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Enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli use a novel infection strategy to colonize the gut epithelium, involving translocation of their own receptor, Tir, via a type III secretion system and subsequent formation of attaching and effecting (A/E) lesions. Following integration into the host cell plasma membrane of cultured cells, and clustering by the outer membrane adhesin intimin, Tir triggers multiple actin polymerization pathways involving host and bacterial adaptor proteins that converge on the host Arp2/3 actin nucleator. Although initially thought to be involved in A/E lesion formation, recent data have shown that the known Tir‐induced actin polymerization pathways are dispensable for this activity, but can play other major roles in colonization efficiency, in vivo fitness and systemic disease. In this review we summarize the roadmap leading from the discovery of Tir, through the different actin polymerization pathways it triggers, to our current understanding of their physiological functions.  相似文献   

This review covers enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) infections, focusing on differences in their virulence factors and regulation. While Shiga-toxin expression from integrated bacteriophages sets EHEC apart from EPEC, EHEC infections often originate from asymptomatic carriage in ruminants whereas human EPEC are considered to be overt pathogens and more host-restricted. In part, these differences reflect variation in adhesin repertoire, type III-secreted effectors and the way in which these factors are regulated.  相似文献   

A key strategy in microbial pathogenesis is the subversion of the first line of cellular immune defences presented by professional phagocytes. Enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC and EHEC respectively) remain extracellular while colonizing the gut mucosa by attaching and effacing mechanism. EPEC use the type three secretion system effector protein EspF to prevent their own uptake into macrophages. EPEC can also block in trans the internalization of IgG-opsonized particles. In this study, we show that EspJ is the type three secretion system effector protein responsible for trans -inhibition of macrophage opsono-phagocytosis by both EPEC and EHEC. While EspF plays no role in trans -inhibition of opsono-phagocytosis, espJ mutants of EPEC or EHEC are unable to block uptake of opsonized sheep red blood cells (RBC), a phenotype that is rescued upon complementation with the espJ gene. Importantly, ectopic expression of EspJEHEC in phagocytes is sufficient to inhibit internalization of both IgG- and C3bi-opsonized RBC. These results suggest that EspJ targets a basic mechanism common to these two unrelated phagocytic receptors. Moreover, EspF and EspJ target independent aspects of the phagocytic function of mammalian macrophages in vitro .  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a common cause of diarrhea in children in developing countries. Protein kinase C (PKC), a serine- and threonine-directed protein kinase, is rapidly activated following EPEC infection and this is accompanied by its translocation to a membrane-bound location where it is tightly bound to phosphatidylserine (PS). EPEC infection causes host cell death, one of whose features is externalization of PS. We hypothesized that externalization of PS would be accompanied by externalization of PKC as well. We report that EPEC infection triggers the externalization of PKC to the outer surface of the host cell. Ecto-PKC remains firmly tethered to the cell but can be released by incubation with peptide or protein substrates for the enzyme. Ecto-PKC is intact and biologically active and able to phosphorylate protein substrates on the surface of the host cell. Phosphorylation of whole EPEC bacteria or EPEC-secreted proteins could not be detected. Externalization of PKC could be reproduced by the combination of an apoptotic stimulus (ultraviolet (UV) irradiation) and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), a procedure which resulted in externalization of >25% of the total cellular content of PKC-alpha. In the presence of ATP, ecto-PKC inhibited UV-induced cell shrinkage, membrane blebbing, and propidium iodide uptake but not the activation of caspases 3 and 7. This is the first report that expression of an ecto-protein kinase is altered by a microbial pathogen and the first to note that externalization of PKC can accompany apoptosis.  相似文献   

Enteric bacterial pathogens commonly use a type III secretion system (T3SS) to successfully infect intestinal epithelial cells and survive and proliferate in the host. Enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC; EHEC) colonize the human intestinal mucosa, form characteristic histological lesions on the infected epithelium and require the T3SS for full virulence. T3SS effectors injected into host cells subvert cellular pathways to execute a variety of functions within infected host cells. The EPEC and EHEC effectors that subvert innate immune pathways – specifically those involved in phagocytosis, host cell survival, apoptotic cell death and inflammatory signalling – are all required to cause disease. These processes are reviewed within, with a focus on recent work that has provided insights into the functions and host cell targets of these effectors.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) are closely related pathogens. During infection, EPEC and EHEC use a type III secretion system (TTSS) to translocate effector proteins into the infected cells and thereby modify specific host functions. These include transient filopodium formation which is Cdc42-dependent. Filopodia formation is followed by assembly of actin pedestals, the process enhanced by inhibition of Cdc42. We discovered that orf 18 of the enterocyte effacement locus encodes a new effector, which we termed EspH. We show that EspH is translocated efficiently into the infected cells by the TTSS and localizes beneath the EPEC microcolonies. Inactivation of espH resulted in enhanced formation of filopodia and attenuated the pedestals formation. Furthermore, overexpression of EspH resulted in strong repression of filopodium formation and heightened pedestal formation. We also demonstrate that overexpression of EspH by EHEC induces marked elongation of the typically flat pedestals. Similar pedestal elongation was seen upon infection of COS cells overexpressing EspH. EspH transiently expressed by the COS cells was localized to the membrane and disrupted the actin cytoskeletal structure. Our findings indicate that EspH is a modulator of the host actin cytoskeleton structure.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against intimin in the detection of enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli isolates using immunoblotting. Methods and Results: Polyclonal and Mabs against the intimin‐conserved region were raised, and their reactivities were compared in enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) isolates using immunoblotting analysis. In comparison with rat antiserum, rabbit anti‐intimin IgG‐enriched fraction had a stronger recognition pattern to a wide spectrum of intimin types in different EPEC and EHEC serotypes. On the other hand, murine monoclonal IgG2b specific to intimin, with dissociation constant of 1·3 × 10?8 mol l?1, failed in the detection of some of these isolates. Conclusion: All employed antibodies showed 100% specificity, not reacting with any of the eae‐negative isolates. The sensitivity range was according to the employed antisera, and 97% for rabbit anti‐intimin IgG‐enriched fraction, followed by 92% and 78% sensitivity with rat antisera and Mab. Significance and Impact of the Study: The rabbit anti‐intimin IgG‐enriched fraction in immunoblotting analysis is a useful tool for EPEC and EHEC diagnoses.  相似文献   

Adhesion of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli to host cells   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) adhere to the intestinal mucosa and to tissue culture cells in a distinctive fashion, destroying microvilli, altering the cytoskeleton and attaching intimately to the host cell membrane in a manner termed the attaching and effacing effect. Typical EPEC strains also form three-dimensional microcolonies in a pattern termed localized adherence. Attaching and effacing, and in particular intimate attachment requires an outer membrane adhesin called intimin, which binds to the translocated intimin receptor, Tir. Tir is produced by the bacteria and delivered to the host cell via a type III secretion system. In addition to this well-established adhesin-receptor pair, numerous other adhesin interactions between EPEC and host cells have been described including those between intimin and cellular receptors and those involving a bundle-forming pilus and flagella and unknown receptors. Much additional work is needed before a full understanding of EPEC adhesion to host cells comes to light.  相似文献   

Type 3 secretion systems (T3SSs) are critical for the virulence of numerous deadly Gram-negative pathogens. T3SS translocator proteins are required for effector proteins to traverse the host cell membrane and perturb cell function. Translocator proteins include two hydrophobic proteins, represented in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) by EspB and EspD, which are thought to interact and form a pore in the host membrane. Here we adapted a sequence motif recognized by a host kinase to demonstrate that residues on the carboxyl-terminal side of the EspB transmembrane domain are localized to the host cell cytoplasm. Using functional internal polyhistidine tags, we confirm an interaction between EspD and EspB, and we demonstrate, for the first time, an interaction between EspD and the hydrophilic translocator protein EspA. Using a panel of espB insertion mutations, we describe two regions on either side of a putative transmembrane domain that are required for the binding of EspB to EspD. Finally, we demonstrate that EspB variants incapable of binding EspD fail to adopt the proper host cell membrane topology. These results provide new insights into interactions between translocator proteins critical for virulence.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causes diarrhoea in children in developing countries. Many EPEC genes involved in virulence are contained within the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE), a large pathogenicity island. One of the genes at the far righthand end of the LEE encodes EspF, an EPEC secreted protein of unknown function. EspF, like the other Esps, is a substrate for secretion by the type III secretory system. Previous studies found that an espF mutant behaved as wild type in assays of adherence, invasion, actin condensation and tyrosine phosphorylation. As EPEC can kill host cells, we tested esp gene mutants for host cell killing ability. The espF mutant was deficient in host cell killing despite having normal adherence. The addition of purified EspF to tissue culture medium did not cause any damage to host cells, but expression of espF in COS or HeLa cells caused cell death. The mode of cell death in cells transfected with espF appeared to be pure apoptosis. EspF appears to be an effector of host cell death in epithelial cells; its proline-rich structure suggests that it may act by binding to SH3 domains or EVH1 domains of host cell signalling proteins.  相似文献   

Ubiquitylation is a widespread post-translational global regulatory system that is essential for the proper functioning of various cellular events. Recent studies have shown that certain types of Escherichia coli can exploit specific aspects of the ubiquitylation system to influence downstream targets. Despite these findings, examination of the effects pathogenic E. coli have on the overall host ubiquitylation system remain unexplored. To study the impact that pathogenic E. coli have on the ubiquitylation levels of host proteins during infections, we analyzed the entire ubiquitylation system during enteropathogenic E. coli infections of cultured cells. We found that these microbes caused a dramatic decrease in ubiquitylated host proteins during these infections. This occurred with a concomitant reduction in the expression of essential E1 activating enzymes in the host, which are integral for the initiation of the ubiquitylation cascade. Control of host E1 enzyme levels was dependent on the E. coli adherence factor plasmid which acted on host aspartyl proteases within enteropathogenic E. coli. Hijacking of the ubiquitylation system did not require the plasmid-encoded regulator or bundle forming pilus expression, as enteropathogenic E. coli mutated in those factors did not revert the ubiquitylation of host proteins or the abundance of E1 enzyme proteins to uninfected levels. Our work shows that E. coli have developed strategies to usurp post-translational systems by targeting crucial enzymes. The ability of enteropathogenic E. coli to inactivate host protein ubiquitylation could enable more efficient effector protein functionality, providing increased bacterial control of host cells during enteropathogenic E. coli pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) adheres to epithelial cells and forms microcolonies in localized areas. Bundle-forming pili (BFP) are necessary for autoaggregation and the formation of microcolonies. In this study, we show that BFP, expressed by EPEC on epithelial cells, disappeared with the expansion of the microcolony. Bacterial dispersal and the release of BFP from the EPEC aggregates were induced by contact with host cellular membrane extract. In addition, BFP-expressing EPEC adhered directly to cell surfaces, in preference to attaching to pre-formed microcolonies on the cells. These results suggested that BFP mediate the initial attachment of EPEC through direct interaction with the host cell rather than through the recruitment of unattached bacteria to microcolonies on the cell.  相似文献   

The complex architecture of bacterial biofilms inevitably raises the question of their design. Microstructure of developing Escherichia coli biofilms was analyzed under static and laminar flow conditions. Cell attachment during early biofilm formation exhibited periodic density patterns that persisted during development. Several models for the origination of biofilm microstructure are considered, including an activator-inhibitor or Turing model.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a major cause of paediatric diarrhoea and a model for the family of attaching and effacing (A/E) pathogens. A/E pathogens encode a type III secretion system to transfer effector proteins into host cells. The EPEC Tir effector protein acts as a receptor for the bacterial surface protein intimin and is involved in the formation of Cdc42-independent, actin-rich pedestal structures beneath the adhered bacteria. In this paper, we demonstrate that EPEC binding to HeLa cells also induces Tir-independent, cytoskeletal rearrangement evidenced by the early, transient formation of filopodia-like structures at sites of infection. Filopodia formation is dependent on expression of the EPEC Map effector molecule - a protein that targets mitochondria and induces their dysfunction. We show that Map-induced filopodia formation is independent of mitochondrial targeting and is abolished by cellular expression of the Cdc42 inhibitory WASP-CRIB domain, demonstrating that Map has at least two distinct functions in host cells. The transient nature of the filopodia is related to an ability of EPEC to downregulate Map-induced cell signalling that, like pedestal formation, was dependent on both Tir and intimin proteins. The ability of Tir to downregulate filopodia was impaired by disrupting a putative GTPase-activating protein (GAP) motif, suggesting that Tir may possess such a function, with its interaction with intimin triggering this activity. Furthermore, we also found that Map-induced cell signalling inhibits pedestal formation, revealing that the cellular effects of Tir and Map must be co-ordinately regulated during infection. Possible implications of the multifunctional nature of EPEC effector molecules in pathogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Subversion of the host cell cytoskeleton is the hallmark of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) infection. EHEC translocates the trans -membrane receptor protein Tir (translocated intimin receptor), which links the extracellular bacterium to the eukaryotic cell actin cytoskeleton, triggering formation of actin-rich pedestals beneath adherent bacteria. Tir-mediated actin accretion by EHEC requires TccP (Tir cytoskeleton coupling protein), a recently discovered type III secretion system effector protein which, following translocation, binds and activates Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP), which in turn activates the actin-related protein 2/3 complex leading to localized polymerization of actin. In this study, truncated N-WASP and TccP derivatives were generated and tested in in vitro actin polymerization and epithelial cell infection assays. The C-terminal amino acids 253–276 of the GTPase binding domain (GBD) of N-WASP were identified as essential, although not sufficient, for TccP:N-WASP protein:protein interaction, TccP-mediated N-WASP activation and induction of actin polymerization. TccP from EHEC O157:H7 strain EDL933 consists of a unique N-terminal domain and six proline-rich repeats. Progressive deletions within the N-terminus of TccP revealed that residues 1–21 are necessary and sufficient for its translocation, while amino acids 1–181, encompassing the N-terminal translocation signal and two proline-rich repeats, are sufficient for triggering actin polymerization in EHEC-infected epithelial cells and in in vitro actin polymerization assays. This study defines the modular domain structure of TccP and the molecular basis of TccP-mediated N-WASP activation and EHEC-induced remodelling of the host actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causes diarrhoea in young children. EPEC induces the formation of actin pedestal in infected epithelial cells. A type III protein secretion system and several proteins that are secreted by this system, including EspB, are involved in inducing the formation of the actin pedestals. We have demonstrated that contact of EPEC with HeLa cells is associated with the induction of production and secretion of EspB. Shortly after infection, EPEC initiates translocation of EspB, and EspB fused to the CyaA reporter protein (EspB–CyaA), into the host cell. The translocated EspB was distributed between the membrane and the cytoplasm of the host cell. Translocation was strongly promoted by attachment of EPEC to the host cell, and both attachment factors of EPEC, intimin and the bundle-forming pili, were needed for full translocation efficiency. Translocation and secretion of EspB and EspB–CyaA were abolished in mutants deficient in components of the type III protein secretion system, including sepA and sepB mutants. EspB–CyaA was secreted but not translocated by an espB mutant. These results indicate that EspB is both translocated and required for protein translocation by EPEC.  相似文献   

Targeting of many polytopic proteins to the inner membrane of prokaryotes occurs via an essential signal recognition particle-like pathway. FtsY, the Escherichia coli homolog of the eukaryotic signal recognition particle receptor alpha-subunit, binds to membranes via its amino-terminal AN domain. We demonstrate that FtsY assembles on membranes via interactions with phosphatidylethanolamine and with a trypsin-sensitive component. Both interactions are mediated by the AN domain of FtsY. In the absence of phosphatidylethanolamine, the trypsin-sensitive component is sufficient for binding and function of FtsY in the targeting of membrane proteins. We propose a two-step mechanism for the assembly of FtsY on the membrane similar to that of SecA on the E. coli inner membrane.  相似文献   

Tir, the translocated intimin receptor of enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC and EHEC) and Citrobacter rodentium, is translocated into the host cell by a filamentous type III secretion system. Epithelial cell culture has demonstrated that Tir tyrosine phosphorylation is necessary for attaching effacing (A/E) lesion formation by EPEC and C. rodentium, but is not required by EHEC O157:H7. Recent in vivo work on C. rodentium has reported that Tir translocation, but not its phosphorylation, is necessary for colonization of the mouse colon. In this study we investigated the involvement of Tir and its tyrosine phosphorylation in EPEC and EHEC human intestinal colonization, N-WASP accumulation and F-actin recruitment using in vitro organ culture (IVOC). We showed that both EPEC and EHEC Tir are translocated into human intestinal epithelium during IVOC and that Tir is necessary for ex vivo intestinal colonization by both EPEC and EHEC. EPEC, but not EHEC, Tir is tyrosine phosphorylated but Tir phosphorylation-deficient mutants still colonize intestinal explants. While EPEC Tir recruits the host adaptor protein Nck to initiate N-WASP-Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization, Tir derivatives deficient in tyrosine phosphorylation recruit N-WASP independently of Nck indicating the presence of a tyrosine phosphorylation-independent mechanism of A/E lesion formation and actin recruitment ex vivo by EPEC in man.  相似文献   

Many significant bacterial pathogens use a type III secretion system to inject effector proteins into host cells to disrupt specific cellular functions, enabling disease progression. The injection of these effectors into host cells is often dependent on dedicated chaperones within the bacterial cell. In this report, we demonstrate that the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) chaperone CesT interacts with a variety of known and putative type III effector proteins. Using pull-down and secretion assays, a degenerate CesT binding domain was identified within multiple type III effectors. Domain exchange experiments between selected type III effector proteins revealed a modular nature for the CesT binding domain, as demonstrated by secretion, chaperone binding, and infection assays. The CesT-interacting type III effector Tir, which is crucial for in vivo intestinal colonization, had to be expressed and secreted for efficient secretion of other type III effectors. In contrast, the absence of other CesT-interacting type III effectors did not abrogate effector secretion, indicating an unexpected hierarchy with respect to Tir for type III effector delivery. Coordinating the expression of other type III effectors with cesT in the absence of tir partially restored total type III effector secretion, thereby implicating CesT in secretion events. Collectively, the results suggest a coordinated mechanism involving both Tir and CesT for type III effector injection into host cells.  相似文献   

Proper placement of the division apparatus in Escherichia coli requires pole-to-pole oscillation of the MinC division inhibitor. MinC dynamics involves a membrane association-dissociation cycle that is driven by the activities of the MinD ATPase and the MinE topological specificity factor, which themselves undergo coupled oscillatory localization cycles. To understand the biochemical mechanisms underlying Min protein dynamics, we studied the interactions of purified Min proteins with phospholipid vesicles and the role of ATP in these interactions. We show that (i) the ATP-bound form of MinD (MinD.ATP) readily associates with phospholipid vesicles in the presence of Mg(2+), whereas the ADP-bound form (MinD.ADP) does not; (ii) MinD.ATP binds membrane in a self-enhancing fashion; (iii) both MinC and MinE can be recruited to MinD.ATP-decorated vesicles; (iv) MinE stimulates dissociation of MinD.ATP from the membrane in a process requiring hydrolysis of the nucleotide; and (v) MinE stimulates dissociation of MinC from MinD.ATP-membrane complexes, even when ATP hydrolysis is blocked. The results support and extend recent work by Z. Hu et al. (Z. Hu, E. P. Gogol, and J. Lutkenhaus, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:6761-6766, 2002) and support models of protein oscillation wherein MinE induces Min protein dynamics by stimulating the conversion of the membrane-bound form of MinD (MinD.ATP) to the cytoplasmic form (MinD.ADP). The results also indicate that MinE-stimulated dissociation of MinC from the MinC-MinD.ATP-membrane complex can, and may, occur prior to hydrolysis of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

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