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Abstract. Vegetation was sampled at 170 plots in five mires in the Italian Alps to characterize the distribution of plant species along the main environmental gradients. Water-table depth, water pH, electrical conductivity, Ca-, Mg-, K- and Na-concen-trations in soil pore water, shade intensity, and distance from the mire margin were determined at each plot. At mire margins the water table was deeper than in the mire expanse, and K-, Ca- and Mg-concentrations, and conductivity were higher. The first and by far most important axis of a DCCA-ordination was interpreted as a gradient of water-table depth, in relation to the distance from the mire margin, whereas the second axis was mainly associated with water pH.  相似文献   

In ectothermic organisms, it is hypothesized that metabolic rates mediate influences of temperature on the ecological and evolutionary processes governing biodiversity. However, it is unclear how and to what extent the influence of temperature on metabolism scales up to shape large-scale diversity patterns. In order to clarify the roles of temperature and metabolism, new theory is needed. Here, we establish such theory and model eco-evolutionary dynamics of trophic networks along a broad temperature gradient. In the model temperature can influence, via metabolism, resource supply, consumers' vital rates and mutation rate. Mutation causes heritable variation in consumer body size, which diversifies and governs consumer function in the ecological network. The model predicts diversity to increase with temperature if resource supply is temperature-dependent, whereas temperature-dependent consumer vital rates cause diversity to decrease with increasing temperature. When combining both thermal dependencies, a unimodal temperature-diversity pattern evolves, which is reinforced by temperature-dependent mutation rate. Studying coexistence criteria for two consumers showed that these outcomes are owing to temperature effects on mutual invasibility and facilitation. Our theory shows how and why metabolism can influence diversity, generates predictions useful for understanding biodiversity gradients and represents an extendable framework that could include factors such as colonization history and niche conservatism.  相似文献   


The Euganean Hills are a volcanic mountainous complex, which rises from the eastern Po Plain, and consists of about one hundred hills, rising from 80 m to 604 m above sea level. In the studied area, 1158 taxa of Tracheophytes have been collected. The chorological and life-form analyses of this flora have shown the predominance of the Mediterranean s.l. elements and of the hemicryptophytes, followed by the therophytes. The chorological aspect of this floristic complex was analysed. A cross-spectrum was calculated to see how life-forms are represented in the different chorotypes. A comparison with the biological and chorological spectra of the Veneto Region and of Italy as a whole was also carried out. Several species of remarkable floristic and phytogeographical interest have been found, as well as some included in the national and Regional lists of protected species.  相似文献   

To assess the main factors driving epiphytic angiosperm distribution throughout the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, we compiled 57 floristic surveys and analysed species composition under the influence of environmental variables, space and vegetation type using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), similarity (Sorensen) and Mantel's tests. The indicator value index (IndVal) was used to find indicator species of each Brazilian Atlantic Forest vegetation type. Group sharpness analysis was performed in order to determine the appropriate group partition level. CCA showed a separation of the epiphytic flora reflecting temperature and rainfall gradients. Mantel's test showed that environment and space were highly correlated with floristic similarity. Cluster analysis, indicating floristic similarity, resolved five groups, mainly grouped by region. Clear differentiation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest epiphytic flora on a north–south axis with a strong correlation with temperature and rainfall gradients was found. The role of space and environment on species composition varied according to distinct epiphytic species groups. In particular, for Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae, the main factor associated with floristic similarity was space. Indicator species were found for all vegetation types apart from the Seasonal Semideciduous Forest that seemed to represent a subset of a more humid forest type. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 587–601.  相似文献   

Mire vegetation in the Apuanian Alps (N Italy) is analyzed from the phytosociological and the synecological points of view. Three vegetation types are delimited by numerical methods and compared with mire communities of the Alps and the Apennines. Furthermore, a chorological evaluation of this vegetation is attempted on a floristical basis.  相似文献   

Different methodologies try to identify priority conservation areas (PCA) to improve habitat conservation and decrease human pressures over bird species at coarse-scale. Map of potential biodiversity (PB) can identify PCA (high PB values) at different scale levels by considering ecological requirements and distributions through potential habitat suitability (PHS) models. The aim was to elaborate a map of PB of bird species based on PHS models to spatially identify PCA in Santa Cruz, Argentina. Moreover, we want to analysis species’ ecology requirements, and evaluate PB values and spatially identify PCA through two scale levels. We computed 47 models using Environmental Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) on Biomapper software. Each model was visualized and combined to get a unique map of PB. We analyzed ecological requirements by specialization and marginality and PHS maps. Moreover, considering natural environments (regional level) and forest types’ cover (forest landscape level), we evaluated PB values using ANOVAs and identified PCA under different human pressures, using human footprint (HPF) map. Bird species related to Nothofagus forests were most specialist and exhibited a narrower potential distribution than grassland species. At regional level, Magellanic grass steppes displayed the highest PB values, where most of the PCA had high HPF values. At forest landscape level, ecotone N. antarctica forests had the highest PB values, where PCA with low HFP values were outside current protected networking. We conclude that combining PHS models and the map of PB allowed us to improve bird distribution studies and to assist biodiversity conservation strategies under human pressures.  相似文献   

The little greenbul, a common rainforest passerine from sub‐Saharan Africa, has been the subject of long‐term evolutionary studies to understand the mechanisms leading to rainforest speciation. Previous research found morphological and behavioural divergence across rainforest–savannah transition zones (ecotones), and a pattern of divergence with gene flow suggesting divergent natural selection has contributed to adaptive divergence and ecotones could be important areas for rainforests speciation. Recent advances in genomics and environmental modelling make it possible to examine patterns of genetic divergence in a more comprehensive fashion. To assess the extent to which natural selection may drive patterns of differentiation, here we investigate patterns of genomic differentiation among populations across environmental gradients and regions. We find compelling evidence that individuals form discrete genetic clusters corresponding to distinctive environmental characteristics and habitat types. Pairwise FST between populations in different habitats is significantly higher than within habitats, and this differentiation is greater than what is expected from geographic distance alone. Moreover, we identified 140 SNPs that showed extreme differentiation among populations through a genomewide selection scan. These outliers were significantly enriched in exonic and coding regions, suggesting their functional importance. Environmental association analysis of SNP variation indicates that several environmental variables, including temperature and elevation, play important roles in driving the pattern of genomic diversification. Results lend important new genomic evidence for environmental gradients being important in population differentiation.  相似文献   

The natural flora of Karkamis Dam lake area and its surroundings was studied in 2000 and 2001 before the dam construction was completed. During the floristic surveys, 464 species of 279 genera belonging to 70 families were recorded. The number of endemic species is 14. The phytogeographic elements are represented in the study as follows; Irano-Turanian 104 (18.2%), Mediterranean 66 (11.5%), Euro-Siberian 7 (1.2%), Cosmopolitan 9 (1.5%), Sharo-Arabian 1 (0.1%). The phytogeographic region of 383 taxa (67.1%) is unknown, or multiregional. The spectrum of the basic life forms is as follows; Therophytes 50.0%, Hemicryptophytes 33.4%, Phanerophytes 5.2%, Geophytes 5.2%, Chamaephytes 4.3% and Hydrophytes 1.9%. According to the IUCN Red List Categories, 28 threatened plant species were identified in the study area.  相似文献   

Information on water mite assemblages from high elevation lentic biotopes is scant. A survey of 14 small Alpine lakes located between1900 and 2400 m a.s.l. in Italy resulted in the discovery of 17 species of Hydrachnidia and a single species of freshwater Halacaridae. Arrenurus conicus and Lebertia tuberosa were the most widespread and abundant species; Lebertia sefvei, Lebertia rufipes, Oxus setosus, Panisus torrenticolus and Sperchon glandulosus were also widely distributed but relatively less abundant. Atractides fissus and Arrenurus conicus are recorded for the first time from Italy. In contrast to mid/low elevation lakes and ponds, water mite assemblages of alpine lakes are less diverse and are composed mainly of rheo- and crenobiontic taxa, most of which are cold-stenothermic. Typical standing water dwellers represented only a small fraction (23%) of the species sampled. A principal component analysis conducted on lake environmental variables resulted in a clear separation of the lakes mainly based on ionic contents, pH and temperature. Water mites seem to be less influenced by these factors than by temperature fluctuations and habitat stability and heterogeneity. We conclude with some considerations of the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the altitudinal and latitudinal distribution pattern of water mites.  相似文献   

Information on water mite assemblages from high elevation lentic biotopes is scant. A survey of 14 small Alpine lakes located between 1900 and 2400 m a.s.l. in Italy resulted in the discovery of 17 species of Hydrachnidia and a single species of freshwater Halacaridae. Arrenurus conicus and Lebertia tuberosa were the most widespread and abundant species; Lebertia sefvei, Lebertia rufipes, Oxus setosus, Panisus torrenticolus and Sperchon glandulosus were also widely distributed but relatively less abundant. Atractides fissus and Arrenurus conicus are recorded for the first time from Italy. In contrast to mid/low elevation lakes and ponds, water mite assemblages of alpine lakes are less diverse and are composed mainly of rheo- and crenobiontic taxa, most of which are cold-stenothermic. Typical standing water dwellers represented only a small fraction (23%) of the species sampled. A principal component analysis conducted on lake environmental variables resulted in a clear separation of the lakes mainly based on ionic contents, pH and temperature. Water mites seem to be less influenced by these factors than by temperature fluctuations and habitat stability and heterogeneity. We conclude with some considerations of the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the altitudinal and latitudinal distribution pattern of water mites.  相似文献   

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) is a herbaceous species common in the Alpine region of Europe and used in folk medicine since antiquity. Its organs are rich in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, two subclasses of plant terpenoids with relevant ecological significance, which were reported as valuable markers for the traceability of mountain dairy products. The variability in chemical composition of yarrow germplasm may be related with its genetic diversity, accounting for possible differences in medical properties, and supporting its use as a specific territorial marker. Aim of this work was to assess the leaf chemical composition of 16 yarrow populations collected at altitudes exceeding 1600 m in three valleys of the Rhaetian Alps, Italy, and jointly evaluated in a lowland site. The most abundant compounds detected generally differed from those of the germplasm from other countries. A trend of valley‐specific pattern of composition was evident. However, the variability among individual populations was even more remarkable, regardless of their valley of origin. The concentrations of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes, and oxygenated sesquiterpenes discriminated the populations in multivariate analysis. A few prevailing chemotypes were characterized, which differed from those previously reported in the literature. The geographic isolation from other germplasms, and the local ecotypization, likely originated a chemically distinct gene pool.  相似文献   

Summary East of Cave del Predil (formerly Raibl), a platform-basin transition of the Dolomia Principale (Hauptdolomit) is spectacularly exposed at a seismic scale. Therefore, the eastern margin of the vast domain of the Dolomia Principale, facing the Slovenian Basin, is documented. Despite of strong dolomitization of the massive margin, some sedimentary structures and fossils have been recognized. Corals seem to be very rare and sponges to be absent, whereas serpulids and marine phreatic cements seem to have been the main components of the framework. Interior platform bedded dolomites lap off the massive margin. Clinoforms interfinger with upper Tuvalian basinal deposits (Carnitza Formation). This setting documents the start-up of the Dolomia Principale during late Tuvalian time. Moreover, this margin of the Dolomia Principale is the more ancient so far pointed out. It testifies to the recovery of a rimmed platform after the late Julian-early Tuvalian crisis.  相似文献   

We tested the new Ellenberg–Pignatti indicator values in Festucetalia valesiacae communities of three valley regions (southern inner Alps: Valle d’Aosta, Valtellina, Valle Venosta/Vinschgau). In these landscape types gradients of all value types exist: light (L), temperature (T), moisture (F/M), nitrogen (N), continentality (C) and soil reaction (R). L- and T-values were extended from 9 to 12 in the database of Pignatti due to the higher intensity of these factors in the area in question; in our dataset this is especially relevant for the L-values.In a spatial approach, we compared DCA results with indicator value results (presence–absence) and with climatic data for eight different plant communities. We found comprehensible results in all cases, also for the extension of the L-factor.In a temporal approach, we compared relevés and their indicator values from two time windows: 1930–1950 (Braun-Blanquet) and 1990–1995 (Schwabe and Kratochwil) for six of the eight different plant communities. Both relevé types were made in the same or in similar localities, but no permanent plots existed. Mostly we found in these communities, which are said to have high “stability”, no significant changes on average for any of the indicator values. In the case of N- and R-values there was a trend of increase in the different datasets, and in some cases this trend is significant.In general, the new database has shown the “robustness” of the Ellenberg indicator value model including the extended L-values, and established its usefulness for a synthetic approach in the studied valley systems. In our systems L-, T-, F/M- and C-gradients can be characterised well by means of indicator values and are an excellent tool for explaining DCA results. Caution is necessary especially when correlations of different factors are intermingled in temporal approaches.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, the populations of Austropotamobius pallipes have decreased markedly all over Europe. If we evaluate the ecological factors that determine its presence, we will have information that could guide conservation decisions. This study aims to investigate the chemical-physical demands of A. pallipes in NW Italy. To this end, we investigated 98 sites. We performed Principal Component Analysis using chemical-physical parameters, collected in both presence and absence sites. We then used principal components with eigenvalue > 1 to run Discriminant Function Analysis and Logistic Regression. The statistics on the concentration of Ca2+, water hardness, pH and BOD5 were significantly different in the presence and in the absence sites. pH and BOD5 played the most important role in separating the presence from the absence locations. These findings are further evidence that we should reduce dissolved organic matter and fine particles in order to contribute to species management and conservation.  相似文献   

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