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Dendritic cells (DC) are potent APCs. In this study, murine bone marrow-derived DC were transfected with RNA encoding the MUC1 Ag that is aberrantly overexpressed in human breast and other carcinomas. The MUC1 RNA-transfected DC exhibited cell surface expression of MUC1 and costimulatory molecules. After injection at the base of the tail, the transfected DC were detectable in inguinal lymph nodes by dual immunochemical staining. Vaccination of wild-type mice with MUC1 RNA-transfected DC induced anti-MUC1 immune responses against MUC1-positive MC38/MUC1, but not MUC1-negative, tumor cells. Mice immunized with the transfected DC were protected against challenge with MC38/MUC1 tumor cells. Furthermore, mice with established MC38/MUC1 tumors were eliminated after receiving the vaccination. CTLs isolated from mice immunized with the transfected DC exhibited specific cytolytic activity against MC38/MUC1 tumor cells. In contrast to these findings, there was little if any anti-MUC1 immunity induced with the transfected DC in MUC1 transgenic (MUC1.Tg) mice. However, coadministration of the transfected DC and IL-12 reversed the unresponsiveness to MUC1 Ag in MUC1.Tg mice and induced MUC1-specific immune responses. These findings demonstrate that vaccination of DC transfected with MUC1 RNA and IL-12 reverses tolerance to MUC1 and induces immunity against MUC1-positive tumors.  相似文献   

Preventive and/or therapeutic vaccines against Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) are urgently required. Induction of cellular immunity is favoured since these responses correlate with control of HIV-1. Recombinant fowlpoxvirus (FPV) vaccines encoding both HIV-1 gag/pol and interferon-gamma (FPV gag/pol-IFNgamma) were hypothesised to enhance HIV-specific cellular immunity and were further evaluated in macaques previously infected with HIV-1. A novel assay to detect IFNgamma secretion following HIV antigen stimulation of whole blood was developed to further assess the safety and immunogenicity of the FPV gag/pol-IFNgamma vaccine. Immunisation with FPV gag/pol-IFNgamma safely enhanced HIV-specific IFNgamma secretion following ex vivo stimulation of whole blood, greater than that observed following FPV gag/pol vaccination not co-expressing IFNgamma. Both HIV-specific IFNgamma-spot-forming cells by ELISPOT and CD69 expression by CD4+ lymphocytes were also enhanced following FPV gag/pol-IFNgamma vaccination. Hence, the FPV-HIV vaccine co-expressing IFNgamma stimulated HIV-specific T cell responses in macaques, and should be further evaluated as a therapeutic or preventive HIV vaccine.  相似文献   

Preventive and/or therapeutic vaccines against Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) are urgently required. Induction of cellular immunity is favoured since these responses correlate with control of HIV-1. Recombinant fowlpoxvirus (FPV) vaccines encoding both HIV-1 gag/pol and interferon-gamma (FPV gag/pol-IFNΓ) were hypothesised to enhance HIV-specific cellular immunity and were further evaluated in macaques previously infected with HIV-1. A novel assay to detect IFNΓ secretion following HIV antigen stimulation of whole blood was developed to further assess the safety and immunogenicity of the FPV gag/pol-IFNΓ vaccine. Immunisation with FPV gag/pol-IFNΓ safely enhanced HIV-specific IFNΓ secretion following ex vivo stimulation of whole blood, greater than that observed following FPV gag/pol vaccination not co-expressing IFNΓ. Both HIV-specific IFNΓ-spot-forming cells by ELISPOT and CD69 expression by CD4+ lymphocytes were also enhanced following FPV gag/pol-IFNΓ vaccination. Hence, the FPV-HIV vaccine co-expressing IFNΓ stimulated HIV-specific T cell responses in macaques, and should be further evaluated as a therapeutic or preventive HIV vaccine.  相似文献   

FMR antigens are found on the surface of cells infected with Friend, Moloney, and Rauscher murine leukemia viruses (MuLV). These antigens are serologically distinct from the G cell surface antigens that are found on cells infected with endogenous MuLV (AKR and Gross virus). Cell surface antigens of both virus groups are immunogenic in mice, and immunization with appropriate virus-infected cells leads to the production of cytotoxic antisera. The cytotoxic activity of FMR antisera can be absorbed by disrupted preparations of Rauscher MuLV, but not by AKR MuLV. FMR antisera precipitate the viral envelope proteins gp70, pl5(E), and p12(E) from detergent-disrupted preparations of [3H]leucine-labeled MuLV. The reaction of these antisera with p15(E) and p12(E) proteins is directed against group-specific antigens and can be absorbed with AKR MuLV; in contrast, the reaction of these antisera with gp70 is directed against type-specific antigens and is absorbed only by viruses of the FMR group. In immune precipitation assays with detergent-disrupted 125I surface-labeled cells, FMR antisera react only with type-specific antigens of the viral envelpe protein. On the basis of these findings we conclude that the FMR cell surface antigen is a determinant on the MuLV env gene product.  相似文献   

The Gross cell surface antigen (GCSA) is produced by cells that are either exogenously infected with murine leukemia virus (MuLV) or are expressing endogenous MuLV genomes. In immune precipitation assays, GCSA was resolved into two serologically distinct 85,000- and 95,000-dalton viral proteins. These antigenic components are glycosylated forms of the polyprotein precursors of the MuLV internal structural proteins.  相似文献   

The initial rates of deoxy-D-glucose transport by cultures of growing and density-inhibited mouse embryo cells and lines of mouse cells transformed spontaneously or after infection by murine leukemia virus or murine sarcoma virus were investigated as a function of the deoxyglucose concentration. The apparent Km for deoxyglucose transport was about the same for all types of cells (1–2 mM). The Vmax of secondary cultures of mouse embryo cells decreased from 6 nmoles/106 cells/minute for sparse cultures to less than 1 nmole/106 cells/minute for density-inhibited cultures. The Vmax was about the same whether estimated in monolayer culture or in suspensions of cells dispersed by treatment with trypsin. The Vmax for deoxyglucose transport by the established cells, whether transformed spontaneously or by virus infection, was 4 to 25 times higher than that for density-inhibited mouse embryo cells and was independent of the cell density of the cultures. Deoxyglucose transport was competitively inhibited by Cytochalasin B, Persantin, glucose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose and the apparent Ki values of inhibition were similar for the mouse embryo cells and the various cell lines. Similarly, the sensitivity of the glucose transport systems to inactivation by p-chloromercuribenzoate was about the same for all types of cells. The results suggest that the glucose transport system of the normal mouse embryo cells and the cells of the various established lines is qualitatively the same, but that the number of functional transport sites differs for the various cell lines and decreases markedly in mouse embryo cells with an increase in cell density of the cultures.  相似文献   

Summary An adoptive chemoimmunotherapeutic model based on the use of chemotherapy and lymphocytes specifically sensitized against tumor cells in vitro was tested in mice transplanted with syngeneic leukemia cells. C57BL/6 and A strain mice were inoculated i.p. or i.v. (day 0) with lethal doses (1×103–1×105) of EL4 and YAC leukemia cells, respectively. Leukemic mice were subsequently treated (day 1 or day 3) with partially curative doses (80–140 mg/kg) of cyclophosphamide (Cy), followed by i.p. or i.v. administration of 1–3×107 cytotoxic lymphocytes (CL) induced in macro-mixed leukocyte-tumor cell cultures (MLTC). The following results were obtained: untreated mice died with tumor within 20 days; mice receiving sensitized lymphocytes only showed a modest prolongation of survival and only 5–15% of the animals were cured; treatment with Cy alone or with Cy and normal lymphocytes prolonged survival considerably and cured 20–60% of the mice; mice subjected to Cy in conjunction with in vitro-sensitized lymphoid cells, either syngeneic or allogeneic, had survival rates of 80–100% (100 days). Under the conditions employed, no severe manifestations of clinical graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction were observed. These findings imply that in vitro-sensitized immunocytes and cytoreductive drugs can operate cumulatively.  相似文献   

Due to the pivotal role that dendritic cells (DC) play in eliciting and maintaining functional anti-tumor T cell responses, these APC have been exploited against tumors. DC express several receptors for the Fc portion of IgG (Fcγ receptors) that mediate the internalization of antigen-IgG complexes and promote efficient MHC class I and II restricted antigen presentation. In this study, the efficacy of vaccination with DC pulsed with apoptotic B16 melanoma cells opsonized with an anti-CD44 IgG (B16-CD44) was explored. Immature bone marrow derived DC grown in vitro with IL-4 and GM-CSF were pulsed with B16-CD44. After 48 h of pulsing, maturation of DC was demonstrated by production of IL-12 and upregulation of CD80 and CD40 expression. To test the efficacy of vaccination with DC+B16-CD44, mice were vaccinated subcutaneously Lymphocytes from mice vaccinated with DC+B16-CD44 produced IFN-γ in response to B16 melanoma lysates as well as an MHC class I restricted B16 melanoma-associated peptide, indicating B16 specific CD8 T cell activation. Upon challenge with viable B16 cells, all mice vaccinated with DC alone developed tumor compared to 40% of mice vaccinated with DC+B16-CD44; 60% of the latter mice remained tumor free for at least 8 months. In addition, established lung tumors and distant metastases were significantly reduced in mice treated with DC+B16-CD44. Lastly, delayed growth of established subcutaneous tumors was induced by combination therapy with anti-CD44 antibodies followed by DC injection. This study demonstrates the efficacy of targeting tumor antigens to DC via Fcγ receptors.  相似文献   

HIV-1 encephalitis (HIVE) and its associated dementia can occur in up to 20% of infected individuals, usually when productive viral replication in brain mononuclear phagocytes (macrophages and microglia) and depletion of CD4(+) T lymphocytes are most significant. T cells control viral replication through much of HIV-1 disease, but how this occurs remains incompletely understood. With this in mind, we studied HIV-1-specific CTL responses in a nonobese diabetic (NOD)-SCID mouse model of HIVE. HIV-1-infected monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) were injected into the basal ganglia after syngeneic immune reconstitution by HLA-A*0201-positive human PBL to generate a human PBL-NOD-SCID HIVE mouse. Engrafted T lymphocytes produced HIV-1gag- and HIV-1pol-specific CTL against virus-infected brain MDM within 7 days. This was demonstrated by tetramer staining of human PBL in mouse spleens and by IFN-gamma ELISPOT. CD8, granzyme B, HLA-DR, and CD45R0 Ag-reactive T cells and CD79alpha-positive B cells migrated to and were in contact with human MDM in brain areas where infected macrophages were abundant. The numbers of productively infected MDM were markedly reduced (>85%) during 2 wk of observation. The human PBL-NOD-SCID HIVE mouse provides a new tool for studies of cellular immune responses against HIV-1-infected brain mononuclear phagocytes during natural disease and after vaccination.  相似文献   

Preferential apoptosis of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In contrast to other viral infections such as CMV, circulating frequencies of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood are quantitatively diminished in the majority of HIV-1-infected individuals. One mechanism for this quantitative defect is preferential infection of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells, although <10% of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells are infected. Apoptosis has been proposed as an important contributor to the pathogenesis of CD4+ T cell depletion in HIV/AIDS. We show here that, within HIV-1-infected individuals, a greater proportion of ex vivo HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells undergo apoptosis compared with CMV-specific CD4+ T cells (45 vs 7.4%, respectively, p < 0.05, in chronic progressors). The degree of apoptosis within HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells correlates with viral load and disease progression, and highly active antiretroviral therapy abrogates these differences. The data support a mechanism for apoptosis in these cells similar to that found in activation-induced apoptosis through the TCR, resulting in oxygen-free radical production, mitochondrial damage, and caspase-9 activation. That HIV-1 proteins can also directly enhance activation-induced apoptosis supports a mechanism for a preferential induction of apoptosis of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells, which contributes to a loss of immunological control of HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

Enhanced apoptotic action of trichosanthin in HIV-1 infected cells   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Trichosanthin (TCS) is a type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) effective against HIV-1 replication. The mechanism is not clear. Present results suggested that the antiviral action may be partly mediated through enhanced apoptosis on infected cells. TCS induced apoptosis in normal H9 cells and this action was more potent in those infected with HIV-1. In flow cytometry study, TCS induced larger population of apoptotic H9 cells chronically infected with HIV-1 in a dose-dependent manner. At TCS concentration of 25 microg/ml, 8.4% of normal H9 cells were found to be apoptotic whereas the same concentration induced 24.5% in HIV-1 chronically infected cells. Such difference was not found in the control experiments without TCS treatment. Two other studies supported this action. Cytotoxic study showed that cell viability was always lower in HIV-1 infected cells after TCS treatment, and DNA fragmentation study confirmed more laddering in infected cells. The mechanism of TCS induced apoptosis in normal or infected H9 cells is not clear. Results in this study demonstrated that TCS is more effective in inducing apoptosis in HIV-1 infected cells. This may explain in part the antiviral action of TCS.  相似文献   

Mucosae-associated epithelial chemokine (MEC or CCL28) binds to CCR3 and CCR10 and recruits IgA-secreting plasma cells (IgA-ASCs) in the mucosal lamina propria. The ability of this chemokine to enhance migration of IgA-ASCs to mucosal sites was assessed in a mouse immunization model using HIV-1(IIIB) Virus-like particles (VLPs). Mice receiving either HIV-1(IIIB) VLPs alone, CCL28 alone, or the irrelevant CCL19 chemokine were used as controls. Results showed a significantly increased CCR3 and CCR10 expression on CD19(+) splenocytes of HIV-1(IIIB) VPL-CCL28-treated mice. HIV-1 Env-specific IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-5 production, total IgA, anti-Env IgA as well as gastro-intestinal mucosal IgA-secreting plasma cells were also significantly augmented in these mice. Notably, sera and vaginal secretions from HIV-1(IIIB) VLP-CCL28-treated mice exhibited an enhanced neutralizing activity against both a HIV-1/B-subtype laboratory strain and a heterologous HIV-1/C-subtype primary isolate. These data suggest that CCL28 could be useful in enhancing the IgA immune response that will likely play a pivotal role in prophylactic HIV vaccines.  相似文献   

T-cell responses to X4 strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are considered important in controlling progression of HIV-1 infection. We investigated the ability of dendritic cells (DC) and various forms of HIV-1 X4 antigen to induce anti-HIV-1 T-cell responses in autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV-1-infected persons. Immature DC loaded with HIV-1 IIIB-infected, autologous, apoptotic CD8(-) cells and matured with CD40 ligand induced gamma interferon production in autologous CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells. In contrast, mature DC loaded with HIV-1 IIIB-infected, necrotic cells or directly infected with cell-free HIV-1 IIIB were poorly immunogenic. Thus, HIV-1-infected cells undergoing apoptosis serve as a rich source of X4 antigen for CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells by DC. This may be an important mechanism of HIV-1 immunogenicity and provides a strategy for immunotherapy of HIV-1-infected patients on combination antiretroviral therapy.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific CD8+ T cells in early infection are associated with the dramatic decline of peak viremia, whereas their antiviral activity in chronic infection is less apparent. The functional properties accounting for the antiviral activity of HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cells during early infection are unclear. Using cytokine secretion and tetramer decay assays, we demonstrated in intraindividual comparisons that the functional avidity of HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cells was consistently higher in early infection than in chronic infection in the presence of high-level viral replication. This change of HIV-1-specific CD8+ T-cell avidity between early and chronic infections was linked to a substantial switch in the clonotypic composition of epitope-specific CD8+ T cells, resulting from the preferential loss of high-avidity CD8+ T-cell clones. In contrast, the maintenance of the initially recruited clonotypic pattern of HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cells was associated with low-level set point HIV-1 viremia. These data suggest that high-avidity HIV-1-specific CD8+ T-cell clones are recruited during early infection but are subsequently lost in the presence of persistent high-level viral replication.  相似文献   

One hallmark of uncontrolled, chronic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is the absence of strong HIV-1-specific, CD4(+) T-cell-proliferative responses, yet the mechanism underlying this T helper (Th)-cell defect remains controversial. To better understand the impact of HIV-1 replication on Th-cell function, we compared the frequency of CD4(+) Th-cell responses based on production of gamma interferon to lymphoproliferative responses directed against HIV-1 proteins in HIV-1-infected subjects with active in vivo viral replication versus those on suppressed highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). No statistically significant differences in the frequencies of cytokine-secreting, HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells between the donor groups were found, despite differences in viral load and treatment status. However, HIV-1-specific lymphoproliferative responses were significantly greater in the subjects with HAART suppression than in subjects with active viral replication. Similar levels of HIV-1 RNA were measured in T-cell cultures stimulated with HIV-1 antigens regardless of donor in vivo viral loads, but only HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells from subjects with HAART suppression proliferated in vitro, suggesting that HIV-1 replication in vitro does not preclude HIV-1-specific lymphoproliferation. This study demonstrates a discordance between the frequency and proliferative capacity of HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells in subjects with ongoing in vivo viral replication and suggests that in vivo HIV-1 replication contributes to the observed defect in HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T-cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Although human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific CD8+ T cells can produce various cytokines that suppress HIV-1 replication or modulate anti-HIV-1 immunity, the extent to which HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cells produce cytokines when they recognize HIV-1-infected CD4+ T cells in vivo still remains unclear. We first analyzed the abilities of 10 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) clones specific for three HIV-1 epitopes to produce gamma interferon, macrophage inflammatory protein 1beta, and tumor necrosis factor alpha after stimulation with epitope peptide-pulsed cells. These CTL clones produced these cytokines in various combinations within the same specificity and among the different specificities, suggesting a functional heterogeneity of HIV-1-specific effector CD8+ T cells in cytokine production. In contrast, the HIV-1-specific CTL clones for the most part produced a single cytokine, without heterogeneity of cytokine production among the clones, after stimulation with HIV-1-infected CD4+ T cells. The loss of heterogeneity in cytokine production may be explained by low surface expression of HLA class I-epitope peptide complexes. Freshly isolated HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cells with an effector/memory or memory phenotype produced much more of the cytokines than the same epitope-specific CTL clones when stimulated with HIV-1-infected CD4+ T cells. Cytokine production from HIV-1-specific memory/effector and memory CD8+ T cells might be a critical event in the eradication of HIV-1 in HIV-1-infected individuals.  相似文献   

The ability of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to establish latent infections serves as a major barrier for its cure. This process could occur when its host cells undergo apoptosis, but it is uncertain whether the components of the apoptotic pathways affect viral latency. Using the susceptible Jurkat cell line, we investigated the relationship of apoptosis-associated components with HIV-1 DNA levels using the sensitive real-time PCR assay. Here, we found that the expression of proapoptotic proteins, including Fas ligand (FasL), FADD, and p53, significantly decreased HIV-1 viral DNA in cells. In contrast, the expression of antiapoptotic molecules, such as FLIP, Bcl2, and XIAP, increased the levels of viral DNA. Furthermore, promoting cellular antiapoptotic state via the knockdown of Bax with siRNA and FADD with antisense mRNA or the treatment with the Caspase-3 inhibitor, Z-DEVD, also raised viral DNA. We also simultaneously measured viral RNA from supernatants of these cell cultures and found that HIV-1 latency is inversely proportional to viral replication. Furthermore, we demonstrated that HIV-1-infected cells that underwent the transient expression of FLIP- or XIAP-induced viral latency would then produce an increased level of viral RNA upon the reversal of these antiapoptotic effects via PMA treatment compared to LacZ control cells. Taken together, these data suggest that HIV-1 infection could be adapted to employ or even manipulate the cellular apoptotic pathway to its advantage: when the host cell remains in a pro-apoptotic state, HIV-1 favors active replication, while when the host cell prefers an anti-apoptotic state, the virus establishes viral latency and promotes latent reservoir seeding in a way which would enhance viral replication and cytopathogenesis when the cellular conditions shift to encourage the productive infection phase.  相似文献   

Monocyte/macrophages (MM) were isolated from HIV-1 seronegative individuals, infected with HIV-1 and examined for their ability to infect autologous T lymphocytes with and without concomitant presentation of exogenous Ag. HIV-1-infected MM presented tetanus toxin (TT) and streptokinase to T cells (as measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation) comparable to presentation by uninfected MM. In these studies, it was observed that HIV-1-infected MM without additional exogenous Ag stimulated autologous T lymphocytes, however, to a lesser degree than with TT and streptokinase. Virus production in T cells appeared to be relative to the degree of stimulation with the highest levels of stimulation and infection observed when T cells were exposed to HIV-1-infected TT-presenting MM. Studies were carried out to examine some of the restricting elements in MM-mediated infection of T lymphocytes with and without TT presentation. Antibodies to CD4, as well as soluble immunopurified gp120, blocked cell-mediated infection indicating that infection of T cells was through the CD4 molecule as has been demonstrated with cell-free virus. In addition, soluble gp120 inhibited Ag presentation by HIV-1-infected and uninfected MM. mAb to MHC class II Ag HLA-DR and -DP blocked T cell infection by HIV-1-infected MM with and without presentation of TT. No effect was observed with mAb to MHC class I Ag. These results indicate that virus transmission to T lymphocytes can be mediated by HIV-1-infected MM and that these cells maintain their function as APC. Activation of T cells appears to be important in the process of T cell infection in this system inasmuch as antibodies that block Ag presentation and thus a T cell proliferative signal inhibit infection.  相似文献   

A vaccine regimen that can rapidly control HIV-1 replication at the site of exposure following sexual contact is likely to be the most effective in preventing HIV-1 infection. As part of a larger, phase II clinical trial, we evaluated the ability of a recombinant canarypox HIV-1 vaccine to induce CTL that can be detected in both the systemic and mucosal compartments following i.m. immunization in 12 low- and high-risk HIV-1 seronegative volunteers. In the 7 volunteers receiving four immunizations with live recombinant canarypox ALVAC-HIV vaccine with or without rgp120/SF-2, HIV-1-specific CTL were detected in the blood of 5 (71%) and in the rectum of 4 (57%). CTL responses were observed in both risk strata. In contrast, 5 volunteers receiving placebo had undetectable responses in both compartments. Vaccine-induced, HIV-1-specific effector activities included IFN-gamma secretion and class I MHC-restricted CD8(+) CTL. Rectal and systemic CD8(+) CTL clones established in 1 vaccine recipient revealed similar Env-specific responses and MHC restriction. These findings indicate that parenteral vaccination can induce HIV-1-specific CTL that localize to sites of HIV-1 acquisition, where their presence may be critical in the control of initial viral replication and eventual dissemination. Determination of the optimal strategy to induce mucosal T cells requires future clinical studies.  相似文献   

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