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Literature data concerning the effect of increasing dietary Ni concentrations on Fe, Cu, and Zn status in rats are sparse and, in part, controversial. Therefore, the effects of the addition of either 0, 3, 50, or 100 mg Ni/kg diet on Fe, Cu, and Zn status of rats were investigated in two separate experiments. Purified diets were used that were composed according to the established nutrient requirements of rats. Ni in kidney was increased with increasing Ni intakes. Dietary Ni did not significantly influence Fe concentrations in plasma, liver, kidney, femur, and spleen. Likewise, the addition of Ni to the diet did not alter Cu status. Zn concentrations in femur were significantly decreased after feeding the diets with 100 mg Ni/kg. However, Zn in plasma, liver, kidney, and spleen was not affected. It is concluded that variations in dietary Ni concentrations have no major impact on Fe, Cu, and Zn status in rats.  相似文献   

The merits of radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are critically discussed for the determination of trace and ultratrace elements in normal human serum. For RNAA, two semiautomated procedures, allowing the determination of up to 18 elements, are briefly described. ICP-MS has a series of interesting features for the determination of trace elements. Matrix and spectral interferences can mostly be avoided or corrected for. After a simple 5- or 10-fold dilution and addition of an internal standard, more than 20 elements can be measured precisely and accurately.  相似文献   

The accumulation of Cd in the kidneys is enhanced markedly if chelating agents that contain SH-groups like 2,3 dimercaptopropanol (BAL) are injected immediately after the metal. This is not a transient effect but persists for more than 3 d. It is less pronounced at higher chelate doses or when the pH of urine is increased. Our experiments indicate that chelating agents, which form unstable complexes at acid pH and are able to pass through the cell membrane, will cause metal accumulation in the kidneys.  相似文献   

The effect of a high concentration (1%, w/w) of ascorbic acid in a Cu-adequate (150 μmol/kg) purified diet was studied in rats. After 6 wk, ascorbic acid had significantly reduced Cu concentrations in muscle and bone. The estimated whole body content of Cu in rats fed ascorbic acid was reduced by 20%. Within 1 d after oral administration of64Cu, the recovery of the dose in feces was increased in rats fed ascorbic acid, suggesting that the vitamin depresses intestinal absorption of Cu. After intraperitoneal (ip) administration of64Cu, the rate of loss of the dose from the body was decreased in rats fed ascorbic acid. This study suggests that the ascorbic acid induces a decreased efficiency of intestinal Cu absorption, which in turn triggers mechanisms to preserve Cu in the body stores. This is supported by the observation that the feeding of a Cu-deficient diet (5 μmol/kg) had similar effects, although more pronounced.  相似文献   

The effects of nutritional copper deficiency on carrageenin edema in the rat were investigated with emphasis on studying the correlation between the degree of copper deficiency and the degree of edema. Carrageenin paw edema in both copper-sufficient and copper-deficient groups of rats was compared after either 20, 40, or 60 d on respective diets. The degree of copper deficiency was quantitated by analyzing total copper concentrations in a number of tissues. Other copper dependent parameters were also determined. Results indicated that: (1) although copper sufficient rats showed relatively little change in the degree of edema, copper-deficient rats showed a steady and significant increase in edema from d 20 to 40 to 60; (2) paw edema in copper-deficient animals was highly and negatively correlated to the concentrations of copper in the liver; the correlation with liver Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase activity, however, was inconsistent; (3) paw edema was not correlated either to copper concentration in tissues other than liver or to plasma ceruloplasmin activity; and (4) aggravation of carrageenin edema in copper-deficient animals seemed to be mediated via an as yet unknown secondary effect of copper deficiency.  相似文献   

The relationships between serum levels of zinc and copper and sexual maturation were analyzed in 2291 9-18-yr-old Finnish girls and boys. Development of public hair, breasts, and genitalia were used to grade maturation according to Tanner's classification. Serum zinc and sexual maturation were not related. However, 15- and 18-yr-old girls who had matured most slowly had low serum levels of zinc compared with their age mates. Thus, sexual maturation seems not to be affected by zinc deficiency in Finland; effects of zinc status on maturation in some minor groups cannot, however, be excluded. Serum copper levels were associated with age and sexual maturation, which complicates the drawing of conclusions about possible deficiencies.  相似文献   

When Cd (3.58 mg CdCl2·H2O/kg, ip) was administered to male guinea pigs 72 h prior to sacrifice, the metal significantly inhibited the aniline 4-hydroxylase (AH) (16%), ethylmorphoneN-demethylase (EMND) (26%), and aminopyrineN-demethylase (AMND) (18%) activities and cytochrome P-450 (12%) and cytochrome b5 (10%) levels. Cd did not alter the hepatic microsomal heme level. Cd, however, significantly increased the hepatic microsomalp-nitroanisoleO-demethylase (p-NAOD) (53%) activity. When Ni (59.5 mg NiCl2·6H2O/kg, sc) was administered to the guinea pigs 16 h prior to sacrifice, the metal significantly depressed AH (49%),p-NAOD (66%), EMND (47%), and AMND (37%) activities, and cytochrome P-450 (15%), cytochrome b5 (24%), and microsomal heme (28%) levels. For the combined treatment, animals received the single dose of Ni 56 h after the single dose of Cd and then were killed 16 h later. In these animals, significant inhibitions were noted in AH (51%), EMND (47%), and AMND (30%) activities, and cytochrome P-450 (15%), cytochrome b5 (26%), and microsomal heme (30%) compared to those of controls. In the case ofp-NAOD activity, the influence was in favor of Ni, i.e, the inhibition was about 61% by the combined treatment. These results reveal that:
1.  The response of all substrates of hepatic monooxygenases to Cd are not the same, possibly indicating differential regulation of cytochrome P-450 isozymes by Cd;
2.  The inhibitory effect of Ni on hepatic monooxygenases is more profound than that of Cd; and
3.  The combination of Cd and Ni does not have a synergistic effect of hepatic monooxygenases of the guinea pig.

Nickel is a potent carcinogen and, at high concentrations, is toxic to mammalian cells. The effects associated with nickel exposure are well-documented but its mechanism of action in the cell has not yet been fully described. In order to understand the metabolic fate of nickel in mammalian cells, a variant cell population has been selected that continues to grow and divide in the presence of nickel chloride concentrations that are toxic to the parental cell line (Balb/c-3T3 mouse fibroblasts). Nickel resistance is not caused by altered uptake of nickel from the medium or increased clearance from the cells and is not associated with changes in metallothionein expression. Compared to the normal cells, the nickel resistant cells have a decreased number of chromosomes and numerous centromeric fusions. The expression of some proteins and the distribution of nickel bound by various proteins are altered in the nickel resistant cells. Preliminary results indicate that the nickel resistant phenotype may be transferred by genomic DNA-mediated transfection into a recipient NIH-3T3 cell line. Current investigations are directed at identifying a gene responsible for nickel resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium on zinc absorption was studied using an isolated vascularly and luminally perfused rat intestinal preparation.65Zn as well as Zn and Cd (both as the chloride salt) were added to the luminal perfusion medium (LPM) at varying concentrations. Over a 90-min period, the amount of Zn appearing in the vascular perfusion medium (VPM) and that retained by the tissue post-perfusion was estimated. Cd at all levels studied (0.03, 0.10, 1.0, and 10.0 μg/mL) reduced the amount of Zn appearing in the VPM in comparison with control perfusions (no detectable Cd in the LPM) when the initial Zn concentration was 5 μg/mL. Similarly, with an initial Zn concentration of 10 or 20 μg/mL, the amount of Zn appearing in the VPM was reduced when the Cd concentration was 0.1 or 1.0 μg/mL. With these same Zn concentrations, the amount of Zn retained by the tissue was higher when the Cd concentration was 10 μg/mL. These results demonstrate that Cd at low concentrations is capable of reducing Zn appearance in the VPM.  相似文献   

The molecular localization of maternal and fetal zinc and copper metalloproteins in diabetic and control rats was studied. Compared to controls, liver and kidneys of diabetic dams showed an increased concentration of zinc and copper that was associated with metallothionein. In contrast, fetuses of diabetic dams had lower zinc and metallothionein levels than fetuses from controls. The abnormal maternal trace element metabolism seen with diabetes resulted in alterations of zinc uptake and/or retention of their fetuses.  相似文献   

To better understand the significance of hair trace-element measurements and their relationships with the trace-element levels in body organs and fluids, a series of controlled animal experiments were conducted in which several trace elements were periodically measured during a 90-day chronic exposure to selenium and cadmium. Chronic selenium exposure appeared to be reflected by elevated selenium levels in the hair, kidneys, and liver. Chronic cadmium exposure, although reflected by kidney and liver elevation, appeared not to be reflected by corresponding increases in its concentration in the hair.  相似文献   

Sponge granuloma formation was compared in copper-deficient and copper-sufficient rats following feeding of respective diets for 20, 40, or 60 d. Body weight, total blood hemoglobin, and activities of ceruloplasmin and Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase in plasma were monitored to ascertain copper deficiency. Mean granuloma weights (mg +/- SEM) in copper-deficient and copper-sufficient groups of rats, respectively, were as follows: 37 +/- 2 and 38 +/- 2 after 20 d, 22 +/- 2 and 23 +/- 2 after 40 d, and 19 +/- 1 and 21 +/- 1 after 60 d on respective diets. Thus, nutritional copper deficiency did not have an effect on sponge granuloma formation in the rat.  相似文献   

The effect of low copper and high zinc intakes on Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) activity and mammary tumorigenesis induced by 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (DMBA) was investigated. Groups of 40 weanling female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a modified AIN-76 diet containing the following (/kg diet): 1 mg Cu (0.016 mmol) and 30 mg Zn (0.459 mmol); 6 mg Cu (0.094 mmol) and 30 mg Zn (0.459 mmol) (control); or 6 mg Cu (0.094 mmol) and 150 mg Zn (2.295 mmol) for 21 wk. At 5 wk, 30 rats/group were given 4 mg (15.6 mumol) DMBA in corn oil intragastrically, and controls (10/group) received corn oil alone. Erythrocyte Cu,Zn-SOD activity was measured at 3, 5 (just before DMBA), 9, 13, 17, and 21 wk. The group fed the high-Zn diet had a slightly lower weight gain and food consumption. DMBA treatment had no effect on these parameters. Plasma and liver Cu concentration decreased in the low-Cu group. Femur zinc was significantly elevated in the high-Zn group. Erythrocyte Cu,Zn-SOD activity was decreased in the low-Cu group from 3 to 21 wk and was significantly elevated in the high-Zn group at 3 and 5 wk. In the low-Cu group, there were 5 nonmalignant adenomas and 3 malignant adenocarcinomas; in the control group, there were 4 adenomas and 3 adenocarcinomas; in the high-Zn group, there were 5 adenomas and 3 adenocarcinomas. No relationship between Cu,Zn-SOD activity and the presence of tumors could be found.  相似文献   

Five normal prostates from autopsies of humans aged 61-76 yr were divided into 2 x 24 topographically well-defined pairs of slices that were analyzed for cadmium (Cd) and examined histologically. The corresponding kidney cortex concentrations were also determined. The concentrations in ng Cd/g wet wt were in the range of 50-500 in the prostates and 8,000-39,000 in the kidneys with good mutual correlation. Large variations in Cd concentrations within the prostates were found. The concentrations were highest at the base (near the bladder) and lowest at the apex of the gland. Furthermore, large variations within horizontal layers were found, and this variation was not correlated to the histological amount of stroma or glands.  相似文献   

The serum concentration of Zn and Cu were determined in 126 controls and 160 patients with atherosclerosis obliterans (AO) and 53 patients with thromboangiitis obliterans (TO). The concentration of serum Zn decreases with age both in controls and patients with AO in all the evolutive stages of the disease. In patients with TO, the concentration of serum Zn shows no correlation with age. The significantly lower values of serum Zn in controls and patients with AO over 61 yr than those below this age is attributed to the decreased Zn supply, especially to some individual cellular abnormalities. The values of serum Cu are higher in patients with AO and TO than in controls irrespective of the evolutive stage of the disease. This was related to cigarette smoking and inflammation. The Zn/Cu ratio in the serum is below 1 in patients with AO and TO and in controls over 61-yr-old. The pathogenetic role of this ratio in atherosclerosis and inflammation still remains a controversial question.  相似文献   

Nickel is a toxic metal of environmental concern that has been found to be carcinogenic in man and animals. Primary human kidney (NHKE) cells were immortalized or rescued from senescence after exposure to NiSO4. The cell lines (IHKE) displayed abnormal karyotype and anchorage independent growth was observed. However, none of the IHKE cells produced tumor upon injection into athymic nude mice. Transfer of the v-Ha-ras oncogene into IHKE cells induced conversion of the immortalized cells into cell lines (THKE) that were tumorigenic when transplanted into athymic nude mice. Ha-ras DNA was present in the transformed cell lines and expressed at high level.  相似文献   

Serum copper and zinc levels were determined in 20 healthy women and in 100 women with gynecological tumors. Malignant and benign tumor cases were separated according to their postoperative, histopathological examinations. The stages of malignant and benign tumors were also established histologically. Seventy benign and 30 malignant genital tumors (carcinoma of cervix in situ, cervix, ovary endometrium, and vulva) of the patients were differentiated histopathologically. The serum Cu/Zn ratios of patients were increased significantly from the control group (0.32±0.35) to the benign group (1.22±0.63) and from the benign group to the malignant group (2.24±1.03). Nine of 30 malignant cases were determined as false negative (30%) and 15 of 70 benign cases were determined as false positive (14.2%) according to the serum Cu/Zn ratios of patients. Serum copper levels of 30 malignant and 10 benign tumor cases showed linear correlation with serum ceruloplasmin values.  相似文献   

Concentrations of copper, zinc, and iron were analyzed and compared in a number of tissues of adjuvant arthritic rats following 22 d of chronic treatment (per os) with either vehicle, aspirin or copper aspirinate, at doses of 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, or 400 mg/kg. Such chronic treatment resulted in a negative balance in copper, zinc, and iron in many tissues. Among the tissues examined, liver and kidney exhibited the greatest changes in metal concentrations; brain and skeletal muscle exhibited the least. Arthritis-induced changes in the concentrations of all three metals in the liver were reversed upon treatment with aspirin. Treatment with copper aspirinate, on the other hand, resulted in an extremely high accumulation of copper in the liver. Arthritis-induced changes in copper, zinc, and iron concentrations in the pancreas and copper concentration in the plasma were generally not reversed upon treatment with either aspirin or copper aspirinate. Among the three metals examined, the degree of change observed as a result of drug treatments was greatest for iron and least for zinc. Finally, it appeared that the effects of aspirin and copper aspirinate on tissue metal concentrations were independent of the antiarthritic effects of these compounds.  相似文献   

The murine mottled mutants brindled, Mo br, and blotchy, Mo blo, are valuable animal models for the study of mammalian copper metabolism. In this paper, we present data showing that a nutritionally copper deficient suckling mouse, Cu-, with strong phenotypic similarities to the brindled mutant can be produced by feeding genetically normal dams a copper deficient diet (0.1-0.4 ppm Cu2+) from the day of mating. Comparisons of copper distribution between the Cu- mice and brindled mutants indicate that when a small dose of copper (0.5-0.9 micrograms Cu2+) was administered by intracardiac injection, the copper was abnormally distributed, and that the pattern of tissue distribution was very similar in Cu- mice and brindled mutants 24 h after injection. When, however, a treatment dose (50 micrograms Cu2+) was injected subcutaneously, and tissues assayed 3 d after injection, copper distribution in Cu- mice and brindled mutants was clearly different. Copper deficiency in Cu- suckling mice is entirely derived from maternal effects. Evidence that maternal effects may also influence the survival and phenotype of the brindled and blotchy mutants was obtained by comparing the viability of mutants born to dams carrying mottled mutations on one or both X chromosomes.  相似文献   

A single dose of cadmium chloride (2.2 mg/kg of body wt) increased the estrual cycle period about two times. This effect could be prevented by means of simultaneous administration of zinc at the same dose.  相似文献   

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