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The conjugative plasmid pAD1 (56.7 kilobases) in Streptococcus faecalis has been shown to confer a mating response to the sex pheromone cAD1 excreted by recipient strains. The response is characterized by the synthesis of a proteinaceous adhesin which coats the surface of the pAD1 -containing donor cell and facilitates the formation of mating aggregates. Donors exposed to cAD1 -containing filtrates of recipients undergo self-aggregation (clumping), an event believed to be associated with an interaction between the adhesin and a binding substance always present on the surface of both recipients and donors. To analyze the molecular processes involved in the mating response, mutants were generated by the erythromycin resistance transposon Tn917 . Transpositions to pAD1 in S. faecalis DS16 gave rise to a number of derivatives that exhibited "constitutive clumping" and the ability to transfer at high frequencies in short (10-min) matings. These mutants fell into two subclasses, which exhibited colony morphologies that were "dry" or "normal". The Tn917 insertions were mapped by restriction enzyme analysis to two separate clusters, designated traA and traB. The dry colony subclass corresponded to traA and represented a span of 1.5 kilobases, whereas the normal subclass corresponded to traB and spanned 1.3 kilobases. The two clusters were separated by 1.7 kilobases in which insertions of Tn917 did not affect the ability to respond normally to cAD1 . Neither type of constitutive clumper produced cAD1 . Another series of insertions exhibited reduced donor potential. In two cases, the reduction in transfer was three to four orders of magnitude; these mapped in traA . In two other cases, the reduction was one to two orders of magnitude. These mapped outside of traA and traB, and one was associated with an increase in plasmid copy number.  相似文献   

To obtain a functional map of Tn5252, a 47.5-kb streptococcal conjugative transposon, a series of defined deletion and insertion mutations were introduced within the transposon. Interruptions at several regions were found to affect the conjugal transposition functions of the element in filter-mating experiments. The nucleotide sequence of the left terminus of Tn5252 showed two open reading frames, ORF1 and ORF2, adjoining the att site. The organization of this region and the structure of the predicted integrase encoded by ORF1 were found to be similar to those of other site-specific recombination systems.  相似文献   

A 1.3-kb restriction fragment carrying a cat gene derived from Staphylococcus aureus was inserted by ligation in both possible orientations into a HpaI restriction site located less than 300 bp from one end of Tn917. The resulting transposon derivatives were unimpaired in their ability to make and resolve transpositions into the chromosome of Bacillus subtilis and they displayed no detectable defect in expression of the inducible erm gene carried by the transposon. This demonstrates that the HpaI site itself, and perhaps the entire 250- to 300-bp region between the HpaI site and the nearest transposon terminal inverted repeat consists of nonessential DNA, and is there fore available to be modified or used as a cloning site with the expectation that the resulting transposon derivatives should be capable of normal transposition activity. To facilitate such manipulations, the HpaI site was "replaced" by a 24-bp DNA segment which contains a BamHI site flanked on either side by SmaI sites; these BamHI and SmaI sites are unique to the transposon. Several of the plasmid constructions undertaken in the course of this work illustrate ways in which homologous recombination may be used in conjunction with ligation in B. subtilis (and other bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, which have similar mechanisms for DNA uptake during competence) to facilitate significantly the recovery of certain kinds of recombinant molecules.  相似文献   

The interactions between pathogenic bacteria and the host need to be resolved at the molecular level in order to develop novel vaccines and drugs. We have previously identified strepadhesin, a novel glycoprotein-binding activity in Streptococcus pyogenes, which is regulated by Mga, a regulator of streptococcal virulence factors. We have now identified the protein responsible for the strepadhesin activity and find that (i) strepadhesin activity is carried by SpeB, streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin with cysteine protease activity; (ii) SpeB carries laminin-binding activity of the bacteria; and (iii) SpeB is not only a secreted molecule but also occurs unexpectedly tightly bound to the bacterial cell surface. Thus, in contrast to the previous view of SpeB as mainly an extracellular protease, it is also present as a streptococcal surface molecule with binding activity to laminin and other glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Streptococcin A-FF22 (SA-FF22) is a lantibiotic produced by Streptococcus pyogenes FF22. The nucleotide sequence of the SA-FF22 structural gene (scnA) was determined and shown to encode a 51-amino-acid prepeptide. The proteolytic processing site of the SA-FF22 prepeptide differs from that which characterizes other type A lantibiotics.  相似文献   

The CiaR/H two-component system is involved in regulating virulence and competence in Streptococcus pneumoniae. The system is known to regulate many genes, including that for high-temperature requirement A (HtrA). This gene has been implicated in the ability of the pneumococcus to colonize the nasopharynx of infant rats. We reported previously that deletion of the gene for HtrA made the pneumococcal strains much less virulent in mouse models, less able to grow at higher temperatures, and more sensitive to oxidative stress. In this report, we show that the growth phenotype as well as sensitivity to oxidative stress of Delta ciaR mutant was very similar to that of a Delta htrA mutant and that the expression of the HtrA protein was reduced in a ciaR-null mutant. Both the in vitro phenotype and the reduced virulence of Delta ciaR mutant could be restored by increasing the expression of HtrA.  相似文献   

C R Meyer  P Ghosh  E Remy    J Preiss 《Journal of bacteriology》1992,174(13):4509-4512
A mutant glgC gene contained in a 10.9-kb PstI fragment was cloned from the Escherichia coli B strain SG5 via colony hybridization by using a wild-type glgC probe. The altered allosteric properties of the expressed ADPglucose synthetase were found to result from the conversion of proline to serine at amino acid residue 295.  相似文献   

The region including the conserved Ser65-Asp66 dipeptide in the tetracycline/H+ antiporter (TET) encoded by transposon Tn10 is thought to play a gating role (Yamaguchi, A., Ono, N., Akasaka, T., Noumi, T., and Sawai, T. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 15525-15530). The dipeptide is in putative interhelix loop2-3, which also includes the conserved sequence motif, GXXXXRXGRR, found in all TET proteins and sugar/H+ symporters. Through the combination of localized random and site-directed mutagenesis, each residue in loop2-3 was replaced. Among 10 residues in putative loop2-3, the important residues, of which substitution resulted in significant reduction or complete loss of the transport activity, were Gly62, Asp66, Gly69, and Arg70. The defect in the transport activity of the Gly62 and Gly69 substitution mutants corresponded to the steric hindrance by the substituents as to the putative beta-turn structure of the peptide backbone containing these glycines. Of 3 conserved Arg residues, the replacement of only Arg70 caused complete loss of the activity except for replacement with Lys, indicating the importance of a positive charge at this position, which is similar to the essentiality of a negative charge at Asp66. A "charge-neutralizing" intra-loop salt bridge between Asp66 and Arg70 was not likely because the double mutant in which Asp66 and Arg70 were replaced with asparagine and leucine, respectively, showed no transport activity. A triple mutant with only one positive charge at Arg70 in this loop showed about half the wild-type activity, indicating that the polycationic nature of the loop was not critical for the activity. Cys mutants as to the unessential residues in the loop were modifiable with N-ethylmaleimide, except for the Met64----Cys and Arg71----Cys mutants; however, the modification of only the Ser65----Cys mutant caused significant inhibition of the transport activity, indicating that position 65 is a unique position in the structure of loop2-3.  相似文献   

The car and ant operons originally isolated from Pseudomonas resinovorans strain CA10 contain the genes encoding the carbazole/dioxin-degrading enzymes and anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase, respectively, and are located on the plasmid pCAR1. The entire nucleotide sequence of pCAR1 was determined to elucidate the mechanism by which the car operon may have been assembled and distributed in nature. pCAR1 is a 199,035-bp circular plasmid, and carries 190 open reading frames. Although the incompatibility group of pCAR1 is unclear, its potential origin for replication, OriP, and Rep and Par proteins appeared to be closely related to those of plasmid pL6.5 isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens. The potential tellurite-resistance klaABC genes identified in the neighboring region of repA gene were also related to those in IncP plasmid originally identified from pseudomonads. On the other hand, we found genes encoding proteins that showed low but significant homology (20-45% identity) with Trh and Tra proteins from Enterobacteriaceae, which are potentially involved in conjugative transfer of plasmids or genomic island, suggesting that pCAR1 is also a conjugative plasmid. In pCAR1, we found tnpAcCST genes that encoded the proteins showing >70% length-wise identities with those are encoded by the toluene/xylene-degrading transposon Tn4651 of TOL plasmid pWW0. Both car and ant degradative operons were found within a 72.8-kb Tn4676 sequence defined by flanking tnpAcC and tnpST genes and bordered by a 46-bp inverted repeat (IR). Within Tn4676 and its flanking region, we found the remnants of numerous mobile genetic elements, such as the duplicated transposase genes that are highly homologous to tnpR of Tn4653 and the multiple candidates of IRs for Tn4676 and Tn4653-like element. We also found distinct regions with high and low G+C contents within Tn4676, which contain an ant operon and car operon, respectively. These results suggested that multiple step assembly could have taken place before the current structure of Tn4676 had been captured.  相似文献   

J R Alfano  J H Ham    A Collmer 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(15):4553-4556
Erwinia chrysanthemi mutant CUCPB5047, delta(pelA pelE) delta(pelB pelC)::28bp delta(pelX) delta 4bp pehX::omega Cmr, was constructed, mutated with Tn5tac1, and screened for isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside-dependent pectate lyase (Pel) production. A Kmr SacI fragment from the hyperexpressing Pel+ mutant CUCPB5066 was cloned into Escherichia coli and sequenced. The gene identified, pelL, encodes a novel, asparagine-rich, highly alkaline enzyme that is similar in primary structure to PelX and in enzymological properties to PelE.  相似文献   

Replicons that contain Tn4399, a conjugal mobilizing transposon isolated from Bacteroides fragilis, can be mobilized in the presence of broad-host-range IncP plasmids RP4 and R751 in Escherichia coli to B. fragilis or E. coli recipients (C. G. Murphy and M. H. Malamy, J. Bacteriol. 175:5814-5823, 1993). To identify the initial DNA processing events involved in Tn4399-mediated mobilization in E. coli, plasmid DNA from pCGM328 (a pUC7 vector that contains the mobilization region of Tn4399) was isolated from donor cells following the release of plasmid DNA from the relaxation complex. Site- and strand-specific cleavage within the oriT region of Tn4399 was detected by denaturing gel electrophoresis and Southern hybridization analysis of this DNA in the presence or absence of IncP plasmids. Mutations in either mocA or mocB, two genes which are encoded by Tn4399 and are required for mobilization, significantly decrease the amount of specifically nicked DNA detected. These results suggest roles for the MocA and MocB gene products in specific processing of Tn4399-containing plasmid DNA prior to mobilization. By isolation of the nicked strand and primer extension of this template, we mapped the precise 5' end of the single-stranded cleavage reaction. The nucleotide position of nicTn4399 is adjacent to two sets of inverted repeats, a genetic arrangement similar to those of previously characterized oriT regions. Two site-directed mutations which remove nicTn4399 (oriT delta 1 and oriT delta 2) cannot be mobilized to recipients when they are present in trans along with functional MocA and MocB proteins and an IncP mobilizing plasmid; they are cis-dominant loss-of-function mutations.  相似文献   

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