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Toxic effects of zinc on fathead minnows Pimephales promelas in soft water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fathead minnow life-cycle exposure to various zinc concentrations demonstrated that the most sensitive indicators of zinc toxicity were egg adhesiveness and fragility, which were significantly affected at 145 μg Zn 1−1 and above, but were not affected at 78 μg Zn 1−1 and below. These effects occurred shortly after the eggs were spawned (during water hardening) and therefore were not related to effects on the parental fish. Hatchability and survival of larvae were significantly reduced, and deformities at hatching were significantly increased at 295 ug Zn 1−1 and above. Acclimated and unacclimated groups of larvae exposed to identical zinc concentrations for 8 weeks after hatch showed only slight differences in sensitivity.  相似文献   

1. Water abstraction strongly affects streams in arid and semiarid ecosystems, particularly where there is a Mediterranean climate. Excessive abstraction reduces the availability of water for human uses downstream and impairs the capacity of streams to support native biota. 2. We investigated the flow regime and related variables in six river basins of the Iberian Peninsula and show that they have been strongly altered, with declining flows (autoregressive models) and groundwater levels during the 20th century. These streams had lower flows and more frequent droughts than predicted by the official hydrological model used in this region. Three of these rivers were sometimes dry, whereas there were predicted by the model to be permanently flowing. Meanwhile, there has been no decrease in annual precipitation. 3. We also investigated the fish assemblage of a stream in one of these river basins (Tordera) for 6 years and show that sites more affected by water abstraction display significant differences in four fish metrics (catch per unit effort, number of benthic species, number of intolerant species and proportional abundance of intolerant individuals) commonly used to assess the biotic condition of streams. 4. We discuss the utility of these metrics in assessing impacts of water abstraction and point out the need for detailed characterisation of the natural flow regime (and hence drought events) prior to the application of biotic indices in streams severely affected by water abstraction. In particular, in cases of artificially dry streams, it is more appropriate for regulatory agencies to assign index scores that reflect biotic degradation than to assign ‘missing’ scores, as is presently customary in assessments of Iberian streams.  相似文献   

红树林对水体净化作用研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱颖  吴纯德 《生态科学》2008,27(1):55-60
红树是一类生长在热带及亚热带海岸潮间带的湿地植物,具有净化水体的功能。近年来红树林净化水体方面的研究有不少进展,主要包括促进水体中悬浮物的沉降,利用其丰富的底栖生物对有机物的吸附和降解,以及其植株和底泥对重金属和营养盐的富集和吸收。但是红树林的净化容量是有限的,超负荷的污水排放会导致明显的或潜在的生态风险。在实际应用中,只有在充分的监控和限制条件下,才可有限地将红树林作为生活污水排放地。该研究的发展方向主要有污染物迁移转化过程中各因素的相互作用、红树林的对环境的综合改善能力以及实际应用中对生态风险的量化分析和监测等几方面。  相似文献   

The response of Potamogeton crispus L. breakdown to controlled doses of different levels of chlorine and chlorine + ammonia was investigated over two years in outdoor experimental streams. In 1985, downstream riffles of 2 streams were dosed (observed in-stream concentrations) at ca. 10 μg/L Total Residual Chlorine (TRC), one stream at 64 μg/L TRC and one stream at 230 μg/L TRC. Two control streams were not dosed and the upstream riffles of each stream served as within stream controls. In 1986, the downstream riffle of one stream was dosed at 70 μg/L TRC and a second stream was dosed at 200 μg/L TRC. Four streams were also dosed with 2.5 mg/L NH3-N: one stream with no chlorine, one stream with ca. 10 μg/L TRC, one with 56 μg/L TRC, and one with 150 μg/L TRC. A seventh stream was dosed for 2 h at 2000 μg/L TRC and 2.5 mg/L ammonia and then allowed to recover (recovery stream). Each year, litter decomposition (degree day k values) was measured during two 35 day trials (Jun–Jul and Aug–Sep). In 1985, when streams were dosed with chlorine alone, decomposition was significantly reduced with the high (230 μg/L TRC) chlorine dose. Downstream decomposition was 27% (Jun–Jul) and 59% (Aug–Sep) of the upstream (control) rate. No other chlorine effects were found during this period. In Jun–Jul 1986, there was significantly lower decomposition in the downstream dosed sites of the 200 μg/L TRC alone stream, the 146 μg/L TRC + ammonia stream and the recovery stream; downstream decay rates were (respectively) 56%, 42% and 64% of the upstream control sites. No other up-down pairs were different in July 1986. In Aug–Sep, all three streams with chlorine + ammonia (6, 56 and 146 μg/L TRC + 2,5 mg/L ammonia) and the 70 μg/L TRC alone stream had significantly lower decomposition rates in the downstream dosed sites. For these streams, downstream decay rates ranged from 46% (high chlorine + ammonia) to 73% (low chlorine + ammonia) of the upstream control rates. No other up-down pairs were different during this trial. Up and downstream sites of the stream dosed with 2.5 mg/L ammonia alone were nearly identical for both trials (< 3% difference). These results indicate that TRC at less than 250 μg/L can significantly reduce litter decomposition and strongly suggest that addition of ammonia to chlorinated water can increase the toxic effect of chlorine. currently at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife currently at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife  相似文献   

There are increasing concerns about the ecological effects of water abstraction and in the UK, these concerns have been hightened by the 1976, 1984 and 1988-92 droughts. This paper assesses macroinvertebrate and environmental changes induced by surface and groundwater abstractions on 22 streams throughout the UK.The approach involved comparative research to assess differences between reference and impacted sites.Using a database comprising 204 sets of biological and environmental data (89 taxa and 16 environmental variables) a preliminary ordination using principle components analysis clearly differentiated three types of sites: upland, lowland and an intermediate type. At this scale, any effects of abstractions on invertebrate communities are shown to be insignificant relative to regional controls. A simultaneous ordination of the environmental and faunal differences between pairs of sites was undertaken separately for each of the three regional groups. Differences are considered as vectors having both direction and amplitude and the analysis elucidates common patterns in the faunal and environmental data. Important changes were observed in two situations: upland streams affected by major diversions as part of hydro-power schemes in Scotland and lowland rivers impacted by groundwater abstractions.No strong patterns of change (either in amplitude or orientation) were demonstrated within any of the taxonomic groups. However, within the upland type some rheophilous taxa were shown typically to be reduced in abundance at impacted sites. Within the lowland type, a consistent pattern in the dataset is demonstrated by a group of taxa that are reduced in abundance at the impacted sites.  相似文献   

Community photosynthesis and respiration in experimental streams   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Changes in relative contribution to total stream photosynthetic and respiratory rates by various community components of an open channel stream were estimated. Rates of photosynthetic production of plankton, benthos and macrophytes (with associated epiphytes) were followed through the growing season and compared with total estimates from a diurnal oxygen technique. Photosynthetic production by macrophytes was extremely high early in the growing season; but later declined and heterotrophic processes became predominant. In contrast, benthos production was initially low but became the primary source of photosynthesis later in the season. Plankton contributed little to stream photosynthesis and respiration.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that environmental heterogeneity can decrease or potentially increase rates of spread in biological populations depending on the relationship between the scale of dispersal and the scale of heterogeneity. These effects arise from the interaction between habitat quality and the processes of dispersal, colonization and growth. Flowing water environments provide a unique opportunity to test these predictions. If advection influences dispersal, flow can alter the relative scale of dispersal to environmental heterogeneity in the upstream versus downstream direction. We explored the influence of heterogeneity on the spatial spread of a species of diatom in experimental streams. Environmental heterogeneity was created by maintaining agar diffusing substrata at different nutrient levels. Diatoms were placed at the midpoint of each stream, and spatial spread rates were determined by monitoring algal abundance non‐destructively. Our results reveal that, relative to homogeneous streams, resource heterogeneity decreases spread rate in the upstream direction but increases spread rate in the downstream direction. Empirical estimates of growth rates and colonization times reveal that heterogeneity predominantly influenced colonization rates. Colonization rates estimate successful dispersal events, and thus relate to both colonization and dispersal. These results are one of the first empirical tests of general theories regarding the impact of heterogeneity on rates of spread and highlight the importance of understanding the impact of heterogeneity on colonization and dispersal in continuous habitats.  相似文献   

Chemical models describing the precipitation of calcium carbonate, coprecipitation of inorganic phosphate, carbon dioxide and oxygen transfer through the air-water interface have been applied to results from a recirculating experimental stream. The transfer velocities for carbon dioxide and oxygen transfer for the experimental stream were determined as 1.00 × 10–4 m s–1 and 0.0058 m min–1 (at 20°C) respectively. During a 24-hour long experiment the stream, containing a varied biota dominated by the macro-algae Zygnema, was monitored to evaluate changes in the water chemistry. The calcite precipitation rate varied during the experiment reflecting changes in temperature, supersaturation of the water and local variation in the solution chemistry at the growth sites. The rate constant was evaluated from a chemical mechanistic model as 516.7 ± 27.2 mol h–1 at 10 °C. The coprecipitation of inorganic phosphate, which accompanied calcite growth, accounted for < 6% of the total phosphorus loss. The constant uptake of phosphorus by plants and algae was estimated as 0.22 mol h–1 g–1 dry weight). The rates of production of oxygen and consumption of inorganic carbon in the experimental stream, after taking account of gas transfer and calcite precipitation, were also computed and found to be in good agreement during the experiment. The maximum rate of production of oxygen was 3.5 × 10–4 mol h–1 g–1 (dry weight).  相似文献   

To evaluate the spawning success of male Japanese minnows,Pseudorasbora parva, and female mate choice, spawning behaviour was observed under both artificial and experimental conditions. Larger males had larger territories and greater reproductive success. The body weight of territorial males decreased during the maintenance of territories, while that of non-territorial males increased significantly. When the weight of non-territorial males exceeded that of territorial males, the former began to establish new territories on the substrate, suggesting a conditional strategy by non-territorial males to trade off immediate reproductive success with growth and hence improve future reproductive success. Females chose males with larger body size, probably based on dominance rank rather than the quality (or size) of territory. It was concluded that females choose males of higher dominance rank and that males compete for large territories, both of which play an important part in male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Water velocities were measured around water plants in a chalk stream. Low velocities (<100 mm.s?1) were associated with stands of plants while faster flowing water (>500 mm.s?1) was found in open water and above weed beds. An indirect method of estimating mean water velocity through weed beds, using discharge measurements, revealed velocities between 40 and 140 mm.s?1, while open water velocities ranged between 200 and 370 mm.s?1. The significance of the velocities is discussed.  相似文献   

Densities of salmon, trout and grayling were assessed in Scottish streams by systematic counting by underwater observers, where the water was greater than 1 m deep, and by using electrofishing equipment in adjacent shallower areas. Tests of the efficiencies of the two methods are described. Applications have included the estimation of production of trout, grayling and young salmon at a site on the River Tay and predicting the salmon smolt run of the River Tilt, and these applications are briefly described. The most suitable period for visual counting was summer, as at water temperatures of less than 15° C fish were hiding among stones in the stream bed. Wet weather hampered both electrofishing and visual counting.  相似文献   

Although much effort has been devoted to quantifying how warming alters carbon cycling across diverse ecosystems, less is known about how these changes are linked to the cycling of bioavailable nitrogen and phosphorus. In freshwater ecosystems, benthic biofilms (i.e. thin films of algae, bacteria, fungi, and detrital matter) act as biogeochemical hotspots by controlling important fluxes of energy and material. Understanding how biofilms respond to warming is thus critical for predicting responses of coupled elemental cycles in freshwater systems. We developed biofilm communities in experimental streamside channels along a gradient of mean water temperatures (7.5–23.6 °C), while closely maintaining natural diel and seasonal temperature variation with a common water and propagule source. Both structural (i.e. biomass, stoichiometry, assemblage structure) and functional (i.e. metabolism, N2‐fixation, nutrient uptake) attributes of biofilms were measured on multiple dates to link changes in carbon flow explicitly to the dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus. Temperature had strong positive effects on biofilm biomass (2.8‐ to 24‐fold variation) and net ecosystem productivity (44‐ to 317‐fold variation), despite extremely low concentrations of limiting dissolved nitrogen. Temperature had surprisingly minimal effects on biofilm stoichiometry: carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratios were temperature‐invariant, while carbon:phosphorus (C:P) ratios declined slightly with increasing temperature. Biofilm communities were dominated by cyanobacteria at all temperatures (>91% of total biovolume) and N2‐fixation rates increased up to 120‐fold between the coldest and warmest treatments. Although ammonium‐N uptake increased with temperature (2.8‐ to 6.8‐fold variation), the much higher N2‐fixation rates supplied the majority of N to the ecosystem at higher temperatures. Our results demonstrate that temperature can alter how carbon is cycled and coupled to nitrogen and phosphorus. The uncoupling of C fixation from dissolved inorganic nitrogen supply produced large unexpected changes in biofilm development, elemental cycling, and likely downstream exports of nutrients and organic matter.  相似文献   

Abstract: The microorganisms used for the mercury retention experiments were natural isolates and genetically engineered bacteria. All mercury-resistant strains contained the merA gene. Column experiments with these strains were carried out by immobilizing them on different support materials. To obtain kinetic data of the reductase activity for whole cells and the crude extract, batch experiments were carried out under different conditions.  相似文献   

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