibalized pups was more frequent with Diet 2 than Diet 1 (0.13 vs 0.0 dead; 0.21 vs 0.03 cannibalized, respectively). The obtained data suggest that although the pregnancy rate was similar between the two dietary treatments, the reproductive capacity (litter size and litter weight) of female CD-1 mice was affected by the consumption of endophyte infected fescue seed.  相似文献   

The effects of grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue on luteal function, pregnancy rates, and embryonic loss rates were compared between treated mares (n=18) and untreated controls (endophyte-free, n=12). Mares grazing endophyte-infected fescue demonstrated significantly (P<0.01) prolonged luteal function (22.9 vs 15.8 d) than those grazing endophyte-free fescue. Continuous grazing of endophyte-infected fescue resulted in a decreased (P=0.30) per cycle 14-d viable pregnancy rate (14 31 , 45.2%) compared with that of endophyte-free grazing (12 16 , 75.0%). Early embryonic death rates were higher (P=0.20) in the endophyte-infected group (6 20 , 30.0%) than the endophyte-free group (1 13 , 7.7%). Cumulative pregnancy rates after a 60-d breeding period did not differ between the 2 groups. Embryonic development based on mean vesicle height at 14-d was not significantly different between treatment groups for embryos that maintained viability. Embryos that underwent early embryonic death were smaller (P<0.10) at Day-14 than embryos that maintained viability. Mean plasma progesterone concentrations were significantly (P< 0.01) greater at Day-21 postovulation in endophyte-infected mares in which the embryo remained viable (15.8 ng/ml) than in endophyte-free mares that experienced early embryonic death (9.8 ng/ml) or that demonstrated prolongation of luteal function (11.2 ng/ml). The results of this study suggest that grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue can have a detrimental effect on reproductive efficiency in the mare due to an increase in cycles bred per pregnancy rate, increased early embryonic death rate and prolongation of luteal function.  相似文献   

Effects of a diet containing endophyte-infected tall fescue seed (83% infected) were investigated using 2 lines of mice, one line selected for fecundity (L(+)) and the other a randomly selected control line (K). Treatments included a commercial stock diet (C), 50% stock plus 50% non-infected tall fescue seed (N), and 50% stock plus 50% infected tall fescue seed (I). The experiment was conducted using mice on respective treatments in 2 phases (successive generations), with 15 to 23 mated females per line and diet subgroups. Mated females of Phase 1 were assigned at random within line to experimental diets which were fed during gestation and through 21 d of lactation. Litters were standardized to 10 pups 1 d after birth. Stock diets were fed to all groups from Day 21 to weaning on Day 28. Weaned male and female pups were allotted to previous diets. Mated females in Phase 2 were managed as in Phase 1 through weaning at 28 d. Diets of males did not affect reproduction and data were pooled within female diets. Selected (L(+)) dams gave birth to more live pups than K dams (P<0.05) during both phases (+3.4 and +2.8 +/- 0.4 pups, respectively). Diet but not line affected littering rate of mated females in Phase 1 (71.3%, I; < 87.1%, C or 93.0%, N; P<0.05) and Phase 2 (82.1%, I < 93.8%, N or 97.1%, C; P<0.05). Diet had no effect on fecundity during Phase 1 but females on I diet had reduced (P<0.05) litter size by 1.9 and 3.2 +/- 0.5 pups compared with the females on N and C diets, respectively, in Phase 2. Feed consumption and weights of dams during lactation generally ranked C>N>I. Growth of pups during both phases also ranked C>N>I. Vaginal opening at 28 d differed by line (71.4%, K < 89.3%, L(+), P<0.05) and diet (56.8%, I < 92.0%, C or 92.2%, N, P<0.05). These results suggest both acute and chronic effects of consumption of endophyte-infected diets. Absence of line-by-diet interactions demonstrates that adverse effects were unrelated to genetic differences between lines.  相似文献   

香柱菌属Epichloë内生真菌存在于宿主植物地上部组织,不仅能提高宿主植物对生物与非生物逆境的抗性,而且能对周围环境中的微生物产生影响。该研究以染内生菌(endophyte-infected,EI)和不染菌(endophyte-free,EF)苇状羊茅Festuca arundinacea为实验材料,探究内生真菌和不同水平盐碱胁迫处理对宿主根系丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)群落多样性和组成的影响。结果表明,内生真菌和盐碱胁迫处理对苇状羊茅根系AMF多样性影响存在交互作用。EF苇状羊茅根系AMF多样性随盐碱胁迫处理水平的增加而降低,内生真菌的存在缓解了这一效应,在200和400 mmol/L盐碱胁迫处理下,内生真菌感染增加了苇状羊茅根系AMF多样性;此外,内生真菌感染改变了苇状羊茅根系AMF群落组成,降低了优势属Funneliformis相对多度,增加了ClaroideoglomusGlomus和unclassified AMF相对多度。结构方程模型结果表明,内生真菌通过间接增加土壤总磷浓度对苇状羊茅根系AMF多样性产生影响。本研究为筛选盐碱污染区生态修复的植物-微生物共生体提供基础。  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine whether consumption of endophyte-infected fescue seed affected male reproduction differently in a mouse line previously selected for susceptibility (S) to fescue toxicosis than in a line previously selected for fescue toxicosis resistance (R). For 8 weeks following weaning, 48 males per line were provided diets containing 50% of either endophyte-infected (E+) or endophyte-free (E-) fescue seed. Each male was then paired with a female for 1 week, with litter size and weight recorded from subsequent births. Males were then killed, testes and seminal vesicles were weighed, cauda epididymal sperm were collected and testis cross-sections were fixed. The E+ diet reduced litter size by 0.5 in mates of S males but increased it by 1.0 in mates of R males (line by diet interaction P=0.05). Testis traits were not affected by diet or the line by diet interaction. Sperm integrity was adversely affected by the E+ diet (P<0.01) but did not differ significantly between lines, nor were line by diet interactions important. In earlier work, the E+ diet reduced long-term reproduction by a larger amount in S- than in R-line mated pairs. Because the E+ diet had similar effects on reproductive traits in R and S males in the current experiment, we infer that the differential impact previously reported acted primarily through traits expressed in females.  相似文献   

Growth and ovarian function of crossbred beef heifers grazing low and high endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures were studied for 2 successive years. In April of each year, 20 weanling and 20 yearling heifers were included in the study. All heifers were weighed at 28-d intervals for 112 d. Blood samples were collected from each heifer on Day 0 and +7 of each of five 28-d periods and analyzed for progesterone concentration. Heifers with progesterone concentrations >/= 1.5 ng/ml on either or both Day 0 and +7 were classified as having normal cyclic ovaries. High endophyte-infected fescue pastures adversely altered the ovarian activity (P < 0.05) of weanling heifers in both years. In each trial, average weight gains were lower (P < 0.05) in yearling and weanling heifers grazing the high endophyte-infected pastures than in heifers grazing low endophyte-infected pastures. In 1992, heifers were synchronized with PGF(2alpha) administered on Days 101 and 112. Blood samples were collected on 0, 4, 8 and 12 d after the second PGF(2alpha) injection for progesterone analysis. Heifers grazing high and low endophyte-infected pastures were pastured separately with 4 bulls each and were given heatmount detectors. At 96 h, less estrus activity was observed (P < 0.10; power=0.63) in weanling heifers grazing the high vs. low endophyte pastures although pregnancy rates were similar for all groups. Progesterone concentrations suggested that weanling heifers on the high endophyte pastures had a higher incidence of luteal dysfunction after PGF(2alpha) synchronization. In summary, high endophyte-infected pastures decreased growth in both weanling and yearling heifers, ovarian activity and luteal function were adversely altered in weanling heifers with subsequent decreased estrus response to estrus synchronization.  相似文献   

We determined whether plant diversity and sequence of plant ingestion affected foraging when cattle chose from plants that varied in concentrations of alkaloids, tannins and saponins. We hypothesized cattle that ate high-alkaloid grasses (endophyte-infected tall fescue (TF) or reed canarygrass (RCG)) would prefer forages high in tannins (birdsfoot trefoil, BFT+) or saponins (alfalfa, ALF+), because tannins and saponins can bind to alkaloids, presumably reducing their absorption. We further hypothesized that forages with tannins or saponins consumed before, rather than after, foraging on high-alkaloid grasses would promote greater use of those grasses presumably by binding to alkaloids, thereby reducing their absorption. In Phase 1, cattle (n = 32) grazed on either high (+) or low (-) alkaloid grass (TF or RCG) pastures for 30 min each morning at 0600 h and were then offered a choice of BFT+, BFT-, ALF+ and ALF- for 60 min each day for 12 days. In Phase 2, cattle (n = 32) were first offered a choice of BFT+ or ALF+ for 30 min at 0600 h and then placed on grass (TF+ or -, or RCG+ or -) pastures for 60 min for 12 days. In both phases, we had four spatial replications of four treatments with 2 per calves assigned to each of the 16 replications per treatment combinations. Scan samples of individuals at 2-min intervals were used to determine incidence of foraging on each plant species (%). Cattle grazed more on RCG than on TF in Phases 1 (62% v. 27%; P = 0.0015) and 2 (71% v. 32%; P = 0.0005). In Phase 1, cattle that first foraged on RCG+ or TF- subsequently preferred ALF over BFT, whereas cattle offered RCG- or TF+ foraged on ALF and BFT equally. Foraging by cattle on RCG was cyclic during Phase 1, whereas cattle foraging on TF markedly decreased incidence of use of TF from 41% to only 16% by the end of the 12-day trial (P = 0.0029). Contrary to the cyclic (RCG) or steadily declining (TF) use of grasses in Phase 1, cattle steadily and dramatically increased foraging on both RCG and TF throughout Phase 2, when they first grazed BFT+ or ALF+ followed by high-alkaloid grasses (P = 0.0159). Our findings suggest that in plant species the sequence of ingestion influenced foraging behavior of cattle and that secondary compounds influenced those responses.  相似文献   

The influence of grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue on endometrial cup formation and function, progestogen production, and embryonic and fetal development were examined in pregnant mares between Day 21 and Day 300 of gestation. Total immunoreactive progestogens and equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) concentrations were compared between untreated controls (endophyte-free, n = 12) and treated mares (endophyte-infected, n = 12). There were no differences in endometrial cup formation or function, as determined by eCG concentrations at Days 45, 60, 75, 90 and 120 (P > 0.05) between mares grazing endophyte-infected and endophyte-free tall fescue. Mares grazing the endophyte-infected tall fescue had lower total progestogen concentrations (P < 0.01) from Days 90 to 120 than the mares grazing endophyte-free tall fescue. Embryonic development based on mean vesicle height was not affected by endophyte exposure. No pregnancies were lost by mares in either treatment group during the trial period. The results of this study indicate that grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue between Day 21 and Day 300 does not alter endometrial cup formation and function, or result in increased pregnancy losses during this period. Lower progestogen concentrations between Days 90 and 120 with exposure to endophyte-infected tall fescue could reflect decreased luteal progesterone production.  相似文献   

Superovulated Jersey and Holstein heifers and cows were bred 9.7 ± 2.7 h after the first observation of estrus with a single dose of frozen semen. Animals were grouped by site of insemination: 1) right uterine horn (n = 5), 2) left uterine horn (n = 4), 3) mid- uterine body (n = 5), and 4) mid-cervix (n = 6). The number of unfertilized ova, normal and abnormal embryos were recorded for each horn at slaughter 115.8 ± 18.6 h after insemination. All viable embryos were cultured in vitro and assessed for development. The overall fertilization rate was 76.8%, with the ipsilateral horn being higher than that of the contralateral horn (P < 0.05). Similar fertilization rates resulted among all treatments except those inseminated in the contralateral horn (P < 0.05). In vivo development of embryos was higher for the ipsilateral horn inseminations than those of the body of the uterus or cervical inseminations (P < 0.05), but it was not higher than the contralateral horn inseminations (P > 0.05). Under the conditions of this study with superovulated cows, these results suggest than 1) spermatozoa migrate from one horn to the other and 2) inseminating too deep into one horn may reduce the chances for concention when ovulation occurs contralaterally.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus) were randomly assigned to diets containing mixtures of rat chow and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) seed with 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40% infection levels of Acremonium coenophialum to assess the effect of the diets on the reproductive potential of rats. Rats fed 40% infected seed had decreased body weight, decreased mean percent body weight of uteri, failed to maintain normal estrous cycles and were unable to become pregnant. Animals fed a diet of 20% infected fescue seed had extended estrous cycles. There were no significant differences among the 0, 5 and 10% dietary treatments.  相似文献   

Ewes were immunized against androstenedione (Fecundin) and assigned to be mated 14 days (179 ewes Group C) or 25 days (174 ewes Group B) after a booster immunization with Fecundin. The anti-androstenedione titres at these times were 6790 and 3240 respectively (P less than 0.01). The remaining 169 ewes were untreated controls (Group A). Ewes were mated to entire rams (12 rams to 180 ewes) at their second oestrus after synchronization of oestrus. Immunization against androstenedione caused a shortening of the time from sponge removal to mating (Day 0) and a decrease in the percentage of ewes mated by the rams. Also, ovulation rate was increased after immunization (P less than 0.01), being 1.42, 2.16 and 1.93 for Groups A, C and B respectively. Egg recovery rates on Day 2 were lower in immunized ewes and there was some indication that fertilization rates were lowered. On Day 13 after mating a higher proportion of blastocysts was recovered from ewes in Group A than from those in Groups B and C. Immunization resulted in lower fertilization rates and smaller blastocysts with lower mitotic indexes (P less than 0.01). At Days 24-32 of pregnancy fetal weight was lower in the immunized ewes. At all sampling stages, the proportion of ewes pregnant (fertility) was lowered in immunized ewes. The results of the present study show that significant reproductive wastage occurs in androstenedione-immunized Merino ewes, with lower rates of embryo recovery and delayed embryonic development being found in comparison to controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The photosynthetic rate of a decaploid genotype (1-16-2) of tall fescue ( Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) is about twice that of a common hexaploid genotype (V6-802) (Plant Physiol. 72: 16–21, 1983). Translocation of photosynthate out of the leaves is a possible means of regulating carbon assimilation. To evaluate this possibility, we have examined a) translocation velocity, b) time course of translocation from leaves, c) photoassimilate partitioning pattern into whole plants in pulse and chase experiments, and d) interveinal distances between two ploidy genotypes. Most of the 14C accumulated in sucrose, and the labelled carbon moved down the leaf blades at similar velocities (6 to 10 cm h−1) in both genotypes. Recent 14C assimilate was rapidly translocated from the fed area of the leaf blade. For example, the decaploid and the common hexaploid had translocated 40 and 26% of the 14C, respectively, at 6 h, and 79 and 49% of the 14C, respectively, at 24 h. Partitioning of 14C among plant organs was considerably different between the genotypes after a 24 h chase. For example, out of the total 14C recovered from the whole plant, the decaploid had retained 40% in the labelled leaf with 10, 33 and 29% in other leaves, stem bases and roots, respectively; whereas the hexaploid had retained 91% in the labelled leaf with 4, 3 and 2% in other leaves, stem bases and roots, respectively. However, the higher rate of translocation was correlated with greater interveinal distances in the decaploid genotype. These results suggested that the higher translocation percentage in the decaploid than the hexaploid genotype was due to greater sink activity.  相似文献   

1. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus) were randomly assigned to various dietary treatments containing: (1) 100% Purina rodent chow, ad libitum; (2) same as 1, but restricted to daily intake of 7; (3) 50% rodent chow (w/w) and 50% endophyte-free tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) seed; (4) same as 3, but restricted to intake of 5; (5) 50% rodent chow, 25% endophyte-free tall fescue seed and 25% endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum) tall fescue seed; (6) 50% rodent chow, 12.5% endophyte-free and 37.5% endophyte-infected tall fescue seed; and (7) 50% rodent chow and 50% endophyte infected tall fescue seed. 2. Average daily feed intakes and average daily weight gains decreased with higher levels of endophyte infected seed. 3. Frequency of litter production was affected by all endophyte-infected containing diets. 4. Conception was reduced only in dietary treatment (7). 5. Litter weights, number of pups per litter and weight per pup were proportionally reduced as higher levels of infected seed were incorporated in the ingested diets.  相似文献   

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