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For thousands of years, olive trees (Olea europaea L.) have been a significant presence and a symbol in the Garden of Gethsemane, a place located at the foot of the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, remembered for the agony of Jesus Christ before his arrest. This investigation comprises the first morphological and genetic characterization of eight olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane. Pomological traits, morphometric, and ultrastructural observations as well as SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) analysis were performed to identify the olive trees. Statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate their morphological variability. The study revealed a low morphological variability and minimal dissimilarity among the olive trees. According to molecular analysis, these trees showed the same allelic profile at all microsatellite loci analyzed. Combining the results of the different analyses carried out in the frame of the present work, we could conclude that the eight olive trees of the Gethsemane Garden have been propagated from a single genotype.  相似文献   

The ethnobotanical uses of wild olive, O. europaea subsp. africana (sometimes referred to as subsp. cuspidata) in southern Africa and in other parts of Africa are reviewed. Chromatographic analyses of secoiridoids (oleuropein and other oleuropeosides) in 25 wild olive leaf samples from 10 localities in South Africa showed substantial amounts of oleuropein (up to 110 mg/g dry weight) and not trace amounts as reported in the literature. Oleuropein is the main active compound in olive leaf, with demonstrated anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, hypolipidemic and hypotensive activities. A comparison with nine cultivated olive leaf samples (subsp. europaea) from six cultivars and two localities showed that commercial olive leaf can be distinguished by the presence of verbascoside, which is absent in wild olive. Extraction methods and solvent systems (TLC and HPLC) were compared, using pure oleuropein (isolated from wild olive leaf and identified by NMR) as an authentic reference sample. The unique peltate scales on the leaves are useful to identify olive leaf raw material (but are the same in both subspecies). The main conclusion is that wild olive leaf is chemically closely similar to cultivated olive leaf and therefore suitable as an alternative source of raw material for olive leaf extract.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean folk medicine Olea europaea L. leaf (Ph.Eur.) preparations are used as a common remedy for gout. In this in vitro study kinetic measurements were performed on both an 80% ethanolic (v/v) Olea europaea leaf dry extract (OLE) as well as on nine of its typical phenolic constituents in order to investigate its possible inhibitory effects on xanthine oxidase (XO), an enzyme well known to contribute significantly to this pathological process. Dixon and Lineweaver-Burk plot analysis were used to determine Ki values and the inhibition mode for the isolated phenolics, which were analysed by RP-HPLC for standardisation of OLE. The standardised OLE as well as some of the tested phenolics significantly inhibited the activity of XO. Among these, the flavone aglycone apigenin exhibited by far the strongest effect on XO with a Ki value of 0.52 μM. In comparison, the known synthetic XO inhibitor allopurinol, used as a reference standard, showed a Ki of 7.3 μM. Although the phenolic secoiridoid oleuropein, the main ingredient of the extract (24.8%), had a considerable higher Ki value of 53.0 μM, it still displayed a significant inhibition of XO. Furthermore, caffeic acid (Ki of 11.5 μM; 1.89% of the extract), luteolin-7-O-β-d-glucoside (Ki of 15.0 μM; 0.86%) and luteolin (Ki of 2.9 μM; 0.086%) also contributed significantly to the XO inhibiting effect of OLE. For oleuropein, a competitive mode of inhibition was found, while all other active substances displayed a mixed mode of inhibition. Tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, verbascoside, and apigenin-7-O-β-d-glucoside, which makes up for 0.3% of the extract, were inactive in all tested concentrations. Regarding the pharmacological in vitro effect of apigenin-7-O-β-d-glucoside, it has to be considered that it is transformed into the active apigenin aglycone in the mammalian body, thus also contributing substantially to the anti-gout activity of olive leaves. For the first time, this study provides a rational basis for the traditional use of olive leaves against gout in Mediterranean folk medicine.  相似文献   

The tube systems known to exist in tracheophytes are xylem, phloem and laticifers which are composed of living or non-living cells and secretory ducts/canals and aerenchyma that is of schizogenous or lysigenous origin. Here, we describe a novel type of tube network of unknown function that ramifies through the olive tree bark and is composed of groups of apparently empty, anastomosing tubules interrupted by perforated plates; side openings of the tubules connect them to the intercellular spaces of the cortex.  相似文献   

A double-blind, randomized, parallel and active-controlled clinical study was conducted to evaluate the anti-hypertensive effect as well as the tolerability of Olive leaf extract in comparison with Captopril in patients with stage-1 hypertension. Additionally, this study also investigated the hypolipidemic effects of Olive leaf extract in such patients. It consisted of a run-in period of 4 weeks continued subsequently by an 8-week treatment period. Olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf extract (EFLA®943) was given orally at the dose of 500 mg twice daily in a flat-dose manner throughout the 8 weeks. Captopril was given at the dosage regimen of 12.5 mg twice daily at start. After 2 weeks, if necessary, the dose of Captopril would be titrated to 25 mg twice daily, based on subject's response to treatment. The primary efficacy endpoint was reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) from baseline to week-8 of treatment. The secondary efficacy endpoints were SBP as well as diastolic blood pressure (DBP) changes at every time-point evaluation and lipid profile improvement. Evaluation of BP was performed every week for 8 weeks of treatment; while of lipid profile at a 4-week interval. Mean SBP at baseline was 149.3 ± 5.58 mm Hg in Olive group and 148.4 ± 5.56 mm Hg in Captopril group; and mean DBPs were 93.9 ± 4.51 and 93.8 ± 4.88 mm Hg, respectively. After 8 weeks of treatment, both groups experienced a significant reduction of SBP as well as DBP from baseline; while such reductions were not significantly different between groups. Means of SBP reduction from baseline to the end of study were −11.5 ± 8.5 and −13.7 ± 7.6 mm Hg in Olive and Captopril groups, respectively; and those of DBP were −4.8 ± 5.5 and −6.4 ± 5.2 mm Hg, respectively. A significant reduction of triglyceride level was observed in Olive group, but not in Captopril group. In conclusion, Olive (Olea europaea) leaf extract, at the dosage regimen of 500 mg twice daily, was similarly effective in lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressures in subjects with stage-1 hypertension as Captopril, given at its effective dose of 12.5-25 mg twice daily.  相似文献   

The presence of peroxisomes in olive (Olea europaea L.) fruits and different antioxidant enzymes occurring in this plant tissue is reported for the first time. Ultrastructural analysis showed that olive cells were characterized by the presence of large vacuoles and lipid drops. Plastids, mitochondria and peroxisomes were placed near the cell wall, showing some type of association with it. Olive fruit peroxisomes were purified by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation, and catalase, glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase were found in peroxisomes. In olive fruit tissue the presence of a battery of antioxidant enzymes was demonstrated, including catalase, four superoxide dismutase isozymes (mainly an Fe-SOD plus 2 Cu,Zn-SOD and a Mn-SOD), all the enzymes of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle, reduced and oxidized glutathione, ascorbate, and four NADPH-recycling dehydrogenases. The knowledge of the full composition of antioxidants (enzymatic and non-enzymatic) in olive fruits is crucial to be able to understand the processes regulating the antioxidant composition of olive oil.  相似文献   

Palms are generally characterized by a large structure with a massive crown that creates difficulties in anatomical studies. The flowering behaviour of palm species may be a useful indicator of phylogenetic relationships and therefore evolutionary events. This paper presents a detailed histological study of reproductive development in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), from initiation up to maturation of staminate and pistillate flowers. Reproductive development in coconut consists of a sequence of individual events that span more than two years. Floral morphogenesis is the longest event, taking about one year, while sex determination is a rapid process that occurs within one month. The inflorescence consists of different ultimate floral structural components. Pistillate flowers are borne in floral triads that are flanked by two functional staminate flowers. The staminate flowers are born in floral diads towards the base of the rachilla followed by solitary flowers in the middle to top of the rachilla. Three primary phases were identified in reproductive development, namely, transition of axillary bud into inflorescence bud, formation of floral buds, and sexualisation of individual flower buds. All developmental events with respect to stage or time of occurrence were determined.  相似文献   

We investigated the nucleotide variation of a non-coding, chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) region to infer relationships among Tunisian fig cultivars. In this study, we examine the level of genetic diversity and its distribution using sequences of the trnL and trnF genes intergenic spacer. The non-coding region displays 28 substitution sites. Insertions and deletions involving 6 sites were found. By using the Kimura-2 method, nucleotide sequences have been aligned using the MEGA program to calculate pairwise divergence of trnL-trnF spacer sequences between cultivars. The size of this non-coding region varied from 430 to 464 bases. The relatively high A + T values (63.7–64.4%) of trnL-trnF intergenic spacer in Ficus carica may explain the high proportion of the identified transversions (ti/tv = 0.9). These results suggest the occurrence of nucleotide diversity with a large variation level of chloroplast non-coding region. The analysed data illustrate a considerable level of variability in the genetic pool of the local germplasm. In fact, relationships inferred from the cpDNA analysis suggest several clades, which do not show geographical correspondence. Fourteen haplotypes were detected among 20 individuals examined, yielding a haplotype diversity of 0.983 and a high level of nucleotide diversity (0.0100). The observed variation pattern of plastid DNA provides evidence that the fig germplasm has been undergoing rapid expansion. Neutrality tests rejected the neutrality assumption in the total sample. The cytoplasm variability indicates a narrow genetic base in the cultivated common fig. Despite the high level value of the apparent diversity, we may conclude that fig chloroplast genome provides a new conceptual and practical opportunity to evaluate genetic diversity and to identify local cultivars, making it a valuable source to include into potential breeding programs.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the efficacy of defense mechanisms against severe water deficit in the leaves of two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars, ‘Chemlali’ and ‘Meski’, reputed drought resistant and drought sensitive, respectively. Two-year old plants growing in sand filled 10-dm3 pots were not watered for 2 months. Changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and malondialdehyde content as leaf relative water content (RWC) decreased showed that ‘Chemlali’ was able to maintain functional and structural cell integrity longer than ‘Meski’. Mannitol started to accumulate later in the leaves of ‘Chemlali’ but reached higher levels than in the leaves of ‘Meski’. The latter accumulated several soluble sugars at lower dehydration. ‘Chemlali’ leaves also accumulated larger quantities of phenolic compounds which can improve its antioxidant response. Furthermore, the activity of three antioxidant enzymes catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) increased as leaf RWC decreased. However, differences were observed between the two cultivars for CAT and POD but not for APX. The activity of the first two enzymes increased earlier in ‘Meski’, but reached higher levels in ‘Chemlali’. At low leaf hydration levels, ‘Chemlali’ leaves accumulated mannitol and phenolic compounds and had increased CAT and POD activities. These observations suggest that ‘Chemlali’ was more capable of maintaining its leaf cell integrity under severe water stress because of more efficient osmoprotection and antioxidation mechanisms.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 108 individuals of wild pear species (Pyrus communis subsp. caucasica, P. balansae, P. salicifolia, P. syriaca, P. demetrii, P. bulgarica, P. ketzkhovelii, P. sachokiana) and 35 samples of local and introduced cultivated pears from the country of Georgia were compared to 73 individuals of wild P. communis subsp. caucasica and P. communis subsp. pyraster in the collection of USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS). Pyrus communis subsp. caucasica from both Georgia and the NPGS, P. communis subsp. pyraster from the NPGS, and P. salicifolia from Georgia were differentiated, based on analysis of eleven microsatellite markers. In addition, accessions of P. communis subsp. caucasica from Georgia were genetically distinct from accessions of the same subspecies in the NPGS collection that originated from other European and Middle Eastern Asian countries. Local pear cultivars in Georgia were genetically similar to P. communis subsp. caucasica and P. balansae growing wild in Georgia suggesting that they may have originated from native pear trees that could serve as unique genetic resources for pear breeding programmes.  相似文献   

荒漠植物白刺属4个物种的生殖分配比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李清河  辛智鸣  高婷婷  王赛宵  徐军  孙非 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5054-5061
选定乌兰布和沙漠地区白刺属4种植物为研究对象,通过对其样株在花期的各生殖构件的数量特征及生物量调查,系统研究了唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.)、西伯利亚白刺(Nitraria sibirica Pall.)、大白刺(Nitraria roborowskii Kom.)和泡泡刺(Nitraria sphaerocarpa Maxim.)4种白刺属植物在生殖枝水平上的生殖分配。结果表明:不同白刺属植物在分株高度、生殖枝长、生殖枝基径、单枝花数、花序干重、枝叶干重等生殖构件的数量性状方面均有显著差异,其中泡泡刺的各生殖构件的数量均最小;除了西伯利亚白刺的生殖分配值达到44.51%外,其余3种白刺的生殖分配值均没有超过20%。经统计分析,4种白刺种群的生殖枝长分别与分株高度呈显著(P<0.05)的直线性正相关关系;生殖枝花序干重与分株高显著正相关;4种白刺的生殖分配随着分株生殖枝生物量的增加而减少,即白刺的个体大小与生殖分配之间呈现负相关关系。这种生殖分配特点反映了不同白刺植物对生长环境的资源利用、与克隆繁殖的权衡及对生态适应的策略。  相似文献   

The diversity and genetic relationships among 74 orchardgrass accessions were analyzed using cereal EST-SSRs and orchardgrass SSR markers in order to estimate genetic variability and compare the level of diversity. In total, 190 polymorphic bands were detected with an average of 6.3 alleles per SSR loci. The average polymorphic rate (P) for the species was 84.63%, suggesting a high degree of genetic diversity. The molecular variance analysis (AMOVA) showed that the proportion of variance explained by within- and among-geographical groups diversity was74.87% and 25.13%, respectively. The distinct geographical divergence of orchardgrass was revealed between Americas and Oceania. The ecogeographical conditions such as climate and soil, genetic drift and mating system could be the crucial factors for genetic divergence. Furthermore, the study also indicated that northern Africa, Europe and temperate Asia might be the diversity differentiation center of orchardgrass. The result will facilitate the breeding program and germplasm collection and conservation.  相似文献   

Annual wild rice (Zizania aquatica L.), a species of conservation concern, is an ecologically and culturally important aquatic grass found in stands in the near shore habitats of lakes and rivers in the Midwest and along the eastern coast of North America. This study examined the effects of water depth and seed provenance on the early growth of three Indiana wild rice stands (collected from two lakes) under greenhouse conditions in 2009. Plants were grown at water depths of 46 cm, 23 cm, 0 cm, or −15 cm and harvested either at the first floating leaf stage or at 48 days after transplanting. Wild rice growth was affected by both water depth and seed provenance. The dry weight of roots, stems, leaves, and inflorescences, total biomass, number of tillers, number of leaves, and total leaf area were the lowest in the −15 cm treatment. These vegetative growth parameters also decreased with increasing water depth from the 0 cm treatment. Differences in growth between seed sources were found, supporting the hypothesis that genetic differences among relatively isolated wild rice stands may influence the success of efforts to conserve this species.  相似文献   

QTL underlying related traits at the late developmental stage under two different nitrogen levels were investigated in rice using a population of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSL) derived from a cross between Teqing and Lemont. A total of 31 QTLs referring 5 traits, that is, plant height (PH), panicle number per plant (PN), chlorophyll content (CC), shoot dry weight (SDW) and grain yield per plant (YD), were detected. Under normal N level, 3 QTLs were detected for each trait, while under low N level, 5,4, 5 and 2 QTLs were detected for PH, PN, CC and SDW respectively. Most of the QTLs were located on chromosome 2, 3, 7, 11 and 12. QTLs controlling different traits or the same trait under different N levels were mapped on the same or adjacent intervals, forming several clusters in rice chromosomes. More than two traits were controlled by QTLs on one of four intervals (RM30-RM439, RM18-RM478, RM309-RM270, and RM235-RM17), suggesting that there were some pleiotropic effects. It was supposed that some QTLs only detected at low N level might be associated with the ability to tolerate the low N stress in rice.  相似文献   

Nilaparvata lugens Stål (brown planthopper, BPH), is one of the major insect pests of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the temperate rice-growing region. In this study, ASD7 harboring a BPH resistance gene bph2 was crossed to a susceptible cultivar C418, a japonica restorer line. BPH resistance was evaluated using 134 F2:3 lines derived from the cross between “ASD7” and “C418”. SSR assay and linkage analysis were carried out to detect bph2. As a result, the resistant gene bph2 in ASD7 was successfully mapped between RM7102 and RM463 on the long arm of chromosome 12, with distances of 7.6 cM and 7.2 cM, respectively. Meanwhile, both phenotypic selection and marker-assisted selection (MAS) were conducted in the BC1F1 and BC2F1 populations. Selection efficiencies of RM7102 and RM463 were determined to be 89.9% and 91.2%, respectively. It would be very beneficial for BPH resistance improvement by using MAS of this gene.  相似文献   

Here, we report the nucleotide variation in two non-coding regions of the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) to construct a possible evolutionary scenario in Ficus carica L. Our results suggest the occurrence of haplotypic and nucleotide diversity with a large variation level of chloroplast non-coding regions. Furthermore, our results demonstrated an explicit rejection of the null hypothesis that within F. carica the intron trnL and the spacer trnL-trnF evolved under a strictly neutral model of molecular evolution. Although, recent population expansion could serve as one alternative explanation for the detected excess of singleton, our results imply a positive selection and the genetic hitchhiking effect is unlikely. Parameters performed supported scenario of sweep selection and recent expansion of F. carica across Tunisia. Our results indicate that both positive selection and demographic histories have jointly contributed to the observed patterns of nucleotide diversity and haplotypes structure. Based on the results, we characterize the fig resources and provide several suggestions for effective conservation and improvement programs.  相似文献   

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