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细胞色素P4503A4(CYP3A4)是存在人类肝脏及肠道中的一种主要的细胞色素CYP450酶,约占成人肝脏CYP450酶总量的25%左右。临床中约有50%的药物是通过其代谢,并且其基因位点突变也与其多种疾病相关,知晓CYP3A4的表达水平和不同功能的遗传学基础,无论是对疾病的发病基础、临床药物的应用,会带来前所未有的启发,在药物应用过程中,通过对基因组学的认识,从而可以在基因层面了解个体代谢差异产生的原因,调整药物用量,提高疗效,最终使药物副作用降到最低限。目前对CYP3A4的研究渐趋于成熟,已逐渐阐明了其药物间相互作用的机制,它能够被多种药物竞争性抑制或者诱导,并受到某些蛋白受体的调控影响,可改变药物的药代动力学,增强或降低药效,造成个体用药差异,这也是造成药物间相互作用的重要原因。然而CYP3A4基因多态性与基因导向治疗关系,还有待进一步深入研究。该文对CYP3A4基因多态性、分布以及与临床疾病及用药的研究现状作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国汉族儿童CYP3A5*3与白血病药物不良反应的关联.方法:入选2004年7月至2011年6月间确诊的急性白血病儿童52名,用PCR-RFLP方法测定CYP3A5*3突变,同时收集病人常规资料和不良反应.结果:白血病儿童主要不良反应为呕吐、口腔黏膜损害、一过性骨髓抑制、肝功能损害.且CYP3A5*3/*3病人相对于其他两组,更易于发生白细胞减少和粘膜损害.结论:CYP3A5*3与病人的不良反应发生密切相关,可作为白血病治疗效果预测基因.  相似文献   

CYP19基因表达与芳香化酶活性调控因子的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芳香化酶是雌激素合成中的关键酶,催化睾酮和雄烯二酮转化为雌激素。本文在对芳香化酶的蛋白结构、基因特征和分布进行阐述的基础上,重点对编码该蛋白的CYP19基因的调控因子以及芳香化酶活性的调节进行探讨。CYP19基因的调控因子包括cAMP反应元件(CRE)、类固醇生成因子1/肾上腺4结合蛋白(SF-1/Ad4BP)、雌激素受体(ER)等顺式作用因子和TATA结合蛋白(TBP)、生长因子等反式作用因子。主要通过cAMP依赖性蛋白激酶信号通路在转录水平对其进行调节。而芳香化酶表达及其酶活性的调控因子主要集中于性类固醇激素和促性腺激素,此外还受到温度等外部因子等因素的调节。芳香化酶的调节对维持雌雄激素间作用的平衡、保证机体的正常生理功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

载脂蛋白A-I是血浆中高密度脂蛋白的主要蛋白成份,十多年来其基因结构已清楚,并在染色体上得以定位。目前ApoA-I基因在原核,真核细胞以及转基因鼠中均已获表达,对于该基因的调控机理正在深入研究。本就以上几方面的进展加以综述。  相似文献   

目的:氯吡格雷主要由CYP3A4 催化使其激活,CYP1A2 也参与氯吡格雷活化。关于氯吡格雷对肝微粒体酶的影响国内外 文献报道不多,因此本实验通过检测肝细胞色素氧化酶CYP3A4 和CYP1A2 的表达,探讨氯吡格雷对大鼠肝药物酶的影 响。方法:生理盐水为对照组,氯吡格雷设高、中、低三个剂量组(27,13.5,6.75mg/kg/d),雄性健康大鼠连续灌胃给药7天,脱臼处 死,取肝组织,通过western blot法检测大鼠肝脏CYP3A4 和CYP1A2 蛋白表达情况。结果:1)、氯吡格雷抑制大鼠CYP3A4 蛋白 表达,氯吡格雷高中低剂量组分别比生理盐水组大鼠CYP3A4 蛋白表达量降低(P<0.05);氯吡格雷低中高剂量组间进行比较,大 鼠CYP3A4 蛋白表达量呈梯度减少(P<0.05);2)、氯吡格雷抑制大鼠CYP1A2 蛋白表达,氯吡格雷高中低剂量组分别比生理盐水 组大鼠CYP1A2 蛋白表达量降低(P<0.05),氯吡格雷低中高剂量组间进行比较,大鼠CYP1A2 蛋白表达量呈梯度减少(P<0.05)。 结论:氯吡格雷使肝细胞色素氧化酶CYP3A4 和CYP1A2 的表达量减少,因此氯吡格雷高、中、低3 个剂量组均不同程度的抑制 大鼠肝脏CYP3A4 和CYP1A2 的表达,提示当氯吡格雷与某些主要经CYP3A4 和CYP1A2 代谢的药物合用时,发生代谢性相关 作用的可能性大。  相似文献   

载脂蛋白A-I是一种重要的血浆蛋白,其基因表达具有明显的组织特异性、种属特异性和发育阶段桃煨浴ApoA-I基因5’调控区的肝细胞特异性增强子等顺式作用元件同ARP-1、HNF-4、RXRa等反式作用因子相作用,调控该基因的特异性表达。  相似文献   

载脂蛋白(apolipoprotein,apo)A-Ⅰ是一种重要的血浆蛋白,其基因表达具有明显的组织特异性、种属特异性和发育阶段特异性,Apo A-Ⅰ基因5'调控区的肝细胞特异性增强子等顺式作用元件同ARP-Ⅰ、HNF-4、RXRα等反式作用因子相作用,调控该基因的特异性表达.  相似文献   

CYP3A4基因原核表达质粒构建与诱导表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以质粒pCWNF14为模板,采用PCR技术扩增出CYP3A4基因,并将其接入pET-22b(+)、pET-28b(+)和pET-32a(+)载体中,经PCR测序鉴定后,转化Rosetta(DE3)2pLysS细菌,并用IPTG诱导表达.采用考马斯亮蓝染色的方法检测重组蛋白表达,3个表达重组质粒中,只有pET-32a(+)-CYP3A4可以表达目的蛋白;在低浓度IPTG(50μmol/L)诱导6h,所表达的CYP3A4蛋白约占细菌总蛋白的40%。且该蛋白不溶于8mol/L的尿素,而溶于去污剂10mmol/L 3-((3-Cholamidopropyl)dimethvlammonio propanesulfonic acid(CHAPS))和0.3% lauroyl sarcosine(SKL).成功地使CYP3A4基因在原核系统中高效表达.  相似文献   

背景:卡马西平(carbamazepine,CMZP)主要由CYP3A酶家族代谢,其代谢酶主要包括CYP3A5。本研究探讨了CYP3A5基因多态性与卡马西平血清浓度(CMZP)之间的关系,对个体化药物治疗的开展具有十分积极的意义。目的:CYP3A5*3的基因型可以影响CYP3A药物的药代动力学。本研究旨在评估CYP3A基因多态性对癫痫患者血清卡马西平稳态浓度及其代谢物水平的影响。方法:研究共纳入278例患者,检测个体卡马西平的血清浓度及CYP3A5基因型,并探讨CYP3A5基因型对卡马西平稳态血药浓度的影响。结果:根据基因型分为成CYP3A5表达组(CYP3A5*1/*1和CYP3A5*1/*3)和非表达组(CYP3A5*3/*3)两组。278例患者中120例为CYP3A5表达组,158例患者为CYP3A5非表达组。CYP3A5非表达组的总卡马西平剂量和剂量标准化后的卡马西平血清浓度均高于CYP3A5表达组(P=0.608和P=0.000)。CYP3A5表达组中卡马西平环氧化物浓度更高(P=0.000),但这两组间的血清药物浓度无显著差异(P=0.090)。结论:CYP3A5*3基因多态性与卡马西平的血清浓度之间有密切的关系。CYP3A5基因影响了卡马西平血药浓度水平和代谢过程,其可能是导致卡马西平在癫痫患者中个体变异的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

放线菌次生代谢的分子调控研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邢小黑 《生物技术》1999,9(6):47-48

A clone was isolated from a cDNA library constructed from phenobarbital-treated Wistar rat liver and proven to correspond to the full-length mRNA of a polymorphic variant of Sprague-Dawley CYP3A1. Eight nucleotide differences were detected in a single 76-nucleotide stretch and confirmed to be present in the genomic clone. They are seated in a region implicated in the definition of a substrate binding domain of the native P450. Three out of the eight nucleotide changes are nonconservative, implicating the replacement of Thr/Ala 207, Phe/Ile 213, and Ile/Val 232. This is the first report of an allelic variant of CYP3A1, a new example of interstrain P450 variability. The CYP3A subfamily is composed of several genes coding for active testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylases which are expressed in the liver. CYP3A genes are under strong and distinct developmental regulation. Conversely to CYP3A1, transiently expressed in immature animals, CYP3A2 is constitutively expressed in the liver early after birth and characterized by an extinction in the adult females. Castration of 90-day-old male rats causes a drastic reduction (80%) of CYP3A2 mRNA relative abundance. Administration of testosterone propionate restores the physiological levels of CYP3A2 mRNA characteristic of the male rat liver. Our results demonstrate the existence of a direct relationship between the male hormonal status and the constitutive expression of rat liver CYP3A2.  相似文献   

Human CYP3A enzymes play a pivotal role in the metabolism of many drugs, and the variability of their expression among individuals may have a strong impact on the efficacy of drug treatment. However, the individual contributions of the four CYP3A genes to total CYP3A activity remain unclear. To elucidate the role of CYP3A7, we have studied its expression in human liver and intestine. In both organs, expression of CYP3A7 mRNA was polymorphic. The recently identified CYP3A7*1C allele was a consistent marker of increased CYP3A7 expression both in liver and intestine, whereas the CYP3A7*1B allele was associated with increased CYP3A7 expression only in liver. Because of the replacement of part of the CYP3A7 promoter by the corresponding region of CYP3A4, the CYP3A7*1C allele contains the proximal ER6 motif of CYP3A4. The pregnane X and constitutively activated receptors were shown to bind with higher affinity to CYP3A4-ER6 than to CYP3A7-ER6 motifs and transactivated only promoter constructs containing CYP3A4-ER6. Furthermore, we identified mutations in CYP3A7*1C in addition to the ER6 motif that were necessary only for activation by the constitutively activated receptor. We conclude that the presence of the ER6 motif of CYP3A4 mediates the high expression of CYP3A7 in subjects carrying CYP3A7*1C.  相似文献   

We examined cytochrome P450 production and activity and circulating hormone concentrations in male medaka exposed to 17beta-estradiol (E2) or 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2). Intraperitoneal injection of E2 at 1, 10, or 100 microg/g-fish completely suppressed CYP3A38 protein production and suppressed CYP3A40 protein levels by 89%, 52%, or 47%, respectively. CYP3A38 and CYP3A40 mRNA expression was unaltered, and CYP3A enzymatic activity initially increased and then decreased with increasing E2 dose. Males co-cultured with females were exposed to a markedly high concentration (43 ng/L) of E2 secreted by females. CYP3A protein levels in co-cultured males were suppressed. Serum testosterone (TE) and 11keto-testosterone levels in co-cultured males were downregulated to 40% of pre-exposure levels. Serum E2 levels increased in co-cultured males or males exposed to EE2. Testicular CYP19, which converts TE to E2, increased by 9.5 times in males exposed to 50 ng/L EE2 and by 21.5 times in those exposed to 100 ng/L EE2. Male medaka exposed to EE2 showed increased serum Vtg levels. Estrogenic exposure induced Vtg production, suppressed CYP3A protein production, downregulated TE metabolism, and enhanced CYP19 activity. Serum E2 endogenously induced by CYP19 could contribute to Vtg induction in male medaka.  相似文献   

The CYP4A fatty acid omega-hydroxylases are involved in important physiological processes such as the regulation of vascular pressure. A previous study of chimeras of the rat CYP4A2 and CYP4A3 enzymes established that the regiochemistry of fatty acid hydroxylation is determined by the first 119 amino acid residues (Hoch, U., Zhang. Z. P., Kroetz, D. L., and Ortiz de Montellano, P. R. (2000) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 373, 63-71). The role of the individual amino acid differences in this region has therefore been examined by site-specific mutagenesis to determine which residues actually control the omega- versus (omega-1)-regiospecificity. The results indicate that regiospecificity is controlled by the presence or absence of a three-residue insert (Ser-114, Gly-115, Ile-116) in CYP4A3 and by the residue at position 119 (CYP4A3 numbering). Furthermore, analysis of the absolute stereochemistry of the 11-hydroxylauric acid product indicates that this stereochemistry is not very sensitive to changes in the residues that line the substrate access channel. These results define a model of the specificity determinants of an important class of cytochrome P450 enzymes.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) is the major nicotine C-oxidase in human and participates in the metabolism of drugs and precarcinogens. The CYP2A6 gene is highly polymorphic and more than 22 different alleles have been described. We here focused on the polymorphism in the 3'-UTR region, in particular the common CYP2A6*1B allele, carrying an unequal crossover element from the pseudogene CYP2A7. Analysis of CYP2A6 expression in a human liver bank (n=46) revealed that the protein level and catalytic activity using coumarin as a substrate were all higher, following a linear gene-dose relationship, in livers carrying one or two copies of CYP2A6*1B, as compared to other CYP2A6 allelic variants. Different variants of the CYP2A6 3'-UTR were cloned into a modified pGL3 plasmid downstream of the luciferase reporter gene. The plasmids, having the proximal promoter of CYP2A6 gene, were transfected into HeLa cells or injected into the tail veins of male CD1 mice. In both systems, the 3'-UTR CYP2A6*1B constructs caused higher reporter gene activity and the CYP2A7 3'-UTR construct lower activity, compared to the CYP2A6*1 3'-UTR constructs. Two SNPs differentiating the 3'-UTR between CYP2A7 and CYP2A6*1B were found to be of importance for the expression in both systems. Analysis of reporter enzyme degradation in HeLa cells showed that luciferase-3'-UTR-CYP2A6*1A had a half-life of approximately 4.9h as compared to 6.3h for luciferase-3'-UTR-CYP2A6*1B. In conclusion, we identified polymorphic motifs in the CYP2A6 3'-UTR of importance for CYP2A6 mRNA stabilization and enzyme expression. Such polymorphism has been described to influence the in vivo rate of nicotine elimination and possibly the cigarette consumption and risk of smoking induced lung cancer.  相似文献   

A second female-predominant murine CYP3A, CYP3A44, was isolated from liver and its mRNA expression was compared with that of the previously described CYP3A41. The expression of CYP3A44 was relatively constant after birth in females, whereas it gradually declined in males after 5 weeks of age. The expression of CYP3A41 increased with age in females after 3 weeks of age, whereas it gradually declined in males after 5 weeks of age. Hypophysectomy and growth hormone replacement indicated that expression of both CYP3A mRNAs in females was dependent on the feminine plasma growth hormone profile. Estradiol induced the expression of both mRNAs and the effect was dependent on the presence of the pituitary gland. These observations suggest that endocrine control of expression might be similar, but not identical, for two female-predominant CYP3A mRNAs.  相似文献   

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