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A study was carried out between 1999 and 2001 in Degeya, Lufuka and Mpanga forests in central Uganda to determine the regeneration, density and size class distribution of trees used for making drums. Thirty sample plots measuring 20 × 20 m were established at 250 m intervals along transects laid in the northeast direction across swamps, mid‐slopes and hilltops. Diameter at breast height (DBH) of trees and number and species of seedlings, saplings and poles of six tree species were determined. The tree species were: Antiaris toxicaria, Erythrina excelsa, Ficus mucuso, Ficus exasperata, Funtumia africana and Polyscias fulva. Antiaris toxicaria was the most abundant and P. fulva was the least abundant in the forests. The intensity of use and concentration on a limited number of tree species have resulted in localized exploitation with potential knock‐on effects on the forests’ health. On‐farm tree planting by local communities should be encouraged to supply logs for making drums and reduce pressure on the forests.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal gas exchange patterns of three different functional types of tropical afromontane trees, namely Podocarpus falcatus (Thunb.) Mirb. (evergreen gymnosperm), Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkm. (broad-leaf evergreen), and Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Del. (broad-leaf deciduous) which grow side-by-side in the Munessa forest, southern Central Ethiopia. The hypothesis is that the trees can make different use of the environmental conditions which change seasonally and also from year to year. These changes can be understood as fluctuating niches, the utilization of which allows coexistence through balanced carbon gain. In this study, light and moisture were considered the two main fluctuating niches. Porometry was used to measure the daily and seasonal responses of the leaves to environmental variables under dry and wet season conditions in the course of the climatically differing years 2009 and 2010. Correlations of the patterns of these responses were analyzed by regression analysis. From daily integrated rates of irradiation, photosynthesis and transpiration, light and water use efficiencies of photosynthetic carbon gain and their mutual interdependences were determined. Except an extended dry season in 2009 when C. macrostachyus had shed its foliage, all three species continued photosynthetic net CO2 uptake concomitant with transpiration at all seasons, although at varying rates. Ecophysiological performance of P. falcatus leaves is mainly light-driven and responds relatively little to a change in moisture conditions. Its carbon and water relations are striving for stability rather than flexibility. As of a typically subdominant species of the forest, P. africana leaves can efficiently use low light intensities but suffer from photoinhibition at full light. Their performance, showing more dynamic response to the environment than P. falcatus, P. africana appears driven more by moisture than by light. Compared to the two evergreens C. macrostachyus exhibited the highest flexibility in its leaves’ physiological responses to environmental conditions, in particular to the light climate which is additionally potentiated by the fast turnover of its foliage. This species optimizes its carbon gain during the wet season and during the early dry period when cloud cover is minimal. Our findings thus reveal that elasticity of the response to fluctuating environmental conditions is an additional aspect in the assessment of the utilization of temporally fluctuating niches by adult tree individuals.  相似文献   

Prunus africana is endemic to Africa and was included in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in 1995. In Zimbabwe, the species was reported to be rare and confined to the Eastern Highlands. The objective of this study was to assess size–class distribution and regeneration levels and to characterize structural diversity of P. africana. Given the clustered nature of the species, adaptive cluster sampling was used based on the assumption that there were more P. africana trees in the neighbourhood of reference trees. Each cluster was terminated when there were no more P. africana trees within a distance of 500 m. Data on diameter and height were collected in each cluster using standard forestry procedures. Regeneration was determined by counting seedlings and saplings within a radial distance of 14 m from the mother tree. Structural indices, that ie, diameter and height differentiation and mingling were determined for a structural group of four trees. Findings from this study indicated poor regeneration, fewer P. africana trees in small and large size classes, dominance of positive height and diameter differentiation and high mingling. These findings have implications on management and conservation of P. africana in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   



Anthropogenic disturbance of old-growth tropical forests increases the abundance of early successional tree species at the cost of late successional ones. Quantifying differences in terms of carbon allocation and the proportion of recently fixed carbon in soil CO2 efflux is crucial for addressing the carbon footprint of creeping degradation.


We compared the carbon allocation pattern of the late successional gymnosperm Podocarpus falcatus (Thunb.) Mirb. and the early successional (gap filling) angiosperm Croton macrostachyus Hochst. es Del. in an Ethiopian Afromontane forest by whole tree 13CO2 pulse labeling. Over a one-year period we monitored the temporal resolution of the label in the foliage, the phloem sap, the arbuscular mycorrhiza, and in soil-derived CO2. Further, we quantified the overall losses of assimilated 13C with soil CO2 efflux.

Principal Findings

13C in leaves of C. macrostachyus declined more rapidly with a larger size of a fast pool (64% vs. 50% of the assimilated carbon), having a shorter mean residence time (14 h vs. 55 h) as in leaves of P. falcatus. Phloem sap velocity was about 4 times higher for C. macrostachyus. Likewise, the label appeared earlier in the arbuscular mycorrhiza of C. macrostachyus and in the soil CO2 efflux as in case of P. falcatus (24 h vs. 72 h). Within one year soil CO2 efflux amounted to a loss of 32% of assimilated carbon for the gap filling tree and to 15% for the late successional one.


Our results showed clear differences in carbon allocation patterns between tree species, although we caution that this experiment was unreplicated. A shift in tree species composition of tropical montane forests (e.g., by degradation) accelerates carbon allocation belowground and increases respiratory carbon losses by the autotrophic community. If ongoing disturbance keeps early successional species in dominance, the larger allocation to fast cycling compartments may deplete soil organic carbon in the long run.  相似文献   

This work addresses the structural characterization of Juniperus oxycedrus-dominated woodlands in west-central Spain, as well as the analysis of the regeneration of this species in the presence of other species (mainly Quercus ilex) as a function of different environmental and land-use factors. The two densest populations of the species were sampled and different physiographic and land-use parameters were obtained. First, a structural characterization, specifically focused on regeneration, was carried out, based on the count of individuals and their classification according to their size (seedlings, saplings, or adults) and position (either beyond or below the canopy). The use of Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Regression Trees permitted the identification and analysis of environmental and land-use variables significantly related to regeneration. Juniper woodlands in this part of Spain generally show a remarkable level of regeneration, although some significant differences were detected between the two existing populations. Of the factors studied, time since regeneration started, elevation, and soil rock surface cover influence J. oxycedrus regeneration at most of the individual classes considered, indicating the significance of these variables in this species regeneration. Canopy cover and depth of the organic layer and zone also affect several of the recruitment classes. Furthermore, radiation, the time elapsed since regeneration started, elevation, and aspect affect stand structure to a significant extent. The results of this study enlarge the knowledge on J. oxycedrus regeneration and woodland structure, providing helpful information for the conservation of these protected habitats.  相似文献   

青海云杉是祁连山区森林生态系统的建群种,其天然更新对维持祁连山森林生态系统功能具有重要意义。以祁连山排露沟流域青海云杉林天然更新为研究对象,于2021年6-9月测定海拔2700-3300m的0-40cm土层土壤温度和水分数据,并于7月中旬对样地天然更新进行每木检尺,将天然更新划分为幼苗(第一龄级)阶段和幼树(第二龄级)阶段,通过方差分析探究不同海拔更新苗胸径、株高的差异,再进一步建立回归模型拟合更新苗胸径、株高与各层土壤水热的关系,探讨更新苗胸径、株高对土壤水热的响应。结果表明:(1)更新苗胸径、株高随海拔升高而降低,海拔2700m幼苗胸径与3300m幼苗胸径存在显著性差异(P<0.05),海拔2700m、2800m幼苗、幼树株高与3300m幼苗、幼树株高存在显著性差异(P<0.05),幼树胸径在各海拔均不存在显著性差异,表明更新苗胸径对海拔的敏感性要低于更新苗株高。(2)更新苗胸径、株高与土壤温度呈正相关,与土壤水分呈负相关,幼苗胸径与20cm土壤温度和土壤水分的相关系数最大,幼树胸径与40cm土壤温度和土壤水分相关系数最大,幼树株高与40cm土壤温度及20cm土壤水分相关系数最大。(3)回归模型显示幼苗胸径和株高对土壤水热的利用模式相同,而幼树胸径和株高对土壤水热的利用模式存在差异。(4)青海云杉天然更新随着龄级的增加,影响生长的主要因素由土壤温度逐渐变为土壤水分,更新苗胸径对土壤水热的响应也随着龄级的增加在逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

We asked the following questions regarding gap dynamics and regeneration strategies in Juniperus-Laurus forests: How important are gaps for the maintenance of tree diversity? What are the regeneration strategies of the tree species? Thirty canopy openings were randomly selected in the forest and in each the expanded gap area was delimited. Inside expanded gaps the distinction was made between gap and transition zone. In the 30 expanded gaps a plot, enclosing the gap and transition zone, was placed. In order to evaluate the differences in regeneration and size structure of tree species between forest and expanded gaps, 30 control plots were also delimited in the forest, near each expanded gap. In the 60 plots the number of seedlings, saplings, basal sprouts and adults of tree species were registered. Canopy height and width of adult individuals were also measured. The areas of the 30 gaps and expanded gaps were measured and the gap-maker identified. Juniperus-Laurus forests have a gap dynamic associated with small scale disturbances that cause the death, on average, of two trees, mainly of Juniperus brevifolia. Gap and expanded gap average dimensions are 8 and 25 m2, respectively. Gaps are of major importance for the maintenance of tree diversity since they are fundamental for the regeneration of all species, with the exception of Ilex azorica. Three types of regeneration behaviour and five regeneration strategies were identified: (1) Juniperus brevifolia and Erica azorica are pioneer species that regenerate in gaps from seedlings recruited after gap formation. However, Juniperus brevifolia is a pioneer persistent species capable of maintaining it self in the forest due to a high longevity and biomass; (2) Laurus azorica and Frangula azorica are primary species that regenerate in gaps from seedlings or saplings recruited before gap formation but Laurus azorica is able to maintain it self in the forest through asexual regeneration thus being considered a primary persistent species; (3) Ilex azorica is a mature species that regenerates in the forest.  相似文献   

In Central-Western Spain, forests and woodlands composed of Quercus sp. support outstanding levels of biodiversity, but there is increasing concern about their long-term persistence due to a lack of regeneration. We hypothesize that this regenerative lack is operating on a large geographic scale; that there are differences in the abundance of regeneration between three oak species; that oak regeneration is governed mainly by forest management and structure; and that shrubs act as important physical protectors of seedlings and saplings. We analyzed whether densities of oak seedlings and saplings in several size classes were related to stand-structure, understory, and physiographic variables potentially affecting regeneration. Data collected at a regional level (1 km × 1 km grid) by the Spanish Forest Inventory were evaluated from 2,816 plots. Results revealed that regeneration failure was common for all size categories, from small seedlings to large saplings, and for the three oak species studied, especially the evergreens. Of the Quercus ilex, Q. suber, and Q. pyrenaica plots studied, 49%, 62%, and 20% were lacking any small seedlings, and 82%, 96%, and 56% did not have any large saplings, respectively. Regeneration was positively correlated with tree cover and density, especially of small and medium-sized trees, and negatively correlated with the presence of large trees, indicating that regeneration failure is mostly associated with more open, uniform, and/or aged woodlands. Regeneration densities of Q. ilex and Q. suber were positively correlated with all understory variables, suggesting that the presence of pioneer shrubs represent a major safe site for early tree recruitment, independent from specific shrub species.  相似文献   

Three permanent plots (P1, P2, and P3) were established in the Pinus luchuensis-Schima mertensiana forest on Chichijima in the Ogasawara Islands. The complete process of the mass-dieback of the pine trees in the early 1980s and the consequences of the typhoon damage in 1983 were surveyed for 20 years (1980–1999) together with the vegetation recovery following these disturbances. The stem height and the growth condition of all the seedlings and saplings (P1: 1,632, P2: 1,681, and P3: 931) were recorded, and the relative light intensity and the weight of the A0 layer were measured each year. Dead pine trees fell down and rotted gradually. In P1 and P2, the 1983 typhoon inflicted extensive damage to the canopy; the gap area ratio in the canopy was 60.1% and 58.1%, respectively. Trema orientalis seedlings emerged from buried seed concurrently in 1984, but they almost all died within a few years in P2. Many seedlings of S. mertensiana germinated in 1985 and 1986 in P1 and P2, and Psidium cattleianum (an introduced species) followed, especially in P2. Psidium attained a dominant position in the canopy of P2 as a result of the disturbances. In contrast, the structure and composition of the forest in P3, which consisted of emergent trees of Casuarina equisetifolia, did not change to any large extent. All of the individuals found in the plots, with the exception of the parent trees, were classified as advanced saplings (existing from 1980) and new seedlings (germinated during the survey period), and survival rates at 1, 10, and 20 years and growth following the disturbances were compared between them. By 1999, the advanced saplings, but not the new seedlings, overwhelmingly occupied the vacant spaces created in the canopy. Some seedlings became new advanced saplings following the disturbances. Based on these results, a two-step regeneration model that is related to the disturbances is proposed.  相似文献   

天山云杉天然林不同林层的空间格局和空间关联性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天山云杉(Picea Schrenkiana)林是天山林区的重要针叶林。研究调查了分别代表天山云杉增长型种群和成熟型种群的两块标准地,应用Ripley's K系数法研究了天山云杉更新层、低林层、中林层和高林层的空间格局和不同林层的空间关联性,并应用Moran's I系数法研究了不同林层的林木高度的空间自相关性。结果表明:所有林层的天山云杉活立木都是显著聚集的,只是发生聚集格局的强度和聚集尺度不同。更新层天山云杉具有最大的聚集强度,从更新层到低林层,聚集强度急速降低。两块标准地中天山桦(Betula tianschanica Rupr.)、天山柳(Salix tianschanica Rgl.)和天山云杉活立木的空间关联性的表现不同。研究结果表明:增长型种群中天山桦、天山柳在所有尺度上都抑制天山云杉的生长;而成熟型种群中天山桦、天山柳在1-10 m尺度内对天山云杉种群的生长没有影响,10-40 m表现出正相关,40 m以上没有表现出明显的关联性;同时天山桦、天山柳基本上在所有尺度都抑制天山云杉的更新。在更新层和低林层间表现出正相关;而更新层和枯死木之间的空间关联性为正相关。  相似文献   

Understanding the regeneration potential of tree species in natural forest ecosystems is crucial to deliver suitable management practices for conservation of biodiversity. We studied the variation in structural diversity and regeneration potential of tree species in three different tropical forest types, namely: Dry Deciduous forest (DDF), Moist Deciduous forest (MDF) and Semi-evergreen forest (SEF) of Similipal Biosphere Reserve (SBR), Eastern India. Random sample plots were laid for studying the diversity and distribution pattern of tree, sapling, and seedling stages of the tree species. A total of 84 species belong to 73 genera and 35 families were recorded from the study area. The highest species richness was reported for tree (54 species) in DDF, sapling (24 species) in MDF and seedling (22 species each) in SEF and DDF. The overall density of trees with GBH (Girth at Breast Height) ≥ 10 cm was 881 individuals/ha. The regeneration potential of tree species was poor in DDF (39%) where as it was fair in SEF (43%) and MDF (49%). Most of the dominant tree species at each forest type performed good regeneration. The species such as Ehretia laevis Roxb., Bridelia retusa (L.)A.Juss., Mitragyna parviflora (Roxb.) Korth., Terminalia tomentosa Wight & Arn., Terminalia chebula Retz., Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.etc. had either no regeneration or poor regeneration potential need immediate attention for conservation measures. The diversity of standing trees did not correlate with seedling or sapling diversity in all the cases but there was significant correlation among seedling and sapling diversity found in DDF (r = 0.67, p ≤ 0.05) and SEF (r = 0.83, p ≤ 0.05). Further, the diversity of tree species increased with their age (trees > saplings > seedlings) and the stem density decreased with their age (trees < saplings < seedlings) in all three forest types. The results of our study would be helpful in understanding the structural attributes, diversity and regeneration potential of different tropical forest types of India for their better conservation and management.  相似文献   

We studied regeneration patterns of three tree species Picea ajanensis, Betula platyphylla and Populus tremula from 1998 to 2000 in the Central Depression of the Kamchatka Peninsula. We paid special attention to the contribution of sprouting to their regeneration. P. ajanensis was the only species that regenerated by seedling. In a 40 × 40 m study plot, the density of P. ajanensis saplings < 2.0 cm in diameter at basal area (DBH) was 1132, and this was the highest among the three species studied. The number of saplings 2 cm in DBH declined sharply with size class. The spatial distribution of P. ajanensis saplings (< 2 cm in DBH) showed a significant positive correlation with that of adult trees and a negative correlation with that of gaps. These trends were not changed after re-measurement in 2000, although nearly half of the juveniles had died or been injured during the two years. These results suggest that small Picea saplings prefer habitats under the canopy of adult trees rather than in gaps for establishment. Most small individuals of B. platyphylla were produced from sprouts. The number of saplings in the smallest size class (< 2 cm in DBH) was much less than that of P. ajanensis, although the number of larger individuals did not decrease remarkably. The spatial distribution of B. platyphylla saplings showed a positive correlation with that of adult trunks and a negative correlation with that of canopy trees of P. ajanensis. These results suggest an effective contribution of sprouts to the regeneration of B. platyphylla. P. tremula was the only species that could invade big gaps and produce many root suckers efficiently. There were 181 suckers of P. tremula in the smallest size class (< 2 cm in DBH) in the study plot, although the number of saplings 2 cm in DBH declined abruptly. The spatial distribution of saplings of this species showed a slight positive correlation with that of gaps, and negative correlation with that of adult trees of B. platyphylla, P. ajanensis, and P. tremula. The root suckering strategy of P. tremula might be adaptive under severe conditions in high-latitude regions. Our data suggest, however, that it does not necessarily contribute to regeneration in mature forests. The three component species in this forest did not seem to utilize canopy gaps for regeneration; we suggest that gap dynamics do not work in this forest. The sparse canopy, which is a typical character of forests in high-latitude regions, might be a consequence of high mortalities of seedlings and root suckers inside gaps.  相似文献   

Karst-land vegetation was never before documented from India. Baratang limestone karst area, in tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen forests of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is the biggest and most dense cave complex with more than 175 underground caverns. We surveyed the limestone karst area of Baratang Island to understand vegetation diversity, composition and recruitment pattern. We encountered 90 tree species in the study area. Our result indicated dissimilarity in species diversity (F = 320.06; p < 0.001) and composition (P = 0.001; A = 0.031) among the trees and recruitment classes, where the diversity increased with the age of the vegetation classes (trees > saplings > seedlings). Tree diversity showed a positive correlation with the diversity of saplings and seedlings (Spearman's correlation coefficient: saplings =0. 25; p = 0.011; seedling =0.31; p = 0.002). We found that the dominant and co-dominant species in the karstic landscapes depicts exclusive vegetation patterns than the non-karstic areas. A better understanding of forest dynamics might prove a useful tool in the research of the fast-changing, sensitive karst ecosystems. Therefore, we strongly recommend further studies about karst-land vegetation in India.  相似文献   

秦岭山地锐齿栎次生林幼苗更新特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
康冰  王得祥  李刚  高妍夏  张莹  杜焰玲 《生态学报》2012,32(9):2738-2747
分析了秦岭山地锐齿栎次生林群落乔木及木本幼苗物种特征值、更新生态位宽度及不同影响因子下(包括林分密度、坡向、海拔等)乔木更新动态。结果表明,乔木层物种有25种,锐齿栎占有明显地优势,重要值为149.18%。其次为华山松(Pinus armandii)和千斤榆(Carpinus cordata)等;更新层共有木本植物41种,其中乔木种有28种,占所有木本植物总数量的68%,优势种有青蛙皮槭(Acer grosseri)、木姜子(Litsea pungens)等。林下有丰富的幼苗库,径级及龄级比较小。更新方式以实生为主;分析了10种更新优势乔木种群的生态位宽度,同种幼树种群生态位宽度均大于幼苗种群生态位宽度。幼苗种群生态位宽度从大到小依次为榛子(Corylus heterophylla)、锐齿栎、青蛙皮槭等。幼树种群生态位宽度从大到小依次为榛子、青蛙皮槭、锐齿栎等;林分密度对林下乔木幼苗和幼树数量影响不同。当林分密度(株?hm-2)从720增加到1460时,幼苗密度逐渐增大。随后随着林分密度的增加,又呈现出减少的趋势。而幼树密度随着林分密度增加一直呈现出减少的趋势。坡向对锐齿栎次生林林下乔木幼苗和幼树的影响各异,阳坡(南偏西3)均利于幼苗和幼树的更新。南偏西45林分内,幼苗密度急剧减少。随着坡向转为阴坡,幼苗密度又逐渐增加。而幼树密度逐渐减少。当海拔从1083 m增加到1547 m时,幼树密度逐渐增加。随后,随着海拔增加到1882 m,幼树密度则逐渐减小。而幼苗密度随着海拔的增高一直呈现减小的趋势。  相似文献   

Foliage dynamics of three functional tree types representing major components of the tropical montane evergreen forest in southern part of Central Ethiopia were compared. The species were Podocarpus falcatus (evergreen gymnosperm), Prunus africana (evergreen broadleaf), and Croton macrostachyus (facultative deciduous). The hypothesis examined is that in such tropical trees, endogenous control of foliage dynamics by the leaf life-spans (LLS) is largely dominant over external signals. Crown foliage turnover, leafiness of twigs, LLS, photosynthetic performance, respiration rate, specific leaf area, and relative growth rates of the stems were investigated. Foliage dynamics and leafiness of the twigs were monitored over 2?years while leaf traits were followed over 3?months. The degree of inter and intra-individual synchronization of foliage phenophases was examined to get an estimate of the contributions of endogenous and external signals to the dynamics of the foliages. Autoregression analysis indicated significant influence of the moisture regime on leaf sprouting of Croton and Podocarpus. During pronounced dry periods, new leaves were not developed. Analysis of phenological data using circular statistics revealed that in spite of strong inter-individual synchronization of leaf flush and fall (Podocarpus and Croton), the dynamics of individual parts of the crowns were less synchronized. LLS was independent of climate factors and it had substantial contribution to the control of foliage turnover. Moreover, examination of ecophysiological traits of developing leaves of the studied functional types showed differing patterns with LLS corroborating the ecophysiological characteristics. Although overlaid by fungal infestation, both the foliage and ecophysiological properties of Prunus resemble that of Podocarpus but the former exhibited a shorter LLS and slightly higher metabolic rates. Nevertheless, all species reacted positively to high moisture with respect to stem growth. In spite of largely differing weather conditions of the 2?years, direct competitive advantage of one of the species over the others could not be detected.  相似文献   

We assessed growth differences and the foliar traits underpinning production in paired samples of juvenile American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) that originated from seed versus root sprouts. Root sprouts had significantly greater relative extension growth rate and slightly greater leaf mass per unit area compared to seed-derived individuals, but neither light-saturated net photosynthetic rate nor foliar chlorophyll and nitrogen concentrations differed significantly between paired seedlings and sprouts. The greater height growth rate of saplings originating as root sprouts does not result from differing foliar function, but rather depends on translocation of assimilates from the parent tree to sustain this unusual and ecologically important dual regeneration strategy in American beech.  相似文献   

Vast areas of forests in North‐eastern Ethiopia have been replaced by cropland, shrub land or grazing areas. Thus, information about how vegetation composition and structure varies with disturbance is fundamental to conservation of such areas. This study aimed to investigate the effects of disturbance on the population structure and regeneration potential of five dominant woody species within forest where local communities harvest wood and graze livestock. Vegetation structure and environmental variables were assessed in 50 quadrats (20 m × 20 m). In most of both disturbed and undisturbed treatments, Juniperus procera was the highest contributor to the basal area of the forest, while that of Olinia rochetiana was the lowest. Analysis of population structure showed high density at lower Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) and low density at higher DBH classes. Undisturbed forest treatments had 84% canopy cover, 22 m mean vegetation height and a density of 1320 trees of dominant species and 1024 seedlings/saplings ha?1. In disturbed habitats, canopy cover (73%), mean vegetation height (18 m) and density of dominant trees and saplings were significantly lower than in undisturbed habitats. Thus, to ensure species, survival and maintain species diversity managed use of the protected area is essential.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(2):223-228
The effects of cattle grazing on the density of seedlings and saplings in a Tabor oak forest (Quercus ithaburensis subsp. ithaburensis) are investigated. The Tabor oak forest studied is located in a Nature Reserve in the Mediterranean region of Israel. Cattle graze at a stocking density of 0.71 head/ha for 6 months a year. The cattle grazing in the Nature Reserve is a beneficial management measure because it enhances plant species richness and reduces shrub encroachment.The impact of grazing on the densities of seedlings and young saplings was quantified in 46 large sampling plots (333 m2 each) distributed over two experimental sites; the first being used as a rangeland for decades while the second is a forest patch totally free from grazing. The density and the height of Tabor oak individuals in each sampling plot were recorded. Four height categories were distinguished with a special focus on young seedlings (<0.15 m), established seedlings and young saplings (0.15 m–1 m).The density of seedlings and young sapling in the grazed Tabor oak forest were, respectively, 61% to 67% lower than in the ungrazed treatment. Implications on the continuity of the entire Tabor oak forest ecosystem are discussed. Three management measures that enable to prevent a decrease in young oak densities are proposed – reduction of stocking rate, deferment of the commencement of grazing, and fencing young seedlings.  相似文献   

白马雪山阳坡林线方枝柏种群的生态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
方枝柏(Sabina saltuaria)是青藏高原特有林线树种。对白马雪山阳坡海拔4 390 m以上林线0.42 hm2样地方枝柏种群进行每木调查,分析了种群结构、数量动态及空间分布格局。结果表明:1)在种群生物学特征、环境因子及人为干扰等综合影响下,林线区方枝柏幼苗数量非常少。幼树在种群中占了很大比重,种群个体数随径级的增加而逐渐减少,密度为成年树>幼树>幼苗;2)种群存活曲线介于Deevey-Ⅱ型和Deevey-Ⅲ型之间,种群结构更接近稳定型。死亡率曲线和消失率曲线都在龄级Ⅲ出现一个高峰,可能是由于方枝柏处于青壮年期,个体对营养空间的需求不断增大,对空间、光照和养分等生存因子的激烈竞争引起的自疏过程,导致死亡率有所上升;3)方枝柏种群各龄级的空间格局基本上是聚集型,随龄级增加,聚集尺度和强度都增加;各龄级关系密切,都呈显著正相关,其中幼苗和成年树的相关性最强,幼苗和幼树相关性最弱。林线方枝柏种群空间分布格局是种群生物学特性、环境条件及人为干扰等因素共同作用的结果,这种格局有利于整个种群的生存和发展,也是高山生态系统恶劣生境中种群的一种适应对策。该研究采用森林罗盘仪与测距仪相结合进行每木定位的方法,准确度高且大大降低工作强度,是高海拔区恶劣条件下开展类似工作的推荐之法。研究结果也再次体现了空间点格局分析方法在格局研究中的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

研究群落构建机制是群落生态学的一个重要目标, 群落动态过程中的构建规律对于了解群落演替机理有重要的作用。该文以海南岛刀耕火种干扰后自然恢复的10 hm 2热带低地雨林为研究对象, 通过比较不同恢复阶段的次生林(15年、30年和60年)和老龄林在幼苗、幼树和成年树群落的物种组成, 揭示次生演替过程中的群落构建规律。研究结果表明, 老龄林中不同径级群落的物种多样性及不同径级间的物种相似度显著高于各恢复阶段的次生林, 但优势种在群落中的比例低于各恢复阶段的次生林。随着自然恢复过程的进行, 次生林群落物种组成与老龄林的相似性也逐渐增大, 支持演替平衡理论。所有恢复阶段样地中幼苗的个体、物种丰富度和基于多度涵盖估计量(ACE)都低于幼树和成年树群落, 幼苗层物种组成与幼树、成年树也有较大差异, 说明新增到幼苗群落可能是一个难于预测的过程。研究结果说明了确定过程和随机过程共同决定了次生演替的群落构建。  相似文献   

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