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CAIR-1/BAG-3 is a stress and survival protein that has been shown to bind SH3 domain-containing proteins through its proline-rich (PXXP) domain. Because stress and survival pathways are active during invasion and metastasis, we hypothesized that CAIR-1 is a regulator of signaling pathways that modulate cell adhesion and migration. MDA-435 human breast carcinoma cells were stably transfected with full-length CAIR-1 (FL) or a proline-rich domain deleted mutant (dPXXP). FL cells migrated poorly through collagen IV-coated filters to serum (14% of control, p=0.0004), whereas migration of dPXXP cells was more robust (228%, p=0.00001). Adhesion to collagen IV-coated surfaces was reduced in FL cells and augmented in dPXXP cells (FL 64%, p=0.03; dPXXP 138%, p=0.01). Rhodamine-phalloidin staining highlighted more stress fibers and thicker filopodial protrusions in dPXXP cells. Fewer focal adhesions were also seen in FL cells. A reduction in tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and paxillin occurred in FL cells under these conditions. In contrast, increased FAK and paxillin phosphorylation was documented in dPXXP cells. Differential FAK phosphorylation occurred at the major autophosphorylation site Y(397) and Src phosphorylation site Y(861). Concordant with these findings, there was decreased interaction between FAK and its downstream partners p(130)Cas and Crk observed in FL cells but not in dPXXP cells. These results collectively indicate that CAIR-1 may negatively regulate adhesion, focal adhesion assembly, signaling, and migration via its PXXP domain.  相似文献   

Strong mechanical forces can, obviously, disrupt cell–cell and cell–matrix adhesions, e.g., cyclic uniaxial stretch induces instability of cell adhesion, which then causes the reorientation of cells away from the stretching direction. However, recent experiments also demonstrated the existence of force dependent adhesion growth (rather than dissociation). To provide a quantitative explanation for the two seemingly contradictory phenomena, a microscopic model that includes both integrin–integrin interaction and integrin–ligand interaction is developed at molecular level by treating the focal adhesion as an adhesion cluster. The integrin clustering dynamics and integrin–ligand binding dynamics are then simulated within one unified theoretical frame with Monte Carlo simulation. We find that the focal adhesion will grow when the traction force is higher than a relative small threshold value, and the growth is dominated by the reduction of local chemical potential energy by the traction force. In contrast, the focal adhesion will rupture when the traction force exceeds a second threshold value, and the rupture is dominated by the breaking of integrin–ligand bonds. Consistent with the experiments, these results suggest a force map for various responses of cell adhesion to different scales of mechanical force.  相似文献   

Orderly cell migration is essential for embryonic development, efficient wound healing and a functioning immune system and the dysregulation of this process leads to a number of pathologies. The speed and direction of cell migration is critically dependent on the structural organization of focal adhesions in the cell. While it is well established that contractile forces derived from the acto-myosin filaments control the structure and growth of focal adhesions, how this may be modulated to give different outcomes for speed and persistence is not well understood. The tropomyosin family of actin-associating proteins are emerging as important modulators of the contractile nature of associated actin filaments. The multiple non-muscle tropomyosin isoforms are differentially expressed between tissues and across development and are thought to be major regulators of actin filament functional specialization. In the present study we have investigated the effects of two splice variant isoforms from the same α-tropomyosin gene, TmBr1 and TmBr3, on focal adhesion structure and parameters of cell migration. These isoforms are normally switched on in neuronal cells during differentiation and we find that exogenous expression of the two isoforms in undifferentiated neuronal cells has discrete effects on cell migration parameters. While both isoforms cause reduced focal adhesion size and cell migration speed, they differentially effect actin filament phenotypes and migration persistence. Our data suggests that differential expression of tropomyosin isoforms may coordinate acto-myosin contractility and focal adhesion structure to modulate cell speed and persistence.Key words: focal adhesion, tropomyosin, actin, migration, persistence, speed, mesenchymal  相似文献   

Cell migration plays an important role in embryonic development, wound healing, immune responses, and in pathological phenomena such as tissue invasion and metastasis formation. In this review, we summarize recent reports that connect the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to cell migration and invasion. FAK is a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase involved in signal transduction from integrin-enriched focal adhesion sites that mediate cell contact with the extracellular matrix. Multiple protein-protein interaction sites allow FAK to associate with adapter and structural proteins allowing for the modulation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, stress-activated protein (SAP) kinases, and small GTPase activity. FAK-enhanced signals have been shown to mediate the survival of anchorage-dependent cells and are critical for efficient cell migration in response to growth factor receptor and integrin stimulation. Elevated expression of FAK in human tumors has been correlated with increased malignancy and invasiveness. Because recent findings show that FAK contributes to the secretion of matrix-metalloproteinases, FAK may represent an important checkpoint in coordinating the dynamic processes of cell motility and extracellular matrix remodeling during tumor cell invasion.  相似文献   

Actin,microtubules and focal adhesion dynamics during cell migration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cell migration is a complex cellular behavior that results from the coordinated changes in the actin cytoskeleton and the controlled formation and dispersal of cell-substrate adhesion sites. While the actin cytoskeleton provides the driving force at the cell front, the microtubule network assumes a regulatory function in coordinating rear retraction. The polarity within migrating cells is further highlighted by the stationary behavior of focal adhesions in the front and their sliding in trailing ends. We discuss here the cross-talk of the actin cytoskeleton with the microtubule network and the potential mechanisms that control the differential behavior of focal adhesions sites during cell migration.  相似文献   

The attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) is achieved by the specific binding of cell-surface receptors to ligands present in the ECM. These interactions are important for many biological processes, including cell migration, cancer development, and wound healing. Our objective was to develop a computational model to investigate how focal adhesion mechanical properties, substrate stiffness, and intracellular stresses affect cell-matrix interactions during cell migration on a flat substrate. In our model, the cell-substrate traction was proportional to the bound receptor concentration, relative velocity between the cell and substrate, and the cell-substrate friction coefficient. Simulation results showed that even if the receptor number and ligand density were fixed, the mechanical properties of the focal adhesions still affected cell-ECM interactions. In fact, the cell-substrate traction was biphasic with respect to the friction coefficient, a parameter that can be used to quantify focal adhesion properties. In contrast, the cell speed was a monotonically decreasing function with respect to this parameter. Furthermore, tractions showed greater increases when the maximum intracellular stress was increased from 400 to 600Pa than when substrate stiffness was increased from 0.5 to 100kPa. This mathematical model is able to quantify the effects of focal adhesion mechanical properties, extracellular stiffness, and intracellular stresses on cell-ECM interactions, and should be beneficial to research in cancer development.  相似文献   

The fibronectin (FN)-binding integrins alpha4beta1 and alpha5beta1 confer different cell adhesive properties, particularly with respect to focal adhesion formation and migration. After analyses of alpha4+/alpha5+ A375-SM melanoma cell adhesion to fragments of FN that interact selectively with alpha4beta1 and alpha5beta1, we now report two differences in the signals transduced by each receptor that underpin their specific adhesive properties. First, alpha5beta1 and alpha4beta1 have a differential requirement for cell surface proteoglycan engagement for focal adhesion formation and migration; alpha5beta1 requires a proteoglycan coreceptor (syndecan-4), and alpha4beta1 does not. Second, adhesion via alpha5beta1 caused an eightfold increase in protein kinase Calpha (PKCalpha) activation, but only basal PKCalpha activity was observed after adhesion via alpha4beta1. Pharmacological inhibition of PKCalpha and transient expression of dominant-negative PKCalpha, but not dominant-negative PKCdelta or PKCzeta constructs, suppressed focal adhesion formation and cell migration mediated by alpha5beta1, but had no effect on alpha4beta1. These findings demonstrate that different integrins can signal to induce focal adhesion formation and migration by different mechanisms, and they identify PKCalpha signaling as central to the functional differences between alpha4beta1 and alpha5beta1.  相似文献   

The Rho GTPase RhoB has been shown to affect cell migration, but how it does this is not clear. Here we show that cells depleted of RhoB by RNAi are rounded and have defects in Rac-mediated spreading and lamellipodium extension, although they have active membrane ruffling around the periphery. Depletion of the exchange factor GEF-H1 induces a similar phenotype. RhoB-depleted cells migrate faster, but less persistently in a chemotactic gradient, and frequently round up during migration. RhoB-depleted cells have similar numbers of focal adhesions to control cells during spreading and migration, but show more diffuse and patchy contact with the substratum. They have lower levels of surface β1 integrin, and β1 integrin activity is reduced in actin-rich protrusions. We propose that RhoB contributes to directional cell migration by regulating β1 integrin surface levels and activity, thereby stabilizing lamellipodial protrusions.  相似文献   

S100 proteins promote cancer cell migration and metastasis. To investigate their roles in the process of migration we have constructed inducible systems for S100P in rat mammary and human HeLa cells that show a linear relationship between its intracellular levels and cell migration. S100P, like S100A4, differentially interacts with the isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II (NMIIA, K(d) = 0.5 μM; IIB, K(d) = 8 μM; IIC, K(d) = 1.0 μM). Accordingly, S100P dissociates NMIIA and IIC filaments but not IIB in vitro. NMIIA knockdown increases migration in non-induced cells and there is no further increase upon induction of S100P, whereas NMIIB knockdown reduces cell migration whether or not S100P is induced. NMIIC knockdown does not affect S100P-enhanced cell migration. Further study shows that NMIIA physically interacts with S100P in living cells. In the cytoplasm, S100P occurs in discrete nodules along NMIIA-containing filaments. Induction of S100P causes more peripheral distribution of NMIIA filaments. This change is paralleled by a significant drop in vinculin-containing, actin-terminating focal adhesion sites (FAS) per cell. The induction of S100P, consequently, causes significant reduction in cellular adhesion. Addition of a focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitor reduces disassembly of FAS and thereby suppresses S100P-enhanced cell migration. In conclusion, this work has demonstrated a mechanism whereby the S100P-induced dissociation of NMIIA filaments leads to a weakening of FAS, reduced cell adhesion, and enhanced cell migration, the first major step in the metastatic cascade.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that overexpression of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells promoted their migration on fibronectin. This effect was dependent on the phosphorylation of FAK at Tyr-397. This residue was known to serve as a binding site for both Src and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), implying that either one or both are required for FAK to promote cell migration. In this study, we have examined the role of PI3K in FAK-promoted cell migration. We have demonstrated that the PI3K inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, were able to inhibit FAK-promoted migration in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, a FAK mutant capable of binding Src but not PI3K was generated by a substitution of Asp residue 395 with Ala. When overexpressed in CHO cells, this differential binding mutant failed to promote cell migration although its association with Src was retained. Together, these results strongly suggest that PI3K binding is required for FAK to promote cell migration and that the binding of Src and p130(Cas) to FAK may not be sufficient for this event.  相似文献   

The asymmetric distribution of microtubule (MT) dynamics in migrating cells is important for cell polarization, yet the underlying regulatory mechanisms remain underexplored. Here, we addressed this question by studying the role of the MT depolymerase, MCAK (mitotic centromere-associated kinesin), in the highly persistent migration of RPE-1 cells. MCAK knockdown leads to slowed migration and poor directional movement. Fixed and live cell imaging revealed that MCAK knockdown results in excessive membrane ruffling as well as defects in cell polarization and the maintenance of a major protrusive front. Additionally, loss of MCAK increases the lifetime of focal adhesions by decreasing their disassembly rate. These functions correlate with a spatial distribution of MCAK activity, wherein activity is higher in the trailing edge of cells compared with the leading edge. Overexpression of Rac1 has a dominant effect over MCAK activity, placing it downstream of or in a parallel pathway to MCAK function in migration. Together, our data support a model in which the polarized distribution of MCAK activity and subsequent differential regulation of MT dynamics contribute to cell polarity, centrosome positioning, and focal adhesion dynamics, which all help facilitate robust directional migration.  相似文献   

The highly related ERM (Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin) proteins provide a regulated linkage between the membrane and the underlying actin cytoskeleton. They also provide a platform for the transmission of signals in responses to extracellular cues. Studies in different model organisms and in cultured cells have highlighted the importance of ERM proteins in the generation and maintenance of specific domains of the plasma membrane. A central question is how do ERM proteins coordinate actin filament organization and membrane protein transport/stability with signal transduction pathways to build up complex structures? Through their interaction with numerous partners including membrane proteins, actin cytoskeleton and signaling molecules, ERM proteins have the ability to organize multiprotein complexes in specific cellular compartments. Likewise, ERM proteins participate in diverse functions including cell morphogenesis, endocytosis/exocytosis, adhesion and migration. This review focuses on aspects still poorly understood related to the function of ERM proteins in epithelial cell adhesion and migration.Key words: epithelial cells, membrane-cytoskeleton interface, morphogenesis, ERM proteins, cell adhesion  相似文献   

Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) plays an important role in extracellular matrix-induced cell migration and the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). We showed here that transfection of the MT1-MMP gene into HeLa cells promoted fibronectin-induced cell migration, which was accompanied by fibronectin degradation and reduction of stable focal adhesions, which function as anchors for actin-stress fibers. MT1-MMP expression attenuated integrin clustering that was induced by adhesion of cells to fibronectin. The attenuation of integrin clustering was abrogated by MT1-MMP inhibition with a synthetic MMP inhibitor, BB94. When cultured on fibronectin, HT1080 cells, which endogenously express MT1-MMP, showed so-called motile morphology with well-organized focal adhesion formation, well-oriented actin-stress fiber formation, and the lysis of fibronectin through trails of cell migration. Inhibition of endogenous MT1-MMP by BB94 treatment or expression of the MT1-MMP carboxyl-terminal domain, which negatively regulates MT1-MMP activity, resulted in the suppression of fibronectin lysis and cell migration. BB94 treatment promoted stable focal adhesion formation concomitant with enhanced phosphorylation of tyrosine 397 of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and reduced ERK activation. These results suggest that lysis of the extracellular matrix by MT1-MMP promotes focal adhesion turnover and subsequent ERK activation, which in turn stimulates cell migration.  相似文献   

We have previously described Grb7 association with focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and its possible roles in cell migration. In this paper, we investigated the mechanisms by which Grb7 and its association with FAK regulate cell migration. We found that deletion of the Grb7 SH2 domain eliminated partial Grb7 localization to focal contacts and its ability to stimulate cell migration. Replacement of the SH2 domain with the focal adhesion targeting sequence from FAK resulted in the focal contacts localization of the chimeric molecule and restored its activity to stimulate cell migration. We also found that Grb7 could be phosphorylated by FAK, which was dependent on the FAK kinase activity but not the presence of the Src family kinases. Cell adhesion also enhanced Grb7 phosphorylation in FAK+/+ cells but not FAK-/- cells, suggesting that Grb7 is a physiological substrate of FAK. Furthermore, both Grb7 and the chimeric molecule did not increase migration of FAK-/- cells, although the chimeric molecule was targeted to the focal contacts. Last, we showed that other Grb7 family members could not stimulate cell migration under similar experimental conditions. Together, these results demonstrate a role for Grb7 targeting to focal contacts and its phosphorylation by FAK in the regulation of cell migration.  相似文献   

The dynamic turnover of integrin-mediated adhesions is important for cell migration. Paxillin is an adaptor protein that localizes to focal adhesions and has been implicated in cell motility. We previously reported that calpain-mediated proteolysis of talin1 and focal adhesion kinase mediates adhesion disassembly in motile cells. To determine whether calpain-mediated paxillin proteolysis regulates focal adhesion dynamics and cell motility, we mapped the preferred calpain proteolytic site in paxillin. The cleavage site is between the paxillin LD1 and LD2 motifs and generates a C-terminal fragment that is similar in size to the alternative product paxillin delta. The calpain-generated proteolytic fragment, like paxillin delta, functions as a paxillin antagonist and impairs focal adhesion disassembly and migration. We generated mutant paxillin with a point mutation (S95G) that renders it partially resistant to calpain proteolysis. Paxillin-deficient cells that express paxillin S95G display increased turnover of zyxin-containing adhesions using time-lapse microscopy and also show increased migration. Moreover, cancer-associated somatic mutations in paxillin are common in the N-terminal region between the LD1 and LD2 motifs and confer partial calpain resistance. Taken together, these findings suggest a novel role for calpain-mediated proteolysis of paxillin as a negative regulator of focal adhesion dynamics and migration that may function to limit cancer cell invasion.  相似文献   

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