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A computer simulation model was used to predict the dynamics of survival and conjugation of Pseudomonas cepacia (carrying the transmissible recombinant plasmid R388:Tn1721) with a nonrecombinant recipient strain in simple rhizosphere and phyllosphere microcosms. Plasmid transfer rates were derived for a mass action model, and donor and recipient survival were modeled as exponential growth and decay processes or both. Rate parameters were derived from laboratory studies in which donor and recipient strains were incubated in test tubes with a peat-vermiculite solution or on excised radish or bean leaves in petri dishes. The model predicted donor, recipient, and transconjugant populations in hourly time steps. It was tested in a microcosm planted with radish seeds and inoculated with donor and recipient strains and on leaf surfaces of radish and bean plants also growing in microcosms. Bacteria were periodically enumerated on selective media over 7 to 14 days. When donor and recipient populations were 10(6) to 10(8) CFU/g (wet weight) of plant or soil, transconjugant populations of about 10(1) to 10(4) were observed after 1 day. An initial rapid increase and a subsequent decline in numbers of transconjugants in the rhizosphere and on leaf surfaces were correctly predicted.  相似文献   

N conjugative transfer system of plasmid pCU1.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

COSMIC-rules, an individual-based model for bacterial adaptation and evolution, has been used to study virtual transmission of plasmids within bacterial populations, in an environment varying between supportive and inhibitory. The simulations demonstrate spread of antibiotic resistance (R) plasmids, both compatible and incompatible, by the bacterial gene transfer process of conjugation. This paper describes the behaviour of virtual plasmids, their modes of exchange within bacterial populations and the impact of antibiotics, together with the rules governing plasmid transfer. Three case studies are examined: transfer of an R plasmid within an antibiotic-susceptible population, transfer of two incompatible R plasmids and transfer of two compatible R plasmids. R plasmid transfer confers antibiotic resistance on recipients. For incompatible plasmids, one or other plasmid could be maintained in bacterial cells and only that portion of the population acquiring the appropriate plasmid-encoded resistance survives exposure to the antibiotics. By contrast, the compatible plasmids transfer and mix freely within the bacterial population that survives in its entirety in the presence of the antibiotics. These studies are intended to inform models for examining adaptive evolution in bacteria. They provide proof of principle in simple systems as a platform for predicting the behaviour of bacterial populations in more complex situations, for example in response to changing environments or in multi-species bacterial assemblages.  相似文献   

Direction of conjugative transfer of IncI1 plasmid ColIb-P9.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The origin-of-transfer region of ColIb-P9 was inserted into a lambda prophage to give a bacterial chromosome mobilizable by the parental conjugative plasmid. The polarity of mobilization of chromosomal genes indicated that ColIb-P9 transfer is unidirectional, such that the transfer genes adjacent to oriT enter the recipient cell last.  相似文献   

Certain virulence region operons of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid promoted conjugative Ti plasmid transfer. Mutations in the vir region of pTiC58 inhibited conjugative plasmid transfer between A. tumefaciens strains. Mutations in virA, virG, 5' virB, and virE had the greatest effect on plasmid transfer, and mutations in virC had no effect. Transfer inhibition in vir mutants occurred in the presence or absence of acetosyringone.  相似文献   

Transfer of plasmid R100-1 was reduced 100-fold in the absence of integration host factor.  相似文献   

The conjugative transfer (tra) genes of a 52-kilobase (kb) staphylococcal plasmid, pGO1, were localized by deletion analysis and transposon insertional inactivation. All transfer-defective (Tra-) deletions and Tn551 or Tn917 transposon insertions occurred within a 14.5-kb BglII fragment. Deletions and insertions outside this fragment all left the plasmid transfer proficient (Tra+). The tra region was found to be flanked by directly repeated DNA sequences, approximately 900 base pairs in length, at either end. Clones containing the 14.5-kb BglII fragment (pGO200) and subclones from this fragment were constructed in Escherichia coli on shuttle plasmids and introduced into Staphylococcus aureus protoplasts. Protoplasts could not be transformed with pGO200E (pGO200 on the staphylococcal replicon, pE194) or subclones containing DNA at one end of the tra fragment unless pGO1 or specific cloned tra DNA fragments were present in the recipient cell. However, once stabilized by sequences present on a second replicon, each tra fragment could be successfully introduced alone into other plasmid-free S. aureus recipients by conjugative mobilization or transduction. In this manner, two clones containing overlapping fragments comprising the entire 14.5-kb BglII fragment were shown to complement each other. The low-frequency transfer resulted in transconjugants containing one clone intact, deletions of that clone, and recombinants of the two clones. The resulting recombinant plasmid (pGO220), which regenerated the tra region intact on a single replicon, transferred at frequencies comparable to those of pGO1. Thus, all the genes necessary and sufficient for conjugative transfer of pGO1 are contained within a 14.5-kb region of DNA.  相似文献   

R1162 is efficiently comobilized during conjugative transfer of the self-transmissible plasmid R751. Bacteriophage M13 derivatives that contain two directly repeated copies of oriT, the site on R1162 DNA required in cis for mobilization, were constructed. Phage DNA molecules underwent recombination during infection of Escherichia coli, with the product retaining a single functional copy of oriT. Recombination was strand specific and depended on R1162 gene products involved in mobilization, but did not require the self-transmissible plasmid vector. Two genes were identified, one essential for recombination and the other affecting the frequency of recombination. Recombination of bacteriophage DNA could form the basis of a simple model for some of the events occurring during conjugation without the complexity of a true mating system.  相似文献   

Bacterial conjugation normally involves the unidirectional transfer of DNA from donor to recipient. Occasionally, conjugation results in the transfer of DNA from recipient to donor, a phenomenon known as retrotransfer. Two distinct models have been generally considered for the mechanism of retrotransfer. In the two-way conduction model, no transfer of the conjugative plasmid is required. The establishment of a single conjugation bridge between donor and recipient is sufficient for the transfer of DNA in both directions. In the one-way conduction model, transfer of the conjugative plasmid to the recipient is required to allow the synthesis of a new conjugation bridge for the transfer of DNA from recipient to donor. We have tested these models by the construction of a mutant of the self-transmissible, IncP plasmid RK2lac that allows the establishement of the conjugation bridge but is incapable of self-transfer. Four nucleotides of the nic region of the origin of transfer (oriT) were changed directly in the 67-kb plasmid RK2lac by a simple adaptation of the vector-mediated excision (VEX) strategy for precision mutagenesis of large plasmids (E. K.Ayres, V. J. Thomson, G. Merino, D. Balderes, and D. H. Figurski, J. Mol. Biol. 230:174-185, 1993). The resulting RK2lac oriT1 mutant plasmid mobilizes IncQ or IncP oriT+ plasmids efficiently but transfers itself at a frequency which is 10(4)-fold less than that of the wild type. Whereas the wild-type RK2lac oriT+ plasmid promotes the retrotransfer of an IncQ plasmid from Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa recipients, the RK2lac oriT1 mutant is severely defective in retrotransfer. Therefore, retrotransfer requires prior transfer of the conjugative plasmid to the recipient. The results prove that retrotransfer occurs by two sequential DNA transfer events.  相似文献   

Plasmid selection and strand replacement synthesis in donor cells during conjugative transfer was examined by a procedure involving electroporation of test plasmid DNA, containing a base pair mismatch, into donor cells prior to mating. Multiple copies of the plasmid were transferred from a donor cell that allowed vegetative replication of the plasmid. Under conditions non-permissive for vegetative replication, there were further rounds of transfer after a lag period. Strand replacement in the donor did not depend solely on the initiation mechanism for vegetative replication, indicating a conjugation-specific mechanism was also available. The lag period between first and second rounds of transfer argues against the transfer of multiple copies into recipients by the spooling of copies generated on a master molecule by rolling-circle replication.  相似文献   

We have constructed a RP4 KorB overproducing strain and purified the protein to near homogeneity. KorB is a DNA binding protein recognizing defined palindromic 13-bp sequences (TTTAGCSGCTAAA). Inverted sequence repetitions of this type, designated OB, are present on RP4 12 times. OB-sequences are localized in replication and maintenance regions as well as in the regions Tra1 and Tra2 essential for conjugative transfer. All sites found in Tra regions by computer search act as targets for specific binding of KorB protein. KorB-DNA complexes were detected by DNA fragment retardation assay using polyacrylamide gels. The 13-bp symmetric arrangement of the consensus OB-sequence constitutes the core for binding KorB protein since any truncation of this sequence prevents complex assembly or leads to a considerable destabilization of the KorB-DNA complexes. A hydroxyl radical footprint analysis demonstrated complex formation of KorB with the OB-sequence directly and suggests the presence of an unusual DNA structure within the nucleoprotein complex.  相似文献   

Characterization of conjugative plasmid EDP208.   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
EDP208 is a conjugative plasmid belonging to incompatibility group IncF0 lac, A restriction endonuclease map of this plasmid was constructed using five restriction enzymes: BamHI, HindIII, PvuI, SstI, and XhoI. On the basis of these mapping studies, the plasmid was found to be 90 kilobases in length. Clones were constructed from four large HindIII fragments of plasmid EDP208. One fragment, HindIII-20.5, was found to contain the lac genes and the origin of vegetative replication (oriV). Another fragment, HindIII-27.5, was found to contain all of the genes necessary for sex pilus formation, but it was nontransmissible. However, when used to complement a plasmid carrying an adjacent fragment, HindIII-23, the transfer of the latter occurred, suggesting that HindIII-23 contains the origin of transfer (oriT). The further localization of genes concerned with pilus biosynthesis was achieved by transposon mutagenesis. Six EDP208::Tn1 and thirty-seven EDP208::Tn5 mutants were isolated on the basis of their resistance to f1, a filamentous phage which adheres to intact pilus tips. The positions of the inserted transposons were determined on the restriction map and a 16.5-kilobase region was found to be required for pilus synthesis.  相似文献   

The species belonging to the genera Cryptococcus and Hansenula with saturnian spores predominate in the rhizosphere of agricultural plants. The sporiferous strains of Debaryomyces, Hanseniaspora apiculata, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, and asporogenic Candida krusei and Trichosporon cutaneum prevail in the rhizosphere of wild plants. Candida krusei and Trichosporon cutaneum prevail in the rhizosphere of wild plants. The cultures of Rhodotorula, Candida krusei and Metschnikowia pulcherrima are typical of the phyllosphere of both cultural and wild plants. The phyllosphere of cultural plants contains also the asporogenic strains of Cryptococcus, Candida tropicalis, Trichosporon pullulans, Tr. cutaneum, and Hansenula, while Hanseniaspora apiculata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae predominate in the phyllosphere of wild plants. The yeast flora of the majority of studied plants is diverse and comprises 10--20 species (in cabbage, potato, linden, aspen, and pear trees). The rhizophere and phyllosphere of some plants contain only 2 to 4 yeast species (onion, hop, wild apple).  相似文献   

The genes responsible for conjugative transfer of the 48.4-kb Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis ML3 plasmid pRS01 were localized by insertional mutagenesis. Integration of the IS946-containing plasmid pTRK28 into pRS01 generated a pool of stable cointegrates, including a number of plasmids altered in conjugative proficiency. Mapping of pTRK28 insertions and phenotypic analysis of cointegrate plasmids identified four distinct regions (Tra1, Tra2, Tra3, and Tra4) involved in pRS01 conjugative transfer. Tra3 corresponds closely to a region previously identified (D. G. Anderson and L. L. McKay, J. Bacteriol. 158:954-962, 1984). Another region (Tra4) was localized within an inversion sequence shown to correlate with a cell aggregation phenotype. Tra1 and Tra2, two previously unidentified regions, were located at a distance of 9 kb from Tra3. When provided in trans, a cloned portion of the Tra3 region complemented Tra3 mutants.  相似文献   

The Incl1 conjugative plasmid Collb-P9 carries a psiB gene that prevents induction of the SOS response in host bacteria. This locus is located 2.5 kb downstream of the ssb (single-stranded DNA-binding protein) gene in the leading region. This portion of Collb is strikingly similar to part of the leading region of the otherwise distinct F plasmid. Expression of psiB and ssb is increased when the host cell is exposed to an SOS-inducing treatment or the Collb transfer system is derepressed. Moreover, expression of both genes on a derepressed plasmid is strongly enhanced in conjugatively infected recipient cells. Carriage of the psiB gene by Collb is shown to prevent a low level of SOS induction following conjugation. Plasmid ssb and psiB genes may function to promote installation of the replicon in the new cell.  相似文献   

Transfer of the conjugative plasmid G873 on filters and mixed cultivation of the donor and recipient cells in liquid media is described. In the both systems the use of the lysogenic recipient cells (phages of serogroups B and F) in the crossings increased mor than 100-fold the frequency of plasmid transfer. The conjugative transfer of the plasmid in the mixed cultivation system was proved. The conjugative transfer required the presence (while not obligatory) of calcium chloride and was restricted by the serum factors.  相似文献   

Plasmid aggregate (R387, R64) was constructed in E. coli K12 strain. Plasmid R387 Inc K was stimulated to conjugational transfer by plasmid R64 Inc I. This stimulation was caused neither by recombination between both plasmids nor by trans-complementation of R387 conjugational systems by gene(s) product(s) of R64 plasmid. The observed phenomenon resembled rather mobilization of nonconjugative plasmids by conjugative ones. As in mobilization, the observed increase in R387 transfer frequency could take place only when both interacting plasmids were present in donor cells. Moreover, the entry exclusion system functioning in recipient cells, toward stimulating R64 plasmid affected strongly the conjugational transfer of stimulated R387 plasmid. Analogous phenomenon was observed during mobilization of nonconjugative plasmids by conjugative ones.  相似文献   

Conjugative transfer of a broad-host range plasmid and transformation-mediated transfer of chromosomal genes were found to occur at significant frequencies between Ralstonia solanacearum and Acinetobacter sp. in planta. These intergeneric gene transfers are related to the conditions provided by the infected plant, including the extensive multiplication of these two bacteria in planta and the development of a competence state in Acinetobacter sp. Although interkingdom DNA transfer from nuclear transgenic plants to these bacteria was not detectable, plants infected by pathogens (e.g., Ralstonia solanacearum) and co-colonized by soil saprophyte bacteria (e.g., Acinetobacter sp.) can be considered as potential "hot spots" for gene transfer, even between phylogenetically remote organisms.  相似文献   

The product of the Escherichia coli F plasmid traI gene is required for DNA transfer via bacterial conjugation. This bifunctional protein catalyzes the unwinding of duplex DNA and is a sequence-specific DNA transesterase. The latter activity provides the site- and strand-specific nick required to initiate DNA transfer. To address the role of the TraI helicase activity in conjugative DNA transfer traI mutants were constructed and their function in DNA transfer was evaluated using genetic and biochemical methods. A traI deletion/insertion mutant was transfer-defective as expected. A traI C-terminal deletion that removed the helicase-associated motifs was also transfer-defective despite the fact that the region of traI encoding the transesterase activity was intact. Biochemical studies demonstrated that the N-terminal domain was sufficient to catalyze oriT-dependent transesterase activity. Thus, a functional transesterase was not sufficient to support DNA transfer. Finally, a point mutant, TraI-K998M, that lacked detectable helicase activity was characterized. This protein catalyzed oriT-dependent transesterase activity in vitro and in vivo but failed to complement a traI deletion strain in conjugative DNA transfer assays. Thus, both the transesterase and helicase activities of TraI are essential for DNA strand transfer.  相似文献   

Conjugative transfer of the self-transmissible IncP plasmid RP4 requires the product of the RP4 traK gene. By using the phage T7 expression system, the traK gene product was efficiently overproduced and purified to near homogeneity. traK encodes a basic protein (pI = 10.7) of 14.6 kDa that, as shown by DNA fragment retention assay, interacts exclusively with its cognate transfer origin. The apparent equilibrium constant K(app) for the complex of TraK and oriT-DNA was estimated to be 4 nM. Footprinting experiments using DNase I or hydroxyl radicals indicate that several TraK molecules interact specifically with an intrinsically bent region of oriT, covering a range of almost 200 base pairs. The TraK target sequence maps in the leading region adjacent to the relaxation nick site and recognition sequences involved in relaxosome formation but does not overlap them. Specific interactions between TraK and the DNA occur only on one side of the double helix. Electron microscopy of TraK-oriT complexes demonstrates that binding of TraK to its recognition region apparently shrinks the length of the target DNA, suggesting that the nucleic acid becomes wrapped around a core of TraK molecules. Formation of this structure could be favored by the presence of the sequence-directed bend in the TraK recognition region.  相似文献   

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