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We demonstrate a correlated response of the virulence and the mode of transmission of the microsporidian parasite Edhazardia aedis to selection on the age at pupation of its host, the mosquito Aedes aegypti. We selected three lines of mosquitoes each for early or late pupation and exposed the larvae after zero, two and four generations of selection to a low and a high concentration of the parasite’s spores. Before selection the parasites induced a similar level of mortality in the six lines; after four generations of selection mortality was higher in the mosquitoes selected for late pupation than in those selected for early pupation. Overall, parasite-induced mortality was positively correlated with the mean age at pupation of the matching uninfected line. When they died, mosquitoes selected for early pupation harboured mostly binucleate spores, which are responsible for vertical transmission. Mosquitoes selected for late pupation were more likely to harbour uninucleate spores, which are responsible for horizontal transmission. The parasite enhanced this tendency for horizontal transmission by prolonging the larval period in the lines selected for late pupation, but not in the ones selected for early pupation. These results suggest that the genetic basis of the mosquito’s age at pupation helps to determine the parasite’s mode of transmission: parasites in rapidly developing mosquitoes are benign and transmit vertically, while parasites in slowly developing mosquitoes are virulent and transmit horizontally. Thus, as the host’s life history evolves, the parasite’s performance changes, because the host’s evolution changes the environment in which the parasite develops.  相似文献   

Hosts are frequently infected with more than one parasite or pathogen at any one time, but little is known as to how they respond to multiple immune challenges compared to those involving single infections. We investigated the proteome of Aedes aegypti larvae following infection with either Edhazardia aedis or Vavraia culicis, and coinfections involving both. They are both obligate intracellular parasites belonging to the phylum microsporidia and infect natural populations of Ae. aegypti. The results found some proteins only showing modified abundance in response to infections involving E. aedis, while others were only differentially abundant when infections involved V. culicis. Some proteins only responded with modified abundance to the coinfection condition, while others were differentially abundant in response to all three types of infection. As time since infection increased, the response to each of the single parasite infections diverged, while the response to the E. aedis and coinfection treatments converged. Some of the proteins differentially abundant in response to infection were identified. They included two vacuolar ATPases, proteins known to have a role in determining the infection success of intracellular parasites. This result suggests microsporidia could influence the infection success of other intracellular pathogens infecting vector species of mosquito, including viruses, Plasmodium and Wolbachia.  相似文献   

We selected six lines of mosquito Aedes aegypti for earlier or later pupation and measured the correlated responses of several life history traits: adult size, two fecundity measures and pre-adult survival. We further examined the influence of two environmental parameters – larval food availability and infection by the microsporidian parasite Edhazardia aedis– on the correlated responses. Pre-adult survival did not respond to selection for age at pupation in any environment. For all of the other traits, the environment influenced the correlated response, though the contribution of the different environmental aspects differed among traits. While the correlated response of adult size was influenced only by larval food availability, the likelihood that a female laid eggs was influenced by parasite infection, and the correlated response of the number of eggs was influenced by the interaction of the two environmental parameters. Generally, a deteriorating environment moved the correlated response from one favouring later pupation to one favouring earlier pupation. Larval food availability and parasite infection also influenced the association between the mean wing length and fecundity of the selected lines. At high food availability, there was a positive relationship between adult size and fecundity, while infected mosquitoes reared at low food availability showed the opposite trend. We discuss these results in light of the coevolutionary potential of the host–parasite interaction.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the mechanism of action of inhibitors of the germination of spores of Bacillus species, and where these inhibitors act in the germination process. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of various Bacillus species are significant agents of food spoilage and food-borne disease, and inhibition of spore germination is a potential means of reducing such problems. Germination of the following spores was studied: (i) wild-type B. subtilis spores; (ii) B. subtilis spores with a nutrient receptor variant allowing recognition of a novel germinant; (iii) B. subtilis spores with elevated levels of either the variant nutrient receptor or its wild-type allele; (iv) B. subtilis spores lacking all nutrient receptors and (v) wild-type B. megaterium spores. Spores were germinated with a variety of nutrient germinants, Ca2+-dipicolinic acid (DPA) and dodecylamine for B. subtilis spores, and KBr for B. megaterium spores. Compounds tested as inhibitors of germination included alkyl alcohols, a phenol derivative, a fatty acid, ion channel blockers, enzyme inhibitors and several other compounds. Assays used to assess rates of spore germination monitored: (i) the fall in optical density at 600 nm of spore suspensions; (ii) the release of the dormant spore's large depot of DPA; (iii) hydrolysis of the dormant spore's peptidoglycan cortex and (iv) generation of CFU from spores that lacked all nutrient receptors. The results with B. subtilis spores allowed the assignment of inhibitory compounds into two general groups: (i) those that inhibited the action of, or response to, one nutrient receptor and (ii) those that blocked the action of, or response to, several or all of the nutrient receptors. Some of the compounds in groups 1 and 2 also blocked action of at least one cortex lytic enzyme, however, this does not appear to be the primary site of their action in inhibiting spore germination. The inhibitors had rather different effects on germination of B. subtilis spores with nutrients or non-nutrients, consistent with previous work indicating that germination of B. subtilis spores by non-nutrients does not involve the spore's nutrient receptors. In particular, none of the compounds tested inhibited spore germination with dodecylamine, and only three compounds inhibited Ca2+-DPA germination. In contrast, all compounds had very similar effects on the germination of B. megaterium spores with either glucose or KBr. The effects of the inhibitors tested on spores of both Bacillus species were largely reversible. CONCLUSIONS: This work indicates that inhibitors of B. subtilis spore germination fall into two classes: (i) compounds (most alkyl alcohols, N-ethylmaleimide, nifedipine, phenols, potassium sorbate) that inhibit the action of, or response to, primarily one nutrient receptor and (ii) compounds [amiloride, HgCl2, octanoic acid, octanol, phenylmethylsulphonylfluoride (PMSF), quinine, tetracaine, tosyl-l-arginine methyl ester, trifluoperazine] that inhibit the action of, or response to, several nutrient receptors. Action of these inhibitors, is reversible. The similar effects of inhibitors on B. megaterium spore germination by glucose or KBr indicate that inorganic salts likely trigger germination by activating one or more nutrient receptors. The lack of effect of all inhibitors on dodecylamine germination suggests that this compound stimulates germination by creating channels in the spore's inner membrane allowing DPA release. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work provides new insight into the steps in spore germination that are inhibited by various chemicals, and the mechanism of action of these inhibitors. The work also provides new insights into the process of spore germination itself.  相似文献   

AIMS: To elucidate the factors influencing the sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis spores in killing and disrupting by mechanical abrasion, and the mechanism of stimulation of spore germination by abrasion. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of B. subtilis strains were abraded by shaking with glass beads in liquid or the dry state, and spore killing, disruption and germination were determined. Dormant spores were more resistant to killing and disruption by abrasion than were growing cells or germinated spores. However, dormant spores of the wild-type strain with or without most coat proteins removed, spores of strains with mutations causing spore coat defects, spores lacking their large depot of dipicolinic acid (DPA) and spores with defects in the germination process exhibited essentially identical rates of killing and disruption by abrasion. When spores lacking all nutrient germinant receptors were enumerated by plating directly on nutrient medium, abrasion increased the plating efficiency of these spores before killing them. Spores lacking all nutrient receptors and either of the two redundant cortex-lytic enzymes behaved similarly in this regard, but the plating efficiency of spores lacking both cortex-lytic enzymes was not stimulated by abrasion. CONCLUSIONS: Dormant spores are more resistant to killing and disruption by abrasion than are growing cells or germinated spores, and neither the complete coats nor DPA are important in spore resistance to such treatments. Germination is not essential for spore killing by abrasion, although abrasion can trigger spore germination by activation of either of the spore's cortex-lytic enzymes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work provides new insight into the mechanisms of the killing, disruption and germination of spores by abrasion and makes the surprising finding that at least much of the spore coat is not important in spore resistance to abrasion.  相似文献   

A microspondium of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.), identified as Nosema aedis Kudo, 1930, was found to be a heterosporous species with 3 sporulation sequences. Usually, I sequence developed in a parental generation host individual that was infected per os as a larva and the other 2 developed concurrently in a filial host larva that was infected transovarially. Under some conditions there were deviations from the parental host-filial host alternation. The 1st sporulation sequence was diplokaryotic (diploid in a particular sense) throughout; the other 2 arose from diplokaryotic meronts, developed concurrently and ended with haploid spores. Haplosis in 1 case was by means of dissociation of the diplokaryon. In the other case it was by meiosis. Conflicting reports about whether the members of the diplokaryon in the latter sequence separate and undergo meiosis individually or coalesce and undergo meiosis as I nucleus were resolved in favor of the latter idea. A new genus in family Amblyosporidae was created to contain this species. which then became Edhazardia aedis (Kudo. 1930) n. g., n. comb.  相似文献   

Larvae of Aedes aegypti, transovarially infected with Edhazardia aedis, were reared between 20 and 36 degrees C to determine the influence of temperature on the development of the parasite and the infected host. Development of the parasite was evaluated based on spore yield and size. The predicted optimum temperature for maximum spore production of E. aedis in A. aegypti was 30.8 degrees C. The results demonstrate that the E. aedis-A. aegypti system has a wide temperature tolerance; whereas spore yield will be lower at unfavorable temperatures, the host will remain infected. Additionally, spores were significantly smaller from individual reared at 34 degrees C than those reared at either 20 or 27 degrees C. Development of the infected host was evaluated based on pupal weight and time of pupation. Infected pupae were significantly larger than uninfected pupae. There was also a significant difference in the pupation rate between controls and infected A. aegypti larvae. Controls had a 50% cumulative pupation time (CPT50) of 65.7 degree days and infected individuals a CPT50 of 76.6 degree days.  相似文献   

Fungal spores are used in the laboratory for culture maintenance and at laboratory and other scales as inocula for fermentations. The spore swelling and germination processes constitute a major part of the lag phase, and the subsequent culture morphology and productivity can be greatly influenced by the initial concentration and condition of the spores. An image analysis method has been developed for assessing the viability and the germination characteristics of fungal spores in submerged cultures. Structural variations during germination, i.e., swelling, germ tube formation, and germ tube elongation, are measured in terms of distributions of spore volumes and of germ tube lengths and volumes. These measurements are fully automatic and give a very rapid assessment of spore viability. This image analysis method might be used as a tool in culture maintenance and for determining the quality of inocula for fungal fermentations. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The first enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for a microsporidian is described. The assay detects as little as 2 ng of spore homogenate protein and as few as 2000 intact spores. Several time-saving and reagent-conserving modifications of traditional ELISA protocols are employed.  相似文献   

Aims: To analyse the germination and its heterogeneity of individual spores of Clostridium perfringens. Methods and Results: Germination of individual wild‐type Cl. perfringens spores was followed by monitoring Ca‐dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) release and by differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Following the addition of KCl that acts via germinant receptors (GRs), there was a long variable lag period (Tlag) with slow release of c. 25% of CaDPA, then rapid release of remaining CaDPA in c. 2 min (ΔTrelease) and a parallel decrease in DIC image intensity, and a final decrease of c. 25% in DIC image intensity during spore cortex hydrolysis. Spores lacking the essential cortex‐lytic enzyme (CLE) (sleC spores) exhibited the same features during GR‐dependent germination, but with longer average Tlag values, and no decrease in DIC image intensity because of cortex hydrolysis after full CaDPA release. The Tlag of wild‐type spores in KCl germination was increased significantly by lower germinant concentrations and suboptimal heat activation. Wild‐type and sleC spores had identical average Tlag and ΔTrelease values in dodecylamine germination that does not utilize GRs. Conclusions: Most of these results were essentially identical to those reported for the germination of individual spores of Bacillus species. However, individual sleC Cl. perfringens spores germinated inefficiently with either KCl or exogenous CaDPA, in contrast to CLE‐deficient Bacillus spores, indicating that germination of these species’ spores is not completely identical. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work provides information on the kinetic germination and its heterogeneity of individual spores of Cl. perfringens.  相似文献   

Synchronously germinating aerial spores of Streptomyces granaticolor were used to study protein activation and expression during the transition from dormant to metabolically active vegetative forms. The first phase of protein activation is associated with the solubility of proteins. Three major chaperones, DnaK, Trigger factor, and GroEL, were identified in spores. Enhancement in rate of protein synthesis during germination was accompanied by the association of TF and DnaK with ribosomes. During germination, the chaperones TF, GroEL, and DnaK undergo reversible phosphorylation. GroEL was phosphorylated on both Ser and Thr, whereas phosphorylation of DnaK and TF was detected on Thr only. A proteomic approach was used to gain more information on protein expression during germination on two types of media differing in the ability of cells to produce antibiotic granaticin. To obtain an overview of the metabolic activity of germinating spores, glycolytic enzymes, enzymes of citric acid cycle, metabolism of amino acids and nucleic acids, and components of the protein synthesis system were identified and analyzed using the proteomic database. The results were deposited on the SWICZ proteomic server and are accessible on http://proteom.biomed.cas.cz.  相似文献   

Dormant aerial spores of Streptomyces granaticolor contain pre-existing pool of mRNA and active ribosomes for rapid translation of proteins required for earlier steps of germination. Activated spores were labeled for 30 min with [35S]methionine/cysteine in the presence or absence of rifamycin (400 microg/ml) and resolved by two-dimensional electrophoresis. About 320 proteins were synthesized during the first 30 min of cultivation at the beginning of swelling, before the first DNA replication. Results from nine different experiments performed in the presence of rifamycin revealed 15 protein spots. Transition from dormant spores to swollen spores is not affected by the presence of rifamycin but further development of spores is stopped. To support existence of pre-existing pool of mRNA in spores, cell-free extract of spores (S30 fraction) was used for in vitro protein synthesis. These results indicate that RNA of spores possesses mRNA functionally competent and provides templates for protein synthesis. Cell-free extracts isolated from spores, activated spores, and during spore germination were further examined for in vitro protein phosphorylation. The analyses show that preparation from dormant spores catalyzes phosphorylation of only seven proteins. In the absence of phosphatase inhibitors, several proteins were partially dephosphorylated. The activation of spores leads to a reduction in phosphorylation activity. Results from in vitro phosphorylation reaction indicate that during germination phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of proteins is a complex function of developmental changes.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine yields, germination and stability of superdormant Bacillus cereus spores. Methods and Results: Superdormant B. cereus spores were isolated by germination with high concentrations of inosine or l ‐alanine in 2–5% yield and did not germinate with high concentrations of either of these germinants, but germinated like starting spores with Ca‐DPA, dodecylamine, l ‐alanine plus inosine or concentrated complete medium. Yields of superdormant spores from germinations with low inosine concentrations were higher, and these spores germinated poorly with low inosine, but relatively normally with high inosine. Yields of superdormant spores were also higher when nonheat‐activated spores were germinated. Superdormant spores stored at 4°C slowly recovered some germination capacity, but recovery was slowed significantly at ?20°C and ?80°C. Conclusions: Factors that influence levels of superdormant B. cereus spores and the properties of such spores are similar to those in B. megaterium and B. subtilis, suggesting there are common mechanisms involved in superdormancy of Bacillus spores. Significance: Superdormant spores are a major concern in the food industry, because the presence of such spores precludes decontamination strategies based on triggering spore germination followed by mild killing treatments. Studies of the properties of superdormant spores may suggest ways to eliminate them.  相似文献   

Differences in biological features of immature and adult Aedes aegypti, as well as variability in vector competence, seem consistent with the existence of genetic variation among subpopulations and adaptation to local conditions. This work aims to compare the bionomics of four Ae. aegypti subpopulations derived from different geographical regions reared under temperate conditions. Life statistics of three Ae. aegypti subpopulations from the provinces of Córdoba, Salta, and Misiones were studied based on horizontal life tables. The Rockefeller strain was used as a control. The development time required to complete the larva and pupa stages varied from 6.91 to 7.95 and 1.87 to 2.41 days, respectively. Significant differences were found in mean larval development time between the Córdoba and Orán subpopulations. The larva‐pupa development time was similar in all the subpopulations. However, survival values varied significantly between the Orán and San Javier subpopulations. The proportion of emergent males did not differ from females within each subpopulation nor among them. Adult longevity was similar among the subpopulations. The average number of eggs laid by each female was significantly different. The Rockefeller strain laid a significantly greater number of eggs (463.99 eggs/female) than the rest of the subpopulations. Moreover, differences in the demographic growth parameter Ro were detected among the four subpopulations. The differences obtained in larval development time, larva‐pupa survival values, and net reproductive rates among the subpopulations might reflect underlying genetic differences as a result of colonization from different regions that probably involve adaptations to local conditions.  相似文献   

Two Frankia strains, ChI1 from Colletia hystrix and ReI6 from Retanilla ephedra, were assayed to determine the germinability of their spores and the stages of the life cycle in different media. In BAP medium, both strains showed approximately 18% spore germination. However, in BAP medium lacking micronutrients and FeEDTA, strain ChI1 spores exhibited approximately 53% germination and strain ReI6 spores about 42%. The survey also showed that the spores were not heat-resistant, the ReI6 spores being more sensitive than ChI1 spores. Both strains exhibited a small increase in their percentage of germination with a 15-pulse ultrasonic treatment.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine the germination and inactivation of Bacillus cereus spores lacking various germination proteins using moderately high pressure (MHP) and heat.
Methods:  The inactivation and germination of wild-type B. cereus spores in buffer by MHP (150 MPa) at various temperatures, as well as the MHP inactivation and germination of B. cereus spores lacking individual germinant receptors and monovalent cation antiporters, was determined.
Results:  Loss of individual germinant receptors had no large effects on spore inactivation or germination, although germination of receptor-deficient spores was generally slightly decreased. Loss of the GerN in particular the GerN and GerT antiporters also decreased spore germination by MHP, especially at 40 and 50°C.
Conclusions:  Both inactivation and germination of B. cereus spores by MHP increased with rise of temperature; however, mutant strains lacking individual germinant receptor had similar levels of germination as compared to wild-type spores. To evaluate the role of germinant receptors in MHP, a strain lacking a large number of germinant receptors is needed.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The results of this work may lead to a better understanding of how MHP causes germination of spores of B. cereus .  相似文献   

A microsporidium of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.), identified as Nosema aedis Kudo, 1930, was found to be a heterosporous species with 3 sporulation sequences. Usually, 1 sequence developed in a parental generation host individual that was infected per os as a larva and the other 2 developed concurrently in a filial host larva that was infected transovarially. Under some conditions there were deviations from the parental host-filial host alternation. The 1st sporulation sequence was diplokaryotic (diploid in a particular sense) throughout; the other 2 arose from diplokaryotic meronts, developed concurrently and ended with haploid spores. Haplosis in 1 case was by means of dissociation of the diplokaryon. In the other case it was by meiosis. Conflicting reports about whether the members of the diplokaryon in the latter sequence separate and undergo meiosis individually or coalesce and undergo meiosis as 1 nucleus were resolved in favor of the latter idea. A new genus in family Amblyosporidae was created to contain this species, which then became Edhazardia aedis (Kudo, 1930) n. g., n. comb.  相似文献   

During the first 96 h of culture, germinating spores of the fern Sphaeropteris cooperi (F. v. Muell.) Tryon showed a gradual rise in respiratory activity to a maximum of about 6.5 μl 02 h−1 mg−1 dry wt. This was followed by a transitory decline in rate, concluded by a second respiratory rise preceding the emergence of the rhizoid after 192 h of culture. Oxygen uptake during the first 120 h of germination was insensitive to 1 m M potassium cyanide (KCN) but was inhibited by 1 m M salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM); however, beyond this time cyanide showed increasing inhibitory effectiveness whereas SHAM became less effective. Regardless of time of application, KCN had no effect on germination. Maximum inhibition of germination by SHAM was achieved if applied up to 120 h after culture initiation, after which spores became insensitive to SHAM. Heat treatment (50°C for 90 min) during the cyanide-resistant phase of respiration (0 h–120 h) induced cyanide-sensitive respiration and completely inhibited spore germination. Elevated temperatures had little effect if applied during the cyanide-sensitive phase (beyond 120 h). Temperature inhibited spores regained their ability to germinate if maintained in culture until the cyanide-resistant pathway was restored and then subjected to a second photoinductive light treatment. These results suggest the presence and possible involvement of the cyanide-resistant, alternative respiratory pathway during germination of Sphaeropteris cooperi spores.  相似文献   

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