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国内生物基材料产业发展现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,生物基材料正逐步成为引领当代世界科技创新和经济发展的又一新的主导产业。文章综述了国内生物基材料产业的最新进展,对整个生物基材料产业市场进行了综合分析,包括生物基化学品如乳酸、1,3-丙二醇、丁二酸等,可生物降解生物基塑料如二元酸二元醇共聚酯、聚乳酸、二氧化碳共聚物、聚羟基烷酸酯、聚己内酯、热塑性生物质塑料,非生物降解生物基塑料如生物基聚酰胺、聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯、生物基聚氨酯,以及生物基纤维等材料的产业现状。  相似文献   

秸秆生物质是储量巨大的碳资源,我国每年可用的生物质资源接近10亿t,如果可以转化为燃料乙醇等生物基化学品,有望减少至少2亿t的原油进口量,因此发展秸秆生物转化生产燃料乙醇和大宗化学品是生物制造的核心组成。中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所(以下简称“天津工业生物所”)自建所之初,便提出了“两个替代一个提升”,其中包括以可再生碳资源替代不可再生石化资源生产大宗化学品。发展秸秆生物转化是研究所的长期战略,建所10年来,在这一领域进行了持续系统地研究,取得了显著进展。本文重点综述真菌系统的生物质降解与转化,包括丝状真菌纤维素降解机理,生物质炼制整合路线研发等,实现了生物质一步转化燃料乙醇、苹果酸等多种大宗能源材料化学品。在可再生化工研究方面,重点介绍了丁二酸、乳酸等一批大宗有机酸,以可再生碳资源为原料进行生产的工业化进展,展示了生物制造替代石化路线生产大宗化学品的潜力。天津工业生物所在秸秆生物转化和可再生化工方面的研究,为我国建设发展低碳经济社会提供了有效参考路径,有望为我国实现双碳战略目标作出自己的独特贡献。  相似文献   

邢建民 《生物工程学报》2013,29(10):1351-1353
生物基化学品是生物经济和生物制造的核心内容之一。本专刊综述了国内外生物基化学品的重要研究进展,包括:丁二酸、己二酸、乳酸、3-羟基丙酸、葡萄糖二酸、甘油、木糖醇、高级醇、乙烯等生物基化学品的代谢工程和发酵调控,直接利用木质纤维素生产生物基化学品的菌株构建,生物基乳酸的衍生和生物转化技术,生物基化学品的盐析萃取分离纯化技术等。同时,本专刊也包括了国内学者在丁二酸、D-甘露醇、苹果酸、5-氨基乙酰丙酸、1,3-丙二醇和丁醇方面的研究论文。  相似文献   

盐析萃取生物基化学品的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廉价生物质的生物炼制研究主要集中在菌种和发酵方面,对下游分离研究较少。廉价生物质资源的利用导致发酵液中引入更多杂质,成分较单糖发酵更复杂,致使生物基化学品的下游分离过程成为其工业化生产亟需解决的关键问题。文中介绍了一种基于两相分配差异分离亲水性生物基化学品的盐析萃取技术及其在生物基化学品分离方面的应用,重点阐述了短链醇和盐对双水相形成的影响,并对1,3-丙二醇、2,3-丁二醇、乙偶姻、乳酸等的盐析萃取研究进展进行了总结和展望。盐析萃取技术可有效地回收发酵液中的小分子亲水性产品,同时除去大多数的杂质 (细胞和蛋白质等),在生物基化学品的分离过程中将是一种有前景的分离技术。  相似文献   

以木质纤维素生物质为原料的生物炼制技术已成为全球研发的热点和难点。欧盟国家和美国的中长期生物质能源发展路线图中均将木质纤维素生物炼制技术作为重要目标,但是目前整体水平尚处于中试阶段。我国的纤维素类生物质原料非常丰富,将其转化成燃料乙醇及生物基础化学品等具有较大的潜力,但当前要想实现商业化生产,还面临着很多瓶颈问题亟待解决。缺乏能够同时高效利用纤维素类水解物的发酵菌株,已成为纤维素生物质高效与高值转化的关键制约因素。运动发酵单胞菌是目前唯一一种通过ED途径兼性厌氧发酵葡萄糖的微生物,其独特的代谢途径使其成为构建产乙醇工程菌的优选宿主之一;同时由于该菌具有较高的糖利用效率等优点,也是其他生物基化学品生产的重要候选平台微生物,如山梨醇、葡萄糖酸、丁二酸和异丁醇等。本文从该菌的研究历程、分子生物学基础、菌种改良及该菌在生物能源及生物基化学品等生物炼制体系中的应用研究角度进行了综述,并提出该菌可作为纤维素生物质生物炼制系统的新的重要平台微生物。  相似文献   

《林产化学与工业》由中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所、中国林学会林产化学化工分会共同主办,为全国林产化工行业的学术类期刊。报道范围:可再生的木质和非木质生物质资源的化学加工与利用,包括生物质能源、生物质化学品、生物质新材料、生物质天然活性成分和制浆造纸等,主要包括松脂化学、生物质能源化学、生物质炭材料、生物基功能高分子材料、胶黏剂化学、森林植物资源提取物化学利用、环境保护工程、木材制浆造纸为主的林纸一体化和林产化学工  相似文献   

在日本,利用生物技术生产的化学品中,主要品种是生物乙醇和生物塑料。本文围绕这两个产品浅析日本生物技术化学品的现状。这里所说的生物塑料是指部分或全部原料来自生物质的塑料,没有考虑其是否具有生物可降解性。  相似文献   

正《林产化学与工业》(双月刊)由中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所、中国林学会林产化学化工分会共同主办,为全国林产化工行业的学术类期刊。报道范围是可再生的木质和非木质生物质资源的化学加工与利用,包括生物质能源、生物质化学品、生物质新材料、生物质天然活性成分和制浆造纸等,主要包括松脂化学、生物质能源化学、生物质炭材料、生物基功能高分子材料、胶黏剂化学、森林植物资源提取物化学利用、环境保护工程、木材制浆造纸为主的林纸一体化和林产化学工程设  相似文献   

由于过度消耗化石资源引发的石油紧缺和温室效应问题,巳逐步影响到人类社会可持续发展的宗旨,开发能替代化石能源需求的新能源日渐急迫.生物质能源是化石能源的替代能源之一,对生物质能源炼制的研究成为很多人的关注热点.生物炼制产品的工业化,是形成可持续性的生物炼制品产业经济的关键.我国政府已经把发展生物质能源作为国家发展战略的一部分,确定了具体的发展目标,制定了相应的研发计划,出台了一系列法规以促进生物质能产业的健康发展.我国生物炼制技术在生物燃料、生物柴油、生物基化学品等领域取得了明显进步.本文主要综述生物炼制技术的研究进展及其产业发展情况.  相似文献   

正《林产化学与工业》(双月刊)由中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所、中国林学会林产化学化工分会共同主办,为全国林产化工行业的学术类期刊。报道范围是可再生的木质和非木质生物质资源的化学加工与利用,包括生物质能源、生物质化学品、生物质新材料、生物质天然活性成分和制浆造纸等,主要包括松脂化学、生物质能源化学、生物质炭材料、生物基功能高分子材料、胶黏剂化学、森林植物资源提取物化学利用、环境保护工程、木材制浆造纸为主的林纸一体化和林产化学工程设备研究设计等方面的最新研究成果。  相似文献   

India has emerged as a key player with a high potential to develop a biomass and biobased economy due to its large geographic size and the massive amounts of agricultural and non agricultural biomass produced. India has joined hands with Europe to synchronize its efforts to create and facilitate the development of a biobased economy in this country. This paper aims to examine common research and development actions between the European Union (EU) and India to facilitate the development of these biobased economies. As a base, a thorough study has been performed considering the biomass potential and current status of the bioeconomy in both the EU and India based on the distillation of a series of 80 potential recommendations. The recommendations were grouped into four major categories: (1) biomass production, (2) by-products/waste, (3) biorefineries and (4) policy, market, and value-added products. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to key stakeholders belonging to: academia, industry, and policymakers in both India and the EU. A total of 231 responses were received and analyzed, based on the key recommendations made for the essential research and development topics that are of prime importance to develop biobased economies in both the EU and India. The findings of this study suggest recognizing the value-added contributions made by biobased products such as: food, feed, valuable materials and chemicals in both regions. It is important to reduce the overall process costs and minimize the environmental impacts of such a biobased economy.  相似文献   

The demand for biobased materials for various end-uses in the bioplastic industry is substantially growing due to increasing awareness of health and environmental concerns, along with the toxicity of synthetic plasticizers such as phthalates. This fact has stimulated new regulations requiring the replacement of synthetic conventional plasticizers, particularly for packaging applications. Biobased plasticizers have recently been considered as essential additives, which may be used during the processing of compostable polymers to enormously boost biobased packaging applications. The development and utilization of biobased plasticizers derived from epoxidized soybean oil, castor oil, cardanol, citrate, and isosorbide have been broadly investigated. The synthesis of biobased plasticizers derived from renewable feedstocks and their impact on packaging material performance have been emphasized. Moreover, the effect of biobased plasticizer concentration, interaction, and compatibility on the polymer properties has been examined. Recent developments have resulted in the replacement of synthetic plasticizers by biobased counterparts. Particularly, this has been the case for some biodegradable thermoplastics-based packaging applications.  相似文献   

Conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels and chemicals has attracted immense research and development around the world. Lowering recalcitrance of biomass in a cost-effective manner is a challenge to commercialize biomass-based technologies. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are new ‘green' solvents that have a high potential for biomass processing because of their low cost, low toxicity, biodegradability, easy recycling and reuse. This article discusses the properties of DESs and recent advances in their application for lignocellulosic biomass processing. The effectiveness of DESs in hydrolyzing lignin-carbohydrate complexes, removing lignin/hemicellulose from biomass as well as their effect on biomass deconstruction, crystallinity and enzymatic digestibility have been discussed. Moreover, this review presents recent findings on the compatibility of natural DESs with enzymes and microorganisms.  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic biomass is recognized as potential sustainable source for production of power, biofuels and variety of commodity chemicals which would potentially add economic value to biomass. Recalcitrance nature of biomass is largely responsible for the high cost of its conversion. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce some cost effective pretreatment processes to make the biomass polysaccharides easily amenable to enzymatic attack to release mixed fermentable sugars. Advancement in systemic biology can provide new tools for the development of such biocatalysts for sustainable production of commodity chemicals from biomass. Integration of functional genomics and system biology approaches may generate efficient microbial systems with new metabolic routes for production of commodity chemicals. This paper provides an overview of the challenges that are faced by the processes converting lignocellulosic biomass to commodity chemicals. The critical factors involved in engineering new microbial biocatalysts are also discussed with more emphasis on commodity chemicals.  相似文献   

生物基化学纤维具有生产过程环境友好、原料可再生以及产品可生物降解等优良特性,因此,大力发展生物基化学纤维对于替代化石资源、发展循环经济、建设资源节约型和环境友好型的社会具有十分重大的意义。本文介绍了我国生物基纤维产业的发展现状,分析了生物基纤维产业发展存在的问题,指出了生物基纤维材料科技创新趋势和目标,并给出了我国发展生物基纤维的建议。  相似文献   

With the depletion of the nonrenewable petrochemical resources and the increasing concerns of environmental pollution globally, biofuels and biobased chemicals produced from the renewable resources appear to be of great strategic significance. The present review described the progress in the biosynthesis of fatty acid and its derivatives from renewable biomass and emphasized the importance of fatty acid serving as the platform chemical and feedstock for a variety of chemicals. Due to the low efficient conversions of lignocellulosic biomass or carbon dioxide to fatty acid, we also put forward that rational strategies for the production of fatty acid and its derivatives should further derive from the consideration of whole bioprocess (pretreatment, saccharification, fermentation, separation), multiscale analysis and interdisciplinary combinations (omics, kinetics, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, fermentation and so on).  相似文献   

The depletion in fossil feedstocks, increasing oil prices, and the ecological problems associated with CO2 emissions are forcing the development of alternative resources for energy, transport fuels, and chemicals: the replacement of fossil resources with CO2 neutral biomass. Allied with this, the conversion of crude oil products utilizes primary products (ethylene, etc.) and their conversion to either materials or (functional) chemicals with the aid of co-reagents such as ammonia and various process steps to introduce functionalities such as -NH2 into the simple structures of the primary products. Conversely, many products found in biomass often contain functionalities. Therefore, it is attractive to exploit this to bypass the use, and preparation of, co-reagents as well as eliminating various process steps by utilizing suitable biomass-based precursors for the production of chemicals. It is the aim of this mini-review to describe the scope of the possibilities to generate current functionalized chemical materials using amino acids from biomass instead of fossil resources, thereby taking advantage of the biomass structure in a more efficient way than solely utilizing biomass for the production of fuels or electricity.  相似文献   

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