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Zhao P  Hamada C  Inoue K  Yamamoto H 《Phytochemistry》2003,62(7):1093-1099
It has previously been demonstrated that the addition of cork tissue to cell suspension cultures of Sophora flavescens stimulates the production of sophoraflavanone G, most of which has been recovered from the added cork tissue. In the present study, it was found that two precursors of sophoraflavanone G, 8-prenylnaringenin (sophoraflavanone B) and leachianone G, both of which have never been detected either in cultured cells or in the original plants, also accumulated in the added cork tissue. Thirteen minor flavonoids including three prenylated flavonoids, in addition to 8-prenylnaringenin and leachianone G, were isolated from the cork tissue co-incubated with S. flavescens cells. The new compounds flavescenones A, B and C, were determined to be (3R)-5, 7, 2'-trihydroxy-6-gamma, gamma-dimethylallyl-4', 5'-methylenedioxyisoflavanone; 5, 7, 2'-trihydroxy-6-gamma, gamma-dimethylallyl-4', 5'-methylenedioxyisoflavone and 2-[2',4'-dihydroxy-3'-(gamma-hydroxymethyl-gamma-methylallyl)phenyl]-5,6-methylenedioxybenzofuran, respectively, by means of spectroscopic analyses that included 2D-NMR techniques.  相似文献   

Federolf K  Alfermann AW  Fuss E 《Phytochemistry》2007,68(10):1397-1406
Suspension cultures initiated from two different Linum album seedlings accumulate either podophyllotoxin (PTOX, 2.6 mg/g DW) or 6-methoxypodophyllotoxin (6MPTOX, 5.4 mg/g DW) as main lignans. Two molecules of coniferyl alcohol are dimerized to pinoresinol which is converted via several steps into deoxypodophyllotoxin (DOP) which seems to be the branching point to PTOX or 6MPTOX biosynthesis. DOP is hydroxylated at position 7 to give PTOX by deoxypodophyllotoxin 7-hydroxylase (DOP7H). In contrast, 6MPTOX biosynthesis is achieved by DOP hydroxylation at position 6 to beta-peltatin by the cytochrome P450 enzyme deoxypodophyllotoxin 6-hydroxylase (DOP6H). The following methylation to beta-peltatin-A-methylether is catalyzed by beta-peltatin 6-O-methyltransferase (betaP6OMT) from which 6MPTOX is formed by hydroxylation at position 7 by beta-peltatin-A-methylether 7-hydroxylase (PAM7H). DOP6H and betaP6OMT could be characterized in protein extracts from cell cultures of L. flavum and L. nodiflorum, respectively, and here in L. album for the first time. DOP7H and PAM7H activities could not yet be detected with protein extracts. Experiments of feeding DOP together with inhibitors of cytochrome P450 depending as well as dioxygenase enzymes were performed in order to shed light on the type of DOP7H and PAM7H. Growth parameters and specific activities of enzymes from the phenylpropane as well as the lignan specific biosynthetic pathway were measured during a culture period of 16 days. From the enzymes studied only the DOP6H showed a differential activity sustaining the hypothesis that this enzyme is responsible for the differential lignan accumulation in both cell lines.  相似文献   

Conditions have been established for the optimization of the specific activity of a membrane-bound monoterpene hydroxylase from cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus. In time course studies, the hydroxylase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase exhibited maximal activities 18–20 days after inoculation, i.e., during early stationary phase. By late stationary phase, enzyme activity had declined. In contrast an enzyme of primary metabolism achieved optimal specific activity by the 12th day and remained constant through day 26, synchronous with general growth. Effects of nutritional and hormonal factors on the specific activity of the hydroxylase and cell growth were evaluated. Inhibitors of hydroxylase activity were also assessed in vitro. A soluble form of the monoterpene hydroxylase has been detected in cultured cells possibly affording a useful source of this enzyme for further purification.  相似文献   

A methyltransferase, which catalyzes the methylation of luteolin (Km, 16 μM) using S-adenosyl-l-methionine as the methyl donor, has been purified about 38-fold from cell suspension cultures of soybean (Glycine max L., var. Mandarin). The following 3,4-dihydroxy phenolic compounds were also methylated: luteolin 7-O-glucoside (Km, 28 μm), quercetin (Km, 35 μm), eriodictyol (Km, 75 μm), 5-hydroxyferulic acid (Km, 227 μm), dihydroquercetin (Km, 435 μm), and caffeic acid (Km, 770 μm). Rutin and quercetin 3-O-glucoside were poor substrates. Methylation proceeded only in the meta position. The enzyme was unable to catalyze the methylation of p-coumaric acid, m-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, isoferulic acid, sinapic acid, apigenin, or naringenin. While the isoflavones biochanin A and daidzein did not serve as substrates, texasin (6,7-dihydroxy-3′-methoxyisoflavone) was methylated (Km, 35 μm). The methylation of caffeic acid and quercetin showed a pH optimum of 8.6–8.9. The enzyme required Mg2+ ions for maximum activity (approximately 1 mm) and could be totally inhibited by EDTA (10 mm). The Km for S-adenosyl-l-methionine was 11 μm. S-Adenosyl-l-homocysteine inhibited the methylation of luteolin by S-adenosyl-l-methionine.  相似文献   

8-dimethylallylnaringenin (8-DMAN) 2'-hydroxylase, which is indispensable for the formation of a lavandulylated flavanone, sophoraflavanone G, was detected in cell suspension cultures of Sophora flavescens. The enzyme catalyzes the 2'-hydroxylation of 8-DMAN to leachianone G, and is tightly bound to the membrane. It required NADPH and molecular oxygen as cofactors, and was inhibited by several cytochrome P450 inhibitors such as carbon monoxide and cytochrome c, indicating that the reaction is mediated by a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase. The optimum pH of 8-DMAN 2'-hydroxylase was 8.5, and the enzyme hydroxylated only 8-DMAN. Apparent Km values for 8-DMAN and NADPH of the enzyme were 55 and 34 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

Although the developmental programs of plants and animals differ, key regulatory components of their cell cycle have been conserved. Particular attention has been paid to the role of the complexes between highly conserved cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinases in regulating progression through the cell cycle. The recent demonstration that roscovitine is a potent and selective inhibitor of the animal cyclin-dependent kinases cdc2 (CDK1), CDK2 and CDK5 prompted an investigation into its effects on progression through the plant cell cycle. Roscovitine induced arrests both in late G1 and late G2 phase in BY-2 tobacco cell suspensions. Both blocks were fully reversible when roscovitine was used at concentrations similar to those used in the animal system. Stationary-phase cells subcultured in the presence of roscovitine were arrested at a 2C DNA content. This arrest was more efficient without exogenous addition of plant growth regulator. Roscovitine induced a block in G1 earlier than that induced by aphidicolin. S-phase synchronized cells treated with roscovitine were arrested at a 4C DNA content at the G2/ M transition. The expression analysis of a mitotic cyclin (NTCYC1) indicated that the roscovitine-induced G2 block probably occurs in late G2. Finally, cells in metaphase were insensitive to roscovitine. The purified CDK/cyclin kinase activities of late G1 and early M arrested cells were inhibited in vitro by roscovitine. The implications of these experimental observations for the requirement for CDK activity during progression through the plant cell cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

Two stage culture systems were examined in cell suspensions of Thalictrum rugosum which produce berberine in a growth associated manner. The utilization of indole 3-acetic acid (IAA) as a growth regulator, in place of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), at various growth phases was investigated. Although the enhancing effect was clear when it was used separately, in combination with 2,4-D effect of IAA was suppressed and medium change from 2,4-D to IAA was detrimental to product formation. The decrease of berberine production in this two stage culture may be due to the loss of conditioning factors associated with medium replacement.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale bioreactor was constructed from glass and polycarbonate materials whereby a track-etch membrane (3 microns pore diameter) was integrated into its two-part bottom flange. The reactor performance was evaluated for continuous hybridoma suspension cultures under various conditions of cell retention. A total retention experiment demonstrated that this type of stirred tank reactor cannot be operated at near zero growth rate conditions. Instead, at steady viable cell concentrations of congruent to 3 x 10(6) cells per ml, specific growth and death rates were estimated at 0.60 +/- 0.06 d-1. Specific substrate (glucose, glutamine, O2, amino acids) consumption, by-product (ammonia, alanine, amino acids) and product (antibody) production rates as well as various apparent molar yield coefficients were obtained and are compared to metabolic quotients and yield coefficients previously calculated from standard continuous culture experiments, i.e., without cell retention, at specific growth rates of 0.63 and 1.24 d-1. Furthermore, steady-state data on viable cell and antibody concentrations, spec. mAb productivities, and space-time yields determined before and after a step change (2.5-fold increase) in dilution rate at identical specific growth rates mu are presented.  相似文献   

The binding stability of the different nucleotide-dependent and -independent interactions between elongation factor 2 (EF-2) and 80S ribosomes, as well as 60S subunits, was studied and correlated to the kinetics of the EF-2- and ribosome-dependent hydrolysis of GTP. Empty reconstituted 80S ribosomes were found to contain two subpopulations of ribosomes, with approximately 80% capable of binding EF-2.GuoPP[CH2]P with high affinity (Kd less than 10(-9) M) and the rest only capable of binding the factor-nucleotide complex with low affinity (Kd = 3.7 x 10(-7) M). The activity of the EF-2- and 80S-ribosome dependent GTPase did not respond linearly to increasing factor concentrations. At low EF-2/ribosome ratios the number of GTP molecules hydrolyzed/factor molecule was considerably lower than at higher ratios. The low response coincided with the formation of the high-affinity complex. At increasing EF-2/ribosome ratios, the ribosomes capable of forming the high-affinity complex was saturated with EF-2, thus allowing formation of the low-affinity ribosome.EF-2 complex. Simultaneously, the GTPase activity/factor molecule increased, indicating that the low-affinity complex was responsible for activating the GTP hydrolysis. The large ribosomal subunits constituted a homogeneous population that interacted with EF-2 in a low-affinity (Kd = 1.3 x 10(-6) M) GTPase active complex, suggesting that the ribosomal domain responsible for activating the GTPase was located on the 60S subunit. Ricin treatment converted the 80S particles to the type of conformation only capable of interacting with EF-2 in a low-affinity complex. The structural alteration was accompanied by a dramatic increase in the EF-2-dependent GTPase activity. Surprisingly, ricin had no effect on the factor-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis in the presence of 60S subunits alone.  相似文献   

Dean JV  Mohammed LA  Fitzpatrick T 《Planta》2005,221(2):287-296
The metabolism of salicylic acid (SA) in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. KY 14) cell suspension cultures was examined by adding [7–14C]SA to the cell cultures for 24 h and identifying the metabolites through high performance liquid chromatography analysis. The three major metabolites of SA were SA 2-O--D-glucose (SAG), methylsalicylate 2-O--D-glucose (MeSAG) and methylsalicylate. Studies on the intracellular localization of the metabolites revealed that all of the SAG associated with tobacco protoplasts was localized in the vacuole. However, the majority of the MeSAG was located outside the vacuole. The tobacco cells contained an SA inducible SA glucosyltransferase (SAGT) enzyme that formed SAG. The SAGT enzyme was not associated with the vacuole and appeared to be a cytoplasmic enzyme. The vacuolar transport of SAG was characterized by measuring the uptake of [14C]SAG into tonoplast vesicles isolated from tobacco cell cultures. SAG uptake was stimulated eightfold by the addition of MgATP. The ATP-dependent uptake of SAG was inhibited by bafilomycin A1 (a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar H+-ATPase) and dissipation of the transtonoplast H+-electrochemical gradient. Vanadate was not an inhibitor of SAG uptake. Several -glucose conjugates were strong inhibitors of SAG uptake, whereas glutathione and glucuronide conjugates were only marginally inhibitory. The SAG uptake exhibited Michaelis–Menten type saturation kinetics with a Km and Vmax value of 11 M and 205 pmol min–1 mg–1, respectively, for SAG. Based on the transport characteristics it appears as if the vacuolar uptake of SAG in tobacco cells occurs through an H+-antiport-type mechanism.  相似文献   

Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (P3HB) degradation capabilities of a novel bacterium, Anoxybacillus gonensis G2, were investigated. Both changes on film surfaces of the solution-cast films monitored by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and weight loss up to 24% after 72 h exposure to A. gonensis G2 cultures indicated secretion of an active esterase responsible for the degradation of P3HB films. Kinetic parameters, Vmax and Km for the esterase activity of crude enzyme from A. gonensis G2 in the presence of p-nitrophenylbutyrate as substrate were observed as 50 U/L and 0.125 mM, respectively, in 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.5 at 60 degrees C. The stimulation of the activity by Ca2+ is an evidence for the requirement of Ca2+ as a cofactor for the enzyme activity which is a characteristic for lipases/esterases. Inhibition of the esterase activity by metal chelating agents such as ethylenediamine tetraacetate, azide and cyanide has also supported the requirement of a metal ion for the activity. The thermal and pH stability profiles for the enzyme showed that the thermophilic bacterium A. gonensis G2 secretes an extracellular thermoalkalophilic PHB depolymerase active at 60 degrees C, and stable at this temperature for 120 min at pH 7.5 and for 24 h at pH 7.5-9.5 range at 4 degrees C by retaining over 75% of its initial activities.  相似文献   

Photoheterotrophic and photoautotrophic cell suspension cultures were raised from a callus tissue derived from a Morinda lucida Benth. plant (Rubiaceae). The cultures were characterized with regard to fresh weight, dry weight, cell number, pH, chlorophyll and quinoid natural products. The amount of lipoquinones (phylloquinone, -tocopherol, plastoquinone, ubiquinone) isolated from the photoautotrophic cultures matched the amount detected in an intact leaf. Anthraquinone glycosides which are found in the roots of Morinda plants were not present in the photoautotrophic culture. The photoheterotrophic culture contained only trace amounts of these pigments. Abundant anthraquinone synthesis was observed when photoautotrophic and photoheterotrophic suspension cultures were transferred into darkness, provided sucrose was present in the medium. Induction of synthesis of anthraquinone pigments coincided with a rapid disappearance of lipoquinones from the culture. Thus, in the suspension culture, photoautotrophy correlates with lipoquinone synthesis and heterotrophy correlates with anthraquinone synthesis. This reflects the situation in the intact plants where lipoquinones are chloroplast-associated whereas anthraquinones occur in the roots.Abbreviation HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

We have previously identified two G protein-linked acetylcholine receptors (GARs), GAR-1 and GAR-3, in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Whereas GAR-3 is a homologue of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs), GAR-1 is similar to but pharmacologically distinct from mAChRs. In the current work we isolated a new type of GAR using C. elegans genome sequence information. This receptor, named GAR-2, consists of 614 amino acid residues and has seven putative transmembrane domains. Database searches indicate that GAR-2 is most similar to GAR-1 and closely related to GAR-3/mAChRs. The overall amino acid sequence identities to GAR-1 and GAR-3 are approximately 32 and approximately 23%, respectively. When GAR-2 was coexpressed with the G protein-activated inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK1) channel in XENOPUS: oocytes, acetylcholine was able to evoke the GIRK current in a dose-dependent fashion. Oxotremorine, a classical muscarinic agonist, had little effect on the receptor, indicating that GAR-2 is pharmacologically different from mAChRs but rather similar to GAR-1. GAR-2 differs from GAR-1, however, in that it showed virtually no response to muscarinic antagonists such as atropine, scopolamine, and pirenzepine. Expression studies using green fluorescent protein reporter gene fusion revealed that GAR-2 is expressed in a subset of C. elegans neurons, distinct from those expressing GAR-1. Together with our previous reports, this study demonstrates that diverse types of GARs are present in C. elegans.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,213(2):324-328
Chickpea Cicer arietinum L.) cell suspension cultures transferred into a medium containing yeast extract accumulate the phytoalexins medicarpin and maackiain. Concomitant with accumulation of the pterocarpans a new enzyme activity is induced which was characterized as NADPH:isoflavone oxidoreductase. Maximum enzyme activity was reached 16 h after transfer of cells and then activity rapidly declined. The soluble enzyme was partially purified and shown to catalyze the reduction of the isoflavone 2'-hydroxyformononetin to the isoflavanone vestitone which is an intermediate in medicarpin biosynthesis. The enzyme data suggest that 2'-hydroxylation is a prerequisite for the conversion of isoflavones to pterocarpans.  相似文献   

In this study we describe the response of two tobacco cultivars (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bel B and Bel W3) and their cell suspension cultures to quercinin, a novel elicitin produced by the oak pathogen Phytophthora quercina. N-terminal sequencing of the purified protein proved that it belongs to the basic β-elicitins with threonine on position 13. Both tobacco leaves and cells of the cultivar Bel W3 showed hypersensitive cell death after quercinin treatment. Leaves of Bel B also developed quercinin-induced necrosis but higher concentrations of quercinin were necessary as compared to Bel W3. Also Bel B cells showed cell death induction only at the highest quercinin concentration (20 nM). In cell suspension experiments we also measured the quercinin-induced oxidative burst, which occurred in both cultivars. H2O2 production in Bel B increased with increasing quercinin concentration and was inhibited only at the highest elicitin concentration (20 nM) whereas the oxidative burst in Bel W3 was completely abolished by 5 nM quercinin. Furthermore we demonstrated that neither H2O2 nor superoxide were responsible for cell death induction since neither the inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) nor the enzymes catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) influenced the hypersensitive reaction (HR) in Bel W3 cells. Due to the different response of Bel W3 and Bel B towards the P. quercina elicitin, our system represents an interesting tool to elucidate signaling pathways in tobacco leading to hypersensitive cell death.  相似文献   

In cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus a rapid accumulation of secondary compounds (tryptamine, indole alkaloids, phenolics) was observed after transfer of the cells into special ‘induction’-media devoid of phosphate and other essential growth factors [11, 14]. The increase of product levels was suppressed in the presence of phosphate which was almost completely taken up from the medium and accumulated by the cells within 48 h after inoculation. The activities of tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC), the first enzyme in indole alkaloid biosynthesis, and of phenyl-alanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), the key enzyme of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, were influenced differently by phosphate. Whereas the accumulation of phenolics and PAL activity were similarly inhibited by low concentration of phosphate, the medium-induced enhanced activity of TDC was not affected although the product pools were considerably reduced. Some consequences for the regulation of secondary metabolism will be discussed.  相似文献   

A new method was developed to study transient gene expression, stable transformation, and cotransformation in suspension cells, such as mouse myeloma and erythroleukemia cells. This method involves attachment of cells to a concanavalin A-coated tissue culture dish, treatment of cells with DEAE-dextran to adsorb plasmid DNA to the attached cells, and finally treatment with a 40% solution of polyethylene glycol to facilitate the uptake of DNA by the cells. Plasmids pSV2cat and pSV2neo were used as markers to optimize the conditions for transient gene expression and stable transformation, respectively, of mouse myeloma and erythroleukemia cells. This method was successfully used to obtain cotransformants of mouse myeloma cells.  相似文献   

A photoautotrophic suspension culture of soybeans was found to exhibit light-dependent expression of the genes encoding the major chlorophyll a- and b-binding protein (CAB). The expression was mediated by phytochrome, since it was induced by red light and reversed by far-red light. The maximal level as well as the kinetics of the induction were comparable between the suspension culture and soybean seedlings. Using this cell culture, we addressed the question of whether a calcium- and/or calmodulin-mediated step is involved in the signal transduction process between phytochrome and CAB expression. We found that W-7, a potent calmodulin antagonist, severely attenuated the induction of CAB mRNA by light, whereas W-5, a weak calmodulin antagonist, had little effect. Control experiments demonstrated that W-7 treatment did not block the induction of hsp-75 by heat shock. The addition of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, induced a low level of CAB mRNA accumulation in the dark which could be further enhanced by light treatment. We propose that calmodulin activation by light is necessary but not sufficient to induce maximal CAB expression.  相似文献   

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