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Oxygen and carbon isotope data of well-preserved belemnite rostra and ammonite shells are presented from the Callovian–Oxfordian boundary (uppermost Lamberti to lowermost Cordatum zones) of the Dubki section near Saratov in the Russian Platform. Palaeotemperatures calculated for nektobenthic belemnites (averages of 5 °C and 8 °C for cylindroteuthids and belemnopseids, respectively) show the presence of cold bottom waters in the central part of the Middle Russian Sea during the studied interval. Palaeotemperatures calculated for ammonites, which are assumed to have lived in near-surface waters, are considerably higher (average 13 °C). The presented data show a vertical thermal gradient in the Middle Russian Sea. The belemnite oxygen isotope record and the relative abundances of ammonite families in the Dubki section do not correlate with each other probably as a result of different depth habitats of ammonites and belemnites. A review of literature isotope data shows the climatic zonation in European seas at the Middle–Late Jurassic transition. Despite the flux of cold polar waters to the Middle Russian Sea and the area of Scotland there is no evidence for glaciation at the Middle–Late Jurassic transition. Changes in water circulation during a sea-level highstand were likely a source of spreads of cold bottom waters and cardioceratid ammonite fauna in this time period.The belemnite isotope record of the Callovian–Oxfordian boundary in the Russian Platform is characterized by significant scatter of δ13C values. No temporal carbon isotope trend is observed. The δ13C values of Russian belemnite rostra average 2.6‰ VPDB being 1 to 2‰ higher than the values of coeval Lower Oxfordian belemnites from the area of the Submediterranean ammonite province. Higher (than Submediterranean) δ13C values of Russian belemnite rostra are likely related to high biologic productivity and/or high organic matter burial in semi-isolated Boreal–Subboreal marine basins.  相似文献   

The Kachchh Oxfordian ammonoid stratigraphic record for over 150 years remained restricted largely to Early Oxfordian condensed oolitic facies in the relatively distal Mainland Kachchh. Recently, it has been enlarged with the discovery in 1994 of over 200 m-thick uncondensed Middle to Late Oxfordian succession at Kantkote in the proximal part of the basin. Apart from abundant Perisphinctinae and Mayaitinae, a 10 m-thick sediment interval in the lower half of the above succession yielded a few examples of Gregoryceras. The specimens are here identified as G. gr. devauxi Bert and Enay and in view of their association with Larcheria subschilli (Lee) are assigned to the Middle Oxfordian Subschilli Horizon of the Schilli Subzone. Gregoryceras distribution south of the equator in Kachchh, Chile, Mexico and Madagascar, all within 35-40° latitude marks the southern limit of its latitudinal expansion during the first order maximum flooding surface (MFS) of the Schilli Subzone of the Kachchh Toarcian-Hauterivian Sequence. The maximum ammonoid diversity, density and frequency of the Kachchh first order sequence coupled with dominance of mayaitins and perisphinctins suggest over 20 m depth in the Gregoryceras interval. Distinctly greater bathymetry in the 200 km distally away basinal part causes sediment starved situation, and explains the Middle Oxfordian to early Early Kimmeridgian submarine nondepositional hiatus in the Mainland Kachchh.  相似文献   

A. V?r?s 《Facies》2012,58(3):415-443
The Villány area, as a central part of the Tisza microcontinent/terrane along the European margin of Tethys, was characterized by intense subsidence in the Early and Middle Triassic, followed by a long interruption of subsidence in the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic. During the Middle–Late Jurassic transition, marine sedimentation started with three distinct sedimentary episodes dated as Late Bathonian, Early Callovian, and Middle–Late Callovian, respectively. The succession is terminated by a thick limestone of Middle Oxfordian age. The sedimentary features, microfacies, and macroinvertebrate associations of these four stratigraphic units are documented and illustrated. The Middle to Late Jurassic sedimentary episodes of the Villány succession record an interplay of local and global factors and paleogeographical changes. At the beginning, local tectonic movements governed the main features of sedimentation, though the role of eustasy was also essential. From the mid-Callovian onwards, global climatic, biotic, and paleoceanographical changes controlled the nature and formation of the local carbonate sediments. The Callovian stromatolites are attributed to the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria in a deep sublittoral, current-swept environment. Upwelling of eutrophic Tethyan waters is recorded by the prevalence of the Bositra filament microfacies in the Callovian. The long submarine hiatus at around the Callovian–Oxfordian transition mirrors a serious restriction of the carbonate budget, due to sudden cooling and a change in the oceanic current system (opening of a circumglobal Tethyan Passage), and to a higher amount of dissolved CO2. In the Middle Oxfordian, the carbonate production considerably increased in accordance with the sudden global warming.  相似文献   

Phylloceratina and Lytoceratina ammonoids in the Middle Jurassic of the Iberian Chain (E. Spain) represent less than 1% of the whole of Ammonoidea. There are two intervals, however, in which their occurrence is remarkably constant: within the Upper Bajocian and at the Lower/Middle Callovian boundary. These two dispersal episodes of Phylloceratina and Lytoceratina into the Iberian Basin are regarded to reflect changes in their palaeoecological and taphonomical behaviour, as a consequence of regional sea-level changes during the Middle Jurassic. A relative rise during the Late Bajocian favoured the immigration of juvenile phyllocerataceans. Phylloceras and Adabofoloceras immigrations gave rise to monospecific assemblages, where they soon died. They did not breed or ontogenically develop in this basin. In contrast, phyllocerataceans recorded at the Lower/Middle Callovian boundary constitute polyspecific assemblages, dominated by adult individuals. These Callovian assemblages were formed by nekroplanktonic drift, related to a relative sea-level fall and general homogenization of the shelf bottom, hence favouring the concentration of remains of organisms from more open marine and oceanic areas.  相似文献   

New data from the Berchtesgaden Alps result in a reconstruction of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic history of the Northern Calcareous Alps. The closure of the western part of the Neotethys Ocean started in the late Early Jurassic and is evidenced by the onset of thick clay-rich sediments in the outer shelf area (=Hallstatt realm). The Middle to early Late Jurassic contraction is documented by the migration of trench-like basins formed in front of a propagating thrust belt. Due to ophiolite obduction, these basins propagated from the outer shelf area, forming there the Bajocian to Oxfordian Hallstatt Mélange, to the Hauptdolomit/Dachstein platform area, where the Oxfordian Rofan and Tauglboden Mélanges were formed. The basins were separated by nappe fronts forming structural highs. This scenario mirrors syn-orogenic erosion and deposition in an evolving thrust belt. Active basin formation and nappe thrusting ended around the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary, which was followed by the onset of carbonate platforms on structural highs prograding towards the former basins in latest Oxfordian to Early Tithonian time. Underfilled basins remained between the platforms. Rapid deepening around the Early/Late Tithonian boundary was induced by extension due to mountain uplift and resulted in the reconfiguration of the platforms and basins related to normal and probably strike-slip faults. Erosion of the uplifted nappe stack including obducted ophiolites caused final drowning and demise of the platforms in the Berriasian. The remaining Early Cretaceous basins were filled up with molasse sediments including siliciclastics until Aptian. Around the Early/Late Cretaceous boundary again extension and strike-slip movements started, followed by Eocene thrusting and Miocene strike-slip movements with block rotations. These younger tectonic movements destroyed the Triassic to Early Cretaceous palaeogeography and arranged the modern block configuration. The described Jurassic to Early Cretaceous history corresponds with that of the Western Carpathians, the Dinarides, and the Albanides, where (1) age dating of the metamorphic soles prove late Early to Middle Jurassic inneroceanic thrusting followed by late Middle to early Late Jurassic ophiolite obduction, (2) Kimmeridgian to Tithonian shallow-water platforms formed on top of the obducted ophiolites, and (3) latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sediments show postorogenic character. Therefore, we correlate the Jurassic geodynamic evolution of the Northern Calcareous Alps with the closure of the western part of the Neotethys Ocean.  相似文献   

In Late Jurassic times, the Swiss Jura carbonate platform occupied the transition between the Paris Basin and the Tethys and thus connects the Boreal and Tethyan realm. Up to now, the lack of index fossils in the Reuchenette Formation prevented a reliable correlation between both areas (its sediments are characterised by a prominent sparseness of index fossils). Now, seven recently in situ collected species of ammonites helped to establish a new sequence-stratigraphical frame for the platform sediments of the Reuchenette Formation in NW Switzerland. Based on biostratigraphical data, five third-order sedimentary sequences were assigned to the Late Oxfordian to Late Kimmeridgian. The upper three third-order sequences correspond to the Boreal sequences Kim3–5 of Hardenbol et al. (1998). The deduced large-scale sea-level fluctuations match those from other European regions (Spain, Russia). This biostratigraphically based sequence-stratigraphical frame is a prerequisite to refine correlations within a wider area covering the Swiss Jura and parts of adjacent France and Germany. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of calcareous nannofossils was analysed across the Middle-Late Jurassic transition in the French Subalpine Basin (south-eastern France). This basin is characterized in the hemipelagic-pelagic domain by a continuous sedimentary succession, allowing a good biostratigraphic resolution for this time interval. The nannofossil assemblages are consistently dominated by Watznaueria britannica. However, major changes in trophic and paleoenvironmental conditions are recorded across the Middle-Late Jurassic transition. An increase in marine primary productivity and cooling of surface waters is recorded across the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary, as already shown in the higher latitude setting of the eastern Paris Basin. Increased precipitation and runoff under contrasting seasonal climatic conditions (monsoon-type) has led to eutrophication of marine surface waters in the French Subalpine Basin at this period. Then, decreased runoff and associated nutrients certainly linked to drier climatic conditions lead to a decrease in calcareous nannofossil productivity during the middle part of the Early Oxfordian (mariae-cordatum ammonite Zone transition). At the Early-Middle Oxfordian transition, more favourable conditions for the nannofossil community (warmer and mesotrophic surface waters) prevailed. The pelagic (nannofossil) carbonate contribution is limited, and the carbonate fraction is predominantly of nektonic/benthic origin at the Callovian-Oxfordian transition and of allochthonous origin from carbonate platforms at the Early Oxfordian-Middle Oxfordian transition.  相似文献   

The Middle–Upper Jurassic transition is a geodynamic benchmark in the evolutionary history of several peri-Atlantic basins. Contrary to the vast Tethyan and peri-Tethyan areas, in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), this interval corresponds to a major basin-wide disconformity preceded by a complex forced regression that induced sharp facies variations across the depositional systems. The Middle Jurassic units below are fully marine, whereas the Upper Jurassic sediments (Lower?-Middle Oxfordian), correspond to freshwater/brackish lacustrine, grading into punctuated brackish-restricted lagoonal and shallow-marine paleoenvironments. This study presents total organic carbon and palynofacies data of 34 samples (total analyzed thickness about 85 m) collected from three key sections encompassing the Middle–Upper Jurassic transition in the central-northern sector of the Lusitanian Basin. The palynofacies of the analyzed part of Middle Jurassic units (Cabo Mondego Formation) are characteristic of marine environments at their base, evidencing upwards a regressive trend of the depositional systems. Total organic carbon content is generally low, reaching up to 1.94 wt%. The Upper Jurassic Cabaços Formation presents kerogen assemblages mostly of continental origin, although punctuated by minor intervals of marine influence. Total organic carbon content is more variable, reaching up to 30.56 wt%. Intraclasts of re-deposited fragments of microbial mats were found incorporated in the kerogen assemblages, which point to highly dynamic erosional and depositional processes. Diversity of Botryococcus sp. occurrences was confirmed as an indicator of the degree of paleoenvironmental stability. The vertical distribution and comparison of the kerogen assemblages of the different sections indicate major changes of these parameters among relatively close settings and along narrow vertical intervals, attesting to the high sedimentary dynamics observed in the Lusitanian Basin.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen stable isotope records were compared for Jurassic/Cretaceous (J/K) boundary sections located in the Tethyan Realm (Brodno, Western Slovakia, and Puerto Escaño, Southern Spain; bulk limestones), and the Boreal Realm (Nordvik Peninsula, Northern Siberia, belemnites). Since a detailed biostratigraphic correlation of these Tethyan and Boreal sections is impossible due to different faunal assemblages, correlation of the isotope records was based on paleomagnetic data. This novel approach can improve our understanding of the synchroneity of individual isotope excursions in sections where detailed biostratigraphic correlation is impossible. No significant excursions in either the carbon or oxygen isotope records to be used for future Boreal/Tethyan correlations were found around the J/K boundary (the upper Tithonian and lower Berriasian; magnetozones M20n to M18n) in the studied sections. At the Nordvik section, where a much longer section (middle Oxfordian–basal Boreal Berriasian) was documented, the transition from the middle Oxfordian to the Kimmeridgian and further to the Volgian is characterized by a decrease in belemnite δ18O values (from δ18O values up to + 1.6‰ vs. V-PDB in the Oxfordian to values between + 0.3 and ? 0.8‰ in the late Volgian and earliest Boreal Berriasian). This trend, which has previously been reported from the Russian Platform and Tethyan Realm sections, corresponds either to gradual warming or a decrease in seawater δ18O. Supposing that the oxygen isotope compositions of seawater in the Arctic/Boreal and Tethyan Realms were similar, then the differences between oxygen isotope datasets for these records indicate differences in temperature. The Boreal/Tethyan temperature difference of 7–9 °C in the middle and late Oxfordian decreases towards the J/K boundary, indicating a significant decrease in latitudinal climatic gradients during the Late Jurassic. Two positive carbon isotope excursions recorded for the middle Oxfordian and upper Kimmeridgian in the Nordvik section can be correlated with a similar excursion described earlier for the Russian Platform. Minor influence of biofractionation at the carbon isotopes, and the influence of migration of belemnites to deeper, slightly cooler water at the oxygen isotopes, cannot be excluded for the obtained belemnite data.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic succession of Mount Rettenstein (central Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) is unique in comparison to all other sections known in the Northern Calcareous Alps because it provides the oldest coexistence of radiolarite basin sedimentation with contemporaneous shallow-water carbonate intercalations. An up to 3.5-m-thick debris flow made up of shallow-water carbonate detritus with a radiolaritic matrix is overlain by thin (calcareous) radiolarite, followed by several hundreds of meters of shallow-water carbonates of the Plassen Formation. Benthic foraminifers (Labyrinthia mirabilis Weynschenk and Alveosepta aff. jaccardi) and the radiolarian associations indicate a depositional age of both the debris flow and the basal Plassen Formation around the boundary of Middle/Late Oxfordian resp. in the Late Oxfordian. This is as yet the first unambiguous evidence of Oxfordian shallow-water sedimentation in the Northern Calcareous Alps. This early neritic stage with the settlement of ooid bars and coral-stromatoporoid-reefs, evidenced by the debris flow resediments in siliceous basin sedimentation, is followed by the definite, rapid progradation of the actual Late Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian–Berriasian Plassen Carbonate Platform with its steep slope configuration. Assumably, this evolution was steered by a mixture of both global environmental and regional tectonic constraints.  相似文献   

After rifting and final breakup of Gondwana along the former East-African-Antarctic Orogen during the Toarcian–Aalenian, passive margins formed around the Proto-Indian Ocean. Sedimentological and stratigraphic studies in the southern Morondava Basin contribute to an improved reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes during the syn-rift and post-rift margin formation. Depositional models based on outcrop and literature data in combination with subsurface data sets provide a stratigraphic framework of four transgressive-regressive (T-R) cycles. The incorporation of stratal architecture models derived from seismic images is essential. After a syn-breakup T-R cycle (T-R1), the post-breakup succession commenced with a Bajocian – Early Bathonian carbonate platform (T2). Middle–Late Bathonian sandstones (R2) formed when a global sea-level fall forced the shoreline to move basinward. Incised valleys and palaeokarst known from seismic lines are typical for forced regression cycles. In the Early Callovian again a widespread transgression occurs (T3). During a short regressive phase from the Late Callovian(?) to Early Oxfordian (R3), the siliciclastic shoreface deposits prograded onto the shelf. From the Early Oxfordian onwards a transgressive trend continued (T4). T1–T3 can be explained as the response to the structural development of the breakup rifting but they follow sea-level changes observed in other parts of the world. R3 and T4, in contrast, reflect eustacy.  相似文献   

Three Jurassic fossil-wood taxa from France have been investigated, Taxodioxylon lemoignei n.sp. from the Oxfordian, Prototaxodioxylon romanensis Philippe from the Pliensbachian, and P. sp. from the Hettangian. Wood of this type, prior to the Late Cretaceous, is reviewed. The Oxfordian wood shows a structure characteristic of a Taxodiaceae, previously unknown before the Late Cretaceous. It is well differentiated from contemporaneous woods of Cupressaceae. The systematic position of the Liassic forms, with mixed type of pitting, remains more arguable. These taxodiaceous woods, along with known reproductive structures, reinforce the idea that this family was well separated from Cupressaceae already in the Middle Jurassic. *** Fossil wood, Jurassic, France, Taxodiaceae.  相似文献   

Cyathophora Michelin, 1843, hitherto well known from the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous, has been found in the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) of the Kachchh Basin, western India. Eleven specimens ofCyathophora bourgueti (Defrance, 1826) from the Babia Cliff Sandstone member of the Kaladongar Formation, exposed along the northern scarp of the Kala Dongar, Pachchham Island, Kachchh, are described and illustrated as the earliest Jurassic record of the family CyathophoridaeVaughan & Wells, 1943. It is suggested that the monospecific occurrence ofCyathophora bourgueti was controlled by salinity.   相似文献   

Shells of fully marine Middle to Upper Jurassic molluscs from England and north-western Poland were analysed with respect to their stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C) compositions, and palaeoecological and environmental life conditions of these molluscs were inferred from them. Light microscopical and SEM inspection and an analysis of the minor element content (Fe, Mn, Mg, Sr) suggest rather unaltered isotope signals. The δ18O and δ13C values show a characteristic distribution among three groups of co-occurring organisms. Benthic (adult) bivalves generally preserved higher δ18O and δ13C values than ammonites, whereas planktic bivalve larvae tend to possess the lowest δ18O but higher δ13C than adult bivalves. As this distribution pattern is found in numerous horizons and sections of Bathonian to Kimmeridgian age in NW Poland and England, it is thought to reflect real palaeoenvironmental parameters. All observations can be incorporated in a single model that assumes (i) seasonally induced temperature stratification of the water column, (ii) a correlation between phytoplankton blooms and reproduction season of planktic-planktotrophic bivalves, and (iii) insignificant vital effects with respect to the δ13C in bivalves, but strong biological control in ammonites. In addition, the δ18O evolution suggests that the Late Bajocian to Middle/Late Bathonian and Early Oxfordian to Late Kimmeridgian were considerably warmer than the latest Bathonian to Late Callovian time interval. The oxygen isotopic records from other European regions indicate a similar pattern of long-term palaeotemperature evolution. The comparatively high water temperatures during the Callovian to Oxfordian of the Isle of Skye (NW Scotland) are enigmatic, however. In the Early Oxfordian, sea surface and bottom temperatures began to rise in continental Europe and England. These changes coincide with a south-westward drift of the West European crustal plate, but a causal relationship remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Some temporary outcrops at Villers-le-Tourneur/Neuvizy (Ardennes, France), made possible the observation and biostratigraphical dating of Uppermost Callovian to Early Middle Oxfordian poorly known formations. Especially, the “Oolite Ferrugineuse de Villers-le-Tourneur–Neuvizy” is a quite thick marly unit, yielding some silicified fossils well known since the XIXth century. With details, the Formation displays the succession of several faunal associations, characterizing the main subzones of the Cordatum Zone (Late Lower Oxfordian) and the Plicatilis Zone (Early Middle Oxfordian). Amongst many other species, Cardioceras cordatum (Sowerby, 1812) corresponds to a rare taxon or morphotype, yielded by the bottom part of the Formation. Then, the ultimate Lower Oxfordian faunal association is dominated by ammonites related to C. persecans. These Early Oxfordian are widely dominated by the family Cardioceratidae, commonly associated with Aspidoceratidae; such a structure is related to the “subboreal associations”, typically represented in Great Britain. Immediately after the Middle Oxfordian boundary, some “subtethysian” ammonites (mainly Perisphinctidae), occur in a larger number without being dominant, that emphasizing the northern location of the Ardennes margin. Then locally, two faunal associations succeed, which are characterized by C. cordatiforme (with Euaspidoceras perarmatum), and C. densiplicatum, respectively. Both are typical associations of the Vertebrale Subzone (Early Middle Oxfordian).  相似文献   

The uppermost Rhaetian Adnet reef is part of the Dachstein carbonate platform and is situated at the transition to the intrashelf Kössen Basin. Its diagenetic evolution is investigated focusing on dissolution cavities in the Tropfbruch quarry of Adnet (near Salzburg) stratigraphically situated immediately below the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Sea-level changes due to global eustatic trends and regional tectonics are assumed to be the controlling factors in the development of a manifold diagenetic sequence characterized by phases of meteoric dissolution, marine and burial cementation, and internal sedimentation. Despite small-scale variations of the sequence, a superordinate pattern of diagenetic phases could be elaborated. Small-scale eustatic sea-level falls subordinate to a global regression trend caused subaerial exposures of the Adnet reef in the latest Rhaetian to earliest Hettangian. The result was karstification and meteoric dissolution of aragonitic coral skeletons (Retiophyllia) leading to the formation of biomoldic porosity. Coral septa which escaped dissolution were transformed into neomorphic calcite spar under meteoric–phreatic conditions. A first generation of dog-tooth cements precipitated sporadically on the altered coral skeletons. Eustatic sea-level rise in Early to Mid-Hettangian times caused a renewed flooding of the pore space of the Adnet reef by marine water and the influx of a first generation of internal sediments (IS I), derived from the karstified host rock of the Upper Rhaetian reef limestone. These internal sediments are overgrown by radiaxial-fibrous calcites (RFCs) whose oxygen-isotopic signature (δ18O = ?1.3 (±0.7)‰) indicates precipitation in deeper (colder) water (18–21°C) due to a first phase of drowning. An intermediate phase of eustatic sea-level lowstand in the Late Hettangian is expressed by dissolution and corrosion of RFCs. Rapid drowning of the Dachstein carbonate platform due to eustatic sea-level rise and tectonic movements took place in the Early Sinemurian and a second generation of internal sediments (IS II) derived from the Lower Sinemurian Adnet Formation is washed into the dissolution cavities. Where IS II is absent, RFCs are overgrown by a second generation of dog-tooth cements with a bright-luminescent outer rim indicating the transition to negative redox conditions in the pore water during shallow burial. Burial diagenesis is represented by blocky calcite cements which occlude the remaining pore space. Depleted oxygen-isotope values and significant Fe contents indicate precipitation under reducing redox conditions and elevated temperatures of 30–50°C at burial depths of 420–870 m. Locally, replacive saddle dolomite is the latest diagenetic phase in the Adnet reef indicating crystallization under hydrothermal influences related to compressional subduction regimes of the Penninic Ocean.  相似文献   

Two specimens of the Middle Jurassic ammonite genusReineckeia (sensu lato) have been found in the lowest beds of the Pachchham (Patcham) Limestones exposed in the core of the Jumara Dome, Kachchh (Kutch), Gujarat, western India. The stratigraphy is described in detail and the age bracketed to lie between latest Late Bathonian and Middle Bathonian, older than any previously described examples of this genus, either in India or in Europe (middle Early Callovian). The new finds are compared with other known pre-Callovian Reineckeiidae, notably those of the eastern borders of the Pacific, but the relationships are not close. The phylogenetic consequences are briefly discussed. The roots of the Reineckeiidae continue to lie hidden.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of Early Jurassic calcareous nannofossil assemblages from the Peniche section in Portugal have been performed in order to interpret palaeoenvironmental changes occurring in the Lusitanian Basin during the Late Pliensbachian Davoei, Margaritatus and Spinatum Ammonite Zones. Nannofossil data are compared to already published carbon and oxygen stable isotope data, organic matter content (wt.%Total Organic Carbon, TOC), and biomarker analysis. A significant change in calcareous nannofossil assemblages and species diversity at the transition between the Margaritatus and Spinatum Ammonite Zones matches with the pattern shown by geochemical data. This suggests that a profound change in environmental conditions occurred at that time. In the Davoei and Margaritatus Ammonite Zones, in a context of general sea-level rise, the Lusitanian Basin was characterized by water column stratification that favoured the sedimentation and preservation of organic matter. Biomarkers and oxygen isotope trends suggest that stratification of water masses occurred because of low salinity in surface waters. The shallowest part of the water column, characterized by oligotrophic conditions, was inhabited by the (probable) calcareous dinocyst Schizosphaerella spp., while the deep-dweller Crepidolithus crassus flourished in the lower photic-zone layers. In the Spinatum Ammonite Zone, a regressive trend occurred and a salinity increase is inferred on the basis of oxygen isotope values. Water masses were probably less stratified at that time. The upper photic-zone nannofossil assemblages were still dominated by Schizosphaerella spp. whilst, in the deep photic-zone, Mitrolithus jansae (a Mediterranean taxon) replaced C. crassus (a taxon with NW-European affinity). This pattern may indicate a change in palaeoceanographic conditions related to surface current circulation. The sea-level fall occurring during the Spinatum Ammonite Zone may have resulted in the partial isolation of the Lusitanian Basin from the NW-Europe basins because of the creation of a threshold. Alternatively, tectonic drowning of North African carbonate platforms in the Late Pliensbachian may have promoted better exchanges of nannoplankton between the Lusitanian Basin and the Mediterranean Tethys via the creation of new seaway connections.  相似文献   

Titanosauriforms represent a diverse and globally distributed clade of neosauropod dinosaurs, but their inter‐relationships remain poorly understood. Here we redescribe Lusotitan atalaiensis from the Late Jurassic Lourinhã Formation of Portugal, a taxon previously referred to Brachiosaurus. The lectotype includes cervical, dorsal, and caudal vertebrae, and elements from the forelimb, hindlimb, and pelvic girdle. Lusotitan is a valid taxon and can be diagnosed by six autapomorphies, including the presence of elongate postzygapophyses that project well beyond the posterior margin of the neural arch in anterior‐to‐middle caudal vertebrae. A new phylogenetic analysis, focused on elucidating the evolutionary relationships of basal titanosauriforms, is presented, comprising 63 taxa scored for 279 characters. Many of these characters are heavily revised or novel to our study, and a number of ingroup taxa have never previously been incorporated into a phylogenetic analysis. We treated quantitative characters as discrete and continuous data in two parallel analyses, and explored the effect of implied weighting. Although we recovered monophyletic brachiosaurid and somphospondylan sister clades within Titanosauriformes, their compositions were affected by alternative treatments of quantitative data and, especially, by the weighting of such data. This suggests that the treatment of quantitative data is important and the wrong decisions might lead to incorrect tree topologies. In particular, the diversity of Titanosauria was greatly increased by the use of implied weights. Our results support the generic separation of the contemporaneous taxa Brachiosaurus, Giraffatitan, and Lusotitan, with the latter recovered as either a brachiosaurid or the sister taxon to Titanosauriformes. Although Janenschia was recovered as a basal macronarian, outside Titanosauria, the sympatric Australodocus provides body fossil evidence for the pre‐Cretaceous origin of titanosaurs. We recovered evidence for a sauropod with close affinities to the Chinese taxon Mamenchisaurus in the Late Jurassic Tendaguru beds of Africa, and present new information demonstrating the wider distribution of caudal pneumaticity within Titanosauria. The earliest known titanosauriform body fossils are from the late Oxfordian (Late Jurassic), although trackway evidence indicates a Middle Jurassic origin. Diversity increased throughout the Late Jurassic, and titanosauriforms did not undergo a severe extinction across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, in contrast to diplodocids and non‐neosauropods. Titanosauriform diversity increased in the Barremian and Aptian–Albian as a result of radiations of derived somphospondylans and lithostrotians, respectively, but there was a severe drop (up to 40%) in species numbers at, or near, the Albian/Cenomanian boundary, representing a faunal turnover whereby basal titanosauriforms were replaced by derived titanosaurs, although this transition occurred in a spatiotemporally staggered fashion. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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