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Photosynthetic organisms enduring extreme temperatures, low water availability, or high light require photoprotective mechanisms to prevent sustained damage to photosynthetic machinery. Green microalgae living in desert crust communities of the south‐western US experience all these environmental stresses, yet photophysiological studies of green algae in the literature have focused on only a handful of common aquatic and marine species. We are examining the variation in green algal photoprotective mechanisms that is the result of natural selection acting independently in multiple lineages of highly diverse desert green algae (Chlorophyta) within the classes Chlorophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae. We have found that unusually extensive dark reduction of the plastoquinone pool is a prominent photophysiological feature among these desert algae; this reduction may be linked with enhanced chlororespiration. Recently, chlororespiration in higher plants has been linked through mutant analysis to control of the carotenoid synthetic pathway, heat stress, and starch metabolism among other pathways, though the function of chlororespiration remains controversial. Given that green algae and higher plants are monophyletic, analysis of potential chlororespiration in desert green algae may help decipher the evolution of the chlororespiratory process as well as its potential role in photoprotection in desert habitats.  相似文献   

Patches of the dominant biological soil crust moss (Syntrichia caninervis) in the Mojave Desert were subjected to transplant experiments to test the survivability of crustal transplantation due to source or destination microhabitat. After a period of 27 months, all the reciprocally transplanted and replanted sections had survived. However, percent cover of the reciprocally transplanted patches declined 20–50% relative to initial cover compared to a decline in cover of 36–52% for the replanted patches. Similarly, shoot density declined an average of 26% in the transplants and replants. Shoot mortality was essentially negligible through the first 21 months of the study and then declining across all treatments to approximately 5–10 dead shoots/cm2. However, this shoot death was also observed in equivalent densities in the host patches, indicative of a community‐wide decline in plant health that was probably related to a regional rainfall deficit over this period. A tendency existed for plants moved from a shaded site to have reduced shoot density in the new site, and plants moved into exposed sites lost significantly more cover than plants moved into shaded sites. These seemingly conflicting trends result from one of the transplant treatments, the shaded to exposed, exhibiting a greater loss in shoot density and decline in cover than its reciprocal transplant, exposed to shaded. For soil restoration of disturbed bryophyte crusts, we recommend using as source material both the exposed and the shaded portions of the crust but avoiding moving Syntrichia from a shaded site into an exposed site.  相似文献   

生物结皮有可能通过物理、水文、养分循环影响与之相邻的维管植物,但二者相互关系尚存在着争议。本文以新疆古尔班通古特沙漠广泛分布的地衣结皮为研究对象,分析了生物结皮对3种荒漠草本植物:尖喙牻牛儿苗(Erodium oxyrrhynchum)、条叶庭芥(Alyssum linifolium)和琉苞菊(Hyalea pulchella)的生长及其对元素吸收的影响。研究结果表明:(1)生物结皮对3种荒漠草本植物生长的影响在生长期不同阶段存在差异。在前期,生物结皮的存在促进了植物生物量的累积;而后期,生物结皮却抑制了植物生长。生物结皮的存在显著影响了荒漠草本植物生物量的累积和冠根比。(2)生物结皮的存在显著增加了3种荒漠草本植物对N和K的吸收,而对P的吸收没有显著影响。生物结皮对3种植物Cu、Ca、Mg、Na、Cl的吸收存在种间差异。本研究结果将为该荒漠生态系统潜在的植被演替方向提供重要的科学根据。  相似文献   

Halite deposits from the hyperarid zone of the Atacama Desert reveal the presence of endolithic microbial colonization dominated by cyanobacteria associated with heterotrophic bacteria and archaea. Using the λ-scan confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) option, this study examines the autofluorescence emission spectra produced by single cyanobacterial cells found inside halite rocks and by their photosynthetic pigments. Photosynthetic pigments could be identified according to the shapes of the emission spectra and wavelengths of fluorescence peaks. According to their fluorescence fingerprints, three groups of cyanobacterial cells were identified within this natural extreme microhabitat: (i) cells producing a single fluorescence peak corresponding to the emission range of phycobiliproteins and chlorophyll a, (ii) cells producing two fluorescence peaks within the red and green signal ranges, and (iii) cells emitting only low-intensity fluorescence within the nonspecific green fluorescence signal range. Photosynthetic pigment fingerprints emerged as indicators of the preservation state or viability of the cells. These observations were supported by a cell plasma membrane integrity test based on Sytox Green DNA staining and by transmission electron microscopy ultrastructural observations of cyanobacterial cells.  相似文献   

The Atacama Desert is one of the driest places on Earth, with an arid core highly adverse to the development of hypolithic cyanobacteria. Previous work has shown that when rain levels fall below ~1 mm per year, colonization of suitable quartz stones falls to virtually zero. Here, we report that along the coast in these arid regions, complex associations of cyanobacteria, archaea, and heterotrophic bacteria inhabit the undersides of translucent quartz stones. Colonization rates in these areas, which receive virtually no rain but mainly fog, are significantly higher than those reported inland in the hyperarid zone at the same latitude. Here, hypolithic colonization rates can be up to 80%, with all quartz rocks over 20 g being colonized. This finding strongly suggests that hypolithic microbial communities thriving in the seaward face of the Coastal Range can survive with fog as the main regular source of moisture. A model is advanced where the development of the hypolithic communities under quartz stones relies on a positive feedback between fog availability and the higher thermal conductivity of the quartz rocks, which results in lower daytime temperatures at the quartz–soil interface microenvironment.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are communities of cryptogamic organisms, occurring in arid and semiarid regions all over the world. Based on both morphological identification and genetic analyses, we established a first cyanobacterial inventory using the biphasic approach for BSCs within two major biomes of southern Africa. The samples were collected at two different sites in the Succulent Karoo and one in the Nama Karoo. After cultivation and morphological identification, the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced from the cyanobacterial cultures. From the soil samples, the DNA was extracted, and the 16S rRNA gene sequenced. All the sequences of the clone libraries from soil and cultures were compared with those of the public databases. Forty-five different species were morphologically identified in the samples of the Succulent Karoo (observatories of Soebatsfontein and Goedehoop). Based on the genetic analyses, 60 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified for the Succulent Karoo and 43 for the Nama Karoo (based on 95 % sequence similarity). The cloned sequences corresponded well with the morphologically described taxa in cultures and sequences in the public databases. Besides known species of typical crust-forming cyanobacterial genera (Microcoleus, Phormidium, Tolypothrix and Scytonema), we found sequences of so far undescribed species of the genera Leptolyngbya, Pseudanabaena, Phormidium, Oscillatoria, Schizothrix and Microcoleus. Most OTUs were restricted to distinct sites. Grazed soils showed lower taxa numbers than undisturbed soils, implying the presence of early successional crust types and reduced soil surface protection. Our combined approach of morphological identification and genetic analyses allowed both a taxa inventory and the analysis of species occurring under specific habitat conditions.  相似文献   

Summers on the Colorado Plateau (USA) are typified by harsh conditions such as high temperatures, brief soil hydration periods, and high UV and visible radiation. We investigated whether community composition, physiological status, and pigmentation might vary in biological soil crusts as a result of such conditions. Representative surface cores were sampled at the ENE, WSW, and top microaspects of 20 individual soil crust pedicels at a single site in Canyonlands National Park, Utah, in spring and fall of 1999. Frequency of cyanobacterial taxa, pigment concentrations, and dark adapted quantum yield [F(v)/F(m)] were measured for each core. The frequency of major cyanobacterial taxa was lower in the fall compared to spring. The less-pigmented cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus showed significant mortality when not in the presence of Nostoc spp. and Scytonema myochrous (Dillw.) Agardh. (both synthesizers of UV radiation-linked pigments) but had little or no mortality when these species were abundant. We hypothesize that the sunscreen pigments produced by Nostoc and Scytonema in the surface of crusts protect other, less-pigmented taxa. When fall and spring samples were compared, overall cyanobacterial frequency was lower in fall, while sunscreen pigment concentrations, chlorophyll a concentration, and F(v)/F(m) were higher in fall. The ratio of cyanobacterial frequency/chlorophyll a concentrations was 2-3 times lower in fall than spring. Because chlorophyll a is commonly used as a surrogate measure of soil cyanobacterial biomass, these results indicate that seasonality needs to be taken into consideration. In the fall sample, most pigments associated with UV radiation protection or repair were at their highest concentrations on pedicel tops and WSW microaspects, and at their lowest concentrations on ENE microaspects. We suggest that differential pigment concentrations between microaspects are induced by varying UV radiation dosage at the soil surface on these different microaspects.  相似文献   

In this study we report the bacterial diversity of biological soil crusts (biocrusts) inhabiting polar desert soils at the northern land limit of the Arctic polar region (83° 05 N). Employing pyrosequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes this study demonstrated that these biocrusts harbor diverse bacterial communities, often as diverse as temperate latitude communities. The effect of wetting pulses on the composition of communities was also determined by collecting samples from soils outside and inside of permafrost water tracks, hill slope flow paths that drain permafrost-affected soils. The intermittent flow regime in the water tracks was correlated with altered relative abundance of phylum level taxonomic bins in the bacterial communities, but the alterations varied between individual sampling sites. Bacteria related to the Cyanobacteria and Acidobacteria demonstrated shifts in relative abundance based on their location either inside or outside of the water tracks. Among cyanobacterial sequences, the proportion of sequences belonging to the family Oscillatoriales consistently increased in relative abundance in the samples from inside the water tracks compared to those outside. Acidobacteria showed responses to wetting pulses in the water tracks, increasing in abundance at one site and decreasing at the other two sites. Subdivision 4 acidobacterial sequences tended to follow the trends in the total Acidobacteria relative abundance, suggesting these organisms were largely responsible for the changes observed in the Acidobacteria. Taken together, these data suggest that the bacterial communities of these high latitude polar biocrusts are diverse but do not show a consensus response to intermittent flow in water tracks over high Arctic permafrost.  相似文献   

The occurrence of hypolithic cyanobacteria colonizing translucent stones was quantified along the aridity gradient in the Atacama Desert in Chile, from less arid areas to the hyperarid core where photosynthetic life and thus primary production reach their limits. As mean rainfall declines from 21 to ≤2 mm year−1, the abundance of hypolithic cyanobacteria drops from 28 to <0.1%, molecular diversity declines threefold, and organic carbon residence times increase by three orders of magnitude. Communities contained a single Chroococcidiopsis morphospecies with heterotrophic associates, yet molecular analysis revealed that each stone supported a number of unique 16S rRNA gene-defined genotypes. A fivefold increase in steady-state residence times for organic carbon within communities in the hyperarid core (3200 years turnover time) indicates a significant decline in biological carbon cycling. Six years of microclimate data suggest that the dry limit corresponds to ≤5 mm year−1 rainfall and/or decadal periods of no rain, with <75 h year−1 of liquid water available to cyanobacteria under light conditions suitable for photosynthesis. In the hyperarid core, hypolithic cyanobacteria are rare and exist in small spatially isolated islands amidst a microbially depauperate bare soil. These findings suggest that photosynthetic life is extremely unlikely on the present-day surface of Mars, but may have existed in the past. If so, such microhabitats would probably be widely dispersed, difficult to detect, and millimeters away from virtually lifeless surroundings.  相似文献   

The filamentous cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus, a major primary producer in desert biological sand crusts, is exposed to frequent hydration (by early morning dew) followed by desiccation during potentially damaging excess light conditions. Nevertheless, its photosynthetic machinery is hardly affected by high light, unlike “model” organisms whereby light-induced oxidative stress leads to photoinactivation of the oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII). Field experiments showed a dramatic decline in the fluorescence yield with rising light intensity in both drying and artificially maintained wet plots. Laboratory experiments showed that, contrary to “model” organisms, photosynthesis persists in Microcoleus sp. even at light intensities 2–3 times higher than required to saturate oxygen evolution. This is despite an extensive loss (85–90%) of variable fluorescence and thermoluminescence, representing radiative PSII charge recombination that promotes the generation of damaging singlet oxygen. Light induced loss of variable fluorescence is not inhibited by the electron transfer inhibitors 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropylbenzoquinone (DBMIB), nor the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), thus indicating that reduction of plastoquinone or O2, or lumen acidification essential for non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) are not involved. The rate of QA re-oxidation in the presence of DCMU is enhanced with time and intensity of illumination. The difference in temperatures required for maximal thermoluminescence emissions from S2/QA (Q band, 22°C) and S2,3/QB (B band, 25°C) charge recombinations is considerably smaller in Microcoleus as compared to “model” photosynthetic organisms, thus indicating a significant alteration of the S2/QA redox potential. We propose that enhancement of non-radiative charge recombination with rising light intensity may reduce harmful radiative recombination events thereby lowering 1O2 generation and oxidative photodamage under excess illumination. This effective photo-protective mechanism was apparently lost during the evolution from the ancestor cyanobacteria to the higher plant chloroplast.  相似文献   

Although microorganisms, particularly oxygenic phototrophs, are known as the major players in the biogeochemical cycles of elements in desert soil ecosystems and have received extensive attention, still little is known about the effects of salinity on the composition and abundances of microbial community in desert soils. In this study, the diversity and abundance of bacteria and oxygenic phototrophs in biological desert crusts from Xinjiang province, which were under different salinity conditions, were investigated by using clone library and quantitative PCR (qPCR). The 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic analysis showed that cyanobacteria, mainly Microcoleus vagnitus of the order Oscillatoriales, were predominant in the low saline crusts, while other phototrophs, such as diatom, were the main microorganism group responsible for the oxygenic photosynthesis in the high saline crusts. Furthermore, the higher salt content in crusts may stimulate the growth of other bacteria, including Deinococcus-Thermus, Bacteroidetes, and some subdivisions of Proteobacteria (β-, γ-, and δ-Proteobacteria). The cpcBA-IGS gene analysis revealed the existence of novel M. vagnitus strains in this area. The qPCR results showed that the abundance of oxygenic phototrophs was significantly higher under lower saline condition than that in the higher saline crusts, suggesting that the higher salinity in desert crusts could suppress the numbers of total bacteria and phototrophic bacteria but did highly improve the diversity of salt-tolerant bacteria.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the community structure and activity of N2-fixing microorganisms in mature and poorly developed biological soil crusts from both the Colorado Plateau and Chihuahuan Desert. Nitrogenase activity was approximately 10 and 2.5 times higher in mature crusts than in poorly developed crusts at the Colorado Plateau site and Chihuahuan Desert site, respectively. Analysis of nifH sequences by clone sequencing and the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism technique indicated that the crust diazotrophic community was 80 to 90% heterocystous cyanobacteria most closely related to Nostoc spp. and that the composition of N2-fixing species did not vary significantly between the poorly developed and mature crusts at either site. In contrast, the abundance of nifH sequences was approximately 7.5 times greater (per microgram of total DNA) in mature crusts than in poorly developed crusts at a given site as measured by quantitative PCR. 16S rRNA gene clone sequencing and microscopic analysis of the cyanobacterial community within both crust types demonstrated a transition from a Microcoleus vaginatus-dominated, poorly developed crust to mature crusts harboring a greater percentage of Nostoc and Scytonema spp. We hypothesize that ecological factors, such as soil instability and water stress, may constrain the growth of N2-fixing microorganisms at our study sites and that the transition to a mature, nitrogen-producing crust initially requires bioengineering of the surface microenvironment by Microcoleus vaginatus.  相似文献   

Quartz stones are ubiquitous in deserts and are a substrate for hypoliths, microbial colonists of the underside of such stones. These hypoliths thrive where extreme temperature and moisture stress limit the occurrence of higher plant and animal life. Several studies have reported the occurrence of green hypolithic colonization dominated by cyanobacteria. Here, we describe a novel red hypolithic colonization from Yungay, at the hyper-arid core of the Atacama Desert in Chile. Comparative analysis of green and red hypoliths from this site revealed markedly different microbial community structure as revealed by 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Green hypoliths were dominated by cyanobacteria (Chroococcidiopsis and Nostocales phylotypes), whilst the red hypolith was dominated by a taxonomically diverse group of chloroflexi. Heterotrophic phylotypes common to all hypoliths were affiliated largely to desiccation-tolerant taxa within the Actinobacteria and Deinococci. Alphaproteobacterial phylotypes that affiliated with nitrogen-fixing taxa were unique to green hypoliths, whilst Gemmatimonadetes phylotypes occurred only on red hypolithon. Other heterotrophic phyla recovered with very low frequency were assumed to represent functionally relatively unimportant taxa.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria were recovered from each of 38 soil samples collected from local rice fields. Of the 84 species belonging to 31 genera that were isolated, 42 were heterocystous diazotrophic species belonging to 14 genera and the remaining were non-heterocystous. Fischerella, Nostoc and Calothrix were widespread.Z.U.M. Khan is with the Department of Botany, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Z.N. Tahmida Begum and M.Z. Hossain are with the Department of Botany and R. Mandal is with the Department of Soil Science, bot at the University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh;  相似文献   

Mangroves are subject to the effects of tides and fluctuations in environmental conditions, which may reach extreme conditions. These ecosystems are severely threatened by human activities despite their ecological importance. Although mangroves are characterized by a highly specialized but low plant diversity in comparison to most other tropical ecosystems, they support a diverse microbial community. Adapted microorganisms in soil, water, and on plant surfaces perform fundamental roles in nutrient cycling, especially nitrogen and phosphorus. Cyanobacteria contribute to carbon and nitrogen fixation and their cells act as phosphorus storages in ecosystems with extreme or oligotrophic environmental conditions such as those found in mangroves. As the high plant productivity in mangroves is only possible due to interactions with microorganisms, cyanobacteria may contribute to these ecosystems by providing fixed nitrogen, carbon, and herbivory-defense molecules, xenobiotic biosorption and bioremediation, and secreting plant growth-promoting substances. In addition to water, cyanobacterial colonies have been detected on sediments, rocks, decaying wood, underground and aerial roots, trunks, and leaves. Some mangrove cyanobacteria were also found in association to algae or seagrasses. Few studies on mangrove cyanobacteria are available, but together they have reported a substantial number of species in these ecosystems. However, the cyanobacterial diversity in this biome has been traditionally underestimated. Though mangrove communities generally host cyanobacterial taxa commonly found in marine environments, unique microhabitats found in mangroves potentially harbor several undescribed cyanobacterial taxa. The relevance of cyanobacteria for mangrove conservation is highlighted in their use for the recovery of degraded mangroves as biostimulants or in bioremediation.  相似文献   

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