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The structure of prolidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfprol) has been solved and refined at 2.0 A resolution. This is the first structure of a prolidase, i.e., a peptidase specific for dipeptides having proline as the second residue. The asymmetric unit of the crystals contains a homodimer of the enzyme. Each of the two protein subunits has two domains. The C-terminal domain includes the catalytic site, which is centered on a dinuclear metal cluster. In the as-isolated form of Pfprol, the active-site metal atoms are Co(II) [Ghosh, M., et al. (1998) J. Bacteriol. 180, 4781-9]. An unexpected finding is that in the crystalline enzyme the active-site metal atoms are Zn(II), presumably as a result of metal exchange during crystallization. Both of the Zn(II) atoms are five-coordinate. The ligands include a bridging water molecule or hydroxide ion, which is likely to act as a nucleophile in the catalytic reaction. The two-domain polypeptide fold of Pfprol is similar to the folds of two functionally related enzymes, aminopeptidase P (APPro) and creatinase. In addition, the catalytic C-terminal domain of Pfprol has a polypeptide fold resembling that of the sole domain of a fourth enzyme, methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP). The active sites of APPro and MetAP, like that of Pfprol, include a dinuclear metal center. The metal ligands in the three enzymes are homologous. Comparisons with the molecular structures of APPro and MetAP suggest how Pfprol discriminates against oligopeptides and in favor of Xaa-Pro substrates. The crystal structure of Pfprol was solved by multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion. The crystals yielded diffraction data of relatively high quality and resolution, despite the fact that one of the two protein subunits in the asymmetric unit was found to be significantly disordered. The final R and R(free) values are 0.24 and 0.28, respectively.  相似文献   

Aminoacylase was identified in cell extracts of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus by its ability to hydrolyze N-acetyl-L-methionine and was purified by multistep chromatography. The enzyme is a homotetramer (42.06 kDa per subunit) and, as purified, contains 1.0 +/- 0.48 g-atoms of zinc per subunit. Treatment of the purified enzyme with EDTA resulted in complete loss of activity. This was restored to 86% of the original value (200 U/mg) by treatment with ZnCl(2) (and to 74% by the addition of CoCl(2)). After reconstitution with ZnCl(2), the enzyme contained 2.85 +/- 0.48 g-atoms of zinc per subunit. Aminoacylase showed broad substrate specificity and hydrolyzed nonpolar N-acylated L amino acids (Met, Ala, Val, and Leu), as well as N-formyl-L-methionine. The high K(m) values for these compounds indicate that the enzyme plays a role in the metabolism of protein growth substrates rather than in the degradation of cellular proteins. Maximal aminoacylase activity with N-acetyl-L-methionine as the substrate occurred at pH 6.5 and a temperature of 100 degrees C. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified aminoacylase was used to identify, in the P. furiosus genome database, a gene that encodes 383 amino acids. The gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli by using two approaches. One involved the T7 lac promoter system, in which the recombinant protein was expressed as inclusion bodies. The second approach used the Trx fusion system, and this produced soluble but inactive recombinant protein. Renaturation and reconstitution experiments with Zn(2+) ions failed to produce catalytically active protein. A survey of databases showed that, in general, organisms that contain a homolog of the P. furiosus aminoacylase (> or = 50% sequence identity) utilize peptide growth substrates, whereas those that do not contain the enzyme are not known to be proteolytic, suggesting a role for the enzyme in primary catabolism.  相似文献   

DNA ligases join single-strand breaks in double-stranded DNA, and are essential to maintain genome integrity in DNA metabolism. Here, we report the 1.8 A resolution structure of Pyrococcus furiosus DNA ligase (PfuLig), which represents the first full-length atomic view of an ATP-dependent eukaryotic-type DNA ligase. The enzyme comprises the N-terminal DNA-binding domain, the middle adenylation domain, and the C-terminal OB-fold domain. The architecture of each domain resembles those of human DNA ligase I, but the domain arrangements differ strikingly between the two enzymes. The closed conformation of the two "catalytic core" domains at the carboxyl terminus in PfuLig creates a small compartment, which holds a non-covalently bound AMP molecule. This domain rearrangement results from the "domain-connecting" role of the helical extension conserved at the C termini in archaeal and eukaryotic DNA ligases. The DNA substrate in the human open-ligase is replaced by motif VI in the Pfu closed-ligase. Both the shapes and electrostatic distributions are similar between motif VI and the DNA substrate, suggesting that motif VI in the closed state mimics the incoming substrate DNA. Two basic residues (R531 and K534) in motif VI reside within the active site pocket and interact with the phosphate group of the bound AMP. The crystallographic and functional analyses of mutant enzymes revealed that these two residues within the RxDK sequence play essential and complementary roles in ATP processing. This sequence is also conserved exclusively among the covalent nucleotidyltransferases, even including mRNA-capping enzymes with similar helical extensions at the C termini.  相似文献   

Juhász T  Szeltner Z  Polgár L 《FEBS letters》2006,580(14):3493-3497
Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP), the paradigm of a serine peptidase family, hydrolyses peptides, but not proteins. The thermophilic POP from Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu) appeared to be an exception, since it hydrolysed large proteins. Here we demonstrate that the Pfu POP does not display appreciable activity against azocasein. The autolysis observed earlier was an artefact. We have also found that the pH-rate profile is different from that of the mammalian enzyme and the low pK(a) extracted from the curve represents the ionization of the catalytic histidine. We conclude that some oligopeptidases may be true endopeptidases, cleaving at disordered segments of proteins, but with very low efficacy.  相似文献   

A scheme for the detoxification of superoxide in Pyrococcus furiosus has been previously proposed in which superoxide reductase (SOR) reduces (rather than dismutates) superoxide to hydrogen peroxide by using electrons from reduced rubredoxin (Rd). Rd is reduced with electrons from NAD(P)H by the enzyme NAD(P)H:rubredoxin oxidoreductase (NROR). The goal of the present work was to reconstitute this pathway in vitro using recombinant enzymes. While recombinant forms of SOR and Rd are available, the gene encoding P. furiosus NROR (PF1197) was found to be exceedingly toxic to Escherichia coli, and an active recombinant form (rNROR) was obtained via a fusion protein expression system, which produced an inactive form of NROR until cleavage. This allowed the complete pathway from NAD(P)H to the reduction of SOR via NROR and Rd to be reconstituted in vitro using recombinant proteins. rNROR is a 39.9-kDa protein whose sequence contains both flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)- and NAD(P)H-binding motifs, and it shares significant similarity with known and putative Rd-dependent oxidoreductases from several anaerobic bacteria, both mesophilic and hyperthermophilic. FAD was shown to be essential for activity in reconstitution assays and could not be replaced by flavin mononucleotide (FMN). The bound FAD has a midpoint potential of -173 mV at 23 degrees C (-193 mV at 80 degrees C). Like native NROR, the recombinant enzyme catalyzed the NADPH-dependent reduction of rubredoxin both at high (80 degrees C) and low (23 degrees C) temperatures, consistent with its proposed role in the superoxide reduction pathway. This is the first demonstration of in vitro superoxide reduction to hydrogen peroxide using NAD(P)H as the electron donor in an SOR-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

A scheme for the detoxification of superoxide in Pyrococcus furiosus has been previously proposed in which superoxide reductase (SOR) reduces (rather than dismutates) superoxide to hydrogen peroxide by using electrons from reduced rubredoxin (Rd). Rd is reduced with electrons from NAD(P)H by the enzyme NAD(P)H:rubredoxin oxidoreductase (NROR). The goal of the present work was to reconstitute this pathway in vitro using recombinant enzymes. While recombinant forms of SOR and Rd are available, the gene encoding P. furiosus NROR (PF1197) was found to be exceedingly toxic to Escherichia coli, and an active recombinant form (rNROR) was obtained via a fusion protein expression system, which produced an inactive form of NROR until cleavage. This allowed the complete pathway from NAD(P)H to the reduction of SOR via NROR and Rd to be reconstituted in vitro using recombinant proteins. rNROR is a 39.9-kDa protein whose sequence contains both flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)- and NAD(P)H-binding motifs, and it shares significant similarity with known and putative Rd-dependent oxidoreductases from several anaerobic bacteria, both mesophilic and hyperthermophilic. FAD was shown to be essential for activity in reconstitution assays and could not be replaced by flavin mononucleotide (FMN). The bound FAD has a midpoint potential of −173 mV at 23°C (−193 mV at 80°C). Like native NROR, the recombinant enzyme catalyzed the NADPH-dependent reduction of rubredoxin both at high (80°C) and low (23°C) temperatures, consistent with its proposed role in the superoxide reduction pathway. This is the first demonstration of in vitro superoxide reduction to hydrogen peroxide using NAD(P)H as the electron donor in an SOR-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Abstract The common mucosal immune system was stimulated by oral immunisation with jack bean urease and the adjuvant cholera toxin. A high level of local antibody and serum antibody was induced in mice following hyperimmunisation with this combination. No cross-reacting antibody was found against either Helicobacter pylori or Helicobacter felis . No protection was observed against oral challenge of immunised mice with living H. felis thus disproving the interesting hypothesis of Pallen and Clayton that plant urease might induce a protective immunity against helicobacter infection.  相似文献   

The archaebacterium, Pyrococcus furiosus, grows optimally at 100 degrees C by a fermentative type metabolism in which H2 and CO2 are the only detectable products. The organism also reduces elemental sulfur (S0) to H2S. Cells grown in the absence of S0 contain a single hydrogenase, located in the cytoplasm, which has been purified 350-fold to apparent homogeneity. The yield of H2 evolution activity from reduced methyl viologen at 80 degrees C was 40%. The hydrogenase has a Mr value of 185,000 +/- 15,000 and is composed of three subunits of Mr 46,000 (alpha), 27,000 (beta), and 24,000 (gamma). The enzyme contains 31 +/- 3 g atoms of iron, 24 +/- 4 g atoms of acid-labile sulfide, and 0.98 +/- 0.05 g atoms of nickel/185,000 g of protein. The H2-reduced hydrogenase exhibits an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal at 70 K typical of a single [2Fe-2S] cluster, while below 15 K, EPR absorption is observed from extremely fast relaxing iron-sulfur clusters. The oxidized enzyme is EPR silent. The hydrogenase is reversibly inhibited by O2 and is remarkably thermostable. Most of its H2 evolution activity is retained after a 1-h incubation at 100 degrees C. Reduced ferredoxin from P. furiosus also acts as an electron donor to the enzyme, and a 350-fold increase in the rate of H2 evolution is observed between 45 and 90 degrees C. The hydrogenase also catalyzes H2 oxidation with methyl viologen or methylene blue as the electron acceptor. The temperature optimum for both H2 oxidation and H2 evolution is greater than 95 degrees C. Arrhenius plots show two transition points at approximately 60 and approximately 80 degrees C independent of the mode of assay. That occurring at 80 degrees C is associated with a dramatic increase in H2 production activity. The enzyme preferentially catalyzes H2 production at all temperatures examined and appears to represent a new type of "evolution" hydrogenase.  相似文献   

The methyltransferase fibrillarin is the catalytic component of ribonucleoprotein complexes that direct site-specific methylation of precursor ribosomal RNA and are critical for ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes and archaea. Here we report the crystal structure of a fibrillarin ortholog from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus at 1.97A resolution. Comparisons of the X-ray structures of fibrillarin orthologs from Methanococcus jannashii and Archaeoglobus fulgidus reveal nearly identical backbone configurations for the catalytic C-terminal domain with the exception of a unique loop conformation at the S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) binding pocket in P. furiosus. In contrast, the N-terminal domains are divergent which may explain why some forms of fibrillarin apparently homodimerize (M. jannashii) while others are monomeric (P. furiosus and A. fulgidus). Three positively charged amino acids surround the AdoMet-binding site and sequence analysis indicates that this is a conserved feature of both eukaryotic and archaeal fibrillarins. We discuss the possibility that these basic residues of fibrillarin are important for RNA-guided rRNA methylation.  相似文献   

In this paper, elevated pressures up to 750 atm (1 atm = 101 kPa) were found to have a strong stabilizing effect on two extremely thermophilic glutamate dehydrogenases (GDHs): the native enzyme from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf), and a recombinant GDH mutant containing an extra tetrapeptide at the C-terminus (rGDHt). The presence of the tetrapeptide greatly destabilized the recombinant mutant at ambient pressure; however, the destabilizing effect was largely reversed by the application of pressure. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy of a spin-label attached to the terminal cysteine of rGDHt revealed a high degree of mobility, suggesting that destabilization is due to weakened intersubunit ion-pair interactions induced by thermal fluctuations of the tetrapeptide. For both enzymes, the stabilizing effect of pressure increased with temperature as well as pressure, reaching 36-fold for rGDHt at 105 degrees C and 750 atm, the largest pressure-induced thermostabilization of an enzyme reported to date. Stabilization of both native GDH and rGDHt was also achieved by adding glycerol. Based on the kinetics of thermal inactivation and the known effects of glycerol on protein structure, a mechanism of pressure-induced thermostabilization is proposed.  相似文献   

 Aldehyde:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (AOR) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus is a homodimeric protein. Each subunit carries one [4Fe-4S] cubane and a novel tungsten cofactor containing two pterins. A single iron atom bridges between the subunits. AOR has previously been studied with EPR spectroscopy in an inactive form known as the red tungsten protein (RTP): reduced RTP exhibits complex EPR interaction signals. We have now investigated the active enzyme AOR with EPR, and we have found an S = 1/2 plus S = 3/2 spin mixture from a non-interacting [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster in the reduced enzyme. Oxidized AOR affords EPR signals typical for W(V) with g–values of 1.982, 1.953, and 1.885. The W(V) signals disappear at a reduction potential E m,7.5 of +180 mV. This unexpectedly high value indicates that the active-site redox chemistry is based on the pterin part of the cofactor. Received: 18 December 1995 / Accepted: 26 March 1996  相似文献   

A 640-kDa proteasome consisting of (alpha) (25-kDa) and (beta) (22-kDa) subunits, and with a temperature optimum of 95(deg)C, was purified from crude cell extracts of a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus furiosus. Although this is the fourth member of the kingdom Euryarchaeota (and the first hyperthermophile) found to contain a proteasome, none has been identified among the members of the kingdom Crenarchaeota.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic DNA replication, replication factor-C (RFC) acts as the clamp loader, which correctly installs the sliding clamp onto DNA strands at replication forks. The eukaryotic RFC is a complex consisting of one large and four small subunits. We have determined the crystal structure of the clamp loader small subunit (RFCS) from Pyrococcus furiosus. The six subunits, of which four bind ADP in their canonical nucleotide binding clefts, assemble into a dimer of semicircular trimers. The crescent-like architecture of each subunit formed by the three domains resembles that of the delta' subunit of the E. coli clamp loader. The trimeric architecture of archaeal RFCS, with its mobile N-terminal domains, involves intersubunit interactions that may be conserved in eukaryotic functional complexes.  相似文献   

The structure of Pyrococcus furiosus carboxypeptidase (PfuCP) has been determined to 2.2 A resolution using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) methods. PfuCP represents the first structure of the new M32 family of carboxypeptidases. The overall structure is comprised of a homodimer. Each subunit is mostly helical with its most pronounced feature being a deep substrate binding groove. The active site lies at the bottom of this groove and contains an HEXXH motif that coordinates the metal ion required for catalysis. Surprisingly, the structure is similar to the recently reported rat neurolysin. Comparison of these structures as well as sequence analyses with other homologous proteins reveal several conserved residues. The roles for these conserved residues in the catalytic mechanism are inferred based on modeling and their location.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RFC) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) are accessory proteins essential for processive DNA synthesis in the domain Eucarya. The function of RFC is to load PCNA, a processivity factor of eukaryotic DNA polymerases delta and epsilon, onto primed DNA templates. RFC-like genes, arranged in tandem in the Pyrococcus furiosus genome, were cloned and expressed individually in Escherichia coli cells to determine their roles in DNA synthesis. The P. furiosus RFC (PfuRFC) consists of a small subunit (RFCS) and a large subunit (RFCL). Highly purified RFCS possesses an ATPase activity, which was stimulated up to twofold in the presence of both single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and P. furiosus PCNA (PfuPCNA). The ATPase activity of PfuRFC itself was as strong as that of RFCS. However, in the presence of PfuPCNA and ssDNA, PfuRFC exhibited a 10-fold increase in ATPase activity under the same conditions. RFCL formed very large complexes by itself and had an extremely weak ATPase activity, which was not stimulated by PfuPCNA and DNA. The PfuRFC stimulated PfuPCNA-dependent DNA synthesis by both polymerase I and polymerase II from P. furiosus. We propose that PfuRFC is required for efficient loading of PfuPCNA and that the role of RFC in processive DNA synthesis is conserved in Archaea and Eucarya.  相似文献   

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