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A clone, AH-01S, derived from a human monocytic leukemia cell line, THP-1, grew rapidly in a serum-free medium containing insulin, transferrin, ethanolamine, and sodium selenite. In batch culture using the serum-free medium, the AH-01S cells proliferated at a specific growth rate (μ) of 0.30 to 0.50 (1/day) from a cell concentration of 1 × 104 cells/ml to 1.6 × 106 cells/ml, an increase of 160 times. A higher cell concentration of 0.45 × 107 cells/ml (cell volume ratio was 0.5%) was obtained in spinner flask culture using the serum-free medium. A mean specific growth rate 0.50 (1/day) was also observed in a culture in a fully instrumented cell culture fermentor. However, μ decreased drastically after the cell concentration reached 1.5 × 106 cells/ml. Analyses of medium composition during cultivation revealed that under lower cell concentration, l-glutamine was the main carbon source while glucose was converted to lactate almost stoichiometrically, and that the production of lactate from glucose decreased at higher cell concentrations. To obtain cultures of 1 × 109 cells, 1,200 to 1,300 mg of a carbon source (glucose) and 400 to 500 of amino acids were consumed during high cell concentration cultivation of the AH-01S cells in the serum-free medium.  相似文献   

Our previous reports indicated that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) contributes to the malignant phenotype and resistance to apoptosis in Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cell line Akata (N. Shimizu, A. Tanabe-Tochikura, Y. Kuroiwa, and K. Takada, J. Virol. 68:6069-6073, 1994; J. Komano, M. Sugiura, and K. Takada, J. Virol. 72:9150-9156, 1998). Here we report that the EBV-encoded small RNAs (EBERs) are responsible for these phenotypes. Transfection of the EBER genes into EBV-negative Akata clones restored the capacity for growth in soft agar, tumorigenicity in SCID mice, resistance to apoptotic inducers, and upregulated expression of bcl-2 oncoprotein that were originally retained in parental EBV-positive Akata cells and lost in EBV-negative subclones. This is the first report which provides evidence that virus-encoded RNAs (EBERs) have oncogenic functions in BL cells.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Several alterations in RNA metabolism have been found in lung cancer cells; this suggests that RNA metabolism-related molecules are involved in the development of this pathology. In this study, we searched for RNA metabolism-related genes that exhibit different expression levels between normal and tumor lung tissues. We identified eight genes differentially expressed in lung adenocarcinoma microarray datasets. Of these, seven were up-regulated whereas one was down-regulated. Interestingly, most of these genes had not previously been associated with lung cancer. These genes play diverse roles in mRNA metabolism: three are associated with the spliceosome (ASCL3L1, SNRPB and SNRPE), whereas others participate in RNA-related processes such as translation (MARS and MRPL3), mRNA stability (PCBPC1), mRNA transport (RAE), or mRNA editing (ADAR2, also known as ADARB1). Moreover, we found a high incidence of loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 21q22.3, where the ADAR2 locus is located, in NSCLC cell lines and primary tissues, suggesting that the downregulation of ADAR2 in lung cancer is associated with specific genetic losses. Finally, in a series of adenocarcinoma patients, the expression of five of the deregulated genes (ADAR2, MARS, RAE, SNRPB and SNRPE) correlated with prognosis. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that changes in RNA metabolism are involved in the pathogenesis of lung cancer, and identify new potential targets for the treatment of this disease.  相似文献   

The human hepatoma cell line Hep G2 secretes both albumin and alpha-fetoprotein when grown in the presence of serum. The present report describes how adaptation to growth in serum-free medium results in a progressive switch in the expression of the two proteins; i.e., alpha-fetoprotein becomes the main protein secreted while albumin production is greatly reduced. The culture supernatant obtained, being very enriched in the protein, allows the development of a purification procedure by preparative electrophoresis. By this procedure it is possible to easily obtain large amounts of alpha-fetoprotein from a constant and unlimited source. The availability of these protein preparations should improve the reproducibility and the quality of standardization in clinical immunoassays for alpha-fetoprotein and should permit a more accurate study of the structure and biological functions of the protein.  相似文献   

We have established a novel cell line from a Vero cell derivative that is useful for expression of exogenous genes and protein production. Parental Vero-317 cells can grow in biotin-containing Eagle's MEM without supplements. By transforming this cell line with replication origin-defective SV40 DNA, which contains a temperature-sensitive tsA58 large T antigen gene, we established the Verots S3 cell line that amplified a SV40-origin containing plasmid. The cell line expressed a human growth hormone (hGH) gene insert with higher efficiency than COS-7 cells in 5% serum-containing MEM and could grow and continue hGH expression in protein-free MEM. However, temperature-sensitive shut down of hGH production was observed not immediately but 3 days after the temperature shift from 33°C to 39.5°C.  相似文献   

Sf-9 insect cells were adapted to three different serum-free media (SF900II, EXCELL 401 and IPL/41 supplemented) in 125 ml stirred vessels by gradually reducing serum concentration from 10 to 0% (v/v). TC100 medium sup-plemented with 10% fetal bovine serum was used as control. With this procedure it was possible to obtain cells fully adapted to SF900II and EXCELL 401 in 5 weeks. The adapted cells could be frozen in serum-free medium and thawed without any decrease in specific growth rate or maximum cell concentration. Even after 4 months of culture in stirred vessels at 170 rpm the specific growth rate and maximum cell concentration (0.031 h and 4.8 × 10 cells/ml, respectively) remained constant.  相似文献   

Summary A new synthetic medium (referred to as GC3) that supports the growth of the Chinese hamster ovary cell line has been developed. It is composed of a 1∶1 mixture of Ham's F12 and modified Eagle's minimum essential (MEM.S) mediums supplemented with transferrin (10 μg/ml), insulin (80 mU/ml), and selenium (1×10−7 M). Other more simple supplementations of our basal medium MEM.S/F12 (transferrin+insulin, transferrin+selenium, ferrous iron+selenium) also give good cell growth responses. Fibronectin or serum pretreatment is not needed for cellular attachment and spreading. Our culture system is characterized by a continuous serum-free cultivation (more than 200 doublings), a clonal growth, a high density proliferation, and a rapid growth rate near that of cells in serum-supplemented medium.  相似文献   

A serum-free medium (CHO-SFM) together with a fed-batch process was developed for the cultivation of a recombinant GS-CHO cell line producing TNFR-Fc. According to the metabolic characteristics of GS-CHO cell, a basal medium was prepared by supplementing DMEM:F12:RPMI1640 (2:1:1) with amino acids, insulin, transferrin, Pluronic F68 and some other ingredients. Statistical optimization approaches based on Plackett–Burman and central composite designs were then adopted to identify additional positive determinants and determine their optimal concentrations, which resulted in the final CHO-SFM medium formulations. The maximum antibody titer reached was 90.95 mg/l in the developed CHO-SFM, which was a 18 % and 10 fold higher than that observed in the commercial EX-CELL™ 302 medium (76.95 mg/l) and basal medium (8.28 mg/l), respectively. Subsequently, a reliable, reproducible and robust fed-batch strategy was designed according to the offline measurement of glucose, giving a final antibody yield of 378 mg/l, which was a threefold improvement over that in conventional batch culture (122 mg/l) using CHO-SFM. In conclusion, the use of design of experiment (DoE) method facilitated the development of CHO-SFM medium and fed-batch process for the production of recombinant antibody using GS-CHO cells.  相似文献   

Polyploid giant cells are produced as part of the response of p53 mutant Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines to high doses of irradiation. Polyploid giant cells arise by endo-reduplication in the first week after a single 10 Gray dose of irradiation. Within the giant cells a sub-nuclear structure is apparent and within this, sub-nuclear autonomy is evident, as displayed by independent nuclear structure and DNA replication in different parts of the nucleus. The majority of these cells soon die as apoptotic polykaryons. However, approximately 10-20% of giant cells remain viable into the second week after irradiation and begin vigorous extrusion of large degraded chromatin masses. During the second week, the giant cells begin to reconstruct their nuclei into polyploid 'bouquets', where chromosome double-loops are formed. Subsequently, the bouquets return to an interphase state and separate into several secondary nuclei. The individual sub-nuclei then resume DNA synthesis with mitotic divisions and sequester cytoplasmic territories around themselves, giving rise to the secondary cells, which continue mitotic propagation. This process of giant cell formation, reorganization and breakdown appears to provide an additional mechanism for repairing double-strand DNA breaks within tumour cells.  相似文献   

A homogeneous preparation of a urinary glycoprotein has been isolated from urine of patients with malignant melanoma and advanced adenocarcinomas of colon and lung. This molecule, Mr 30 kDa, is homologous to EDC1, a proteinase inhibitor antigenically related to plasma inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor (IATI) originally isolated from the urine of a leukemic patient, E.D. The newly isolated EDC1 inhibits cellular proliferation of a Burkitt's lymphoma cell line, Raji, growing in serum-free medium supplemented with insulin, transferrin, selenium, and linoleic acid. This concentration-dependent inhibitory effect was monitored in terms of change in cell number and 3H-thymidine incorporation. The growth of cells treated with approximately 3.3 pmol EDC1/ml was 50% that of the control group by both assays. EDC1 was not cytotoxic to the cells because the EDC1-treated cells excluded trypan blue and resumed normal growth after removal of EDC1. In addition, EDC1 treatment of Raji cells prelabeled with 3H-labeled DNA did not release more radioactivity into the conditioned medium than the untreated labeled cells. EDC1 did not affect the growth of Hs2B2, a B-lymphoblast cell line, and Hs294T, a human malignant melanoma cell line. Equimolar and larger quantities of other proteinase inhibitors with inhibitory profiles similar to that of EDC1 (alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor, soybean trypsin inhibitor, lima bean trypsin inhibitor, and turkey ovomucoid) did not affect the growth of Raji cells. Raji cells have an absolute requirement of transferrin as a nutrient and require insulin to modulate the expression of transferrin receptors. The cells also synthesize interleukin-1 as an autocrine growth stimulator. EDC1 did not form a detectable complex with transferrin, insulin, or any autocrine factor synthesized by the cells.  相似文献   

Summary A human macrophagelike cell line which grows in serum-free medium was established from a histiocytic lymphoma cell line, U-937. U-937 cells failed to differentiate into macrophagelike cells in serum-free medium plus 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA). Fibronectin and albumin in serum were necessary for differentiation of U-937 ceds into macrophagelike cells in enriched RDF medium supplemented with insulin, transferrin, ethanolamine, selenite, egg yolk lipoprotein (eRDF-ITESL medium). The established cell line exhibited several characteristic properties of macrophage such as nitroblue tetrazolium reduction, phagocytic and α-naphthylbutyrate-esterase activities, and tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 1 production. At present the cells have been continuously maintained in eRDF-ITESL medium through over 150 passages.  相似文献   

Bombyx mori ovary-derived BmN4 cells have been successfully adapted to a commercial serum-free medium (SFM; SF900-II) by gradually reducing the serum-containing TC-100 medium content from 100 to 0% (v/v). The BmN4 cells adapted to the SFM (BmN-SFM) adhered strongly to the culture flask and showed altered cell morphology. The BmN-SFM was subcultured 200 times, and the population doubling time was 4.70 d. Infection studies showed that BmN-SFM cells were easily susceptible to B. mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV), and both the multiplication of budded virus and the promoter activity of the polyhedrin gene in BmN-SFM cells were almost the same as those in BmN4 cells before adaptation. Additionally, mouse interleukin-3 expressed by a recombinant BmNPV was normally secreted and modified with N-linked glycans in BmN-SFM cells. These findings indicate that BmN-SFM is particularly useful for a BmNPV-based baculovirus expression vector system with serum-free conditions.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) confers enhanced growth capability in soft agarose, tumorigenesis in the SCID mouse, and resistance to apoptosis in the Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Akata. Subsequently, we have shown that EBV-encoded small RNAs (EBERs) are responsible for these phenotypes. We constantly observed the upregulation of bcl-2 oncoprotein expression upon EBV infection and expression of EBERs. To test whether these phenotypes were due to the upregulation of bcl-2 expression, we introduced bcl-2 into EBV-negative Akata cells at various levels encompassing the range at which EBV-positive cells expressed it. As cells expressed bcl-2 at higher levels, they became more capable of growing in soft agarose and became resistant to apoptosis. However, clones expressing bcl-2 at a higher level than EBV-positive Akata cells were negative in the tumorigenesis assay in the SCID mouse. On the other hand, introduction of bax into EBV-positive Akata cells reduced the resistance to apoptosis; however, it failed to reduce the growth capability in soft agarose. These data indicate that EBV targets not only bcl-2, but also an unknown pathway(s) to enhance the oncogenic potential of Akata cells.  相似文献   

The effects of several different substances, including insulin, transferrin, ethanolamine, selenite and butyrate on the growth of murine hybridoma 2F7 cells, which secrete monoclonal antibody against small cell lung cancer, were investigated, and a serum-free medium SFMI was formulated. The effects of taurine, spermidine, progesterone and adenine on the cell growth were tested further on the basis of the medium SFMI, and a modified serum-free medium SFM II was established. On the basis of medium SFM II, the substitution tests of ferric citrate for transferrin were carried out, and it was found that transferrin could be replaced. The experiments suggested that the formulated serum-free medium was suitable for 2F7 cell growth and monoclonal antibody secretion, and thus facilitated subsequent purification of monoclonal antibody.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CS calf serum - DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay - McAb monoclonal antibody - PEG polyethylene glycol - SFM serum-free medium  相似文献   

A fatal case of a Burkitt's lymphoma which occurred in a 34-year-old German woman during pregnancy is described. Nearly all organs showed either diffuse or nodular infiltration by tumor cells. Placenta and fetus were free of detectable tumor tissue. The patient had extremely high antibody titers (1 : 2056), both against Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (VCA) and the early antigen complex (EA). Within the tumor cells the Epstein-Barr virus-specific nuclear antigen EBNA and viral DNA was detected. A cell line established from a tumor biopsy displayed a translocation involving chromosomes 2 and 8. The role of Epstein-Barr virus in the development of Burkitt's lymphoma is discussed.  相似文献   

As a new model to elucidate molecular mechanisms in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) activation, we tested the tetracycline-inducible (Tet-On)/BZLF1-oriP plasmid system in Raji cells. Cells transfected with this Tet-On plasmid did not activate EBV by doxycycline and surprisingly EBV latency was disrupted with large amounts of BMRF1 protein (EA-D) being accumulated in the cells. Brilliant EA-D fluorescence was markedly condensed in small sized cells, intra-cellular vesicles, and extra-cellular particles. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated the extra-cellular particles to be covered with a membrane. EA-D molecules of 58, 50, 48, and 44kDa were expressed in the cells. The high (58 and 50kDa) and low (48 and 44kDa) EA-D molecules appeared in the early and late stages, respectively. Low EA-D molecules were detected mostly in EA-D positive cells separated into the heaviest density layer of a discontinuous Percoll gradient. Such molecules could be created from high EA-D molecules by protein phosphatase treatment. The EA-D molecules that appeared similar were detected in EBV-activated P3HR-1 and Akata cells. Several hypotheses concerning the accumulation of EA-D molecules of various polymorphic forms and their phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in this model system are presented, with possible biological and clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although vincristine is widely used clinically in the treatment of some human cancers, its mechanism of action has not been clearly established. In this study, the patterns of cell death induced y vincristine in the intestinal crypts of mice and in a human Burkitt's lymphoma cell line were investigated by light and electron microscopy. Vincristine was found to enhance apoptosis of interphase cells in both systems and also to cause the arrest of cells in mitosis, the latter effect being ore pronounced in the intestinal crypts. Arrested mitotic cells went on to die by a process that had a number of features in common with apoptosis. These include compaction of chromatin (following coalescence of chromosomes), condensation of the cytoplasm, initial preservation of organelle integrity, and eventually the fragmentation of the cell into a number of membrane-enclosed bodies which are morphologically similar to conventional apoptotic bodies. The results suggest that the cytocidal effect of vincristine is not solely dependent on metaphase arrest but is a cumulative one, resulting both from apoptosis of interphase cells and the 'apoptotic-like' death of cells arrested in metaphase.  相似文献   

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