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Administration of estradiol-17beta to male Xenopus laevis induces synthesis and secretion by the liver of the egg yolk precursor protein vitellogenin. RNA extracted from livers of estradiol-17beta-treated Xenopus laevis directs the synthesis of the entire 200,000-dalton vitellogenin monomer in a cell-free protein synthesizing system derived from rabbit reticulocytes. Vitellogenin synthesized in vitro was isolated and quantitated by indirect immunoprecipitation and identified by comparison to authentic [14C]vitellogenin. The in vitro product and [14C]vitellogenin co-migrate on electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and they exhibit identical immunoprecipitation curves. Xenopus laevis vitellogenin messenger RNA has a sedimentation coefficient of approximately 30 S in sucrose density gradients. It can be purified approximately 60-fold from cell RNA by poly(U)-Sepharose chromatography and therefore appears to contain a polyadenylate sequence. Vitellogenin mRNA and vitellogenin synthesis in vivo could not be detected in unstimulated male Xenopus laevis. The relative rate of vitellogenin synthesis and the level of vitellogenin mRNA were determined at various times following the administration of estradiol-17beta. Vitellogenin synthesis is maximal 12 days after estradiol-17beta administration when it comprises approximately 70% of cell protein synthesis. The level of vitellogenin mRNA and the intracellular rate of vitellogenin synthesis exhibit a close correspondence from 4 to 16 days after administration of estradiol-17beta.  相似文献   

The synthesis of serum albumin in an in vitro protein-synthesizing system from wheat germ stimulated with rat liver polysomal RNA is demonstrated by immunoprecipitation. The newly synthesized albumin has the same electrophoretic mobility as rat serum albumin. There is a linear increase in precursor incorporation into total protein and albumin with increasing RNA concentration. Potassium and magnesium optima for albumin synthesis are different from those for total protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) extracted from Neurospora crassa has been fractionated by oligodeoxythymidylic acid [oligo(dT)]-cellulose chromatography into polyadenylated messenger RNA [poly(A) mRNA] and unbound RNA. The poly(A) mRNA, which comprises approximately 1.7% of the total cellular RNA, was further characterized by Sepharose 4B chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both techniques showed that the poly(A) mRNA was heterodisperse in size, with an average molecular weight similar to that of 17S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The poly(A) segments isolated from the poly(A) mRNA were relatively short, with three major size classes of 30, 55, and 70 nucleotides. Gel electrophoresis of the non-poly(A) RNA indicated that it contained primarily rRNA and 4S RNA. The optimal conditions were determined for the translation of Neurospora mRNA in a cell-free wheat germ protein-synthesizing system. Poly(A) mRNA stimulated the incorporation of [14C]leucine into polypeptides ranging in size from 10,000 to 100,000 daltons. The RNA that did not bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose also stimulated the incorporation of [14C]leucine, indicating that this fraction contains a significant concentration of mRNA which has either no poly(A) or very short poly(A) segments. In addition, the translation of both poly(A) mRNA and unbound mRNA was inhibited by 7-methylguanosine-5'-monophosphate (m7G5'p). This is preliminary evidence for the existence of a 5'-RNA "cap" on Neurospora mRNA.  相似文献   

The eIF-2A fraction of reticulocyte ribosomal salt wash is capable of maximally stimulating the translation of endogenous messenger RNA by hen oviduct polysomes. The factor increases the initiation of protein synthesis 2--3-fold when measured by the factor-dependent synthesis of NH2-terminal peptides. The addition to these polysomes of elongation factor, EF-1, also increases protein synthesis but at a distinctly different rate and Mg2+ concentration optimum than the eIF-2A fraction. Moreover, there is no stimulation of NH2-terminal peptide synthesis with EF-1 alone. In contrast, all the known initiation factors are required for the translation of exogenous globulin mRNA on oviduct polysomes. Reticulocyte polysomes isolated by an identical procedure to that used for oviduct polysomes or by standard methods also require all the initiation factors for the translation of either endogenous mRNA or exogenous ovalbumin mRNA. Addition of 7-methylguanosine 5'-monophosphate does not inhibit the factor-dependent stimulation of oviduct polysomes except at high concentrations (1.0 mM) indicating that the sites with which 7-methylguanosine 5'-monophosphate normally competes are already occupied. These findings suggest that the messenger RNA remains bound to the oviduct polysomes or initiation factors. Hence the addition of exogenous factors which are involved with mRNA recognition and binding to the ribosome are not required. It has been previously shown that eIF-2A is capable of binding in vitro the initiatior tRNA to an existing Ado-Urd-Gua-40 S complex and initiating protein synthesis when such a complex is present. These present studies indicate that such an initiation complex may exist within the oviduct cell on membrane-associated polysomes. Under these circumstances eIF-2A mediates binding of the initiator tRNA and initiates protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Isolation and translation in Xenopus laevis oocytes of the mRNAs from the nuclear pellet and the cytoplasmic supernatant of the branchial glands from Sepia officinalis, homogenized in the presence of vanadyl-ribonucleoside complexes, revealed that the membrane-bound polysomes for haemocyanin sedimented together with the nuclei. Centrifugation on a 15-50% sucrose gradient of these polysomes, released by treatment with Triton X-100, yielded a major peak of heavy ones. The messenger fraction, isolated from this heavy fraction, directed the synthesis of the large 390 000 Mr haemocyanin polypeptide chain in oocytes. A large mRNA on heavy membrane-bound polysomes thus synthesizes the whole haemocyanin chain of S. officinalis.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic polysomes have been prepared from mature leaves of winter rye (Secale cereale L. cv Puma). This is the first time a method has been developed for isolation of highly polymerized polysomes from mature leaves. The degree of intactness of isolated plant polysomes has been determined by two independent but complementary methods: size class distribution by sucrose gradient centrifugation and in vitro translation. The polymerization of isolated polysomes was estimated by the ratio of the proportion of large polysomes to the proportion of small polysomes obtained from the profiles. Our results show that the composition of the optimal polysome isolation buffer for mature rye leaves is different from that reported for young tobacco and pea leaves. Polysomes were translated in vitro with the S-105 wheat germ fraction. The degree of polysome polymerization has a significant effect on their in vitro translation since both the incorporation of amino acid and the presence of high molecular weight polypeptides are proportional to the large polysomes/small polysomes ratio. This study emphasizes the need to evaluate isolation conditions carefully before proceeding with polysome studies in any particular tissue or in tissues under different physiological status.  相似文献   

Summary Investigation of deficiencies in serum protein synthesis resulting from deletion-mutations at the albino locus in mice was continued usingin vitro conditions. Previous work showed that although total protein synthesis was only slightly lower in livers from albinos, newly synthesized protein appearing in plasma was 22% of that in controls. It was thought that the disorganized endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, characteristic for the liver (and kidney) of these mutants, might be responsible for the observed deficiencies. In the present study mebrane-bound polysomes isolated from the livers of newborn albinos were 55% (c3H/c3H strain) and 62% (c14CoS/c14CoS strain) as efficient as those from normal littermates in incorporating radioactive leucine into protein in a cell-free system. These differences could not be eliminated by the addition of excess liver mRNA, exogenous soluble factors or by the exchange of cell sap between albino and control polysomes. In an earlier study albino liver slices synthesized only 13% (or 17% per mg of total protein synthesized) as much albumin as controls. We have now found that the level of albumin poly(A)+-RNA isolated from albino livers and assayed with a reticulocyte lysate, was almost as high (85%) as in controls. It was concluded that the very low level of albumin synthesis in albino livers did not result from a deficiency of albumin mRNA. Whether the rate-limiting step in synthesis of albumin in mutant livers is at the level of translation or processing for secretion requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The stored mRNP particles of Xenopus oocytes contain protein kinase activity and two major phosphoproteins of 60 kDa (pp60) and 56 kDa (pp56). These proteins can be phospholabelled in the particles either in vivo or in vitro and then isolated by SDS-PAGE. On renaturing pp60 in the presence of globin mRNA, a stable RNA-protein complex is formed. The complex has a uniform density in Cs salt gradients, corresponding to the binding of about 10 protein molecules to each mRNA, probably at the poly(A) sequence. Compared with uncomplexed mRNA, the RNP complex is translated poorly both in vitro and in vivo. Translation of the complex can be regained after treatment with protein phosphatase. It is shown that dephosphorylation destabilizes the binding of protein to RNA, making the mRNA accessible for translation. Studies with native mRNP particles show that their translation also can be enhanced by dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

Isolation of rat liver albumin messenger RNA.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rat liver albumin messenger RNA has been purified to apparent homogeneity by means of polysome immunoprecipitation and poly(U)-Sepharose affinity chromatography. Specific polysomes synthesizing albumin were separated from total liver polysomes through a double antibody technique which allowed isolation of a specific immunoprecipitate. The albumin-polysome immunoprecipitate was dissolved in detergent and the polysomal RNA was separated from protein by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Albumin mRNA was then separated from ribosomal RNA by affinity chromatography through the binding of poly(U)-Sepharose to the polyadenylate 3' terminus of the mRNA. Pure albumin mRNA migrated as an 18 S peak on 85% formamide-containing linear sucrose gradients and as a 22 S peak on 2.5% polyacrylamide gels in sodium dodecyl sulfate. It coded for the translation of authentic liver albumin when added to a heterologous protein-synthesizing cell-free system derived from either rabbit reticulocyte lysates or wheat germ extracts. Translation analysis in reticulocyte lysates indicated that albumin polysomes were purified approximately 9-fold from total liver polysomes, and that albumin mRNA was purified approximately 74-fold from albumin polysomal RNA. The total translation product in the mRNA-dependent wheat germ system, upon addition of the pure mRNA, was identified as authentic albumin by means of gel electrophoresis and tryptic peptide chromatography.  相似文献   

Poly(A)+ (polyadenylated) mRNA coding for metallothioneins was purified 13-fold from rat liver polyribosomes and was identified by its ability to direct the biosynthesis of these proteins in a wheat-germ cell-free system. The carboxymethylated products of the protein-synthesizing system in vitro were analysed with sodium dodecyl sulphate/20% polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The labelled compounds [3H]serine and [35S]cysteine were incorporated at high specific radioactivity into proteins that co-migrated with authentic metallothioneins. No [3H]leucine incorporation was found, in agreement with the amino acid composition of the metallothioneins. Metallothionein mRNA had a sedimentation coefficient of 9 S and carried a maximum of four ribosomes. At 5 h after a subcutaneous injection of ZnCl2 or CdCl2 (10 mumol/kg body wt.), the amount of this mRNA increased approx. 2- and 4-fold respectively, on the basis of translation in vitro. The increase in metallothionein mRNA (defined by translation in the wheat-germ system) was transient and, after CdCl2 treatment, fell back to control values by 17 h. Metallothioneins constituted a maximum of 0.8% of the total protein products synthesized in the wheat-germ system by total mRNA isolated from rat liver after CdCl2 treatment.  相似文献   

We have purified HeLa histone mRNA from polysomes of S-phase cells which had been synchronized by hydroxyurea treatment. This mRNA was shown to direct the in vitro synthesis of all five histones which amount to at least 90-95% of its total translational activity. Polysomal histone mRNP was also purified and identified by cell-free translation and hybridization to a clone of histone DNA from E. esculentus. The protein moiety of this mRNP contained three prominent species of molecular weight 86,000, 73,000 and 53,000 daltons. The presence of the 73,000 species previously assessed to be bound to poly(A) is discussed in view of the fact that histone mRNA does not contain a pail. As globin mRNA, histone mRNA as well as histone mRNP were translated with equal efficiency in cell-free extracts from either S-phase or hydroxyurea blocked HeLa cells.  相似文献   

The interactions of various preparations of endoplasmic reticulum membranes and polysomes have been studied by means of a sandwich sucrose gradient that clearly isolates free ribosomes, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (S.E.R.) and rough endoplasmic reticulum (R.E.R.) from the microsomal fraction of rat liver homogenates. Reconstructed rough membranes separate well from the native R.E.R. but occupy the same position along the gradient as the S.E.R. and the rough membranes, stripped of their ribosomes by means of LiCl. Native R.E.R. and S.E.R. do not bind any added labeled polysomes at 0 degree C; previous treatment with LiCl does not modify the behavior of S.E.R. The presence of cell sap during the binding reaction does not increase polysome fixation by stripped-rough membranes but protects in some way the polysomes and preserves all their original functional capacity of amino acid incorporation into protein.  相似文献   

Characterization of messenger RNA by direct translation from agarose gels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for characterizing nanogram quantities of poly(A)-containing messenger RNAs that have been fractionated according to size by electrophoresis through agarose gels has been developed. The mRNAs from Friend leukemia cells were identified by the protein products they encode, as determined by slicing the agarose gel and directly translating the enclosed mRNA with an extract from rabbit reticulocytes that had been treated with micrococcal nuclease. A number of parameters which affect the efficiency of translation in this system have been examined. These include the sensitivity of the in vitro translational system to RNA, the agarose concentration, the incubation temperature, and the addition of either exogeneous tRNA or RNasin. The procedure is rapid, simple, reproducible, and applicable for the fractionation and characterization of mRNAs from any source.  相似文献   

We have investigated the vitellogenin (VTG) receptor system in Xenopus oocytes since these cells are specialized for endocytosis. Oocytes have between 0.2 and 3 X 10(11) receptors per 1-mm cell. There is only a single class of receptors of low affinity (1.3 X 10(-6) M at 22 degrees C and 2-4 X 10(-6) M at 0 degree C), but high specificity (less than 5% nonspecific binding at 2 X 10(-6) M). The specific internalization rate of the VTG receptor (around 2 X 10(-3) s-1) is first order, highly variable, and at the upper end of the range of values reported for mammalian cells. The receptor association rate constant (9.6 X 10(2) M-1 s-1) is extremely low although the dissociation rate constant was immeasurable. Calcium is required for VTG binding, and low pH does not dissociate the VTG-receptor complex. Monensin treatment at 100 microM caused the loss of surface receptors with a t1/2 of 3 h and the accumulation of internalized ligand in a "pre-lysosomal" endocytic compartment. Conversely, the recovery of surface VTG receptors that were removed with trypsin occurred with a t1/2 of about 2 h. These observations indicate that oocytes have very large intracellular pools of receptors and that although surface receptors are internalized on the time scale of minutes, the intracellular pool is recycled on the time scale of hours.  相似文献   

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