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Tea polyphenols are promising chemopreventive anticancer agents, the properties of which have been studied both in vitro and in vivo, providing evidence that – within this group of compounds – the tea flavanols are able to inhibit carcinogenesis, an effect that in some cases could be correlated with increased cell apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation. Of four main tea flavanols, namely (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (+)-catechin (CA) and (−)-epicatechin (EC), it was found that EGCG was the most potent to inhibit dose dependently the topoisomerase II (TOPO II) catalytic activity isolated from hamster ovary AA8 cells. In the range of concentrations that caused TOPO II inhibition, a high level of endoreduplication, a rare phenomenon that consists in two successive rounds of DNA replication without intervening mitosis, was observed, while neither micronuclei nor DNA strand breaks (Comet assay) were detected at the same doses. We propose that the anticarcinogenic effect of tea flavanols can be partly explained by their potency and effectiveness to induce endoreduplication. Concerning such an induction, maximum effect seems to require a pyrogallol structure at the B-ring. Additional substitution with a galloylic residue at the C3 hydroxyl group leads to further augmentation of the effect. Thus, we suggest that the chemopreventive properties of tea flavanols can be at least partly due to their ability to interfere with the cell cycle and block cell proliferation at early stages of mitosis.  相似文献   

Tea polyphenols are promising chemopreventive anticancer agents, the properties of which have been studied both in vitro and in vivo, providing evidence that - within this group of compounds - the tea flavanols are able to inhibit carcinogenesis, an effect that in some cases could be correlated with increased cell apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation. Of four main tea flavanols, namely (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (+)-catechin (CA) and (-)-epicatechin (EC), it was found that EGCG was the most potent to inhibit dose dependently the topoisomerase II (TOPO II) catalytic activity isolated from hamster ovary AA8 cells. In the range of concentrations that caused TOPO II inhibition, a high level of endoreduplication, a rare phenomenon that consists in two successive rounds of DNA replication without intervening mitosis, was observed, while neither micronuclei nor DNA strand breaks (Comet assay) were detected at the same doses. We propose that the anticarcinogenic effect of tea flavanols can be partly explained by their potency and effectiveness to induce endoreduplication. Concerning such an induction, maximum effect seems to require a pyrogallol structure at the B-ring. Additional substitution with a galloylic residue at the C3 hydroxyl group leads to further augmentation of the effect. Thus, we suggest that the chemopreventive properties of tea flavanols can be at least partly due to their ability to interfere with the cell cycle and block cell proliferation at early stages of mitosis.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids containing tracts of contiguous guanines tend to self-associate into four-stranded (quadruplex) structures, based on reciprocal non-Watson-Crick (G*G*G*G) hydrogen bonds. The quadruplex structure is induced/stabilized by monovalent cations, particularly potassium. Using circular dichroism, we have determined that the induction/stabilization of quadruplex structure by K+is specifically counteracted by low concentrations of Mn2+(4-10 mM), Co2+(0.3-2 mM) or Ni2+(0.3-0.8 mM). G-Tract-containing single strands are also capable of sequence-specific non-Watson-Crick interaction with d(G. C)-tract-containing (target) sequences within double-stranded DNA. The assembly of these G*G.C-based triple helical structures is supported by magnesium, but is potently inhibited by potassium due to sequestration of the G-tract single strand into quadruplex structure. We have used DNase I protection assays to demonstrate that competition between quadruplex self-association and triplex assembly is altered in the presence of Mn2+, Co2+or Ni2+. By specifically counteracting the induction/stabilization of quadruplex structure by potassium, these divalent transition metal cations allow triplex formation in the presence of K+and shift the position of equilibrium so that a very high proportion of triplex target sites are bound. Thus, variation of the cation environment can differentially promote the assembly of multistranded nucleic acid structural alternatives.  相似文献   

The effect of the central non-Pur.Pyr sequences in oligo(dG.dC) inserts on determining the type of intramolecular DNA triplex isomers formed in negatively supercoiled plasmids was investigated. Different triplex types (H-r3, H-r5, and H-y3), revealed by a combination of chemical probing and Maxam-Gilbert sequencing reactions, were adopted by the oligo(dG.dC) tracts depending on the length and composition of the central non-Pur.Pyr sequences (0, 3, or 5 base pairs) and the kind of metal ions. The H-r3 triplex conformer, one isomer of a Pur.Pur.Pyr structure, was formed in the (C)20 and (C)10GCG(C)10 inserts in plasmids in the presence of certain metal ions. Interestingly, H-r5, the other isomer of the Pur.Pur-Pyr triplex which had not been detected previously, was formed in a (C)9GAATT(C)9 insert in the presence of either Mg2+ or Ca2+. Alternatively, H-y3, one isomer of a Pyr.Pur.Pyr triplex, was formed in the (C)9GAATT(C)9 insert in the absence of metal ions. Thus, central non-Pur.Pyr sequences and metal ions play a role as determinants of the types of intramolecular triplexes formed; they also reduce the requirement of longer Pur.Pyr repeat sequences to form intramolecular triplexes. Furthermore, the effects of MgCl2 concentration and pH on the formation of triplex isomers were examined. The Pur.Pur.Pyr conformations (H-r3 and H-r5) may be the favored conformations in the cellular milieu, since they are stable at physiological pH and metal ion concentration.  相似文献   

Interaction between a cationic porphyrin and its ferric derivative with oligo(dA.dT)15 and oligo(dG.dC)15 was studied by UV–vis spectroscopy, resonance light scattering (RLS), and circular dichroism (CD) at different ionic strengths; molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation were also used for completion. Followings are the observed changes in the spectral properties of meso-tetrakis (N-para-trimethyl-anilium) porphyrin (TMAP), as a free-base porphyrin with no axial ligand, and its Fe derivative (FeTMAP) upon interaction with oligo(dA.dT)15 and oligo(dG.dC)15: (1) the substantial red shift and hypochromicity at the Soret maximum in the UV–vis spectra; (2) the increased RLS intensity by increasing the ionic strength; and (3) an intense bisignate excitonic CD signal. All of them are the reasons for TMAP and FeTMAP binding to oligo(dA.dT)15 and oligo(dG.dC)15 with the outside binding mode, accompanied by the self-stacking of the ligands along the oligonucleotide helix. The CD results demonstrated a drastic change from excitonic in monomeric behavior at higher ionic strengths, which indicates the groove binding of the ligands with oligonucleotides. Molecular docking also confirmed the groove binding mode of the ligands and estimated the binding constants and energies of the interactions. Their interaction trend was further confirmed by molecular dynamics technique and structure parameters obtained from simulation. It showed that TMAP reduced the number of intermolecular hydrogen bonds and increased the solvent accessible surface area in the oligonucleotide. The self-aggregation of ligands at lower concentrations was also confirmed.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing (dG)27.(dC)27 inserts (pPG27), (dG)37.(dC)37 inserts (pPG37), and (dG)24C(dG)21.(dC)24G(dC)21 inserts (pPG46C) were constructed for the study of structural transitions within (dG)n.(dC)n stretches. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has shown that a Mg2+-dependent supercoiling-induced structural transition takes place at pH 8 in plasmid pPG46C. The transition occurs at -0=0.06 and involves a supercoiling release corresponding to 5 superhelical turns. After denaturation of the restriction fragments containing (dG)n.(dC)n inserts, the strands do not renature completely and (dG)n-containing strand migrates in PAGE much faster than the (dC)n-containing one. Chemical modification experiments with the (dG)n-strand have revealed the periodic nature of the protection of guanines against dimethyl sulfate methylation. The (dG)n strand in the presence of Mg2+ forms complexes with the complementary (dC)n strand, which differ from the native duplex in mobility. We believe these effects to be due to the formation of an intrastrand structure within the (dG)n strand stabilized by G.G interactions (we called it G-structure), which in the presence of Mg2+ forms an interstrand complex. with the (dC)n strand.  相似文献   

We have elsewhere reported the purification of a poly(dG).poly(dC)-binding nuclear protein (suGF1) from sea urchin embryos (J. Hapgood and D. Patterton, Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:this issue, 1994). We proposed that suGF1 may be a member of a family of G-string factors involved in developmental gene regulation, possibly via alterations in chromatin structure. In this article, we characterize the binding of purified suGF1 to 11 contiguous Gs in the H1-H4 intergenic region of a sea urchin early histone gene battery in vitro. It is shown that suGF1-DNA binding is dependent on ionic strength and requires divalent cations. Purified suGF1 forms discrete protein-DNA multimers, consistent with suGF1-suGF1 interactions. In a model for the suGF1-DNA complex derived from our footprinting and methylation interference data, suGF1 contacts the Gs in the major groove as well as one of the bordering phosphate backbones. The data are consistent with the direction of curvature of the DNA in the suGF1-DNA complex being the same as that preferred by the free DNA and exhibited by the DNA when bent around a positioned nucleosome core in vitro. However, on the basis of steric considerations, the binding of suGF1 and that of the histone octamer are predicted to be mutually exclusive. We show that suGF1 is indeed unable to bind to the G string when occupied by a histone octamer located in the major in vitro positioning frame in the H1-H4 intergenic region.  相似文献   

C Zimmer  G Luck    I Fric 《Nucleic acids research》1976,3(6):1521-1532
The formation of oligomeric duplex molecules in the presence of the antibiotic netropsin in the series p(dA)n-p(dT)n is demonstrated using low-temperature CD measurements. Addition of Netropsin to mixtures of oligomers generates the same type of CD spectra as observed for poly(dA)-poly(dT) and maintains the duplex structure at temperatures at which base pairing of free oligomers is thermodynamically unstable. The shortest chain length forming a netropsin complex by thymine-specific interaction with the oligopeptide is represented by p(dA)4-p(dt)4. Studies with sequence isomers show that adjacent thymine residues strongly favour the complex formation with the oligopeptide.  相似文献   

Alkaline titrations of different samples of poly(dG).poly(dC) and of the constituent homopolymers poly(dG) and poly(dC) have been performed in 0.15 M NaCl and their CD spectra followed. Sample I contained a slight excess of poly(dC) (52% C: 48% G) and showed a single reversible transition (pK = 11.9) due to the dissociation of double stranded poly(dG).poly(dC). Sample II, containing an excess of poly(dG) (43% C: 57% G), showed two transitions (pK1 = 11.4, PK2 = 11.9) the first one being only partially reversible. Examination of the CD spectra along the alkaline titrations indicated the presence of another hydrogen-bonded complex of higher G content. Mixing curves performed at pH 8 have confirmed the presence of a 2G: 1C complex, besides the double stranded complex. It can be formed in amounts up to 30% by mixing the two homopolymers, alkali treatment and heating. The CD spectra of the two complexes have been computed from the CD data of the mixing curves. This permitted the determination of the concentrations of both complexes and homopolymers in all samples. The ratio of triple to double stranded complex is not only dependent on the G/C ratio of the sample, but also a function of the previous physico-chemical conditions. These results explain the variability of many properties of different poly(dG).poly(dC) samples observed by other workers.  相似文献   

Contiguous deoxyguanosine residues (G strings) have been implicated in regulation of gene expression in several organisms via the binding of G-string factors. Regulation of expression of the chicken adult beta-globin gene may involve the interplay between binding of an erythrocyte-specific G-string factor, BGP1, and the stability of a positioned nucleosome (C. D. Lewis, S. P. Clark, G. Felsenfeld, and H. Gould, Genes Dev. 2:863-873, 1988). We have purified a 59.5-kDa nuclear protein (suGF1) from sea urchin embryos by DNA affinity chromatography. suGF1 has high binding affinity and specificity for oligo(dG).oligo(dC). The identity of the purified protein was confirmed by renaturation of sequence-specific DNA-binding activity from a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel slice and by Southwestern (DNA-protein) blotting. suGF1 binds in vitro to a G11 string present in the H1-H4 intergenic region of a sea urchin early histone gene battery. This suGF1 DNA recognition site occurs within a homopurine-homopyrimidine stretch previously shown to be incorporated into a positioned nucleosome core in vitro. DNase I footprinting shows that suGF1 protects the same base pairs on the promoter of the chicken beta A-globin gene as does BGP1. We show that a G-string cis-regulatory element of a sea urchin cell lineage-specific gene LpS1 (M. Xiang, S.-Y. Lu, M. Musso, G. Karsenty, and W. H. Klein, Development 113:1345-1355, 1991) also represents a high-affinity recognition site for suGF1. suGF1 may be a member of a family of G-string factors involved in the regulation of expression of unrelated genes during development of a number of different organisms.  相似文献   

A long (dG)n stretch can fold twice forming an intramolecular tetrahelix stabilized by guanine tetrads and stacking interactions between them (G-structure). In this paper, we show that magnesium ions induce a transition of the (dG)n stretch from the G-structure to the hairpin stabilized by Hoogsteen-like G.G base pairs (G-hairpin). This transition between the G-structure and the G-hairpin is detected by chemical probing. The characteristic time of the transition for a (dG)28 at 4 degrees C exceeds five hours, which allowed us to separate these two forms by electrophoresis at low temperature. We believe that the slowness of the transition is due to the fact that half of the deoxyguanosines in the insert must change their conformation from syn to anti or vice versa.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I catalyzes relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA. The reaction proceeds through a covalent intermediate, the cleavable complex, in which the DNA is cleaved and the enzyme is linked to the DNA via a phosphotyrosine linkage. Each molecule of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I has been shown to have three tightly bound zinc(II) ions required for relaxation activity (Tse-Dinh, Y.-C., and Beran-Steed, R.K. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 15857-15859). It is shown here that Cd(II) could replace Zn(II) in reconstitution of active enzyme from apoprotein. The role of metal was analyzed by studying the partial reactions. The apoenzyme was deficient in sodium dodecyl sulfate-induced cleavage of supercoiled PM2 phage DNA. Formation of covalent complex with linear single-stranded DNA was also reduced in the absence of metal. However, the cleavage of small oligonucleotide was not affected, and the apoenzyme could religate the covalently bound oligonucleotide to another DNA molecule. Assay of noncovalent complex formation by retention of 5'-labeled DNA on filters showed that the apoenzyme was not inhibited in noncovalent binding to DNA. It is proposed that zinc(II) coordination in E. coli DNA topoisomerase I is required for the transition of the noncovalent complex with DNA to the cleavable state.  相似文献   

This study examined the ability of netropsin and related minor groove binders to interfere with the actions of DNA topoisomerases II and I. We evaluated a series of netropsin dimers linked with flexible aliphatic chains of different lengths. These agents are potentially able to occupy longer stretches of DNA than the parental drug as a result of bidentate binding. Both netropsin and its dimers were found: (i) to inhibit the catalytic activity of isolated topoisomerase II and (ii) to interfere with the stabilization of the cleavable complexes of topoisomerase II and I in nuclei. Dimers with linkers consisting of 0-4 and 6-9 methylene groups (n) were far more inhibitory than netropsin against isolated enzyme and in the nuclear system. The compound with n = 5 was less active than netropsin in both assays while the dimer with n = 10 inhibited only the isolated enzyme. The comparison of dimers with fixed linker length (n = 2) but varying number of N-methylpyrrole residues (from 1 to 3) revealed that the inhibitory properties were enhanced with increasing number of N-methylpyrrole units. For dimers with varying linker length, drug ability to inhibit catalytic activity of isolated topoisomerase II was positively correlated with calf thymus DNA association constants. In contrast, no such correlation existed in nuclei. However, the inhibitory effects in the nuclear system were correlated with the association constants for poly(dAdT). The results indicate that bidentate binding can significantly enhance anti-topoisomerase activity of netropsin related dimeric minor groove binders. However, other factors such as the length of the linker, the number of pyrrole moieties and the nature of the target (isolated enzyme/DNA versus chromatin in nuclei) also contribute to these activities.  相似文献   

Two coordination polymers {[Zn(btx)2(NO3)2]}n (1) and {[Pb(btx)1.5(NCS)]NO3}n (2) (btx = 1,4-bis(triazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene) have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction. Polymer 1 exhibits a 2-D network with square grid units and polymer 2 possesses an unusual 2-D layered structure with 78-membered rings. By studying the third-order nonlinear optical properties of ligand btx, polymers 1 and 2, we find that they all show strong self-focusing effects. A reasonably good fit between the experimental data and the theoretical curves suggests that the experimentally obtained NLO effects are effectively third-order in nature. The refractive index n2 values are 4.50 × 10−18 m2 W−1 for btx, 3.09 × 10−18 m2 W−1 for 1, and 6.01 × 10−18 m2 W−1 for 2. All these data can match those of the best-known third-order NLO materials such as inorganic oxides, semiconductors, and cluster compounds. In addition, we discuss the influence of the ligand and central metals on the third-order NLO properties of coordination polymers.  相似文献   

ParE is the ATP-binding subunit of topoisomerase IV (Topo IV). During topoisomerization, the ATP-binding and hydrolysis cycle must be coordinated with the cycle of DNA cleavage and religation. We have isolated three dominant-negative mutant alleles of parE that encode ParE proteins that fail to hydrolyze ATP when reconstituted with ParC to form Topo IV. ParE G110S Topo IV and ParE S123L Topo IV failed to bind ATP at all, whereas ParE T201A could bind ATP. All three mutant Topo IV proteins exhibited an elevated level of spontaneous DNA cleavage that could be associated with a decreased rate of DNA resealing. In ParE T201A Topo IV, this defect appeared to result from an increased likelihood that the tetrameric enzyme would fall apart after DNA cleavage. Thus, while ATP is not required for DNA cleavage, the properties of these mutant enzymes suggests that ATP-hydrolysis informs DNA religation.  相似文献   

Dicyclohexane derivatives are known to inhibit testosterone binding to rat androgen-binding protein (ABP) a secretory product of Sertoli cells. In this paper we show that these compounds also inhibit the aromatization of testosterone by Sertoli cells in response to cyclic AMP and to hormones that act via this nucleotide. The inhibitory activity of the nonsteroidal androgen analogues is dose-dependent and roughly parallels their ability to interfere with the aromatase activity in human placental microsomes and their affinity for ABP. Diethylstilbestrol and mesohexestrol--two nonsteroidal estrogens which resemble the dicyclohexane derivatives--also inhibit aromatase activity in Sertoli cells and placental microsomes. The effects of the synthetic estrogens on Sertoli cells, however, are less specific. Unlike the dicyclohexane derivatives they also block hormone induced activation of the adenylate cyclase. We conclude that dicyclohexane derivatives are representative of a novel series of inhibitors of aromatase activity.  相似文献   

It is shown that the cationic oligopeptides octadeca(L-lysine) (Lys18) and octadeca(L-ornithine) (Orn18) can induce a parallel duplex for the natural DNA oligomer dT10 with thymine-thymine base pairs. Complexation of the ammonium groups in the peptide side chains with the DNA phosphates leads to diminished electrostatic phosphate-phosphate repulsions, which allows this T-T base pair formation. From combined NOESY 1H NMR and molecular mechanics studies, it follows that the parallel duplex is right-handed, with the peptide located in the groove of the duplex. For the natural DNA oligomers dC10, d(C6T6), and d(T6C2T2), only Lys18 is able to induce the formation of parallel duplexes with C-C and T-T base pairs. It is shown that, for Orn18, a complexation must occur with one of the nonbonded oxygen atoms in the phosphate groups (OR) in such a way that unfavorable steric interactions are present with the C-C base pairs, which have a larger propellor twist angle than T-T base pairs. An analogy is presented between peptide complexation with the phosphates and the neutralization of the phosphate groups by methylation, which is known to lead to parallel duplexes with T-T base pairs (for both the Sp and Rp configurations) and C-C base pairs (only for the Sp configuration).  相似文献   

Optical thermal denaturation and circular dichroism (CD) experiments were performed with the following non-selfcomplementary duplex DNA, RNA and DNA.RNA hybrids: (I) dGAG3C3G3CTC.dGAGC3G3C3TC, (II) dGAG3m5C3G3m5CTC.dGAGm5C3G3m5C3TC, (III) rGAG3C3G3CUC.rGAGC3G3C3UC, (IV) dGAG3C3G3CTC.rGAGC3G3C3UC, (V) rGAG3C3G3CUC.dGAGC3G3C3TC, (VI) dGAG3m5C3G3m5CTC.rGAGC3G3C3UC, (VII) rGAG3C3G3CUC.dGAGm5C3G3m5C3TC. Duplex stabilities (delta G degrees at 60 degrees C) increase in the order: I less than IV less than II = V = VI less than VII less than III. Large enthalpic stabilization is associated with intrastrand stacking of guanosine (rG) residues. CD spectroscopy indicates B-form conformations for the unmethylated and methylated DNA (I,II), A-form geometry for the RNA (III), and DNA.RNA hybrid (IV - VII) conformations resembling but not identical to A-RNA. C5-methyldeoxycytidine does not significantly influence DNA conformation, DNA.RNA hybrid formation, or the ability of DNA to adopt an A-type conformation in trifluoroethanol solutions.  相似文献   

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