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按照最优化觅食理论,动物在取食时需在能量获取与捕食风险之间权衡。本文通过室内行为实验,研究两种旧大陆果蝠棕果蝠和犬蝠对食物大小的选择规律与取食策略。按体积由小到大将苹果分为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型4 种类型的食物块,通过红外相机观察果蝠对不同大小食块的取食情况,并就其对各类型食块的取食率、取食次数和停留时间进行统计分析。结果表明:这两种果蝠对Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型食块的取食率显著高于Ⅰ型和Ⅳ型;对Ⅰ型食块的取食次数显著高于Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型;对Ⅳ型食块的停留时间显著高于Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型。它们在摄取体积较小的食块时,以取走后进食为主要取食方式,但摄取大体积食块时则主要在原地进食。取食过程中,果蝠优先选择大小适于搬运的食块,是捕食风险与能量收益权衡的结果。  相似文献   

为了研究地标(landmarks)是否影响犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)的空间记忆,我们通过室内模拟试验研究犬蝠和地标在觅食过程中空间记忆形成的关系。实验组按照每天地标数分别为0、2、4、8、0的数目连续进行5天实验,对照组不设地标进行相同条件的实验。结果显示,两组犬蝠第一次取食所用的时间与实验天数之间极显著相关(Pearson Correlations: 实验组r=-0.593, P<0.01;对照组r=-0.581, P<0.01);实验组取食成功率与实验天数之间无明显相关性(Pearson Correlations: r=0.177, P>0.05);对照组取食成功率与实验天数之间显著相关(Pearson Correlations: r=0.445, P<0.05)。实验组与对照组犬蝠第一次取食的时间差异不显著(GLM: F0.05,1=4.703, P>0.05),两组间取食的成功率差异也不显著(GLM: F0.05,1=0.849, P>0.05)。这些结果说明了随着时间增加,犬蝠对取食地的空间记忆逐渐形成,放置地标在犬蝠对取食地空间记忆形成的过程中无显著影响。  相似文献   

西双版纳地区犬蝠和棕果蝠食性的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
犬蝠和棕果蝠是西双版纳地区较为常见的两个果蝠物种,大多数时间内它们同域分布,共同利用当地许多野生果实。从2004年6月至12月,我们采用拾遗法、粪便分析法以及种子萌发鉴定法并结合雾网采样对西双版纳地区这两种果蝠的食性进行了初步研究。结果发现犬蝠利用11科18种植物的果实,2科2种植物的叶片;而棕果蝠利用9科12种植物的果实,1科1种植物的叶片。研究发现雨季(6-10月)两种果蝠食物类型在本地区重叠程度较高,它们共同利用的植物类型占记录植物类型总数的65%。在干旱季节(11-12月),棕果蝠避开与犬蝠在食物方面的竞争而去别的地力开拓食物资源。  相似文献   

2004年5月-2006年4月采用拾遗法、粪便内容物分析法及实地观察对广州地区常见的食果蝙蝠-犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)进行了食性研究。对26份食物残留物和粪便样品的分析结果表明:犬蝠的食物包含13科21种的植物果实,3科3种的植物叶片,如:蒲桃(Syzygium jambos)、蒲葵(Livistona subglobosa)及龙眼(Dimocarous longan)的果实。其食性随果实的成熟季节而出现明显的季节性变化,夏秋两季大量食用各种水果,而在食物欠缺的春冬两季则主要食用棕榈科蒲葵的种子。广州地区犬蝠的繁殖期在每年的5-10月。  相似文献   

2015年5~12月,利用无线电跟踪方法对澳门路环3只犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx;2♂♂,1♀)的捕食区进行研究。结果发现,3只犬蝠的月平均捕食区面积的大小差异显著(F_(3,23)=77.854,P0.000 1),2雄性的捕食区面积分别为(1.6±0.4)hm2(n=8)和(17.9±6.6)hm~2(n=8),雌性为(31.7±4.7)hm2(n=7);3只犬蝠的捕食区离日栖息地的平均距离差异亦显著(F3,23=16.034,P0.001),2雄性分别为(53.6±12.4)m和(446.2±68.8)m(二者均n=8),雌性为(606.9±94.7)m(n=7);2雄性的捕食区存在部分重叠,但是雌性与2雄性的捕食区均无重叠。此外,不同月份犬蝠的捕食区面积呈现出一定的差异,冬季(11月和12月)捕食区面积相对较大,且雌性的10月份捕食区面积比相邻月份有所减少。本研究说明,犬蝠的捕食区通常靠近其日栖息地,捕食区面积中等,其面积大小具有较为明显的季节变化。  相似文献   

动物在觅食过程中,尝试取食陌生食物会给其带来潜在的风险或是利益。许多动物在首次遇到陌生食物时,不会立即对其进行取食,甚至感到恐惧而避开,这是动物应对陌生食物和环境的一种恐新行为(neophobia)。2010年10—12月,对广东省四会市圈养条件下的犬蝠Cynopterus sphinx取食行为进行研究。结果发现,在实验中犬蝠首次面对陌生食物(苹果)刺激时表现出2种不同的行为,14只实验个体中,6只在首次面对陌生食物时直接对其进行取食,定义其为探索者(explorer);而另外8只对陌生食物表现出了恐新行为,定义其为恐新者(coward)。在人为施加的环境压力下,恐新者经过反复试探,首次成功取食陌生食物后才接纳陌生食物。雌雄个体间(Mann-Whitney U test:雌性31.3 min±8.5 min,n=6,雄性122.8 min±16.2 min,n=5,U=721.0,P<0.001)及亚成体与成体间(Mann-Whitney U test:亚成体20.9 min±10.9 min,n=3,成体72.9 min±9.7 min,n=11,U=901.0,P<0.001)在首次取食行为上的差异均有统计学意义,雌性和亚成体个体更易于接受陌生食物。本文研究结果表明,犬蝠对陌生食物首次取食的这2种行为差异各自有其生态学意义,探索者的行为利于拓宽取食食物源,以应对野外多变的环境;而恐新者的行为可防止摄入过多有毒或营养过剩的食物。雌性倾向于探索陌生食物,可能与其在种群中的繁殖地位有关;亚成体积极探索陌生食物的行为则体现出其取食经验上的缺乏,同时也利于将陌生食物引入种群食谱中。行为的多样性利于种群繁衍,本文探讨了2种取食策略各自的利弊关系。  相似文献   

犬蝠对小果野芭蕉的取食及种子传播   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2004年9月到12月,在西双版纳热带植物园沟谷雨林内,通过详细的野外观察和雾网实验以及种子的定时收集方法,对犬蝠(Cynopterussphinx)取食小果野芭蕉(Musaacuminata)的行为及规律进行了研究。发现在夜晚24:00以前,犬蝠取食小果野芭蕉有明显的2个活动高峰,分别发生在20:30和22:30左右,这一结果与雾网采样结果较为一致。在研究期间的雨季(9-10月)和干季(11-12月),犬蝠平均被捕获量为2.2±0.3只/d、1.4±0.3只/d,二者之间没有显著的差异;同时这两个季节收集的种子团数量分别为9.0±1.1个/d和7.2±1.4个/d,也没有显著差异。犬蝠对小果野芭蕉种子的传播受生境影响较为显著,各样地间种子传播的结果大不相同;地点和季节对犬蝠传播种子也不存在交互影响。犬蝠对小果野芭蕉种子的传播距离为50-200m,是小果野芭蕉有效的种子传播者  相似文献   

2006年9月-2007年3月,在广州市区对犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx angulatus)的分布和栖息地的选择进行了研究.结果表明:共发现犬蝠栖巢45个,有犬蝠栖息的26个;犬蝠对栖息植物的选择具有专一性,主要利用景观树蒲葵(Livistona chinensis)的叶片建造栖巢,其栖息地跟人类活动区域高度重合.捕获的18个栖群中5个栖群为全捕,13个栖群有部分个体未捕获;其中17个栖群中包括有雄性个体,占群体总数的94%;5个全捕栖群中,2个为一雄多雌,一个为一雄一雌群体,一个为独栖雄性,另一个为多个雄性的"单身汉群体".  相似文献   

海口地区犬蝠冬季食性及栖宿地类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)是海口地区较为常见的一种果蝠,属于近危兽类。对其生态学研究有助于了解犬蝠在生态系统中的作用,并为野生动物管理提供基础资料。从2005年10月至2006年1月,采用直接观察法、拾遗法、粪便分析法并结合雾网采样法对本地区犬蝠冬季的栖宿地类型及食性进行了研究。结果发现,犬蝠主要栖宿在椰子等棕榈科植物的大型叶片下以及废弃的房屋中;其食物包括9科11种植物的果实、2科2种植物的叶片和1种植物的茎。  相似文献   

2020年10月17日,在甘肃省卓尼县(103°30′37″ E,34°35′00″ N,海拔2 540 m)用手网采集到1只雌性蝙蝠;该个体前臂长59.98 mm;两耳宽大,耳缘具毛,双耳前缘基部在额顶相联;吻部突出,上唇肥厚有褶皱;尾从尾膜后缘伸出一半;足掌具明显可见肉垫;各脚趾缘具有白色硬毛;背毛呈土褐色,毛基苍白色。头骨狭长,颅全长24.05 mm;颧弓平直;上门齿与上犬齿大,下门齿小,齿式为1.1.2.3/ = 32。以上形态特征均与宽耳犬吻蝠(Tadarida insignis)相符;基于细胞色素b基因(Cyt b)系统发育学证据也支持上述结果,故将此标本鉴定为宽耳犬吻蝠。此为该种在甘肃省翼手目分布新记录。  相似文献   

The unusual feature of the breeding cycle of Cynopterus sphinx at Varanasi is the significant variation in gestation length of the two successive pregnancies of the year. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the prolongation of the first pregnancy in C. sphinx is due to delayed embryonic development. The first (winter) pregnancy commences in late October and lasts until late March and has a gestation period of about 150 days. The second (summer) pregnancy commences in April and lasts until the end of July or early August with a gestation period of about 125 days. Changes in the size and weight of uterine cornua during the two successive pregnancies suggest retarded embryonic growth during November and December. Histological analysis during the period of retarded embryonic development in November and December showed a slow gastrulation process. The process of amniogenesis was particularly slow. When the embryos attained the early primitive streak stage, their developmental rate suddenly increased considerably. During the summer pregnancy, on the other hand, the process of gastrulation was much faster and proceeded quickly. A comparison of the pattern of embryonic development for 4 consecutive years consistently showed retarded or delayed embryonic development during November and December. The time of parturition and post-partum oestrus showed only a limited variation from 1 year to another. This suggests that delayed embryonic development in C. sphinx may function to synchronize parturition among females. The period of delayed embryonic development in this species clearly coincides with the period of fat deposition. The significance of this correlation warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Observations on mating behaviours and strategies guide our understanding of mating systems and variance in reproductive success. However, the presence of cryptic strategies often results in situations where social mating system is not reflective of genetic mating system. We present such a study of the genetic mating system of a harem-forming bat Cynopterus sphinx where harems may not be true indicators of male reproductive success. This temporal study using data from six seasons on paternity reveals that social harem assemblages do not play a role in the mating system, and variance in male reproductive success is lower than expected assuming polygynous mating. Further, simulations reveal that the genetic mating system is statistically indistinguishable from promiscuity. Our results are in contrast to an earlier study that demonstrated high variance in male reproductive success. Although an outcome of behavioural mating patterns, standardized variance in male reproductive success (I(m)) affects the opportunity for sexual selection. To gain a better understanding of the evolutionary implications of promiscuity for mammals in general, we compared our estimates of I(m) and total opportunity for sexual selection (I(m) /I(f), where I(f) is standardized variance in female reproductive success) with those of other known promiscuous species. We observed a broad range of I(m) /I(f) values across known promiscuous species, indicating our poor understanding of the evolutionary implications of promiscuous mating.  相似文献   

Development of roosting patterns under a limited resource was studied in the short-nosed fruit bat C. sphinx in captivity. Spatial fidelity during the resting period (day time) and the individual male bat's presence/absence in the roost (occupancy index) were estimated during the active period (night time). Results show the presence of three groups on the basis of spatial fidelity. The first group was associated with the tent consisting of a harem male and seven females. The second group stayed near to the harem. The third group consisting of two males showed little occupancy index and no spatial fidelity. Female turnover between the first and second groups, and harem male replacement were observed. These findings of male groupings and female loyalty on the basis of "resource", suggest that resource defence polygyny is the primary mating strategy in C. sphinx.  相似文献   

We report a sequence of behaviors exhibited by the short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx while feeding on fruits of Mangifera indica. They peel off the outer skin to form a feeding area of about 3–6 cm diameter. Such food preparatory behaviors were more pronounced on larger mangoes. Bats competed among themselves to feed on the mangoes that had such feeding areas exposed. Individuals that spent a considerable amount of time on food preparatory behaviors actively secured the fruits. Altogether, these behaviors indicate that Cynopterus bats might have learnt, over evolutionary time, and developed behaviors that facilitate efficient processing and feeding of fruits such as mangoes. It appears that actions exhibited by C. sphinx in peeling off the outer skin of mangoes exemplify “extractive foraging”, a behavior that is prominently known in large-brained mammals. Thus, our findings will have implications on the distribution and evolution of extractive foraging and “technical intelligence” among mammalian lineages.  相似文献   

In a stressful situation, greater short-nosed fruit bats (Cynopterus sphinx) emit audible vocalization either to warn or to inform conspecifics. We examined the effect of distress calls on bats emitting the call as well as the bats receiving the distress signal through analysis of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and catacholaminargic systems. We measured the levels of neurotransmitters [serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE)] and stress hormones [(adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT)]. Our results showed that distress call emission elevated the level of ACTH and CORT, as well as 5-HT, DA and NE in the amygdala, for both the call emitting bat and the responding bat. Subsequently, we observed increased activity of glucocorticoid receptor and its steroid receptor co-activator (SRC-1). An expression of SRC-1 was up-regulated in the distress call emitter only, whereas it was at a similar level in both the call responder and silent bats. These findings suggest that bats emitting distress calls and also bats responding to such calls have similar neurotransmitter expression patterns, and may react similarly in response to stress.  相似文献   

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