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The evergreen broad-leaved forest of Rhododendron ponticum represents a special type of Mediterranean vegetation because of their relict nature (allegedly pre-glacial, Southern-Iberian and Pontic) and connection with Macaronesian-Atlantic flora. The findings of ecomorphological (growth forms) and phenological (phenology) studies point to characteristics typical of its relict character and its relationship with subtropical lauroid vegetation (greater forest stratification, larger leaves, high percentage of photosynthetic stems, scarce tomentosity, pre-flowering in a season different to Mediterranean species and closeness of autumn–winter flowering species). There are, however, links with typical Mediterranean vegetation (Quercus L. forests) that surrounds the Rhododendron stands, due to its adaptation to Mediterranean climate (sclerophyll leaves, plant and leaf duration, post-fire regeneration, fleshy fruit and fruit setting-seed dispersal seasonality). Within the community, different groups of plants show different adaptations to the same biotope, suggesting their distinct paleo-phytogeographical origins. The results confirm the singularity of this vegetation within the typically Mediterranean environment where it grows and its connections with other extra-Mediterranean types.  相似文献   

Several Abies species are currently present in the Mediterranean region and most of them are endemic taxa and tertiary relicts. Using six nuclear microsatellites, we studied the genetic structure and inter-specific relationships among West Mediterranean firs, A. pinsapo (Spain), A. maroccana and A. tazaotana (Morocco). Based on the hypothesis that A. pinsapo could historically exchange genes with A. alba growing in the Pyrenees via secondary contact, we investigated the level of genetic admixture between these species using a Bayesian approach. The studied populations showed moderate genetic diversity (mean HE = 0.598) and a high level of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.225) that was especially pronounced between A. alba and the African firs. All populations experienced a strong bottleneck effect that was likely induced by climatic changes occurring in the West Mediterranean during the last glacial cycle and the Holocene. According to Bayesian clustering, both African taxa grouped together in a single cluster, the two A. pinsapo populations formed a second cluster, and two additional clusters were detected within A. alba. Our results indicate that A. tazaotana is genetically very close to A. maroccana, and hence these two taxa should probably not be considered as separate species. We found no genetic admixture between A. pinsapo and A. alba and only minor between A. pinsapo and the African fir populations suggesting an isolation effect of the Gibraltar Strait. Current limited distributions of firs in the Mediterranean region together with changing climate may lead to further deterioration of the genetic diversity levels. Hence, future efforts should focus on monitoring the demography and genetic threats to existing populations.  相似文献   

Abies alba Mill. (European silver fir) and Fagus sylvatica L. (beech) are Eurosiberian species dispersed over the Iberian Peninsula. Climate change predictions indicate a rise in temperature and a decrease in precipitation in this region, threatening the future existence of these species. In the present study we analyzed the future topo-climatic suitability of Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica and the mixed forests of these two species, using the General Linear Models technique and data from the third National Forest Inventory (Ministerio de Agricultura PyA, 2007). We considered two modeling approaches based on niche theory: modeling community (Abieti-Fagetum) and overlapping individual species models. General trends showed an overall decrease in both species’ topo-climatic suitability and indicated that the Pyrenees will play a crucial role as a climatic refuge. The modeling approaches markedly differed, however, in their current and future spatial agreement. Despite good accuracy results, community modeling through co-occurrence does not encompass the environmental space of individual species prejudicing future assessments in new environmental situations, suggesting a need for future studies in community modeling.  相似文献   

The results of 15 years of monitoring of Posidonia oceanica in the “Cinque Terre” Marine Protected Area (NW Mediterranean) are presented. Seasonal data on meadow characteristics (cover and shoot density), plant phenology (leaf number, leaf length and width, leaf brown portion, undamaged leaves), lepidochronology, leaf epiphyte cover and herbivore pressure collected from three stations at 5, 10 and 17 m depth were compared. Time-series analyses showed both medium-term (5 < years) and long-term cycles (from 5 to more than 20 years). The comparison of annual cycles with sea surface temperatures (SST) and rainfall showed correlations that differed in relation to depth and, in the case of epiphytes, with each side (internal and external) of the leaf blade. Meadow parameters (visual cover, shoot percent cover) and plant parameters (leaf number, number of undamaged leaves, number of scales shoot−1) showed a positive trend in accordance with the rise of air and sea surface temperature recorded over these last decades. Shoot density and leaf width showed exceptions. Leaf length, leaf brown portion length and the number of undamaged leaves shoot−1 showed positive or negative long-term trends, whose variability could not be related to climate data alone. The two major groups of epiphytes (encrusting algae and the bryozoan Electra posidoniae) showed negative trends. Grazing variability could be explained only partially by climate parameters. Epiphyte cover was found to be related to the NAO index.In conclusion, data showed that the effects of the climate change in terms of both sea surface temperature rising and rainfall decreasing may affect the growth cycles of P. oceanica on two levels: on a decadal level, with positive or negative trends in meadow and plant characteristics and in epiphyte cover; on yearly and seasonal levels, influencing endogenous plant growth rhythms, as in the case of leaf production cycle.  相似文献   

New dental remains of the fossil great ape Anoiapithecus brevirostris are described from the Middle Miocene local stratigraphic series of Abocador de Can Mata (ACM) in els Hostalets de Pierola (Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula). These specimens correspond to maxillary fragments with upper teeth from two female individuals from two different localities: left P3–M1 (IPS41712) from ACM/C3-Aj (type locality; 11.9 Ma [millions of years ago]); and right M1–M2 and left P4–M2 (IPS35027) from ACM/C1-E* (12.3–12.2 Ma). Relative enamel thickness is also computed in the latter individual and re-evaluated in other Middle Miocene hominoids from ACM, in order to better assess their taxonomic affinities. With regard to maxillary sinus development, occlusal morphology, molar proportions and enamel thickness, the new specimens show greater resemblances with the (male) holotype specimen of A. brevirostris. They differ from Pierolapithecus catalaunicus in displaying less inflated crests, a more lingually-located hypocone, and relatively lower-crowned molars; from Dryopithecus fontani, in the relatively thicker enamel and lower-crowned molars; from Hispanopithecus spp., in the more inflated crown bases, less peripheral cusps and more restricted maxillary sinus; and from Hispanopithecus laietanus also in the thicker crests, more restricted occlusal foveae, and relatively lower-crowned molars. The new specimens of A. brevirostris show some slight differences compared with the holotype of this species: smaller size (presumably due to sexual size dimorphism), and less distally-tapering M2 occlusal contour (which is highly variable in both extant and extinct hominoids). The reported remains provide valuable new evidence on dental intraspecific variation and sexual dimorphism in Anoiapithecus. From a taxonomic viewpoint, they support the distinction of this taxon from both Dryopithecus and Pierolapithecus. From a chronostratigraphic perspective, IPS35027 from ACM/C1-E* enlarges the known temporal distribution of Anoiapithecus, further representing the oldest record (first appearance datum) of hominoids in the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

The European and American aspen species Populus tremula and P. tremuloides are closely related taxa with very large distribution ranges and high economic importance. Genetic and morphological data are not fully congruent with respect to the question of the systematic relatedness of these sister taxa, pointing either at separate species on the two continents or a single aggregate species with circumarctic distribution. In a replicated growth trial with 1-year-old saplings, we compared about 30 morphological (leaf size, leaf area, leaf numbers, leaf growth, leaf phenology and the ratio of leaves lost to leaves produced) and physiological traits (Amax, quantum yield, carboxylation efficiency, maximum rates of carboxylation and electron transport, leaf dark respiration, leaf conductance, leaf water potential and WUE) with the aim to obtain evidence in support of or against the one-species hypothesis and to identify key determinants of growth in the two aspen taxa.  相似文献   

Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne) F. Schmitz is an invasive red alga which has recently become widespread in the Mediterranean Sea. Temporal variability in biomass of L. lallemandii across a depth gradient (10-30 m depth), as well as invasive potential by means of its reproductive output and recruitment abilities was assessed. No variability was found across the depth gradient, suggesting a homogenous pattern of invasion between the sampled depths. In contrast, all variables displayed a clear temporal pattern with higher growth and reproductive output with increasing temperatures, both in shallow and deep populations. The high total and relative biomass values of L. lallemandii confirm the invasive nature of this species. Likely, the high potential reproductive output by means of tetrasporocysts (41.8 ± 9.34 cm−2), together with the high recruitment abilities (352 ind. m−2) explains the great colonization capacity of L. lallemandii which prevents any kind of manual eradication.  相似文献   

Recruitment, early survival and growth rates of the precious Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum (L 1758) are poorly known. We examined these life history traits by means of artificial long-term settlement plates. Eighteen marble tiles placed off the coast of Leghorn (Tuscany, Italy) at two depths (25 and 35 m) were photographed monthly over the 4-year period from 1998 to 2002. Overall, 864 transparencies were examined to follow the individual life histories of red coral colonies belonging to four successive cohorts. Red coral planulae settled on tiles each year between July and September. Overall, 388 settlers colonized the tiles (244 at 25 m and 144 at 35 m), and their respective densities varied between 12.37±6.1 and 2.75±2.4 dm−2. Heavy mortality affected these colonies (−24.35±9.12 colonies % y−1), but, after 4 years, the tiles still harboured a persistent population (19±4.97 and 9.75±2.87 colonies dm−2, respectively, at 25 and 35 m) with positive net recruitment rates. Only in 1999 did the net recruitment rate show a negative trend, although only at the shallower depth. At the same time (late summer 1999), a thermal anomaly affected several epibenthic communities in the Ligurian Sea. After 4 years, the tiles were removed, and the colonies that settled on them were measured. The average annual growth rate of colonies was low (0.62±0.19 mm y−1 in diameter), and a marked reduction in growth with age was observed. Our findings suggest that the populations of this slow-growing long-lived octocoral exhibit a high capacity for colonization and seem to be quite resilient to environmental variability.  相似文献   

The Iberian Peninsula encompasses more than 80% of the species richness of European aquatic ranunculi. The floristic diversity of the phytocoenosis characterised by aquatic Ranunculus and the main physical–chemical factors of the water were studied in 43 localities of the central Iberian Peninsula. Four aquatic Ranunculus communities are found in most of the aquatic environments. These are species-poor and have an uneven distribution: three species of Batrachium are heterophyllous and their communities are distributed in different aquatic ecosystems on silicated substrates; one species is homophyllous and its community occurs in various aquatic ecosystems with carbonated waters. In the Mediterranean climate, Ranunculus species are present in different habitats, as shown by the results of all the statistical analyses. Ranunculus trichophyllus communities occur in base-rich waters with a high buffering capacity (2273.44 ± 794.57 mg CaCO3 L−1) and a high concentration of cations (Ca2+, 121 ± 33.12 mg L−1; Mg2+, 71.64 ± 82.77 mg L−1), nitrates (2.89 ± 4.80 mg L−1), ammonium (2.19 ± 1.36 mg L−1) and sulphates (216.25 ± 218.54 mg L−1). Ranunculus penicillatus communities are found in flowing waters with a high concentration of phosphates (0.48 ± 0.6 mg L−1) and intermediate buffering capacity (683.66 ± 446.76 mg CaCO3 L−1). Both Ranunculus pseudofluitans and Ranunculus peltatus communities grow in waters with low buffering capacity (R. pseudofluitans, 385.91 ± 209.2 mg CaCO3 L−1; R. peltatus, 263.3 ± 180.36 mg CaCO3 L−1), and a low concentration of cations (R. pseudofluitans: Ca2+, 12.57 ± 9.42 mg L−1; Mg2+, 3.42 ± 1.67 mg L−1; R. peltatus: Ca2+, 15 ± 18.26 mg L−1; Mg2+, 6.26 ± 8.89 mg L−1) and nutrients (R. pseudofluitans: nitrates, 0.23 ± 0.2 mg L−1; phosphates, 0.09 ± 0.1 mg L−1; R. peltatus: nitrates, 0.19 ± 0.21 mg L−1; phosphates, 0.09 ± 0.12 mg L−1); the first in flowing waters, the latter in still waters.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in analyzing the geographical variations between populations of different Phlebotomus spp. by comparing the sequences of various genes. However, little is known about the genetic structure of Phlebotomus ariasi. In this study, we were able to sequence a fragment of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene in 133 sandflies morphologically identified as P. ariasi and proceeding from a wide geographical range covering 35 locations in 11 different regions from five countries. The intra-specific diversity of P. ariasi is high, with 45 haplotypes differing from each other by one to 26 bases and they are distributed in two mitochondrial lineages, one limited geographically to Algeria and the other widely dispersed across Mediterranean countries. The Algerian lineage is characterized by having 13 fixed polymorphisms and is made up of one sole haplotype. The European/Moroccan P. ariasi lineage is characterized by being made up of a great diversity of haplotypes (44) which display some geographical structuring. This could be one of the multiple factors involved in the epidemiological heterogeneity of the foci of leishmaniasis. Phlebotomus chadlii is the sister group of European/Moroccan P. ariasi. The separation of the Algerian haplotype, H45, from the rest of the specimens, European/Moroccan P. ariasi and P. chadlii, is well supported by the bootstrap analysis.  相似文献   

An ethanolic extract of the aerial parts of Matricaria Chamomilla L. collected at Oued Tonga near El-Kala is eastern Argelia yielded two new substances named matricolone and chamolol, together with four known compounds. The structure of the new compounds were determined by chemical transformations and NMR spectroscopy with 1H-1H (COSY and ROESY), 1H-13C (one bond and long range correlations) two dimensional experiments. The results obtained indicate the presence of sesquiterpene lactones of the eudesmanolide, germacranolide and guaianolide types. These products can be considered to be of great interest from a chemotaxonomical point of view for this wild-growing plant, because these types of lactones have not been found together in other Matricaria species.  相似文献   

Juan Chen  Nian-He Xia 《Flora》2011,206(5):458-467
In order to find new non-molecular evidence to support the phylogenetic and taxonomic position, pollen grains of 20 populations of 16 species of Chinese Curcuma L. and Boesenbergia Kuntz (Zingiberaceae) were investigated under SEM and TEM. The pollen grains are spherical and ovoid, nonaperturate. The pollen wall is composed of a very thin exine and a thick intine. The exine is psilate or echinate. The intine consists of two layers, i.e., a thick, channeled layer (exintine) and an inner homogenous layer (endintine). The results reveal morphological congruence between the pollen grains of species of Curcuma, which according to DNA sequence data appears to be a polyphyletic genus. However the uniform pollen morphology in Curcuma provides no evidence to divide this genus into separate taxonomic entities. Our results on pollen morphology also do not provide any additional evidence to either unite or segregate Boesenbergia albomaculata and Curcumorpha longiflora in the same genus and demonstrate that more taxonomic data on the genus Boesenbergia and its relatives are needed before a final decision can be made.  相似文献   

Juvenile or adult Artemia sp. are often used as live prey for the rearing of early life stages of some crustacean, fish and cephalopod species. The improvements of both Artemia growth and its biochemical composition are key issues for the suitable use of Artemia biomass in these rearing processes. In this study we evaluated the growth and survival rates of Artemia fed with the cryptophyte Rhodomonas lens in comparison with different microalgal species commonly used in aquaculture: the prasinophyte Tetraselmis suecica, the prymnesiophyte Isochrysis galbana Parke, and the eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis gaditana. Microalgae were cultured semi-continuously in nutrient saturated conditions and with a daily renewal rate of 30% of the volume of cultures, to obtain biomass of controlled and optimized composition. Considerable differences in Artemia growth were observed, as well as in the survival rate. At day 8 of rearing, Artemia fed R. lens had the highest length (4.9 ±0.6 mm, P < 0.001), followed by individuals fed T. suecica (4.2 ± 0.7 mm), I. galbana (3.6 ± 0.7 mm) and finally those fed N. gaditana (1.5 ± 0.2 mm). The survival rate of Artemia fed N. gaditana (18 ± 3%) was much lower (P < 0.001) than values found for the remaining groups (69 to 88%). The growth rate of Artemia obtained with R. lens was in general much higher than with other microalgal diets previously reported in the literature. The higher protein content of R. lens could explain the higher growth obtained with this species, but differences of Artemia growth with the different diets could not be explained solely on the basis of the gross composition of microalgae. Factors such as cell size and digestibility all seem to contribute to the results observed. Another trial was carried out to investigate differences in Artemia growth and on its biochemical composition when fed the best two diets: R. lens or T. suecica. The fatty acid (FA) and total amino acid (AA) composition of both microalgal species and the composition of Artemia were assessed as well. As found in the first experiment individuals fed R. lens (group ARHO) grew faster than those fed T. suecica (group ATET), attaining 3.6 ± 0.3 mm and 3.2 ± 0.4 mm (P < 0.001), respectively, after 5 days of rearing. The much higher AA content obtained in R. lens may be on the basis of the higher growth obtained with this species. Protein and carbohydrate levels in Artemia juveniles were very similar in both groups (64-68% of dry weight, and 8-10%, respectively). Lipid was slightly lower in ARHO (12%) than in ATET (15%, P < 0.01). Regarding the FA composition, juveniles from group ARHO contained higher levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 6.2%) than juveniles from ATET (4.1%, P < 0.01), whereas docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was only found in juveniles from ARHO (1.1%). Taking into account that the daily productivity of R. lens culture was higher than, or at least equal, the remaining microalgal species this cryptophyte is confirmed as an excellent diet to optimize the growth of Artemia, as well as to improve its biochemical composition.  相似文献   

Recent mortality outbreaks in marine ecosystems have been linked to elevated seawater temperatures associated with global climate change. Acquisition of thermotolerance data is essential, not only to determine the role of temperature in mortality outbreaks, but also to predict consequences of global warming. In the NW Mediterranean region, elevated seawater temperatures during the summer periods of 1999 and 2003 caused mass mortality of the Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubum (L. 1758). Experiments testing the upper thermal limits of this species were carried out in aquaria using samples collected from populations from 11 to 40 m depth in the Marseilles region (NW Mediterranean, France). Samples were subjected to temperature treatments between 18 and 30 °C with an exposure time of 5 and 25 days. Three biological response variables were used to evaluate effects of the treatments: coenenchyme necrosis, polyp activity and calcification rates (45Ca incorporation in calcareous skeleton). The results showed that exposure to 24 °C for 24 days caused a beginning of mortality only for the deep population, and to 25 °C for between 9 and 14 days caused mass mortality of both sample groups. The response variable results indicate that samples from the shallow population had greater thermotolerance of elevated seawater temperatures than the deep samples. The shallow samples showed greater polyp activity and higher calcification rate with a delayed necrosis response than the deep samples. These initial thermotolerance results combined with both hydrographic models and seawater temperature monitoring are the first step towards developing predictive tools for anticipating future effects of climate change in the red coral populations.  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠沙蒿与油蒿群落的物种组成与数量特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沙蒿与油蒿群落均是我国最典型的沙地植被类型,在沙漠地区发挥了重要的生态防护作用,掌握其分布、组成及其数量特征对沙漠化防治具有一定的指导作用。调查研究表明,沙蒿与油蒿群落是乌兰布和沙漠典型的沙地植被类型,其中沙蒿群落多分布于沙漠中东部、南部和东北部,而油蒿群落仅分布于沙漠东部、东北部和东南部;其群落类型可划分为沙蒿群落、油蒿群落、沙蒿+油蒿群落、沙蒿+沙竹群落、沙蒿+花棒+沙拐枣群落、油蒿+白刺群落、沙蒿伴生群落和油蒿伴生群落;群落的物种组成比较简单,其中沙蒿群落共有9科21属22种,油蒿群落共有10科35属37种。草本植物是沙蒿与油蒿群落的主体,所占总物种数的比例均超过70%;Simpson、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数高,反映了沙蒿与油蒿群落具有较高的物种多样性。与沙蒿群落相比,油蒿群落物种丰富度、单位面积个体数、盖度、Simpson和Shannon物种多样性指数均明显大于沙蒿群落,而群落相似性显著低于沙蒿,说明乌兰布和沙漠油蒿群落较沙蒿群落具有更丰富的物种组成、多样性和群落结构,更具保护和人工促进潜力。研究结果可为乌兰布和沙漠沙蒿、油蒿群落的保护及人工促进提供理论基础,对区域沙漠治理物种选择具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Combination of biocontrol agents that are compatible with each other is a strategic approach to control the plant disease and pest. The present study was designed to evaluate the protective effects of compatible endophytic bacterial strains (Bacillus subtilis; EPCO16 and EPC5) and rhizobacterial strain (Pseudomonas fluorescens; Pf1) against chilli wilt disease caused by Fusarium solani. Our results showed that B. subtilis (EPCO16 and EPC5) and P. fluorescens (Pf1) were compatible and effectively inhibited the growth of the F. solani. The application of endophytic and rhizobacterial strains, singly and in combination in green house and field conditions were found to be effective in controlling the chilli Fusarium wilt disease by inducing systemic resistance (ISR) as evidenced by enhanced activities of PO, PPO, PAL, β-1,3-glucanase, Chitinase and Phenolic involved in the synthesis of phytolaexins thereby promoting the growth of plants. However, combinations of EPCO16 + EPC5 + Pf1 bacterial strains were more effective than single agents. These findings suggest that synergistic interactions of biocontrol agents may be responsible for the management of chilli wilt disease caused by F. solani.  相似文献   

Host acquired immunity is a critical factor that conditions the survival of parasites. Nevertheless, there is a shortage of data concerning inter-individual immunological inequalities in wild mammals. Sarcoptic mange is a widespread parasitosis that severely affects mammals such as the Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica). Despite some work on the subject, the immune response to sarcoptic mange infestation is still a complex and poorly understood phenomenon. To improve knowledge of the host-Sarcoptes immunological interaction, 18 Iberian ibexes were experimentally infested. IgG levels were assessed using ELISA to test for potential factors determining the specific immune response to infestation. Previous exposure and sex appeared to affect the IgG response to infestation and our results suggest a sex-biased immunomodulation. We discuss the immunological pattern of host-Sarcoptes interactions and also suggest further lines of work that may improve the understanding of immunological interactions of host-Sarcoptes systems.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of septa and septum-associated septal pore caps are important taxonomic markers in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota, Fungi). The septal pore caps covering the typical basidiomycetous dolipore septum are divided into three main phenotypically recognized morphotypes: vesicular-tubular (including the vesicular, sacculate, tubular, ampulliform, and globular morphotypes), imperforate, and perforate. Until recently, the septal pore cap-type reflected the higher-order relationships within the Agaricomycotina. However, the new classification of Fungi resulted in many changes including revision of existing and addition of new orders. Therefore, the septal pore cap ultrastructure of more than 325 species as reported in literature was related to this new classification. In addition, the septal pore cap ultrastructures of Rickenella fibula and Cantharellus formosus were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Both fungi have dolipore septa associated with perforate septal pore caps. These results combined with data from the literature show that the septal pore cap-type within orders of the Agaricomycotina is generally monomorphic, except for the Cantharellales and Hymenochaetales.It appears from the fungal phylogeny combined with the septal pore cap ultrastructure that the vesicular-tubular and the imperforate type both may have arisen from endoplasmic reticulum. Thereafter, the imperforate type eventually gave rise to the perforate septal pore cap-type.  相似文献   

金晓明  艾琳  刘及东  卢欣石 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5406-5413
米氏冰草和羊草都是根茎型禾草,是典型的无性系植物。采取单位面积挖掘取样法,对呼伦贝尔沙地植被次生演替过程中的米氏冰草和羊草种群分株年龄结构进行调查。结果表明,在单生和混合群落中,米氏冰草分株分别由3和4个年龄级组成,羊草均由2个年龄级组成;米氏冰草分株数量和生物量年龄结构变化基本一致,即随着生长年限的延长,呈减少低龄级和增加高龄级比例的趋势,使单生群落中始终为增长型,但接近于稳定型,混生群落中由增长型变为稳定型。羊草分株数量和生物量年龄结构在连续2a均为明显的增长型。羊草各龄级平均单株生产力均高于米氏冰草,平均是米氏冰草的5.2倍。米氏冰草和羊草种群分株年龄结构的变化,蕴含着米氏冰草种群的优势地位将被羊草种群取代的趋势。  相似文献   

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