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Ellobiophrya conviva clasps tentacles of the bryozoan Bugula neritina with a ring-like structure formed from aboral extensions of its body that taper into two slender arms. The tips of the arms overlap and join to form a unique organelle, the bouton. Each arm contains a massive myoneme that splays out at the bouton. The bouton consists of the cupped tips of the arms and a cavity, which is filled with dense homogeneous material. Long digitations containing longitudinal microtubules at their periphery project from the inner surface of the tip of each arm into the cavity. Deep folds of pellicle with pores opening into their depths line the wall of the cavity. Conventional kinetosomes are not visible in the bouton, but circular or elliptical arrays of microtubules are found at the bases of digitations. The nonfunctional scopula of the adult is in a depression enclosed by pellicular folds. The bouton is distant from the scopula, but its fine structure somewhat resembles it, supporting Chatton and Lwoff's hypothesis that the cinctal arms carry parts of the scopula at their tips. The fine structure of the cinctum supports their suggestion that the cinctal arms are homologous to the spasmonemes of vorticellid peritrichs.  相似文献   

A limnetic peritrichous ciliate, Epistylis plicatilis Ehrenberg, 1831, was collected from a freshwater ditch beside Moshan Hill, Wuhan, China. Its morphology, infraciliature, and morphogenesis were investigated based on specimens examined in vivo, following staining with protargol and by scanning electron microscopy. The characteristics of the Wuhan population of E. plicatilis are as follows: 1) colonial, each colony typically comprising 30–50 individuals, with a dichotomously branched, noncontractile stalk; 2) fully expanded zooids measure 90–155 × 30–50 µm in vivo; 3) a series of 6 or 7 conspicuous folds appear in the posterior region of the zooid when it contracts; 4) single horseshoe‐shaped macronucleus oriented transversely; 5) single contractile vacuole located in peristomial region on dorsal wall of infundibulum; 6) myoneme system comprises 20–24 longitudinal fibers, peristomial disk fibers as a wreath‐like net and peristomial ring fibers; 7) narrowly spaced transverse striations on the surface of the body; 8) infundibular polykineties 1 and 2 are three‐rowed, infundibular polykinety 3 is two‐rowed; and 9) stomatogenesis is of the buccokinetal type; in the new oral apparatus, infundibular polykineties 2 and 3, the haplokinety, and the germinal kinety all originate from the germinal kinety of the parental oral apparatus whereas the polykinety and infundibular polykinety 1 originate from the parental haplokinety. An improved diagnosis of E. plicatilis is supplied. J. Morphol. 275:882–893, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Lagenophrys eupagurus , a poorly known loricate peritrich ectocommensal on the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus , has been rediscovered and is redescribed. Lagenophrys lunatus and L. articularis were found to be conspecific with L. eupagurus based on close similarities, especially with regard to structure of the lorica aperture and proportions of the lorica. Lagenophrys callinectes , although resembling L. eupagurus , was determined to be a separate species because of distinct, consistent differences in structure of the lorica aperture and proportions of the lorica. Lagenophrys eupagurus and L. callinectes share some features of the lorica aperture with 3 other species of Lagenophrys , prompting the speculation that the 5 species may constitute a cluster of related species within the genus. Lagenophrys eupagurus utilizes a relatively wide variety of hosts compared to other species of Lagenophrys and appears to subsist mainly on phytoplankton. In some cases, the feeding behavior of the host may assist L. eupagurus in obtaining food. Lagenophrys callinectes appears to be restricted to brachyuran crabs of the genus Callinectes. It appears to be a bacterivore and is probably assisted in obtaining food by the preference of its hosts for estuarine areas that are rich in organic material.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology and infraciliature of Siroloxophyllum utriculariae (Penard, 1922) n. g., n. comb. were studied in live cells, with the scanning and transmission electron microscope, as well as in specimens impregnated with protargol and silver carbonate. The new genus, Siroloxophyllum , belongs to the Loxophyllidae and has a specific combination of characters, viz. an oral bulge surrounding almost the entire cell, three perioral kineties, a single brush kinety, and a single right dorsolateral kinety. The ecology and faunistics of S. utriculariae are reviewed. It is a rare and infrequent predator preferring clean freshwaters. The somatic monokinetid of S. utriculariae has typical haptorid ultrastructure, including two transverse microtubular ribbons. The oral bulge is patterned string-like with riffles containing the transverse microtubular ribbons originating from the oral kinetids. Perioral kineties 1 and 2 consist of dikinetids having one basal body each ciliated; the nonciliated basal body is associated with a nematodesmal and a transverse microtubular ribbon. Perioral kinety 3 consists of ciliated monokinetids having a fine structure similar to the somatic kinetids; they form triads with the dikinetids from perioral kinety 2. The classification of pleurostomatid ciliates is reviewed. Two suborders (Amphileptina, Litonotina) and three families (Amphileptidae, Litonotidae, Loxophyllidae n. fam.) are recognized and defined.  相似文献   

The infraciliature and myoneme system of Campanella umbellaria were revealed using the protargol impregnation technique. The main characteristics of the infraciliature are the peristomial ciliary rows (haplokinety and polykineties), which make four and a half turns around the peristomial disc before plunging into the infundibulum, and the aboral infraciliature, which is made up of the aboral ciliary wreath (trochal band) and the scopula. The myoneme system is composed of: 1) longitudinal fibers, which include 60-84 (mean 72.3) short longitudinal fibers, 40-56 (mean 45.8) medium-length longitudinal fibers, and numerous long longitudinal fibers; and 2) circular fibers, which include 8-12 (mean 9.3) peristomial ring fibers, linking fibers, support fibers, and peristomial disc fibers. The various fibers in C. umbellaria are interconnected to form a single myoneme system that may act as a cell skeleton as well as providing the mechanism by which the zooid contracts and relaxes.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of cell division was investigated in Uronychia transfuga utilizing both light microscopy of living and stained specimens and SEM of preserved specimens. The cortical morphogenetic pattern of Uronychia is similar in several respects to that of the members of the family Euplotidae. These features include: the de novo development of the opisthe oral primordium in a subcortical pouch; the development of frontoventral and transverse cirri for both the proter and opisthe from 5 cirral primordia that form de novo within a single latitudinal developmental zone; and the absence of right marginal cirri. The members of the genus Uronychia also show a number of unique characteristics: development of a proter oral primordium that causes partial replacement of the parental adoral zone of oral polykinetids during development of the proter; a large oral membrane that is divided into a right and left component; large caudal cirri that bend to the left; and dorsal kineties comprised of closely set paired-kinetosome kinetids. When compared to the other euplotid-like ciliates, these unique features support the placement of the genus Uronychia in a separate family, Uronychiidae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Living and stained specimens of Phacodinium metchnikoffi , collected near Madrid, Spain, were studied under light microscopy. Infraciliature was stained using a silver-impregnation procedure. The somatic infraciliature is composed of a relatively small number of discontinuous kineties, formed by groups of few kinetosomes (pallets). The buccal ciliature is composed of an adoral zone of membranelles and a paroral formation otherwise unknown in ciliates, with many short kineties, which lie on a rigid stem. We propose that P. metchnikoffi is a primitive hypotrich and, consequently, we present a new classification system for hypotrichs.  相似文献   

An oligohalobic peritrichous ciliate, Epistylis chlorelligerum Shen, 1980, was collected from a ditch in Hangzhou, China. The morphology, oral infraciliature, and morphogenesis of the species were studied using living and protargol-impregnated specimens. Zooids of E. chlorelligerum are 160-230 × 50-60 μm in vivo, and characterized by green-colored endoplasm containing symbiotic algae. The oral infraciliature presents a well-developed filamentous reticulum linked to the circular fiber of the cytostome; the outer two rows of P3 extend adstomally over P1 and usually enfold it. During binary fission, one daughter cell inherits most part of the old buccal apparatus and the reorganized haplokinety and germinal kinety (Hk' and G'), and new buccal apparatus of the other daughter cell is mostly developed from the original germinal kinety (G) and haplokinety (Hk): new peniculi 2, 3 (2P2, 2P3), new haplokinety (2Hk), and new germinal kinety (2G) are formed from G, while the new peniculus 1 (2P1) and its peristomial extention (2Pk) originate from Hk. The epistomial membrane can be observed until the two sets of buccal apparatus begin to separate from each other.  相似文献   

The peritrich ciliate Epistylis portoalegrensis n. sp. was found in two bodies of freshwater located in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil. Morphological features were investigated using live and protargol‐stained specimens. The zooids presented a vase to cylindrical shape narrowed at the scopula, and a mean size of 131 × 37 μm in vivo. A C‐shaped macronucleus lay in the middle of the cell close to a single contractile vacuole. The oral infraciliature was typical for the genus, with all infundibular polykineties composed by three distinct rows of kinetosomes. Colonies are often nonbranched with no lateral stalk, carrying several zooids stemming from a single point. Specimens from the two sampling sites showed identical arrangement of the infraciliature, similar morphometry, identical 18S rDNA sequences, and a single nucleotide difference across the more variable ITS regions. Molecular phylogenetic analyses placed E. portoalegrensis in a well‐supported clade containing other Epistylis species, within the order Vorticellida.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology and morphogenesis of some oligotrichs were investigated using protargol impregnation, silver carbonate impregnation and scanning electron microscopy. The somatic kineties of Strobilidium caudatum form a spiral at the posterior pole. Strobilidiids without such a spiral are transferred to the genus Rimostrombidium. Fourteen new combinations and a nomen novum, Strobilidium kahli, are necessary, Meseres corlissi n. sp. is characterized by eight somatic kineties composed of long cilia which are not fused to “bristles” as they are in Halteria. Strombidium oblongum shows similar characteristics and is thus combined with Meseres. Strombidium rehwaldi n. sp. has an anterior and an equatorial girdle of extrusomes. The morphogenesis of Meseres and Halteria is very similar, i.e. the entire somatic ciliature and the oral primordium originate apokinetally on the cell surface; the parental somatic ciliature is resorbed. In strobilidiids and tintinnids, the oral anlagen develop in a subsurface pouch and the parental somatic kineties, which are not resorbed, elongate by intrakinetal proliferation of basal bodies. In strombidiids, the oral primordium develops in an intracellular sac or tube. These morphogenetic peculiarities and distinct morphologic characters (e.g. arrangement of adoral membranelles) were applied in constructing a phylogenetic system for oligotrichs using hypotrichs as outgroup. This shows that halteriids are more closely related to hypotrichs than they are to other oligotrichs. The Halteriidae are thus raised to ordinal and subclass ranks, Halteriida n. ord., Halteriia n. subcl.  相似文献   

In the present study, we provide morphological and molecular characterization of two Trichodina species, T. acuta Lom, 1970 and T. funduli Wellborn, 1967, isolated from koi (Cyprinus carpio) and loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus), respectively. Morphological characters of the two Trichodina species were mainly investigated on the basis of dry silver nitrate-impregnated specimens. Both species are medium-sized and possess well-developed denticles comprising strongly sickle-shaped blades, well-developed central parts, and straight rays. Trichodina acuta can be easily distinguished from the other Trichodina species that possess a clear central circle by the well-developed sharp blade apophysis, and the gap between ray tip and central circle. Trichodina funduli is a poorly known species that is easily confused with T. heterodentata Duncan, 1977, however the latter species has thinner denticles. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences of Trichodina acuta and T. funduli were incorporated into phylogenetic analyses. Our findings suggest that the phylogenetic lineage of trichodinids might not correspond with their living environments, host species or even some morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

The marine, tide pool-dwelling ciliate Stombidium oculatum was redescribed using live, stained, SEM, and TEM material prepared from samples collected from pools on the Isle of Man (Irish Sea) and Brittany (France). Also, we reviewed the older German and French works that reported on ciliates collected in the Mediterranean and Brittany, respectively. The Brittany and Isle of Man populations of the ciliate were considered identical. Some morphological and behavioural differences exist between the Brittany-Isle of Man populations and the Mediterranean populations, but they were insufficient to distinguish different taxa. Thus, taxa from all three locations were considered to be conspecific. Key features used to describe the ciliate were: morphology and ultrastructure of the free-swimming ciliate; cyst morphology; presence of mixotrophic-chloroplasts; presence of an eye spot composed of stigma obtained from chlorophyte prey; division, morphogenesis, and nuclear structure; live observations and behaviour, including the encystment-excystment cycle. Based on morphological and behavioural characteristics the taxon was distinguished from other similar species, and a neotype has been designated as no type material exists.  相似文献   

Protist diversity is currently a much debated issue in eukaryotic microbiology. Recent evidence suggests that morphological and genetic diversity might be decoupled in some groups of protists, including ciliates, and that these organisms might be much more diverse than their morphology implies. We sought to assess the genetic and morphological diversity of Carchesium polypinum, a widely distributed peritrich ciliate. The mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA were used to examine genetic diversity. For the morphological assessment, live microscopy and Protargol staining were used. The mitochondrial marker revealed six robust, deeply diverging, and strongly supported clades, while the nuclear gene was congruent for three of these clades. There were no major differences among individuals from the different clades in any of the morphological features examined. Thus, the underlying genetic diversity in C. polypinum is greater than what its morphology suggests, indicating that morphology and genetics are not congruent in this organism. Furthermore, because the clades identified by the mitochondrial marker are so genetically diverse and are confirmed by a conserved nuclear marker in at least three cases, we propose that C. polypinum be designated as a "cryptic species complex." Our results provide another example where species diversity can be underestimated in microbial eukaryotes when using only morphological criteria to estimate species richness.  相似文献   

During an investigation of parasitic ciliates in northern China, two Trichodina species, T. acuta Lom, 1970 and T. nigra Lom, 1960, were isolated from the freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758. The morphology of each species was investigated based on dry silver nitrate-stained specimens. In addition, the molecular phylogeny of each was analyzed based on small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequence data. Trichodina acuta can be distinguished from its congeners by the undefined periphery of the central circle, the distinct gap between the rays and the central circle, and the distinctly sickle-shaped blades. Trichodina nigra is a cosmopolitan ciliate and is characterized by its densely linked denticles, broad, rounded spatula-shaped blades, robust central parts, and well developed rays. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that T. acuta and T. nigra nest within different clades, supporting the assertion that the GC content of SSU rDNA sequences could reflect evolutionary relationships among Trichodina species.  相似文献   

Corticocolpoda kaneshiroae n. g., n. sp. was discovered in the bark of Ohia trees (Metrosideros polymorpha) from the Hawaiian Archipelago. Its morphology and infraciliature were studied in live cells, with the scanning electron microscope, as well as in specimens impregnated with protargol, silver nitrate, and silver carbonate. The new genus, Corticocolpoda, belongs to the family Colpodidae and is unique in having a left oral ciliary field (polykinetid) composed of 13–20 equidistantly spaced, paired rows of monokinetids. The new species, C. kaneshiroae, measures 100–300 × 60–250 μm and has a huge vestibulum used to capture large food items, mainly other ciliates. The oral ciliary fields are within the vestibulum and of equal length; the right field is a paroral membrane composed of a single row of dikinetids. Several micronuclei are attached to the ellipsoid macronucleus. The mucocysts are inconspicuous and arranged around the somatic dikinetids. The resting cyst is globular and has a 1–2 μm thin, firm, yellowish inner wall and a 20-μm-thick, fragile, hyaline outer wall. Convergent evolutionary paths and a possible polyphyly of the Colpodidae are discussed. An improved key to the genera of the family Colpodidae is provided. Twenty-three species of ciliates and one flagel***iate (Hemimastix amphikineta), which occurred together with C. kaneshiroae, are new for the fauna of Hawaii and listed in the ecology section.  相似文献   

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